Fairy Tail Episode Rating Graph
Oct 2009 - Sep 2019

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Oct 2009 - Sep 2019
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Lucy is a 17-year-old girl, who wants to be a full-fledged mage. One day when visiting Harujion Town, she meets Natsu, a young man who gets sick easily by any type of transportation. But Natsu isn't just any ordinary kid, he's a member of one of the world's most infamous mage guilds: Fairy Tail.
S4 Ep25
30th Mar 2013
The tag battle of the Dragon Slayers comes to a close, with Natsu intrepidly overpowering the combined attacks of Sting and Rogue. The Sabertooth members watch in dismay, whilst Jiemma seethes in anger over the defeat of the Twin Dragons, causing the nearby spectators to be frightened away. On the contrary, the rest of Fairy Tail celebrates in joy as its team receives 10 points, finally surpassing Team Sabertooth by only a single point. Meanwhile, Gajeel, back to his senses after being dragged by Natsu into a cart earlier, stumbles upon a cave full of dragon skeletons, much to his shock. And during that night, Jellal finally manages to corner the source of the dark aura, standing in complete disbelief at the identity of the mysterious, hooded person.
S4 Ep17
2nd Feb 2013
In the event called Pandemonium, Erza has opted to take on 100 powerful magic-generated monsters by herself...
S3 Ep26
17th Mar 2012
Acnologia arrives at the island and begins to destroy it. Seeing the Black Dragon of Apocalypse, Makarov tells his guild members to run while he fights it, but the fairies wouldn't leave without their master and decide to fight alongside him. However, their efforts ended up being futile as Acnologia releases his Dragon's Roar, seemingly destroying the island and everyone on it.
S6 Ep22
29th Aug 2015
All of the Fairy Tail members are flash-frozen, possibly dead, within the giant Tartaros prison called Plutogrim... except for Lucy, who seems to have escaped that fate through luck alone. But that luck seems to have run out as she's pursued through the prison by the members of Tartaros, including the Nine Demon Gates! So it's a good thing she can always count on her friends, the Celestial Spirits!
S6 Ep23
5th Sep 2015
Lucy is a wreck after giving up Aquarius forever in exchange for a one-time summoning of the Celestial Spirit King, who then takes on Mard Geer, the Underworld King. And Lucy finds she doesn't have time for tears as the explosive Jackal tries to take her out of the picture.
S3 Ep9
12th Nov 2011
Natsu is overwhelmed by Zancrow's God Slayer magic, which proves superior to his own Dragon Slayer magic. Upon finding Makarov badly injured during his fight, Natsu regains his resolve and defeats Zancrow by nullifying his own magical power, allowing him to eat Zancrow's flames and combine their power with his own. Meanwhile, Lucy, Cana, Gray, and Loke fight Caprico, another member of the Seven Kin, while Mirajane and Lisanna fight Azuma.
S4 Ep24
23rd Mar 2013
The fourth day's final battle between Sabertooth and Fairy Tail kicks off with Natsu and Gajeel proving themselves as formidable opponents against the Twin Dragons of Sabertooth, but when push comes to shove, Sting and Rogue decide to utilize their trump card and turn the tides of the battle.
S6 Ep38
19th Dec 2015
It's dragons to the rescue before the Face devices can siphon all magic from the continent. But even as one crisis is averted, there's still the final battle between Igneel and Acnologia, as well as the reappearance of another well-nigh omnipotent foe.
S3 Ep23
25th Feb 2012
With a supercharge from Laxus, Natsu turns into an ultra-powerful Thunder-Flame Dragon! But will it be enough to rival the unfathomable strength of the deepest of magics? And will an exhausted Fried and Bickslow manage to finish off the tenacious duo of Yomazu and Kawazu?
S1 Ep48
27th Sep 2010
The wrath of Laxus takes a shocking turn and a resilient fire-breather takes one last stand to stop the war. Despite the damage, the Fairy Tail wizards muster up the strength to put on a dazzling show for the Fantasia parade!
S3 Ep24
3rd Mar 2012
The battle with Hades reaches its thrilling conclusion! Finally, dawn comes to Tenroujima... But is this really the end?
S3 Ep22
18th Feb 2012
Laxus fights Hades with full force and manages to seemingly overpower him. Meanwhile at the camp, the uninjured Fairy Tail members try to protect the injured from the return of some members of Grimoire Heart. Can Laxus manage to take revenge for his grandfather's defeat?
S8 Ep47
1st Sep 2019
Mavis faces Zeref alone inside Fairy Tail's guildhall. As she reveals her conflicting feelings and the key to her plan, Zeref makes a sudden realization. Meanwhile, Lucy's team watches as Zeref's Book of E.N.D. starts to fade away…
S6 Ep27
3rd Oct 2015
Gray knows the truth, that Silver really is his father! Juvia battles Keys, the puppet master of the dead. And petite mushroom Franmalth gives the Fairy Tail members the runaround so they can't stop the 3,000 Face devices from going off.
S6 Ep39
26th Dec 2015
In this epilogue to the Tartaros saga, the dragons reveal a tragic secret to Fairy Tail, while Natsu makes a vow to Igneel's fading soul. In the aftermath, Makarov dissolves the guild, several members set out on their own quests, and Zeref drops a shocking revelation.
S8 Ep51
29th Sep 2019
Using the power of all seven Dragon Slayers, Natsu unleashes one final, soulful attack on Acnologia. One year later, Lucy reveals everything that has happened since the battle.
S5 Ep14
5th Jul 2014
The Grand Magic Games are ending at last! But who will be the last wizard standing? And which guild will be crowned the strongest in Fiore?
S6 Ep18
1st Aug 2015
Wendy has powered up for her showdown with Ezel, but in the end, she and Carla may have to make the ultimate sacrifice to stop Face from going off and obliterating magic all across the continent.
S3 Ep27
24th Mar 2012
Seven years have passed since the destruction of Tenroujima and the disappearance of everyone on the island. The guild is in a sad state of affairs, with members leaving in droves, decent work in short supply, and Fairy Tail itself supplanted by a bigger, badder guild, Twilight Ogre. But one day, the members of Blue Pegasus fly over to deliver some startling news...
S6 Ep31
31st Oct 2015
After more than seven years, out of nowhere, Fairy Tail's worst nightmare returns: Acnologia, the dragon that nearly slaughtered the guild's most powerful members. The timing couldn't be worse, as the Fairy Tail members are exhausted, but then Natsu somehow hears Igneel's voice...
S8 Ep12
23rd Dec 2018
Mavis finally reveals the secrets of her past, including her connection with Fairy Tail, Zeref, and her own sin. The ever-turning gears of fate offer glimpses of hope, but also produce one final, tragic contradiction.
S3 Ep16
7th Jan 2012
Cana finds Mavis's grave and reflects on her reasons for becoming an S-Class wizard: her father is revealed to be Gildarts, who is unaware of his relationship with her, leading the younger, timid Cana to decide to become an S-Class wizard and bolster her own confidence to reveal the truth to him. However, Cana realizes that she had also betrayed Lucy in her determination. Wracked with guilt, Cana takes the Fairy Glitter spell from the grave and uses an enchanted card leading her to Lucy as she and her friends are attacked by Bluenote. She tries to perform the spell on Bluenote, but fails. However, she is saved when Gildarts arrives and attacks Bluenote.
S8 Ep17
3rd Feb 2019
Wizard guilds all across Fiore join Fairy Tail in the battle against Zeref's armies. Meanwhile, Natsu and Happy speed off to the west to defeat Zeref once and for all.
S2 Ep42
30th Jul 2011
The queen of the Exceed reveals that her divine image was a lie perpetuated by the Elders to protect the Exceed from humans, but her inner strength convinces the Exceed to try and save Extalia with their own strength. When the lacrima suddenly disappears, Mystogan arrives to explain that he has restored Magnolia and thanks Panther Lily for saving his life while Lily reveals Mystogan is Prince Jellal of Edolas.
S5 Ep18
2nd Aug 2014
Seven dragons have invaded Crocus from the ancient past and are tearing up the city. It seems the only thing that can defeat a dragon is a Dragon Slayer, but there are only six in town (including Natsu, Rogue, Sting, etc.), so Doranbolt goes on a mission to enlist the aid of a certain nefarious Slayer...
S5 Ep21
23rd Aug 2014
Jellal and Erza are saved from Millianna's wrath when Ultear comes to their aid, explaining to the woman that she is the evil behind the Tower of Heaven incident. With the Mages of Fiore struggling against the attacking Dragons and hatchlings and neither Natsu nor Future Rogue gaining an advantage in their fight, many people begin to feel doubtful about surviving the war. Concurrently, Gray falls to one of Motherglare's minions protecting Juvia, and Ultear decides she no longer deserves to live after the darkness she has brought to those around her.
S5 Ep3
19th Apr 2014
While everyone is focused on the last event at the Grand Magic Games, Team Natsu slips into the palace to try to spring the imprisoned Lucy. Meanwhile, Mavis, the progenitor of Fairy Tail, uses wartime strategy in a bid to lead her team to victory!
