Storage Wars: Texas Episode Rating Graph
Dec 2011 - Jan 2014

Dec 2011 - Jan 2014
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S2 Ep18
12th Sep 2012
Arlington, Texas hosts the auction action. Ricky and Bubba take their finds off to the races. Jenny gets a chance to trade makeover for makeover. Vic eyes a unit that Bubba guesses was used for nefarious purposes. The Doc and The Junkster show up with Moe at less than full strength--and things take a turn for the worse. As the buyers discover, even having all of your faculties is no guarantee to for success, and hard work sometimes isn't enough.
S2 Ep26
29th Jan 2013
The auction action takes place in the tiny town of Pantego, Texas. Victor gets back in the game when he discovers a box of antique periodicals. Moe and Mary find a useful item in a beauty salon unit. Jenny competes with Ricky and Bubba, who are locked out of possible riches. While some buyers settle for a bronze, others strike gold, and prove that the best things come from a small town's packages.
S2 Ep27
5th Feb 2013
The buyers return to the town of Carrollton, Texas. Victor pursues a custom motorcycle and finds more machinery than he anticipated. Ricky and Bubba go face to face with one of Ricky's biggest fears. Mary and Moe pursue a "showpiece" while Jenny patiently waits for what develops. With a five-figure haul at stake, what most buyers consider trash is truly one buyer's treasure.
S2 Ep24
15th Jan 2013
The buyers return to Mesquite, Texas, where Ricky and Bubba have experienced a famous losing streak. Jenny fights through a work-related injury. Vic sweats the small stuff. Moe and Mary uncover items that have them jumping and dancing. With half the buyers fighting through real or imagined disadvantages, Mesquite could be a winner for anyone with two hands -- provided they re not all thumbs.
S2 Ep28
5th Feb 2013
The auction action gets tense in Arlington, Texas. Jenny must once again face down her nemeses Ricky and Bubba to acquire her dream locker. Moe and Mary discover rhythm and melody. Victor "The Outsider" goes undercover and unearths a relic from the 1970's that could be a thing of beauty. While one buyer discovers their dark side on the way to a victory, the losers are reminded that there are no friends at a storage auction.
S2 Ep33
26th Feb 2013
The auction takes place in the small East Texas town of Hallsville -- and it seems like nearly everyone shows up to compete with our buyers. Vic meets a local beauty queen, while Ricky and Bubba fight the crowds for a locker that may play a winning tune.
S2 Ep25
29th Jan 2013
The auction returns to the historic town of Waxahachie, where Victor needs to halt a losing streak. Moe and Mary, trying to help Mary s struggling brick and mortar, hope to score big with an antique instrument. Jenny returns to a time-tested strategy to get ahead. Rangers Bubba and Ricky reel in a surprise. While one buyer attempts to kill the others with kindness, it s the ones who play tough who make a killing.
S2 Ep32
19th Feb 2013
The buyers converge in the town of DeSoto, where a stranger on a motorcycle raises both prices and eyebrows. With only four lockers up for grabs, Ricky and Bubba aim for a sweep. Moe and Mary find that something is cooking with their car engine. Jenny plans for big furniture and ends up in the doghouse. With so few chances for a profitable find, every locker is a white-knuckle battle, and stealthy new buyer sneaks in to make a few enemies.
S3 Ep23
17th Dec 2013
The buyers visit the city of Mesquite on one of the hottest days of the year; Vic's protege takes a hit; Mary's discovery leads her to a llama farm.
S2 Ep5
20th Mar 2012
Carrollton, Texas hosts the auction. Moe and Mary debate their team name. Victor Rjesnjansky tries to blend in with some camouflage hunting gear. Jenny Grumbles wages war with Mary Padian for a unit with some glass blowing items. And Ricky and Bubba visit in old friend for a lesson in drugs. With the buyers acting crazy, who will be able to turn their storage stash into cold, hard cash?
S2 Ep19
1st Jan 2013
The buyers return to Mineral Wells, where severe weather complicates a day of auctions--and puts a scare into Vic. Ricky and Bubba find items for a hardcore football fan. Jenny s locker delivers a bundle of joy. Moe and Mary take an unforgettable trip to a cattle farm. Whether running for cover or cowering from cows, this week a few of the buyers get more than they can handle.
