Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki Episode Rating Graph
Apr 2019 - present

Apr 2019 - present
Browse episode ratings trends for Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki's 46 episodes.
S1 Ep6
9th May 2019
I finally managed to exchange contact info with Yatogame! I thought that meant I'd be able to enjoy her accent from anywhere, but every reply she sends me is in standard Japanese... Sasatsu even said that Yatogame's messages to her are in the Nagoya dialect, but she won't use it when messaging me. Her replies are always so blunt, too... I wonder if I did something wrong...
S1 Ep12
20th Jun 2019
There's no school today, so I'm hanging out with the photography club gang. We decided to meet up at 8:00 AM, which is pretty early, but they tell me there's a good reason. So I've followed them to... Rent-a-Car? Is this just a karaoke place that called itself Rent-a-Car, or did we walk into a car rental place by mistake?! There are still so many things in Nagoya that are a mystery to me...
S2 Ep4
26th Jan 2020
It's hot... So hot... But I've been through this before, haven't I? But as we were sitting in the club room melting away, someone popped out of a locker. Turns out it wasn't the product of some curse; it was just the photography club advisor, Rara-sensei. Wait, she was in the locker all that time, in this awful heat? She seems kinda spacey... I'm a little worried about her...
S2 Ep3
19th Jan 2020
It's the day of the ball sports tournament! But just what the heck is this "taspony" sport we're playing? And why is it that nobody I ask about it knows, either?! It seems like even Toshika wasn't really able to talk to Yatogame about it... According to Yatogame, taspony is sort of like tennis, except you play it with your bare hands. Just what kind of sport is this, anyway?
S1 Ep9
30th May 2019
We joined up with Tadakusa-chan when she was finished fangirling like crazy at her idol concert. Apparently she loves cute things like idols and anime characters. As we were talking about that, Yatogame suddenly blurted out, "It's 2:00!" and took off somewhere. And we still haven't run into Sasatsu yet. Where the heck are those two?
S1 Ep11
13th Jun 2019
Hot... hot... it's way too hot. Summer in Nagoya is so ridiculously hot! This heavy, muggy heat feels like it's plastering itself onto my entire body, and even my eyesight's starting to fade... But the next thing I knew, I was underground, with Yatogame and Tadakusa-chan next to me. Did they carry me down here? Yatogame says I must have a death wish, walking above ground in Nagoya during the summer. Just what the heck is the deal with summers in this city?
S1 Ep8
23rd May 2019
Since I'm in the photography club, I should have my own camera! I'd love to have an awesome camera like Tadakusa-chan's, but those things are way more than a high school student can afford... So I asked Yatogame where she got hers, and she said it came from a second-hand store called Komehyo (which I thought was a rice shop at first...). The club members agreed that we'd all visit the Komehyo in Osu together the next day, but it's long past our meeting time and Tadakusa-chan and Sasatsu are nowhere to be found...
S1 Ep7
16th May 2019
The other photography club members are throwing me a welcome party. Due to our lack of club funds, each of us can only bring up to 300 yen worth of snacks. I ended up buying Baby Star, Young Donuts, and Kuppy Ramune, but now Yatogame is whispering something to Tadakusa-chan and Sasatsu...
S1 Ep10
6th Jun 2019
I grabbed a tonkatsu lunch from the cafeteria, but it was too crowded to eat in there, so I headed for the club room. Yatogame was already inside when I got there, about to eat a lunch she brought from home that she apparently made herself... but the only things in it were cucumbers, grilled eggplant, konnyaku, and tofu, all things that came straight out of a package and took no preparation. So I commented that she had nothing to complement her rice, and she pulled out something new...
S1 Ep5
2nd May 2019
I just can't seem to make friends with Yatogame... I keep trying to find things to talk about with her, but she always brushes me aside. Why did Tadakusa-chan volunteer me for the photography club? Isn't it because I'm an outsider that I can't get Yatogame to be my friend?! But come to think of it, Tadakusa-chan and Sasatsu-san aren't from Nagoya, either... So is there some other reason?
S2 Ep1
5th Jan 2020
I went through a lot after moving to Nagoya and being forced to join the photography club, but I've pretty much settled in by now. My clubmates are Yatogame-chan with the thick Nagoya accent, Tadakusa Mai from Gifu Prefecture, and the club president Sasatsu Yanna, who's from Mie Prefecture. I'm gonna have them teach me some more of the Nagoya dialect today! I really wish they'd stop saying "chin-chin" over and over, though...
S1 Ep4
25th Apr 2019
Today is my photography contest with Yatogame. We were supposed to meet at Nagoya Station, but I couldn't find her anywhere until we ran into each other near a golden clock. She said the golden clock is the only place where people meet up at Nagoya Station, but how was I supposed to know that?! So now Yatogame is dragging me off to take pictures of famous spots around Nagoya... but just where is she going to take me?
