The Wonder Years Episode Rating Graph
Jan 1988 - May 1993

Jan 1988 - May 1993
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S6 Ep22
12th May 1993
After Kevin loses all his money and his car in a poker game, he decides he has to leave the resort - there's nothing to keep him there now. The next day he says goodbye to Winnie, punches Eric and storms out. Hitchhiking out of town, he runs into Winnie who has been fired from her job. They begin to argue and lose the ride they had flagged down. Later, sheltering in a barn they talk about how much has changed between them. Winnie thinks it's just inevitable - that everyone grows up. Kevin doesn't want to believe it and neither does Winnie, not really. They kiss, passionately. The next day they both return to Kevin's hometown for the last 4th of July he will ever spend there. Karen has returned home and she is pregnant...
S3 Ep20
24th Apr 1990
When Kevin thinks the best he can do in math is a B, his teacher Mr. Collins sets him the task of getting an A and even offers him private lessons. When Mr. Collins suddenly pulls out of the lessons shortly before the exams, Kevin feels betrayed and fills his exam with nonsensical answers.
S6 Ep1
23rd Sep 1992
While Kevin tries to take his relationship with Winnie another step, Wayne's friend Wart returns from Vietnam a changed man. Kevin decides to steal the opposing team's mascot at the homecoming football game, but the childish prank is overshadowed by a realization of how Wart has been affected by the war.
S5 Ep16
26th Feb 1992
Kevin wants to date Inga and he uses Winnie to help him get a date. Winnie does the same thing to Kevin, getting set up with new guy Matt Stevens. They end up double-dating at the Spring Dance, bringing some tension to the evening. But when Matt and Inga begin to dance together, Winnie and Kevin rediscover their feelings for each other.
S1 Ep1
31st Jan 1988
Kevin and Paul attend Robert F Kennedy Junior High for the first time. Winnie's brother is killed in Vietnam. Kevin and Winnie kiss for the first time.
S5 Ep22
29th Apr 1992
While Karen has agreed to marry Michael, she has not agreed to have a traditional ceremony like her mother wants. She also doesn't know how to tell her family that she and Michael are moving to Alaska, where he has found work.
S4 Ep20
24th Apr 1991
Kevin sees Winnie for the first time since they broke up. He discovers that she a Roger have split up, too. When Winnie is in a car accident, Kevin rides over to see her at home, but her parents say she doesn't want to see him. Kevin leaves, but returns and climbs up to Winnie's bedroom window. They tell each other, "I love you."
S3 Ep7
21st Nov 1989
When the Arnold family car breaks down and Jack can't fix it, Kevin hopes his father will buy something more fancy.
S4 Ep22
8th May 1991
As Kevin graduates from Junior High, he wants to believe nothing will change, but he learns that things can and do change when he discovers Paul is going to a private school in the coming year. Winnie is also anxious about the future. And Kevin has to drive Mrs. Heimer to the hospital when she goes into labor.
S5 Ep1
2nd Oct 1991
The Arnold and Pfeiffer family go on a joint family trip. Kevin meets a wild young girl who smokes! Kevin and Cara have a good time together, so much so that he ditches dinner with his family to see her one last time - expecting to never see her again.
S3 Ep22
8th May 1990
Kevin isn't sure whose side to take when Karen decides to enroll in a liberal college and Jack is dead-set against it.
S5 Ep17
11th Mar 1992
Kevin is on a first-name basis with McKinley's High's basketball hero, Bobby Riddle. When the team makes it to the regional finals, Kevin's dad decides to attend the game and embarrasses Kevin by talking strategy with Paul and Chuck. Later, though, Kevin apologizes to his dad for how he treated him.
S3 Ep11
16th Jan 1990
Kevin wants to take Susan Fisher to the dance, but she has a boyfriend, Donald Wallach. However, he hears rumors that they have broken up, so he's about to ask her until Donald interferes. Linda Sloan, his lab partner, suggests that they go as friends so they do. They have a good time in the beginning, but it turns sour when while Linda is dancing with Steve Padway, Kevin dances with Susan and they have punch. How is it bad? Susan leaves and Linda comes back and asks if they half-filled cup of punch that Susan left is for her, but Kevin says that it's Susan's in a not-so-nice sort of way. That basically breaks Linda's heart and she leaves. Kevin is about to ask Susan to dance again but she's dancing with Donald, so Kevin leaves, not knowing that Winnie came in, probably looking for him.
S5 Ep23
6th May 1992
Summertime used to be fun, but now everyone's gotta work. Kevin has a job at a Chinese Restaurant with Paul, but one day - after finding a Christmas card he received from Cara, decides he will visit her at the lake. Paul has no choice but to tag along because Kevin is driving. Kevin feels like recapturing the wonderful time he had last summer, but things don't go to plan.
