Arrow Episode Rating Graph
Oct 2012 - Jan 2020

Oct 2012 - Jan 2020
Browse episode ratings trends for Arrow. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Arrow's 170 episodes.
S1 Ep23
15th May 2013
Oliver and Diggle race to stop the Dark Archer from unleashing his vengeance on The Glades. However, they run into a roadblock after Detective Lance picks up Felicity for questioning. Tommy and Oliver's already tumultuous relationship takes a turn for the worse after Oliver makes a confession about Laurel. After hearing of the danger in The Glades, Thea races to find Roy, inadvertently putting herself directly in the line of fire for Malcolm's devious plan. On the island, Oliver, Slade and Shado are locked in a life-or-death struggle against Fyers as his missiles lock on a full Ferris Air jetliner.
S2 Ep23
14th May 2014
As Oliver's face off with Slade escalates, his resolve to the no-kill rule is tested. Especially as Slade targets the woman Oliver loves.
S3 Ep9
10th Dec 2014
Ra's al Ghul sends Nyssa and her lieutenant to Starling City to inform Oliver that the League will kill 50 people a day until Sara's murderer is turned over to them. With time running out, Oliver finally identifies the killer... and realizes that he can never turn them over for execution. Meanwhile, Ray shows Felicity his new project.
S2 Ep20
23rd Apr 2014
The Mirakuru sends Roy into an uncontrollable rage and he unleashes on the city. Oliver realizes the Mirakuru has taken over Roy completely and must figure out a way to stop him.
S1 Ep22
8th May 2013
With the Undertaking days away, Malcolm dons his black hood to conclude business with seismologist Dr. Brion Markov and his team. Oliver and Moira entertain a number of surprise - and mostly unwelcome - visitors. Hooded confrontations at home and the Meryln Global Group reveal dark secrets. Meanwhile, Roy and Thea are still looking out for a hero. Laurel makes a decision after Tommy's revelation. In a flashback to the island, Oliver, Slade and Shado struggle to prevent Fyers from shooting a Ferris Air jet out of the sky. Paul Blackthorne and David Ramsey also star.
S2 Ep9
11th Dec 2013
After covering from a near-fatal drug overdose, Oliver begins hallucinating people from his past. Believing he's a liability, Oliver gives the information he has on Cyrus Gold to Quentin... which results in the deaths of several police officers. Meanwhile, Brother Blood captures Roy and uses him as a test subject for his new serum. In the past on the island, Ivo gives Oliver an impossible choice to make.
S2 Ep22
7th May 2014
Oliver rallies his team as Slade's soldiers attack the city. Felicity gets a call from S.T.A.R. Labs with game-changing news and Thea comes face-to-face with her father.
S2 Ep8
4th Dec 2013
When a superhumanly strong thief robs a Queen Consolidated warehouse, Central City police scientist Barry Allen comes to Starling City to investigate the case. However, despite his close working relationship with Felicity, Oliver suspects that there's more to the young scientist than meets the eye. Meanwhile, Sin asks Roy to help investigate the disappearance of a friend. In the past, Oliver, Shado, and Sara try to get Slade to the submarine so they can use the serum to save his life.
S5 Ep23
24th May 2017
Oliver assembles a group of unlikely allies - Slade, Nyssa, Merlyn and Digger Harkness - to engage in an epic battle against Chase and his army.
S3 Ep8
3rd Dec 2014
A crossover event that began on "The Flash" concludes with Oliver teaming with the Flash to stop a boomerang-wielding killer who plants five bombs in the city that are set to explode at the same time.
S2 Ep18
2nd Apr 2014
Sara and Roy become prisoners at the Slade and the only one who is able to save them is Oliver Queen.
S1 Ep21
1st May 2013
Finding it difficult to mend fences with Tommy and Diggle, Oliver instead focuses on crossing another name off the list. While digging through a crooked accountant's laptop, Felicity discovers a transaction that could help Oliver find Walter. To reconfirm the lead, Oliver gambles that Felicity can be counted on in the field for the first time. In a flashback, Malcolm reveals to Robert Queen and Frank Chen painful details surrounding his wife's murder, and how that shaped his plans for the Glades. Meanwhile, Tommy stuns Laurel with the truth.
S2 Ep14
26th Feb 2014
A master hacker dubbed Clock King coordinates a series of raids on banks in Starling City, and his skills prove a match for Felicity. Meanwhile, Laurel's grudge with Sara continues and on the island, a pilot crashes his plane there and Sara tends to the dying man.
S2 Ep19
16th Apr 2014
When Oliver and his team destroy Slade's centrifuge, he attacks them as Deathstroke to get what he needs to find a replacement. Meanwhile, Laurel ponders what to do with Slade's information, and Oliver tries to convince Thea to help him protect their finances from Isabel.
S2 Ep21
30th Apr 2014
After the death of someone close to him, Oliver decides to give himself up to Slade rather than risk further bloodshed on his friends and family. Meanwhile, Laurel renews her investigation into Sebastian Blood, and Slade makes his final plans to unleash his Mirakuru-enhanced army on Starling City.
S2 Ep15
5th Mar 2014
In the present, Slade visits Oliver and makes his intentions clear. Five years earlier, Slade, Sara, and Oliver launch their assault on the Amazo, but things go wrong when Slade learns that Oliver was responsible for Shado's death.
