Blue Dragon Episode Rating Graph
Apr 2007 - Jun 2010

Apr 2007 - Jun 2010
Browse episode ratings trends for Blue Dragon. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Blue Dragon's 102 episodes.
S2 Ep19
9th Aug 2008
Marumaro and Bouquet unleash Saber Tiger and Hippopotamus to follow Blue Dragon into the artifact. Hippopotamus pulls a lever that causes Shu and the others to fall in as well. Noi finds ancient technology that opens a hole in the ground as he, Shu, Bouquet, Marumaro, Conrad, Griz, and Daner go down it. Upon coming to a room, Noi works on its keypads to learn about the technology. The security system is soon activated as thin robots attack. Noi manages to find a way out which they escape through. They soon come across a room where Mikhail in his Red Dragon form is recuperating. Mikhail wakes up and takes out Griz who tried to attack him. Shu unleashes Blue Dragon as Conrad does a failed attack on Mikhail. Marumaro and Bouquet unleash Saber Tiger and Hippopotamus to help Blue Dragon. Noi turns into his dragon form and merges with Blue Dragon while Bouquet and Hippopotamus merge with Marumaro and Saber Tiger. After taking a hit from the Blue Dragon/Noi combination, Mikhail escapes. Shu then thinks about what Mikhail and Lotarus have said.
S2 Ep1
5th Apr 2008
Two years after the world is freed from darkness, a young dragon escapes and crashes to earth. Shu and Bouquet have joined Legolas' Sarbin resistance against General Logi. Shu leads a supply raid on a Rosekstan airship, then rides with Bouquet to investigate the crater, and encounter a mysterious boy named Noi. All three find themselves prey to a Rosekstan fleet. But a red dragon appears and decimates the Rosekstan forces. While evading the red dragon, Noi uses his Tosen Kyuden ability on Shu. With Noi's help, the Blue Dragon returns. After a fierce battle, Shu and Blue Dragon cause the red dragon to retreat.
S2 Ep22
30th Aug 2008
Shu, Bouquet, Marumaro, and Noi help two female bakers prepare a cake display for a town event to earn some money. But there are delays in the kitchen, and Noi and Bouquet has to stall the crowd until they are done. With help from Shu, they complete the cake display and use Saber Tiger to transport it there. When Blue Dragon bursts out the cake scaring the kids, Bouquet improvises by having Hippopotamus dress up as a superhero called Hipopotaman to fight Blue Dragon. Marumaro has Saber Tiger join the act to help Hipopotaman fight Blue Dragon. This only agitates Blue Dragon in the end who makes sure the party "ends with a bang".
S2 Ep20
16th Aug 2008
Conrad, Griz, and Daner report what he has found underneath the city to Legolas. Upon remembering what Mikhail said, Noi tells Shu, Bouquet, and Marumaro that he is heading down into the ruins. Noi assumes his dragon form and flies down. While Bouquet and Marumaro have reached a disagreement, Conrad speaks to Shu about what to do with the Investiture Being ruins. Noi manages to get into the database when Lotarus in her dragon form arrives. A flying rock-like structure arrives floating above the city and is a threat if it lands on it. Shu unleashes Blue Dragon and checks it out. Panic occurs in the city as Griz and Daner speak with Bouquet and Marumaro. Blue Dragon attacks the rock structure as Bouquet, Marumaro, and Saber Tiger arrive to help. Bouquet and Hippopotamus merge with Blue Dragon and they attack the floating rock structure. Shu and Blue Dragon use whatever they can to destroy the rock structure and send its debris far. Lotarus takes her leave after this. Later that night, everyone is in the database room. As an eclipse occurs, secret data appears.
S2 Ep13
28th Jun 2008
As the White Brigade prepares to attack Shu and the others, Shu fends off the White Guardians while Noi evacuates Bouquet and Marumaro away from the area. The White Guardians also retreats as Lotarus watches from afar. Mikhail is shown near a river badly wounded. Shu and Noi have a conversation regarding the events that occurred two years ago as the White Guardians continues their advancement. Later that evening, the village that Shu and Co. are resting turns out to be near the White Guardians' headquarters in the city of Nirvana. Bouquet uses her invisibility to listen out what the White Guardians is up to. Bouquet then unleashes Hippopotamus and takes the form of a White Guardian to throw them off track. Shu and Co. are spotted by some White Guardians, but are knocked out by Saber Tiger. Making their leave from the city, Shu finally encounters Primella in person.
S2 Ep10
7th Jun 2008
The mysterious woman before now known to be named Lotarus is shown to be one of seven shadowy dragon from the castle in the sky. She is given freedom to re-judge the people of the world even after her ordeal with Logi. She runs into Mikhail and tells him that she will handle the next test. In Logic, Shu is at the library looking up while Bouquet takes Marumaro and Noi out shopping for groceries. After Marumaro and Noi ditch Bouquet, she runs into Lotarus (who uses the alias of Lota) who becomes curious about her. She asks what Bouquet wished for if she had power, but she replies that she already has everything she wants. Meanwhile, Shu finds nothing on where the dragon sightings are. Bouquet finishes her shopping with Lotarus and takes her around town. Shu is still trying to find the sightings of the Red Dragon on the map while recapping what Mikhail said. While Marumaro and Noi are enjoying an ice cream cone, Noi ends up noticing Lotarus near Bouquet. Noi runs off to tell Shu that Bouquet might be in danger. Shu even recaps about Xie telling him about a woman floating over the waters when Albarose was destroyed. While in the park, Lotarus forges a Dragon Scale Pendant behind her back and begins to offer it to Bouquet stating that it will give Bouquet what she wishes for. But before Bouquet can accept Lotarus' gift, Shu cuts in and identifies Lotarus as being in the same race as Mikhail. As Shu unleashes Blue Dragon, Lotarus ends up unleashing her shadow that resembles a white dragon with pink wings. Shu and Blue Dragon fight Lotarus as she states about the Dragon Scale tests causing Shu to recap the incidents with Crester and the moving pyramid. Lotarus states that the Dragon Scale tests were done by Mikhail and that Mikhail had been watching him. Right when Shu and Lotarus are about to make their next move, Bouquet interferes causing the match to be a draw. Before she departs, she tell Shu and Bouqet to tell Noi to make his decision as well. Later that evening, Shu gets Marumaro and tells them that they are going to find Mikhail who is spotted nearby the wetlands at the edge of Logic.
S2 Ep3
19th Apr 2008
Mikhail leaves thereafter, before warning Shu that the fate of the world lies in the choices he and his friends make. Back with Logi's duel with the mysterious woman, she states that he was not qualified and in a flash sets Logi and Albarose ablaze. Watching from a distance were two tightly cloaked characters. Feeling the need to gather the previous partners being shadow users, Shu takes Bouquet and Noi to Marumaro's village to awaken Marumaro's shadow Saber Tiger. But starting out on a wrong foot sets Noi and Marumaro at each other's throats. To settle their differences Shu has Marumaro and Noi compete in different sporting events like arm wrestling, racing, and other events. When it comes to a card game, Noi wins and uses his Tousen Kyuden to awaken Saber Tiger. The Investiture Beings are in their meeting and have elected Shu as the World's Representative. Mikhail leaves to watch over Shu's progress.
S2 Ep2
12th Apr 2008
Shu has a dream of a mysterious girl telling him to save the world. After Noi helps reawaken Bouquet's Hippopotamus, Shu and Bouquet talk about Noi including about his mysterious ability to revive lost shadows. Shu then tells Bouquet that something is not right in the world and says that they will be heading to Marumaro's village. Meanwhile, General Logi is in the middle of world conquest when his second-in-command Matilda tells him of an important matter. Rosekstan's capital Albarose is then invaded by a woman who has the same characteristic as Noi. Having his guards taken down, Logi faces the woman. The woman however wants a fair fight so she reawakens Odin from his slumber with her Tousen Genbaku. Shu's party later has a run-in with a mysterious man named Mikhail stating to be a 'Investiture Being', and also a shadow wielder whose shadow is a splitting red of the red dragon they fought before. Overwhelmed as their fight rages on, Noi reluctantly uses his Tousen Bardagir move that gives Bouquet and Hippopotamus the ability to merge with Shu, giving a new armored form for Blue Dragon to overpower Mikhail but not defeat him
S1 Ep51
29th Mar 2008
The final battle arrives between Shu and the more powerful demon Zola. After Shu defeats Zola everyone begins the resealing of the darkness. But they learn that in order to free the world of darkness, a sacrifice of the shadows must be made. So everybody uses up every last drop of energy that their shadows possess and they reseal the darkness. The world returns to normal, and everyone resumes their normal lives.
S1 Ep21
25th Aug 2007
Conrad takes his soldiers to head to the west side to gather others that will fight Gran Kingdom. Homeron continues his infiltration to look for Castle Des La Teste's master computer. Gilliam and his followers Todd and Bishop attack the recently released prisoners resulting in Marumaro and Saber Tiger fighting Gilliam and Euphoria with Shu's Blue Dragon and Kluke's Phoenix joining the battle. Jiro and Zola fight Todd and Bishop. With the help of Phoenix, Marumaro and Saber Tiger managed to damage Euphoria. Andropov informs Gilliam to have his group retreat. As for Homeron, he learns the name of the white-haired woman to be Delphinium.
