Prisoner: Cell Block H Episode Rating Graph
Feb 1979 - Dec 1986

Feb 1979 - Dec 1986
Browse episode ratings trends for Prisoner: Cell Block H. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Prisoner: Cell Block H's 692 episodes.
S8 Ep44
12th Jun 1986
Rita is gutted and becomes disillusioned when Merle knocks her out in a dispute stirred up by Kath and Janet. Rodney holds an aerobics class for the prisoners, which ends in him being made a fool of. Janet plays silly buggers and messes around with the video tapes in an attempt to get Rita's girls into trouble. Joan and Andrew have a talk and try to reach a new understanding. Tension flares up between the three trainees.
S8 Ep42
5th Jun 1986
Marty and his two new fellow trainees - Rodney Adams and Delia Stout - discover the highs and lows of working at Wentworth. The women plot to make the Freak pay for reading Nancy's diary and carry out a cunning plan to humiliate her - one that involves a bomb planted in the prison garden and an escape attempt...
S8 Ep35
13th May 1986
Joan's house is burned down by the bikies at Rita's request, after which Rita and Alice dangle her off the roof of the prison. Incensed, Joan agrees to Mrs Ryan's request to get Julie's sentence extended. An old acquaintance of Joan's from Queensland is arrested and sent to Wentworth. Janet and Kath arrange a drugs drop and Meg suspects the women know something about the fire at Joan's place.
S8 Ep34
8th May 1986
Joan is offered $10,000 by Mrs Ryan if she will agree to help get Julie's sentence extended. Roach and Ida find themselves behind bars for robbing the newsagency and Roach realises she saw Joan the night the Conquerors' bikes were burned. Rita plots her revenge on Joan for the fire and, subsequently, Slasher's death, by arranging a nasty surprise at her home. Kath says goodbye to her husband.
S8 Ep27
15th Apr 1986
The women throw Joyce and Mervin a slap-up wedding breakfast, but the festivities are shattered with the news that Lou has been found murdered in solitary. Bob and Kath desperately try to keep their friendship a secret from everyone in Wentworth, as Kath is systematically bullied by the other prisoners.
S8 Ep26
10th Apr 1986
Lots of bullying going on as Joan bullies Lou and everyone else bullies Kath. Janet tries to ingratiate herself with both Kath and Lou, telling Lou she knows something about Bob Moran that they can use against him. Rita tells the other girls that drugs are a no-no from now on, to their disgust and surprise.
S8 Ep25
8th Apr 1986
Kath Maxwell looks set to have a hard time in Wentworth, as the women react angrily to the ""kid killer"". Rita has drugs smuggled into the prison in a remote-controlled car and throws a party, which ends in disaster after Steve flushes the dope down the loo and Rita knocks him out. Joan goes golfing.
S7 Ep83
5th Nov 1985
Pippa's art class ends in disaster as the women are fired up by Lou's campaign against Ann: Pippa insults Rita, so she decks her and gets hauled off to Solitary. Lou pours yellow paint down Rita's leather jacket, ruining it. Joan drops the jacket off to Rita in the pound, enraging her no end. Nora vanishes, and it later turns out she has escaped. Slasher and the Conquerors turn up at Pippa and Ben's wedding and try to disrupt the ceremony. Daphne wins her appeal and is released. Jenny decides to get her own flat and move out of Ann's place. David tells Eve he couldn't kill Joyce and calls off their affair. Racked with guilt, though, he returns to the prison after the wedding and shoots himself in the interview room in front of Eve.
S7 Ep82
5th Nov 1985
Rita's caring persona yet strong physique prompt Nora into considering her as top dog material. Lou begins her reign as top dog by asserting her position in the laundry and getting in a bashing on Reb as punishment for Joyce's bashing. The gallery robbery is successful, until a twist of plan costs one of the girls their life. Ann feels guilty over the death. Joyce's life is in danger.
S7 Ep81
31st Oct 1985
Remand prisoners Rita ""The beater"" Conners and Barbara ""Barbie"" Cox are brought into Wentworth, Rita charged with assault and bodily harm, while Barbie's charge remains a mystery. Joyce overhears David and Eve discussing Eve's guilt, yet it may cost Joyce her life. A new top dog is elected...and she already asserts herself by trying to get a bashing in or two...
S7 Ep77
22nd Oct 1985
After a few initial hassles, the contest goes on, with the highlight a showstopping performance from Lurch as Carmen Miranda. Yet the overall winner is as shocked as everyone else. Pippa and Ben come to blows over her prospective job offer in London, but decide to go for it and honeymoon in London while they are at it. Reb's psychological trauma haunts her and Joan offers her a way out...with a razor blade. May and Willie sadly bid farewell to the girls and promptly 'escape' from the policevan ready to do the job with the cops.
S7 Ep76
17th Oct 1985
After a failed attempt to get Reb's story to the press, Ann makes inquiries about her ECT treatment, to discover something startling. Mothers are high on the agenda as Lexie decides not to interfere in her mother's wealthy lifestyle and Nora meets her 'dead' mother. Lou and Alice continue their terror campaign on some of the contest entrants. May and Willie are offered the chance of a lifetime...but it may cost them their mates and their lives.
S7 Ep72
3rd Oct 1985
Eve begins to show another side of herself after a flashback with Robin. The prisoners question the integrity and authority of the council after a series of incidents involving Joan, Lou and Lexie. Reb Kean makes her return to Wentworth, with a rather different transformation of her former personality...leaving everyone suspicious. A culprit destroys Lexie's clothing designs.
S4 Ep80
9th Nov 1982
Her chance of parole gone, Bea plots to get back at Joan. At the halfway house, Alan is dead but Sara has survived. Bea gets Barbara to tell Joan the diaries are hidden in isolation. Chrissie starts a fire in the library to distract the screws. Unknown to everyone, Margo chucks a molotov cocktail into a store cupboard full of turps. Bea attacks Joan in isolation as Wentworth burns beneath them. Barbara tries to get her diaries from Erica's office but is overcome by smoke. Paddy climbs through the air conditioning to get out. Mouse is engulfed in a ball of flame when the turps explode. Erica runs back in to the burning building to open the locked security gates. Joan and Bea are trapped on opposite sides of a security gate - and Bea has the keys. Bea refuses to unlock the gate, saying she's ready to die - and Joan's going to die there with her...
S4 Ep77
2nd Nov 1982
Tony tells Maxine he isn't interested in her in a romantic way. Meg realises Joan has sabotaged Bea's job application, which Joan admits to the Governor at a staff meeting, and later to Bea as well. Joan steals papers from Erica's office and plants them in Barbara's cell, which Colleen finds. Bea is suspicious Joan took so much trouble to frame Barbara and wants to know what she has on her. On the night shift, Joan lurks about causing trouble. She threatens Barbara and ends up performing a body search on Paddy to get a note slipped to her by Andy Hudson's sister. Margo and Chrissie plan to attack the Freak. After the incident with Joan, Paddy agrees to take part. They black out the lights on the solitary staircase and get Mouse to lure Joan there, where she is attacked by five baseball-bat-wielding women wearing masks.
S4 Ep75
26th Oct 1982
Kerry decides to have the baby and put it up for adoption. Cookie and Kerry walk out on Errol and go to live with Cookie's sister. Margo muscles in on a Woodridge inmate's escape attempt. The Woodridge Governor catches Paddy and Andy in a private liaison and orders Paddy be taken off the concert project. Phillip gets Joan's papers from the thug who broke into her house and finds Joan's diaries among the haul: he visits Barbara and hands the diaries over to her. A furious Joan arrives at work and takes her anger out on Barbara. Joan tells Meg about the burglary and the death of her dog. Bea is laid off from work. The escape bid goes wrong when Lizzie gets in the way and tries to stop Margo - Joan arrives and knocks her roughly to the ground. Geoff begs Joan not to sound the alarm and ruin the concert, but she does it anyway. Lizzie is found lying unconscious on the floor.
S4 Ep74
20th Oct 1982
Phyllis and Colleen save Sally's life. Colleen urges Peter to come and see her. They are reunited and he agrees to say in court that he provoked her. Errol worries Kerry will tell someone he is the father of her baby. Benny and Lou set Chrissie up to be killed by Neil. Sally is freed by the court. Chrissie comes face to face with Neil but is rescued in the nick of time by Paddy and Andy, who are busy trying to have a moment of passion. Kerry returns to the halfway house and tells Maxine she wants an abortion. Judy and Maxine realise Errol is the baby's father. Joan pressures Barbara to get her file, prompting Barbara to call Phillip and ask him to do something for her to get Joan off her back. Joan demands Margo put a stop to the concert. Judy urges Kerry to tell her mother the truth. Joan's house is broken into after dark. When she returns home, she finds her dog dead in the back yard. Maxine blurts out the truth about Errol raping Kerry to Cookie.
S4 Ep2
10th Feb 1982
The almost-naked Steve is locked up in a cell. Janet finds him, but he tells her to leave him there and find a way out. Bea phones the prison again and gets to speak to Erica this time. She agrees to let Bea talk to the women. Kate is sent out to speak to Bea, with Colleen sent into the prison in her place temporarily as a trade. Lizzie is sent outside with the women's latest list of demands, only to be grabbed by the cops and taken away for her trial. The police prepare to send Jim in, commando-style, through the roof after dark to find Steve and Janet. The women read Janet's file and learn she is an ex-prisoner. They manage to catch Janet, strip her and dress her in an old prisoner's uniform. The police blackout the jail: Jim scales the wall and finds Steve and Janet safe. He radios the police to tell them, but the women stumble upon him. As they give chase, the riot squad lob tear gas into reception and storm the prison.
S4 Ep1
9th Feb 1982
Jim and Meg escape just as the rioting women take control of the prison but Steve and Janet are trapped inside. The inmates bicker amongst themselves - Marie stirs everyone up, Margo mouths off and Sandy tries to keep control of the situation. Outside the jail, Erica won't allow the police to storm the building, to Jim's disgust. Steve manages to get to a phone and tell the police they are still inside but he ends up having to hide up in the roof from the prisoners. The women give Erica their list of demands. In hospital, Bea hears of the riot on TV and phones the prison to speak to Erica, but Ted Douglas won't let her. The marauding women finally track down Steve, separated from Janet, in the Governor's office. On Sandy's orders, they pin him to Erica's desk and start to strip him.
S3 Ep81
18th Nov 1981
Doreen tells Judy about life at Wentworth under Marie's rule before Bea took over and how bad it was. Marie stands outside the cell listening. Janet comes across the forged roster in the waste bin and turns it in to Jim. It is obvious to both Jim and Erica that Judy and Doreen must be behind the scheme and the two women are summoned. Judy and Doreen are prepared to lose buyup privileges and are pretty shocked to find out they are to be transferred to Barnhurst as punishment. Erica has decided to give them warning so that they may say good-bye to their friends. Judy tells the women it was decent of Davo to give them warning. Marie asks if they knew about Bea's kidney donor. Judy and Doreen are shocked and say no. Marie doesn't think that was too decent of Davo. When asked how she knew - Marie replies she makes it her business to know. Colleen is appointed Chief Prison Officer, much to Meg's disappointment. A smug Colleen suggests Meg run for union rep.
S3 Ep80
17th Nov 1981
Kate speaks with Inspector Grace. Kate wants a witness "found" for her appeal in exchange for information. She tells Grace where Megan Barnett's body is buried. Grace agrees to work with her. Lizzie's solicitor arrives and informs her that the prosecution's chief witness is Colleen, who saw her with a bottle of kerosene. Lizzie is not worried. Bea asks to speak to Doreen. Sandy writes a note to Jack Fitzwater, asking for keys to be made and smuggled in. Grace asks one of his underlings to investigate Kate Peterson. Doreen forges Jim's signature on the fake rosters and Sandy gives them to Judy to type up in reception. She then gives Lizzie the bad news about Colleen discovering the blackmail letter. In the dining room, Lizzie is pretty depressed and asks Colleen if she's read any letters lately. Colleen becomes angry and grabs Lizzie to take her to the Governor's. Kate steps forward and tells Colleen not to manhandle a frail old prisoner.
S3 Ep78
10th Nov 1981
Jim returns to work after a week's holiday. Joyce Barry shows Jim the drawing, and it has the same effect on him as it did on Janet. Erica is discussing the newspaper article with Ted Douglas when Jim bursts into the office. Mr. Douglas insists on stricter security measures based on Gillespie's recommendations, and says that two new officers are coming to help carry out the new regulations. Doreen visits Bea in sickbay to try to find out from Bea indirectly how crucial it is that she gets a new kidney. Jim blames Janet for encouraging Doreen's artistic talents. Doreen tells Judy that she could donate a kidney for Bea, but is afraid and doesn't want to do it. She also asks Kate for advice. Kate lets slip in front of the other prisoners that Doreen could be a kidney donor: Judy tries to shut Kate up, but the damage has already been done. Sandy is visited by Inspector Grace, but he can get absolutely nothing out of her. Lizzie tricks Mrs.