S2 Ep4
30th Oct 2013
Oliver discovers a man who goes by the name “The Mayor” is bringing illegal guns in to The Glades, so Oliver sponsors a “Cash for Guns” event to help clean up the city. Unfortunately, The Mayor crashes the event with his gang and seriously injures Sin. The Canary is furious when she learns her friend is in the hospital and sets out for revenge. Meanwhile, Felicity stuns Oliver with a bit of information about the Canary, Donner asks Laurel to dinner, and Diggle reconnects with an old friend.
S2 Ep1
9th Oct 2013
Diggle and Felicity travel to the island of Lian Yu in search of Oliver, who left Starling City after the devastation of The Undertaking and his failure to avert it. Convinced to return home, Oliver finds that things are in much worse shape than he imagined – Isabel Rochev is preparing a hostile takeover of Queen Consolidated, Thea refuses to visit Moira in jail, Roy is trying to fill the void left by the Arrow's absence, and Laurel is working with the District Attorney's office to take down the vigilante. Meanwhile, flashbacks to the island show Oliver's mentors Slade, Shado and Oliver in a desperate situation.
S2 Ep2
16th Oct 2013
Thieves hijack medical supplies sent to Glades Memorial. Oliver gets into a heated battle with China White and her new partner, the Bronze Tiger, over the supplies. Meanwhile, Laurel makes plans to catch the Arrow; and Thea give Roy an ultimatum.
S2 Ep5
6th Nov 2013
Oliver puts Sara Lance up at the manor and soon discovers that she doesn't want to contact her family... both because she would put them in danger, and because she become a killer since the last time they saw her. Meanwhile, the League of Assassins send men to bring Sara back, alive or dead. And Oliver discovers that Laurel will be sitting second chair for his mother's trial.
S3 Ep19
15th Apr 2015
After Roy confesses that he's the Arrow, Oliver is forced to lie low as Quentin continues his quest to prove that Oliver is the real Arrow. Meanwhile, a metahuman kills two bank guards and Oliver is forced to turn to Ray--as the Atom--for help.
S3 Ep5
5th Nov 2014
Felicity's past as a crusading hacker is revealed when someone uses a super virus that she designed to bring Starling City to a standstill. Meanwhile, Oliver and Thea work on their new relationship, and Felicity's mother pays a visit.
S2 Ep3
23rd Oct 2013
When a dangerous criminal from Lance's past escapes from prison, Felicity offers herself up as bait so Arrow, Diggle and Lance can capture him...but plans go awry.
S2 Ep7
20th Nov 2013
The Count has a new scheme to turn Starling City's residents into clients by addicting them to a new drug and then selling them Vertigo to cure it. among those stricken are Diggle and DA Donner, who collapses in the middle of presenting his case against Moira.
S1 Ep16
27th Feb 2013
Oliver and Diggle learn that Deadshot is still alive and his next target is Malcom. Malcom invites Tommy to attend a benefit honoring Malcom for his work with Starling City but Tommy refuses to attend. Oliver encourages his friend to mend his relationship with his father while he can. Meanwhile, Oliver struggles to balance his new relationship with McKenna and his duties as Arrow.
S8 Ep10
28th Jan 2020
After eight seasons, and the launch of countless superheroes, the series wraps up the story of the Green Arrow.
S2 Ep13
5th Feb 2014
As Laurel continues to unravel, Oliver and Lance try to convince Sara to stay in Starling City and finally reunite with Laurel and Dinah. However, Sara’s fellow League of Assassins member, Nyssa, comes to bring Sara back to the fold, but when Sara refuses, Nyssa kidnaps Dinah. Realizing she’s putting her family in danger by staying in town, Sara considers re-joining the league.
S2 Ep11
22nd Jan 2014
When her father won't believe her accusations against Sebastian, Laurel turns to the Arrow for help. Oliver has his own doubts about Laurel, particularly when she is arrested on a charge of drug possession. Meanwhile, Roy sets out to test his new abilities but goes berserk, putting a man in the hospital.
S1 Ep5
7th Nov 2012
After Detective Lance arrests Oliver for murder, Oliver tells Moira the only lawyer he'll allow to represent him is Laurel. Laurel takes the case which puts her at odds with her father. Oliver offers to take a polygraph in front Detective Lance but things get tense when Lance asks him if anyone else was on the island with him. Oliver flashes back to when he got his first scar, courtesy of Deathstroke.
S1 Ep13
6th Feb 2013
Cyrus Vanch, a nefarious criminal, is recently released from prison and intends to re-secure his position as leader of the underworld. His first step is to take down his biggest opponent in the city - Arrow. Meanwhile, Oliver shows Moira his father's notebook and questions her about the names on the list. Thea is miserable as she starts her internship with Laurel at the legal aid office and Detective Lance makes a deadly mistake that puts Laurel in the crosshairs of Vanch.
S3 Ep23
13th May 2015
With time running out for Starling City, Oliver tries to stop Ra's from unleashing the bioweapon and killing millions.
S1 Ep14
13th Feb 2013
After Oliver is shot, he turns to a surprising person for help - Felicity. Diggle is stunned when he sees Felicity walk through the front door of the lair dragging a dying Oliver behind her, and the two team up to save Oliver's life. As Oliver hovers between life and death, he flashes back to a seminal event on the island - a daring escape attempt with his new friend Slade Wilson.
