Last of the Summer Wine Episode Rating Graph
Jan 1973 - Aug 2010

Jan 1973 - Aug 2010
Browse episode ratings trends for Last of the Summer Wine. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Last of the Summer Wine's 269 episodes.
S12 Ep6
7th Oct 1990
Ivy lets Foggy fix her toaster, and it goes to his flippin' head. Now he thinks he can restore the tatty sunken boat he's found at the bottom of the lake. He actually accomplishes even this, so Compo decides he must get Nora Batty into the boat alone with him. But surely Nora knows better - she'll have to be tricked.
S29 Ep10
24th Aug 2008
Clegg and Truly reminisce fondly about their old friend Compo, who suffered at the hands of Nora Batty - and them.
S24 Ep2
12th Jan 2003
Whilst out walking, Clegg and Truly meet a Chinese handyman full of wisdom for a price - Entwistle from Hull. Also, Tom gets visited by the repo-man.
S29 Ep3
6th Jul 2008
Policemen Cooper and Walsh are looking to have a quiet day out, but while trying to avoid everyones problems they end up kidnapping a vicar, believing its the best think for him.
S28 Ep8
9th Sep 2007
Tom decides that Smiler should answer an ad looking for a dance partner so Truly and gang decide to turn him into "Fred Astaire"; Barry has Glenda help him find the mysterious squeak in his car.
S28 Ep7
2nd Sep 2007
Alvin and Truly tie one on in a bar and Alvin volunteers to complete the Crowcroft Challenge - a task that has never been completed. Howard volunteers when he realizes that he might be able to get together with Marina during the Challenge.
S12 Ep5
30th Sep 1990
Our trio helps Captain Zero when his vehicle breaks down, but don't reckon on him getting drunk.
S14 Ep10
26th Dec 1992
Foggy is left in charge of arranging the local gala. All goes well until he accidentally punctures the bouncy castle! [This entry should be in the Christmas Specials section, but placed here in error. No problem though as it is still part of the '92 season, just remember the slip when you are numbering your episodes for Kodee or similar media player reference].
S28 Ep3
5th Aug 2007
Howard feels he has out grown the bicycle so he purchases a car from a woman who says it reminds her too much of her late-husband.
S15 Ep8
12th Dec 1993
Dewhirst's Nature Tours are launched by Foggy after he believes he's discovered the nesting place of a giant woodpecker.
S15 Ep7
5th Dec 1993
Foggy comes up with the crazy idea of bicycle safety underwear after he collides with Compo riding his old bike.
S30 Ep10
21st Jun 2009
When word goes around town that Old Heptonstall is looking for volunteers, Hobbo and his army of volunteers, namely Alvin and Entwistle, go and visit him without a second thought.
S29 Ep4
13th Jul 2008
Howard becomes jealous when Marina and Miss Davenport become enamored with Jeremy, a man who claims to be an international jewel thief. When Tom discovers a safe in Aunty Wainwright's store which she can't remember the combination to, Howard puts Jeremy to the test by enlisting him to crack the safe.
S31 Ep6
29th Aug 2010
In this final episode of the long-running comedy, everyone is getting ready for a wedding - prompting Howard and Pearl to look back at their relationship. Meanwhile, Alvin flirts with Stella, Toby tries to smarten himself up in a bid to win back Monica, and Clegg worries that he's forgotten something important.
S28 Ep10
23rd Sep 2007
While standing on a hillside admiring the view, Alvin, Truly, and Entwistle get stoned by a stranger. Smiler does some witchcraft. Pearl & Nelly track Howard.
S22 Ep9
27th May 2001
Barry needs to collect overdue insurance from someone he has never met, so Clegg, Truly, and Billy help him stand up (at an angle) and be brave and make a call to his house with confidence. He's at an angle because the trio got Barry drunk.
S17 Ep3
17th Sep 1995
Marina leaves Howard for good this time. He suspects that she has been seeing another man, and asks for the help of the trio to get her back. Foggy feels that what Howard needs is a bit of "the glamour of the uniform". Auntie Wainwright's new established costume department might be just the perfect place to find it.
S12 Ep8
21st Oct 1990
To stop Nora taking him for granted, Compo becomes a TV star for the day doing his legendary impression.
S12 Ep7
14th Oct 1990
After a heated encounter with two motorists, Foggy decides there must be money to be made providing parking spaces.