S5 Ep20
8th Apr 1992
When Kevin's parents go away for the weekend, he invites his friends around for a poker game. But when the game gets boring, Chuck and Ricky call all their friends and Kevin ends up throwing the mother of all parties at home - ruining the house. Norma and Jack return the next day, earlier than expected.
S3 Ep1
3rd Oct 1989
Kevin enters uncharted waters when he meets an older girl during his summer vacation.
S2 Ep3
14th Dec 1988
Kevin and his brother try to convince their Dad to buy a color television. Kevin tries to find a present for Winnie after she unexpectedly gives him a present.
S4 Ep2
26th Sep 1990
Winnie is nervous about starting a new school, so she gets Kevin to promise to think about her every hour on the hour. Kevin finds this promise harder to keep than he thought when he loses his locker to Tony Barbella, is enrolled in shop class and meets a new girl in French class, Madeline.
S4 Ep21
1st May 1991
Jack wants to help Karen out by fixing up the house she is now living in. But father and daughter go head-to-head when he discovers she is living there with a man.
S4 Ep12
30th Jan 1991
News of Kevin's break-up with Winnie has spread quickly throughout Robert F Kennedy Junior High. Kevin is still in denial though and has Paul organise a party at his place so that Kevin can get Winnie alone. In an effort to make Winnie jealous, Kevin turns up with Madeline on his arm. When Kevin finally does get Winnie alone, she tells him she needs him to be her friend, but only her friend.
S5 Ep24
13th May 1992
Kevin is torn between whether to try getting back with Winnie or just enjoying his time at the diner with friends. Includes flashbacks of Winnie in the pilot, "Steady as She Goes," "Nemesis," "How I'm Spending My Summer Vacation," among many others. There is also a flashback to Becky Slater in "Just Between You and Me and Kirk and Paul and Carla and Becky," to Lisa Berlini in "Dance with Me" and to Madeline in "It's a Mad, Mad, Madeline World."
S2 Ep17
16th May 1989
It's the end of seventh grade for Kevin and a summer full of changes in his life. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are breaking up and Miss White announces she is going to get married.
S1 Ep3
29th Mar 1988
Kevin learns more about his dad by spending a day at his office.
S3 Ep21
1st May 1990
When Paul is voted "brainiest" in Lisa Berlini's latest poll, he goes through a crisis but is helped through it by Mrs. Arnold - who he also develops a crush on.
S3 Ep12
23rd Jan 1990
Trouble begins in the Arnold household when Grandpa Arnold arrives and gives Kevin a dog - a responsibility Jack doesn't think Kevin can handle.
S1 Ep6
19th Apr 1988
While passing notes during class, Kevin asks Lisa Berlini to go to the dance with him. She says okay, but she decides to go with Brad Gaines after he asks her. While eating lunch with Winnie and Paul, Kevin feels himself falling back in love with Winnie, but she is goes to the dance with Kirk McCray. Kevin tries to make Winnie jealous by dancing with an unidentified girl...
S6 Ep6
28th Oct 1992
Some people never find true love, but Kevin believes he did. He had what most people search all their lives for, but he blew it. When Winnie comes over for a study session while his parents were away, Kevin wants to relationship to go further. Winnie sees through his plan. She does stay, but they just fall asleep together. The next day, though, he tells his friends a different story. When Winnie finds out, she dumps him.
S5 Ep15
12th Feb 1992
Kevin has been dating Julie Aidem for two weeks when she invites him for dinner with her family and asks him to tell her parents they are going steady. When he sees Mr. Aidem is dominated by Mrs. Aidem, Kevin decides he doesn't want to end up like that and breaks up with Julie.
S3 Ep9
12th Dec 1989
Kevin decides cheating is the only way to get ahead in math class.
S5 Ep3
16th Oct 1991
Fed up with the low pay at his first regular job, Kevin decides to try for a job at the mall where he can meet girls. He demands a pay rise, not expecting to get it. When he does, he quits anyway.
S2 Ep11
14th Mar 1989
Kevin learns a lesson about talking behind someones back and how 'hell hath no fury like a woman scorned'.
S3 Ep17
13th Mar 1990
Pressure is brought to bear on Kevin and Winnie's relationship when they are invited to a notorious make-out party.
S5 Ep21
22nd Apr 1992
When Karen returns home one night, Kevin and Wayne's living arrangements are thrown into chaos. She's had a fight with Michael and they're not talking. Jack discovers that Michael had asked Karen to marry him, but she didn't want to do anything so traditional. Michael camps out on the Arnold family front lawn in the hopes of getting Karen back. Ten days later, Karen proposes to Michael herself.
S4 Ep4
10th Oct 1990
When Kevin learns that Paul gets a weekly allowance of five dollars and that there is money to be made being a caddy, he goes to work for the first time.