S3 Ep76
3rd Nov 1981
Colleen accuses Meg of putting her in a bad light with Erica. Judy thinks can teach herself to use the Braille machine, but Erica tells her it is being moved to Barnhurst. Erica asks Colleen and Meg if they want to apply for a senior officer's post. Doreen gets a letter from an art competition and learns that one of her drawings has got an honourable mention. Judy gets a letter from Lori, where she explains that she has become engaged. Meg tells Judy that Sid's house has burned down. Janet and Meg congratulate Doreen on her success the the picture and Doreen gets permission to see Bea. Meg tells Erica that Lizzie is living with her. Doreen chats with Bea until she gets tired. The doctor tells Erica that Bea needs dialysis. Doreen's divorce from Kevin is finalised. Judy writes to Lori telling her that she must forget her, so that Lori's fiancé will not find out that her mother is in prison. Lizzie returns to Wentworth, charged with arson. Erica tells Lizzie that Bea is ill.
S3 Ep75
28th Oct 1981
Erica tells Meg that Lizzie's house has burnt down, and that Lizzie has vanished. Erica orders Colleen to return the goods confiscated in the cell search. Sandy manages to give Bea pethedine tablets with Kate's help. Bea tells Judy that she is convinced that she has a brain tumour just as her mother had before her. Doreen argues with Sandy in the rec room about which TV channel they should watch, but Bea takes Sandy's side. Judy asks Bea why she sided with Sandy, and is told that someone has to be top dog. Erica asks Meg to keep an eye on Colleen. Erica gets Kate to tell her indirectly about Bea's illness. Bea has a dizzy spell in the dining room and collapses across one of the tables. Colleen believes that Bea is faking it and tells her to tidy up the mess. The other women call for a riot and Colleen is furious. Erica is worried that Colleen will become acting Deputy Governor if Jim leaves. Bea advises Judy to do whatever Sandy wants.
S3 Ep74
27th Oct 1981
Meg comes back to work as a prison officer. Sandy gets to hear that Bea is seriously ill and wonders whether she should take over as top dog. Jim explains to Janet that Erica will soon be back. Conway tries to persuade Doreen to go in for a correspondence course. Judy is annoyed when she gets hear that Sandy knows about her pacemaker. Kate asks Judy to make sure that Bea makes an appointment to see a doctor. Sandy wants to try to get hold of painkillers for Bea. Colleen's pocket book has gone missing, and she orders a cell search, where she finds something in Sandy's cupboard. Janet and Meg find Colleen's pocket book in the staff room. Sandy accuses Judy and Doreen of searching her room. Jim stays overnight at Janet's place. Judy tries (and fails) to cheer Bea up. Erica returns, and praises Jim for the way he took charge while she was away, and is glad when Jim tells her that he has taken back his job application. Hazel is persuaded by Sandy to do something for her.
S3 Ep73
21st Oct 1981
Judy is worried that Hazel might have hit Kate too hard, and asks Doreen to go and find out how she is. Meg asks Janet if the TV hire company is run by someone related to her. Doreen is caught by Sandy sneaking a peek at Kate and given a going over, but Meg overhears Doreen being threatened. Sandy behaves as if she's top dog in the rec room and makes Hazel grovel to her. Doreen is pleased when Judy says that she will have to take over, but Judy acts worried. Meg tries to get to know what's upsetting Judy, but Judy won't tell her. Meg complains to Jim that none of prisoners will confide in her: Jim takes the opportunity to ask her to come back to work as an officer. Janet tells Meg that she had been in Wentworth twelve years before on a charge of receiving stolen goods. Meg tries to persuade her not to keep this a secret from Jim, but when Janet next tries to discuss something with Jim, they end up kissing.
S3 Ep71
14th Oct 1981
Sandy tells Judy she thinks the importance they all give to the press is childish, and holds Judy's arm in it until she gives in. Jim offers to let Bea work on the Braille machine unsupervised. Judy comes to ask Bea's advice about the press, but Bea refuses to get involved. Meg asks Kate to be careful about mentioning why she's inside. Meg also speaks to Sandy, who was sentenced to 22 years in prison, but Sandy doesn't believe that Meg can help her. Kate is worried about Linda, thinking that she's heading for a breakdown She tries to get Meg and Jim to help her, advising Jim that Linda needs psychiatric help. Jim promises to look further into the matter. Meg tells Jim that Linda is behaving strangely, but adds that she thinks Linda will settle in eventually. Doreen and Judy believe that Kate has lagged, but when Doreen starts to threaten Kate, Sandy grabs her and pushes her face first into a wall, giving her a nosebleed. Linda's father comes to visit her.
S3 Ep70
13th Oct 1981
Meg meets Lizzie to take her to Sid's house and advises her to try to make new friends on the outside. Bea tries to keep Andrea and Linda apart in the dining room. Meg gives Lizzie an azalea as a housewarming present. Bea gets message from Colleen to go to the library for the Braille project. Lizzie meets the local postman. Doreen and the others can't agree about who should work the press. Meg tells Doreen she may get away with a concurrent sentence for escaping if she behaves herself. Bea works extremely hard to get to grips with the Braille machine. Tension builds between Linda and Andrea. Someone rings Lizzie and hangs up, and it looks as though the azalea Lizzie got from Meg has moved by itself and then moved back in the night. In the laundry Andrea waits until Officer Powell has her back turned then pulls Linda onto the floor on top of her to make it look as if she's been bashed by Linda. Colleen puts Linda in solitary.
S3 Ep63
16th Sep 1981
The "ghost" turns out be a young man called Peter Richards, who explains that he is on the run from the police, as he was involved against his will as the geataway driver for a robbery. Mrs Reid tries to find out more about who will be running the day centre. Judy reluctantly agrees to take over Alison's job in reception. There is a demonstration outside Wentworth by a group of students with placards demanding "FREEDOM!". Doreen seems to have taken a fancy to Peter, and Lizzie finds out from him that the boy she met at the shop was his brother Martin, who is bringing him food. Martin comes to the day centre, and is stopped by Mrs Reid, but Lizzie scares her off by telling her the women fixing up the house are from a mental hospital and the centre will be for other "loonies". When Martin gets to speak to Peter is becomes clear that they are brothers and Peter had been the getaway driver for a robbery.
S3 Ep60
8th Sep 1981
The women bet on who will replace Vera and tease Jim for not getting the Barnhurst job. Officer Powell is offered a temporary position as Acting Chief Prison Officer, with the possibility of a permanent promotion if her work is satisfactory. Jim is unhappy and goes into a sulk for a while. Colleen tells the women about her new position and warns them she'll be keeping an eye on them all. Lizzie regrets all the fuss about the house and tells Bea that she wants to give the house to Gordon. Erica asks Jim to keep an eye on Officer Powell, though when Colleen comes to him with her suspicions that the women are up to something, Jim is bad tempered and too busy organising the rota to pay much attention. Erica tells Lizzie that her application for parole wasn't cancelled after all due to a bureaucratic mixup: instead it has been approved and she will be released in five weeks. Lizzie is overjoyed at first, but then realises that her main reason for release was Sid.
S3 Ep59
2nd Sep 1981
Terry is killed by a gunshot from the car. Erica gets a telephone call from the gate guard about the shooting, and immediately phones Det. Insp. Grace. Doreen tells the other prisoners about the police arriving and thinks she'd heard the shots shortly before. Inspector Grace interviews Vera , and gets her description of the car and the men inside it. Jim stops the interview and Grace admits he already knew about Terry's responsibility for Kathy's death. Vera refuses to see a doctor and leaves the prison on her own. She turns up at Meg's office and eventually breaks down in tears talking to Meg about Terry. The women hear about Terry's death on TV. Vera goes in for her last day at Wentworth, much to Jim's suprise (and annoyance, since he'd changed the rotas already to cover for her). Inspector Grace tells Vera that the pawnbroker have been arrested, but that Fitwater has flown to Sydney and is therefore someone else's problem.
S3 Ep58
1st Sep 1981
Terry is forced to go with "Wacka" and Dinah in his car: two men watching his flat see them drive off. Don is told he has a slipped disc after the accident on building site, and must rest for six weeks. Don asks Chris to call Meg to ask for help. Captain Barton from the Salvation Army comes to visit Lizzie. Terry is taken to see John Fitzwater, who admits he was behind Kathy's death. He believes Terry could of use to him, and wants to know when and how Rosey Quinn will be transferred from Barnhurst to Wentworth. When Terry at first refuses, Fitzwater threatens to have Vera killed. Captain Barton discusses the arrangements for Sid's funeral with Lizzie: she tells him that Sid wouldn't have liked a fuss. Vera shows her more sympathetic side when she gives Lizzie her condolences. Meg is extremely anxious to get Alison released now her husband is unable to work. Inspector Grace is waiting for Terry when he comes home.
S3 Ep57
26th Aug 1981
Vera find Terry sweeping up the fragments of his broken mug. Bea warns the other prisoners about Terry, and tells them never to be alone with him. Wendy offers to teach Alison typing. Vera gets a telephone call from Mr . Douglas to say that she is one of three remaining applicants for the Governorship of Barnhurst. Don gets a visit from Mr. Carter: he says that Chris has run away after hitting one of his teachers. Don drives his van around looking for Chris. Bea puts pressure on Terry, with her and the other prisoners constantly hinting that he has killed Kathy. Lizzie has another home visit to see Sid. Terry nags Vera about their engagement, but she refuses to give him an answer. Vera thinks she detects a certain jealousy on Jim's part when he hears about the three remaining applicants, as he threw away his chance to be Governor. A policewoman sees Don about Chris' disappearance. At work, Terry is very tense, and gets angry over the slightest thing.
S3 Ep56
25th Aug 1981
The gate guard sees what has happened, and finds Kathy dead in the road. He calls for an ambulance, while Wendy in reception rings the police. Wendy tells Erica about the accident, and that the victim was an ex-prisoner. Terry gets to hear about it too, and rushes outside to get confirmation of who was run over, just as Inspector Grace turns up. Grace tells Terry that he and Vera could be implicated, because of Terry and Vera's circumstances, and because Kathy was Terry's ex-wife. Doreen turns up in Alison's cell, and attacks her, but Jim intervenes. Erica decides to send Alison to isolation, while Jim blames Alison's haughty behaviour. Doreen makes Erica lose her patience, and she is sent to solitary. Inspector Grace criticises Erica for not reporting the threats against Kathy, but she soon puts him in his place. Doreen, Alison and Bea are interviewed, but Inspector Grace gets very little information, as the prisoners had been in their cells at the time.
S3 Ep55
19th Aug 1981
Don is furious with the security after the assault on Alison, and takes it out on Jim. A repair man comes to fix the washing machine. Judy is a little put out that Alison has read her file, but Bea thinks it is good that Alison has access to files. Vera tells Terry about her job application. Hazel Kent asks Alison to get her file, because her parole application is due soon, and she wants to know what has been written about her. Alison refuses at first, but changes her mind when Hazel threatens her with Bea. Alison is almost caught by Vera when she lends the file to Hazel. Don has problems at work because he is constantly behind. Hazel is desperate when she reads what is in her file and finds that Vera has put in some very damaging references. Jim hears about Vera's job application, and Alison takes the opportunity to replace the file while Jim and Vera chat about it. Don gets a telephone call from a dissatisfied customer, and loses an order because of it.
S3 Ep54
18th Aug 1981
Jim warns Alison not to be so stand-offish with the other prisoners. Wendy is pleased with Alison's quickness in picking up the job in reception. Kathy's parole comes through. Erica is offered a house to rent as a possible halfway house. Kathy tells Bea and the others that she doesn't want to be released, so she steals something from the kitchen and hides it in her bed to try to have her sentence extended. Vera tries to scare Alison with what will happen if she makes the slightest mistake in reception. Bea and Doreen discover the stolen goods in Kathy's bed and they think that someone is trying to set her up. Bea tells Kathy that she can't do anything about her parole, since Kathy has already signed her parole papers, and in any case theft from the kitchen only counts as a minor offence. Kathy tries to get caught for something more serious, and steals a handbag and radio from Officer Bailey.
S3 Ep53
12th Aug 1981
The gunman, Harry, is looking for Terry, and forces Vera to ring him at work, but Vera tricks Harry by telling Terry that she's gone down with the same virus as her mother. Terry knows that Vera's mother is dead, and realises that something is wrong, so he takes Jim with him and goes to Vera's flat. Bea visits Alison in sickbay and tries to convince her to make friends while she is inside. Terry goes through the front door and keeps Harry talking and when Jim arrives pretends he has left but lets him in. Jim comes up behind Harry, knocks him out and disarms him. Inspector Grace is pleased that they can know link Tranter with McNally through the man they have just caught. Vera is less than happy, believing that Terry is perhaps still in love with his ex-wife after his efforts to help her, so she throws him out of the house and breaks off the engagement. Bea comforts Alison in sickbay, and tries to convince her that the situation is not as bad as she thinks.
S3 Ep52
11th Aug 1981
Bea hears Alison howling and rushes to the rescue, using a chair to break the circuit. Jim gives Alison mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. Vera is delighted by Terry's proposal, and accepts. Alison is transferred to sickbay, with burns to her hands. Jim praises Bea for her swift reaction. Jim reports Alison's suicide attempt to Erica, who suggests that she could be moved to share a cell with Judy. Terry makes an excuse to get out of having dinner wth Vera and Meg. Vera tells Meg that she will give up her carreer now that she's getting married. Meg is asked to contact Alison's husband. When Sid visits Lizzie, she tells him that she can't marry him and scuttles away without giving a reason. Meg tells Don about Alison's "accident": he rightly complains that someone ought to have been watching her. He is allowed to visit Alison in sickbay at Wentworth.