S29 Ep5
20th Jul 2008
After witnessing Lance trying to convince his wife that Elvis does truly indeed still live, Alvin and Entwistle conceive a plan to make The King appear.
S11 Ep2
22nd Oct 1989
Clegg could be the answer to a lonely widow's prayer! Meanwhile, who is kissing who?
S17 Ep2
10th Sep 1995
Foggy thinks the trio should be more in touch with the wilderness, so he thinks of the ideal plan, counting with Auntie Wainwright's bicycle bonanza, a map, and a basket of sandwiches.
S28 Ep9
16th Sep 2007
Pearl, Miss Davenport, Nora Batty, Nelly, Ivy, and Glenda have entered a baking contest. Howard runs into an old flame while out with Truly, so he takes it upon himself to help the two get back together.
S23 Ep5
3rd Feb 2002
Wesley and Barry come up with a winning idea to sell hot dogs to tourists from Wesley's new wheelbarrow. Meanwhile, Clegg, Truly and Tom turn their thoughts to Nora Batty's life in Australia and remember Compo.
S23 Ep4
27th Jan 2002
Clegg is dismayed when Howard leaves with him a "picnic accessory" which he plans to collect later - Marina! He will only collect her when Pearl is safely away, but that could be some time, as the ladies are coming to tea next door. Auntie Wainwright's advertising dummy becomes key in the plan as Truly and Billy help Clegg get free of the imposed house guest.
S29 Ep7
3rd Aug 2008
Barry decides to help his lonely neighbour find a girlfriend.
S29 Ep1
22nd Jun 2008
Barry is tired of being outperformed in fitness by his physically fit neighbour, so his friends decide to help him out.
S21 Ep4
23rd Apr 2000
After seeing Nora Batty dressed in a "sexy" outfit, Compo's heart doesn't live up to the excitement. He dies a happy man! His friends show him their respects, and 200 pairs of white overalls provide an ideal goodbye to Compo...
S28 Ep4
12th Aug 2007
Howard decides it's time to take Pearl out for a dinner to the "Fox and Duck" - so Pearl invites Nelly to come with, and Truly invites Marina to go with, now if only Howard knew about it.
S27 Ep6
9th Apr 2006
Billy gets a new merry man to join his band..unfortunately it's a merry woman!..Howard wants people to think he is having flying lessons, so Auntie Wainwright kits him out in the right gear..circa 1925!
S23 Ep1
6th Jan 2002
When Barry has a mid-life crisis and becomes interested in fast cars, Glenda worries that she will not be exciting enough for him.
S25 Ep1
8th Feb 2004
Barry must dispose of a prize he's won; Truly plots to fob it off on Howard, who has forgotten an important birthday and needs a present quickly. Glenda doubts Miss Davenport's claims of seeing a large dinosaur in their neighborhood. Alvin takes up propecting for gold in the river.
S20 Ep4
16th May 1999
Truly tries to help Barry become more confident, but things turn nasty leading to some damage to Barry's nose.
S18 Ep6
25th May 1997
The trio gets lost in the woods with Mr Davenport, a man in search of wisdom.
S15 Ep9
19th Dec 1993
After seeing a man on a sailboard, Foggy has the idea of inventing a three-man version.
S6 Ep5
1st Feb 1982
Compo wants to take a photo. Problem is... he wants it taken in Nora Batty's bedroom.
S30 Ep8
7th Jun 2009
Toby is beginning to realise that the benefits of going back to his ex-wife far outweigh the advantages of living alone in a sparsely furnished house with no-one to cook or clean for him.
S28 Ep2
29th Jul 2007
What starts out as a good joke on Howard gets a life of its own when Truly invents a ghost story that involves a local wooden area.
S17 Ep9
29th Oct 1995
When Wesley starts acting very weird about some new invention he has in his shed, the trio tries to find out what kind of invention is he working on.
S4 Ep3
23rd Nov 1977
Keen to celebrate the Silver Jubilee, Foggy decides the trio should have their own float.
S6 Ep4
25th Jan 1982
Foggy convinces his companions to design a bicycle that fits each of their personalities.
S31 Ep2
1st Aug 2010
Pearl throws Howard out of the house, but when he goes to Clegg's for sympathy it falls on deaf ears, while Pearl tells Nelly she's going to have to sort out Howard once and for all. Meanwhile, Glenda decides that Barry and herself are fat and that something must be done before Gloria's wedding, and forces Barry to embark on a new fitness regime. And PC Walsh informs PC Cooper that the sergeant is on their back - he's complaining about the amount of crumbs they're leaving in the car.