S6 Ep37
12th Dec 2015
Gray survives Mard Geer's ultimate Curse, revealing that his recent changes have left him not altogether human. Erza defeats Kyoka, but the demon has the last laugh as Face is activated. Almost immediately, the Fairy Tail members are sapped of strength as the Face units begin to siphon magic from all over the continent.
S7 Ep10
12th Mar 2016
Mavis says farewell to Zera and contemplates her next move after the successful defeat of Blue Skull. The heartbreaking, hopeful final episode of this arc marks the end of the beginning of Fairy Tail.
S5 Ep17
26th Jul 2014
The true menace of the opened Eclipse portal becomes clear as one dragon after another lumbers through, intent on murdering everyone. Only a Celestial Spirit wizard can close the portal, but will Lucy be able to do it before all 10,000 dragons enter the world from 400 years in the past?!
S3 Ep25
10th Mar 2012
The battle for Tenroujima is over, and Makarov puts the S Class Advancement Exam on hold for now... Meanwhile, Cana decides to tell Gildarts the truth, even though she's not an S Class wizard. But whatever happened to Zeref?
S1 Ep28
3rd May 2010
Thanks to a celestial smarty, Natsu gets fired up enough to finish off the cocky Gajeel. As Jose is moments from crushing Erza, extreme powers collide when Fairy Tail’s fearsome leader makes a blinding return to burn out Phantom Lord.
S2 Ep10
13th Dec 2010
Natsu is after Erza and Jellal and Lucy and Hibiki and Carla and Wendy are after him. As they search for him Natsu appears to find Gray unconsious in a stream. Natsu helps him out but Gray is actually two spirits from Oracien Seis. Gemi and Mini twin spirits of Gemini. They can copy anyone and know exactly what their thoughts are and copy their magical power. Gray (Gemini) undoes and anchor on a raft which Natsu is on and Natsu becomes sea-sick. Lucy and Hibiki arrive and see Gray is about to kill Natsu. They assume he has fallen for the darkness of Nirvanna. When they try to stop him Gemini takes on the form of Lucy then is able to control Saggitarius, who Lucy called out to stop Gray, Saggitaruis shoots at Hibiki making him unable to battle. Then Oracien Seis's Celestial Spirit Wizard appears, Angel. She tells Gemini to stop. Lucy replaces Saggitarius with Aquarius and Angel calls out Scorpio.
S2 Ep47
3rd Sep 2011
On Earthland, the queen of the Exceed reveals that Exceed eggs had been sent to Earth to save them after she foresaw that Extalia would fall; Charle, possessing the same powers, had mistaken these visions as a mission. When the Exceed leave to find the remaining eggs, Panther Lily remains behind to be Gajeel's partner and to honour Mystogan's dedication to Fairy Tail. However, Panther Lily has brought them an unusual captive: Lisanna, who explains she is actually Earthland's Lisanna.
S3 Ep3
1st Oct 2011
For their preliminary trials, Juvia and Lisanna face off against Erza, while Elfman and Evergreen find themselves standing against Mirajane. Meanwhile, Natsu enthusiastically battles against Gildarts, with a series of flashbacks detailing how Natsu had never once been able to defeat him since childhood. Just when Natsu believes he has gained the upper hand, Gildarts unleashes an immense aura of magical power, prompting Natsu to surrender in fear. Gildarts teaches Natsu the benefits that fear has in order for him to grow stronger, and tells him that he has passed his preliminary trial.
S3 Ep20
4th Feb 2012
It's Ul's pupil vs. Ul's daughter! What is Ultear really after and why has she turned against her own flesh and blood? The final battle with the leader of the 7 Kin of Purgatory comes to its thrilling conclusion!
S6 Ep8
23rd May 2015
The Magic Council is having a meeting about the mysteriously-disappearing dark guilds when they're attacked by a powerful force, the harbinger of the Tartarus threat that will derail Fairy Tail's recent relative peace and quiet.
S3 Ep28
31st Mar 2012
Natsu and the other members have returned from their seven-year sojourn, but in their absence, Fairy Tail has gotten in debt to the gangster-like guild, Twilight Ogre. While Makarov pays them a visit to try to negotiate a deal, Lucy seeks out her father, whom she hasn't seen in seven years...
S6 Ep9
30th May 2015
The battle between Laxus and Tempesta ends with all the members of the Raijinshuu lying near death. Natsu and all the other Fairy Tail members want to avenge them, but Tartaros's whereabouts are unknown. Meanwhile, the demonic members of Tartaros begin to get intrigued with Fairy Tail...
S5 Ep1
5th Apr 2014
Fairy Tail is back, picking up where it left off, in the middle of the Grand Magic Games! But during a short break, Gajeel leads Natsu and Wendy to the underground dragon burial ground. Wendy uses her magic to communicate with a dragon's soul, which leads to them getting a revelatory history lesson involving two of their greatest foes!
S6 Ep6
9th May 2015
As Natsu battles the formidable winged cyclops monster, Gray enacts his plan to melt the mountain of ice encasing the Eternal Flame... but does he end up extinguishing that along with it? Plus: the identity of the familiar voice that called out to Natsu, bringing him to the frozen Eternal Flame!
S4 Ep15
19th Jan 2013
After Yukino is expelled from Saber Tooth, she offers her two golden Gatekeys to Lucy to complete the latter's collection of the Zodiac Gatekeys, stating that when the twelve Zodiac Gatekeys are all gathered, a gateway that changes the world will open.
S5 Ep23
6th Sep 2014
The only way to stop the rogue Rogue from the future and the seven dragons from the past is to destroy the gigantic time portal that they came through... except it's made out of Magnanium alloy, which is highly resistant to magic! Then, the future Lucy is dead, but long live future Lucy?! What lies in wait when her body dematerializes from the present?
S2 Ep18
14th Feb 2011
Having told Wendy to destroy the sixth Lacrima in his place, Jellal appears at the first Lacrima and gives Natsu the "Flame of Guilt". Natsu consumes the flame and enters Dragon Force for his fight against Zero and they power up for the final blow. Meanwhile, everyone reaches their respective destinations and wait for the right moment to strike.
S4 Ep19
16th Feb 2013
Laxus takes on Raven Tail's elite, but they're after something more than a win! And then there's Wendy vs.
S2 Ep19
21st Feb 2011
As everyone gathers their strength for the final blow, Natsu is consumed by Zero's "Genesis Zero" attack. As he floats in the world of nothing, Igneel's voice speaks to him and he breaks free, defeating Zero and manages to destroy Nirvana's legs along with his allies, resulting in Nirvana's destruction.
S8 Ep32
19th May 2019
Natsu and Gray clash, unable to curb the hatred that has taken hold inside them. Meanwhile, Erza's group struggles to break through the massive enemy army. After Irene unleashes her special power, Mavis and Makarov step in to save the day.
S3 Ep18
21st Jan 2012
Erza makes Azuma promise to return her guild's magical power if she defeats him. She herself is nearly defeated when Azuma uses the Tenrou Tree's magic, but receives her second wind upon hearing Jellal's voice and, drawing power from the tree's magic, cuts Azuma down
S3 Ep21
11th Feb 2012
Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfilia, Gray Fullbuster, Erza Scarlet and Wendy Marvell square off against Hades, where they are easily struck down. However, Laxus Dreyar storms in to save the day.
S4 Ep16
26th Jan 2013
Confronted by the Sabertooth Guild Master himself, Jiemma, Natsu decides to fight him all-out in their lodgings. Despite his attacks, he is unable to deal even a scratch on him. Eventually, their "fight" is interrupted with the arrival of Minerva and her hostage, Happy, forcing Natsu to leave reluctantly. The following day, the Grand Magic Games resume with a new event: Pandemonium. However, the beasts within the domain of this event appear to be quite challenging for the participants.
S6 Ep26
26th Sep 2015
The battle between Gray and Silver continues, although it's an uphill one for the Fairy Tail members, as Silver is an Ice Devil Slayer and therefore immune to ice attacks. Meanwhile, Wendy comes up with a desperate plan to stop the 3,000 magic pulse bombs from going off in less than an hour!
S1 Ep40
2nd Aug 2010
Natsu works on wrecking the tower, much to the possessed wizard’s aggravation—who gets a taste of the Dragon Slayer’s true power. As the aftershock of the Etherion blast threatens to take everyone out, Erza decides to take one for the team.
S5 Ep22
30th Aug 2014
As several wizards across Crocus are cornered and killed by the dragons, Ultear recalls her forbidden Last Ages spell, which is capable of reversing time at the cost of the user's life. After deciding to atone for for her lifelong misdeeds, she casts the spell in an attempt to avoid the dragons' arrival in the present. Afterward, she discovers that only one minute has been reversed and collapses. As a result of her spell, however, the wizards are able to foresee and prevent their own deaths, including Gray's. Lucy reunites with her friends at Eclipse and reveals that, according to her future self's notebook, they can return Future Rogue and the dragons to their respective time periods by destroying Eclipse once and for all.