S2 Ep6
13th Nov 2013
A.R.G.U.S. abducts Diggle and asks him to help recover Lyla from a Russian prison. Oliver and Felicity insist on going along to help and Isabel tags along. Meanwhile, Jean Loring advises Thea that her dating Roy is hurting Moira's chance of getting an acquittal.
S2 Ep12
29th Jan 2014
While the Arrow trains Roy how to control his anger--and his super-strength--Bronze Tiger steals a prototype of Malcolm's earthquake machine to sell to an arms dealer. Meanwhile, Laurel discovers that she's being disbarred and goes out of control, and Walter has an offer for Moira. On the island, Oliver wonders whether to tell Slade the truth about how Shado died.
S1 Ep3
24th Oct 2012
Oliver is surprised when someone shoots and kills one of his targets. As his plan is to bring people to justice vs. outright killing them, Oliver doesn't appreciate the help and searches for the gunman. He soon learns that the man, Deadshot, is taking out businessmen who are scheduled to bid at an auction on an energy company and Walter is one of the bidders. Realizing he can't protect his family and stop Deadshot at the same time, Oliver enlists Detective Lance's help, but his plan has dire consequences. Meanwhile, Laurel and Tommy get caught in an awkward situation with Oliver.
S3 Ep20
22nd Apr 2015
Oliver has no choice but to accept Ra's's offer to resurrect Thea. In return, Oliver must become the Heir to the Demon.
S1 Ep20
24th Apr 2013
Deadshot returns to Starling City after taking down a U.S. Ambassador and six others overseas. By keeping tabs on A.R.G.U.S.'s manhunt for the assassin, Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity learn that a sting operation is underway to capture Deadshot - alive. Diggle is determined to see his brother's killer dead, with or without Ollie's help. Meanwhile, Laurel takes drastic steps to protect a young witness, exacerbating friction between Tommy and Oliver. Later, Roy Harperunconventionally pursues all leads to find his new hero, but runs afoul of Detective Lance. Back on the island, Oliver recalls how Shado helped him incrementally gain confidence with a bow and hit the target for the first time.
S1 Ep1
10th Oct 2012
After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the Pacific. Back in Starling City, Oliver slowly reconnects with those closest to him. Oliver has brought back many new skills from his time on the island and manages to secretly create the persona of Arrow to right the wrongs of his family and fight the ills of society. As Arrow, Oliver will atone for the past sins of his family while he searches for the personal redemption he needs.
S1 Ep18
27th Mar 2013
An angry resident of The Glades who calls himself "The Savior" embarks on a kidnapping and killing spree to punish those he believes have wronged the residents of his neighborhood. To make things worse, he broadcasts these murders online and claims he was inspired by Arrow's vigilantism. Oliver is horrified by this statement and vows to stop "The Savior," but his manhunt in intensified after Thea comes to him in tears and tells him Roy has been kidnapped. Laurel is surprised when her father starts to believe her mother's claim that Sara is still alive. Meanwhile, Malcom tells Moira to find the person responsible for his attempted murder.
S1 Ep4
31st Oct 2012
Oliver still hasn't figured out how to get back in Laurel's good graces, but a late night bonding session with Thea gives him the inspiration he needs. Looking into a suspicious murder case, Oliver realizes an innocent man, Peter Declan, was framed by one of the targets on his list. As Arrow, he asks Laurel to help prove Declan's innocence. Meanwhile, Walter asks one of his employees, Felicity Smoak, to look into a $2.6 million withdrawal that Moira made without his knowledge.
S3 Ep1
8th Oct 2014
With crime at an all time low, Oliver decides to take a break and asks Felicity on a date. However, they're interrupted when a new drug dealer take the name of Count Vertigo and targets the Arrow for death. Meanwhile, Diggle becomes an expectant father and a scientist tries to acquire Queen Consolidated before Oliver can retake his family's business.
S5 Ep22
17th May 2017
Black Siren returns to give Chase help; Felicity plans a birthday party for Oliver; Lance is angry with Rene for missing the custody hearing about his daughter.
S3 Ep15
25th Feb 2015
Thea betrays Malcolm to the League, but Oliver sets out to rescue his lover's killer so that Thea won't suffer the guilt of arranging for a parent's death. In the past, Oliver and the Yamashiros are released from custody, but Amanda Waller has other plans.
S5 Ep9
7th Dec 2016
After Prometheus attacks Curtis, Oliver realizes Prometheus knows all of Team Arrow’s secret identities and is planning to come for them one by one. Felicity and Detective Malone discover a clue that links Prometheus to Oliver’s past.
S1 Ep12
30th Jan 2013
Thea is in trouble with the police after she gets caught using a drug called "Vertigo." Oliver thinks the only way to keep her out of jail is to find the dealer, a man who goes by the name of "The Count". Oliver turns to McKenna Hall, an old flame and current Vice cop, for help. Meanwhile, Laurel steps in to defend Thea, and Felicity gives Oliver some disturbing news about Moira.
S3 Ep22
6th May 2015
Ra's tells Nyssa that she must marry Oliver or face death. Meanwhile, an unexpected ally travels to Starling City to ask Diggle, Felicity, and Laurel to help infiltrate Nanda Parbat. In the past, Maseo and Oliver try to find the cure for Akio before it's too late.
S2 Ep10
15th Jan 2014
A bomber nicknamed Shrapnel has set his sights on Sebastian Blood, and Oliver dons his mask to protect his newfound ally. Meanwhile, Laurel investigates Sebastian's aunt who is locked up in a mental institution, and Thea learns about Roy's newfound superstrength.