S25 Ep2
15th Feb 2004
Nora is to appear in a parade as the wife of a local hero. The hero himself is to be portrayed by a life-sized dummy, which has been at Auntie Wainwright's for cleaning. Can The General get back in one piece?
S24 Ep4
26th Jan 2003
In order to avoid any fuss, Clegg spends his birthday having a quiet meal in a nice small hotel - but as usual things don't work out as he might want them to...
S23 Ep9
3rd Mar 2002
When Billy's brother Bradley arrives on the scene, not even Clegg and Truly can bring a smile to his dour face. Meanwhile, an inflatable feeding trough poses logistical nightmares for Wesley and Auntie Wainwright...
S17 Ep10
5th Nov 1995
When a local man "takes advantage" of Nora Batty, Compo challenges him to a duel.
S7 Ep6
6th Mar 1983
Trying to camouflage himself, Foggy upsets a group of cyclists. Compo also upsets someone over the state of his trousers
S31 Ep3
8th Aug 2010
Howard is missing home, and Hobbo concocts various schemes to have Pearl take Howard back. Meanwhile, Barry is missing his hearty meals and Toby and Morton lament being divorced.
S20 Ep10
27th Jun 1999
Clegg tackles his ironing and ends up ironing for Howard too after he falls into a river. Smiler gets tiddly on two very small glasses of Auntie Wainwright's home-made wine and Barry takes up dog walking and ends up with a kiss from Marina and a telling off from Glenda.
S12 Ep9
28th Oct 1990
Having learned absolutely nothing from "The Charity Balls" just a few episodes back, Foggy tries to assert the boys' athletic prowess yet again, this time in a downhill barrel-rolling competition.
S27 Ep2
12th Mar 2006
Clegg's overbearing cousin Aubrey comes to stay, he challenges Alvin and Billy to a bike riding competition. Auntie Wainwright employs Smiler and Tom as shop dummies. Nora Batty goes blonde.
S25 Ep10
18th Apr 2004
Someone keeps calling Truly's new cell phone; Truly worries it might be The Former Mrs. Truelove calling to announce a visit. But she wouldn't do that... would she?
S4 Ep2
16th Nov 1977
Sid's plan to install a new bell for the cafe door is doomed from the moment he asks for the help of the trio.
S30 Ep3
3rd May 2009
Hobbo is still having trouble getting Nelly to admit that she is his natural birth mother. To get the proof he needs, he fits Howard up with an eavesdropping wire to pick up Nelly talking to Pearl.
S22 Ep10
3rd Jun 2001
To generate some excitement in the village, Truly stops a common citizen (who happens to be Billy Ingleton, the man who almost knew Pavarotti) in a car and warns him about "The Tiger". Billy gets worried and gets pulled over again. The rumour spreads across town and Howard buys things from Auntie Wainwright to protect him and Marina against the tiger.
S19 Ep5
1st Feb 1998
Glenda gives one of Barry's old suits to the jumble sale, because she thinks it attracts blondes. Compo ends up buying the suit, with money from Truly and Clegg, and he DOES end up being chased by a blonde. Compo gives Nora Batty her last chance. When she turns him down, he starts searching for other women he dated when he was young, hoping to find the right one to marry him.
S16 Ep8
26th Feb 1995
Compo's inexpert attempt at constructing a homemade trampoline sets off a series of unfortunate mishaps.
S14 Ep6
29th Nov 1992
Clegg is the unwilling guardian of a giant stuffed panda bear, Marina's birthday present to Howard that must be delivered without Pearl catching on.
S30 Ep7
31st May 2009
Hobbo turns up at the river wall with Randolph, who he hopes will bring romance into Stella's life. Randolph seems to lack any of the requirements of a potential suitor, and is limp and unattractive, especially after Hobbo drops him in the river.
S30 Ep5
17th May 2009
Howard is deeply concerned when Pearl starts going out every day with Nelly, and she will not say where. Hobbo comes to his aid, and heads a surveillance party to follow Pearl and Nelly. When the women go into a Hell's Angels club, they decide not to be hasty, and confront them later.
S22 Ep2
8th Apr 2001
Howard has lost his boxer shorts and Pearl is upset at him. But it turns out she hid them from him just to keep him on his toes. Barry wants to become thin and Tom and Mrs. Avery help him out by being his personal fitness trainers. The trio help Howard figure out a way to prove to Pearl that he's found his shorts.