S6 Ep24
12th Sep 2015
Wendy and Carla successfully dismantled Face, only to find there are thousands more! And they find out what originally turned Minerva stone cold as she confronts Erza in the ruins of Tartaros HQ.
S4 Ep23
16th Mar 2013
The fourth day of the X791 Grand Magic Games continue with the second match of the day, Lamia Scale against Mermaid Heel. Both sides struggle to win, only to end the battle in a draw, leading to the beginning of the last match between Fairy Tail's and Sabertooth's Dragon Slayers.
S3 Ep19
28th Jan 2012
Azuma transforms into a tree as a result of overusing his Great Tree Ark, but makes good on his promise to Erza and returns the guild's magical power, giving Gildarts, Fried and Bickslow enough strength to defeat Bluenote and Rustyrose. Meanwhile, Ultear tells Gray that the only spell that can defeat Hades is Iced Shell. She then takes Zeref and returns to Meldy, revealing to her that she is actually trying to manipulate Gray into defeating Hades for her so she can keep Zeref for herself. However, Gray is unfooled by her deception and, catching onto her true motives, challenges her.
S3 Ep13
10th Dec 2011
Lucy and Hikaru’s battle interrupts Natsu’s battle with Ultear, leading Natsu to help Lucy and reform their old team while Ultear leaves with Zeref. Hikaru takes control of Lucy’s body using his voodoo-like cursing magic, which Natsu and Happy take advantage of once they obtain Hikaru’s voodoo doll by lighting it on fire, turning Lucy into a living fireball, and throwing her at Hikaru, defeating him.
S6 Ep11
13th Jun 2015
Natsu has a final showdown with Jackal, who turns himself into a human bomb at one point! Later, the other teams arrive too late, finding the other former members they're meant to protect already murdered by Tartaros...
S5 Ep13
28th Jun 2014
The end of the Grand Magic Games is near, and only the strongest wizards remain in the final battle. But Gajeel has become a new form to battle an unknown shadowy evil! With her wounded leg, Erza can barely fight against the deadly Minerva! And Laxus is up against possibly the most powerful wizard of all: Jura of the Ten Wizard Saints!
S6 Ep32
7th Nov 2015
Natsu interrupts the fiery battle between Igneel and Acnologia to ask his burning questions, but his former foster father gives him a task instead of answers: to steal the Book of END from Mard Geer. This prompts the leader of Tartaros to speed up Face's timeline, by having Kyoka form a living link with the activation device. Only Erza can stop her, but will she prevail against Kyoka's ultimate Etherious form?
S2 Ep20
28th Feb 2011
Agents from the government dispatched to the site of Nirvana's fall arrest Jellal; while everyone else resists, Erza stops them and urges the officials to take Jellal away, though she is devastated by the outcome. As everyone recovers at Caitshelter, it is revealed that the entire guild was an illusion created by the spirit of its guild master for Wendy's sake. With Nirvana's destruction, the spirit has fulfilled its purpose and Caitshelter vanishes. As Wendy is left behind crying, Erza invites her to join Fairy Tail.
S5 Ep10
7th Jun 2014
Natsu's "away team" has successfully rescued Lucy and Yukino, but now they're puzzling over the mystery of the two Lucys! And back in Crocus, Erza's battle against Kagura truly begins, a battle steeped in vengeance more than sport!
S2 Ep44
13th Aug 2011
The battles against the Edolas Royal Kingdom rages on. The army, Knightwalker and the king himself are all fighting against the Earth Land Mages who wish to recover their friends. Meanwhile, Edolas Fairy Tail tries to come to a decision on which side they'll choose.
S1 Ep47
20th Sep 2010
After a telepathic pep talk, the Fairy Tail wizards put their quarrels aside to help Erza take the Thunder Palace down. With part of his plan foiled and another Dragon Slayer entering the fray, Laxus charges up for a thunderous attack.
S1 Ep46
13th Sep 2010
The Raijin Tribe is defeated, but time ticks away for Fairy Tail to stop the Thunder Palace from frying the whole city. While Natsu puts the heat on Laxus, Erza prepares to dismantle the massive threat over Magnolia.
S1 Ep45
6th Sep 2010
Just when it seems she’s out of luck, Lucy’s most defiant—and amorous—celestial spirit saves her from death by dollies. Elsewhere in the city, the guild’s sweetest member makes a wicked transformation in a struggle to stop Freed.
S5 Ep12
21st Jun 2014
Future Lucy warns of an impending attack by a swarm of over 10,000 dragons, but does she have a solution? And is she even telling the truth? Jellal, for one, doesn't think so!
S7 Ep9
5th Mar 2016
Possessed by the Tenrou Jade and transformed into a dragon skeleton, Yuri runs amok through Magnolia. Only Mavis has a chance at saving him with a form of ancient ultra-magic, but it comes with a terrible price.
S1 Ep26
19th Apr 2010
Natsu struggles against the strongest of the Element 4—but a surprise blow from an armor-switching warrior knocks the wind right out of Aria! Meanwhile, Lucy is back in the sinister Jose’s grips after a heavy-handed jerk overpowers her protectors.
S5 Ep9
31st May 2014
The Lucy rescue team led by Natsu finally makes it out of Hell Palace after an epic battle with the Garou Knights... but they're stopped dead in their tracks by a single mysterious figure before them!
S2 Ep7
22nd Nov 2010
Natsu and Gray are up against the Naked Mummy guild. Meanwhile, Wendy is instructed to revive Jellal, who she "owes her life to". Wendy, though having heard of Jellal's bad deeds before, does not believe in them. Instead, she decides to resurrect Jellal, the one who saved her life. Natsu and Gray easily defeat the whole Naked Mummy guild, and are now up against Erigor, whom Natsu had once defeated. Lamia Scale and Blue Pegasus (excluding Hibiki and Ichiya, since Ichiya was captured) also defeat the other guilds they are up against. Nastu soon defeats Erigor, and everyone finds out where the base of Oración Seis is by asking those they defeated. Having reached near the base, Natsu shouts for Happy and Wendy, and attracts the attention of the Oracion Seis. Racer starts a fight with Natsu and Gray. Natsu and Charle go to find Wendy and Happy themselves, while Gray battles Racer alone. The two arrive to see Jellal revived. Natsu, Happy, Wendy and Charles leave first in order to heal Erza. Racer sees them escaping and tries to stop them, but Gray stops him in his tracks instead.
S3 Ep17
14th Jan 2012
Gildarts fights Bluenote while Fried and Bickslow, who returned to Tenrou Island together with him, help Levy, Lisanna, and Pantherlily to fight Rustyrose. Meanwhile, Azuma reveals to Erza that he has used his magic, the Great Tree Arc, to absorb the magic-giving energy of the island's giant Tenrou Tree, destroying it and draining the strength of all the Fairy Tail members on the island except Erza.
S2 Ep30
7th May 2011
Knowing that all Fairy Tail members have disappeared, Natsu, Happy, Wendy and Charle went to Edolas using the remaining traces of Anima. They finally got into Edolas, seeing a very different scenery. After a while, they finally found a Fairy Tail guild. However, what they found is not the same as they imagined it would be.
S2 Ep37
25th Jun 2011
Happy and Charle rush back to the city to save their friends. Meanwhile, Lucy is imprisoned and she pleads Erza Knightwalker to let her go and save her friends. The Edolas Erza attempts to kill Lucy by dropping her from the tower with her spear. But Happy and Charles save Lucy from her fall. Charles finds out Natsu and Wendy's location. The magic-crazed King activates Code ETD (Exceed Total Destruction)on the Exceeds that were after Charles and Happy, turning them into lacrima. Erza ambushes the three of them, but Earthland Erza and Gray step in to save their comrades.
S6 Ep12
20th Jun 2015
Erza and Mirajane visit Crawford, the former Magic Council chairman, and fall into Tartaros's trap. And in exchange for information on Tartaros, Doranbolt frees all the members of Oracion Seis!
S3 Ep6
22nd Oct 2011
Gajeel and Levy fight Yomazu and Kawazu, who reveal they are merely scouting the island for their more powerful guildmates. Though seriously wounded, Gajeel sends Levy to warn Fairy Tail of Grimoire Heart's attack and defeats the two scouts. While searching for Wendy together with Juvia, Erza finds Levy and lights a beacon signifying the exam's suspension and the enemy attack. Meanwhile, Charle and Pantherlily confront Mest over his identity.
S6 Ep19
8th Aug 2015
While Franmalth attempts to absorb Natsu and Lucy's souls, Mirajane discovers the secret to the demons' immortality in Hell's Core, right before Seilah unleashes the restraints on her own power to take on Mira.