S2 Ep34
26th Feb 2013
The buyers return to the classic Texas town of Fort Worth, where Victor seeks an ally in his bidding battle against Ricky and Bubba, who have their eyes on a coveted plasma cutter. Jenny finds an antique worthy of scientific examination. Moe and Mary try to stock up for their Hoopty Sale -- even if that means breaking and entering. In a week where teamwork falls short, the buyers learn that two heads in the auction game can sometimes mean zero dollars.
S1 Ep3
20th Dec 2011
From stadiums to amusement parks, Arlington has the Texas buyers on the lookout for memorabilia and collectables. Ricky and Bubba play up their country roots in an attempt to juke the competition. Lesa Lewis treads on a snakeskin ensemble. And Victor Rjesnjansky goes after a scooter with a three thousand dollar potential. Though the buyers search for storage gold--in this arena, it's a silver item that takes first place.
S2 Ep31
19th Feb 2013
The auction takes place in Lancaster, Texas -- a spot on Bonnie and Clyde's 1934 robbery spree -- and the buyers also hope to make out like bandits. Rick and Bubba seek to stock up for a huge furniture sale. Moe, back from a Hawaii vacation, buys a risky locker, running afoul of Mary. Jenny Grumbles, joined by her mother, finds something in a furniture locker that leaves her hanging, while Victor seems more interested in Jenny's mother than the auction. With one team aiming for a five figure profit, and another just happy to get out in one piece, it's boom or bust once more in this Old West town.
S3 Ep19
3rd Dec 2013
The auction action returns to Fort Worth, and the home of Hell's Half Acre once again inspires hot blood and sharp tongues. Bubba, going solo, reckons with both East Texas Kenny and Cowboy Matt to win prize finds, though Mary could be the one reeling in the big catch. As Bubba goes James Bond with a hidden camera, and Matt ends up bloodied, the buyers discover that the most belligerent fighter often ends up the biggest loser.
S2 Ep16
29th Aug 2012
The buyers venture to the Dallas suburb of Addison. The Rangers make an antique find that Ricky believes has its origin on the high seas. Jenny uncovers a piece of Hollywood. Mary, going solo, inventively attempts to channel The Doc as she makes a fateful purchase. The action doesn't stop when the bidding ends, and after two buyers haggle over an item, the buyers find that one person's trash is another person's death trap.
S2 Ep21
8th Jan 2013
The buyers travel to the upscale area of Las Colinas; Moe has a good kind of bomb scare; Jenny explores the world of high-priced sports cars.
S2 Ep9
3rd Apr 2012
The buyers ride out to the cowboy town of Mesquite. Mary Padian tries to impress Dr. Moe with buying a unit for $1,050 containing a sleak, refurbished pool table. Jenny Grumbles uncovers a hot and steely garden item in her unit. Ricky and Bubba duke it out for a unit with some antique equestrian gear, while Victor Rjesnjansky attempts to snatch up his piece of the pie. But when Jenny suffers a blow to the head, her dreams of storage glory go up in smoke.
S2 Ep22
8th Jan 2013
Moe and Mary meet a qualified wood expert in the Texas town of Waxahachie; Ricky and Bubba find a strange weapon; a buyer listens to the locals to get an edge up on the competition.
S2 Ep17
5th Sep 2012
The auctions take place in Oak Cliff, Texas. Jenny battles Mary for a locker containing antique electronics. Vic finds that it s all about the Washingtons. Ricky and Bubba discover a Vaudeville curio with a hidden surprise. Moe and Mary pursue a locker containing what could be Mary s new truck. While one team s dream gets crushed, another learns that a belief in magic can allow them to take flight.
S2 Ep6
20th Mar 2012
The buyers venture to Cedar Hill, Texas--home of the rich and fabulous Dr. Moe Prigoff. Jenny Grumbles tries to toast Victor for a locker filled with chotskies. Bubba journeys alone to the heart of storage darkness. Mary tries to keep Moe from losing his mind and buying a locker filled with BBQ sauce. And Victor brings his truck to sweep the competition. From civil war prosthetics to voodoo statues--one buyer will curse his locker and one locker will curse its buyer.
S2 Ep8
27th Mar 2012
In the small town of Ponder, a dark secret looms; the townspeople pounce on lockers like hordes of zombies. Ricky and Bubba spend $2,900 on two units – one with some intimate objects for cattle and the other containing much hunting gear. Jenny Grumbles scrambles for antique furniture. Victor buys an $800 unit and hears the voice of doom when appraising motorcycle gear, while Moe and Mary uncover an object that may have been built by Benjamin Franklin with their $600 unit. As the buyers quickly learn in the town of Ponder, the rabid citizens are quite fond of brains.