S3 Ep51
5th Aug 1981
Doreen leads the verbal attack on Alison until Judy intervenes allowing Alison to run out of the rec room, bumping into Bea on her way out and somehow managing to scratch Bea's face. Doreen is amazed when Bea tells her they ought to just forget the whole thing. Jim warns Terry against putting too much trust in Inspector Grace. Sid arrives to visit Sid and Vera is just about to send him away when Meg tells her about the engagement and she instantly melts and offers her congratulations. Sid and Lizzie discuss their wedding plans: Captain Barton has agreed to marry them and Lizzie suggests the ceremony should take place in the garden. Erica is taken aback when Lizzie asks her if she will give her away at her wedding, but she agrees when Lizzie explains that this will mean she won't come back. Meg visits Alison Page's husband Don: he is worried that the children will suffer after an article in the paper about Alison.
S3 Ep50
4th Aug 1981
Bea and Judy give Kathy's cell a thorough check for any more booby-traps. Inspector Grace arrives to see Kathy. Vera is most unpleasant to him and explains to Terry that she's had dealings with him in the past. Dinah eavesdrops on this conversation. Bea and Judy are concerned about Lizzie, who is moping about and won't reveal why. Terry arrives to take Kathy to Grace. Kathy doesn't want to go and Bea tells her she doesn't have to. Terry then points out that if she doesn't go the police will certainly suspect she knows more than she does. Bea concedes to this point and Kathy goes with Terry. While in the corridor, the riot alarm is sounded. Terry leaves Kathy behind a locked gate while he goes to investigate. Dinah sneaks up behind Kathy and smashes her head into the gate twice. Terry finds her a minute later unconscious. Jim tells the women in the laundry that Kathy has been bashed. Bea is getting pretty irritated with the unknown assailant.
S3 Ep49
28th Jul 1981
Terry is not happy to see Kathy. He advises her to keep quiet about their marriage as it might put her in danger from other prisoners. Since she has already received a threat, Kathy agrees. Bea is upset with Lizzie and Doreen about ruining Lori's party. Jim runs in and tells them to get a stretcher for Sid who has collapsed. Sid doesn't want to be carried by women, but Bea tells him to get on the stretcher for Lizzie's sake. In the infirmary, Sister says that Sid is fine - he merely overexerted himself. Lizzie speaks to Meg and Erica about an early parole so that she can take care of Sid. They agree to do what they can. In the laundry, Bea warns Kathy again about working out any "arrangements" with Terry. Vera walks in and Doreen tells Kathy that Vera likes to be chummy with the prisoners and to be called by her first name. Kathy calls her Vera and is immediately shot down. Kathy laughs at the joke and is surprised to find out Vera is involved with Terry.
S3 Ep48
21st Jul 1981
While running in the park, Jim comes across Amelia and speaks with her. He shows her a photograph of Michelle and she recognizes her. Amelia says she hasn't seen Michelle in a couple of weeks and, when Jim asks her about the night in question, Amelia says she remembers see her that night because it was the night of her deceased friend's birthday and she was depressed. She also recalls the time - between 6 and 7 - because she always walks at that time. An ecstatic Jim whisks her off to court. Michelle's judge is winding down his gloomy summation when Jim and Amelia come in. Because the defense has vital new information, court is adjourned until the next morning. Lizzie returns to the rec room after visiting Sid and is told of the planned birthday celebration. Lizzie asks the women if they will all join together and knit things for Sid. They all agree. A chirpy Jim returns to work, followed closely by Michelle. She bats her eyes and thanks him.
S3 Ep47
15th Jul 1981
Bea and Judy search for Doreen. Bea tells Lizzie to keep an eye on Lori. Lori claims she isn't at all frightened and that Doreen is too stupid to know what to do with a knife. Lizzie sits her down and tells her to shut up. Doreen saunters into the rec room. When Bea and Judy ask her about the knife, Doreen says she moved it. As Lori goes back to her cell Doreen has a naughty smirk that convinces Bea and Judy that she's up to something. When Bea forces Judy to tell the women about Lori's true identity, a shocked Doreen quickly confesses that she has set up a little "surprise"...Meanwhile, Lori is at the door of her cell having spotted a rope tied to something above the door. Vera catches her creeping into the cell and decides to investigate. Vera pushes the cell door open and a bucket of soap powder dumps on her head. In a rage, she hauls Lori off to solitary. Doreen tries to explain, but the powder-drenched Vera is in no mood to listen.
S3 Ep46
14th Jul 1981
The Keep-Fit class ends with Jim about as winded as the women. Meg visits with Erica, who thanks her for the dinner. Erica then tell Meg that she must go to the country to sort through her mother's things. "Going through Mother's dresses", seems to especially upset her. Both Michelle and Henry meet with Tony Morton. The police have now established Michelle's fingerprints at the crime scene and, without the "mysterious old lady", things look worse than ever. Michelle shoots Henry a look. As he leaves, Henry assures Michelle that he'll do what he can. In the laundry, Doreen blows kisses and makes cooing noises at Lori. Vera enters and, sensing a good opportunity, tells Lori to help Doreen at the washer. Erica and James drive down to the country. James wants to sell the family home, Erica does not. Doreen purposely has Lori pour dye into the washer. Gwen brings Erica and James their mother's personal letters. Erica trembles before them, but James insists that she start reading them.
S3 Ep45
8th Jul 1981
Judy is stunned at meeting Lori and asks how she found her. Lori explains that her adoptive parents, the Youngs,were afraid that Judy was going to try and contact her during her escape so they told Lori everything. Judy asks her to return the next day after she's had a chance to compose herself. Michelle is entertaining the women with her story of leaving Jim in her dust, when Judy walks in. Bea and Doreen want to know all about her visitor (assuming it was a professional do-gooder) but the Jude is evasive. Judy then runs into Erica in the hall and asks her if she may have a special visit the next day. Erica wants to know specfically why and Judy refuses to be specific so Erica just walks away. Discovering that Terry was the supervising officer at the meeting, Erica asks him why Judy should need another visit. Terry informs her that the visitor was Judy's daughter. Jim asks Meg if she can recommend anyone from Legal Aid to help Michelle.
S3 Ep44
7th Jul 1981
Jim finds Vera sobbing in the rec room. She asks to be excused for the afternoon and Jim agrees. The family doctor phones Erica and informs her that her mother has collapsed and is in hospital awaiting an operation. She has had a cerebral thrombosis and Erica must come immediately. Vera catches Terry at home and persuades him not to move out just yet - that they must have one last attempt to get the tape. Jim confronts Bea and says that Terry is about to resign and reminds her that a decent officer is very likely to be replaced by a Jock Stewart. Bea feigns ignorance. Erica and James arrive at the hospital. They visit their mother before she goes into surgery. Florence keeps repeating that she's sorry. "Sorry for what", Erica asks? Florence says to ask the doctor... and with those enigmatic words she is wheeled away. Erica does ask the doctor, and he tells them that Florence had a boy before either of them and that this child died as the result of an accidental fall.
S3 Ep43
1st Jul 1981
Judy asks Bea what she intends to do with the cassette, but Bea is not yet sure. Meg gets to Nick as he is being escorted to prison. She says how sorry she is for the misunderstanding. A very bitter Nick tells her he could care less. Erica visits her mother in the country. Jim, as Acting Governor, has all of the women's' recorders and tapes confiscated and says that since they have proven to be a security risk they will no longer be allowed. He also orders a cell search for the incriminating tape. They do not find it - Bea has it taped behind the glass of her over-sink cabinet. Erica and her mother argue. Florence has a bad spell. As Erica runs out of the room to get help, Florence peeks after her. Erica is outraged when Gwen, her mother's companion, tells her the "fainting spell" was just Florence's way of ending an unpleasant conversation.
S3 Ep42
30th Jun 1981
Jim runs for help. Margo comes to in the infirmary, but has no idea who hit her. Bob tells Meg that he has no interest in Arna and invites Meg to have lunch with them that afternoon before he takes Arna to the airport. Vera questions Margo about the attack. Margo decides it was Terry who did it and tells Vera about the tape and the scotch. Margo repeats the story to Erica, but Vera returns from a cell search claiming to have found nothing. Margo is not very surprised at this. Bea is off the hook, as she was in the rec room the entire time, but both Terry and Doreen walk in afterwards. Bea is pretty sure Terry is the basher. Jim comes right out and asks Terry. Terry is shocked that Jim would even ask. Meg has lunch with Bob and Arna. When Arna finds out that Meg is a parole officer she is very interested as many of her family are involved in Swedish prison reform. She asks to see Wentworth. Bob says it will be no problem.
S3 Ep41
24th Jun 1981
Bea bails Lizzie out of trouble by having her give the women back their original bets and IOUs for the rest. Terry brings in a bottle of scotch for Margo. Her information - that Lizzie is running the book - doesn't impress Terry much, but Margo says if he doesn't give her the booze she'll never tell him anything else. He gives it to her. Meg and Nick have a cosy chat about his family. Although Meg doesn't notice, Nick is beginning to look at her with dewy eyes. Terry tells Vera that he got info from Margo, but doesn't tell her about the scotch. Vera is determined to put an end to Lizzie's book. Lizzie comes up with a plan for her IOUs. She'll bet the women she owes double or nothing that she can pick 6 out of 8 races. Judy has her tape recorder returned, but a cassette is missing. Margo tells Hazel that she has a bottle of scotch and she'll share if Hazel will side with her. Hazel tells Margo to go drink her scotch.
S3 Ep40
23rd Jun 1981
Lizzie's book is officially "opened". Mr. Muirhead visits Meg at home and tells her that Nick absolutely must move out. Lizzie does very well with her first race. Terry moves in. Vera finds the betting ticket in his jacket pocket. Bob refuses to throw Nick out saying that it is his house and he can have anyone he wants in it. Bev and Lil are assigned as Lizzie's bodyguards. Margo collects her race winnings from Terry then turns around and shows Vera the money. Vera says that Terry wouldn't do such a thing. Margo laughs and says Vera must have it bad. Margo tries to place a bet with Lizzie, but is physically thrown out of the laundry by Bev and Lil. Margo asks Terry to place another bet for her, he agrees. Nick is blamed for some missing petty cash. Bob defends him. Margo informs the women that she has her own ways of placing bets. Vera confronts Terry about placing bets for Margo.
S3 Ep39
17th Jun 1981
Bea tells her counsel that she wishes to change her plea to guilty. On the stand, Bea testifies that she only had amnesia for a few hours immediately following the accident but that she knew who she was when she went to Mum and forced Mum to help her. Mum is asked if this is true. She looks at Bea and then agrees that it is. Margo tells the women in the laundry that she gave evidence against Bea. Judy says that Margo had better be prepared if Bea doesn't get off. Margo laughs and says that she's being transferred to Barnhurst. Vera, who is listening outside the laundry, has her own private laugh. Mum is acquitted and Bea is sentenced to an additional 18 months. Outside the court, Mum thanks Meg and then says good-bye to Bea (and a quiet thank you). Bea smiles at her as she is driven away. Margo asks Jim when she's being transfered to Barnhurst. Jim doesn't know anything about it. Bea is returned. Erica asks her, confidentially, when her memory really returned.
S3 Ep38
16th Jun 1981
At meal time, Margo acts terrified of Bea. Both Mum and Vera notice. Bea later tells Margo not to act frightened of her. Margo then bashes Doreen in front of Bea and the other women. She asks Bea what she intends to do about it. Bea asks why she should do anything about it. Doreen is more convinced than ever that Bea must have lost her memory. Erica speaks to Mum about her trial and is not pleased with Mum's defeatist attitude. Terry and Vera make plans for the evening. Terry asks if he should bring along his uniform so that "he won't have to go home for it in the morning". Erica interupts them and Terry excuses himself. Vera is left with a big smile on her face. Bea meets again with Dr. Weissman. He shows her the coroner's report on Debbie. Bea has a flashback of Debbie visiting her and begging for help. Bea breaks down. She is still crying when she returns to her cell. Mum asks if Dr. Weissman no longer believes her. Bea tells her the reason.
S3 Ep37
10th Jun 1981
Bea finds Mum unconscious and stays with her while Jim runs for help. Margo comes in tossing Mum's pills in her hand. Bea asks for them back but Margo refuses. When Jim and Erica come running back Bea tells them that Margo has the pills. A search of Margo's cell yields nothing, but when everyone leaves Margo retrieves the bottle from under her waste basket and goes to rinse them down the sink. Bea walks in. She demands the bottle be handed over. Margo knees her in the stomach. Bea grabs Margo by the hair, spins her around and flattens her with a punch to the jaw. Vera runs in and prevents Margo from being strangled. Margo hands over the pills saying she found them in the rec room. Doreen catches Terry and Vera flirting. Doreen visits Bea and says that after this second attack on Margo no one will believe her amnesia story. Bea becomes upset and tells Doreen that she doesn't know who she is or what she's talking about. Doreen reminds her of the time they were trapped in the tunnel.
