Baby Looney Tunes Episode Rating Graph
Sep 2002 - Apr 2005

Sep 2002 - Apr 2005
Browse episode ratings trends for Baby Looney Tunes. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Baby Looney Tunes's 102 episodes.
S1 Ep73
30th Dec 2002
Today is Arbor day and everyone wants to give Granny something special, but Lola wants do that by herself. When the others see the trouble Lola is having, they give her a helping hand.
S1 Ep64
22nd Nov 2002
Melissa gossips tales of Taz to the others, whilst Bugs has doubts and tries to prove they aren't true. After proving Melissa wrong, she confesses her fibs.
S1 Ep32
7th Oct 2002
Bugs orders a toy but he has to put it together and he can't. So the babies help him.
S1 Ep1
7th Sep 2002
When Taz keeps breaking most of his toys, Granny gives him a new one. When he thinks he broke it Granny says thats the toys job.
S2 Ep7
7th Apr 2005
After Daffy accidentally breaks Granny's chair, Floyd takes everyone to buy a new one, while Sylvester protests the idea of replacing it until the others show him how to stick with what's coming.
S2 Ep17
14th Apr 2005
Floyd introduces the babies to a game of soccer, Daffy under the impression girls can't play it and Petunia and Taz with a better sportsmanship than the others. Petunia manages to score the game to a draw.
S2 Ep16
13th Apr 2005
Floyd takes the babies to the Wormies Band concert. Whilst everyone is stalling Floyd, Bugs sneaks up to the backstage getting scared, but he rejoins the others and meets the star Willy Worm himself.
S1 Ep74
30th Dec 2002
Daffy spreads a muddy mess around the house horrifying the tidy Sylvester. Bugs manages to snap Sylvester out of his mania for cleanliness, leaving Daffy to clean his own mess.
S2 Ep12
11th Apr 2005
The babies dress up for Halloween, while Lola, Melissa and Petunia end up with ridiculous costumes. Three Martian Birds accompany them on their trick or treating while Sylvester braves Hilltop Manor. The three girls win in the costume contest for originality.
S2 Ep6
6th Apr 2005
The babies go out bike riding while Tweety rides with Floyd not amused from the lack of fun until the others customise a bike for him.
S1 Ep47
17th Oct 2002
Sylvester gets envious when his attention for being cute is replaced by Baby Pepe, but he comes to like him after Pepe shows affection for him.
S1 Ep46
16th Oct 2002
With no one but imaginary friends attending her tea parties, Petunia attracts the others attention with false alarms. She regrets this after the sink starts overflowing.
S1 Ep3
14th Sep 2002
Sylvester looses his blanket and the gang helps him look for it.
S1 Ep37
10th Oct 2002
The babies hear Granny play her favourite music so they form a symphony.
S1 Ep6
18th Sep 2002
The babies are startled when they hear noises in the nite and learn that hings are not always as the appear or sound.
S1 Ep38
10th Oct 2002
Marvin the Martian pays a visit to the babies, but no one likes him so Taz befriends Marvin to make him feel welcome. Then everyone else feels the same.
S1 Ep21
30th Sep 2002
Taz loses his ability to spin and the babies help him learn again.
S1 Ep15
25th Sep 2002
The babies make Tweety brave so he won't be so scared at things.
S2 Ep10
8th Apr 2005
Bugs thinks Granny is having a baby and the others are convinced by Daffy's make-believe theory on where babies come from and a guidebook on baby care. As everyone prepares by practicing on Tweety, the baby turns out to be a hamster.
S1 Ep33
8th Oct 2002
When Granny asks the babies to take a bath, Taz doesn't want to. So the babies try to make Taz take a bath so they can have play time.
S1 Ep20
27th Sep 2002
When Bugs looses a tooth, Daffy tries to figure out a way to scam the Tooth Fairy.
S1 Ep2
7th Sep 2002
Granny plans a surprised birthday party for Tweety. Tweety thinks everybody doesn't like him then he searches for the answer.