S3 Ep14
17th Dec 2011
Dranbalt tries to help Natsu and his friends evacuate the island as the Magic Council plans to fire Etherion once again, but they refuse to leave. Meanwhile, Juvia is nearly defeated during her and Erza's battle against Meldy of the Seven Kin, but regains her will to fight upon hearing Meldy say she wants to kill Gray out of revenge for hurting Ultear, and sends Erza to search for Gray and their friends. Seeing Juvia's determination to fight for Gray leads Meldy to link both of their physical senses to Gray's to ensure that he dies no matter who is killed in their battle.
S6 Ep15
11th Jul 2015
Cana engineers a clever way to get everyone out of Fairy Tail moments before the headquarters is blown apart in a massive explosion. Inside the Cube, Erza turns the tables on Kyoka, but how does Erza's magic stand up against the power of Curses? And a sinister figure suddenly appears before the escaped Natsu...
S7 Ep12
26th Mar 2016
After being reunited, Natsu and Happy regale Lucy with tales of their yearlong journey, but are shocked to hear that Fairy Tail is disbanded. Soon, though, Natsu feels the call to action...
S5 Ep20
16th Aug 2014
The battle rages on between dragons and Dragon Slayers with the future at stake! Natsu carries out his audacious plan against a powerful Fire Dragon... a dragon that happens to have a connection with Igneel, Natsu's adoptive father!
S3 Ep54
29th Sep 2012
Only Brain II is left standing between Natsu and Lucy, but he's the most powerful of the Six Generals! Also, learn the secret history of Lucy and Michelle in this epic finale to the Key of the Starry Heavens arc!
S5 Ep15
12th Jul 2014
Lucy wasn't the only time traveler from the future. There's one more... and it's the person who possessed Rogue in his match with Gajeel. But is his motive the same as Lucy's or something more sinister?
S1 Ep25
12th Apr 2010
Elfman unleashes the dangerous full body beast mode to pummel Sol. Two of the Element 4 remain, and they must be taken down to stop the Abyss Break spell. Natsu wages war against the wind wizard and the drippy Juvia melts over Gray.
S2 Ep24
28th Mar 2011
While Natsu was still inside the artificial dragon, Fairy Tail had the dilemma whether to save Natsu or prevent Magnolia from being destroyed. Meanwhile, Master Makarov confronted Gray why he had betrayed Fairy Tail but Gray revealed his reasons for the act and Master Makarov gave him the plan to save both Natsu and Magnolia.
S2 Ep43
6th Aug 2011
The Earthland wizards succeed in preventing Extalia's demise, but the battle is not over. Erza Knightwalker leads an ambushed by the Edolas Royal Army, while King Faust unleashes a super-powerful mechanical dragon, Dorma Anim. The Dragon Slayers confront the king, Erza Scarlet faces off against Knightwalker, the others battle the army while Mystogan and Pantherlily attend to other matters.
S4 Ep20
23rd Feb 2013
The match between Wendy Marvell and Chelia Blendy continues, with Chelia using her ultimate move. Elsewhere, Jellal watches the match, noting the dark magic. However, as the battle ends, he realizes that the evil aura is coming from someone else. As he tries to chase the mysterious person, he is quickly intercepted by Doranbolt and Lahar.
S3 Ep1
17th Sep 2011
Natsu, Gray, Juvia, Elfman, Cana, Fried, Levy, and Mystogan's disciple Mest are selected to participate in Fairy Tail's annual S-Class promotion exam, and are instructed to choose a partner to accompany them during the exam.
S3 Ep7
29th Oct 2011
Mest is revealed to be a member of the Magic Council sent to Tenrou Island to search for incriminating evidence against Fairy Tail and disband it. He, Wendy, Charle, and Pantherlily are attacked and defeated by Azuma, one of Grimoire Heart's most powerful members, the Seven Kin of Purgatory, who easily destroys the fleet of council ships Mest had summoned for support. Makarov attempts to cast Fairy Law to repel Grimoire Heart, but the dark guild's master Hades counters the spell with Grimoire Law. Makarov recognizes Hades as Purehito, his predecessor as the master of Fairy Tail.
S8 Ep46
25th Aug 2019
Fairy Tail and Blue Pegasus continue to battle Acnologia. With the time rift now open, they're forced to make a difficult decision. In the guildhall, Natsu makes a miraculous recovery and confronts Zeref one final time.
S2 Ep13
10th Jan 2011
Because Cobra can predict all his moves, Natsu can't gain the upper hand until he fights instinctively. When Cobra uses his new generation "poison" dragon slayer magic, Natsu loses his mobility, but wins the battle with a deafening roar.
S1 Ep21
8th Mar 2010
A metal-headed member of the Phantom Lord guild wrecks the Fairy Tail headquarters, but Makarov turns the other cheek. It’s another story when someone attacks his own wizard children—he takes the whole guild to war!
S8 Ep11
16th Dec 2018
The wizards met with Makarov and now have to escape from the Alvarez Empire. However, Azir, the King of the Desert and one of the Spriggan 12 is behind them.
S5 Ep8
24th May 2014
It's the last round of the all-out battle between the members of the Fairy Tail rescue team and the Garou Knights! But if Natsu, Lucy, and the others triumph, will they become enemies of the state?!
S8 Ep41
21st Jul 2019
August seeks to understand the love that is shared between parent and child. When he threatens to kill Cana, Gildarts responds with rage. Meanwhile, Natsu and Zeref continue their epic battle, but a new situation develops when Larcade arrives.
S5 Ep4
26th Apr 2014
During the final event of the Grand Magic Games, Gray is tasked with beating Rufus, which is the key to Sabertooth's fall. But it seems to be a one-sided battle as Rufus uses his Memory Magic to make new magic, as well as causing Gray to forget his own!
S5 Ep11
14th Jun 2014
Erza's battle royale with Kagura finally ends in an unexpected way. Also, we learn of the untold connection between the two combatants. And will Natsu and his team ever escape from the palace with Lucy and future Lucy?!
S6 Ep17
25th Jul 2015
Franmalth uses the stolen power of Hades as he continues to battle Natsu and Lucy. Gray, Erza, and Mirajane are kept busy by other demons in the house, leaving Wendy and Carla as the only ones who can shut down Face, the weapon of mass magic destruction. Except the huge, multi-armed Ezel is waiting for them...
S3 Ep30
14th Apr 2012
When Natsu and company escort a shipment of gold, the train is hijacked by the wickedly flatulent trio known as the Jiggle Butt Gang. After Natsu and Lucy get blown away by the bunch, it's up to Wendy to save the shipment, a tough task when Wendy's a hostage herself.
S3 Ep40
23rd Jun 2012
They're back by no one's demand! The Jiggle Butt Gang is committing more fragrant fouls (or is that "foul fragrances") than ever before, which stinks because they're doing it right in the faces of Erza and Wendy! Meanwhile, the only thing that can possibly break up the brawl between Natsu and Dan... is Lucy?! Oh, and... clock parts are finally discovered!
S5 Ep50
21st Mar 2015
The town of Borwatt has a job for Laxus in particular: to solve their neverending lightning problem... except it seems Laxus himself is responsible for the dangerous phenomenon. Can he and his Raijin-shuu partners fix things before the town's mayor smears them and all of Fairy Tail?
S5 Ep46
21st Feb 2015
Natsu, Lucy, and Happy are on a seemingly simple job to retrieve a special kind of ice from a snow-covered mountain, but between freezing cold, a fierce blizzard, and a labyrinthine cave, their focus shifts to just staying alive!
S5 Ep49
14th Mar 2015
As the combined Fairy Tail and Sabertooth team explore the mysterious island, the members suddenly start dropping like flies. Meanwhile, there's a giant sea serpent to face, runes in ruins to decipher, and Kemokemo won't stop growing!
S2 Ep26
9th Apr 2011
Wendy's gotten used to doing jobs at Fairy Tail and wants to try taking on something bigger so she can be more help to everyone, but gets into an argument with Carla over it.
S5 Ep27
4th Oct 2014
A special one-off episode featuring Frosch! When Rogue's lovable little partner gets lost in town, Rogue, Sting, and Yukino find him, but hang back so he can return to the Sabertooth guild hall alone. Misadventures ensue as Frosch keeps meeting up with various guild members and encounters a group of larcenous frog traders!
S5 Ep44
7th Feb 2015
Natsu babysits Asuka for an eventful day. For starters, she goes with Natsu and Lucy out on several jobs to make money so she can buy a certain item... but then it gets stolen by a pack of nefarious sky pirates who've been plaguing the town lately.
S5 Ep34
22nd Nov 2014
The new version of Aquarius is a light-hearted girl who just wants to have fun, but that consists of wanton destruction with her water power. Wendy and Carla try to gently subdue her at some kind of pocket universe amusement park, a dubious prospect at best.
S5 Ep37
13th Dec 2014
How can Juvia fight the new sun-worshiping Aries in the desert without even a drop of water?! Will Levy reveal an embarrassing secret to win the quiz battle against Taurus? And who is the 13th Celestial Spirit that plagues Natsu and company?!