S3 Ep36
9th Jun 1981
Terry finds Bea weeping hysterically in the corridor. She begs to see Meg. Bea tells Meg that she almost killed Margo, but doesn't understand where the violent urge came from. In the laundry, Lizzie and Doreen are now convinced Bea's faking. Judy asks Margo why Margo didn't tell the screws about Bea's attack on her. Margo replies - in a very hoarse voice - that she'll get even with Smith in her own way. Meg tells Bea some more about the last ten years. Bea once again becomes hysterical and tries to climb the fence . After hauling her back inside, Jim feels Bea is a fraud - but Terry and Meg are convinced she's genuine. Terry asks the women if there was a fight between Bea and Margo. Everyone denies it, except for Mum. Margo has had just about enough of Mum. Lizzie tells Bea that she knows that she's putting on an act, but that she'll back her up. Bea tells Lizzie to go away. Lizzie looks indignant. Meg meets one of her new probation cases, a young man named Nick Clarke.
S3 Ep35
3rd Jun 1981
Meg goes to phone the police but Mum tells her Bea needs medical attention. Meg agrees to go see Bea before alerting the authorities. In Erica's office, Judy and Doreen explain that they planted buy-up goods on Margo but that someone must have double-crossed them. Erica lets them off but wants no more in-fighting. Vera rebuffs Terry's advances, Jim then bets Terry that he can't get Vera to agree to a date. Mum and Meg arrive at the house to find Bea has left - with Mum's house keeping money. Meg calls the police. The police report that the van officer has come out of their coma and cleared Bea of causing the accident. Mum says that she went to Meg just after Bea arrived, but they are sceptical. Bea goes to school to pick up Debbie. No one knows who Debbie is. While pretending to side with Margo, Lizzie discovers that it was Phyllis who alerted Margo to the set up. Lizzie lures Phyllis to the laundry, where Judy and Doreen attack her.
S3 Ep34
2nd Jun 1981
The driver of the police van is dead and the officer unconscious. A very disoriented Bea stumbles out of the van and walks away. Lizzie brings Judy breakfast in solitary and tells her Margo has taken over. A friendly driver discovers Bea by the side of the road. Bea can't remember where she is or how she got there but she must get home to her daughter, Debbie. The lady gives her a lift. Erica releases Judy from solitary and asks her to head the Prisoner's Needs Committee. When Judy learns that Bea is coming back she agrees to help all she can. Bev and Lil tear up Doreen's cell. Doreen agrees to give Margo her buy-up and place bets with her. Bea arrives at her house but finds it occupied by strangers. Judy comes into the rec room and announces Bea's imminent return. Margo tells everyone not to get too happy - the Big Red's not back on top yet. While wandering about the streets, Bea remembers an apartment number - #5.
S3 Ep32
26th May 1981
Chrissie tries to convince Meg that the half-naked man fleeing her flat is an old friend, but Meg suspects she is back on the game and threatens to report it if Chrissie doesn't agree to visit Derek . Vera thinks the barricaded women should be forcibly removed, but Jim thinks they should just be allowed to get hungry enough to come out in their own time. He also suggests that Lizzie is left to wander around the building, as he hopes she will convince some of the women to change their minds. Sure enough, she goes to talk to Doreen and Lizzie and tells them about the Pentridge guards who have been brought in. Bea wakes up at Barnhurst and is greeted by Officer Roberts , who gives Bea a match for her cigarette by throwing across the cell and when Bea picks it up she sees that it's already been lit. Chrissie goes to visit Derek to find he is at the hospital: his wife receives a call from Derek to sya that their father has died.
S3 Ep31
20th May 1981
The corridors are silent when Jim and Colleen check up later, though the din resumes after their dialogue. The women are taken for their showers a few at a time next morning and are then locked back in their cells. Chrissie tells Meg that the only way she can get Elizabeth back now is to earn a little money on her own account: she goes for a job in a restaurant, but the owner sees through her claim to have references from New Zealand. Lizzie tells Bea she's too old to get involved in any protests. Meanwhile, Doreen is trying to calm down Judy by telling her that Bea has everything under control. After seeing an article in the paper, Chrissie's brother Derek calls on Meg to ask if he can help Chrissie, as he feels he let her down when they were kids: he offers to have Chrissie and Elizabeth live with him and his wife. Erica proposes to the officers that a round table discussion with the inmates might help, but Colleen demands that the officers are armed.
S3 Ep30
19th May 1981
Chrissie phones Meg at work to tell her about Mick's arrest and that she is in danger herself of being charged with harbouring a fugitive. Colleen tells the women that none of the officers are opposed to projects for the women in principle - only if they are going to cause more work. Erica accuses Vera of hypocrisy for spouting the Union line, but has it thrown back at her when she isn't willing to promote Colleen on the grounds that she isn't ready for the responsibility: Vera accuses her of really being worried by Colleen's Union position. Phyllis brings some dirty washing from the workshop, and is sent off to get some tools for Bea, who reckons the best way to undermine the officers is to create a lot more unnecessary work for them. Meg manages to convince the detective that Chrissie didn't know Mick was an escapee, so she is allowed to go without being charged.
S3 Ep29
13th May 1981
Judy urges the women to stick together and support the strike: only Doreen mutters grumpily that she can't why they should put themselves out when it seems to be largely for one person's benefit. Jim finds out about the strike when he finds the laundry at a standstill and the women refuse to obey his direct order to return to work. Chrissie starts packing and tells Mick not to answer the phone when it rings. But he does and it's Meg, who tells him there's only an hour to go before the police are called in. The women amuse themselves by chucking wet sheets around in the laundry. Meg calls round at the flat and manages to persuade Chrissie to take Elizabeth back. Erica refuses to give in to the strikers and tells Jim to have the women locked in their cells. The police are already waiting when Meg, Chrissie and Mick arrive outside the home, but the matron decides not to take the matter any further. However, one of the detectives thinks he's seen Mick somewhere before.
S3 Ep28
12th May 1981
Bea and the others are keen to know how Doreen's day out went. She tells them Peter wasn't what she expected, and that Erica had taken away her phone privileges, but not the rest of it. Judy suggests Doreen carries on writing to Peter, just as a friend. Meg's boss Mr Muirhead asks for a report for Child Welfare on Chrissie and Mick as parents, and she says she can give them a positive recommendation. Vera sets to with a will censoring the mail and finds a "pornographic" magazine addressed to Angie Dobbs . She hands over the letters to the women with a thumbnail sketch of the contents of each one. When they protest and ask why the mail has been censored, she suggests they ask Doreen. Doreen has to explain the bit she left out before. Erica explains to David the reason for her apparently harsh decision to make an example of Doreen.
S3 Ep27
6th May 1981
Chrissie lays into Mick as soon as she's through the front door of the new flat , accusing him of only being nice to her as a way of getting her to have sex with him. She changes her tune immediately she hears that he's arranged a visit to Elizabeth. Vera finds herself outnumbered in a discussion of how to handle Bea after her break-up with Ken - oddly she seems to be the only one to favour sending Bea to solitary. Chrissie tells Mick she doesn't want anything from him. Doreen tells Judy she's done something stupid: not only has she got herself a pen friend through a lonely hearts' club but she's painted a very flattering picture of herself and can't work out how to satisfy her pen friend's request for her photo without revealing the truth. Judy asks Meg for help and she agrees to bring in a Polaroid camera from home. Mick and Chrissie visit the children's home: the wire fence around it appals Chrissie and she says it looks just like a prison.
S3 Ep26
5th May 1981
Bea refuses to talk to Ken on try to persuade him to give up his work for the PRG, but Debbie says she won't allow Bea to stand in the way of her parents getting back together. Lizzie interrupts Bea in the middle of an extended flashback to her scene in the storeroom cupboard with Ken: Bea is obviously still in her daydream when she asks Lizzie if Ken would ever say something he didn't mean. Lizzie agrees that he wouldn't which confirms Bea in her opinion that she ought to try to fight for whatever relationship she can have with Ken. Vera tries to bring Bea down to earth by telling her that she's been talking to Debbie, and that she vowed never to let Ken see Bea ever again: Meg overhears and tells Vera she should know better than to bait a prisoner. Debbie gets Ken to agree to have her mother come to stay - ostensibly to help her shop for the wedding. Bea gets Erica to agree to an unsupervised visit by pretending that she only wants to do what Debbie asked.
S3 Ep23
22nd Apr 1981
Bob tries to apologise to Meg, but he still wants her to change her job. Lizzie is interviewed by the police about her escape and is warned she may face some serious charges. Meg tells Erica she wants to look for another job, but one where her existing qualifications will be sufficient. Erica agrees to make enquiries for her. Vera and Jim oppose the conjugal visits scheme, so Meg is given the job of organising the women to get the garden tool shed screened off and cleaned up for use as a visiting suite. Jim tells Vera it's pointless objecting to the scheme, and they can just rely on the women to ruin it without any help from them. Bea won't let anyone help clean out the shed, even though Hazel and Chrissie are keen. Chrissie's accuses Bea of being selfish and blocking the scheme just because she can't see Ken. David reports back to Erica and recommends that the visiting ban on Ken should be lifted.
S3 Ep22
21st Apr 1981
Vera thinks that Lizzie hasn't escaped at all and that the women are hiding her to play a joke on the officers. Jim says the same thing to Erica, and Erica throws a fit of pique and has the women confined to their cells until Lizzie turns up - or the women admit what they are doing. Lizzie selects some clothes and a hat from a charity shop then pretends to have left her bag on the bus: the woman running the shop not only says she can take the clothes and pay for them later, but also give Lizzie two dollars from her own purse. Lizzie makes the money go further by buying something in a chemist's and conning the assistant into giving her change from ten dollars instead of the two she really gives him. Doreen predicts Lizzie will be back by the next day at the latest. David goes to Bea's cell to find out what's going on, as he suspects it's another trick to have his classes cancelled. Vera finds him and tells him off for straying outside his allotted area.
S3 Ep21
15th Apr 1981
Erica tells Sally she's fallen for the oldest trick in the book and warns her that her work must improve. Vera sympathises with Sally, but only as a means of impressing on her once again the need to imitate her own methods. David tells Erica he will try talking to Bea directly. Lizzie asks permission to have a day on the outside to recover from her recent sickness. Erica refuses, but after Lizzie has left the office she tells David that she intends to find a prison visitor for Lizzie - someone of her own age. Meg has found Georgie a job in a supermarket, and Mike visits Georgie to tell her they could share a room when she's paroled. Bea reiterates that David must withdraw his objection to Georgie's parole if he wants the women to come back to his classes, so he is forced to agree. The parole board chairman allows David to change his recommendation, but points out that Georgie's record in prison will also have to be taken into account. Ivy Butcher arrives as Lizzie's prison visitor.
S3 Ep20
14th Apr 1981
Georgie interrupts the TV news about the siege to tell the women her own news about David's decision on her parole. Bea won't accept Judy's defeatist attitude that there's nothing they can do about it. Margo is brought back to Wentworth. Vera's isn't very sympathetic to Sally's complaints about finding it hard to handle Bea. Vera confirms the story about Georgie's parole. Bea says they won't go to any more classes and leads the women in preparation for other protests. Jim is surprised by Bea's request for an extra exercise period for all the women. Meg objects to David's insistence on blocking Georgie's parole. Vera passes on a message to Meg to give to Margo, which she says she will want to pass on personally. The message turns out to be that Wayne is dead. Bea warns Margo not to do anything silly during the protest. The women stay in the grounds after their exercise period and refuse to go inside until David comes out to talk to them.
S3 Ep19
8th Apr 1981
Det. Insp. Thorne arrives to control the handling of the siege, and snipers and gunmen take up position all around the building. Margo tells Wayne she's worried that Bazza will snap and open fire at the slightest provocation. Bea is returned to Wentworth, and Vera asks her if she isn't worried that someone might have taken over while she's away. Georgie is persuaded to carry on with David's classes. The two women react differently to being taken hostage: Mrs Dyson whimpers in a corner while Mrs Mitchell is excited that her shop will get free publicity by appearing on TV, and happily sets about making cups of tea for everyone. The women at Wentworth see the TV report on the siege, but Margo is not identified by name. The police phone the shop and Wayne demands a getaway car. Erica tells Meg that Margo has specifically asked for her as a go-between, and orders her not to take part - in vain. Meg goes into the shop to talk to Margo.
S3 Ep18
7th Apr 1981
Meg is also injured and the women are locked in the dining room: Judy asks for the gate to be opened so that Bea can get medical attention. Erica wants Bea taken to hospital for X-rays. The women are locked in their cells, and Judy says she won't take any blame for the incident. Bea now has a nasty abrasion on her left temple and Sister Johnston wants her transferred to hospital, but the Department won't give permission for Bea to be moved in view of her past record of escapes. Bea comes round and refuses to go to hospital anyway, so Erica insists that she signs a statement that she has refused medical treatment. Meg finds out that the cleaner's job is still available. Jim suggests that Bea doesn't want to leave Wentworth in case anyone takes over while she's away. Wayne tells Margo the details of the payroll job. Erica addresses the women in the rec room and tells them they have all lost buyup for two weeks and a fine will be deducted from all their wages.
S3 Ep17
1st Apr 1981
Hazel comes to Judy's cell to see if she's all right, and has to listen to a tirade against Georgie for her trouble. Bea cuts Georgie short for crowing over Judy's humiliation, but when Hazel stops by Bea's cell in an attempt to act as peacemaker, Bea is equally unrepentant and unwilling to apologise or stand down. The atmosphere in the laundry is fraught with tension and Judy asks to work in the garden to get away from the conflict. Mouse is given permission to go with her. Erica calls Doreen childish for bearing a grudge and takes away her privileges for a week. Mouse tells Judy that most of the women are on her side, but Judy doesn't want to be pushed forward to take over Bea's place as top dog. Doreen is refused permission to join Judy in the garden and has to work in the laundry: several times violence seems about to break out. Hazel warns Doreen that stirring up trouble will only backfire on her. Judy fills Doreen in about what happened while she's been away in solitary.