S1 Ep16
21st Jul 2007
Kluke has woken up and is good now. Shu and the others continue their journey to the book of origins. Now Shu and the others are in logic city in their journey.
S1 Ep6
12th May 2007
Shu and the others take the fight to the enemy when they invade a Grankingdom base where some villagers are being held. But General Logi, the base commander, has a past history with Zola and some shadow powers of his own, and he soon has Zola at his mercy. If there was ever a time that Shu needed to master the Blue Dragon, it's now...
S2 Ep9
31st May 2008
Arriving in a local town, Shu recalls about his attempts to Jiro and Kluke to help him. This causes Marumaro to become concern and Bouquet to feel neglected. Marumaro ends up encountering dancing sisters Donna and Reina. When Marumaro brings them to Shu to cheer him up, the sisters end up dancing with Shu and Noi until Bouquet arrives getting into an argument with Shu. The sisters break from Noi and end up sucking the life out of Shu and Bouquet. Donna and Reina then perform while sucking the life out of some of the townspeople. Marumaro ends up deciding to correct this problem and obtaining Noi's help. Donna and Reina recall when they used to be down and out until Mikhail arrived and gave them Dragon Scales to make them more beautiful. This also caused them to absorb the energy of jealous people. When Donna and Reina leave, Marumaro and Noi emerge from their hiding spots as Noi tells Marumaro that Donna and Reina have the crests of the Dragon Scale on their necks. Marumaro and Noi end up disguising themselves as one person so that Marumaro can use his shadow power to deactivate the Dragon Scales starting with Reina. It doesn't go well when their disguise eventually fails. Marumaro ends up enticed by their beauty until Noi ends up not showing off his jealousy. Donna and Reina end up attempting to entice Noi with their beauty making Marumaro jealous. When Donna and Reina end up trying to absorb Marumaro's jealousy energy, Noi ends up biting Reina. Using Saber Tiger, Marumaro ends up driving the Dragon Scales out of Donna and Reina. Once the Dragon Scales were destroyed, those that they have drained energy from were restored. As Shu starts to regain his energy, he finds out that the name of the girl that has been appearing in his dreams is Primella. He ends up waking up alongside Bouquet. With Donna and Reina still unconscious with Noi stating that they won't remember a thing, Shu, Bouquet, Marumaro, and Noi take their leave. Shu finds out that Marumaro had been worried about him and Bouquet. Shu and Bouquet then end up in another argument revolving around what happened between him and Donna and Reina.
S1 Ep20
18th Aug 2007
Shu and Co. encounter Homeron again. He reveals that the information of the Extra 7 is somewhere in Gran Kingdom's Castle Des La Teste and they will have to infiltrate it to get to its master computer. Conrad L. Lawrence is shown to be imprisoned in a local prison run by Cynthia which Homeron also tells Shu. Zola comes up with a plan to lure the guards from Castle Des La Teste in order to rescue Conrad and get the information. As the others attack the prison, Homeron, Kluke, and Bouquet infiltrate the castle. Upon rescuing the captive soldiers, Shu and Jiro free Conrad and run into Cynthia. Lemaire also arrives to help Cynthia and both of them begin to overwhelm Shu and Jiro until a successful attack from Blue Dragon and Minotaur weakens them down. Zola catches up after destroying the robots that came with Lemaire. With the reinforcements from Castle Des La Teste approaching, Zola issues a retreat as Homeron begins his infiltration.
S1 Ep17
28th Jul 2007
Shu and his friends want to hire an informant to help them find the Extra Seven but are told that an informant named Homeron the Great had died in battle against Gran Kingdom. At the same time, they meet the other Homerons ranging from Homeron the Original, Homeron II, Homeron the Legitimate, and Homeron Jr.. To pay for another informant, Shu heads off on his own to defeat the dangerous monster called the Gigarus and claim the reward. Shu and Blue Dragon managed to defeat the Gigarus and the group learns that the woman that hired Shu is actually Homeron the Great. However, Marumaro has gotten lost from the group.
S1 Ep15
14th Jul 2007
Shu worries of Kluke being unconscious, while Jiro worries about defeating Nene. Shu and the others discovered that they still have a hold on the criteria on the suspect who killed the saineles. They say that the suspect is a age of 20 to 30,she has blue hair, and has perfume on her body. So, Shu and the others decide to get the extra seven pages to get stronger and defeat Nene.
S1 Ep14
7th Jul 2007
Shu and the others have finally found Nene. Shu, Jiro, and Marumaro fight Nene while Jiburaru's army is having a hard time fighting Grand Kingdom's army. But then, Shu, Jiro, and Marumaro got to a big disaster and Zola needed to get in.
S1 Ep2
14th Apr 2007
Shu and the others manage to protect the village from the enemy. The ‘Knight Master’ (Zola) convinces Shu to come along on their journey.
S1 Ep18
4th Aug 2007
Marumaro finds himself in hot water when he flirts with the innkeeper's wife, and he's in even deeper trouble when it turns out the innkeeper is a Shadow Wielder who deserted Gran Kingdom's army with the "wife" being his shadow. They soon learn that Marumaro isn't from Gran Kingdom. Marumaro and Saber Tiger later defend them from a Gran Kingdom captain and his troops with the innkeeper on his bounty list. Marumaro and Saber Tiger defeat them and they reunite with Shu and the others.
S1 Ep5
5th May 2007
Shu and his comrades wander into a town that has been decimated. A pint-sized Shadow wielder named Marumaro attacks them, convinced that they are enemies. Will Marumaro be convinced of Shu's innocence in time to save the villagers from the real invading army, and take on a pair of Shadow-wielding brothers at the same time?
S2 Ep50
17th Mar 2009
Rosekstan begins their attack on Rudolph's war machine. Rudolph then unleashes his winged creatures, a bunch of Amethyst Dragons, a Moody Dragon, and a Phantom Dragon. Jiro, Kluke, Marumaro, Bouquet, Andropov, and General Logi unleash their shadows to attack the war machine while Noi looks for Shu. Meanwhile, Shu makes contact with Zola's spirit. As the battle progresses, Rudolph's war machine decimates most of the Rosekstan fleet. Just as one of the winged creatures is about to attack Jiro, he is saved by Delphinium and Deathroy (who have unleashed Chimera) as they arrive with reinforcements. Sleipnir fires its cannon at Rudolph's war machine but to no avail. Rudolph then fires the attack which decimates more Rosekstan airships as Noi charges towards the war machine.
S2 Ep49
10th Mar 2009
Shu continues his fight with Rudolph. After taking a blow from Blue Dragon, Rudolph assumes his dragon form. Rudolph and the Shu/Blue Dragon are easily matched until Rudolph manages to strangle him. He repels Noi and the Bouquet/Saber Tiger. When Rudolph starts to finish off the Shu/Blue Dragon, Noi unleashes his power which enables his dragon form to get bigger. With this occurrence, Noi engages Rudolph. Both of them are easily matched. Right when Rudolph was about to finish off Noi, he is hit by an attack launched by the Shu/Blue Dragon. Rudolph enters a portal that he created and the Shu/Blue Dragon follows him into it. The Shu/Blue Dragon follows Rudolph into an area where he uses a war machine to defeat the Shu/Blue Dragon. The Investiture Beings' castle is starting to change shape into a large dragon-like war machine. Kluke uses her forcefield ability to protect them from its attack. Just then, Rosekstan's forces arrive as Shu's unconscious body is approached by Primella.
S2 Ep48
7th Mar 2009
The battle between Rudolph and the Shu/Blue Dragon begins. Rudolph's shadow is matching blows with the Shu/Blue Dragon and nearly defeated Marumaro and the Bouquet/Saber Tiger. Rudolph starts to overwhelm the Shu/Blue Dragon. When Rudolph overwhelms the Shu/Blue Dragon sending him into a ditch with Primella and Dr. Tarkovsky falling after him. The attack also defeats Marumaro and the Bouquet/Hippopotamus. Noi even tries to have some words with Rudolph. Primella continues to glow and makes contact with Shu mentioning how she was a part of Zola before being separated from her by Killer Bat. After the talk, the Shu/Blue Dragon rises to continue his fight with Rudolph. Noi assumes his dragon form and tries to fight Rudolph, but to no avail. Before Rudolph can finish Noi off, the Shu/Blue Dragon saves him. Bouquet re-merges with Saber Tiger to assist Shu in the fight with Rudolph.
S2 Ep47
28th Feb 2009
When Rudolph finds Lotarus guilty of what happened in her encounter with Noi, Lotarus is forced to fight Hildegard. When Lotarus manages to get Hildegard's elongated head, arms, and tail stuck, she is caught by surprise by the emergence of Hildegard's second head. When Hildegard frees himself/herself, Hildegard attacks Lotarus just as Shu arrives However, it was actually Bouquet in disguise as a diversion for Shu to have Blue Dragon attack Hildegard. Shu has Blue Dragon catch Lotarus and give her to Bouquet. Shu then engages Rudolph. After a brief talk, Shu and Rudolph unleash their shadows. Bouquet and Hippopotamus merge with Saber Tiger while Shu merges with Blue Dragon. As Primella starts to suddenly glow, the Shu/Blue Dragon charges toward Rudolph.