S5 Ep33
15th Nov 2014
The Fairy Tail cavalry arrives in Astral Spiritus to help Natsu and the gang try to stop the renegade Celestial Spirits from gaining perfect freedom at the cost of only having 12 days left to live. However, when the Spirits enter their respective gates, the Fairy Tail members split up to follow them for one last fight in the space between the Human World and Celestial Spirit World.
S1 Ep9
7th Dec 2009
While traveling home with grumbling bellies, the team stumbles upon a deserted village with lots of yummy grub lying around, but Erza’s gut tells her something’s up. While she investigates, the boys chow on a forest full of odd fungus.
S5 Ep51
28th Mar 2015
It's raining "Men" in Magnolia as the "Ichiya virus" turns just about everyone into a shuffling, single-minded sniffing clone of the Blue Pegasus guild master. Only Natsu and Happy seem to be immune, but how can they find a cure when most of Fairy Tail has been Ichified and is intent on stopping them?
S2 Ep27
16th Apr 2011
The 24 hour race begins as all the Fairy Tail members race to get Wyvern Scales from the top of Mt. Ivor. There is no dropping out and no Flying Magic is allowed so Happy's in a difficult position but that does stop him from winning. Natsu,Jet Gray and Gajeel lose and have to do embarrasing photo spreads for the Weekly Sorcerer for two weeks as their punishment! And Happy is crushed by the fact that his prize is cheers of joy and the honor of winning.
S5 Ep47
28th Feb 2015
While Mira teaches Lucy, Natsu, and Happy basic Transformation Magic, Erza does her own transformation while shopping... into Fairy Woman! And a superhero may be just what's needed when two other Fairy Tail members are turned into supervillains!
S3 Ep31
21st Apr 2012
A magic ointment turns Lucy invisible! At first, it's fun, as she can play pranks on her friends, but then she starts to lose more than just her visibility!
S5 Ep31
1st Nov 2014
Lucy's transformed, evil Celestial Spirits aim to perform a ritual that will give them "absolute freedom." As Lucy, Yukino, and Levy head to the Magic Library to find a clue to stop them, Natsu takes the fight to the Celestial Spirit World itself, and he encounters the more polite but deadly Taurus!
S5 Ep29
18th Oct 2014
Lucy wants to show her Celestial Spirits that she appreciates all their hard work, so she summons them one by one to make their wishes come true. Natsu and Happy are on hand to help out, but as often happens with the unpredictable, unstable Celestial Spirits, chaos ensues!
S5 Ep39
27th Dec 2014
Natsu begins a decisive battle against Leo, who now has the ability to suck all the flames out of his hot-tempered opponent! Meanwhile, the Liberum process continues, even though most of the Celestial Spirits have been defeated...
S7 Ep5
6th Feb 2016
During the trek to Magnolia, Mavis and the treasure hunters find a chilling tableau in the woods. It reminds Yuri of an earlier treasure-hunting adventure in which the three of them braved Hell's Valley to track down the Rainbow Flower.
S5 Ep48
7th Mar 2015
Natsu and Happy get a new addition to their family: Kemokemo, an unknown creature hatched from an egg that fell out of the sky. Natsu goes on a guild exchange program so he can ask all over Fiore about Kemokemo, but he, Gray, and Erza cause trouble at every guild on the trip.
S8 Ep34
2nd Jun 2019
Sting rushes to help as Larcade continues his relentless attack on Kagura's group. Meanwhile, Natsu falls unconscious and wakes up inside his own mind. He then revisits lost memories that shed light on his past.
S3 Ep37
2nd Jun 2012
It's a race against time as the members of Fairy Tail split up into groups to find the scattered pieces of the mystical clock before Legion, but they run into all manner of obstacles. Nor does it help that Natsu is currently a doll-sized version of himself!
S5 Ep36
6th Dec 2014
Gray has a dance-off with Cancer! Levy's trivia battle with Capricorn continues. Cana's card game with Scorpio concludes! Natsu is on the scent of a hidden Loke amid ancient ruins. And a new development involves Princess Hisui and Arcadios in the action.
S3 Ep46
4th Aug 2012
Doranbolt... or is that Mest Gryder?... returns! But whose side is he on this time? Meanwhile, teamwork isn't working out for Natsu, Elfman, and Lucy against the threat of Jackpot! Likewise, new partners Erza and Evergreen just can't get along!
S5 Ep45
14th Feb 2015
Juvia has known Gray for 413 days; hence, it's a time to celebrate their "anniversary." But when Erza encourages her to get Gray a present, it becomes a conundrum. Juvia takes several stabs at coming up with an appropriate gift, but will it please Gray on this day that has a special meaning for him?
S3 Ep41
30th Jun 2012
Pantherlily battles and defeats Samuel as Gajeel's team retrieves the clock part from an underground chamber. Meanwhile, the Strauss siblings find another clock part and encounter Mary Hughes, while Byro appears before Natsu's team with the clock hand in his possession.
S5 Ep32
8th Nov 2014
Princess Hisui and Arcadios are on their way to Fairy Tail when they fortuitously run into Natsu, Lucy, and Yukino. Princess Hisui has created something to send the wayward Celestial Spirits home by force, but the mother and son duo of Pisces appears to snatch it. And, like the other Celestial Spirits, this is a new, darker version of their previous selves. For example, the mother Pisces now has much bigger jaws...
S8 Ep38
30th Jun 2019
Irene unleashes Deus Sema, a power beyond human comprehension. With only her right arm, Erza combats the spell that threatens the entire area. Meanwhile, Natsu is forced to make an important decision that will forever change his fate.
S8 Ep2
14th Oct 2018
The guild Orochi's Fin launched a night raid by releasing a large group of demons on the city of Margaret. Wendy and Sheria rushed through the sky to hit the enemy's main force.
S5 Ep35
29th Nov 2014
Cana faces off against the new Scorpio in a card game battle that pits simulacra of Fairy Tail members against Celestial Spirits! But she doesn't know the rules of the game, and if she loses, Cana will become a card in Scorpio's deck!
S8 Ep3
21st Oct 2018
Natsu, Lucy, Wendy, Happy and Chales meet with Juvia in Amefurashi Village and discovers that Gray disappeared.
S3 Ep49
25th Aug 2012
Natsu is imprisoned inside the Zentopia stronghold... along with the Jiggle Butt Gang! Back home, the Fairy Tail wizards are visited by a few members of the Archaeological Society, who shed some light on the Infinity Clock and what it does. Finally, Oracion Seis has Lucy and are going to use her as the final element to activate "Real Nightmare"!
S5 Ep26
27th Sep 2014
Upon returning to Magnolia, Fairy Tail gets a heroes' welcome and their old headquarters back. Anxious to get back on the job, Natsu, Lucy and company take on what they assume to be the simple task of ridding a village of its mole problem. They assume the village is making a mountain out of a molehill, but...
S5 Ep6
10th May 2014
Though their appearances may be foolish, the Garou Knights are the strongest executioners in the kingdom! And now, the members of Fairy Tail's "away team" are separated from each other and forced into one-on-one combat against the knights.
S8 Ep25
31st Mar 2019
Natsu's team heads east with Brandish to negotiate with August, the Wizard King. Meanwhile, Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus spring back into action after Gajeel's team saves them. But the reinvigorated heroes face yet another nightmare…
S8 Ep6
11th Nov 2018
The main members of the Fairy Tail are reunited and behind the Black Wizards of Avatar. But the priest of the sanctuary, Arlok, is determined to do something to carry out the purification strategy.
S8 Ep16
27th Jan 2019
Magnolia is threatened by another member of the Spriggan 12, Wall. Wall's next target is Fried, who is in Kardia Cathedral.
S3 Ep44
21st Jul 2012
Just when it looks Fairy Tail is about to have a climactic fight with Byro over the Infinity Clock, Oracion Seis returns, with upgraded powers and a desire to make the ominous clock their own!
S5 Ep40
10th Jan 2015
Though sick from the Dark Magic he imbibed, Natsu makes a desperate bid to save Lucy and Yukino from Ophiuchus's artificial worlds. And the giant snake Celestial Spirit reveals the true nature of her plan as well as the identity of her master
S5 Ep28
11th Oct 2014
A newly-installed pool table at the Fairy Tail guild hall has Erza reminiscing about the first time she shot pool... which was also the first time she came across a certain bandit, the quickest draw on the continent.
S3 Ep42
7th Jul 2012
Mary Hughes breaks a taboo by unleashing her ultimate power! Can Mirajane out-ultimate her? Plus, Natsu takes on a giant octopus! And... the debut of the Jiggle Gang?! (Warning: It's not as appealing as it sounds...)
S8 Ep1
7th Oct 2018
Natsu and Happy is reunited with Lucy one year after the dissolution of the guild. The three raise Fairy Tail rebuilding and go on a journey to find friends.