S3 Ep16
31st Mar 1981
Vera wants to censor a letter from Ken Pearce to Bea when she sees it contains praise for Bea for setting his daughter straight, but Meg persuades Vera to let Bea have the letter uncut. Meg also passes on to Bea the message from Margo, so Bea realises that Margo had come to get her money. After hearing about the latest scene with Georgie, Bea advises Judy to stick to her own age group in future. Judy asks Bea what she would do if her own daughter had been lesbian, and Bea answers honestly that she'd prefer any of her kids not to be gay, if only because of the unhappiness it seems to have brought Judy. Erica agrees to David's suggestion to encourage Bea to look after Georgie by putting Georgie in to share a cell. To make room, Doreen has to be moved out to share with Judy. Vera can't help herself and makes the obvious remark: that Judy might have more luck with Doreen in view of her past experience of "warped" relationships.
S3 Ep15
25th Mar 1981
Sandra protests to Meg when her breakfast is brought to solitary that she didn't cause the fire. In the dining room, the other women are speculating about where Evelyn is, and what is likely to happen to Sandra. Margo phones Wayne but finds that the line has been cut off: Meg offers to pass a message to him that Margo wants to be collected on her release next day. Jim deals with Sandra in Erica's absence, and agrees to allow her out of solitary for half a day if she will use her journalistic skills to try to find out who really caused the fire. Lizzie passes on to the others that Evelyn is in hospital. Vera drops a heavy hint when she brings Sandra back to the laundry and Bea has no trouble picking it up, realising that Jim has put her back among them deliberately to act as a stool pigeon. Meg visits Wayne and is appalled by the squalid living conditions.
S3 Ep14
24th Mar 1981
Dr Granger says he wants to carry out further tests on the women to confirm his suspicions. Jim reports Georgie's attack on Judy, but Erica tells him to put Georgie in solitary for now and bring Evelyn to her office immediately. Erica tries to get an admission of guilt from Evelyn but she brazens it out, knowing that Erica has no proof. Sensing that she isn't going to get anywhere, Erica visits Georgie in solitary to ask her about the incident with Judy, and seems very unsympathetic to Georgie's side of the story. When Judy is questioned, she tries to put Georgie's case, but admits she told Georgie she was lesbian and thought she felt the same way. Dr Granger gets the test results: the women were poisoned by pollen from the pandanus candelabrum plant, but he tells Erica he can't see any way Evelyn could have got hold of it, as there was none in her cell or in the prison garden. Jim is relieved that the quarantine can be lifted.
S2 Ep83
4th Nov 1980
Judy claims the money was planted in her cell. Bea is prepared to give her the benefit of the doubt, but doesn't rate her chances of getting the other women to believe her, even when she gives them the money back. Bea suspects that it is Gillespie who is stirring up trouble, possibly as a way of getting her transferred. Doreen tells Lizzie she thinks Erica is getting the sack, and when Bea hears this, she reckons it gives Gillespie an even better motive. Erica rejects Gillespie's demand that the pantomime is cancelled and tells him she'll put her job on the line to ensure "That show will go on". As Bea predicted, the women are not impressed with Judy's story about the money. Bea is outraged that the women seem to have lost interest in the pantomime. Erica passes on Gillespie's latest instructions to the staff: all officers are to take a refresher course in unarmed combat, the armoury is to be restocked and the pantomime cancelled.
S3 Ep1
4th Feb 1981
Judy and Mouse dig in the rubble with their bare hands, but they only turn up Irene's dead body . They shout for help and hear Bea's voice on the other side of the cave-in: Bea tells them that Doreen and Lizzie are still alive. Meanwhile, Anne is making a rockery on top of the tunnel, but Gillespie sees her and sends her back inside the marquee. Bea has to help Doreen free her leg , but she still isn't able to walk, so Bea goes back alone to try to get help. Margo and Hazel are worried that Bea and Lizzie haven't come back , especially when Vera notices that Bea isn't around, but Margo manages to cover for her. Bea reaches the entrance to the tunnel but can't get the lid up. Gillespie notices the ladder and raises the alarm: all the kids are sent home.
S3 Ep2
10th Feb 1981
Jim overhears Mouse and Margo discussing the escape and what might have happened to Doreen and Bea, and Irene's death in the cave-in. Anne is also listening as they pass her cell and she assumes that it's Bea who is dead. Mouse agrees to show the officers where the tunnel is, but Gillespie nevertheless orders that she loses remission. Lizzie uses a piece of her costume tied round a stick as a torch, but Bea grabs hold of it and rushes off down the tunnel. Chrissie asks Gillespie for permission to hold a first birthday party for Elizabeth: he refuses and says he will make sure that child welfare are informed and come to collect Elizabeth promptly when she is one year old. Mouse leads the officers to where Lizzie and Doreen are. Anne is told that Dr Weissman may want to see her again after he's interviewed her family. Bea is eventually found banging her hands on a security grille trying to get through.
S3 Ep3
11th Feb 1981
Wally tells Judy he saw her photo in the newspaper, but tells her he has no intention of telling the police where she is, inviting her to stay as long as he likes. He is surprised when she turns down the offer of "a smoke", so Judy offers to explain why she is so opposed to drugs by telling him her story. Lizzie and Doreen are allowed out of sickbay. The women are delighted by the TV news that Judy is still on the run: Gillespie is annoyed and wants to have TV and radio privileges taken away. Erica tells him she will only agree to have the newspapers censored. Bea regrets that Anne has been transferred to a psychiatric hospital before she had the chance to fix her. Gillespie tells Vera to censor the papers but cuts her down to size when she suggests his own idea about TV and radio. Judy is disappointed that the letter she left in her cell hasn't been mentioned in the newspapers and is inspired by Wally's' suggestion that she writes to the Ombudsman.
S3 Ep4
17th Feb 1981
Vera gives Lizzie mouth-to-mouth resuscitation while the women wait for the ambulance to arrive. Meanwhile, Hazel removes the bucket of booze from the store room behind Vera's back. Ted Douglas tells Erica a teacher will be appointed to a new education facility in the prison. Vera feels guilty that she didn't believe Lizzie at first, but she recovers her usual character in time and remembers about the grog manufacture, which she rushes off to investigate. When she gets to the rec room, the buckets have vanished but Vera tells Bea she must have known what was going on and must see the Governor. In hospital, Lizzie describes her near-death experience to a doctor in the usual cliched terms involving bright lights at the end of a tunnel. Vera takes Bea to the Governor to explain what she knows about the home brew, and Bea is honest for once: she tells Erica the home brew has been flushed down the toilet.
S3 Ep5
18th Feb 1981
Wally tells Judy he's concerned that Micki is getting too involved in Judy's campaign to improve conditions, and Judy agrees to talk to Micki. Erica tells Meg that Lizzie won't be able to get a visa to enter the United States with a criminal record. Meg tells the women to humour Lizzie's plans to emigrate until she is fully recovered. Wally tries to warn Micki of the risks she's running, and when Judy sees she is not convinced, she tells Micki that she won't do the interview. Doreen gets two years for escaping and three months for the kidnapping. News of Lizzie being returned to Wentworth persuades Judy to do the interview after all, and Judy suggests that the tape could be posted to the TV station, but Micki wants to hand it to Graeme Hopkins in person. Erica visits Lizzie in hospital and asks the doctor the effect of telling her truth about America: he advises against it, and Erica thinks it best he just tells Lizzie she isn't strong enough to travel.
S3 Ep6
24th Feb 1981
Graeme Hopkins arrives at Wentworth threatening to expose the contents of Judy's tape if Erica won't agree to grant him an interview. Helen Smart comes home to find Judy waiting for her: after a bit of persuasion (and a wad of banknotes to cover her lost "business") she agrees to let Judy stay for a while, but she is slightly worried when Judy vows that she intends to avenge herself on Gillespie and Jock Stewart. Erica warns Graeme Hopkins that his campaign to free Lizzie could kill her, but she agrees to let him talk to her so she can hear it in Lizzie's own words. At first, Lizzie says she does want to get out of prison, but when Hopkins tells her he can't help her get a visa, she turns on him and says she doesn't want his help. Helen is sceptical about Judy's enthusiasm when she finds out her tape is to be shown on TV after all, saying the police won't act on the word of a criminal alone.
S3 Ep7
25th Feb 1981
Jock tells Judy she's now going to work for him: he wants $300 every time he visits - if not, he'll bash her and turn both Judy and Helen over to the police. Doreen is noticeably more enthusiastic about the classes than the other women. After leaving the massage parlour after a hard night's work, Judy has to fend off a kerb crawler and ends up being chased by two patrolcar policemen. Helen suggests that Judy should go away somewhere quiet, but Judy says she wants to get Jock in her own way, no matter how many men she has to go with. Only Doreen turns up for David's classes. Jim tells Sid he ought to make a list of his tools so he knows if any of them go missing. Judy goes back to work at the massage parlour , and when Jock comes to collect his money he hits her across the face when she says she hasn't got it yet. He suggests that if business is slow she ought to offer something more than "a gentle rub-down".
S3 Ep8
3rd Mar 1981
Doreen tries to take the blame as Jim returns her to her cell, but he obviously doesn't believe her. Bea and Lizzie are both in favour of letting David take the blame. Next morning, Jim reports what he saw to Erica, and says he doesn't think Doreen should be held entirely responsible. Erica orders David that he can no longer speak to Doreen if she's on her own, and suggests that he tries to interest more women in his classes. Bea tells Doreen not to waste time mooning over David, as she'll never get anywhere. Sid asks to drive Meg and Lizzie to hospital, but Meg agrees only if he will keep it quiet. Vera accuses David of seducing Doreen, and her tone carries more than a hint of the spite she feels because it wasn't her. Bea snaps and tells Doreen she's had enough of her always going on about David. David starts to approach the women individually about his classes, but Hazel tells him she isn't much interested after her bad experiences at school.
S3 Ep9
4th Mar 1981
Bea orders the women to send Sandra to Coventry so she can't get any more information. Judy overhears Sandra ask Jim to be allowed to make a phone call and using considerable knowledge of regulations to get her own way. Doreen borrows Bea's torch so she can finish knitting the socks after light out. Doreen breaks the no talking to Sandra ban to ask her if she'll agree to go top classes with her, and she manages to give David his present. However, Erica comes in to the library to see how classes are going and David hides the socks on the bookshelves. Bea and Doreen try to cheer Judy up by saying she did the right thing for all of them while she was on the outside. David shows Vera the socks and she comments acidly that he ought to start knitting classes. When she next sees Doreen she can't resist making a snide comment which makes Doreen run back to her cell. Bea and Lizzie find her in tears and decide to attend the classes to settle the score.
S3 Ep10
10th Mar 1981
Bea tells the women they can use Sandra to feed her information which supports their cause. Meg gives Lizzie the news that Sid has had a stroke, and promises to ask permission for her to visit him in hospital. Sandra says she's willing to pay the women for information, but only if it's what she thinks her editor will want. Three new prisoners are brought to Wentworth: when the van door is opened, one of them, Jenny Armstrong, has been given a bloody nose by one of the others, Georgie Baxter. Jenny is in prison for not paying a parking fine. Georgie is manhandled shrieking into reception and after wiping the fingerprint ink all over Jim's face , she is sent straight to solitary . When she is left alone there, she tears up the uniform she is supposed to put on. Meg introduces the third new inmate, Evelyn Randall, to the women in the rec room. Sandra complains the stuff the women are telling her is too boring to print.
S3 Ep11
11th Mar 1981
Bea dashes off to make Evelyn reveal what was in the the mixture she gave Doreen. When Evelyn finds out that Doreen heated up the mixture, making it toxic, she says she can take no responsibility if people ignore her instructions - just as her unfortunate patient who died had done, by eating the preparation for skin cancer that was supposed to be an ointment. David offers to talk to Georgie when she is released from solitary later that day. Doreen is soon back to normal and both she and Lizzie apologise to Evelyn, much to Bea's disgust. Evelyn is worried when she finds out that Sandra is in isolation, and won't be able to write the article to help her case, but Judy suggests it would be just as good if she could cure some illness while inside prison, such as the rare tropical illness they've just heard about: Evelyn points out that none of them seem to be suffering from it.
S3 Ep12
17th Mar 1981
A doctor arrives to carry out tests for tropical diseases: Evelyn scoffs at him from her bed in the infirmary. Dr Granger warns Erica that if Sally was the contact there could be an epidemic. No-one can explain how Lizzie became infected until Jim remembers that she'd brought Sally a meal when she was in sickbay. Georgie is forcibly removed from solitary for an examination and an injection of antibiotics. Dr Granger suspects typhoid and orders all food in the kitchen to be destroyed and that block H should be isolated from the rest of the prison. He also tells the officers they won't be allowed to go home. Judy reports back to Bea that she wasn't allowed to get out of the block to go to the library. Evelyn challenges the nurse, claiming that she could cure herself and refusing the injection. Sandra is moved out of isolation to make room for the female officers: when she finds out about the quarantine she begs Vera not to put her back with the other women. Georgie is put in Judy's cell.