S19 Ep9
1st Mar 1998
An old sweetheart of Truly is back in town, after many years living abroad. He spends the day preparing for their reunion, but he certainly takes more than he expected when he sees former Audrey Nash, now known as "the Widow Dilhooley".
S19 Ep8
22nd Feb 1998
Howard buys a new van, as part of his new scheme to be left in peace with Marina. He even buys some furniture to put on the back of the van, to make it "a little more comfortable". Unfortunately the engine is not up to the test of those hills, and they end up coming down faster than they went up. Truly and Clegg spend the day dealing with a problem regarding Clegg's taxes.
S19 Ep6
8th Feb 1998
Barry buys a new saxophone from Auntie Wainwright. Glenda doesn't let him play indoors, so he has to find a spot outside to practice. The problem starts when Barry discovers in what type of case the saxophone comes in. Compo and an old local man start a competition to see which one of them is in better shape. The challenges include finding out who can climb a tree faster (problem is climbing down again), and who can go downhill faster, using Wesley's new invention.
S18 Ep4
11th May 1997
When Pearl's "security" at home becomes too much for Howard to handle and Pearl starts suspecting his furtive encounters with Marina, the trio tries to find a double for Howard, so Pearl can see them together, and think she was mistaken all these years regarding Howard's secret love.
S17 Ep8
22nd Oct 1995
The trio encounters a man, and his inflatable doll, which creates some natural curiosity among the three elders.
S31 Ep5
22nd Aug 2010
Wondering if Pearl still loves him, Howard asks Hobbo to give her a peck on the cheek from him - only to become even more despondent when he sees his wife deliver a passionate kiss. Meanwhile, Glenda sends Barry off to paint a landscape, hoping the activity will take his mind off his hunger - but fish and chips is the only thing on his mind.
S31 Ep4
15th Aug 2010
Hobbo and his 'team' turn Howard into a tramp to show Pearl how rough he's been living and convince her to take him back. The men pitch him a tent but Howard's isn't keen and goes for a meal with Glenda and Barry. The men return to the camp with Howard to show Pearl how much he's roughing it, but Marina arrives at the same time and Hobbo and Howard bundle her into the tent. Howard lies on an ants nest and suddenly jumps to life, along with Marina and Hobbo. Pearl sees all and is not impressed.
S14 Ep9
20th Dec 1992
When Auntie Wainwright forces a gigantic tractor wheel on the trio, Foggy decides to make the best of it by crafting a vehicle out of it.
S14 Ep5
22nd Nov 1992
Are Foggy's war stories true? Compo and Clegg decide to submit him to an old school ritual to discover the truth.
S14 Ep3
8th Nov 1992
Compo, Clegg and Foggy prepare to pay their respects to an old teacher, but why is Howard so keen to go?
S11 Ep6
19th Nov 1989
No sooner than Seymour spots a kite does the trio end up building and attempting to fly their own gigantic version.
S29 Ep8
10th Aug 2008
Howard attempts to contact other nature lovers but finds out there are better ways than the mobile phone to do so.
S11 Ep7
26th Nov 1989
Compo wants to help Nora Batty with a troublesome chore, but Seymour ends up taking over and fouling up the entire operation. Howard tests out a series of lame disguises.
S29 Ep2
29th Jun 2008
Howard disguises himself like a racer to escape Pearl's watchful eye but discovers disguises have effects he didn't bargain for when Aunty Wainwright mistakes him for Tom.
S17 Ep7
15th Oct 1995
The trio comes across a very weird scientist and his unusual new invention. Meanwhile Wesley's new suit causes some trouble during the ladies outing.
S7 Ep4
20th Feb 1983
Ludovic has bought a new van and to cheer him up Clegg is given the job of test driving it.
S5 Ep1
18th Sep 1979
Foggy takes Compo and Clegg on a nostalgic trip to the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway.
S30 Ep6
24th May 2009
When Clegg and Truly tell Hobbo that local serial groom Norris Fairburn is free again, he decides that Norris would be an ideal husband for Stella.
S28 Ep6
26th Aug 2007
Howard has purchased a track bike and is desperate to hide it from Pearl.
S28 Ep5
19th Aug 2007
Science-fiction addict Kevin believes aliens from outer space may have landed. Truly, Clegg and Alvin help to convince him he is right.