S7 Ep3
23rd Jan 2016
As Mavis's journey by sea continues, she explores an ancient underwater temple in an effort to find treasure that will fund the near-broke Yuri and Warrod. However, she inadvertently sets off a trap that seals all three of them inside with a giant deadly fish.
S3 Ep36
26th May 2012
After Legion makes off with Lucy's key, the only thing the members of Fairy Tail can do is search for clues to figure out Legion's objective and the purpose of the memento from Lucy's father. They head to Lucy's old family mansion, but as soon as they discover a hint, two more Legionnaires crash the party... and one of them is an Exceed!
S4 Ep2
13th Oct 2012
Natsu meets up with Max and they decide to have a showdown. Being pushed back, Natsu has to enter his Lightning Flame Dragon Mode to defeat Max. Surprised at the difference between the power 7 years ago and now, Natsu and others visit Porlyusica to ask her for a medicine. At the guild, Makarov attempts to announce a new guild master but the things are quickly turned around when everyone finds out that Gildarts decided to leave for another journey. Later, with teary eyes Wendy tells everyone that Porlyusica's smell and voice reminds her of Grandeeney. Back at the guild, Makarov decides that Fairy Tail will join an exciting event in order for them to regain the top spot - the Grand Magic Games.
S8 Ep49
15th Sep 2019
Inside the time rift, and with the fate of the world on the line, the seven Dragon Slayers battle Acnologia. Outside the rift, Acnologia's physical form continues to wreak havoc. The situation seems hopeless, until Lucy comes up with a last-ditch plan…
S2 Ep21
7th Mar 2011
After saying goodbye to the Alliance the group returns to Fairy Tail, where Wendy and Carla get a warm welcome from their new guild. Erza encounters a mage with Requip magic similar to hers, while Gray tells Natsu that a woman named Daphne says that she met a dragon. When Natsu and Wendy go the Inn where she lives, they are caught in a trap arranged by Daphne. After trying to escape Gray suddenly comes in and challenges Natsu to their ultimate fight.
S8 Ep29
28th Apr 2019
Gildarts makes a surprise return and confronts God Serena on the battlefield. Natsu and friends continue their push toward their guildhall, but soon realize how terrifying the Spriggan 12 truly are when they're fully assembled.
S5 Ep41
17th Jan 2015
The two Fairy Tail groups go on attack mode, trying to destroy the celestial globe and Ophiuchus simultaneously, the only way to stop the mad Celestial Spirit King from gaining ultimate power. Of course, that's much easier said than done...
S4 Ep22
9th Mar 2013
Whilst Lucy is in the infirmary due to Minerva's cruel play in the Naval Battle event, Fairy Tail Team A and B are forced to merge to even out the odd number of teams. With tension building between Sabertooth and Fairy Tail, the tag battles begin with Team Blue Pegasus against Team Quatro Puppy, the man in the blue bunny suit finally revealing his identity.
S5 Ep30
25th Oct 2014
The world is racked with abnormal weather and natural disasters, conditions that keep all the Fairy Tail wizards busy. Natsu and Lucy take on a job to investigate major changes in celestial bodies, only to find it's a set-up. When they're attacked by a giant sea slug, none of Lucy's regular Celestial Spirits answer her calls for help. But as if to answer this mystery, Virgo appears, although her appearance and attitude are way off the mark. In fact, it seems that what Virgo wants most is to punish Lucy!
S8 Ep9
2nd Dec 2018
Under the command of Erza, the members who discovered the truth about the dissolution of the guild, go to the mainland Alvarez to help the sixth master of the guild, Makarov.
S1 Ep3
26th Oct 2009
Natsu picks up a job that could pay big money, but he needs a certain type of girl to complete his plan—and Lucy fits the description perfectly!
S8 Ep5
4th Nov 2018
Believing that Zeref will appear at the location where several deaths will happen, the organization of the black magic, Avatar, will sacrifice an entire city. In order to stop the plan, Natsu and company run to the city of Malba.
S8 Ep31
12th May 2019
Just as Gray learns E.N.D.'s true identity, Lucy faces off against Brandish. Lucy tries hard to avoid a fight, but her desperate pleas go unheard. With neither side willing to compromise, the ensuing battle triggers an all-new crisis.
S4 Ep1
6th Oct 2012
Legion pays Fairy Tail a special visit! Fairy Tail learns of Sabertooth, the number one guild in Fiore! And what lies beneath the original Fairy Tail base of operations?!
S1 Ep30
17th May 2010
Makarov can’t consider retirement while he’s always answering for Fairy Tail’s destructive reputation. The strongest team takes the stage with a theatrical production that should keep them out of trouble—but bad habits are tough to break!
S1 Ep4
2nd Nov 2009
Natsu, Lucy and Happy will have to do more than just read between the lines to defeat the twisted Duke Everlue and his monstrous maid, Virgo.
S8 Ep8
25th Nov 2018
After receiving Lucy's letters, the former's members of Fairy Tail, gathered in Magnolia for the rebirth of the guild and the rebuilding of the building.
S4 Ep11
15th Dec 2012
After being completely annihilated on the first day of the Grand Magic Games, Fairy Tail tries to recover and keep high spirits for the remaining rounds. Elsewhere, the captain of the guard is up to something suspicious, and Carla has a terrible vision.
S3 Ep34
12th May 2012
Lucy is the target of an unknown plot by the Earthland counterparts of Hughes, Sugarboy, and Coco. More about the mystery of the Iron Rod is revealed.
S1 Ep14
18th Jan 2010
Lucy boils up a plan to defeat a doll master wizard who’s on a mighty power-trip and one or both of them will be all washed up! Another Fairy Tail wizard arrives to pull the plug on the mission just as Natsu launches his attack on the island ruins!
S8 Ep19
17th Feb 2019
While fierce fighting continued throughout Fiore, there was also a case in Magnolia's "Fairy Tail" guild. For the moment the crisis has left, Lucy listens to the voice of Brandish to hear the information of her mother, Leila. But for a moment, hands stained with hatred and anger approached Lucy!
S3 Ep38
9th Jun 2012
Natsu and Lucy's team explore the ancient ruins of the Sacred Graveyard, going ever downward as they get through each floor's challenge. Meanwhile, in an interdimensional space, Gray, Juvia, and Lyon are in a desperate battle with Sugar Boy over the first piece of the mysterious clock!
S8 Ep4
28th Oct 2018
The Guild of Black Wizards Avatar, plan a strategy of purification. In search of Gray's fate, Natsu, Lucy and Happy, who find the Guild location, will attempt to infiltrate in the enemy area.
S1 Ep10
14th Dec 2009
Now that they’ve made it back to Fairy Tail headquarters, it’s time for Erza to answer Natsu’s challenge! Before things really get heated, the Guild Council stops by to arrest Erza, but Natsu’s not about to let her get away that easily!
S1 Ep12
4th Jan 2010
When the team stumbles upon the infamous demon Deliora frozen in magic ice, cold memories—and a familiar face—are resurrected from Gray’s dark past.
S1 Ep13
11th Jan 2010
Natsu races Lyon’s pawns back to the village with a defeated Gray in tow, making it just in time to fend off a bucket-load of poisonous goo delivered by a giant flying rodent!
S5 Ep42
24th Jan 2015
Natsu and his fellow Fairy Tail members come face to face with the eclipsed Celestial Spirit King... except the king is now more like a giant fiend without a face! Or more like he's got a giant vacuum cleaner tube for a face, which he uses to suck up his own planet, the captive Celestial Spirits, and if they're not careful, the Fairy Tail Wizards!
S8 Ep43
4th Aug 2019
Erza's team meets a mysterious woman with a plan that can completely destroy Acnologia. Meanwhile, Lucy and friends struggle to come to terms with the truth that connects Natsu's life and the Book of E.N.D. that they now hold.
S4 Ep5
3rd Nov 2012
Natsu, Lucy, Gray, Erza, and Wendy are chosen to represent their guild in the Grand Magic Games, which are to be held in Fiore's capital Crocus. As they tour the city, Natsu and his friends meet Sting and Rogue, who mock Natsu for not being able to kill Acnologia and boast killing the dragons who raised them. At midnight that night, Fairy Tail and the other participating guilds are put through a preliminary event—a race through a massive floating labyrinth—designed to narrow the guilds down to eight teams.
S1 Ep2
19th Oct 2009
Lucy’s dream comes true when Natsu and Happy take her to their headquarters in Magnolia to meet the rowdy members of Fairy Tail. For her first job, Lucy braves Mt. Hakobe with her new friends to find a missing wizard.
S6 Ep2
11th Apr 2015
As the Fairy Tail Mages arrive at the mysterious Sun Village, completely frozen, they get into a fight with the Hunters of Sylph Labyrinth. Meanwhile, a new threat, Succubus Eye, is also approaching the village, with Minerva as the new recruit.
