RWBY Episode Rating Graph
Jul 2013 - present

Jul 2013 - present
Browse episode ratings trends for RWBY. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of RWBY's 116 episodes.
S3 Ep12
14th Feb 2016
While Oobleck and Port oversee the evacuation, Ruby and Weiss hunt for the missing Jaune and Pyrrha. At Beacon Tower, Cinder appears to defeat Ozpin so Pyrrha fights her alone to try and save the tower. Ruby's arrival just in time to see the end of the fight triggers a mysterious power she didn't know she had. The episode ends with Ruby deciding to travel to Haven in search of answers.
S3 Ep11
7th Feb 2016
On the airship, Ruby fights Roman and Neo while Ironwood joins Glynda and Qrow on the battlefield below. The students fight Atlesian Paladins while Blake confronts Adam in the school's cafeteria, leading to a showdown between Yang and Adam. Meanwhile, in the secret vault, Ozpin, Jaune and Pyrrha attempt to transfer Amber's Aura to Pyrrha... and Cinder shows up.
S1 Ep8
5th Sep 2013
Trapped between two huge Grimm, eight students split up into the nascent Teams RWBY and JNPR in a fight for survival.
S6 Ep3
10th Nov 2018
What is your favorite fairy tale?
S4 Ep12
4th Feb 2017
While Jaune moves Qrow to safety, Ren begins fighting the Nuckelavee recklessly until Nora calms him down. Team RNJR then comes up with a coordinated strategy and Ren successfully executes the Grimm. Two patrolling military airships from Mistral arrive and they take Team RNJR to Mistral. Ruby and her group plan to visit Professor Lionheart at Haven Academy once Qrow's injuries are fully healed. Unbeknownst to them, he is working for Watts. In a post-credits scene, Oscar approaches Qrow in a bar and identifies himself as Ozpin. Qrow returns his cane.
S9 Ep6
25th Mar 2023
In which old friends reunite.
S9 Ep8
8th Apr 2023
In which some tea is spilled.
S7 Ep11
18th Jan 2020
Between Watts, Tyrian, and the seemingly endless swarm of Grimm, evil is encroaching on our heroes from all sides. The biggest threat, however, may be hiding where they least expect it.
S3 Ep10
31st Jan 2016
War breaks out with battles occurring on the tournament field, the city and the school. Formerly adversarial tournament teams unite to fight the Grimm together while Ruby goes after a rogue airship that has turned on the rest of the fleet. Cinder's virus makes things worse by turning the robotic Atlesian army against both the city and its defenders. And then the Grimm Dragon appears...
S7 Ep13
1st Feb 2020
Who will you become when your greatest fears are realized
S7 Ep12
25th Jan 2020
With Salem's forces drawing closer, and the General's orders for their arrest, our heroes are forced to fight on all fronts to save the city Ironwood has abandoned.
S9 Ep10
22nd Apr 2023
In which a choice must be made.
S4 Ep2
29th Oct 2016
Team RNJR find the aftermath of a massacre. Weiss is cornered by her father, and Ruby discovers a sad truth.
S9 Ep7
1st Apr 2023
In which plans and schedules are made.
S1 Ep16
7th Nov 2013
While the rest of Team RWBY search for the missing Blake, Blake and Sun investigate the local White Fang activities.
S4 Ep3
5th Nov 2016
Blake travels to Menagerie on a ship, which falls under the attack of a Grimm. She defeats it with the help of Sun, who secretly followed her after Beacon was destroyed. He offers her assistance in investigating the White Fang, but Blake, however, wants to return home to rest. In Patch, Yang is given a bionic arm from Ironwood, but she is hesitant to try it on, still suffering from her memories of Adam.
S4 Ep1
22nd Oct 2016
We are introduced to Salem, her subordinates, and the eerie landscape in which she lives - a landscape that spawns new Grimm from pools of black ooze. Meanwhile, Ruby, Nora, Jaune and Ren are travelling through Anima by foot, fighting monsters and debating their team name as they go.
S4 Ep7
24th Dec 2016
Ozpin informs Oscar that their souls and Aura have merged and they can access each other's memories. While Oscar is reluctant to accept this, Ozpin urges him to go to Mistral to carry out an important task. In Atlas, Weiss is blamed for hurting the Schnees' reputation and, as a result, is confined her to her room and disinherited. In Oniyuri, despite Qrow's warnings to stay back, Ruby joins him in battle. Tyrian grazes him with his stinger. Ruby cuts off the stinger, forcing Tyrian to retreat.
