Naked Beach Episode Rating Graph
Apr 2019 - present

Apr 2019 - present
Browse episode ratings trends for Naked Beach. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Naked Beach's 5 episodes.
S1 Ep5
12th May 2019
Isabella learns to see her large chest as an asset while David comes to accept his slim frame. And Rachel starts to embrace her figure.
S1 Ep1
14th Apr 2019
Elysia wrestles with her stretchmarks, Darrell addresses his new body shape after a sporting injury, and Kaye learns to accept that she's not the only person in the world with a wobbly tummy.
S1 Ep3
28th Apr 2019
Helen learns to let go of what others think of her body, Steven realises confidence is a state of mind, and Mike embraces his body after years of hating himself.
S1 Ep2
21st Apr 2019
Jolie faces up to her vitiligo, David deals with his shape, and Danielle embraces her curves.
S1 Ep1
14th Apr 2019
Elysia wrestles with her stretchmarks, Darrell addresses his new body shape after a sporting injury, and Kaye learns to accept that she's not the only person in the world with a wobbly tummy.
S1 Ep2
21st Apr 2019
Jolie faces up to her vitiligo, David deals with his shape, and Danielle embraces her curves.
S1 Ep3
28th Apr 2019
Helen learns to let go of what others think of her body, Steven realises confidence is a state of mind, and Mike embraces his body after years of hating himself.
S1 Ep4
5th May 2019
Alayah gets a whole new perspective on her body. Courtney learns you don’t need to go to the gym to feel good. And Jay comes to terms with her post mastectomy body.
S1 Ep5
12th May 2019
Isabella learns to see her large chest as an asset while David comes to accept his slim frame. And Rachel starts to embrace her figure.
The first episode of Naked Beach aired on April 14, 2019.
The last episode of Naked Beach aired on May 12, 2019.
There are 5 episodes of Naked Beach.
There is one season of Naked Beach.
Naked Beach is set to return for future episodes.