S1 Ep8
19th Sep 2002
When it rains, the babies make use out of a box to play with.
S2 Ep18
14th Apr 2005
Floyd takes the babies to a farm. Tweety is met by a depressed Foghorn who is mocked by all the other roosters for his difference. The babies help him to gain spirit and courage and he befriends both Barnyard Dawg and the other roosters.
S2 Ep1
4th Apr 2005
The babies are going with Floyd to help with the shopping at the supermarket. They go crazy over their favourite foods and mess up the place, even Bugs.
S1 Ep71
26th Dec 2002
Sylvester believes he lacks coolness and thinks he can get it by eating Chewy Chomps he saw on a commercial, but all it does is make his breath stink.
S1 Ep55
18th Nov 2002
Melissa tries to find something for Petunia that she's good at. Although her attempts to play well fail, the others discover she is good at helpful assistance.
S1 Ep11
23rd Sep 2002
Daffy learns a lesson when he finds a purse filled with money.
S1 Ep59
20th Nov 2002
Sylvester becomes afraid of new changes as the babies and Granny try to widen variety and has no wish to join in the fun, until Granny shows Sylvester what he's missing.
S1 Ep36
9th Oct 2002
When no one wants to play with Taz, he starts faking accidents like falling down to make the babies like him and spend time with him.
S1 Ep28
3rd Oct 2002
Sylvester learns to overcome his fear of lightning.
S1 Ep45
16th Oct 2002
Tweety puts the blame on Daffy for every single incident caused by his antics. However Daffy's situation is more than it would seem.
S2 Ep22
18th Apr 2005
Bugs, Daffy and Lola argue what the material of the moon is. Floyd takes them and Taz to the library for research. They find hard to refrain from making noise, but they manage to find the information they were looking for.
S2 Ep8
7th Apr 2005
Granny takes the babies to the hospital for their flu shots, but Bugs and Daffy manage to elude their turn for a shot. In getting ill, Bugs and Daffy miss all the fun the others have.
S1 Ep17
26th Sep 2002
Lola wants everyone to be like her. But when they act like her, she gets mad.
S1 Ep26
2nd Oct 2002
Daffy starts a secret password club for everyone except Bugs.
S2 Ep11
11th Apr 2005
With the babies squabbling over gadgets, Granny decides to take them to a 17th Century farm, where everything is done manually. However Bugs and Daffy are sneakily playing a game pod until they break it.
S1 Ep29
4th Oct 2002
The babies are afraid of the toilet, and don't know what it's for until they flood it and soon find out that it's an alternative to diapers.
S2 Ep14
12th Apr 2005
Floyd take the babies to Auntie's Bakery, where they love cinnamon rolls, but unfortunately the bakery's business is due to close down. Everyone works hard to get the bakery in the book of world records so that its left standing.
S1 Ep19
27th Sep 2002
Daffy steals Taz's favorite toy. But he soon learns a lesson that he can't take everything he wants
S1 Ep27
3rd Oct 2002
The babies all want to pick the best flowers for Granny, but end up destroying her garden.
S1 Ep24
1st Oct 2002
The babies pretend its Christmas so Lola will get the stethoscope she wants.
S1 Ep25
2nd Oct 2002
When Daffy makes up hurtful rhymes, Bugs changes his name to Bruce.
S1 Ep42
14th Oct 2002
In a fairy tale, pages of the book are missing, so the babies decide to recreate the pages of the story with drawings, Daffy, Tweety and Sylvester going a little off point.
S2 Ep4
5th Apr 2005
Floyd takes the babies to the museum for a scavenger hunt, Sylvester's team competing against Daffy team and Tweety as a neutral friend wins the hunt.
S2 Ep5
6th Apr 2005
Bugs is taken advantage of by Elmer Fudd and is too afraid to tell. The babies resort to befriending instead of payback.