S3 Ep24
17th Dec 2013
The buyers brawl in the city of Henderson; Vic and Sonny receive a shot in the arm; Jenny arrives on four wheels.
S3 Ep14
5th Nov 2013
The auction returns to the small Texas town of Ponder, where Rangers Ricky and Bubba look to extend a lucky streak. Jenny discovers her inner ballerina while Mary takes a cue from her ex-partner and works the crowd. Cowboy Matt Blevins returns, provokes Ricky and Bubba, and ends up seeing stars. In a little town like Ponder, there can sometimes be less to go around, but the buyers are reminded once again what can often be found in small packages.
S3 Ep4
3rd Sep 2013
The bidders return to Dallas, the big city of fat wallets and fast action. Jenny is on the lookout for industrial material for a custom job. Mary flouts the law while going for a dream locker. Ricky and Bubba find money in the wind while newcomer David Kay inspires venom at an appraisal.
S3 Ep9
22nd Oct 2013
The auction takes place in the old Chisholm Trail city of Fort Worth. Englishman David Kay returns and gets chippy with the competition. Victor finds spy equipment, while Ricky and Bubba go for something large and dangerous, and Mary and her brother Blom try not to get burned. With some unusual items up for bidding, the buyers are forced to go to unusual lengths, and an old-fashioned Texas standoff could be on the dance card.
S3 Ep15
12th Nov 2013
The small town of Pantego hosts the auction, and a battle of the sexes, when Cowboy Matt Blevins goes over the top and gets under the skin of the female buyers. He battles Mary for a gearhead reclamation project, but Jenny blows the whistle. Bubba deals with a gut-wrenching decision as he and Ricky end up in a flurry of action. While a small pond like Pantego is no place to make enemies, some risky buyers find it's just the spot for a huge catch.
S3 Ep10
22nd Oct 2013
The auction action goes down in Dallas, where Lesa and Jerry return to play havoc with Mary and Jenny, and Ricky and Bubba seek revenge against Cowboy Matt Blevins. One find leads to a horse trainer, another to an art gallery, while one team's difference of opinion over the fate of a musical instrument ends up with everything in a shambles. In the big city, where big money means enormous risk, some folks will break the bank, and others will break up for good.
S3 Ep16
12th Nov 2013
The auction action takes place in Dallas, where the big crowds get a jolt from the big wallet of Kenny Stowe from east Texas. Jenny fires her shot in the battle between the sexes while Mary aims to please and ends up with a real clown. Bubba, meanwhile, takes on Kenny blow-for-blow in an auction battle for the ages. Who will walk away the champ and who will end up on the ropes?
S1 Ep12
20th Mar 2012
The buyers head to a high-end facility in Lake Highlands, Texas. Lesa Lewis battles for a locker with a dark item, Victor Rjesnjansky hunts for the key to a padlocked treasure chest, and one buyer stumbles across a real piece of American History. With conspiracies and collaborations afoot, the question on everyone's mind--who bought JFK?
S3 Ep8
1st Oct 2013
The auction action goes down in the east Texas town of Longview. Lesa and Jerry play their home-field advantage and lock horns with the new team of Jenny and Mary. "Man in Black" Rudy Castro takes aim at an unusual weapon. Ricky and Bubba, seeking to expand their warehouse, reckon with more than they can handle. Out in Longview, there may be something for everyone--if their competition lets them get it.
S3 Ep13
5th Nov 2013
The East Texas town of Tyler hosts the auction--Kenny Stowe's territory. Ricky and Bubba throw down the gauntlet and run the gantlet against Kenny and the other East Texas locals. Mary is forced to be crafty while Jenny finds a Holy Grail of the music world. With bidding and tempers running high, Tyler becomes a turf war for its buried treasure--with one buyer losing money before the auction even begins.
