Red Band Society Episode Rating Graph
Sep 2014 - Feb 2015

Sep 2014 - Feb 2015
Children and teenagers become friends in a hospital where they are all patients. Together they try to escape the sad reality to create their own world with their own codes , while the nursing staff do their best to bring them a little happiness everyday. Charlie , in a coma for several months, attending meanwhile helplessly bustle around him. He sees nothing , but he hears everything ...
S1 Ep13
7th Feb 2015
The group copes with the loss of one of their own, which results in new hope for one of them. Love is in the air as Nurse Jackson and Dr. Naday take things to a new level, however Dash's love interest could cost him his life. Shocking news leads to new hope and Emma and Kara start facing their family issues
S1 Ep1
17th Sep 2014
Adults at the Los Angeles' Ocean Park Hospital lead an unlikely group of rebellious friends through adolescence.
S1 Ep5
15th Oct 2014
When the truth about Charlie's accident comes out, Nurse Jackson crosses a line to keep a promise to him; Jordi gets the freedom he wants.
S1 Ep2
24th Sep 2014
Leo goes into a tailspin when Jordi's surgery doesn't proceed as expected; family members turn to their connections in hope of procuring a donor heart for Kara.
S1 Ep6
22nd Oct 2014
After Leo abandons Emma, Jordi makes his move. A new patient puts Kara off balance and nurse Jackson fights to keep Charlie at Ocean Park.
S1 Ep8
5th Nov 2014
Dr. Naday comes to Ocean Park Hospital, although his approach to treatment has Nurse Jackson questioning that decision. Meanwhile, Emma, Dash and Jordi search of the perfect gift, and Kara learns the truth about Hunter.
S1 Ep9
12th Nov 2014
Romance is in bloom at Ocean Park Hospital, as things heat up between Kara and Hunter. Also, Leo and Emma get romantic, as Emma gets unexpected news. Meanwhile, Dr. McAndrew tries to win Dr. Grace back.
S1 Ep10
19th Nov 2014
Emma goes home and Jordi is on the edge of doing something illegal.
S1 Ep1
17th Sep 2014
Adults at the Los Angeles' Ocean Park Hospital lead an unlikely group of rebellious friends through adolescence.
S1 Ep2
24th Sep 2014
Leo goes into a tailspin when Jordi's surgery doesn't proceed as expected; family members turn to their connections in hope of procuring a donor heart for Kara.
S1 Ep3
1st Oct 2014
A visitor from Jordi's past throws the hospital into chaos; Dr. McAndrews unintentionally betrays a patient; Kara tests Nurse Jackson.
S1 Ep4
8th Oct 2014
Friendships start to form when Jordi starts his treatment; Kara goes back to school; Emma attends her first dance; and Leo finds himself in an awkward position.
S1 Ep5
15th Oct 2014
When the truth about Charlie's accident comes out, Nurse Jackson crosses a line to keep a promise to him; Jordi gets the freedom he wants.
S1 Ep6
22nd Oct 2014
After Leo abandons Emma, Jordi makes his move. A new patient puts Kara off balance and nurse Jackson fights to keep Charlie at Ocean Park.
S1 Ep7
29th Oct 2014
Kara, Hunter, Jordi and Dash band together in support of Nurse Jackson, whose actions have caught up with her. Meanwhile, Emma meets Leo's friends from home, and one of the kids' circumstances changes dramatically.
S1 Ep8
5th Nov 2014
Dr. Naday comes to Ocean Park Hospital, although his approach to treatment has Nurse Jackson questioning that decision. Meanwhile, Emma, Dash and Jordi search of the perfect gift, and Kara learns the truth about Hunter.
S1 Ep9
12th Nov 2014
Romance is in bloom at Ocean Park Hospital, as things heat up between Kara and Hunter. Also, Leo and Emma get romantic, as Emma gets unexpected news. Meanwhile, Dr. McAndrew tries to win Dr. Grace back.
S1 Ep10
19th Nov 2014
Emma goes home and Jordi is on the edge of doing something illegal.
S1 Ep11
31st Jan 2015
Someone's unexpected return reveals a betrayal, while another "red bander" fights for freedom. Then, a battle is lost.
S1 Ep12
7th Feb 2015
The group copes with the loss of one of their own, which results in new hope for one of them. Love is in the air as Nurse Jackson and Dr. Naday take things to a new level, however Dash's love interest could cost him his life. Shocking news leads to new hope and Emma and Kara start facing their family issues.
S1 Ep13
7th Feb 2015
The group copes with the loss of one of their own, which results in new hope for one of them. Love is in the air as Nurse Jackson and Dr. Naday take things to a new level, however Dash's love interest could cost him his life. Shocking news leads to new hope and Emma and Kara start facing their family issues