S2 Ep17
26th Mar 2014
The Huntress returns and takes hostages at the courthouse when her father is arrested. Laurel is among those taken, which prompts her sister, the Canary, to battle the Huntress in an epic confrontation. Meanwhile, Roy tries to keep Thea safe, but he doesn't like the way he is forced to do it.
S1 Ep9
12th Dec 2012
Oliver discovers that after he and his father went missing, Moira and Thea stopped celebrating Christmas. Determined to make up for lost time and restore a sense of normalcy to the Queen household, Oliver decides to throw the family a Christmas party. Meanwhile, Tommy asks Laurel to spend Christmas with him but she points out that Christmas was also her sister Sara's birthday and she needs to be with her father. Tommy suggests changing things up might be the best way for everyone to heal but Laurel isn't sure her father is ready for that. Meanwhile, Diggle tells Oliver someone is murdering the people on his father's list with arrows, which sends Oliver off to face his toughest adversary yet.
S4 Ep9
9th Dec 2015
After the city is attacked again, Oliver makes a bold move against HIVE. Malcolm checks in on Thea and leaves her with a warning. Things take a horrible turn when Damien Darhk retaliates in a brutal manner at Oliver’s mayoral holiday party.
S4 Ep8
2nd Dec 2015
Oliver and Barry Allen take Kendra Saunders and Carter Hall to a remote location to keep them hidden from Vandal Savage while they figure out how to defeat him. Malcolm arranges a meeting between Vandal, Green Arrow and The Flash that doesn’t go as planned. Meanwhile, Felicity, Thea, Diggle and Laurel work with Team Flash to come up with a weapon powerful enough to destroy Vandal Savage. The crossover starts on The Flash S02E08 Legends of Today (I).
S8 Ep9
21st Jan 2020
It’s the year 2040 in Star City and Mia Queen has everything she could have ever wanted. However, when Laurel and Dinah suddenly show up in her life again, things take a shocking turn and her perfect world is upended. Laurel and Dinah are tracking a kidnapping victim with direct ties to Mia and they need her help. Knowing it will change everything, Mia can’t help but be a hero and she, Laurel and Dinah suit up once again to save the city.
S7 Ep18
15th Apr 2019
After being accused of murder and having her criminal past exposed, Laurel goes full Black Siren and teams up with an old criminal acquaintance, Shadow Thief, to go on a crime spree around Star City. While Dinah aims to bring Laurel in, Felicity refuses to give up on her friend and tries everything to get through to her, even summoning Sara Lance for help. However, Laurel rebuffs all her efforts, forcing the former friends to face off against each other.
S4 Ep16
23rd Mar 2016
A heartbroken Cupid returns to Star City with one goal – to destroy anyone in love. The team learns she’s killing couples on their wedding day so Oliver and Felicity decide to pose as bait.
S7 Ep21
6th May 2019
Oliver finds himself in a precarious position. SCPD shows up with a warrant for Felicity.
S7 Ep19
22nd Apr 2019
After the Ninth Circle delivers a major setback for Team Arrow, Diggle reluctantly reaches out to a Four-Star General of the Defense Intelligence Agency for help, despite unresolved tension from their past. Meanwhile, Oliver discovers a piece of information that he believes will turn Emiko against the Ninth Circle. Alena returns with an interesting proposal for Felicity.
S7 Ep10
21st Jan 2019
Rene fights to help the new Green Arrow's mission, and Oliver, now working with the SCPD, finds an unexpected link to the mysterious vigilante.
S7 Ep15
11th Mar 2019
Team Arrow attempts to work with the Star City Police Department but much to Oliver’s frustration, things don’t go as planned. Meanwhile, Dinah gets some life-changing news.
S7 Ep14
4th Mar 2019
After months of covertly pursuing Dante, Diggle and Lyla finally have a solid lead on the elusive terrorist, so they deploy the ARGUS Ghost Initiative to apprehend him. Meanwhile, Oliver tries to bond with Emiko.
S6 Ep17
5th Apr 2018
Oliver and Diggle face their biggest challenge yet. Curtis is disappointed to find out his new boyfriend has a firm anti-vigilante stance.
S7 Ep11
28th Jan 2019
The past comes back to haunt both Oliver and Laurel. Curtis is upset when he discovers that Diggle and Lyla have restarted The Ghost Initiative with Diaz, China White, Kane Wolfman and Carrie Cutter.
S7 Ep16
18th Mar 2019
Mia and William venture into the Glades on a dangerous mission. There they run into Dinah, Roy and Zoe who deliver some devastating news. The flash forwards share highlights from Mia’s childhood with Felicity.
S7 Ep20
29th Apr 2019
When they learn of an upcoming attack on the city, Team Arrow calls Roy Harper to help them stop the Ninth Circle. However, things go awry and there is massive collateral damage. As Captain of the SCPD, Dinah investigates what happened in an episode that takes on a true crime narrative and tone.
S6 Ep16
29th Mar 2018
Nyssa Al Ghul returns to Star City to warn Thea that a group of renegade League of Assassins members are planning to attack her. This group, led by Athena, is intent on finding a mysterious box that Malcolm left behind and will stop at nothing to get it. Nyssa helps Oliver come to a life-changing realization.