S2 Ep46
21st Feb 2009
When Fagino attacks, Noi gives Shu the ability to merge with Blue Dragon to form a full version of Blue Dragon. However, something happens to cause Blue Dragon to not be able to move. Bouquet and Hippopotamus merge with Saber Tiger to defend him from Fagino. Shu manages to get control of it just as Marumaro and the Bouquet/Saber Tiger are defeated. Upon taking a beating from the Shu/Blue Dragon, Fagino assumes his dragon form and fights back. When Blue Dragon gets the upper hand, Fagino unleashes energies and quickly punches Blue Dragon. When Fagino and the Shu/Blue Dragon's attacks collide, Blue Dragon's attack goes through and destroys Fagino. News of Fagino's destruction reaches the other Investiture Beings. As Shu is recovering from the experience, Rudolph begins to broadcast a transmission throughout his realm where it revealed what happened with Lotarus' encounter with Noi back at the Investiture Beings ruins.
S2 Ep45
14th Feb 2009
Rudolph recalls Hildegard and Fagino to his castle when the Mast Driver approaches their realm. As the Mast Driver approaches the area, strange aircraft attack. From within their ship, Shu and Marumaro send Blue Dragon and Saber Tiger out to fight them. With help from Noi, Blue Dragon and Saber Tiger trick the aircraft into crashing into each other. They finally arrive at the Investiture Beings' castle. Fagino is sent to attack them and unleashes his shadow. The other Investiture Beings watch from their castle.
S2 Ep44
7th Feb 2009
Dr. Tarkovsky is given the status of the Mast Driver. Fagino's shadow does an attack on the Noi/Blue Dragon which causes Noi to separate. Marumaro and the Bouquet/Saber Tiger managed to destroy Blizzard Dragon. Conrad sacrifices his life to protect Shu from Fagino's attack. While Marumaro and Andropov keep Moody Dragon busy, Kluke has some words with Furioso. When Amethyst Dragon starts to attack them, it is destroyed by Rosekstan's Sleipnir airship as Jiro arrives. Hildegard has her shadow constrict Blue Dragon as Fagino moves in to eliminate Noi only to be intercepted by General Logi.
S2 Ep43
31st Jan 2009
Following the vision of Primella, Dr. Tarkovsky leads Shu and the rest of the White Guardians to Z'Mey. At Z'Mey, Noi is researching the Mast Driver just as Bouquet, Marumaro, Kluke, and Andropov arrive. Shu also arrives with Primella as the conversation continues on Dr. Tarkovsky's airship. After the conversation, one of the soldiers enter and report that the Investiture Beings' winged creatures are heading their way. The White Guardians prepare their defenses against the winged creatures. As Conrad and Griz join the fight, the winged creatures overwhelm the White Guardians.
S2 Ep42
24th Jan 2009
Shu gains an unlikely audience with Dr. Tarkovsky who learns about Vermillion's demise. The White Guardian soldiers set up a trap filled with food which Fagino falls for when he transforms into his dragon form. Some of the food he ate contained electrical spikes that seal up Fagino's mouth. As the White Guardian soldiers are assaulting Fagino, Primella receives another vision. Furioso does a fatal blow toward Fagino only to discover that it was a clone made from a Dragon Scale. Fagino emerges and overloads the spikes that were placed in his mouth. Fagino then attacks the White Guardian soldiers. As Fagino tries to destroy Furioso, Shu unleashes Blue Dragon and attacks Fagino. With Blue Dragon keeping Fagino busy, Furioso ends up slicing off his right arm causing Fagino to retreat. Dr. Tarkovsky then tells Furioso and his troops to spare Shu and Blue Dragon.
S2 Ep41
17th Jan 2009
Having met up with Kluke, Bouquet and Marumaro work to prevent Primella's vision from coming true. Meanwhile, Noi researches the pyramid structure that just surfaced. Kluke finally learns about an attempt on her life as Lotarus arrives with some winged creatures. Shu and Primella meet up with General Szabo while General Logi's forces advance. Delphinium wakes up in a cottage and learns from the man who found her that Deathroy had kept her safe from Hildegard. Marumaro unleashes Saber Tiger to fight Lotarus while Bouquet gets Kluke to safety. Andropov arrives to help Marumaro. When Kluke and Bouquet end up in a flower field, Lotarus attacks Kluke. However, her attack missed Kluke and Lotarus departs with her attack force. Meanwhile, Shu, Primella, and General Szabo arrive at an area where the forces of Rosekstan and the White Guardians are going to fight each other.
S2 Ep40
10th Jan 2009
In a stormy volcanic area, Noi runs into Legolas nearby Z'Mey: a dragon sanctuary. Conrad also arrives with Griz and Daner. Meanwhile, Marumaro and Bouquet continue their search for Kluke. At a nearby town, Kluke is shown tending to the injured. Daner shows Noi an artifact that Conrad's group had found. Noi then leads Legolas, Conrad, Griz and Daner into Z'Mey and go through many obstacles to get to the main chamber. Meanwhile, Shu sees a nearby town that is annihilated when Rudolph arrives. Shu and Rudolph unleash their shadows and fight. Noi places the artifact in the area and it unveiling a shuttle called Mast Driver and its pyramid-like platform. The light it emits is noticed by Shu and Rudolph as Rudolph leaves. Meanwhile, Bouquet and Marumaro have met up with Kluke at the area where Primella's vision of her took place.
S2 Ep51
24th Mar 2009
Things aren't looking good for Rosekstan and Shu's allies. Just then, the Shu/Blue Dragon emerges with Primella in its hand. Primella wakes up as she is given to Dr. Tarkovsky and General Szabo. Rudolph emerges from the war machine and fights the Shu/Blue Dragon. They match blow to blow until Rudolph uses his intangibility to keep the Shu/Blue Dragon from hitting him and then multiplies to attack the Shu/Blue Dragon. With help from Primella, the Shu/Blue Dragon destroys the duplicates. The Shu/Blue Dragon collides its punch with Rudolph's punch. The hopes of Shu's allies, Marumaro's siblings, and even the thought-dead Conrad, Griz, and Daner help give the Shu/Blue Dragon the strength to fight Rudolph. Their combined attacks results in an explosion that destroys the winged creatures and the dragons that Rudolph had summoned. As the Shu/Blue Dragon falls to the ground, Rudolph starts to crack up and explode taking his war machine with him.
S1 Ep1
7th Apr 2007
A boy named Shu is obsessed with knight masters learns that one has appeared in his village. Shu gets excited at this possibility and goes in search of him. His village gets attacked after finding the "knight master". Shu unleashes his true power after finding his friends are in trouble.
S1 Ep3
21st Apr 2007
Training under Zola, Shu is eager to prove that he's worthy of being a Shadow wielder, but summoning and controlling the Blue Dragon at will isn't going to be easy. If that wasn't enough, Shu's rivalry with Zola's companion, and fellow Shadow Wielder, Jiro is growing. But the rivalry is put on hold when a Grankingdom assassin sets his sights on Jiro!
S1 Ep4
28th Apr 2007
Shu and his comrades wander into a town that has been decimated. A pint-sized Shadow wielder named Marumaro attacks them, convinced that they are enemies. Will Marumaro be convinced of Shu's innocence in time to save the villagers from the real invading army, and taken on a pair of Shadow-wielding brothers at the same time?
S1 Ep7
19th May 2007
Our heroes are determined to visit Jibral Castle, where they seek the king's help. On the way they stop in a village, where they rescue a waitress named Bouquet, only to find themselves in the middle of a disastrous misunderstanding. Confronted by a monster, they utilize their Shadow powers to fight the beast, but is the monster truly a monster, or is it actually Bouquet's Shadow?
S1 Ep8
26th May 2007
Shu and his friends arrive at Jibral Castle, where rumors about ghosts are spreading like wildfire. When a member of Zola's party becomes a prime suspect, the group takes it upon itself to solve the mystery, leading to a confrontation with Salinas, an enemy Shadow wielder.
S1 Ep9
2nd Jun 2007
At their meeting with the king of Jibral, Zola requests permission to view the all-important "Book of the Beginning." Shu is eager to meet Conrad, the king's right-hand man, and a reputed Knight Master. But the group's excitement is put on hold when a Dragnov unit from the Grankingdom attacks with a fearsome new weapon: the "Black Shadow Type One."
S1 Ep10
9th Jun 2007
During the battle with the Grankingdom, seven pages from the "Book of the Beginning" were stolen--pages with key information about Shadow powers. Zola's group decides to make for the Grankingdom, and head out to sea--with Bouquet on board as an unexpected stowaway. When a suspicious fog rolls in, and Shu and his friends are overcome with mysterious symptoms, it's up to Bouquet to save the day...