S3 Ep2
24th Sep 2011
The eight exam participants reach Tenrou Island, where they are each required to take one of eight routes that will lead to the next stage of the exam. Lucy and Cana take a route where they are required to fight against Freed and Bickslow in a battle that will determine which pair will be allowed to advance. Lucy and Cana fear they stand no chance against them, but Freed throws the battle by pretending to be weak against women in swimsuits, allowing Cana to defeat him. Meanwhile, Natsu takes the route he believes will lead him to fight against Erza, but is ecstatic to find Gildarts waiting for him instead.
S6 Ep3
18th Apr 2015
As Erza is looking for a way to return to her original form, she is approached by none other than Minerva. Meanwhile, Natsu soon meets Doriate and his Magic, turning him into a child as well.
S8 Ep33
26th May 2019
Erza's tears stop the fight between Gray and Natsu. Meanwhile, the remaining members of the Spriggan 12 commence a ferocious assault on Ishgar. August faces off against Crime Sorcière while Larcade unleashes an attack that affects friend and foe alike.
S2 Ep36
18th Jun 2011
After hearing the truth about their mission, Happy and Charle run away from the kingdom and end up with two mysterious cats, Lucky and Marl, who's egg had been taken by the queen to be used in the Dragon's Slayer Extermination Project. And Happy and Charle's hearts have been shaken by the kingdom and by what they think they had done. Will Happy and Charle find strength within their own hearts to go save their friends? It is implied that Lucky and Marl are actually Happy's parents.
S3 Ep29
7th Apr 2012
The still-broke Lucy and Natsu take a job to capture the thieving master of masquerade, Velveno, at a magical ballroom dance, but first... Natsu has to learn the steps
S1 Ep11
21st Dec 2009
Natsu, Happy and Lucy tread some seriously troubled waters when they break guild rules to take an S-class job request and end up shipwrecked on the cursed Galuna Island!
S7 Ep6
13th Feb 2016
Mavis and the treasure hunters explore the decrepit town of Magnolia, looking for answers. Soon enough, they learn of the town's tragic fate and get involved in battle against the town's magically armed and violent oppressors, Blue Skull!
S7 Ep8
27th Feb 2016
Mavis and the treasure hunters enlist the good people of Magnolia to stage an uprising against their tormentors, the evil wizards of Blue Skull. It also helps that they now have their own magic power with which to fight back. But what happens when their goal turns out to be much more than a lost treasure?
S1 Ep19
22nd Feb 2010
Natsu absent-mindedly reads a spell that switches the minds and magic of everyone nearby! If they don’t figure out how to reverse the spell, they’ll be the most pathetic team of Fairy Tail—forever!
S5 Ep24
13th Sep 2014
The king is holding a ball at the palace to honor the wizards of Fiore for their valor during the Grand Magic Games and their great efforts to protect the kingdom from Future Rogue and the seven dragons. Everyone is having a good time except for the nagging feeling that something is wrong when Natsu doesn't show up. Later, Princess Hisui is forced to take responsibility for her part in the peril that beset the kingdom.
S3 Ep35
19th May 2012
It's Natsu versus Sugar Boy! Wendy and Lily versus Coco! Lucy versus Hughes! And Gildarts versus Byro! But are the members of Legion really after Lucy... or something else?!
S3 Ep45
28th Jul 2012
Oracion Seis has made off with the Infinity Clock and seems intent on counting down to doomsday. Meanwhile, Fairy Tail regroups, using Cana's divination skills to locate Oracion Seis's targets and choose the best teams to go after them!
S1 Ep5
9th Nov 2009
Erza asks Gray and Natsu to form a team with her to stop a corrupt guild from using a dark magic that has the power to sap the lives of everyone in Fiore!
S8 Ep42
28th Jul 2019
Larcade scowls in pain after Zeref rejects him as a son. Meanwhile, August begins to cast a powerful spell that threatens to destroy all of Magnolia, along with himself. Elsewhere, Erza and Wendy come face to face with the almighty Acnologia.
S1 Ep6
16th Nov 2009
Erza’s team chases Erigor and his villainous guild to Oshibana station. Can Fairy Tail’s strongest team snuff the death flute before the Lullaby spell hits the airwaves, or will they find themselves in a whirlwind of trouble?
S2 Ep22
14th Mar 2011
Gray and Natsu are fighting with all their power while everyone at Fairy Tail begin to worry. When Erza and Lucy decided to go and find their freinds, they encounter beasts that mimic their abilities. When Natsu is finally caught, Daphne reveals a handmade dragon designed to drain Natsu's power.
S8 Ep36
16th Jun 2019
Irene shares the story of her past, including the secret of Erza's birth. She also reveals the origin of Dragon Slayer magic, her connection with Zeref, and the sad fate that Dragon Slayers bear. Meanwhile, Natsu continues his journey inside his mind.
S3 Ep48
18th Aug 2012
The members of Oración Seis stop fighting Fairy Tail and resume their mission of casting Anti-Links on the celestial wizards hidden in churches, completely lifting the seal on the Infinity Clock's true form, a massive, clockwork dreadnought. Byro, meanwhile, tells Natsu's team of his orders from Lapointe to bring Lucy to Zentopia's archbishop. With Oración Seis's plan complete, "Michelle" reveals her true identity as a member of Oración Seis, Imitatia, who posed as Lucy's relative to manipulate Fairy Tail into helping them. She also reveals her authority as archbishop given to her by the real one, forcing Byro to follow her orders, and kidnaps Lucy.
S4 Ep7
17th Nov 2012
Having barely qualified to continue in the Grand Magic Games, one of Fairy Tail's representatives has to be replaced. As the competing guilds are introduced, Natsu and the others size up their competition--which includes an unexpected set of foes.
S3 Ep39
16th Jun 2012
The Fairy Tail teams get ever closer to the clock parts, but two Legion members have already shown up to challenge Natsu's team! And that means more size-changing shenanigans, deathtraps, and unlikely allies than you can throw a stick at!
S4 Ep13
5th Jan 2013
Instead of duking it out for their match, former pinup models Mirajane and Jenny go head to head in a crowd-pleasing swimsuit pageant.
S3 Ep33
5th May 2012
Natsu and Laxus are going to fight and the other members of Fairy Tail can't wait to see it... except for Erza and Gray, who are off on a mission to capture some bandits and their wizard bodyguards! Meanwhile, Lucy is still trying to figure out the meaning of the ancient characters on her father's memento...
S2 Ep25
2nd Apr 2011
Team Natsu along Wendy and Charle are on a mission in the mountains. Because of the snow, Lucy catches a cold and she can’t go to Fairy Tail’s annual flower watching. Natsu doesn’t have fun because of this and he and Happy unroot one of the cherry trees so that Lucy can see it.
S8 Ep23
17th Mar 2019
Jacob unleashes his true anger after Lucy and Natsu thwart his initial plans. Eventually, he targets the other Fairy Tail members trapped in his alternate dimension. Meanwhile, the Hargeon battlefield is blanketed in darkness as a new foe appears.
S1 Ep1
12th Oct 2009
Lucy wants nothing more than to join Fairy Tail, the most rambunctious wizard’s guild in Fiore. When a phony lures her onto his ship with the promise of getting into the guild of her dreams, her newest friends arrive to bail her out!
S1 Ep2
19th Oct 2009
Lucy’s dream comes true when Natsu and Happy take her to their headquarters in Magnolia to meet the rowdy members of Fairy Tail. For her first job, Lucy braves Mt. Hakobe with her new friends to find a missing wizard.
S1 Ep3
26th Oct 2009
Natsu picks up a job that could pay big money, but he needs a certain type of girl to complete his plan—and Lucy fits the description perfectly!
S1 Ep4
2nd Nov 2009
Natsu, Lucy and Happy will have to do more than just read between the lines to defeat the twisted Duke Everlue and his monstrous maid, Virgo.
S1 Ep5
9th Nov 2009
Erza asks Gray and Natsu to form a team with her to stop a corrupt guild from using a dark magic that has the power to sap the lives of everyone in Fiore!
S1 Ep6
16th Nov 2009
Erza’s team chases Erigor and his villainous guild to Oshibana station. Can Fairy Tail’s strongest team snuff the death flute before the Lullaby spell hits the airwaves, or will they find themselves in a whirlwind of trouble?
S1 Ep7
23rd Nov 2009
The wizards are sitting ducks behind Erigor’s impenetrable wind wall until Happy hatches a plan with a little service from the stars!
S1 Ep8
30th Nov 2009
Natsu finally knocks the wind out of Erigor’s sails in a scorcher of a battle—but Fairy Tail’s strongest team still has a war to fight when the death flute’s dark magic plays an evil scale of epic proportions.
S1 Ep9
7th Dec 2009
While traveling home with grumbling bellies, the team stumbles upon a deserted village with lots of yummy grub lying around, but Erza’s gut tells her something’s up. While she investigates, the boys chow on a forest full of odd fungus.
S1 Ep10
14th Dec 2009
Now that they’ve made it back to Fairy Tail headquarters, it’s time for Erza to answer Natsu’s challenge! Before things really get heated, the Guild Council stops by to arrest Erza, but Natsu’s not about to let her get away that easily!