S7 Ep17
25th Mar 2019
Laurel learns about some damaging information that affects Emiko. Always looking to protect his sister, Oliver invites Laurel to help investigate, which makes Felicity happy as her friend is now working with the team. However, when things go awry, Felicity is forced to make a choice between the team and Laurel.
S6 Ep14
1st Mar 2018
Oliver, Diggle and Felicity disagree with Dinah, Curtis and Rene on how to handle Black Siren. The two teams face off and a fight ensues.
S6 Ep4
2nd Nov 2017
Just as Oliver starts to get things in order, Black Siren launches another attack on the citizens of Star City.
S6 Ep10
18th Jan 2018
Despite losing half his team, Oliver remains confident that he, Felicity and Diggle can stop Cayden James and Black Siren. However, when he discovers one of Cayden’s secrets, he decides to team up with an unlikely ally. Meanwhile, Dinah spends time with Vince.
S7 Ep12
4th Feb 2019
A documentary entitled “The Hood and the rise of vigilantism” starring Oliver Queen, Felicity Smoak, and the rest of Team Arrow. As a camera crew follows Oliver and team around to talk about their past as vigilantes and what the Green Arrow means to Star City, Oliver must also deal with William’s return from boarding school as well as a new threat to the city. The episode will feature “documentary footage” captured by the BTS crew and interviews from those who have worked alongside the Green Arrow.
S8 Ep2
22nd Oct 2019
Oliver, John, Laurel, and Tatsu seek out an important person within the Monitor's plan. Connor has a heart to heart with his brother.
S5 Ep13
15th Feb 2017
A traumatic attack on City Hall triggers painful memories for Rene about his family. Flashbacks reveal how Rene went from simple family man to a hero named Wild Dog. Meanwhile, Oliver must deal with the perpetrator behind the attack and realizes the best way to do so is as Mayor Queen instead of the Green Arrow. Tensions run high in the Arrow bunker.
S7 Ep4
5th Nov 2018
Oliver makes a drastic move in his quest to find Diaz. Like her husband, Felicity pulls out all the stops to get to Diaz. Meanwhile, when arsonists target Rene’s community center, injuring Zoe in the process, the mysterious new Green Arrow swoops in to help save the day. Faced with pressure from the mayor to capture the vigilante, Dinah must decide if following the rules at all costs is the best plan to keep the city safe.
S6 Ep19
19th Apr 2018
Looking to expand his empire, Diaz and Laurel meet with The Quadrant, a coalition of mafia families who run national organized crime. Meanwhile, after Oliver’s recent decision, Felicity and Curtis double their efforts on building Helix Dynamics.
S7 Ep13
11th Feb 2019
Oliver and Felicity are disappointed after they learn that William is hiding something from them. Wanting to focus on his family, Oliver steps back from his Green Arrow duties and let’s the team take over tracking down a serial killer. However, when the team becomes targets for the killer, things take a bloody turn.
S6 Ep1
12th Oct 2017
Oliver deals with the fallout of the explosion on the island.
S4 Ep17
30th Mar 2016
Brie Larvan breaks out of jail and turns up at Palmer Tech threatening to kill everyone unless she gets the bio-chip that is implanted in Felicity’s spine. When Oliver realizes that Felicity, Thea and Donna are trapped in Palmer Tech with everyone else, he looks to a surprising ally to help Team Arrow save the day.
S6 Ep11
25th Jan 2018
Cayden James ups the ante by launching his plan to take control of every aspect of the city. Despite the scope of Cayden’s plan, Oliver is determined to foil it with just the Original Team Arrow – and without the aid of Rene, Dinah, or Curtis. But things get complicated when William is endangered as a result of Cayden’s handiwork.
S6 Ep7
23rd Nov 2017
Oliver celebrates Thanksgiving with his family but the happy moment is interrupted. Meanwhile, Black Siren returns to wreak havoc on the holiday.
S6 Ep2
19th Oct 2017
Oliver tries to balance being the mayor, Green Arrow and a father to William. Anatoly returns to Star City with a deadly agenda.
S6 Ep15
8th Mar 2018
Oliver and Thea are shocked to hear that Roy Harper is back in Star City. However, when they discover the circumstances of Roy's return, Oliver and Thea realize that Roy is in trouble and jump in to save him. Black Siren makes a shocking decision.
S6 Ep20
26th Apr 2018
Oliver turns to an old friend to help battle Diaz; Rene is out of the hospital but has a hard time readjusting to life as Wild Dog; Lance discovers something shocking about Black Siren.
S7 Ep2
22nd Oct 2018
In order to track down Diaz from inside prison, Oliver realizes that will require aligning with an old enemy. Meanwhile, in Star City, Felicity’s attempts to root out Diaz are thwarted by Diggle, whose allegiance to ARGUS now requires him to keep civilians like her on the outs. Realizing that she can no longer rely on her old team or old methods, a clear-eyed Felicity resolves to find a new way to go after Diaz.
S6 Ep6
16th Nov 2017
As Slade continues to uncover clues about his son’s last few years, Oliver makes a big decision. Meanwhile, the Green Arrow leads the team into battle against “The Dragon,” a villain who is stealing valuable tech in Star City.
S6 Ep12
1st Feb 2018
Oliver continues his battle with Cayden James. Dinah and Oliver have a major disagreement that endangers the life of one of their own.
