Notorious Episode Rating Graph
Sep 2016 - Dec 2016

Sep 2016 - Dec 2016
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S1 Ep7
3rd Nov 2016
After Jake’s dramatic arrest on LHL for Sarah’s murder, he seeks refuge from the paparazzi at Julia’s home while Bradley and Ella work frantically to clear his name. Later, Jake discovers a terrible truth and goes to great lengths to find the person he now suspects is the real killer.
S1 Ep9
17th Nov 2016
Jake furiously works different angles of the murder case against Maya Hartman, daughter of disgraced news anchor Dana Hartman. He thinks Dana could help by pleading her daughter’s case on LHL, even though Louise hijacked a previous interview by showing a sex tape of Dana with Maya’s boyfriend. Max is against Louise and Julia’s dangerous and clandestine trip to Mexico to get the LHL exclusive with drug kingpin Carlos Mora aka “El Toro.”
S1 Ep6
27th Oct 2016
After his affair with Sarah is exposed on live TV, Jake learns a troubling secret about his former lover and is blindsided by new allegations. Meanwhile, the media fervor over a wealthy missing girl prompts Julia to undertake a personal search for a lesser-known victim whose life is in danger.
S1 Ep2
29th Sep 2016
As Sarah’s funeral approaches, Jake’s feelings may be clouding his ability to defend and protect an out-of-control Oscar from the press. Julia wants to locate Sarah’s brother and only living family, to give Sarah a voice as well as to get an exclusive scoop on an alleged family argument. Also, Jake takes on a baby kidnapping and the mother’s appearance on LHL uncovers an unexpected lead.
S1 Ep3
6th Oct 2016
When a beloved rock star/humanitarian falls into a coma, Julia puts her job on the line to air a tape showing him taking advantage of a woman backstage at one of his concerts. Jake represents the woman who gave the controversy-stirring tape to LHL. Meanwhile, Louise is uncharacteristically unnerved by a news story; Ella helps Ryan track the origins of the mysterious photos sent to Julia; and stunning news is revealed about Oscar during an interview with Sarah's brother.
S1 Ep10
8th Dec 2016
When Julia is mistakenly taken hostage by Mexican cartel leader Carlos Mora, Jake and LHL take extreme measures to ensure her safe return. Mora says he will release her and a fellow journalist if she produces an interview that would advance his propaganda.
S1 Ep1
22nd Sep 2016
The number one cable news program in the country, learns internet mogul Oscar Keaton has been issued an arrest warrant for fleeing the crime scene of a hit-and-run. She wants the exclusive scoop on the high-profile story, and, during a live interview, it looks like she’s blindsiding the mogul’s lawyer and friend, Jake Gregorian.
S1 Ep2
29th Sep 2016
As Sarah’s funeral approaches, Jake’s feelings may be clouding his ability to defend and protect an out-of-control Oscar from the press. Julia wants to locate Sarah’s brother and only living family, to give Sarah a voice as well as to get an exclusive scoop on an alleged family argument. Also, Jake takes on a baby kidnapping and the mother’s appearance on LHL uncovers an unexpected lead.
S1 Ep3
6th Oct 2016
When a beloved rock star/humanitarian falls into a coma, Julia puts her job on the line to air a tape showing him taking advantage of a woman backstage at one of his concerts. Jake represents the woman who gave the controversy-stirring tape to LHL. Meanwhile, Louise is uncharacteristically unnerved by a news story; Ella helps Ryan track the origins of the mysterious photos sent to Julia; and stunning news is revealed about Oscar during an interview with Sarah's brother.
S1 Ep4
13th Oct 2016
After Megan provides Julia with breaking news about a murdered college football player, a young man is accused of killing the student via an app which allows users to broadcast anonymous messages. Jake decides to take on the case once he learns the suspect is the son of a high school friend. Meanwhile, Levi is troubled by photos and information revealed during Oscar's interview from jail,
S1 Ep5
20th Oct 2016
Jake and Julia search for the biological parents of an unborn baby. Meanwhile, Julia worries if a scathing LHL interview triggered a horrific incident; and Oscar learns the truth about Sarah and Jake's affair.
S1 Ep6
27th Oct 2016
After his affair with Sarah is exposed on live TV, Jake learns a troubling secret about his former lover and is blindsided by new allegations. Meanwhile, the media fervor over a wealthy missing girl prompts Julia to undertake a personal search for a lesser-known victim whose life is in danger.
S1 Ep7
3rd Nov 2016
After Jake’s dramatic arrest on LHL for Sarah’s murder, he seeks refuge from the paparazzi at Julia’s home while Bradley and Ella work frantically to clear his name. Later, Jake discovers a terrible truth and goes to great lengths to find the person he now suspects is the real killer.
S1 Ep8
10th Nov 2016
Disgraced and former TV news host Dana Hartman turns to Julia and Jake for help when her rebellious daughter becomes a suspect in the murder of her aspiring filmmaker boyfriend. Singer and reality-star Ray J gets caught up in the case when he announces the murder weapon belonged to him.
S1 Ep9
17th Nov 2016
Jake furiously works different angles of the murder case against Maya Hartman, daughter of disgraced news anchor Dana Hartman. He thinks Dana could help by pleading her daughter’s case on LHL, even though Louise hijacked a previous interview by showing a sex tape of Dana with Maya’s boyfriend. Max is against Louise and Julia’s dangerous and clandestine trip to Mexico to get the LHL exclusive with drug kingpin Carlos Mora aka “El Toro.”
S1 Ep10
8th Dec 2016
When Julia is mistakenly taken hostage by Mexican cartel leader Carlos Mora, Jake and LHL take extreme measures to ensure her safe return. Mora says he will release her and a fellow journalist if she produces an interview that would advance his propaganda.
The first episode of Notorious aired on September 22, 2016.
The last episode of Notorious aired on December 08, 2016.
There are 10 episodes of Notorious.
There is one season of Notorious.