S2 Ep15
13th Apr 2005
Floyd takes the babies to the TV Studio, guided the star Tessa. When Tessa gets locked outside the building, the babies decide to put on the show for her. As they get tangled on stage, Tweety takes over.
S2 Ep21
18th Apr 2005
On a day at the beach, Melissa gets frustrated that she can't have a new spade and makes friends with a baby turtle she calls Myrtle. Melissa wants to keep her, but learns she can't take her from her natural habitat.
S2 Ep26
20th Apr 2005
Floyd takes the babies to the fire station where Captain Frank tutors them on safety procedures, but Daffy won't follow the rules. However Daffy's morale in the situation of a fire is higher than all the others.
S1 Ep30
4th Oct 2002
Petunia can't stop watching TV.
S1 Ep41
14th Oct 2002
Daffy tries to keep his old Mr. McStuffles and yet never plays with it and would rather play with something better.
S1 Ep69
23rd Dec 2002
Tweety feels distressed from being pushed around and overlooked because of his small size, but everyone else starts to regret it after they can't manage without him.
S1 Ep70
23rd Dec 2002
Everyone goes along with Bugs' decisions until he is entrusted to buy a new net for everyone, when his greed gets the better of him and he disappoints them with toys he wanted for himself. He makes up for this by giving up one of his best toys for the necessary money.
S1 Ep75
31st Dec 2002
Granny shows to the babies a photo album and they reminisce their past times together.
S1 Ep76
31st Dec 2002
The babies overhear what they assume is that Granny is moving to a new house and they reminisce the times they enjoyed inside the house. It is revealed that all Granny wants to move around and not move to a new house.
S2 Ep19
15th Apr 2005
The babies go with Floyd to pick apples. Melissa lectures the others on correctly picking the apples which annoys them, although she can't understand their reaction. Everyone shows their methods are not wrong but different.
S2 Ep20
15th Apr 2005
Floyd takes the babies to a mini-golf course. Finding himself without a chance of winning, Daffy cheats, whilst Tweety scores down the hole every time. Daffy realises the game lies more in the fun than the winning score.
S2 Ep23
19th Apr 2005
Granny takes the babies on a train to travel to Floyd's college. When Lola loses her doll Edna, she interrogates the others for their stories. Floyd reveals Edna has half shut in the train window.
S2 Ep24
19th Apr 2005
Floyd takes the babies to the green screen for their picture to be taken. Daffy, disappointed at the choice of scene, spoils Bugs' appearances on the green screen until the photographer gets his priorities right.
S2 Ep25
20th Apr 2005
Pepe tours the babies around the Acme gardens finding a place to plant a lemon tree. Eventually everyone gets irritated by Pepe's stink, upsetting him, but they rejoin him and he introduces them to his pal Gossamer.
S1 Ep10
20th Sep 2002
Bugs & Daffy fight over who gets Lola on there team to play tennis. Lola chooses Bugs team and Daffy is stuck with Taz on his team.
S2 Ep13
12th Apr 2005
Floyd takes the babies on a long journey to the Acme Garlic Festival. All the while they try to pass the time giving Floyd a tiresome time. Floyd's car breaks down and they miss the festival but they get some garlic souvenirs.
S1 Ep1
7th Sep 2002
When Taz keeps breaking most of his toys, Granny gives him a new one. When he thinks he broke it Granny says thats the toys job.
S1 Ep2
7th Sep 2002
Granny plans a surprised birthday party for Tweety. Tweety thinks everybody doesn't like him then he searches for the answer.
S1 Ep3
14th Sep 2002
Sylvester looses his blanket and the gang helps him look for it.
S1 Ep4
14th Sep 2002
Granny gives the babies a swimmimg lesson. Daffy is afraid to swim because the pool is to big.
S1 Ep5
18th Sep 2002
The babies want to go to school but granny doesn't let them. So then they decide to play school at home and they practice things such as: going on the bus, crossing the street, fire drills, and other things.
S1 Ep6
18th Sep 2002
The babies are startled when they hear noises in the nite and learn that hings are not always as the appear or sound.