S1 Ep11
16th Jun 2007
Zola's group arrives at the Republic of Metia, the nation next to the Grankingdom. From there they hope to cross through a canyon into the Grankingdom, but General Logi is ready and waiting with an ambush. With the formidable Shadow wielders Gilliam, Cynthia and Lemaire against them, Shu and his friends find themselves in dangerous combat.
S1 Ep12
23rd Jun 2007
After being split up, the group starts to slowly reform, while Shu has a run-in with a mysterious man (who unbeknownst to Shu is Gran Kingdom's Lt. Dragnov) who leaves on a motorcycle after getting a call through a communication system. When Shu meets with the others, a war breaks out between the Black Shadow robots (now with their shadows upgraded into Type-2) led by Lt. Dragnov. The two release their Shadows and fight each other. As Lt. Dragnov's Berserker and Shu's Blue Dragon are locked in combat, Schneider brings out Isabel to snipe Lt. Dragnov.
S1 Ep13
30th Jun 2007
Shu finds the gang and and now is in the Grand Kingdom's capital city. While that, Grand Kingdom's army is fighting Jiburaro Kingdom's army. Shu Nand the others get inside Nene's place(nene is a villain). While Shu and the others are finding Nene, they discover that Nene is planning to take out children's shadows and using them as their weapons.
S1 Ep19
11th Aug 2007
Shu's informant Homeron is gathering information about the Extra Seven. Shu and Co. arrive at Flame Phoenix ruins. When Kluke disappears, she ends up in the area where she first encountered her Phoenix shadow and asks it how she can call upon its power again. Phoenix tells Kluke that the answers lie in herself. Kluke then receives a necklace and rejoins Shu and Co. When they find Jibral's scattered army being attacked, Shu and Co. join the battle. Upon defeating the robotic soldiers and their shadows, Shu and Co. are soon attacked by a giant robot. Kluke brings out her Phoenix Shadow to use its barrier to protect everyone enough for Shu to use Blue Dragon to destroy the giant robot. Meanwhile, Homeron receives news the mysterious woman who stole the Extra 7 is heading west.
S1 Ep22
1st Sep 2007
Cynthia has grown jealous of Bouquet's beauty. This causes her to seek out and eliminate her. A fight on the narrow path causes everyone to fall into Death Valley. Bouquet brings out her Hippopotamus shadow to turn into a ball...which ends up scattering everyone. As Shu and Co. evade the experimented creatures there, Cynthia learns from Andropov that the fog there has softened the cliff sides to the point where it is impossible to climb. As Andropov tries to find a way out for Cynthia, Bouquet and Hippopotamus secretly follow her to find a way out with Bouquet leaving a trail of her clothes for the others to follow. When her cover ends up blown near the exit of Death Valley, Cynthia attacks. Things weren't looking good for Bouquet and Hippopotamus. When Shu and Co. arrive, Cynthia retreats.
S1 Ep23
8th Sep 2007
Homeron informs Shu and Co. about Delphinium who is a Secret Intelligence Agent from Gran Kingdom responsible for the theft of the Extra 7. The group then sees the warships of Sabalu Country (which used to be part of Gran Kingdom) passing. Zola concludes that they give the Sabalu Country airships a warm welcome when the Warship Norg is amongst the Gran Kingdom ships. They managed to obtain one of its Mechats for that action. As the battle starts, they find the Norg and Shu uses Blue Dragon to get Homeron on board. When Kluke lands the ship on the Norg, a fight between the robotic soldiers ensues. Homeron manages to gain some information and prevent the Norg from crashing. He then tries to get info from the ship's captain on where it took Delphinium. When he does squeal that General Logi has the Extra 7, the Norg starts to descend to the ground.
S1 Ep24
15th Sep 2007
Following the trail of the downed Norg ship, Shu and Co. look for Homeron and the Norg's crew in the Great Brandish Forest which is on the border of Gran Kingdom and Sabalu Country. Delphinium is also in the woods searching for the Norg Crew. Shu, Jiro, and Marumaro as well as Homeron and the Norg Crew are soon attacked by Obacks (one-eyed single-horned bears). Even when Shu catches up with Honmalon at where the Obacks nest, Delphinium arrives and uses her shadow to kill Homeron. After evading Blue Dragon, Delphinium escapes. With the crew of the Norg freed, the captain of the Norg tells Shu that the Extra Seven are on General Logi's ship.
S1 Ep25
22nd Sep 2007
Nene's flying fortress invades Raqueeva. When General Szabo questions Nene about General Logi's activity, Nene tells him to let General Logi handle Shu's group. On the trail of Logi's ship, Shu and Co. end up in battle with the Independent Flying Squadron again. This time, they've all been equipped with Power Boosters to make them more powerful and are instructed to fight them even if it is to the finish. Zola and Marumaro fight Gilliam, Todd, and Bishop while Cynthia and Schneider attack Shu and Co.
S1 Ep26
29th Sep 2007
The battle against Logi's Independent Flying Squadron rages on as Shu, Kluke, Jiro, and Bouquet struggle to take down Cynthia while Zola and Marumaro do the same for Gilliam and his minions. When Marumaro takes down Bishop, he and Zola focus on the remaining two when Gilliam and Todd's Power Boosters overload. When this is discovered, General Logi orders Cynthia, Gilliam, and Todd to retreat, but Gilliam and Todd are shot down by Zola after Marumaro decoyed them. Despite Cynthia going into overdrive, she is defeated by Jiro anyway.
S1 Ep27
8th Oct 2007
After Gilliam, Todd, Bishop, and Cynthia's defeat, General Logi sends Andropov, Lemaire, and Schneider to take on Shu and Co. Zola faces off against Lemaire while Jiro and Marumaro fight Andropov and Schneider. Lemaire has Deucalion use its bazooka attack to create a crater where Lemaire will have the advantage. Shu faces off against General Logi. With Lemaire defeated by Zola, Kluke goes to help Shu while Bouquet infiltrates Logi's ship.
S1 Ep28
13th Oct 2007
Shu and Kluke continue their fight with General Logi and Valkyrie. Marumaro is knocked unconscious by the attacks launched by Schneider's Isabel and Andropov's Alubujem. Luckily, Zola arrives to help Jiro. Meanwhile, Bouquet uses her invisibility to sneak onto Logi's ship and reclaim the Extra 7. Kluke falls unconscious after an attack that breaks Valkyrie's shield. The Blue Dragon's battle with Valkyrie breaks the glass that's holding the pages. An invisible Bouquet seizes them but runs into Delphinium. Logi and Valkyrie manage to bring down Blue Dragon, but Shu gets enraged enough to bring Blue Dragon up to a powerful level. Andropov and Schneider manage to get Logi out of there at the last minute. Debris from the battle makes a hole in the ship as Bouquet manages to make her escape through it only for Delphinium to use her shadow to snatch back the Extra 7 at the last minute.
S1 Ep29
20th Oct 2007
Shu and Co. work on deciphering the Extra Seven pages that Bouquet shapeshifts into. Meanwhile, at Szabo's request, Nene orders General Logi to take a break from his mission. With the Extra Seven deciphered, Shu and Co. steal one of the Mechats from a Gran Kingdom airship and head to the ruins at Talta Village.
S1 Ep30
27th Oct 2007
Arriving at the Blue Dragon's ruins, Shu and Blue Dragon have a confrontation with a shadow called Dark Dragon. After nearly falling for Dark Dragon's deceit, Shu and Blue Dragon engage it in battle matching attack with attack. Shu manages to overcome Dark Dragon.
S1 Ep31
3rd Nov 2007
Nene sends General Szabo to the capital of Galga to attack Shu and Co. Jiro is attacked by General Szabo. This time, General Szabo unleashes his Mighty Quartet to assist him. Minotaur manages to pull off a retreat to get Jiro out of there. After a brief talk with Kluke, Jiro is attacked by General Szabo and his Mighty Quartet. Shu and Kluke arrive as General Szabo merges with his Mighty Quartet to form Ultimate Szabo. As Shu unleashes Blue Dragon, General Szabo unleashes a giant robot to fight Blue Dragon. Zola, Marumaro, and Bouquet arrive just as Blue Dragon breaks the giant robot's left hand. Jiro and Minotaur knock Ultimate Szabo into the lake. After some attacks from Ultimate Szabo, Jiro and Minotaur create their own whirlpool and eventually destroy Ultimate Szabo as Shu and Blue Dragon destroy the giant robot. Delphinium tells General Logi that Blue Dragon and Minotaur have gotten stronger and part of the Extra Seven has been deciphered by Shu and Co.
S1 Ep32
10th Nov 2007
Shu and Blue Dragon are sent to the nearest town to find a blacksmith to make a replacement part for the Mechat and also to get supplies. On their way to the nearest village, Shu and Blue Dragon save a boy named Tonto from local bandits.