S6 Ep2
30th Sep 1992
It looks like the father-son fishing trips might come to an end when the lastest outing is plagued with problems.
S4 Ep19
10th Apr 1991
Kevin finds himself in the in-crowd when he is invited to write witty captions for the photos in the yearbook. But when it comes to writing one for the fat kid in school, Peter Armbruster, Kevin has a hard time figuring out what is funny and what will hurt Peter.
S5 Ep7
20th Nov 1991
Kevin joins the school's soccer team in an attempt to become involved in school sports, but becomes very frustrated with the team's lackluster performance and an extremely apathetic coach.
S6 Ep18
24th Mar 1993
Over a game of poker we learn some truths about Kevin's friends, including that Chuck thinks he's gotten Alice pregnant, that Randy is worried about failing trigonometry and that Paul and Kevin are drifting apart.
S6 Ep17
3rd Mar 1993
On the way to the Planetarium, Kevin and Winnie and Alice and Chuck play "Truth or Dare." When Winnie asks Kevin what he'd change about her, he thinks and then says sometimes she is just too perfect. She doesn't appreciate this and tries to prove that she make trouble as well as anyone else.
S4 Ep13
6th Feb 1991
Kevin learns the importance of family when Grandpa Arnold returns to town for Aunt Rose's funeral.
S5 Ep10
18th Dec 1991
The Pfeiffer and Arnold families have always been friends, but that friendship is threatened when the Pfeiffers come into a lot of money due to a real estate investment that Jack Arnold passed on. When the Arnolds are invited to the Pfeiffers' country club, Jack cannot handle it. Norma saves the day with a toast to the families' continuing friendship
S2 Ep14
18th Apr 1989
Kevin becomes his sister's confidant when he discovers she is skipping school to go to ""the hill.""
S4 Ep14
13th Feb 1991
Kevin has a small crush on Dr. Tucker's dental hygienist, Miss Hasenfuss. She makes him feel like a man, though that all changes when she calls him in for his first cavity filling.
S3 Ep16
27th Feb 1990
A new student teacher tries to make something of the 8th-grade boys' Glee Club, but without much success.
S4 Ep15
27th Feb 1991
Kevin's dog Buster needs to get fixed to stop his incessant barking, but the dog wants to avoid that at all costs.
S4 Ep6
7th Nov 1990
Paul's sister Debbie needs someone to take her to a cotillion and Kevin is guilted into the task. Meanwhile, Paul, Doug and Randy go to the football game to watch cheerleader Donna Delgado.
S6 Ep12
13th Jan 1993
When Kevin is offered a great deal on a used car from Alice's dad, Pistol Pete, Kevin has to decide whether to betray his friend, Chuck, who has broken up with Alice again.
S6 Ep11
6th Jan 1993
Wayne seems to be a changed man, considering his relationship with Bonnie and her baby. Kevin longs for a romantic vacation with Winnie, but must face reality on New Years Eve when Bonnie leaves Wayne for her ex-husband.
S6 Ep19
31st Mar 1993
Kevin and his dad don't know what to do about the women in their lives. First, Winnie has out-scored Kevin in the SATs and is thinking of applying to Harvard and Princeton. Second, Norma has gotten a job as a financial supervisor, leaving Jack to think she'll neglect her household duties. When the two Arnold men realize that the women in their lives are upset at their attitudes, Kevin takes Winnie to the bowling alley to apologise, only to find his dad has done the same thing for Norma.
S6 Ep5
21st Oct 1992
Kevin gets jealous of a charismatic political campaigner who has encouraged Winnie to help him out.
S5 Ep5
30th Oct 1991
When Ricky Halsenbach turns 16, Kev and friends decide to go cruising for chicks. Kevin gets into trouble with Cindy after she catches him in a lie. Purdle moons Kevin's parents from Ricky's car.
S1 Ep5
12th Apr 1988
Kevin tries to get up the courage to call Lisa Berlini. Paul tries to find out if Lisa likes Kevin, by consulting the Junior High grapevine.
S4 Ep10
9th Jan 1991
Kevin enters the race for student-council president, head-to-head with nemesis Becky Slater.
S5 Ep4
23rd Oct 1991
Denise and Frank seem to be made for each other, until Denise turns her eye to Kevin because he understands poetry. Although she breaks up with Frank and kisses Kevin, Kev thinks it would be better if she went back to Frank because they are a perfect match.
S2 Ep7
8th Feb 1989
Kevin strives to prove himself better at the piano than Ronald Hirschmuller. But who is he trying to impress more - himself or his teacher?
S3 Ep13
6th Feb 1990
When Carla breaks up with Paul, Kevin sets him up with Winnie to make Carla jealous. But when Paul starts having feelings for Winnie, the friendship is put to the test. To Be Continued...