S3 Ep13
18th Mar 1981
Sandra is persuaded to come back inside. Evelyn seems worried that her medicine isn't working on Meg. Sandra is told she could be charged with attempting to escape: Erica tells her she will he sent to solitary (with an aside to Jim that the male officers will now have to bed down in the interview room) and warns her against an escalating cycle of ever more serious charges that could make her stay in Wentworth permanent. Doreen overhears that Meg is getting worse and recovers what's left of the medicine from Evelyn's cell and flushes it away in the shower block. Georgie checks up on Judy, but is told to look after Bea, who seems to be in a much worse condition. Erica suggests to Dr Granger that the epidemic may be non-bacterial as the antibiotics seem to be having little effect. Evelyn points out to Lizzie that Meg seems much better, and indeed she comes out of her coma.
S3 Ep33
27th May 1981
At breakfast Judy, Hazel and Phyllis all "vie" for top dog, but it is only a ploy to make the staff feel that there will be too much unrest if Bea is not returned. Margo, who is going in for sentencing that day, doesn't want to be a part of it. She expects to get 4 to 5 years. Another "brawl" is staged in the laundry. Colleen reports it to Erica, but Erica merely says that fighting for Bea's place is to be expected. Margo gets 10 years and tells Judy she'll take part in anything. Jim broods to Meg about how badly he was treated as acting Governor. Meg tells him to do something about it. At a staff meeting, Erica says she wishes to form a Prisoner's Needs Committee. Vera, Jim, and Colleen exchange irritated glances. Back in the laundry the women continue to call each other fat and stupid until Margo snaps and genuinely bashes Judy. Judy is blamed and sent to solitary. Jim tells Vera he is looking for another job. Vera is delighted and wishes him luck.
S1 Ep1
27th Feb 1979
Two new prisoners, Karen Travers and Lyn Warner, are inducted into Wentworth Detention Centre and have to adjust to the harsh regime and the tough women they meet there. Karen, convicted of stabbing her cheating husband to death in the shower, turns out to be an old flame of prison Doctor Greg Miller. Lynn has been convicted of kidnapping and burying a baby alive, and though she loudly protests her innocence, she is bullied by the other women, led by their 'Top Dog', murderess Bea Smith. Meanwhile, young inmate Sally Lee hangs herself in her cell while going through ...
S2 Ep86
12th Nov 1980
On the day of the panto and escape attempt, Gillespie is suspicious and snooping around backstage. The panto is a roaring success with the kids present, and under cover of costume, Judy, Doreen, Mouse and Irene make their escape down the tunnel. Back above ground, Lizzie has been pondering going with Dor, and when she finds Teddy left behind, her mind is made up and she ventures down after them, pursued by Bea, determined to bring her back. After watching what has been going on, loopy Anne tips a wheelbarrow of dirt on top of the entrance to the tunnel, burying it from sight and effectively trapping them all down there. And then disaster strikes when the tunnel collapses on top of the escapees, crushing Irene and trapping everyone else... Meanwhile, Meg prepares to start a new life with Bob, as they tie the knot.
S2 Ep85
11th Nov 1980
The story Anne tells Jim and Vera is very confused, and she eventually agrees she made the whole thing up. She is returned to the laundry where she starts to talk again about her friend Megan. When she tells the women about finding Megan dead and the doctors describing it as a cot death, it becomes obvious she's talking (at least in part) about a baby. Anne says that she named her baby after her best friend, but now no-one can help her as they are both dead. Vera can't persuade Meg to change her mind and take back her resignation. The women try to pretend that the escape plan was just a joke, but Anne isn't convinced and flies into a rage. Bea realises it was Anne who attacked her. Later on, Anne has returned to "normal" and helps Lizzie with her lines. Meg talks to Bob about being born in prison: she says her mother was given a 5 year sentence during the war for black market activities and her father was a US soldier.
S3 Ep25
29th Apr 1981
No-one will talk to Bea in the rec room, though Hazel and Chrissie pointedly talk about her as if she wasn't there, provoking Bea to speak up in her own defence, but this only leads to a shouting match. When Vera breaks it up, Chrissie demands to see the Governor immediately to ask for another unsupervised visit from Mick to make up for the one she lost. Erica refuses and points out she is being very short-sighted to create so much trouble with her parole coming up. After a promise of a visit the following week if she is still inside, Chrissie calms down, but while Vera is showing her back to her cell, she manages to turn her against Bea again by pointing out that Chrissie is very unlikely to get her parole, so why should she worry about jeopardising it? The argument between Chrissie and Bea duly resumes, this time developing into a real fight: Vera takes Chrissie off to solitary gloating that now she will certainly lose her parole.
S3 Ep79
11th Nov 1981
There is a cell search, and Colleen tries to get Meg to leave her alone to search Sandy's cell, but Meg points out that the regulations require there to be two officers present. Sandy gets a visit from her "lawyer", John Fitzwater, who is really working for McNally. He wants Sandy to recruit women from the prison to work as prostitutes on their release. Sandy asks for him to arrange to smuggle extra washing along with the normal deliveries. Sandy ransacks her cell, just as Colleen and Meg turn up. Sandy takes the opportunity to annoy Colleen by making hints about the letter. Meg discovers that her ID badge is missing. Meg goes to find Colleen and discovers her searching Sandy's cell. Colleen tries to explain it away, and finds the ID badge on the floor, but instead of giving it to Meg, she puts it in her own pocket. Lizzie collects the "extra" orders from the kitchen. Jim, Colleen and Meg have a meeting with Erica, and Erica notices that Meg has lost her badge.
S8 Ep52
10th Jul 1986
The prisoners grow excited about the impending work release on the boat, despite Rodney's efforts to have the scheme cancelled. Lexie tries to come up with a way to prevent being transferred to Maternity - but a potentially deadly disease was something she hadn't counted on. Roach makes plans to escape and enlists Vicki's help, until Rita puts a spoke in the wheels. Joyce and Mervin get some bad news and find themselves homeless.
S8 Ep55
22nd Jul 1986
Stranded at sea, Joan decides to head for a nearby island to try and get help, and is pursued by Rita, intent on killing her as revenge for Slasher's death. However, Nancy is determined to stop her - and Joan turns out to be the one who has to save Rita's life in the end. On the boat, Roach is falling for Mick and decides that she isn't going back with the others. Back in Wentworth, Kath throws her weight around with the other girls.
S8 Ep56
24th Jul 1986
The aftermath of the boat dramas reverberate around Wentworth as Kath plots to put Rita and her supporters in her place. Joan is still missing - until the noise of a helicopter overhead signifies her return from apparent death. Lexie and Lorelei plan a surprise party for Merle to try and win her over to their side, but Kath gets Vicki to help ruin the party for her. Nancy's son comes to visit and he has a few surprises in store for her.
S8 Ep91
30th Oct 1986
Brumby's bashers are revealed and punished for their misdeeds. Marty places himself in considerable danger as he continues his attempts to help Spike.
S1 Ep5
7th Mar 1979
Mum recuperates from her collapse at her daughter's home but has to pretend to the children that she is an aunt as Lorraine told them their grandmother was dead. Frankie and Bea fight during a dance class in the Rec Room. Yates is caught smuggling the pill in for Marilyn. Suspected of being the one who supplied Sally Lee with drugs, she is reprimanded by Erica Davidson, and quits in disgust. Bea reads the girls tea Leaves and Lizzie pinches a bottle of surgical spirit from the infirmary. Mum can't deal with Lorraine any longer and walks out. After which Judith Anne ...
S8 Ep72
4th Sep 1986
Spider and Vicki attack Sarah and spray-paint her white. Incensed, Sarah takes drastic action and places poisonous chemicals in the air conditioning system, causing mass illness and evacuation of H Block. Lisa's sudden inability to speak is diagnosed as all being in her head. Joan suggests to Ann that they start a prison shop.
S8 Ep74
9th Sep 1986
Joan catches Rodney in the process of bashing Spider. Lester's belongings are delivered to Lisa in jail.
S8 Ep75
11th Sep 1986
Rita forces Sarah to face some home truths. Kath, Merle and Rodney go on a day out to buy contraband for the shop.
S8 Ep87
16th Oct 1986
Joan attempts to hide the important role she played in Lorelei's recovery. Rita, Alice and Brumby's escape attempt seems in jeopardy.
S8 Ep88
21st Oct 1986
Rita is back but Joan is determined to break the hold she has over the women. A television news team arrives at Wentworth to investigate Meg's claims of a cover-up.
S8 Ep90
28th Oct 1986
Ann Reynolds' return to Wentworth and Joan's simultaneous fall from grace are the cause for major celebrations amongst the staff and inmates alike. Brumby begins plotting yet another ill-conceived escape attempt.
S8 Ep95
11th Nov 1986
Rita and the girls plot revenge on Stud and Billy for the attack on Lorelei. Alice tries to find out the truth about Harry's past.
S8 Ep96
13th Nov 1986
Rita and Alice are cleared of trouble in the incident with the men. Kath makes her getaway, but is forced to leave Merle behind. Angry and humiliated, Joan threatens Dwyer and bullies him into helping her.
S8 Ep97
18th Nov 1986
In the aftermath of the escape, a distraught Merle is sedated and committed to a mental institution. Dwyer advises Joan to swallow her pride and return to Wentworth. The women, with the help of Lisa, plan a cruel humiliation for Rodney.
S1 Ep15
11th Apr 1979
Karen permits the prison doctor to contact her lawyer about a retrial, and Dr. Miller kisses her. Vera walks in on them and reports him. A new prisoner, who is reputed to be really tough, is admitted; she and Bea turn out to be old friends, dashing Vera's hopes. Lyn is returned to prison. Doreen and Frankie have disguised themselves as nuns to beg money on the street, but decide to find an older person whom they can rob and perhaps take over their home.
S2 Ep75
7th Oct 1980
The police car is driven through the back streets, but eventually runs into a police ambush: the driver from McNally's gang and the policewoman in the back of the car are both shot, but Tracey is pushed clear out of the car and sustains only a bad graze to the face . Lizzie comments that it doesn't seem like only six months since Doreen was picked up by the police: Bea tells her not to blame herself for getting Doreen into trouble. Tracey is brought back to Wentworth. Doreen gets a visitor at home: her neighbour Cheryl is investigating why there is a light on in a previously empty house and when she finds out it is Doreen she invites her to dinner. Doreen refuses and hurriedly shuts the door. Bob arrives to see Tracey, and as Meg is preparing to go home she takes a call at reception to say that the policewoman has died in hospital. Judy admits to Tracey that she had a relationship with a man once in America but implies that she didn't have sex with him.
S2 Ep84
5th Nov 1980
Vera catches up with the policewoman just as she is leaving to tell her the truth about Anne's letter. Bea finds Anne packing her bags, confident that Megan will clear her. Anne is asked for a sample of her handwriting to prove she didn't write the letter she handed over to the police. Judy tells Bea that Mouse and Irene want to come along on the escape. Margo says Doreen must be mad to trust Helen with her money, and Bea warns Helen not to take a penny more than she needs. Meg asks Vera if she's sure there was no letter from Megan: if the letter was forged by Anne, then perhaps Megan is just a figment of her imagination. Lizzie rehearses her part in the pantomime with L plates on, as she's a "learner" Fairy Godmother . Bea tells Helen to get a plan of the storm water drains so they know where to park the getaway vehicle. Lizzie talks to Anne about her daughter, and by an odd co-incidence, the daughter also seems to be called Megan. Helen is released.
S3 Ep61
9th Sep 1981
Bea and Doreen comfort Lizzie and convince her to carry on fighting for the house because Sid wanted her to have it. Bea writes a letter to Gordon with a "reminder" about the earlier conversation between the two of them. Colleen complains to Meg about Erica taking a prisoner's word over hers and says Vera would never have done that - Meg points out that Vera isn't exactly an ideal role model. Don tries to work, but his back problems return when he lifts a sack of cement. Erica discusses with Bea the possibility of her being trained to use a Braille typewriter, and suggests that Bea could take over from Alison in reception. The women arrive at the day centre, but Mouse is afraid to leave the bus. Meg is called to the hospital to see Don and then goes to Wentworth to tell Alison the bad news about her husband. Alison wants to be alone and goes to her cell to cry, but Colleen finds her there and heavies her for leaving reception without permission.
S3 Ep62
15th Sep 1981
Meg offers to look after Alison's children. Jim tells Meg that he has resigned, to her great astonishment. Erica phones the Department to try to get a replacement for Jim and makes it clear to Colleen that her promotion might be at risk if she doesn't take back the report on Alison. Colleen tells Erica she regards that as blackmail and won't withdraw the charge. Bea has had enough of Colleen when she threatens to stop them attending the day centre. Meg and Erica discuss how they could get Jim to change his mind. When the prisoners go again to work on the day centre, a neighbour, Thelma Reid, gets very interested in who it is cleaning up the house. Lizzie gets permission from Jim to go buy milk from a local shop, and meets a young boy called Martin, who has just been thrown out of the shop. Lizzie steals some chocolate gives it to Martin. Alison tells Meg that Don hasn't been able to keep up their mortgage payments, so they must sell the house.