S1 Ep3
18th Apr 2019
I was having trouble deciding which club to join at school, but apparently, someone decided that I'd be joining the photography club. Frankly, I wanted something a little more exciting... As I opened the club room door, I saw a girl feverishly taking pictures of Yatogame. I was hoping she'd show me some cute pictures of Yatogame... so how did I get roped into taking pictures of tourist spots instead?
S1 Ep2
11th Apr 2019
The student handbook belonging to Yatogame-san that I picked up yesterday has a packet of miso taped to the back... She can't be a normal girl if she carries that around. On the way to school, I glance inside a café... and see Yatogame-san! This is my chance not only to return her student handbook, but to talk to her again! So I head into the café...
S4 Ep3
23rd Apr 2022
The members of the photography club visit the student council office in hopes of avoiding having their club disbanded. There they find the three good friends(?) of the student council... and just when it looks like a huge argument is breaking out, the conversation falls back on the usual topic of everyone's hometowns. In the midst of all this, a certain word uttered by the student council president sets off Yatogame, and sparks start to fly.
S4 Ep4
30th Apr 2022
Is Japan's third greatest city Yokohama or Nagoya?! Both Kochikashi and Yatogame refuse to budge. The others look on, but for some reason Aonaji, Asaka, Tadakusa, and Sasatsu also get involved, defending their own prefectures in a heated dissing match. Thus begins a battle none of them can lose!
S4 Ep5
7th May 2022
A scream is heard from the photography club room. The student council members rush to see what it was, and they find Yatogame frozen in an inexplicable pose. They have no idea what to do, but then Tadakusa tells them a hard truth about Nagoyans... What's to come of Yatogame?!
S4 Ep6
14th May 2022
A simple step taken by Aonaji compounds Tadakusa's already-complicated love for Yatogame, sending her tumbling to the dark side. Jin, Yatogame, and Sasatsu take action to try to save her... What will become of Tadakusa?!
S4 Ep7
21st May 2022
With the Dagane Festival coming up, Kochikashi advises the photography club members on how they can bounce back to save their club from being disbanded. By the time she finishes, evening has set in. As the gang looks out the window at August's full moon, the subject changes to the regional variations of a certain seasonal item...
S4 Ep8
28th May 2022
The Dagane Festival, the event that will decide the fate of the photography club, begins at last. The club members work in earnest to increase their club's standing, and the student council members look relieved as they observe their efforts. But then Serura's mother shows up to observe the photography club's activities in person... What is the fate of their club?!
S4 Ep9
4th Jun 2022
The photography club members have no idea that they're being subjected to the strict gaze of Serura's mother as they carry on with their conversations as usual. But the things they say shock her... What will become of the photography club?!
S4 Ep10
11th Jun 2022
Each region of Japan has things they consider to be the norm, but what seems like the norm for people of one region may not be the norm to those of other regions. Jin, Yatogame, Tadakusa, and Sasatsu share some of their own "norms."
S2 Ep6
9th Feb 2020
The term "the Nagoya skip" came into use when Nagoya was removed from the Nozomi Shinkansen's route, and it's been a real problem for the people of Nagoya. Toshika's upset because the band she likes isn't doing a concert here. Even the anime lineup is different here. Fear the Nagoya skip!
S2 Ep10
9th Mar 2020
Summer in Nagoya is as hot as ever. I really think Tadakusa-chan should switch to her summer uniform now... We all stopped by a convenience store to buy ice pops. What did Yatogame get? A Jun Hit Chocolate Bar? What is that? Is it new? And Sasatsu got... the Azuki Bar that's famous for being super hard, huh? And what about Tadakusa-chan?
S3 Ep2
17th Jan 2021
With midterms coming up, Yatogame's grades are in trouble! So Jin agrees to help her study... and comes up with a method that makes use of her very biased knowledge! But after spending all night coming up with the idea, Jin faces trouble himself... Meanwhile, as the Chiba-born Teppei stresses over his upcoming exams, Jandara-senpai gives him a traditional Mikawa good-luck charm...
S3 Ep12
28th Mar 2021
The forgotten team also joins the pool. It seems that an idol group event will be held at Sun Beach Nikko River. What is the live performance of TGC5 (Third Greatest Cities 5), a five-member group from Sapporo, Sendai, Kobe, Hiroshima, and Fukuoka? Yatogame's hip-hop soul is on fire in a rap battle ...! ??
S4 Ep1
9th Apr 2022
"Where is the center of Japan"? The hardcore Nagoyan, Yatogame Monaka, and her clubmates Tadakusa Mai and Sasatsu Yanna, from Gifu and Mie respectively, are once again embroiled in a heated debate on a topic of very little importance. Jin and Rara-sensei also get involved, leading to yet another lively photography club meeting, but a new character casts a dark cloud over their activities...
S4 Ep2
16th Apr 2022
The principal summons Rara, leaving her with an important announcement regarding the photography club. The club's members know nothing of this as they hang out in their club room, absorbed in a heated discussion about the shapes of prefectures. Then the student council appears...