S5 Ep2
9th Oct 1991
Kevin's first day of high school is not all it's cracked up to be. He tries to set himself up as the class clown, but it backfires. He is hassled by a nerd and his new teacher, Mr. Botner. Even Winnie can't make him feel better.
S6 Ep3
7th Oct 1992
When the Arnolds attend the wedding of Jack's boss' daughter, one of the bridesmaids turns her attention to Kevin. He tries to get a bottle of champagne for them to consume together, but ends up drinking it while he waits for her. When she does arrive, Kevin vomits on her. Later, Wayne tells Kevin that he's had sex with the bride.
S3 Ep8
28th Nov 1989
Kevin is looking forward to the visit of an old family friend, Gina, until he discovers his first pimple.
S3 Ep18
27th Mar 1990
It's tax time and Jack is in a bad mood. Meanwhile, Norma worries about the Apollo 13 astronauts and Kevin worries about his class assignment - to write his own obituary.
S2 Ep16
9th May 1989
Kevin, Winnie and Paul try to stop the destruction of Harper's Woods. This is the place where Winnie and Kevin kissed for the first time and a place they all played together when they were younger.
S4 Ep3
3rd Oct 1990
News of a 10th-grade girls' slumber party has Kevin and his friends traveling across the city, believing they'll be invited in if they bring beer.
S6 Ep13
27th Jan 1993
Kevin wants a story that he and Winnie can tell their kids. So, when he is grounded after receiving a speeding ticket, he sneaks out of the house anyway. Kevin, Winnie and friends are off to see The Rolling Stones, who are rumored to be playing at Joe's place, which is out of town. But when they arrive, Joe says he doesn't know who the Rolling Stones are.
S3 Ep15
20th Feb 1990
When Kevin and his dad build a treehouse in the backyard, they discover they get a good view of an attractive neighbor planting her tomatoes. Meanwhile, Doug is in shock after having heard "the talk" from his dad.
S2 Ep4
11th Jan 1989
Kevin continues to pine for Winnie, but is becoming frustrated with being alone - especially as Paul has Carla. Even though he's just looking for someone to make Winnie jealous, he ends up boyfriend to Becky Slater.
S5 Ep18
18th Mar 1992
It's lunchtime at McKinley High and the cafeteria is full of life. Chuck spies a potential date. Ricky worries about an assignment he is yet to finish. Wayne tries to win $20 by finding out Maniac's first name. And Kevin is convinced by Winnie to donate blood.
S6 Ep9
2nd Dec 1992
While Kevin and Winnie are concerned about their futures, Jack gets a disappointing evaluation from his employers at NORCOM. Kevin doesn't want to end up in a job like his dad has and Jack is getting pretty tired of it, too.
S4 Ep16
6th Mar 1991
Kevin and his father endure a disastrous trip together to buy a suit for Kevin. They get lost and argue over the radio station and Kevin embarrasses Jack at a diner they stop at.
S5 Ep19
25th Mar 1992
Kevin, Ricky and Chuck plan on sneaking into an R-rated movie, while Paul decides he'd rather stay home and talk marine biology with a family friend's daughter. Kevin, Ricky and Chuck get thrown out of the movie theatre where "Carnal Knowledge" is playing, while Paul is at home losing his virginity. Paul confides in Kevin, but his secret gets out the next day.
S4 Ep9
12th Dec 1990
Kevin discovers a soft-spot inside Cutlip when he sees him playing Santa Clause at a local mall.
S1 Ep1
31st Jan 1988
Kevin and Paul attend Robert F Kennedy Junior High for the first time. Winnie's brother is killed in Vietnam. Kevin and Winnie kiss for the first time.
S1 Ep2
22nd Mar 1988
Even at Brian's funeral, all Kevin can think about is Winnie. Sex Education begins at school, but the boys want to learn more - so they steal a book.
S1 Ep3
29th Mar 1988
Kevin learns more about his dad by spending a day at his office.
S1 Ep4
5th Apr 1988
Karen doesn't communicate with her parents anymore. It's made worse when she brings home a new boyfriend. Kevin takes an immediate dislike to Louis.
S1 Ep5
12th Apr 1988
Kevin tries to get up the courage to call Lisa Berlini. Paul tries to find out if Lisa likes Kevin, by consulting the Junior High grapevine.
S1 Ep6
19th Apr 1988
While passing notes during class, Kevin asks Lisa Berlini to go to the dance with him. She says okay, but she decides to go with Brad Gaines after he asks her. While eating lunch with Winnie and Paul, Kevin feels himself falling back in love with Winnie, but she is goes to the dance with Kirk McCray. Kevin tries to make Winnie jealous by dancing with an unidentified girl...
The first episode of The Wonder Years aired on January 31, 1988.
The last episode of The Wonder Years aired on May 12, 1993.
There are 115 episodes of The Wonder Years.
There are 6 seasons of The Wonder Years.
The Wonder Years has ended.