S1 Ep33
17th Nov 2007
General Logi is informed on the development on the Extra Seven. Shu and Co. head to Marumaro's village. When Marumaro wants to fulfill the prophecy of the original Saber Tiger wielder, he has Saber Tiger remove the guardian statues from the top of the other Devees' houses causing the other Devees to get angry and chase them. Marumaro then goes on a beautiful girl-viewing activity causing one of them to issue a complaint to Marumaro's parents. Zola sends Shu, Jiro, Kluke, and Bouquet to stop Marumaro. After catching up, Zola tells them to lure Marumaro into the canyon. Marumaro and Saber Tiger managed to get through every trap and barrier to gain a new power. Meanwhile, General Logi heads off on his own and leaves Andropov and Schneider in charge of the ship.
S1 Ep34
24th Nov 2007
Gilliam is recuperating at Castle Des La Teste and recovers quickly in a plot to take revenge on Zola. Delphinium allows Gilliam to take the type-three models of the Black Shadow robots with him. Kluke and Bouquet argue where to go next when Zola tells them that they have to refuel the Mechat. Meanwhile, Nene is informed that the drilling beam on his flying fortress is almost up to power. While Shu and Jiro protect Kluke while she refuels the Mechat, Zola and Marumaro take on the soldiers positioned there. Gilliam receives word from Delphinium that the Gran Kingdom strategic refueling base was attacked. Kluke is told by Zola to head to the Hippopotamus Ruins since Nene's flying fortress is heading there. Gilliam attacks and Zola engages him while the others fight his Black Shadows. Kluke solves Chapter Seven of the Extra Seven and uses the crystal on her necklace to power up Phoenix when the Black Shadows charge up their attack.
S1 Ep35
1st Dec 2007
Kluke and Bouquet argue over which ruins to go to first, and Kluke derides Bouquet for being useless. Needing to refuel, the group enters enemy territory where they learn from an informant disguised as a soldier, Nene is on his way to the ruins of Bouquet's power.
S1 Ep36
8th Dec 2007
When Nene's fortress starts attacking Coreed, Conrad has Shu and Co. ride giant birds called Gryphs to Nene's fortress while Conrad and the others fight Black Shadow Type-Two robots. Zola also tells Shu and the others that Nene is one of the descendants of the Soldiers of Light. They successfully infiltrate the fortress. Once inside, they end up in the S-Field and fight Black Shadow Type-Three robots which have nanobot technology that enables them to regenerate. After recurring take downs on the Black Shadows, Bouquet and Hippopotamus manage to find the control room General Szabo is in and gets in as Nene. Bouquet then reveals herself and then transforms into a Black Shadow Type-Three and manages to use Hippopotamus' new ability to copy the optic attack of the Black Shadow Type-Three which sends General Szabo flying into the air and exploding. After Bouquet shuts down the Black Shadows, Shu and the others locate Nene's throne room for the final battle.
S1 Ep37
15th Dec 2007
The group decides to take Nene down once and for all. Both sides unleash their shadows as Chimera counters their moves. After landing a hit on Chimera, Nene has it use Shadow Multiply for each shadow. Meanwhile, General Logi gets word that Zola and the others are engaging Nene and plans to wait for the outcome. Nene reveals that the captive children's strengths are flowing into him. After some history behind Zola and Nene are revealed, Nene has three of the Chimera clones charge up the Graviton Balls and has the other three keep the others at bay while Kluke and Bouquet get trapped before they can help Zola. Back on the ground, Legolas arrives with reinforcements to help Conrad against the Black Shadow units. Surviving Chimera's attack, Zola unleashes the true power of Killer Bat as it changes color and gets much faster. Shu and Jiro send Blue Dragon in to help her while Marumaro and Saber Tiger try to free Kluke and Bouquet. Zola manages to take down one of the Chimera clones, but is hit by Nene's attack.
S1 Ep38
22nd Dec 2007
Zola has been defeated while Marumaro and Saber Tiger free Kluke, Phoenix, Bouquet, and Hippopotamus. Shu and Jiro have Blue Dragon and Minotaur attack Nene. Nene combines the Chimera clones to form one large Chimera. Meanwhile, General Logi has dispatched his troops which will attack when Schneider and Andropov receive the command from General Logi. Nene uses Chimera's Dark Symphony attack which weakens his opponents. When Shu and Blue Dragon's attacks are countered by Chimera's attack, Shu falls unconscious. In a dream sequence, he encounters Lt. Dragnov and Homeron. Marumaro and Kluke are defeated as Jiro has Minotaur aim for the device on Chimera's forehead. Shu rises from his boulder grave for another bout with Nene. Assisting Jiro and Minotaur in attacking the crystal on Chimera's forehead, Shu and Blue Dragon learn that the crystal enabled Chimera to alter his elements. The limiter is unleashed as Nene and Deathroy merge with Chimera to form an amalgam of all three of them. With Jiro defeated, Shu uses every ounce of his power and manages to destroy Nene as Deathroy is shown lying on the ground. With news of Nene's defeat, General Logi gives the command and has Schneider take over Castle Des La Teste while Andropov attacks some Gran Kingdom airships. This is General Logi's act of his secession from Gran Kingdom which he announces.
S1 Ep39
5th Jan 2008
Following the destruction of Nene, the children that Nene has captured have been returned to their families. With the struggle against Nene's forces finally over, everyone rejoices. Shu and Co. alongside the survivors of Jibral and their allied forces celebrate their victory after arriving at the city of Logic. At the local banquet, Shu, Kluke, Jiro, Marumaro, and Bouquet receive their medals. Meanwhile, General Logi is informed by Delphinium that following Nene's destruction, the remaining forces of Gran Kingdom are either fleeing or even deserting. General Logi tells her that they are leaving Gran Kingdom. After a very long speech, Legolas and Conrad inform Shu and the others that they have assembled soldiers to go after the remainder of the Gran Kingdom army. After travelling to a temple and finding out that General Logi had been there, Zola has Homeron the Original and his fellow Homerons look for General Logi. Later that night, Shu and Jiro discuss about what will be next now that Nene is destroyed. Meanwhile, Delphinium attacks General Logi for his act of secession from Gran Kingdom. Delphinium escapes and General Logi doesn't bother to let Andropov track her down. With Zola still away, Shu, Jiro, Kluke, Marumaro, and Bouquet wonder what to do next now that they've defeated Nene. As Conrad and Legolas lead thousands of men to hunt down the remainder of Gran Kingdom's forces, Zola finally returns and tells them that they will be heading to the Sealed Grounds. Meanwhile, Andropov and Schneider have increased the powers of their shadows Alubujem and Isabel for General Logi's next plot.
S1 Ep40
12th Jan 2008
General Logi arrives in a ruined town owned by Gran Kingdom where General Orehill of Gran Kingdom's 3rd Squadron army is trying to set up a new world order. While traveling to the Sealed Grounds, Zola explains that the Sealed Grounds are a set of ruins relating to the Soldiers of Light as Andropov spies on them. Back at the ruined town, General Logi establishes it as the Rosekstan Kingdom which will be a Shadow Extremist nation. He also persuades General Orehill, the civilians, and the Gran Kingdom soldiers present to join his cause after showing them the Black Shadow Type Four (exo-suits that contain artificial shadows). Schneider informs General Logi about the information Andropov told him about Zola heading to the Sealed Grounds. General Logi and Schneider confronts the team on the path to the Sealed Grounds. General Logi faces off against Zola while Schneider and Andropov keep the others busy. General Logi recaps when Zola was with Gran Kingdom army before she betrayed them. The others unleash their shadows to fight back against Schneider and Andropov. Zola mentions to General Logi that she's after the truth of shadows. In order to learn about Zola's secret, General Logi instructs Andropov and Schneider to capture one of the Shadow Wielders. As Andropov charges toward Shu and Kluke, Blue Dragon uses his Blue Explosion attack to shatter Alubujem. However, Andropov has Alubujem use its remains to form a crystalline trap around Kluke. This enables Andropov, Schneider, and General Logi to get away. On the airship, General Logi states to Andropov and Schneider that he will get Kluke to tell her everything she knows about Zola and the shadows.
S1 Ep1
7th Apr 2007
A boy named Shu is obsessed with knight masters learns that one has appeared in his village. Shu gets excited at this possibility and goes in search of him. His village gets attacked after finding the "knight master". Shu unleashes his true power after finding his friends are in trouble.
S1 Ep2
14th Apr 2007
Shu and the others manage to protect the village from the enemy. The ‘Knight Master’ (Zola) convinces Shu to come along on their journey.
S1 Ep3
21st Apr 2007
Training under Zola, Shu is eager to prove that he's worthy of being a Shadow wielder, but summoning and controlling the Blue Dragon at will isn't going to be easy. If that wasn't enough, Shu's rivalry with Zola's companion, and fellow Shadow Wielder, Jiro is growing. But the rivalry is put on hold when a Grankingdom assassin sets his sights on Jiro!
S1 Ep4
28th Apr 2007
Shu and his comrades wander into a town that has been decimated. A pint-sized Shadow wielder named Marumaro attacks them, convinced that they are enemies. Will Marumaro be convinced of Shu's innocence in time to save the villagers from the real invading army, and taken on a pair of Shadow-wielding brothers at the same time?