S1 Ep7
19th Sep 2002
Sylvester eats all of Grannys cookies and when he realizes what he did he asks the babies for help to make up a cookie eating monster to blame.
S1 Ep8
19th Sep 2002
When it rains, the babies make use out of a box to play with.
S1 Ep9
20th Sep 2002
Granny gives the babies lesons on how to tell time. Daffy thinks he doesn't need a lesson and skips it.
S1 Ep10
20th Sep 2002
Bugs & Daffy fight over who gets Lola on there team to play tennis. Lola chooses Bugs team and Daffy is stuck with Taz on his team.
S1 Ep11
23rd Sep 2002
Daffy learns a lesson when he finds a purse filled with money.
S1 Ep12
23rd Sep 2002
An attention starved Sylvester wont let Granny have any time to herself.
S1 Ep13
24th Sep 2002
The babies play race cars to win a cookie trophy prize. Taz & Sylvester win the race.
S1 Ep14
24th Sep 2002
Daffy tells the babies a scary story. When they go to bed he starts scaring all of them.
S1 Ep15
25th Sep 2002
The babies make Tweety brave so he won't be so scared at things.
S1 Ep16
25th Sep 2002
The babies take turns jumping over a puddle, but it turns out Sylvester is afraid of water.
S1 Ep17
26th Sep 2002
Lola wants everyone to be like her. But when they act like her, she gets mad.
S1 Ep18
26th Sep 2002
The babies compete to see who can make the best mothers day card.
S1 Ep19
27th Sep 2002
Daffy steals Taz's favorite toy. But he soon learns a lesson that he can't take everything he wants
S1 Ep20
27th Sep 2002
When Bugs looses a tooth, Daffy tries to figure out a way to scam the Tooth Fairy.
S1 Ep21
30th Sep 2002
Taz loses his ability to spin and the babies help him learn again.
S1 Ep22
30th Sep 2002
The babies experience their first snowfall.
S1 Ep23
1st Oct 2002
Tweety sheds some light on what a shadow is.
S1 Ep24
1st Oct 2002
The babies pretend its Christmas so Lola will get the stethoscope she wants.
S1 Ep25
2nd Oct 2002
When Daffy makes up hurtful rhymes, Bugs changes his name to Bruce.
S1 Ep26
2nd Oct 2002
Daffy starts a secret password club for everyone except Bugs.
S1 Ep27
3rd Oct 2002
The babies all want to pick the best flowers for Granny, but end up destroying her garden.
S1 Ep28
3rd Oct 2002
Sylvester learns to overcome his fear of lightning.
S1 Ep29
4th Oct 2002
The babies are afraid of the toilet, and don't know what it's for until they flood it and soon find out that it's an alternative to diapers.
S1 Ep30
4th Oct 2002
Petunia can't stop watching TV.
S1 Ep31
7th Oct 2002
Granny tells the babies about the Sandman coming and putting the sand in their eyes while sleeping. Daffy gets scared and stays up all night.
S1 Ep32
7th Oct 2002
Bugs orders a toy but he has to put it together and he can't. So the babies help him.
S1 Ep33
8th Oct 2002
When Granny asks the babies to take a bath, Taz doesn't want to. So the babies try to make Taz take a bath so they can have play time.
S1 Ep34
8th Oct 2002
Frustrated that more of the Baby Looney Tunes regard Baby Bugs as the leader than her, Baby Lola challenges Baby Bugs to a winner-take-all match. At stake is leadership of the group! Two strong personalities end up working together rather than in conflict.
S1 Ep35
9th Oct 2002
Sylvester wants to play Tea Party and Lola wants to play Basketball with the boys but neither of them can't because Tea parties are for girls and Basketball is for boys. So Sylvester fakes an injury for him to play tea party and Lola to play basketball.
S1 Ep36
9th Oct 2002
When no one wants to play with Taz, he starts faking accidents like falling down to make the babies like him and spend time with him.
