Highway Patrol Episode Rating Graph poster

Highway Patrol Episode Rating Graph


Highway Patrol Episode Rating Graph poster

Browse episode ratings trends for Highway Patrol. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Highway Patrol's 81 episodes.

Best Episodes of Highway Patrol

Worst Episodes of Highway Patrol

Highway Patrol Episode Guide

No episode information found for this season.


The best rated episodes of Highway Patrol are:
  • Never Lie to a Cop S8E6 rated 10.0
  • Look What's In The Garden S8E4 rated 10.0
  • Give It A Rest S7E10 rated 10.0
  • Yes, No, Maybe S7E9 rated 10.0
  • Eskypades S7E8 rated 10.0
  • Liar Liar Pants On Fire S7E7 rated 10.0
  • Drunk Disaster S7E5 rated 10.0
  • Missing Driver Mystery S7E1 rated 10.0
  • Van Full of Trouble S6E9 rated 10.0
  • Brazen Burnout S6E8 rated 10.0
The lowest rated episodes of Highway Patrol are:
  • Don't Suck, Blow! S11E8 rated 4.0
  • Crusher! S11E3 rated 4.7
  • Diarrhoea Disaster S11E4 rated 4.7
  • Liar Liar S11E6 rated 4.7
  • Stolen Runaway S11E7 rated 4.7
  • Do As I Say, Not As I Do S11E10 rated 4.7
  • Burnout! S9E9 rated 5.0
  • Burning Rubber S11E2 rated 5.2
  • You Can Run But You Can't Hide S7E2 rated 5.8
  • Witches, Wizards and Pots of Gold S8E1 rated 5.8

The last episode of Highway Patrol aired on April 02, 2024.

There are 81 episodes of Highway Patrol.

There are 12 seasons of Highway Patrol.


Highway Patrol is set to return for future episodes.