S1 Ep5
5th May 2007
Shu and his comrades wander into a town that has been decimated. A pint-sized Shadow wielder named Marumaro attacks them, convinced that they are enemies. Will Marumaro be convinced of Shu's innocence in time to save the villagers from the real invading army, and take on a pair of Shadow-wielding brothers at the same time?
S1 Ep6
12th May 2007
Shu and the others take the fight to the enemy when they invade a Grankingdom base where some villagers are being held. But General Logi, the base commander, has a past history with Zola and some shadow powers of his own, and he soon has Zola at his mercy. If there was ever a time that Shu needed to master the Blue Dragon, it's now...
S1 Ep7
19th May 2007
Our heroes are determined to visit Jibral Castle, where they seek the king's help. On the way they stop in a village, where they rescue a waitress named Bouquet, only to find themselves in the middle of a disastrous misunderstanding. Confronted by a monster, they utilize their Shadow powers to fight the beast, but is the monster truly a monster, or is it actually Bouquet's Shadow?
S1 Ep8
26th May 2007
Shu and his friends arrive at Jibral Castle, where rumors about ghosts are spreading like wildfire. When a member of Zola's party becomes a prime suspect, the group takes it upon itself to solve the mystery, leading to a confrontation with Salinas, an enemy Shadow wielder.
S1 Ep9
2nd Jun 2007
At their meeting with the king of Jibral, Zola requests permission to view the all-important "Book of the Beginning." Shu is eager to meet Conrad, the king's right-hand man, and a reputed Knight Master. But the group's excitement is put on hold when a Dragnov unit from the Grankingdom attacks with a fearsome new weapon: the "Black Shadow Type One."
S1 Ep10
9th Jun 2007
During the battle with the Grankingdom, seven pages from the "Book of the Beginning" were stolen--pages with key information about Shadow powers. Zola's group decides to make for the Grankingdom, and head out to sea--with Bouquet on board as an unexpected stowaway. When a suspicious fog rolls in, and Shu and his friends are overcome with mysterious symptoms, it's up to Bouquet to save the day...
S1 Ep11
16th Jun 2007
Zola's group arrives at the Republic of Metia, the nation next to the Grankingdom. From there they hope to cross through a canyon into the Grankingdom, but General Logi is ready and waiting with an ambush. With the formidable Shadow wielders Gilliam, Cynthia and Lemaire against them, Shu and his friends find themselves in dangerous combat.
S1 Ep12
23rd Jun 2007
After being split up, the group starts to slowly reform, while Shu has a run-in with a mysterious man (who unbeknownst to Shu is Gran Kingdom's Lt. Dragnov) who leaves on a motorcycle after getting a call through a communication system. When Shu meets with the others, a war breaks out between the Black Shadow robots (now with their shadows upgraded into Type-2) led by Lt. Dragnov. The two release their Shadows and fight each other. As Lt. Dragnov's Berserker and Shu's Blue Dragon are locked in combat, Schneider brings out Isabel to snipe Lt. Dragnov.
S1 Ep13
30th Jun 2007
Shu finds the gang and and now is in the Grand Kingdom's capital city. While that, Grand Kingdom's army is fighting Jiburaro Kingdom's army. Shu Nand the others get inside Nene's place(nene is a villain). While Shu and the others are finding Nene, they discover that Nene is planning to take out children's shadows and using them as their weapons.
S1 Ep14
7th Jul 2007
Shu and the others have finally found Nene. Shu, Jiro, and Marumaro fight Nene while Jiburaru's army is having a hard time fighting Grand Kingdom's army. But then, Shu, Jiro, and Marumaro got to a big disaster and Zola needed to get in.
S1 Ep15
14th Jul 2007
Shu worries of Kluke being unconscious, while Jiro worries about defeating Nene. Shu and the others discovered that they still have a hold on the criteria on the suspect who killed the saineles. They say that the suspect is a age of 20 to 30,she has blue hair, and has perfume on her body. So, Shu and the others decide to get the extra seven pages to get stronger and defeat Nene.
S1 Ep16
21st Jul 2007
Kluke has woken up and is good now. Shu and the others continue their journey to the book of origins. Now Shu and the others are in logic city in their journey.
S1 Ep17
28th Jul 2007
Shu and his friends want to hire an informant to help them find the Extra Seven but are told that an informant named Homeron the Great had died in battle against Gran Kingdom. At the same time, they meet the other Homerons ranging from Homeron the Original, Homeron II, Homeron the Legitimate, and Homeron Jr.. To pay for another informant, Shu heads off on his own to defeat the dangerous monster called the Gigarus and claim the reward. Shu and Blue Dragon managed to defeat the Gigarus and the group learns that the woman that hired Shu is actually Homeron the Great. However, Marumaro has gotten lost from the group.
S1 Ep18
4th Aug 2007
Marumaro finds himself in hot water when he flirts with the innkeeper's wife, and he's in even deeper trouble when it turns out the innkeeper is a Shadow Wielder who deserted Gran Kingdom's army with the "wife" being his shadow. They soon learn that Marumaro isn't from Gran Kingdom. Marumaro and Saber Tiger later defend them from a Gran Kingdom captain and his troops with the innkeeper on his bounty list. Marumaro and Saber Tiger defeat them and they reunite with Shu and the others.
S1 Ep19
11th Aug 2007
Shu's informant Homeron is gathering information about the Extra Seven. Shu and Co. arrive at Flame Phoenix ruins. When Kluke disappears, she ends up in the area where she first encountered her Phoenix shadow and asks it how she can call upon its power again. Phoenix tells Kluke that the answers lie in herself. Kluke then receives a necklace and rejoins Shu and Co. When they find Jibral's scattered army being attacked, Shu and Co. join the battle. Upon defeating the robotic soldiers and their shadows, Shu and Co. are soon attacked by a giant robot. Kluke brings out her Phoenix Shadow to use its barrier to protect everyone enough for Shu to use Blue Dragon to destroy the giant robot. Meanwhile, Homeron receives news the mysterious woman who stole the Extra 7 is heading west.
S1 Ep20
18th Aug 2007
Shu and Co. encounter Homeron again. He reveals that the information of the Extra 7 is somewhere in Gran Kingdom's Castle Des La Teste and they will have to infiltrate it to get to its master computer. Conrad L. Lawrence is shown to be imprisoned in a local prison run by Cynthia which Homeron also tells Shu. Zola comes up with a plan to lure the guards from Castle Des La Teste in order to rescue Conrad and get the information. As the others attack the prison, Homeron, Kluke, and Bouquet infiltrate the castle. Upon rescuing the captive soldiers, Shu and Jiro free Conrad and run into Cynthia. Lemaire also arrives to help Cynthia and both of them begin to overwhelm Shu and Jiro until a successful attack from Blue Dragon and Minotaur weakens them down. Zola catches up after destroying the robots that came with Lemaire. With the reinforcements from Castle Des La Teste approaching, Zola issues a retreat as Homeron begins his infiltration.
S1 Ep21
25th Aug 2007
Conrad takes his soldiers to head to the west side to gather others that will fight Gran Kingdom. Homeron continues his infiltration to look for Castle Des La Teste's master computer. Gilliam and his followers Todd and Bishop attack the recently released prisoners resulting in Marumaro and Saber Tiger fighting Gilliam and Euphoria with Shu's Blue Dragon and Kluke's Phoenix joining the battle. Jiro and Zola fight Todd and Bishop. With the help of Phoenix, Marumaro and Saber Tiger managed to damage Euphoria. Andropov informs Gilliam to have his group retreat. As for Homeron, he learns the name of the white-haired woman to be Delphinium.
S1 Ep22
1st Sep 2007
Cynthia has grown jealous of Bouquet's beauty. This causes her to seek out and eliminate her. A fight on the narrow path causes everyone to fall into Death Valley. Bouquet brings out her Hippopotamus shadow to turn into a ball...which ends up scattering everyone. As Shu and Co. evade the experimented creatures there, Cynthia learns from Andropov that the fog there has softened the cliff sides to the point where it is impossible to climb. As Andropov tries to find a way out for Cynthia, Bouquet and Hippopotamus secretly follow her to find a way out with Bouquet leaving a trail of her clothes for the others to follow. When her cover ends up blown near the exit of Death Valley, Cynthia attacks. Things weren't looking good for Bouquet and Hippopotamus. When Shu and Co. arrive, Cynthia retreats.
S1 Ep23
8th Sep 2007
Homeron informs Shu and Co. about Delphinium who is a Secret Intelligence Agent from Gran Kingdom responsible for the theft of the Extra 7. The group then sees the warships of Sabalu Country (which used to be part of Gran Kingdom) passing. Zola concludes that they give the Sabalu Country airships a warm welcome when the Warship Norg is amongst the Gran Kingdom ships. They managed to obtain one of its Mechats for that action. As the battle starts, they find the Norg and Shu uses Blue Dragon to get Homeron on board. When Kluke lands the ship on the Norg, a fight between the robotic soldiers ensues. Homeron manages to gain some information and prevent the Norg from crashing. He then tries to get info from the ship's captain on where it took Delphinium. When he does squeal that General Logi has the Extra 7, the Norg starts to descend to the ground.