S1 Ep37
10th Oct 2002
The babies hear Granny play her favourite music so they form a symphony.
S1 Ep38
10th Oct 2002
Marvin the Martian pays a visit to the babies, but no one likes him so Taz befriends Marvin to make him feel welcome. Then everyone else feels the same.
S1 Ep39
11th Oct 2002
The babies all want to do roller skating except Bugs, who feels embarrassed about his lack of talent, but gives it a shot when Tweety goes sliding down.
S1 Ep40
11th Oct 2002
When Daffy sees Bugs establish his own lemonade stand, he becomes his partner but doesn't do his fair share of work, so Daffy competes with his own stand.
S1 Ep41
14th Oct 2002
Daffy tries to keep his old Mr. McStuffles and yet never plays with it and would rather play with something better.
S1 Ep42
14th Oct 2002
In a fairy tale, pages of the book are missing, so the babies decide to recreate the pages of the story with drawings, Daffy, Tweety and Sylvester going a little off point.
S1 Ep43
15th Oct 2002
With Lola's hair getting in her eyes, Melissa attends to it with hair gel only for Lola to get laughed at. Granny arranges for a hairdressing appointment but Lola has second thoughts about it, until Granny coaxes her.
S1 Ep44
15th Oct 2002
Everyone cleans up after themselves before nap time except for lazy Daffy. Daffy's biggest mess puts his and the others' visit to the park at stake.
S1 Ep45
16th Oct 2002
Tweety puts the blame on Daffy for every single incident caused by his antics. However Daffy's situation is more than it would seem.
S1 Ep46
16th Oct 2002
With no one but imaginary friends attending her tea parties, Petunia attracts the others attention with false alarms. She regrets this after the sink starts overflowing.
S1 Ep47
17th Oct 2002
Sylvester gets envious when his attention for being cute is replaced by Baby Pepe, but he comes to like him after Pepe shows affection for him.
S1 Ep48
17th Oct 2002
After Bugs' attempt to do magic tricks fails, he wanders into the countryside to view and experience the beauty of springtime, inspiring him to try again with his magic show.
S1 Ep49
18th Oct 2002
Daffy learns a bad word from the garbage man and later uses it when he gets angry. He teaches it to his friends, and they use it on Granny. Surprised, she confronts Daffy and shows him effective ways to control his anger.
S1 Ep50
18th Oct 2002
Everybody wants to help Granny make a cake except Melissa who just wants to just eat it. Although Melissa misses out on the cake, she joins the others to make another one.
S1 Ep51
28th Oct 2002
Feeling left out, Petunia and Tweety decide to call Granny's sister Auntie, but instead they call a long distance number, so Granny gives them walkie talkies to play with.
S1 Ep52
28th Oct 2002
The babies become obsessed eating boxes of cereal and gaining prizes when Sylvester receives his. They continue their eating until they get stomach aches. Lacking in cereal the babies eat oatmeal porridge the following morning.
S1 Ep53
29th Oct 2002
The babies practice some table manners to go on trip to a smart restaurant with Granny. Instead they make a mess. After cleaning up, Granny gives them lessons in preparation for the trip.
S1 Ep54
29th Oct 2002
The babies practice some table manners to go on trip to a smart restaurant with Granny. Instead they make a mess. After cleaning up, Granny gives them lessons in preparation for the trip.
S1 Ep55
18th Nov 2002
Melissa tries to find something for Petunia that she's good at. Although her attempts to play well fail, the others discover she is good at helpful assistance.
S1 Ep56
18th Nov 2002
Lola gets in the habit of pouting when she doesn't get her way. Fed up with her bratiness, the others mimic her pouting expressions, but begin to use them against each other, until Granny tells Lola about taking turns.
S1 Ep57
19th Nov 2002
Melissa picks up an idea from TV and begins cracking jokes at her friends, eventually upsetting Lola. After a talk with Granny, Melissa makes it up to her friends with comical speech.