S5 Ep10
25th Jan 2017
Worried that Prometheus is right and he is truly a killer at heart, Oliver looks for any ray of hope and finds it in what seems to be the miraculous return of Laurel Lance. However Felicity, still reeling from Detective Malone's murder, is bent on revenge - she wants to stop Prometheus at any cost. While in prison, Diggle fights for his life.
S6 Ep3
26th Oct 2017
A rogue black ops team led by Onyx breaks into Kord Industries and steals something lethal. Oliver struggles to connect with William so he reaches out to a surprising source for help.
S7 Ep3
29th Oct 2018
Still in prison, Oliver faces his biggest challenge yet. Meanwhile, Felicity gets an intriguing offer, and Diggle asks Curtis to go undercover for ARGUS.
S6 Ep18
12th Apr 2018
In his darkest place yet, Oliver wonders if he has failed at everything – being a father, a mayor and a hero. His frustration rising, Oliver lashes out at Felicity and William. A surprising visit from an old friend has Oliver questioning his next move.
S4 Ep11
27th Jan 2016
Diggle must learn to trust his brother Andy when an enemy of their wartime past, an agent of the criminal organization Shadowspire, pays a visit to Star City. However, Diggle learns more than he bargained for about their shared time at war. Meanwhile, Oliver has to learn a whole new way of life.
S4 Ep7
18th Nov 2015
Team Green Arrow's ongoing battle with Damien Darhk is complicated by a shocking revelation. Thea's bloodlust returns and she loses control in front of Alex.
S6 Ep9
7th Dec 2017
Quentin Lance is kidnapped by Black Siren and Cayden James, who are looking to trade Lance’s life for a weapon of mass destruction. Oliver and Team Green Arrow must figure out a way to save Lance while still keeping the city safe.
S4 Ep23
25th May 2016
Oliver teams up with a surprising force in an attempt to stop Damien Darhk and his magic once and for all.
S4 Ep3
21st Oct 2015
The growing tension between Oliver and Diggle puts both their lives at risk when they go after Damien Darhk and a H.I.V.E. deployed meta-human. Meanwhile, Laurel talks Thea into returning to Nanda Parbat to ask her father to put Sara into the Lazarus Pit. However, Laurel is surprised when Nyssa refuses to do it.
S4 Ep22
18th May 2016
Following the shocking events in the previous episode, Oliver and Diggle race to rescue Thea, while Felicity, Curtis and Noah join together to stop Darhk.
S4 Ep2
14th Oct 2015
Oliver and Thea are concerned when a family friend plans to run for mayor. Thea starts to exhibit side effects from the Lazarus Pit. Felicity asks an employee for help with a business decision.
S6 Ep13
8th Feb 2018
Cayden James discovers a secret about the Green Arrow that pushes him over the edge. Knowing everyone and everything he loves is in danger, Oliver must decide if he can do this alone or if he needs to turn to his old teammates for help. William starts to demand more of Oliver’s time.
S4 Ep21
11th May 2016
When Team Arrow learns what Damien Darhk's next move is Felicity realizes she needs to ask her father, Noah Kuttler, for help. Noah and Oliver have a heart to heart talk that leaves Oliver rattled.
S4 Ep4
28th Oct 2015
Laurel must deal with the repercussions of taking Sara to Nanda Parbat. Meanwhile, Oliver asks Captain Lance for a favor and while he's not surprised at the response, he is surprised at what he finds out next.
S5 Ep1
5th Oct 2016
A deadly new criminal, Tobias Church, threatens Star City, which forces Oliver to consider forming a new team of superheroes to help him do battle. In flashbacks, Oliver faces off against the Bratva in Russia.
S5 Ep14
22nd Feb 2017
China White, Cupid and Liza Warner break out of Iron Heights and head to Star City for revenge. Oliver tries to bring in the newly formed girl gang but the ACU intervenes mid-fight. To his surprise, they are there to arrest the Green Arrow for the murder of Det. Malone. Meanwhile, Lance feels responsible for the prison break after Warner tells him she heard about him working with Damien Darhk.
S3 Ep11
28th Jan 2015
Brick takes three city aldermen hostage and demands that Mayor Castle turn the Glades over to him in return for their safe return. Meanwhile, Felicity turns to Ray for help when she needs a helicopter, and Laurel realizes that she may be in over her head with her new crime fighting carer.
S4 Ep6
11th Nov 2015
Felicity is frantic when she learns that Ray is alive and being held by Damien Darhk. Felicity's guilt over not finding Ray sooner causes tension between her and Oliver. Meanwhile, Sara joins Laurel, Thea, and the team on a rescue mission for Ray. However, the effects of the Lazarus Pit take over and threaten to jeopardize the entire operation. Donna Smoak returns to Star City.
S1 Ep1
10th Oct 2012
After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the Pacific. Back in Starling City, Oliver slowly reconnects with those closest to him. Oliver has brought back many new skills from his time on the island and manages to secretly create the persona of Arrow to right the wrongs of his family and fight the ills of society. As Arrow, Oliver will atone for the past sins of his family while he searches for the personal redemption he needs.
S1 Ep2
17th Oct 2012
Oliver heads to the courthouse to get his death certificate repealed and is pleasantly surprised to run into Laurel, who is there prosecuting Martin Somers, a criminal with ties to the Chinese Triad. Oliver recognizes Martin's name from his father's book and sets his sights on taking him down. Martin orders the Triad to "take care of" Laurel so they send their top mercenary - China White - after her, an act that culminates in a battle between Arrow and China White. Meanwhile, Moira and Walter ask Oliver to take over the company.