S1 Ep7
17th Dec 1973
With a new camera in hands, the trio spends the day trying to find interesting things to photograph.
S1 Ep6
10th Dec 1973
Thinking they need a faster way to travel through the hills, Clegg convinces the others to buy a car. They end up with an old piece of metal that proves to be more trouble than it's worth.
S18 Ep1
20th Apr 1997
The trio comes across a mobile lonely hearts agency. This time it seems it's the owners of the agency who need a bit of marital advice. Smiler tries to get rid of a tandem Auntie Wainright sold him. He ends up being the perfect client for the lonely hearts agency.
S2 Ep1
5th Mar 1975
After Clegg suffers a little incident with his bicycle it's up to the trio to find someone to mend it.
S30 Ep2
26th Apr 2009
Adopted as a baby, former milkman and undercover secret agent Hobbo is determined to trace his natural mother.
S2 Ep5
2nd Apr 1975
The trio tries to persuade a tight-fisted man to buy a round of drinks, for which they concoct a very peculiar plan.
S1 Ep1
4th Jan 1973
Norman Clegg visits his late wife's grave on the anniversary of her death, then he reunites with his friends Compo Simmonite and Cyril Blamire and the trio wonders through town talking about, life, death and fish.
S1 Ep3
19th Nov 1973
Clegg and Blamire try to convince Compo to step inside a church. Then they talk about the existence of God, miracles and the possibility of an afterlife.
S2 Ep7
16th Apr 1975
Compo takes up motorcycling, much to the surprise of Blamire and Clegg.
S3 Ep3
10th Nov 1976
The trio takes takes a little holiday in Scarborough, but what's the deal with Compo's cardboard box?
S4 Ep8
4th Jan 1978
When "laugh a minute" Amos Hames, who toured Europe during the 1940's returns to town after many years, suspicions arise about the reason for his return.
S22 Ep8
20th May 2001
Tom receives a solicitor's letter, which says he has received a big screen television set, which he ends up giving to Eli, and Barry takes up flying, which is just a model airplane. Also, Howard wants Norman to play Tennis so he can play Tennis with Marina, who gets sick of it and then ends up flying with Barry.
S1 Ep2
12th Nov 1973
The trio pays a visit to the barbers where they talk about the war, marriage, local women, and the frequent rows that exist between couples. Then they go to the cafe, where the first (of many) arguments between Ivy and Sid takes place. Compo realizes he forgot his house key in the library and the trio wonders through town, in search for the librarian (Mr. Wainwright).
S9 Ep12
22nd Mar 1987
Old chum Bill Henry dies in America, which prompts Clegg to take Compo and Seymour on a sentimental journey.
S8 Ep5
7th Apr 1985
Compo enters the local marathon in order to impress Nora.
S1 Ep5
3rd Dec 1973
Spring's coming and Compo is once again suffering from spring fever, so he sets off to find the perfect companionship for him. He ends up hiring a female housekeeper, in search of new-found love.
S9 Ep11
15th Mar 1987
How can Seymour harness the power of the wind for the benefit of mankind? Once again, Compo is the test pilot.
S1 Ep4
26th Nov 1973
The trio visits a stately home, but naturally have some problems with Compo's messy ways.
S2 Ep2
12th Mar 1975
Gloria, a friend of Nora Batty is emigrating to Australia. It's up to the trio to find a piano for her surprise farewell party.
S3 Ep1
27th Oct 1976
Compo is bored. Since Cyril Blamire left for Oswestry, to live with a woman, things have been a bit too calm for him in town. But soon, Clegg brings the solution to all their boredom. A letter from Blamire asking them to welcome home an old fried of his, called Foggy Dewhurst, and help him cope with the sudden changes in his life, after he was more or less forced to retire. Compo and Clegg meet with the new "third man", the war hero Foggy Dewhurst, who because of his peculiar life and his endless wartime stories soon makes his presence noted around town. His military posture, and his "murderous" impulses only get him in a fight with Big Malcolm, and his military precision doesn't seem to be a great help, when the trio tries to carry Foggy's heavy wartime luggage up a hill.
S10 Ep1
16th Oct 1988
Compo wonders why all the blood rushes to his head when he's turned upside down. Seymour sets out to discover why.
S9 Ep10
8th Mar 1987
Edie learns to drive, so obvious disaster is expected.