S1 Ep1
4th Apr 2019
I just moved from Tokyo to Nagoya. I was looking forward to experiencing Nagoya's unique dialect and food culture, but so far no one has spoken with an accent, and they don't actually put miso on everything they eat. I was honestly a bit disappointed... but then, on my way home from school, I heard a girl speaking with such a heavy accent that she sounded like a cat! It seems her name is Yatogame Monaka. I wonder if I'll ever see her again...
S1 Ep2
11th Apr 2019
The student handbook belonging to Yatogame-san that I picked up yesterday has a packet of miso taped to the back... She can't be a normal girl if she carries that around. On the way to school, I glance inside a café... and see Yatogame-san! This is my chance not only to return her student handbook, but to talk to her again! So I head into the café...
S1 Ep3
18th Apr 2019
I was having trouble deciding which club to join at school, but apparently, someone decided that I'd be joining the photography club. Frankly, I wanted something a little more exciting... As I opened the club room door, I saw a girl feverishly taking pictures of Yatogame. I was hoping she'd show me some cute pictures of Yatogame... so how did I get roped into taking pictures of tourist spots instead?
S1 Ep4
25th Apr 2019
Today is my photography contest with Yatogame. We were supposed to meet at Nagoya Station, but I couldn't find her anywhere until we ran into each other near a golden clock. She said the golden clock is the only place where people meet up at Nagoya Station, but how was I supposed to know that?! So now Yatogame is dragging me off to take pictures of famous spots around Nagoya... but just where is she going to take me?
S1 Ep5
2nd May 2019
I just can't seem to make friends with Yatogame... I keep trying to find things to talk about with her, but she always brushes me aside. Why did Tadakusa-chan volunteer me for the photography club? Isn't it because I'm an outsider that I can't get Yatogame to be my friend?! But come to think of it, Tadakusa-chan and Sasatsu-san aren't from Nagoya, either... So is there some other reason?
S1 Ep6
9th May 2019
I finally managed to exchange contact info with Yatogame! I thought that meant I'd be able to enjoy her accent from anywhere, but every reply she sends me is in standard Japanese... Sasatsu even said that Yatogame's messages to her are in the Nagoya dialect, but she won't use it when messaging me. Her replies are always so blunt, too... I wonder if I did something wrong...
S1 Ep7
16th May 2019
The other photography club members are throwing me a welcome party. Due to our lack of club funds, each of us can only bring up to 300 yen worth of snacks. I ended up buying Baby Star, Young Donuts, and Kuppy Ramune, but now Yatogame is whispering something to Tadakusa-chan and Sasatsu...
S1 Ep8
23rd May 2019
Since I'm in the photography club, I should have my own camera! I'd love to have an awesome camera like Tadakusa-chan's, but those things are way more than a high school student can afford... So I asked Yatogame where she got hers, and she said it came from a second-hand store called Komehyo (which I thought was a rice shop at first...). The club members agreed that we'd all visit the Komehyo in Osu together the next day, but it's long past our meeting time and Tadakusa-chan and Sasatsu are nowhere to be found...
S1 Ep9
30th May 2019
We joined up with Tadakusa-chan when she was finished fangirling like crazy at her idol concert. Apparently she loves cute things like idols and anime characters. As we were talking about that, Yatogame suddenly blurted out, "It's 2:00!" and took off somewhere. And we still haven't run into Sasatsu yet. Where the heck are those two?
S1 Ep10
6th Jun 2019
I grabbed a tonkatsu lunch from the cafeteria, but it was too crowded to eat in there, so I headed for the club room. Yatogame was already inside when I got there, about to eat a lunch she brought from home that she apparently made herself... but the only things in it were cucumbers, grilled eggplant, konnyaku, and tofu, all things that came straight out of a package and took no preparation. So I commented that she had nothing to complement her rice, and she pulled out something new...
S1 Ep11
13th Jun 2019
Hot... hot... it's way too hot. Summer in Nagoya is so ridiculously hot! This heavy, muggy heat feels like it's plastering itself onto my entire body, and even my eyesight's starting to fade... But the next thing I knew, I was underground, with Yatogame and Tadakusa-chan next to me. Did they carry me down here? Yatogame says I must have a death wish, walking above ground in Nagoya during the summer. Just what the heck is the deal with summers in this city?
S1 Ep12
20th Jun 2019
There's no school today, so I'm hanging out with the photography club gang. We decided to meet up at 8:00 AM, which is pretty early, but they tell me there's a good reason. So I've followed them to... Rent-a-Car? Is this just a karaoke place that called itself Rent-a-Car, or did we walk into a car rental place by mistake?! There are still so many things in Nagoya that are a mystery to me...
The first episode of Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki aired on April 04, 2019.
The last episode of Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki aired on June 11, 2022.
There are 46 episodes of Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki.
There are 4 seasons of Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki.
Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki is set to return for future episodes.