S3 Ep5
10th Sep 2013
The auction action takes place in Garland, Texas, where Ricky and Bubba challenge "The King of East Texas Flea Markets." Jenny and Mary, searching for armchairs and armoires, discover an armory. Vic returns to the flock with a new protege but his fleet find sends him in circles. With the new buyer throwing bidders off their game, everyone ends up far outside their comfort zone, but Garland does bring glory to a few
S2 Ep10
3rd Apr 2012
Walt Cade and his buyers hit the road to Austin, the capital of the state and home to a multitude of proudly eclectic weirdos. Moe and Mary battle for an antique unit with an 8 grand payout. Jenny gets a lesson in rock and roll. Victor finds an energizing item. And Rangers Ricky and Bubba use their home turf advantage to kick out the tourist competition. In a city whose motto is "Keep Austin Weird" one team will truly learn the definition of an oddity.
S1 Ep13
27th Mar 2012
Lewisville, Texas is known for its glittering lakes and well-to-do residence--meaning it's the perfect place for the buyers to strike it rich. Victor and Lesa duke it out for a locker with a player piano. Roy Williams finds an alarming item, while Ricky and Bubba learn a thing or two about tea parties. The treasure is everywhere, but who will take home the winning item is anybody's guess.
S3 Ep3
3rd Sep 2013
In the city of DeSoto, Texas, the big-money buyers are on the lookout for antiques. Ricky and Bubba are menaced by a new face from across the pond. Mary gets a lift from Jenny en route to a potential wind-aided victory. Newcomer David finds out how the sausage gets made. With most of the buyers out of their comfort zones, DeSoto promises them each a crash course in self-sufficiency.
S3 Ep6
The buyers return to Fort Worth, where a local auctioneer joins as a bidder and stirs things up with Ricky and Bubba. Jenny and Mary disagree on the value of their finds, and one makes a surprising profit. Victor and his protege Sonny end up with another heavy workload, but the new guy might end up the biggest loser.
S2 Ep2
6th Mar 2012
The buyers travel to the transportation hub of Irving, TX. Dr. Moe's prot g e, Mary Padian, returns -- giving refurbisher, Jenny Grumbles, a run for her money. Ricky Smith learns a valuable lesson in human anatomy. Victor Rjesnjansky buys a secret agent's locker. And Bubba Smith is forced to find a buyer for some explicit art. Dr. Moe once said, "Mary's imagination really blows my socks off!" As the buyers are about to discover -- her mind is far stranger than expected.
S1 Ep5
27th Dec 2011
When a recently deceased tycoon's unit goes up for sale, the buyers ready themselves for all-out war. Bubba and Ricky find some antique kitchen gear. Moe Prigoff unearths some "mad" finds. While Victor Rjesnjansky and Lesa Lewis fight tooth-and-nail to become the new tycoons of storage. From an eight grand payout to a fistful of burgers, the buyers will have to come, guns ablazin' if they want to win this auction.
S3 Ep17
19th Nov 2013
The buyers return to the fierce battleground of Fort Worth, where big egos from all over the state vie for some of the best hidden treasures in Texas. Ricky and Bubba sneak off with a collection of potentially valuable rockets as Cowboy Matt and East Texas Kenny duke it out for furniture. Jenny hopes to bob and weave her way to a profit while an antique map may still leave Matt holding a panhandle. In contentious Fort Worth, ego blinds many a buyer, and fights here often have no winner.
S3 Ep12
29th Oct 2013
Fort Worth--a perilous place in the 1800s--is host to one more showdown when Cowboy Matt moseys in and pushes his weight around. Mary discovers something that could help her take flight, while Ricky and Bubba attempt to fly under the radar. Jenny uncovers something obscure that leads to a photo opportunity, and Matt puts his hand somewhere dangerous. Panther City has a history of settling its own scores, and when the heat gets turned up at the storage auction, someone inevitably gets burned.
S1 Ep9
13th Mar 2012
In the city of Irving, the buyers are on the hunt for old heirlooms. Victor employs some underhanded tactics to rattle the competition. Lesa and Jerry find some valuable roping gear. Ricky and Bubba try to get the inside scoop from their connections. And one team scores a locker with a potential 50 grand hit. The big question at this auction: who will find the diamond (or diamonds) in the rough?
S2 Ep23
15th Jan 2013
The auction action heads to the historical town of DeSoto, Texas. Victor Rjsenjansky tries to ruin his competition by sweeping the sale. Ricky and Bubba fight for a locker with an antique mannequin. Jenny Grumbles steals a potential half million dollars from Vic. And a mysterious Man in Black shows up to bag a locker with Willie Nelson memorabilia. From collectables to car parts, these buyers will have to turn to the dark side for a score.