S20 Ep1
18th Apr 1999
When Compo decides to take up horseriding lessons to impress Nora Batty, it's up to Clegg and Truly to help him. For that they buy Auntie Wainwright's wooden horse. The problems start when its wheels prove to be too much of a ride.
S22 Ep7
13th May 2001
Pearl finds a blonde hair and assumes it's Howard seeing another woman. Pearl wants to go to the coast to be loved but Howard and Marina work it out.
S27 Ep9
30th Apr 2006
Auntie Wainwright supplies Tom and Smiler with new transport.....but is it suitable?
S5 Ep2
25th Sep 1979
Foggy has a vision to put a flag in a prominent place on the great British landscape - but first he needs a flag and a flagpole.
S27 Ep3
19th Mar 2006
Howard is on 24-hr "lock down" by Pearl, so his friends accept the challenge to help him escape. Barry thinks he's missing out on something because he feels contented with his life; Entwistle has too much fun with his dog.
S8 Ep4
31st Mar 1985
The trio set about the near impossible task of catching a stubborn donkey.
S23 Ep6
10th Feb 2002
An unhappy Smiler is cheered by one of Wesley's inventions, a trolley. All that is needed is a hill and some driving skills...
S27 Ep1
5th Mar 2006
Glenda decides that Barry would suit a hat, Smiler finds a suit of armour in the shop storeroom, Cleggs cousin turns up and Clegg, Truly, Billy, Alvin and Entwistle follow a bottle with a message in it. Marina and Miss Davenport compare notes on their love lives. Nelly joins the ladies for coffee at the cafe.
S2 Ep3
19th Mar 1975
Thinking they have too much free time on their hands, the trio decides to find some kind of occupation. They come across a dodgy bankrupt dealer who persuades them to sell his new product, with disastrous results, particularly for Blamire.
S9 Ep9
1st Mar 1987
Seymour insists Edie must be up to date with his latest design in waste disposal.
S2 Ep6
9th Apr 1975
The trio comes across a canoe, and it seems it's time for a little expedition up the river. Of course, with Blamire in charge they are soon likely to get wet.
S13 Ep3
1st Nov 1991
Compo can't get over his suspicion of Nora's new lodger, Smiler. When he thinks he hears Nora singing a happy tune, he nearly goes to pieces. The trio tracks them around town, with Compo agonizing all the way. Meanwhile, Edie wants to go shopping at Huddersfield, but Wesley just wants to tinker with engines. Who do you suppose gets to have their way?
S21 Ep2
9th Apr 2000
Howard has a wig delivered to Clegg's, but when Pearl is suspicious Clegg has to not only pretend ownership of it, but be seen wearing it, much to Truly's amusement. Howard is only persuaded to reclaim the wig after the trio arrange for Smiler to wear it and Marina to kiss him. Meanwhile Barry tries and fails to be master of his own home, and Compo offers himself to Nora Batty as a "limited sale".
S15 Ep5
21st Nov 1993
The trio finds they are involved in yet another of Howard's schemes to get a present to Marina - this time a cast iron bath!
S23 Ep2
13th Jan 2002
When Howard's bicycle starts squeaking around Pearl, he worries that it is some kind of curse. He decides to get the bicycle exorcised by a local expert - Norman Clegg...
S27 Ep8
23rd Apr 2006
Howard gets to look after a friend's dog for the day. Glenda and Barry get dressed up as Cleopatra and an Egyptian Mummy to go to a fancy dress party. Auntie Wainwright upgrades Tom and Smilers transport..to a tandem!
S3 Ep6
1st Dec 1976
It's Gordon's wedding day and, as always, problems are near. this time they appear with a face and a name: Big Malcolm. As always it's up to the trio to see that the wedding ends properly, but not without some incidents in between.
S9 Ep1
4th Jan 1987
Clegg has to deliver a note to Marina in the supermarket. Can Seymour invent something highly original to justify all the security?
S11 Ep3
29th Oct 1989
The trio examines a haystack, resulting in their having to push it back to the top of a hill.
S18 Ep10
22nd Jun 1997
Remembering Nora used to enjoy a ride on a motorbike and sidecar when her husband was alive, Compo hires a motorbike from Auntie Wainwright, and invites Nora for a ride. Wesley tries to fix Barry's car (again), with disastrous results.
S7 Ep3
13th Feb 1983
Foggy finds there's money to be made selling food to the desperate inhabitants of a local health farm.
S10 Ep3
30th Oct 1988
Compo's feet hurt - but why go to visit "The Witch" for a cure?