S3 Ep64
22nd Sep 1981
Jim believes that Colleen is trying to influence him to forget that he saw her hit Andrea. Judy tells Andrea that she's unpopular with the other prisoners because of her "know-it-all" attitude, but offers to keep an eye on her. Peter tells Doreen that he will meet Meg. Judy defends Andrea and tries to explain her circumstances to Bea. Andrea somehow manages to get her hands on a rifle and uses it in an escape attempt during an outdoor recreation period by firing shots in the air and making a run for it during the confusion. Bea notices what is happening and alerted the screws, who prevent Andrea's escape. Sgt .Williams interviews Andrea, but she blames the other prisoners, and refuses to talk until she has a lawyer present. Bea convinces Erica not to suspend the trips to the day centre. Judy accuses Bea of taking the screws' side when someone was trying to escape, which leads them into a major argument. Colleen needs Jim's signature, and goes to the day centre to see him.
S3 Ep65
23rd Sep 1981
Lizzie discovers that Doreen is missing, and starts to go after her. Jim brings Mrs Reid inside the house with the police, who find that there are only five prisoners there, not six. Mrs Reid is indignant and threatens to hold a neighbourhood meeting about the centre. Andrea wants Judy to smuggle the letter out, and lets her read a fake one rather than the ones containing the cuttings about Erica. Colleen finds out about Doreen's escape, but won't tell Judy when she asks. Erica gets the message that Doreen has run away when she is at home. Peter has a hideout in a boat house and finds Martin there, suffering from his asthma condition. Jim is furious with Colleen for coming to the centre in uniform. Bea thinks it was Meg who called the, but Lizzie doesn't believe it. Judy adds that she was working in reception and says she got the impression that Meg didn't know that the police had been called out. Once again Judy and Bea have a furious argument and almost come to blows.
S3 Ep66
29th Sep 1981
Andrea's friends take Erica hostage, blindfolding her and bundling her into a delivery van. Linda rings Ted Douglas from a call box and announces that they are holding Erica hostage until Andrea is released. Erica is taken to a house on the coast, and soon sees her chance to get hold of the revolver lying on the table, but she soon finds out that it is a fake when she threatens her captors with it. Joyce tells Jim that Bea and the other prisoners want the day centre project to continue. Doreen tries to get hold of an inhaler from a chemist's, but gets cold feet and runs off when the assistant phones to check the false address she supplies. Ted Douglas informs Jim of the kidnapping, and Jim is very indignant when learns that the whole matter has been turned to the police. The kidnappers decide to send a lock of Erica's hair to a TV station. Doreen and Peter take Martin to hospital, but leave him there and run away. Sgt. Ross asks Jim for information on Andrea.
S3 Ep67
30th Sep 1981
... but she misses and Erica escapes. Wentworth gets a new prison officer, Janet Conway. Jim is disappointed when he finds out that she is only just out of training school. Erica tries to run from kidnappers, but they catch her. Bea tells Jim to let the kidnappers know they are holding Andrea, but Ted Douglas refuses to lift the media ban so Jim phones a radio station on his own initiative. Bea gets a hint from something Andrea says about where the kidnappers might be, and passes the information on to Jim. Erica and the kidnappers hear a news report about Andrea being taken hostage by Bea. Jim works out that Erica must be at South Beach, and tells Sgt. Ross. He phones the police at South Beach who have received a report of a scuffle between three women. Mr. Douglas is furious with Jim and dismisses him, but Jim threatens to go to the newspapers, since he is longer is employed by the Department. Judy tries to calm down Bea, but she is very angry with Andrea. Sgt.
S3 Ep68
6th Oct 1981
Peter is not angry with Doreen, and tells her it is his fault that Doreen is in trouble. Bea remembers who Officer Conway is, and tells Janet that she knows she had been a remand prisoner about twelve years previously, though she was eventually found not guilty. Colleen gets impatient waiting for Lizzie, and comes inside, only to overhear her talking to someone: Lizzie tells her that she was only talking to Sid. Colleen later tells Meg about this, and Meg becomes suspicious and challenges Lizzie about Doreen. Meg goes to Sid's house to fetch Doreen, and Peter promises to visit Doreen in Wentworth. Bea blames Doreen for the loss of the day centre project, not to mention deceiving Peter, breaking into Sid's house and putting Lizzie's parole at risk. Bea thinks it's not a good idea to make too much fuss for Lizzie's leaving, in case it encourages her to get back inside again. Phyllis and Hazel want to know what Bea is going to do about Doreen, but she says she doesn't care either way.
S3 Ep69
7th Oct 1981
The shot hits Jim in the arm but he still manages to overpower Linda. Doreen and Judy suspect that the strange way Bea's been behaving recently has something to do with Officer Conway. Doreen persuades Judy to sneak a look at Janet's file and Judy gets herself into the Governor's office, but Jim turns up. Judy thinks of an excuse that satisfies Jim. Jim tries again to persuade Meg to come back to work as a prison officer, but Meg says no thanks. Linda is sent to solitary, but Meg doesn't think she ought to be put there and tells Jim so. Jim gives Linda some good advice about how to cope with life in prison. Meg tells Judy about what happened in hospital and gives Doreen some good news about Peter. Judy visits Andrea in sickbay and tells her that though she'll do what she can to protect her, she shouldn't expect any sympathy from any of the women. Doreen and Judy make up jokes about Officer Conway after seeing an ad for "Conway's Discounts" in a newspaper, but it makes Bea angry.
S3 Ep77
4th Nov 1981
A police officer comes to talk to Colleen. Janet and Meg go out for a night on the town. Sandy tells the other prisoners that if there is anyone who can donate a kidney for Bea, they will get certain advantages from it. Colleen is annoyed with Lizzie and tells her that she saw her with the flask of kerosene. Lizzie tells Judy and Doreen that she set the house on fire to stop Gordon getting hold of it. The three of them tell the whole story to Sandy. Sandy suggests that a copy of Colleen's letter should be sent to the newspaper, and they should hold on to the original. Meg tells Janet that Bob is in Indonesia for six months. A couple of men try to chat up Meg and Janet. Meg tries to get rid of them by telling them where they work, but it doesn't have the desired effect. Meg has an idea when a big hefty bloke comes into the pub, and says he is her husband and that he'll be very angry if he sees her drinking in a pub. Meg's suitor immediately cools off and makes himself scarce.
S4 Ep76
27th Oct 1982
Margo's escape attempt is thwarted when she is stopped by armed guards. The concert is halted and cancelled by Erica and Ted Douglas. Lizzie is rushed to hospital. Margo is brought back to Wentworth and put into solitary. The doctor tells Meg that Lizzie has severe internal bruising from the fall. Barbara hides Joan's diaries in a filing cabinet in Erica's office. Andy's sister Kathy comes to visit Paddy. Bea blames Margo for what happened to Lizzie. Joan realises that Barbara has her diaries and accuses her of killing her dog. Bea tries to find work and makes a phone call about a hairdressing job. Tony agrees to let Maxine move in with him, to ease the overcrowding at the halfway house. The hairdressing salon call Wentworth to ask Erica for a reference, but the call is intercepted by Joan, who informs them of Bea's murder convictions and reads her record out to them.
S4 Ep78
3rd Nov 1982
Joan fights back and manages to get away from her attackers. Bea worries that she will be blamed for the attack and lose her parole. Maxine is annoyed by Melissa's presence at the halfway house. Joan needles Bea, eager to get her to blow her chances of parole. Paddy stops her when she eventually snaps and tries to hit her; Joan vows to charge her anyway, but Colleen makes it clear she won't support her. Sara Hamilton, a young woman on a drugs charge, arrives at the halfway house. Tony suspects her boyfriend, Alan, is also her supplier. Erica offers to place Bea in isolation to keep her out of Joan's way. Melissa tells Maxine she's trying to get Tony to leave the halfway house and go to Sydney to live with her. As Bea goes to isolation, Paddy promises to tell her of any change in Lizzie's condition. Later that night, a note is slipped under the gate leading to isolation which reads ""Bea - Lizzie Dead - Paddy"".
S4 Ep79
9th Nov 1982
Joan fools the women into thinking that Lizzie is dead and they stage a protest, even Bea joins in from isolation. Her parole board hearing is postponed. Colleen tells the inmates that Lizzie is not dead after all. Bea realises the note was a fake and Joan was behind it. Tony gets drunk and falls into bed with Maxine after Melissa walks out on him. Barbara is sent to isolation after Chrissie and Margo rough her up to find out what she has on the Freak. Bea faces the parole board. Sara and Alan fight with his father when he turns up at the halfway house. Barbara tells Bea she has Joan's diaries. Alan suggests to Sara they take an overdose. A gang of inmates, led by Chrissie and Margo, trash Barbara's cell. Judy finds Alan and Sara unconscious. The parole board tell Bea they are impressed but want her to keep out of trouble until they review her case again in six months.
S8 Ep45
17th Jun 1986
Following some plotting from the prisoners and some fake flirting from Lexie, Rodney is able to catch Janet's sister making a drug drop. The women tease Alice about her obvious crush on Marty. Joan gets a driving lesson and is ordered by Parker to increase the drug trafficking, Delia is made a fool of when she finds the tape of the women's film and reports it to Ann. Lorelei worries about what will happen to Zoe as her mother's health deteriorates.
S8 Ep46
19th Jun 1986
The arrest of Janet's sister prompts Parker to take action against Joan and she is devastated when he has Andrew knocked down and killed in a hit-and-run accident. Incensed, she takes a gun from the prison armoury to protect herself and goes to Inspector Grace to spill the beans and trap Parker. Back at Wentworth, Kath becomes hysterical and has to be sedated while the Warriors are reunited and welcome Roach back to the fold.
S8 Ep47
24th Jun 1986
Joan goes undercover for the police in an attempt to trap Harry Parker and bring him to justice, but it's a dangerous plan that could leave her life in danger. The women try to befriend Merle in a bid to undermine Kath and Janet's influence over her. Roach and Lexie try to come up with ways to make money in Wentworth. Rita and her gang give Janet a makeover, driving her to drastic measures.
S8 Ep77
16th Sep 1986
The Freak appears to finally have beaten Rita as she arrives at Blackmoor, where she is stunned to spot a familiar face amongst the inmates. Back at Wentworth, Kath is aiming to be the new Top Dog.
S8 Ep82
30th Sep 1986
Inadvertantly on the run, Merle finds herself a new playmate and a comfortable hiding place from the authorities. Back at Wentworth, Ann suffers the consequences when Lorelei is threatened by Craven.
S8 Ep83
2nd Oct 1986
Rita attempts to lure Craven into a fight to the death, intent on avenging the attack on Lorelei. Merle makes the most of her new-found freedom and has a ball with her new pal Tommy.
S8 Ep84
7th Oct 1986
Craven continues his reign of terror at Wentworth - but it is about to come to a bloody end. Merle manages to turn an innocent game with Tommy into a police siege that is only ended with the intervention of Ann.
S8 Ep85
9th Oct 1986
Joan consolidates her hold on Wentworth in the aftermath of Craven's murder, but she is forced to sacrifice Lorelei to protect her own job. Meg and Joyce find themselves in big trouble for disobeying Joan's orders.
S8 Ep86
14th Oct 1986
Joan's attempt to transfer Meg, Joyce and Marty away from Wentworth incurs the wrath of the union and the threat of an officers' strike. Kath loses her trusteeship after being set-up.
S8 Ep89
23rd Oct 1986
Kath and Rita do a deal and reach a compromise. Ann is reinstated as Governor by the Department, prompting Joan to make a surprise decision.
S8 Ep94
6th Nov 1986
Joan gets a nasty shock on her first day in her new job. Kath contemplates an offer from Ron Willis to get Marty and Spike. Rita arranges a meeting for Alice and Harry to discuss his past.
S8 Ep98
20th Nov 1986
Spider finally succeeds in pushing Rita too far. Rodney makes plans to get back at Lisa. Kath's escape could end with her in a pine box...
S8 Ep99
25th Nov 1986
Rita receives some devastating news from the doctor about her ill health. Kath finally manages to escape from her minders.
S8 Ep100
27th Nov 1986
Rita struggles to come to terms with the news of her impending death. Returned to Wentworth and rejected by Merle, Kath feels like she has nothing left to live for and prepares to commit suicide.
S8 Ep101
2nd Dec 1986
Rita counsels Kath and stops her killing herself. The women find a weapon to defeat Rodney with. Rita tells Alice she has some big plans that nothing - and no-one - can interfere with.
S8 Ep102
4th Dec 1986
Joan surprises everyone when she volunteers to be Rita's constant help. Harry makes an unexpected announcement.
S8 Ep103
9th Dec 1986
Rita escapes from Wentworth to carry out her robbery. Kath and Merle are reunited and the women learn of Rita's condition. The department assess Ann's reform proposals.
S1 Ep4
6th Mar 1979
Bill dies on the way to hospital and Rosie gives Birth to a boy. Meg is devastated as the police investigate into Bill's murder begins. The cops are not getting very far; meanwhile, Eddie tells Marilyn he saw who stabbed Bill. Bea and the girls learn from him that it was Chrissie who killed him. They attack and scalp Chrissie, and she is transferred away to another prison. Meg turns up for work, yells at everyone and is sent home by Erika Davidson until the funeral is passed, Mum collapses at the bedsit and her landlady goes through her belongings. After the funeral, ...
S1 Ep3
28th Feb 1979
With Frankie's hold over the women growing, she attempts to show the screws who is in charge by getting the women to stay in the dinning room until she gives the order for them to leave. Prostitute Chrissie Latham tries to seduce Bill but he turns her down. Lizzie and Marilyn mess around with the wiring so that Eddie will be called in. Marilyn and Eddie climb up into the roof for a "Liaison". Bea's return sends Frankie over the edge and she starts a riot in the dinning room. Bea, Doreen and some other women are trapped in the laundry; Frankie, Lizzy, Chrissie and ...
