Sonny Boy Episode Rating Graph
Jul 2021 - Oct 2021

Jul 2021 - Oct 2021
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S1 Ep12
1st Oct 2021
Nagara attends the opening ceremony of his technical school, but feels out of place. He sees Mizuho leaving her all-girls' school, but she brushes him off. He recalls what happened after blasting off into space, questioning if he ever really went adrift.
S1 Ep6
20th Aug 2021
Nagara and Rajdhani arrive in a world called "Filmmaker," and discover a movie filmed entirely from Nagara's POV. Mizuho discovers a stray dog by the name of Yamabiko, claiming to be another castaway who attended the same school as the other students.
S1 Ep8
3rd Sep 2021
While traveling the wilderness, Mizuho asks Yamabiko how he became a dog. Yamabiko then relates how, 5000 years ago, he wandered different worlds all alone, until meeting a girl to whom he gradually opened his heart. But their happiness was short-lived.
S1 Ep11
24th Sep 2021
After learning of Nozomi's death from Kossetsu's letter, Nagara and Mizuho hold a memorial service for her. While advancing the project to return home, they are visited by an old friend, who tells them the story of when he met the man who invented death.
S1 Ep4
6th Aug 2021
As the castaways swim in a mysterious sinkhole, they seem to be momentarily taken back home. Cap invites Nagara to practice baseball with him, leading to him telling about the Monkey League, and how its star pitcher, Blue, missed out on a perfect game.
S1 Ep9
10th Sep 2021
In a vast frozen waste, twins Sou and Seiji have been fighting each other for millennia. Ms. Aki says that to change the world, they need the twins' "Reverse" power, and Nagara and Mizuho come to assist. Yamabiko questions Sakura, one of Mizuho's cats.
S1 Ep10
17th Sep 2021
Kossetsu reads the minds of others passing by in a train station world using her true power. She pines for Asakaze, knowing that he is interested in Nozomi, and that Nozomi is the only one who can change him. Asakaze is given a world-changing assignment.
S1 Ep7
27th Aug 2021
Having learned the truth about This World, groups led by Ms. Aki and Hoshi prepare to go their separate ways. Nagara finds himself in an upside-down world he cannot freely leave, and is forced to work on building a Tower of Babel that reaches downward.
S1 Ep1
16th Jul 2021
Midway through summer vacation, 36 students, some with newfound super-powers, find themselves all alone in their high school, adrift in a black void, unable to contact the outside world. Some students try to impose order, but are faced with opposition.
S1 Ep2
23rd Jul 2021
The students have relocated to a nearby island, where they have no shortage of food, and can get whatever they want through Mizuho's power. Suddenly, unexplained fires begin breaking out, and the hunt is on to find out who or what is causing them.
S1 Ep3
30th Jul 2021
Nagara, Nozomi, Asakaze, and Rajdhani continue searching for new worlds. Students start going missing, and their bodies are found "frozen" into black shells, so Pony asks Mizuho to look into the matter. Mizuho reveals a surprise about her power to Nagara.
S1 Ep4
6th Aug 2021
As the castaways swim in a mysterious sinkhole, they seem to be momentarily taken back home. Cap invites Nagara to practice baseball with him, leading to him telling about the Monkey League, and how its star pitcher, Blue, missed out on a perfect game.
S1 Ep5
13th Aug 2021
Nagara and friends use his power to survey new worlds in an effort to get back home. Meanwhile, the others students discuss the bombshell from Ms. Aki that some students were able to use their powers beforehand, and that may be what set them adrift.
S1 Ep6
20th Aug 2021
Nagara and Rajdhani arrive in a world called "Filmmaker," and discover a movie filmed entirely from Nagara's POV. Mizuho discovers a stray dog by the name of Yamabiko, claiming to be another castaway who attended the same school as the other students.
S1 Ep7
27th Aug 2021
Having learned the truth about This World, groups led by Ms. Aki and Hoshi prepare to go their separate ways. Nagara finds himself in an upside-down world he cannot freely leave, and is forced to work on building a Tower of Babel that reaches downward.
S1 Ep8
3rd Sep 2021
While traveling the wilderness, Mizuho asks Yamabiko how he became a dog. Yamabiko then relates how, 5000 years ago, he wandered different worlds all alone, until meeting a girl to whom he gradually opened his heart. But their happiness was short-lived.
S1 Ep9
10th Sep 2021
In a vast frozen waste, twins Sou and Seiji have been fighting each other for millennia. Ms. Aki says that to change the world, they need the twins' "Reverse" power, and Nagara and Mizuho come to assist. Yamabiko questions Sakura, one of Mizuho's cats.
S1 Ep10
17th Sep 2021
Kossetsu reads the minds of others passing by in a train station world using her true power. She pines for Asakaze, knowing that he is interested in Nozomi, and that Nozomi is the only one who can change him. Asakaze is given a world-changing assignment.
S1 Ep11
24th Sep 2021
After learning of Nozomi's death from Kossetsu's letter, Nagara and Mizuho hold a memorial service for her. While advancing the project to return home, they are visited by an old friend, who tells them the story of when he met the man who invented death.
S1 Ep12
1st Oct 2021
Nagara attends the opening ceremony of his technical school, but feels out of place. He sees Mizuho leaving her all-girls' school, but she brushes him off. He recalls what happened after blasting off into space, questioning if he ever really went adrift.
The first episode of Sonny Boy aired on July 16, 2021.
The last episode of Sonny Boy aired on October 01, 2021.
There are 12 episodes of Sonny Boy.
There is one season of Sonny Boy.
Sonny Boy has ended.