S10 Ep5
13th Nov 1988
Seymour tries to prove that skiing is more than just a winter sport for the rich.
S21 Ep9
28th May 2000
Tom and Barry attempt to turn a reluctant Babs into a showbiz star.
S3 Ep2
6th Nov 1976
Mr Wainwright is back in town, and quickly throws the trio out of the library. The trio goes back to the cafe, where Ivy is having the usual battle of wits with Sid. There they meet with Stuart, and old man who's having a strange click in his leg. Later the trio helps Sid to mend a whole in the roof of the cafe with the usual disastrous results. Meanwhile Wainwright dates the new female librarian.
S14 Ep1
25th Oct 1992
Is Ernie Burniston's fitness all a bluff? To prove it, Foggy uses Compo as his "guinea pig."
S15 Ep3
7th Nov 1993
Too much home brew at a funeral tea leaves Compo and Foggy having to rescue Clegg from the arms of an amorous widow.
S9 Ep4
25th Jan 1987
After Compo claims that any man who uses a purse is effeminate, Seymour tries to invent a strictly masculine purse.
S10 Ep2
23rd Oct 1988
Is the piece of silver fished out of the canal really a thief's haul? Is there more where it came from?
S18 Ep5
18th May 1997
The trio tries to make Smiler become more aggressive, so he can stand up to Auntie Wainwright, but they end up getting a little more than they asked for.
S19 Ep4
25th Jan 1998
Wesley's new creation, a bed on wheels, causes great success. Particularly with Compo, who wants to be the first one to try it, providing he can find the right partner. This time he DOES end up in bed with Nora... for a while anyway.
S20 Ep6
30th May 1999
Compo, Clegg, Truly and Wesley meet a man with an earthquake detector and Barry spends the episode with his arm in a sling.
S20 Ep7
6th Jun 1999
Compo tries to resurrect the ancient art of Thumpy Dub. Auntie Wainwright sells Truly a broken lawn mower. Marina buys two vanilla slices from Ivy in the cafe, but who is the other one for? Glenda is relieved when Barry prefers an éclair, but Pearl isn't so happy when Howard has vanilla slice crumbs around his mouth.
S21 Ep3
16th Apr 2000
Our trio helps a middle-aged couple get their old car out of a field, but the wife insists she's recieving ancient telepathic messages through its hubcap. Or is she making it up as an excuse to chase after a certain younger gentleman? Meanwhile, Auntie Wainwright is trying to vanquish her demons by splurging on Ivy's most expensive cream cake.
S22 Ep6
6th May 2001
Howard buys a gnome for Marina and tries to keep it from Pearl. The trio helps him take it away. Smiler ends up taking it and Marina gets attracted to him, and then to other people who own the exact same gnome!
S26 Ep10
29th May 2005
Truly leads the enquiries into the whereabouts of a Co-op Manager who was a tyrant when Clegg worked there.
S7 Ep5
27th Feb 1983
The trio volunteer at a church concert party.
S4 Ep4
30th Nov 1977
Some people talk to trees, but Clegg is serenading flowers in the cafe...
S10 Ep4
6th Nov 1988
A visit by a much-loved pet seems the only way to bring a smile to Clem's face during a spell in hospital.
S12 Ep2
9th Sep 1990
Foggy has an idea to use portable radios to improve communications.
S13 Ep1
18th Oct 1991
Compo is depressed because Nora has a lodger. Foggy has an unusual way of curing his malaise-dancing!
S14 Ep2
1st Nov 1992
After overhearing a conversation between Nora and a neighbour, Compo discovers that Nora has a weakness for men in riding gear.
S19 Ep3
18th Jan 1998
Compo wants to buy a present for Nora but has no money. Auntie Wainwright search Compo's house for something of value to swap for the gift. Truly misses his life as a police officer, and regrets not being recognized for something heroic during his police force service. He and Clegg wonder through town in search of an accident waiting to happen, so he can prevent it, and be regarded a local hero - he even calls the local paper. However it's not HIS face who ends up on the front page.
S3 Ep5
24th Nov 1976
When Foggy discovers his old golf clubs in the attic of his home, he takes Compo, Clegg and Sid for a little practice of "the noble sport".
S9 Ep8
22nd Feb 1987
It's rather difficult selling tickets for the church's Beatrix Potter evening - until someone comes up with an idea to set Compo scurrying.