S3 Ep7
17th Sep 2013
The auction returns to the town of Mesquite, and so does Ricky and Bubba's nemesis Kenny Stowe. The Rangers go chasing after vengeance, and their aim is true on a find that brings out a hidden talent. Jenny and Mary discover a Cold War relic while struggling Victor looks for bargains. More than one strategy could win big, but with Kenny around, Mesquite has the makings of a shootout.
S3 Ep11
29th Oct 2013
The buyers return to the Dallas suburb of Carrollton, where they find shocking surprises are in store. Ricky and Bubba will never be the same after a discovery directs them to a den of deviance. Kenny returns confident, but discovers it's not like riding a bike. Mary taps into a side of her personality that we've never seen and has a roaring crowd on their feet. As our buyers know, the suburbs often hold dark secrets, and while some leave triumphant, others are happy just to leave quickly.
S1 Ep16
3rd Apr 2012
The buyers have a big decision to make: go to an auction with safe "bread and butter" lockers or risk it all at an auction in a developing neighborhood. The claws come out, when Lesa battles with a hot young buyer. Ricky and Bubba find a collection of antique gunslingers toys. Victor Rjesnjansky tries to wash over the competition, while Roy Williams calculates a new strategy. With one big decision to make, who will go for broke and who will go home broke?
S1 Ep1
6th Dec 2011
The Storage Wars spread to the lone star state. Buyers Ricky and Bubba Smith look past the grime to find a vintage air compressor. Antique Aficionado Dr. Moe Prigoff sniffs out some stunning lithographs. Slick New Yorker Victor Rjesnjansky stumbles across a unit with a disturbing past. And new storeowner Lesa Lewis bids to keep her doors open and her assistant Jerry's mouth closed. The buyers have to be at the top of their game. Like oil, these lockers look crude, but to the trained eye, they're as good as gold.
S1 Ep2
13th Dec 2011
The auction action heads to Irving, TX -- a town located directly between Dallas and Ft. Worth. Lesa Lewis and Moe Prigoff go toe-to-toe for a unit with a mystical item. Victor Rjesnjansky flips a small locker for twenty-five times his initial investment. And Ricky and Bubba hit pay dirt with a locker containing sci-fi memorabilia. How much profit can one man make? From crystal balls to jedi masters -- the buyers will have to trust in the force to be named the Irving winner.
S1 Ep3
20th Dec 2011
From stadiums to amusement parks, Arlington has the Texas buyers on the lookout for memorabilia and collectables. Ricky and Bubba play up their country roots in an attempt to juke the competition. Lesa Lewis treads on a snakeskin ensemble. And Victor Rjesnjansky goes after a scooter with a three thousand dollar potential. Though the buyers search for storage gold--in this arena, it's a silver item that takes first place.
S1 Ep4
27th Dec 2011
As the bidders arrive at Walt's Longview auction, they notice one major problem. There's a 100-buyer swarm--all of whom are geared up to spend. Ricky and Lesa duke it out for a power tool bonanza. Victor Rjesnjansky strikes it big with a midcentury unit, while Moe Prigoff uses an old friend to transform his locker of junk into a unit of "fabulous" furnishings. With droves of bidders on the prowl--one buyer will have his clocked cleaned, while another cleans up with some antique clocks!
S1 Ep5
27th Dec 2011
When a recently deceased tycoon's unit goes up for sale, the buyers ready themselves for all-out war. Bubba and Ricky find some antique kitchen gear. Moe Prigoff unearths some "mad" finds. While Victor Rjesnjansky and Lesa Lewis fight tooth-and-nail to become the new tycoons of storage. From an eight grand payout to a fistful of burgers, the buyers will have to come, guns ablazin' if they want to win this auction.
S1 Ep6
10th Jan 2012
The storage warriors journey back to Ft. Worth, Texas to a facility known for its deceptively bad looking lockers. Lesa Lewis tries to find value in an old cookie jar. Victor Rjesnjansky becomes a New York Yankee in King Arthur's court. And Moe Prigoff hopes for a high score after missing Walt's auction. Looks can be deceiving, as the worst-looking locker delivers the biggest payout.