S1 Ep24
15th Sep 2007
Following the trail of the downed Norg ship, Shu and Co. look for Homeron and the Norg's crew in the Great Brandish Forest which is on the border of Gran Kingdom and Sabalu Country. Delphinium is also in the woods searching for the Norg Crew. Shu, Jiro, and Marumaro as well as Homeron and the Norg Crew are soon attacked by Obacks (one-eyed single-horned bears). Even when Shu catches up with Honmalon at where the Obacks nest, Delphinium arrives and uses her shadow to kill Homeron. After evading Blue Dragon, Delphinium escapes. With the crew of the Norg freed, the captain of the Norg tells Shu that the Extra Seven are on General Logi's ship.
S1 Ep25
22nd Sep 2007
Nene's flying fortress invades Raqueeva. When General Szabo questions Nene about General Logi's activity, Nene tells him to let General Logi handle Shu's group. On the trail of Logi's ship, Shu and Co. end up in battle with the Independent Flying Squadron again. This time, they've all been equipped with Power Boosters to make them more powerful and are instructed to fight them even if it is to the finish. Zola and Marumaro fight Gilliam, Todd, and Bishop while Cynthia and Schneider attack Shu and Co.
S1 Ep26
29th Sep 2007
The battle against Logi's Independent Flying Squadron rages on as Shu, Kluke, Jiro, and Bouquet struggle to take down Cynthia while Zola and Marumaro do the same for Gilliam and his minions. When Marumaro takes down Bishop, he and Zola focus on the remaining two when Gilliam and Todd's Power Boosters overload. When this is discovered, General Logi orders Cynthia, Gilliam, and Todd to retreat, but Gilliam and Todd are shot down by Zola after Marumaro decoyed them. Despite Cynthia going into overdrive, she is defeated by Jiro anyway.
S1 Ep27
8th Oct 2007
After Gilliam, Todd, Bishop, and Cynthia's defeat, General Logi sends Andropov, Lemaire, and Schneider to take on Shu and Co. Zola faces off against Lemaire while Jiro and Marumaro fight Andropov and Schneider. Lemaire has Deucalion use its bazooka attack to create a crater where Lemaire will have the advantage. Shu faces off against General Logi. With Lemaire defeated by Zola, Kluke goes to help Shu while Bouquet infiltrates Logi's ship.
S1 Ep28
13th Oct 2007
Shu and Kluke continue their fight with General Logi and Valkyrie. Marumaro is knocked unconscious by the attacks launched by Schneider's Isabel and Andropov's Alubujem. Luckily, Zola arrives to help Jiro. Meanwhile, Bouquet uses her invisibility to sneak onto Logi's ship and reclaim the Extra 7. Kluke falls unconscious after an attack that breaks Valkyrie's shield. The Blue Dragon's battle with Valkyrie breaks the glass that's holding the pages. An invisible Bouquet seizes them but runs into Delphinium. Logi and Valkyrie manage to bring down Blue Dragon, but Shu gets enraged enough to bring Blue Dragon up to a powerful level. Andropov and Schneider manage to get Logi out of there at the last minute. Debris from the battle makes a hole in the ship as Bouquet manages to make her escape through it only for Delphinium to use her shadow to snatch back the Extra 7 at the last minute.
S1 Ep29
20th Oct 2007
Shu and Co. work on deciphering the Extra Seven pages that Bouquet shapeshifts into. Meanwhile, at Szabo's request, Nene orders General Logi to take a break from his mission. With the Extra Seven deciphered, Shu and Co. steal one of the Mechats from a Gran Kingdom airship and head to the ruins at Talta Village.
S1 Ep30
27th Oct 2007
Arriving at the Blue Dragon's ruins, Shu and Blue Dragon have a confrontation with a shadow called Dark Dragon. After nearly falling for Dark Dragon's deceit, Shu and Blue Dragon engage it in battle matching attack with attack. Shu manages to overcome Dark Dragon.
S1 Ep31
3rd Nov 2007
Nene sends General Szabo to the capital of Galga to attack Shu and Co. Jiro is attacked by General Szabo. This time, General Szabo unleashes his Mighty Quartet to assist him. Minotaur manages to pull off a retreat to get Jiro out of there. After a brief talk with Kluke, Jiro is attacked by General Szabo and his Mighty Quartet. Shu and Kluke arrive as General Szabo merges with his Mighty Quartet to form Ultimate Szabo. As Shu unleashes Blue Dragon, General Szabo unleashes a giant robot to fight Blue Dragon. Zola, Marumaro, and Bouquet arrive just as Blue Dragon breaks the giant robot's left hand. Jiro and Minotaur knock Ultimate Szabo into the lake. After some attacks from Ultimate Szabo, Jiro and Minotaur create their own whirlpool and eventually destroy Ultimate Szabo as Shu and Blue Dragon destroy the giant robot. Delphinium tells General Logi that Blue Dragon and Minotaur have gotten stronger and part of the Extra Seven has been deciphered by Shu and Co.
S1 Ep32
10th Nov 2007
Shu and Blue Dragon are sent to the nearest town to find a blacksmith to make a replacement part for the Mechat and also to get supplies. On their way to the nearest village, Shu and Blue Dragon save a boy named Tonto from local bandits.
S1 Ep33
17th Nov 2007
General Logi is informed on the development on the Extra Seven. Shu and Co. head to Marumaro's village. When Marumaro wants to fulfill the prophecy of the original Saber Tiger wielder, he has Saber Tiger remove the guardian statues from the top of the other Devees' houses causing the other Devees to get angry and chase them. Marumaro then goes on a beautiful girl-viewing activity causing one of them to issue a complaint to Marumaro's parents. Zola sends Shu, Jiro, Kluke, and Bouquet to stop Marumaro. After catching up, Zola tells them to lure Marumaro into the canyon. Marumaro and Saber Tiger managed to get through every trap and barrier to gain a new power. Meanwhile, General Logi heads off on his own and leaves Andropov and Schneider in charge of the ship.
S1 Ep34
24th Nov 2007
Gilliam is recuperating at Castle Des La Teste and recovers quickly in a plot to take revenge on Zola. Delphinium allows Gilliam to take the type-three models of the Black Shadow robots with him. Kluke and Bouquet argue where to go next when Zola tells them that they have to refuel the Mechat. Meanwhile, Nene is informed that the drilling beam on his flying fortress is almost up to power. While Shu and Jiro protect Kluke while she refuels the Mechat, Zola and Marumaro take on the soldiers positioned there. Gilliam receives word from Delphinium that the Gran Kingdom strategic refueling base was attacked. Kluke is told by Zola to head to the Hippopotamus Ruins since Nene's flying fortress is heading there. Gilliam attacks and Zola engages him while the others fight his Black Shadows. Kluke solves Chapter Seven of the Extra Seven and uses the crystal on her necklace to power up Phoenix when the Black Shadows charge up their attack.
S1 Ep35
1st Dec 2007
Kluke and Bouquet argue over which ruins to go to first, and Kluke derides Bouquet for being useless. Needing to refuel, the group enters enemy territory where they learn from an informant disguised as a soldier, Nene is on his way to the ruins of Bouquet's power.
S1 Ep36
8th Dec 2007
When Nene's fortress starts attacking Coreed, Conrad has Shu and Co. ride giant birds called Gryphs to Nene's fortress while Conrad and the others fight Black Shadow Type-Two robots. Zola also tells Shu and the others that Nene is one of the descendants of the Soldiers of Light. They successfully infiltrate the fortress. Once inside, they end up in the S-Field and fight Black Shadow Type-Three robots which have nanobot technology that enables them to regenerate. After recurring take downs on the Black Shadows, Bouquet and Hippopotamus manage to find the control room General Szabo is in and gets in as Nene. Bouquet then reveals herself and then transforms into a Black Shadow Type-Three and manages to use Hippopotamus' new ability to copy the optic attack of the Black Shadow Type-Three which sends General Szabo flying into the air and exploding. After Bouquet shuts down the Black Shadows, Shu and the others locate Nene's throne room for the final battle.
S1 Ep37
15th Dec 2007
The group decides to take Nene down once and for all. Both sides unleash their shadows as Chimera counters their moves. After landing a hit on Chimera, Nene has it use Shadow Multiply for each shadow. Meanwhile, General Logi gets word that Zola and the others are engaging Nene and plans to wait for the outcome. Nene reveals that the captive children's strengths are flowing into him. After some history behind Zola and Nene are revealed, Nene has three of the Chimera clones charge up the Graviton Balls and has the other three keep the others at bay while Kluke and Bouquet get trapped before they can help Zola. Back on the ground, Legolas arrives with reinforcements to help Conrad against the Black Shadow units. Surviving Chimera's attack, Zola unleashes the true power of Killer Bat as it changes color and gets much faster. Shu and Jiro send Blue Dragon in to help her while Marumaro and Saber Tiger try to free Kluke and Bouquet. Zola manages to take down one of the Chimera clones, but is hit by Nene's attack.