S10 Ep6
20th Nov 1988
The trio attend a funeral.
S14 Ep8
13th Dec 1992
When Foggy buys a video camera from Auntie Wainwright, it seems no-one is safe from his prying eye - especially Howard and Marina.
S17 Ep1
3rd Sep 1995
This time's for real! Howard's had enough of Pearl and decides to leave home forever. It's up to the trio to get the couple back together, when it's visible that Howard misses Pearl more than he thought he would.
S4 Ep1
9th Nov 1977
When one of Compo's ferrets escapes and takes residence in Nora's house, it's up to Wally Batty to get it back safely.
S13 Ep4
8th Nov 1991
Compo needs money, so he tries to collect on a fifty-year-old debt from a school chum.
S30 Ep9
14th Jun 2009
In order that Hobbo can find out more about Nelly, his supposed mother, he has Howard eavesdrop on her when she is visiting Pearl.
S3 Ep7
8th Dec 1976
Foggy decides Compo and Clegg are not as fit as they should be. The path back to physical fitness is isometrics-or is it? Maybe... not.
S2 Ep4
26th Mar 1975
When Wally Batty threatens to leave home, Compo sees it as a perfect opportunity to move in with Nora Batty, so he does everything possible to impress her, like cleaning his home and dressing smartly.
S5 Ep6
23rd Oct 1979
Compo contemplates the sport of hang-gliding. Nora gets Wally to take her out for a meal.
S7 Ep2
6th Feb 1983
Wally is fed up with Nora's constant nagging so Compo, Clegg and Foggy devise a plan to get him out of the house for a few hours.
S12 Ep10
4th Nov 1990
Compo is more than a little concerned when Smiler moves in as Nora Batty's lodger.
S15 Ep2
31st Oct 1993
The trio gets a gas grill from Auntie Wainwright, but its alarming potency brings an explosive touch to their barbeque. Howard is busy making improvements on his love-nest. Will it enflame Marina's passions, or just enflame Marina? And how did Howard end up with a wooden leg?
S19 Ep10
8th Mar 1998
Nora Batty gets a postcard from a Gladwin in the Canary Islands. Compo's jealous, and tries to find something to win her heart back. First he tries to sing, but receives a wet response. Then he finds an airman uniform in Auntie Wainwright's shop, and tries his luck at skydiving, with disastrous results. Howard enlists Truly's help in yet another scheme to fool Pearl about his outdoor activities. He asks him to tell Pearl he's his security advisor. Wesley has a new invention, and he asks Barry to be the one to test it.
S21 Ep10
4th Jun 2000
Glenda buys Barry a white suit to go on a picnic but he ends up with Clegg, Truly and Wesley at the station collecting an organ for Tom. Howard buys some platform shoes from Auntie Wainwright to make him taller.
S1 Ep1
4th Jan 1973
Norman Clegg visits his late wife's grave on the anniversary of her death, then he reunites with his friends Compo Simmonite and Cyril Blamire and the trio wonders through town talking about, life, death and fish.
S1 Ep2
12th Nov 1973
The trio pays a visit to the barbers where they talk about the war, marriage, local women, and the frequent rows that exist between couples. Then they go to the cafe, where the first (of many) arguments between Ivy and Sid takes place. Compo realizes he forgot his house key in the library and the trio wonders through town, in search for the librarian (Mr. Wainwright).
S1 Ep3
19th Nov 1973
Clegg and Blamire try to convince Compo to step inside a church. Then they talk about the existence of God, miracles and the possibility of an afterlife.
S1 Ep4
26th Nov 1973
The trio visits a stately home, but naturally have some problems with Compo's messy ways.
S1 Ep5
3rd Dec 1973
Spring's coming and Compo is once again suffering from spring fever, so he sets off to find the perfect companionship for him. He ends up hiring a female housekeeper, in search of new-found love.
S1 Ep6
10th Dec 1973
Thinking they need a faster way to travel through the hills, Clegg convinces the others to buy a car. They end up with an old piece of metal that proves to be more trouble than it's worth.
S1 Ep7
17th Dec 1973
With a new camera in hands, the trio spends the day trying to find interesting things to photograph.
The first episode of Last of the Summer Wine aired on January 04, 1973.
The last episode of Last of the Summer Wine aired on August 29, 2010.
There are 269 episodes of Last of the Summer Wine.
There are 31 seasons of Last of the Summer Wine.
Last of the Summer Wine has ended.