S1 Ep58
19th Nov 2002
Daffy believes he'll get some new toys in exchange for giving his old ones away not realizing what is in store for sharing his stuff.
S1 Ep59
20th Nov 2002
Sylvester becomes afraid of new changes as the babies and Granny try to widen variety and has no wish to join in the fun, until Granny shows Sylvester what he's missing.
S1 Ep60
20th Nov 2002
Sylvester, Bugs and Daffy all try to hog attention for Granny. To sort this out, Granny treats the three like they're younger than the others, prompting them to change.
S1 Ep61
21st Nov 2002
While Granny is recovering from a foot bunion, Lola takes charge. The babies soon get tired of Lola's decision making and they tire her out.
S1 Ep62
21st Nov 2002
Thinking it's the right thing, Lola tells on her friends for any misbehaviour. In response to her telltale antics, the babies refuse to play with her, but Lola settles the matter with an apology.
S1 Ep63
22nd Nov 2002
Daffy and Melissa stick together to play impractical jokes on the others. To get even, Lola demonstrates the consequences of an impractical joke to Daffy and Melissa.
S1 Ep64
22nd Nov 2002
Melissa gossips tales of Taz to the others, whilst Bugs has doubts and tries to prove they aren't true. After proving Melissa wrong, she confesses her fibs.
S1 Ep65
9th Dec 2002
After failed attempts of flying a kite, blowing bubblegum and dancing, Sylvester is inclined to give up new activities altogether, until the others trick him into trying finger painting.
S1 Ep66
9th Dec 2002
Daffy spoils everyone elses fun since he can't keep up with them and Bugs points out Daffy cannot even finish a single task. Granny rewards Daffy in return for trying to the finish even when things can't always go the way he wants them.
S1 Ep67
16th Dec 2002
After helping Petunia's doll, Melissa brags on about being heroic by making up parts of what actually happened, annoying Petunia. However Melissa is in a tight spot when she has retell the story to everyone.
S1 Ep68
16th Dec 2002
Because Petunia feels too shy to decline a game with her friends, she invents an imaginary friend called Larry, which makes the others nervous. They invent their own imaginary friends to snap Petunia out of it.
S1 Ep69
23rd Dec 2002
Tweety feels distressed from being pushed around and overlooked because of his small size, but everyone else starts to regret it after they can't manage without him.
S1 Ep70
23rd Dec 2002
Everyone goes along with Bugs' decisions until he is entrusted to buy a new net for everyone, when his greed gets the better of him and he disappoints them with toys he wanted for himself. He makes up for this by giving up one of his best toys for the necessary money.
S1 Ep71
26th Dec 2002
Sylvester believes he lacks coolness and thinks he can get it by eating Chewy Chomps he saw on a commercial, but all it does is make his breath stink.
S1 Ep72
26th Dec 2002
After misbehaving, Granny gives Taz, Daffy and Bugs a time out. Each time the three try to make up for it, their discipline is extended.
S1 Ep73
30th Dec 2002
Today is Arbor day and everyone wants to give Granny something special, but Lola wants do that by herself. When the others see the trouble Lola is having, they give her a helping hand.
S1 Ep74
30th Dec 2002
Daffy spreads a muddy mess around the house horrifying the tidy Sylvester. Bugs manages to snap Sylvester out of his mania for cleanliness, leaving Daffy to clean his own mess.
S1 Ep75
31st Dec 2002
Granny shows to the babies a photo album and they reminisce their past times together.
S1 Ep76
31st Dec 2002
The babies overhear what they assume is that Granny is moving to a new house and they reminisce the times they enjoyed inside the house. It is revealed that all Granny wants to move around and not move to a new house.
The first episode of Baby Looney Tunes aired on September 07, 2002.
The last episode of Baby Looney Tunes aired on April 20, 2005.
There are 102 episodes of Baby Looney Tunes.
There are 2 seasons of Baby Looney Tunes.
Baby Looney Tunes has ended.