S1 Ep3
24th Oct 2012
Oliver is surprised when someone shoots and kills one of his targets. As his plan is to bring people to justice vs. outright killing them, Oliver doesn't appreciate the help and searches for the gunman. He soon learns that the man, Deadshot, is taking out businessmen who are scheduled to bid at an auction on an energy company and Walter is one of the bidders. Realizing he can't protect his family and stop Deadshot at the same time, Oliver enlists Detective Lance's help, but his plan has dire consequences. Meanwhile, Laurel and Tommy get caught in an awkward situation with Oliver.
S1 Ep4
31st Oct 2012
Oliver still hasn't figured out how to get back in Laurel's good graces, but a late night bonding session with Thea gives him the inspiration he needs. Looking into a suspicious murder case, Oliver realizes an innocent man, Peter Declan, was framed by one of the targets on his list. As Arrow, he asks Laurel to help prove Declan's innocence. Meanwhile, Walter asks one of his employees, Felicity Smoak, to look into a $2.6 million withdrawal that Moira made without his knowledge.
S1 Ep5
7th Nov 2012
After Detective Lance arrests Oliver for murder, Oliver tells Moira the only lawyer he'll allow to represent him is Laurel. Laurel takes the case which puts her at odds with her father. Oliver offers to take a polygraph in front Detective Lance but things get tense when Lance asks him if anyone else was on the island with him. Oliver flashes back to when he got his first scar, courtesy of Deathstroke.
S1 Ep6
14th Nov 2012
A gang of bank robbers, dubbed The Royal Flush Gang, hits a local bank and seriously wounds an off-duty police officer during a heist. Diggle tells Oliver he needs to deviate from his father's list and start helping the citizens of Starling City. Meanwhile, Tommy asks Thea for relationship advice, but things get awkward when she realizes he was asking about Laurel. Moira confronts Oliver about all of his recent disappearances in the middle of family functions.
S1 Ep7
28th Nov 2012
Oliver encounters a mysterious woman, Helena Bertinelli, daughter of mob boss Frank Bertinelli, who he can finally be himself with, but he soon comes to realize she's hiding dangerous secrets of her own. Helena is on her own personal mission of vengeance and Oliver is caught in the middle. Meanwhile, Tommy is blindsided by an unfortunate turn of events and turns to Laurel for support.
S1 Ep8
5th Dec 2012
As Oliver and Helena grow closer, Oliver trains her to be his ally, complete with showing her how to use a crossbow. Diggle disapproves of Oliver sharing his secret with Helena as he's not sure she can be trusted, but Oliver refuses to listen to his concerns. Helena's quest for revenge proves to be too strong for Oliver to handle after she kills the head of the Triad and all hell breaks loose.
S1 Ep9
12th Dec 2012
Oliver discovers that after he and his father went missing, Moira and Thea stopped celebrating Christmas. Determined to make up for lost time and restore a sense of normalcy to the Queen household, Oliver decides to throw the family a Christmas party. Meanwhile, Tommy asks Laurel to spend Christmas with him but she points out that Christmas was also her sister Sara's birthday and she needs to be with her father. Tommy suggests changing things up might be the best way for everyone to heal but Laurel isn't sure her father is ready for that. Meanwhile, Diggle tells Oliver someone is murdering the people on his father's list with arrows, which sends Oliver off to face his toughest adversary yet.
S1 Ep10
16th Jan 2013
Oliver’s confidence is shaken after being beaten by the Dark Archer and he takes a break from being Arrow. However, when Laurel calls Arrow for help investigating a firefighter’s suspicious death, he reluctantly agrees but his hesitance while fighting almost costs him his life. Meanwhile, Tommy throws a benefit for the firefighters and Thea tries to lift Moira out of her depressive state.
S1 Ep11
23rd Jan 2013
The next person on Arrow's list is Diggle's commanding officer and mentor from Afghanistan, Ted Gaynor. Oliver suspects Ted is responsible for recent armoured truck robberies, but Diggle defends Ted and takes a job at Ted's security company to keep an eye on him. Oliver decides to make a move on Ted, which puts him at odds with Diggle. Meanwhile, Thea suspects that Moira is having an affair with Malcom. Tommy and Laurel have an awkward dinner with Malcom.
S1 Ep12
30th Jan 2013
Thea is in trouble with the police after she gets caught using a drug called "Vertigo." Oliver thinks the only way to keep her out of jail is to find the dealer, a man who goes by the name of "The Count". Oliver turns to McKenna Hall, an old flame and current Vice cop, for help. Meanwhile, Laurel steps in to defend Thea, and Felicity gives Oliver some disturbing news about Moira.
S1 Ep13
6th Feb 2013
Cyrus Vanch, a nefarious criminal, is recently released from prison and intends to re-secure his position as leader of the underworld. His first step is to take down his biggest opponent in the city - Arrow. Meanwhile, Oliver shows Moira his father's notebook and questions her about the names on the list. Thea is miserable as she starts her internship with Laurel at the legal aid office and Detective Lance makes a deadly mistake that puts Laurel in the crosshairs of Vanch.