S1 Ep38
22nd Dec 2007
Zola has been defeated while Marumaro and Saber Tiger free Kluke, Phoenix, Bouquet, and Hippopotamus. Shu and Jiro have Blue Dragon and Minotaur attack Nene. Nene combines the Chimera clones to form one large Chimera. Meanwhile, General Logi has dispatched his troops which will attack when Schneider and Andropov receive the command from General Logi. Nene uses Chimera's Dark Symphony attack which weakens his opponents. When Shu and Blue Dragon's attacks are countered by Chimera's attack, Shu falls unconscious. In a dream sequence, he encounters Lt. Dragnov and Homeron. Marumaro and Kluke are defeated as Jiro has Minotaur aim for the device on Chimera's forehead. Shu rises from his boulder grave for another bout with Nene. Assisting Jiro and Minotaur in attacking the crystal on Chimera's forehead, Shu and Blue Dragon learn that the crystal enabled Chimera to alter his elements. The limiter is unleashed as Nene and Deathroy merge with Chimera to form an amalgam of all three of them. With Jiro defeated, Shu uses every ounce of his power and manages to destroy Nene as Deathroy is shown lying on the ground. With news of Nene's defeat, General Logi gives the command and has Schneider take over Castle Des La Teste while Andropov attacks some Gran Kingdom airships. This is General Logi's act of his secession from Gran Kingdom which he announces.
S1 Ep39
5th Jan 2008
Following the destruction of Nene, the children that Nene has captured have been returned to their families. With the struggle against Nene's forces finally over, everyone rejoices. Shu and Co. alongside the survivors of Jibral and their allied forces celebrate their victory after arriving at the city of Logic. At the local banquet, Shu, Kluke, Jiro, Marumaro, and Bouquet receive their medals. Meanwhile, General Logi is informed by Delphinium that following Nene's destruction, the remaining forces of Gran Kingdom are either fleeing or even deserting. General Logi tells her that they are leaving Gran Kingdom. After a very long speech, Legolas and Conrad inform Shu and the others that they have assembled soldiers to go after the remainder of the Gran Kingdom army. After travelling to a temple and finding out that General Logi had been there, Zola has Homeron the Original and his fellow Homerons look for General Logi. Later that night, Shu and Jiro discuss about what will be next now that Nene is destroyed. Meanwhile, Delphinium attacks General Logi for his act of secession from Gran Kingdom. Delphinium escapes and General Logi doesn't bother to let Andropov track her down. With Zola still away, Shu, Jiro, Kluke, Marumaro, and Bouquet wonder what to do next now that they've defeated Nene. As Conrad and Legolas lead thousands of men to hunt down the remainder of Gran Kingdom's forces, Zola finally returns and tells them that they will be heading to the Sealed Grounds. Meanwhile, Andropov and Schneider have increased the powers of their shadows Alubujem and Isabel for General Logi's next plot.
S1 Ep40
12th Jan 2008
General Logi arrives in a ruined town owned by Gran Kingdom where General Orehill of Gran Kingdom's 3rd Squadron army is trying to set up a new world order. While traveling to the Sealed Grounds, Zola explains that the Sealed Grounds are a set of ruins relating to the Soldiers of Light as Andropov spies on them. Back at the ruined town, General Logi establishes it as the Rosekstan Kingdom which will be a Shadow Extremist nation. He also persuades General Orehill, the civilians, and the Gran Kingdom soldiers present to join his cause after showing them the Black Shadow Type Four (exo-suits that contain artificial shadows). Schneider informs General Logi about the information Andropov told him about Zola heading to the Sealed Grounds. General Logi and Schneider confronts the team on the path to the Sealed Grounds. General Logi faces off against Zola while Schneider and Andropov keep the others busy. General Logi recaps when Zola was with Gran Kingdom army before she betrayed them. The others unleash their shadows to fight back against Schneider and Andropov. Zola mentions to General Logi that she's after the truth of shadows. In order to learn about Zola's secret, General Logi instructs Andropov and Schneider to capture one of the Shadow Wielders. As Andropov charges toward Shu and Kluke, Blue Dragon uses his Blue Explosion attack to shatter Alubujem. However, Andropov has Alubujem use its remains to form a crystalline trap around Kluke. This enables Andropov, Schneider, and General Logi to get away. On the airship, General Logi states to Andropov and Schneider that he will get Kluke to tell her everything she knows about Zola and the shadows.
S1 Ep41
19th Jan 2008
Shu and the others cope with Kluke's disappearance with Zola dismissing the fact. General Logi in the meantime is interrogating Kluke in his castle.
S1 Ep42
26th Jan 2008
As Shu and Jiro fight Schneider and Andropov, Zola faces against General Logi again almost being killed. After taking a hit from Blue Dragon's Blue Explosion Attack, Logi's shadow Valkyrie vanishes and an Egyptian-themed shadow called Odin appears turning out to be his real shadow. When Odin uses his Sugurd Level attack on Shu and Blue Dragon, Zola blocks the attack before anything can harm Shu. Meanwhile, Andropov helps Kluke escape.
S1 Ep43
2nd Feb 2008
Kluke has joined the battle against General Logi, Andropov, and Schneider. A bunch of ruins arises alongside the statues of Blue Dragon, Minotaur, Phoenix, Saber Tiger, Hippopotamus and Odin that are shown on the columns. While General Logi fights Zola, the other defend themselves against Andropov and Schneider. When General Logi has Odin fire his attack on Jiro and Minotaur, Zola and Killer Bat protect them and collapses. Shu has Blue Dragon use his Blue Explosion on General Logi and Odin. Delphinium arrives and has her shadow defeat Zola. Delphinium then arises a container containing Deathroy. Shu and Jiro defend Zola from Delphinium's shadow. Delphinium withdraws her shadow as Deathroy uses her to unleash Chimera. The final statue shows Chimera. As the columns activate some spell, the Shadows end up paralyzed as General Logi prevents Zola from breaking a glass container. With Andropov and Schneider held at bay and General Logi engaged with Zola, Shu uses her sword and breaks the door. This unleashes a dark mass over the area as Zola goes into it. Zola also states that she will start the beginning of the true world.
S1 Ep44
9th Feb 2008
Shu and the remaining try to find a way to beat it while also trying to figure the reason for Zola's betrayal.Shu convinces everyone that Zola must have some good reason for all of this. He decides that they should team up with Logi and go inside the darkness and talk to Zola.
S1 Ep45
19th Feb 2008
General Logi, Andropov, and Schneider make an attempt to study the darkness unleashed by Zola and find a way to combat it.
S1 Ep46
23rd Feb 2008
Shu and Jiro rescue Conrad from an army of shadow monsters. With some unlikely help from Delphinium and Deathroy, Shu persuades General Logi to help fight Zola.
S1 Ep47
1st Mar 2008
As General Logi's airship enter the dark mass, there are soon attacked by flying shadow monsters. The airship's defenses and the Black Shadow Type-Two units fight against them as more flying shadow monsters. When it starts to become overwhelming, the Shadow Wielders prepare to fend them off. The shadow monsters start doing damage to ship causing it to crash to the ground. Using a Darkness Defense Medallion on them while the airship provides cover, General Logi leads the other Shadow Wielders off the airship to the ground below. General Logi's airship lures the other flying shadow monsters away only to run into another wave of them. With most of the crew killed, the airship's captain detonates the airship destroying the flying shadow monsters attacking it. Shu ends up saving Delphinium from a shadow monster attack as Andropov and Schneider unleash their shadows to do the same for them.
S1 Ep48
8th Mar 2008
Shu, Kluke, Jiro, Marumaro, Bouquet, General Logi, Andropov, Schneider, and Delphinium & Deathroy fight their way past various shadow monsters to get to Zola. Upon arriving at a large gate, General Logi unleashes Odin to stop two giant, scythe-wielding shadow monsters from attacking Shu. The other shadows are unleashed to help fight them. Andropov and Schneider do a combo attack to immobilize the giant shadow monsters while General Logi has Odin open the large gate. While Schneider and Andropov hold off the giant shadows, the others get through the gate. When both of them have been weakened, Schneider sacrifices his life to stop the giant shadow monsters.
S1 Ep49
15th Mar 2008
The group confronts Zola in a final stand that seems pointless as Zola easily proves her superiority against them. Shu & co. are sucked into the darkness after Zola breaks their medallions. Shu learns about Zola's past from Killer Bat and finds the way out of the darkness.
S1 Ep50
22nd Mar 2008
The fight with Zola and Killer Bat rages on. Even when Blue Dragon successfully attacks Zola, she then absorbs Killer Bat and transforms into a demonic version of herself.
S1 Ep51
29th Mar 2008
The final battle arrives between Shu and the more powerful demon Zola. After Shu defeats Zola everyone begins the resealing of the darkness. But they learn that in order to free the world of darkness, a sacrifice of the shadows must be made. So everybody uses up every last drop of energy that their shadows possess and they reseal the darkness. The world returns to normal, and everyone resumes their normal lives.
The first episode of Blue Dragon aired on April 07, 2007.
The last episode of Blue Dragon aired on June 21, 2010.
There are 102 episodes of Blue Dragon.
There are 2 seasons of Blue Dragon.
Blue Dragon has ended.