S1 Ep11
21st Dec 2009
Natsu, Happy and Lucy tread some seriously troubled waters when they break guild rules to take an S-class job request and end up shipwrecked on the cursed Galuna Island!
S1 Ep12
4th Jan 2010
When the team stumbles upon the infamous demon Deliora frozen in magic ice, cold memories—and a familiar face—are resurrected from Gray’s dark past.
S1 Ep13
11th Jan 2010
Natsu races Lyon’s pawns back to the village with a defeated Gray in tow, making it just in time to fend off a bucket-load of poisonous goo delivered by a giant flying rodent!
S1 Ep14
18th Jan 2010
Lucy boils up a plan to defeat a doll master wizard who’s on a mighty power-trip and one or both of them will be all washed up! Another Fairy Tail wizard arrives to pull the plug on the mission just as Natsu launches his attack on the island ruins!
S1 Ep15
25th Jan 2010
Ul sacrificed her own body to end Deliora’s reign with the Iced Shell technique. Gray cuts a path to the ruins to put the freeze on Lyon—who plans to release the indomitable monster just to see if he can best their mentor!
S1 Ep16
1st Feb 2010
Face to face with his childhood rival, Gray is willing to do anything—even use Iced Shell—to stop Lyon from melting the ice to free Deliora!
S1 Ep17
8th Feb 2010
Natsu puts the heat on the masked wizard and crumbles his plans to use Deliora for himself. The mystery of the village’s curse is yet to be solved—Erza prepares to take down the purple moon looming over the island!
S1 Ep18
15th Feb 2010
In full gear, Erza—with the help of Natsu’s firepower—launches her lance at the sky to shatter the spell and restore the villagers’ true forms—and their memories!
S1 Ep19
22nd Feb 2010
Natsu absent-mindedly reads a spell that switches the minds and magic of everyone nearby! If they don’t figure out how to reverse the spell, they’ll be the most pathetic team of Fairy Tail—forever!
S1 Ep20
1st Mar 2010
Six years ago, Natsu stumbled upon an egg with strange markings all over it. He fought tooth and nail to hatch the egg so he could raise his own dragon, but along the way he got a little help from his friends, a lesson on love and a very happy surprise!
S1 Ep21
8th Mar 2010
A metal-headed member of the Phantom Lord guild wrecks the Fairy Tail headquarters, but Makarov turns the other cheek. It’s another story when someone attacks his own wizard children—he takes the whole guild to war!
S1 Ep22
15th Mar 2010
The powers of the Dragon Slayers clash when Natsu goes head to head with Gajeel! The destruction is interrupted when a guild master takes a critical blow and word that Lucy has been kidnapped sends Natsu over the edge!
S1 Ep23
22nd Mar 2010
While a healing mage watches over Makarov, Fairy Tail regroups to plan their next move. But when Jose returns with a giant cannon capable of blasting the entire guild to bits, their time to act ticks away!
S1 Ep24
29th Mar 2010
Natsu’s own fiery fists are used against him in a face-off with a fellow fire wizard blocking his path to destroy Jupiter! Meanwhile, a very creepy member of Phantom Lord’s Element 4 puts Elfman in a bind that only the might of a beast can break!
S1 Ep25
12th Apr 2010
Elfman unleashes the dangerous full body beast mode to pummel Sol. Two of the Element 4 remain, and they must be taken down to stop the Abyss Break spell. Natsu wages war against the wind wizard and the drippy Juvia melts over Gray.
S1 Ep26
19th Apr 2010
Natsu struggles against the strongest of the Element 4—but a surprise blow from an armor-switching warrior knocks the wind right out of Aria! Meanwhile, Lucy is back in the sinister Jose’s grips after a heavy-handed jerk overpowers her protectors.
S1 Ep27
26th Apr 2010
A seriously scary Natsu tests his mettle against the iron-scaled Gajeel—but he loses steam when there isn’t anything around to fuel his firepower! Back on land, the shades are pummeling the guild to the ground!
S1 Ep28
3rd May 2010
Thanks to a celestial smarty, Natsu gets fired up enough to finish off the cocky Gajeel. As Jose is moments from crushing Erza, extreme powers collide when Fairy Tail’s fearsome leader makes a blinding return to burn out Phantom Lord.
S1 Ep29
10th May 2010
After a heated chat, Natsu and Gajeel share a dragon-related revelation. The triumphant wizards of Fairy Tail get right to work on a new guild headquarters. When Lucy’s friends pay her apartment a visit, she’s nowhere to be found!
S1 Ep30
17th May 2010
Makarov can’t consider retirement while he’s always answering for Fairy Tail’s destructive reputation. The strongest team takes the stage with a theatrical production that should keep them out of trouble—but bad habits are tough to break!
S1 Ep31
24th May 2010
Loke’s smooth with the ladies—but Lucy seems to be his kryptonite. Irked by his odd behavior around her, Lucy looks into his past with another Celestial Wizard and learns his startling secret!
S1 Ep32
31st May 2010
Loke shares his unsettling story with Lucy. Refusing to let her friend fade away forever, Lucy challenges the authority of the almighty ruler of the skies himself!
S1 Ep33
7th Jun 2010
The team takes a moment to kick back at a luxurious resort, but the vacation is cut short when a crew of dangerous rogues catches the wizards with their guards down and swipe Erza and Happy!
S1 Ep34
21st Jun 2010
Natsu and the crew track the kidnappers to the looming Tower of Heaven where a demented figure from Erza’s past plans to activate a devastating forbidden magic with her as the living sacrifice!
S1 Ep35
28th Jun 2010
Erza’s flashback continues. Her magical prowess awakened in the revolt against the slaves’ oppressors, but she failed to save Jellal. Now she has no choice but to fight her former friend to stop him from releasing horrors upon the world.
S1 Ep36
5th Jul 2010
Natsu is temporarily declawed when he gets stuck in some stubborn headgear, but he uses his dome to defeat a kitty-loving baddy. It’s all a game to Jellal, who brings in three twisted wizards from the Assassin’s Guild.
S1 Ep37
12th Jul 2010
With one sick riff, a noisy metalhead transforms Juvia into his own freaky slave and turns her against Lucy! Elsewhere in the castle, Natsu is gobbled up by a bird-brained rocketeer!
S1 Ep38
19th Jul 2010
Erza slices through a samurai showdown with the sharpest of the Assassin’s Guild wizards and heads straight for Jellal—can she defeat him before the Council fires the destructive Etherion beam?
S1 Ep39
26th Jul 2010
As Jellal’s plan falls into place, Erza is suddenly seconds from losing her body to resurrect Zeref! All hope seems lost unless her fire-breathing friend has enough flame in him to save her.
S1 Ep40
2nd Aug 2010
Natsu works on wrecking the tower, much to the possessed wizard’s aggravation—who gets a taste of the Dragon Slayer’s true power. As the aftershock of the Etherion blast threatens to take everyone out, Erza decides to take one for the team.
S1 Ep41
9th Aug 2010
Friendship prevails, Erza says farewell to old pals, and the strongest team of Fairy Tail return home to a bevy of surprises. Not only is the guild hall bigger and better than before—a couple new members have joined the ranks!
S1 Ep42
16th Aug 2010
Magnolia’s Harvest Festival has begun and the town gathers to gawk at the Miss Fairy Tail beauty pageant. The guild gets a shock when all the contestants turn stone cold as a menacing member returns and starts a new contest of his own!
S1 Ep43
23rd Aug 2010
Makarov and Natsu are sitting ducks while the rest of the wizards battle each other to exhaustion. Laxus taunts the guild master with blackmail, but there’s still a dim light of hope—some of the strongest wizards still remain.
S1 Ep44
30th Aug 2010
After Erza takes on Evergreen, Laxus sends the guild a high-voltage threat! While the wizards search the city for the wired-up bully, Lucy and Happy are ambushed by creepy dolls!
S1 Ep45
6th Sep 2010
Just when it seems she’s out of luck, Lucy’s most defiant—and amorous—celestial spirit saves her from death by dollies. Elsewhere in the city, the guild’s sweetest member makes a wicked transformation in a struggle to stop Freed.
S1 Ep46
13th Sep 2010
The Raijin Tribe is defeated, but time ticks away for Fairy Tail to stop the Thunder Palace from frying the whole city. While Natsu puts the heat on Laxus, Erza prepares to dismantle the massive threat over Magnolia.
S1 Ep47
20th Sep 2010
After a telepathic pep talk, the Fairy Tail wizards put their quarrels aside to help Erza take the Thunder Palace down. With part of his plan foiled and another Dragon Slayer entering the fray, Laxus charges up for a thunderous attack.
S1 Ep48
27th Sep 2010
The wrath of Laxus takes a shocking turn and a resilient fire-breather takes one last stand to stop the war. Despite the damage, the Fairy Tail wizards muster up the strength to put on a dazzling show for the Fantasia parade!