S1 Ep14
10th Apr 1979
Shot in the holdup, Doug dies and Lyn cannot run, so she calls the prison doctor who gets there just before the cops. She loses her baby. Doug gets sacked because of his involvement with Marilyn. Frankie and Doreen are still on the run. The new social worker visits Mum's granddaughter and explains how much Mum needs to see her. Karen's mother is planning to be remarried, and in her first prison visit is appalled at the news Karen might get a retrial, renewing the publicity.
S2 Ep8
13th Feb 1980
After Lizzie's intensive grilling by the cops, Bea and the girls suspect there's a cover-up going on regarding the old woman, and decide to get to the bottom of it. Chrissie uses her key to get into Erica's office and pinch Lizzie's file, which she passes on to Bea. Paul arranges for journalist Mal James to visit the women, to try and get them interested in making their own newspaper, and they slip the goss on Lizzie to him. James calls Erica for a comment, but she denies there is a cover-up and wants to know where he got his facts. Finally, Lizzie is told the truth: Ralph Campbell confessed on his death bed that he murdered the shearers, not Lizzie. She is shattered. On Paul's recommendation, Ros gets another week in the pound when the VJ comes to the prison. Paul's car is stolen, but when it is recovered the culprit turns out to be his son, Tony.
S2 Ep9
19th Feb 1980
Lizzie tries to cope with the news she spent the past twenty years in jail for a crime she did not commit and panics at the thought of being released. Bea suggests to her she might get compensation from the Department. Erica hunts for the culprit who leaked the news, and Vera accuses Paul of being to blame. Paul eventually gets a confession from Bea and forces Chrissie to hand her key over. He also arranges for Lizzie to go and stay at the Halfway House when she gets out. Lizzie steals a radio from Vera's locker and smuggles it into Ros in Solitary. The women hold a farewell barbeque for Lizzie in the garden, and have a tearful goodbye. When she gets out of the gate, though, Doreen hasn't turned up to get her and she's left sitting on her suitcase alone. Meanwhile, Paul tries to get through to Tony, who says he's chucking college, to no real avail.
S2 Ep11
26th Feb 1980
Caroline and Vivienne try to cover-up Brian's murder, thinking the police will never believe it was self defence, and make it look like a burglary. Vivienne is guilt-ridden, especially when she learns Brian had a large life insurance policy. When the cops question them again, Vivienne confesses. Caroline admits to the murder in self-defence, but the police say she will find it hard to prove. The screws wonder how a prisoner got into the staff room to return Vera's radio, and decide there must be a key on the loose. Erica, though, correctly suspects Lizzie of being responsible and drops the matter, even after Paul owns up to returning it. Tony Reid is in trouble when the police raid a friend's house while they are getting a delivery from drug dealer Sharon Gilmour. Doreen has trouble juggling her past and her present, unwilling to tell Kevin where she lives.
S2 Ep13
4th Mar 1980
Paul reels from Sharon's demands, and though Tony insists Sharon was lying, Paul soon realises Tony is the liar. Sharon tells Vera the connection between her and Paul, and Vera reports him to Erica. Sharon learns Tony has confessed to the police and she has nothing on them any more. Bea sends Margo, Lil and Bev to duff Sharon up: they attack her in her cell and try to scalp her, but Chrissie gets in the way and is knocked to the floor. She goes into very premature labour and is rushed to hospital. Doreen is talked into phoning in sick so she can go to the country with Kevin, and leaves Lizzie to phone work, posing as her aunt. Unfortunately she can't work the phone and gets roaring drunk. Ros is transferred to J Block so she can continue her studies. Vivienne stops eating and communicating, and later Jim and Caroline find her catatonic.
S2 Ep14
5th Mar 1980
Margo, Lil and Bev are sent to the pound after the attack on Chrissie and Sharon. Chrissie confirms Bea was behind it, and a disgusted Erica sends Bea to Isolation until further notice. Chrissie wakes from sedation to learn she has a new baby girl, which she names Elizabeth. She learns the baby will need long-term treatment and must remain in hospital after Chrissie goes back to the prison. Doreen gets the sack from work because Lizzie cocked up phoning in sick for her. Lizzie turns up at the prison to see Bea, and though Vera refuses, Jim allows it. Lizzie tells Bea about Caroline & Vivienne being at the Halfway House, who passes it on to Jim, and Caroline admits it. Sharon gets another visit from Judy, and in a bid to shock, reveals to Meg that Judy is not her sister but her girlfriend.
S2 Ep15
11th Mar 1980
Paul agrees to try and get Bea out of Isolation if she encourages the craft project. She agrees, then sends the word to down tools. Vera is delighted that things have fallen through; Paul is furious, but Bea feigns innocence. Lizzie and Doreen aren't on good terms after Lizzie got Dor sacked. Jim tries to get Lizzie, Doreen and Rhonda to testify on Caroline and Vivienne's behalf. Lizzie and Dor are in the pub with Kevin, and when Jim turns up in uniform to talk to them, Kev realises they've been inside. Dor is upset when he says he doesn't want to see her for a bit. Sharon, Tony and the others arrested in the raid go to court, where Sharon tells a load of lies to get herself off the hook. However, the Judge sees through her and gives her two years, letting everyone else off on a bond.
S1 Ep1
27th Feb 1979
Two new prisoners, Karen Travers and Lyn Warner, are inducted into Wentworth Detention Centre and have to adjust to the harsh regime and the tough women they meet there. Karen, convicted of stabbing her cheating husband to death in the shower, turns out to be an old flame of prison Doctor Greg Miller. Lynn has been convicted of kidnapping and burying a baby alive, and though she loudly protests her innocence, she is bullied by the other women, led by their 'Top Dog', murderess Bea Smith. Meanwhile, young inmate Sally Lee hangs herself in her cell while going through ...
S1 Ep2
27th Feb 1979
Lynn withdraws her complaint, so Bea's release is approved. The prisoners hold a farwell party for Bea and Mum. Mum leaves her beloved garden in the hands of Lynn. Mum is released into the care of her daughter, Lorraine, and Bea gets a lift into town from Eddie. Meg and Bill are having problems with their teenage son Marty, who tells them he wants to move out and get a place with his girlfriend. With Bea gone, Franky siezes the opportunity to take over the press and announces she is now in charge. Greg tries to talk Karen into appealing against her sentence, realising her husband was abusing her. Lynn goes on hunger strike until her innocence is believed. Mum's daughter rejects her, saying she doesn't want her coming home with her, so Mum checks into a grotty bedsit in town. Bea spends her first night of freedom in luxury at a hotel. Next morning, she visits daughter Debbie's grave and picks up a package from her old cellmate, a ""present"" for her husband.
S1 Ep3
28th Feb 1979
With Frankie's hold over the women growing, she attempts to show the screws who is in charge by getting the women to stay in the dinning room until she gives the order for them to leave. Prostitute Chrissie Latham tries to seduce Bill but he turns her down. Lizzie and Marilyn mess around with the wiring so that Eddie will be called in. Marilyn and Eddie climb up into the roof for a "Liaison". Bea's return sends Frankie over the edge and she starts a riot in the dinning room. Bea, Doreen and some other women are trapped in the laundry; Frankie, Lizzy, Chrissie and ...
S1 Ep4
6th Mar 1979
Bill dies on the way to hospital and Rosie gives Birth to a boy. Meg is devastated as the police investigate into Bill's murder begins. The cops are not getting very far; meanwhile, Eddie tells Marilyn he saw who stabbed Bill. Bea and the girls learn from him that it was Chrissie who killed him. They attack and scalp Chrissie, and she is transferred away to another prison. Meg turns up for work, yells at everyone and is sent home by Erika Davidson until the funeral is passed, Mum collapses at the bedsit and her landlady goes through her belongings. After the funeral, ...
S1 Ep5
7th Mar 1979
Mum recuperates from her collapse at her daughter's home but has to pretend to the children that she is an aunt as Lorraine told them their grandmother was dead. Frankie and Bea fight during a dance class in the Rec Room. Yates is caught smuggling the pill in for Marilyn. Suspected of being the one who supplied Sally Lee with drugs, she is reprimanded by Erica Davidson, and quits in disgust. Bea reads the girls tea Leaves and Lizzie pinches a bottle of surgical spirit from the infirmary. Mum can't deal with Lorraine any longer and walks out. After which Judith Anne ...
S1 Ep6
13th Mar 1979
Lynn reveals she must be pregnant after being raped by her employer, Mr Bentley, the father of the baby she is supposed to have buried alive. Frankie bullies Lizzie into giving her some of her Buy-Up and later steals her false teeth when she refuses. Marilyn learns she is to be paroled in a few days. Eddie proposes to he but she turns him down, though she agrees to move in with him. Horrified by Lynne's story, Meg Jackson attitude softens again and she tells Erica Davidson she believes Lynn. Screw, Vera Bennet, is having trouble with her ailing mother but refuses to ...
S1 Ep7
14th Mar 1979
Lizzie finds a stray cat in the garden and brings it into the prison. When it dies, she blames Frankie for killing it, but it turns out she did it accidentally herself by giving it water from the garden tainted with weed killer. Lizzie then tries to fake amnesia in order to get an early release but Meg Jackson sees right through it. Gary Doyle comes to visit Frankie again and gives her a copy of his plans for the farm. Later the other women deface the plans by scribbling all over them. Mum suggests Frankie work in the garden to keep her away from Bea Smith. Erica ...
S1 Ep8
20th Mar 1979
Bea Smith and the other inmates find out about Frankie's plans to get paroled and live on a farm so they try to rile her into blowing her chances. Marilyn gets a job at a hotel but she is demoted after beauty consultant Helen Masters complains about her and then quits after being sexually harassed by her boss. She goes back on the game to buy Eddie a birthday present, prompting them to have a row and she walks out on him. Helen Masters is sent to Wentworth charged with manslaughter after her car is used in a hit-and-run. At first she is to be bailed but when she tries...
S1 Ep9
21st Mar 1979
Marilyn's boyfriend Eddie is suspicious of where she got the money for his birthday gift: back "on the game" (prostitution)? The final straw is a visitor who is obviously a "workmate" from the street. Officials and inmates are puzzled when Helen Masters drops her application for bail. She uses the media to bring attention to the "innocent" women being incarcerated--including herself, of course. The Bentleys, the culprits responsible for Lyn's conviction, continue their libertine ways, but are finally exposed and arrested.
S1 Ep10
27th Mar 1979
Helen Masters sets out to affect the quality of prison meals as part of her campaign to get a character witness for her trial, the prison doctor. Marilyn returns to prison, but Eddie is through. Vera's drinking almost gets her arrested in a pub, but the officer grants her professional courtesy and takes her home. Masters cons everybody--even her blackmailing assistant--and wins acquittal, trashing the prison officials and inmates in her first TV interview.
S1 Ep11
28th Mar 1979
The inmates start realigning after Master's release; Frankie gains motivation from her brother to work on good behavior. Lyn, who has returned to her parents' home, runs away with Doug whom she had met while in prison. A detective, pretending to be attracted to Vera, interrogates Marilyn about her associates and their drug connections. Frankie, who can't read, gets a telegram saying her brother was injured and goes berserk when it's read to her, deciding to end it all.
S1 Ep12
3rd Apr 1979
The inmates start realigning after Master's release; Frankie gains motivation from her brother to work on good behavior. Lyn, who has returned to her parents' home, runs away with Doug whom she had met while in prison. A detective, pretending to be attracted to Vera, interrogates Marilyn about her associates and their drug connections. Frankie, who can't read, gets a telegram saying her brother was injured and goes berserk when it's read to her, deciding to end it all.
S1 Ep13
4th Apr 1979
Vera's attitude continues to become more punitive toward the inmates, bringing a reprimand from the governor. Lizzie's heart forces her to return to the prison, while Frankie and Doreen face life on the run with no money. Lyn faces the fact that Doug is still a criminal, and she reluctantly gets involved in a holdup.
S1 Ep14
10th Apr 1979
Shot in the holdup, Doug dies and Lyn cannot run, so she calls the prison doctor who gets there just before the cops. She loses her baby. Doug gets sacked because of his involvement with Marilyn. Frankie and Doreen are still on the run. The new social worker visits Mum's granddaughter and explains how much Mum needs to see her. Karen's mother is planning to be remarried, and in her first prison visit is appalled at the news Karen might get a retrial, renewing the publicity.
S1 Ep15
11th Apr 1979
Karen permits the prison doctor to contact her lawyer about a retrial, and Dr. Miller kisses her. Vera walks in on them and reports him. A new prisoner, who is reputed to be really tough, is admitted; she and Bea turn out to be old friends, dashing Vera's hopes. Lyn is returned to prison. Doreen and Frankie have disguised themselves as nuns to beg money on the street, but decide to find an older person whom they can rob and perhaps take over their home.
The first episode of Prisoner: Cell Block H aired on February 27, 1979.
The last episode of Prisoner: Cell Block H aired on December 11, 1986.
There are 692 episodes of Prisoner: Cell Block H.
There are 8 seasons of Prisoner: Cell Block H.
Prisoner: Cell Block H has ended.