S1 Ep14
13th Feb 2013
After Oliver is shot, he turns to a surprising person for help - Felicity. Diggle is stunned when he sees Felicity walk through the front door of the lair dragging a dying Oliver behind her, and the two team up to save Oliver's life. As Oliver hovers between life and death, he flashes back to a seminal event on the island - a daring escape attempt with his new friend Slade Wilson.
S1 Ep15
20th Feb 2013
Felicity tells Oliver he's all work and no play, so he asks Detective McKenna on a date. A jewel thief named Dodger hits Starling City and targets someone very close to Oliver. Meanwhile, while working with Laurel, Thea gets her purse stolen by a very fast pickpocket named Roy Harper. Moira makes a move against Malcom.
S1 Ep16
27th Feb 2013
Oliver and Diggle learn that Deadshot is still alive and his next target is Malcom. Malcom invites Tommy to attend a benefit honoring Malcom for his work with Starling City but Tommy refuses to attend. Oliver encourages his friend to mend his relationship with his father while he can. Meanwhile, Oliver struggles to balance his new relationship with McKenna and his duties as Arrow.
S1 Ep17
20th Mar 2013
With his nightclub set to open and a new romance brewing with McKenna, Oliver is as happy as he's been since returning to Starling City. But when Oliver's ex, The Huntress, suddenly returns to town, she threatens to destroy everything and everyone he cares about. Meanwhile, Laurel and her father struggle with the return of Dinah Lance who claims she has proof Sara is still alive. Thea gets Roy Harper a job at Oliver's club, but he's not too inclined to stop his life of crime. Oliver and Tommy are thrilled they were able to get Steve Aoki to play at the opening of their new nightclub, Verdant.
S1 Ep18
27th Mar 2013
An angry resident of The Glades who calls himself "The Savior" embarks on a kidnapping and killing spree to punish those he believes have wronged the residents of his neighborhood. To make things worse, he broadcasts these murders online and claims he was inspired by Arrow's vigilantism. Oliver is horrified by this statement and vows to stop "The Savior," but his manhunt in intensified after Thea comes to him in tears and tells him Roy has been kidnapped. Laurel is surprised when her father starts to believe her mother's claim that Sara is still alive. Meanwhile, Malcom tells Moira to find the person responsible for his attempted murder.
S1 Ep19
3rd Apr 2013
When a young woman meets a violent death after partying at Verdant, Detective Lance and his new partner, Detective Hilton inform Oliver and Tommy that she was on the drug Vertigo. Oliver immediately pays a visit to the mental institution where The Count is locked up, but finds he is in no condition to deal drugs. However, when The Count escapes and Starling City is flooded with even more Vertigo-related violence, Oliver and Diggle make it their mission to track him down. After Detective Lance uncovers incriminating evidence against him, Tommy goes to great lengths to clear his name, and the fallout from his actions leads Tommy down a new, unexpected path. In a flashback to the island, Oliver recalls the lessons he learned from Slade and Shado.
S1 Ep20
24th Apr 2013
Deadshot returns to Starling City after taking down a U.S. Ambassador and six others overseas. By keeping tabs on A.R.G.U.S.'s manhunt for the assassin, Oliver, Diggle, and Felicity learn that a sting operation is underway to capture Deadshot - alive. Diggle is determined to see his brother's killer dead, with or without Ollie's help. Meanwhile, Laurel takes drastic steps to protect a young witness, exacerbating friction between Tommy and Oliver. Later, Roy Harperunconventionally pursues all leads to find his new hero, but runs afoul of Detective Lance. Back on the island, Oliver recalls how Shado helped him incrementally gain confidence with a bow and hit the target for the first time.
S1 Ep21
1st May 2013
Finding it difficult to mend fences with Tommy and Diggle, Oliver instead focuses on crossing another name off the list. While digging through a crooked accountant's laptop, Felicity discovers a transaction that could help Oliver find Walter. To reconfirm the lead, Oliver gambles that Felicity can be counted on in the field for the first time. In a flashback, Malcolm reveals to Robert Queen and Frank Chen painful details surrounding his wife's murder, and how that shaped his plans for the Glades. Meanwhile, Tommy stuns Laurel with the truth.
S1 Ep22
8th May 2013
With the Undertaking days away, Malcolm dons his black hood to conclude business with seismologist Dr. Brion Markov and his team. Oliver and Moira entertain a number of surprise - and mostly unwelcome - visitors. Hooded confrontations at home and the Meryln Global Group reveal dark secrets. Meanwhile, Roy and Thea are still looking out for a hero. Laurel makes a decision after Tommy's revelation. In a flashback to the island, Oliver, Slade and Shado struggle to prevent Fyers from shooting a Ferris Air jet out of the sky. Paul Blackthorne and David Ramsey also star.
S1 Ep23
15th May 2013
Oliver and Diggle race to stop the Dark Archer from unleashing his vengeance on The Glades. However, they run into a roadblock after Detective Lance picks up Felicity for questioning. Tommy and Oliver's already tumultuous relationship takes a turn for the worse after Oliver makes a confession about Laurel. After hearing of the danger in The Glades, Thea races to find Roy, inadvertently putting herself directly in the line of fire for Malcolm's devious plan. On the island, Oliver, Slade and Shado are locked in a life-or-death struggle against Fyers as his missiles lock on a full Ferris Air jetliner.
The first episode of Arrow aired on October 10, 2012.
The last episode of Arrow aired on January 28, 2020.
There are 170 episodes of Arrow.
There are 8 seasons of Arrow.
Arrow has ended.