S1 Ep7
6th Mar 2012
When the buyers head to the conservative town of Burelson, Texas, they find items that are anything but ordinary! Moe Prigoff is on the hunt for oddities. Lesa and Victor battle for a store display worth $8000. While Ricky and Bubba find what they believe is an electric hemorrhoid donut. Faster than lightning, more powerful than a steaming locomotive--when the buyers head to this Texas Bible belt, the competition gets weird.
S1 Ep8
6th Mar 2012
A tornado is coming! When the buyers head to East Texas, the race is on to grab a locker before the storm hits. Ricky and Bubba go after a table with an ancient purpose. Victor tries to talk Moe out of a disastrous investment. While Jerry and Lesa stumble across some radioactive materials. In the wake of the storm, two buyers will have to band together to turn a profit. Who will nab a locker and who will be running for shelter?
S1 Ep9
13th Mar 2012
In the city of Irving, the buyers are on the hunt for old heirlooms. Victor employs some underhanded tactics to rattle the competition. Lesa and Jerry find some valuable roping gear. Ricky and Bubba try to get the inside scoop from their connections. And one team scores a locker with a potential 50 grand hit. The big question at this auction: who will find the diamond (or diamonds) in the rough?
S1 Ep10
13th Mar 2012
The buyers venture to a Ft. Worth facility with the potential for low costs and huge finds. Ricky and Bubba find football autographs, which may or may not prove authentic. Lesa Lewis buys a unit to prove she's no bottom feeder. And Victor Rjesnjansky goes head to head with hell on wheels. When a locker filled with high-end furniture goes up for sale, the race is on for a potential 100 thousand dollar score.
S1 Ep11
20th Mar 2012
The buyers head to Ft. Worth, Texas in search of western collectables and old heirlooms. Ricky and Bubba bring a legendary cowboy for some celebrity help. Victor Rjesnjansky tries to make peace with the locals. And Lesa Lewis finds the ultimate weapon to squash her New York adversary. Though a civil war relic is found, the real question remains: how much is it Ft. Worth?
S1 Ep12
20th Mar 2012
The buyers head to a high-end facility in Lake Highlands, Texas. Lesa Lewis battles for a locker with a dark item, Victor Rjesnjansky hunts for the key to a padlocked treasure chest, and one buyer stumbles across a real piece of American History. With conspiracies and collaborations afoot, the question on everyone's mind--who bought JFK?
S1 Ep13
27th Mar 2012
Lewisville, Texas is known for its glittering lakes and well-to-do residence--meaning it's the perfect place for the buyers to strike it rich. Victor and Lesa duke it out for a locker with a player piano. Roy Williams finds an alarming item, while Ricky and Bubba learn a thing or two about tea parties. The treasure is everywhere, but who will take home the winning item is anybody's guess.
S1 Ep14
27th Mar 2012
The Storage Stampede hits the Dallas metroplex with back-to-back auctions. If the buyers can't keep up with the crowd, they risk missing a locker of a lifetime. Ricky and Bubba enlist a fisherman's strategy. Victor Rjesnjansky gambles on some video poker machines. Jerry forces Lesa to buy a contractors unit, while Moe Prigoff gets caught up in some monkey business. Through a bevy of auctions, the buyers will have to show grit, stamina, and the ability to read a map, if they hope to win.
S1 Ep15
3rd Apr 2012
In the refined country town of Tyler, Texas--the hunt begins for rare art and designer furniture. A tantrum from Lesa Lewis forces Jerry to carry the weight of the team. Bubba Smith's claustrophobia jeopardizes the Rangers' chance of scoring. And Roy Williams unearths a six flag brochure from the 1970s. With Victor Rjesnjansky at a home court advantage, the rest of the storage warriors will have to put their personal strife aside to keep the Outsider from sweeping.
S1 Ep16
3rd Apr 2012
The buyers have a big decision to make: go to an auction with safe "bread and butter" lockers or risk it all at an auction in a developing neighborhood. The claws come out, when Lesa battles with a hot young buyer. Ricky and Bubba find a collection of antique gunslingers toys. Victor Rjesnjansky tries to wash over the competition, while Roy Williams calculates a new strategy. With one big decision to make, who will go for broke and who will go home broke?
The first episode of Storage Wars: Texas aired on December 06, 2011.
The last episode of Storage Wars: Texas aired on January 07, 2014.
There are 78 episodes of Storage Wars: Texas.
There are 3 seasons of Storage Wars: Texas.
Storage Wars: Texas has ended.