S4 Ep6
10th Dec 2016
Weiss performs at the charity concert but remains critical of all the attendees and guests for their shallow and dismissive behavior towards Beacon. At the after party, she is enraged upon hearing a woman mock the Fall of Beacon and inadvertently summons a Boarbatusk. In Mistral, Team RNJR comes across an abandoned town called Oniyuri. Before they can leave, Tyrian ambushes them and is revealed to be a scorpion Faunus. He easily defeats them but is stopped in time by Qrow.
S2 Ep1
24th Jul 2014
The first episode of the new volume kicks off with a splash as Teams RWBY and JNPR take over the hall for a food fight.
S2 Ep4
14th Aug 2014
Team RWBY takes on Roman Torchwick in an epic urban battle, but he has an ace up his sleeve... called Neo.
S2 Ep11
23rd Oct 2014
Ruby has been taken hostage by Torchwick and the White Fang, but just as team WBY rescues her, Torchwick sets his plan in motion. On the train, team RWBY splits up and does battle with various enemies, while trying to stop the train and prevent it from unloading more bombs.
S5 Ep13
30th Dec 2017
The fight for Haven continues, but now it's time for our heroes to turn the tides, especially now that a long lost ally has returned with an army at her back.
S3 Ep9
17th Jan 2016
Mercury fights Ruby to prevent her interfering with Penny and Pyrrha's fight. The tournament match ends in disaster and Cinder hijacks the airwaves with a grim message for the world's audience. Roman and Neo sabotage the Atlesian military ships while the Grimm and the White Fang begin their attack on Vale.
S4 Ep11
28th Jan 2017
Cinder trains and Tyrian loses control. Weiss attempts an escape, Blake resolves to reclaim what is hers, and Ren sees a nightmare from the past.
S6 Ep2
3rd Nov 2018
No matter how hard you may try to bury it, the past will always claw its way back to you.
S6 Ep6
1st Dec 2018
As darkness falls on Brunswick Farms and the snow continues to fall, Team RWBY's morale is at an all-time low. The only thing worse than being stranded, alone in the woods... is realizing you're not alone at all.
S4 Ep4
11th Nov 2016
Ozpin's soul merges with a young farmboy, Oscar Pine, whom he tries to communicate to. In Patch, Yang confides her reluctance in confronting her fears in Taiyang, as well as Port and Oobleck, who are visiting. Gaining resolve to fight, Yang attaches her arm and begins to train with Taiyang. At the nearby tavern, Qrow meets his twin sister, Raven, now the leader of the bandit tribe that raised her and Qrow. The two end up criticizing each other for abandoning their families, and Raven leaves.
S6 Ep11
12th Jan 2019
The only thing standing between our heroes and Atlas is Caroline Cordovin, but it will have to be a joint effort if they're going to bring her down. Meanwhile, Yang races to find Blake while Adam does his best to finish her.
S8 Ep13
20th Mar 2021
The best laid plans...
S6 Ep13
26th Jan 2019
A Leviathan has emerged from the ocean depths and now threatens to destroy the city of Argus. With Cordo's Colossus incapacitated, the Atlas Base has little they can do to protect the people.
S2 Ep5
28th Aug 2014
Combat training sees Team CRDL take on Pyrrha Nikos while the villains take an interest in her abilities. Meanwhile, Jaune struggles to convince Weiss to take his feelings seriously. And on top of that, Blake is becoming increasingly tired.
S5 Ep4
11th Nov 2017
RNJR and Oscar train and discuss Semblances. Meanwhile, Yang confronts her mother while Weiss prepares her own escape.
S9 Ep5
18th Mar 2023
In which a dessert is assembled.
S9 Ep4
11th Mar 2023
In which new acquaintances are made.
S5 Ep5
9th Dec 2017
Blake and Sun try to recruit help for defending Haven, with poor results. While Ruby gives the worried Oscar a pep-talk, the Albain brothers discuss and plan the White Fang's direction.
S5 Ep9
9th Dec 2017
Salem's forces proposition Raven Branwen, but Raven decides to change the agreement in favor of all parties. Back in Menagerie, Sun and Ghira face off against the Albain brothers while Blake runs off to find her mother.
S6 Ep10
5th Jan 2019
Our heroes have one shot to pull off the heist of their lives, and if they're going to succeed, they'll need everyone to do their part. It's go time.
S2 Ep8
25th Sep 2014
While the teachers assess the threat they're facing, Team RWBY receive a surprise package from Ruby and Yang's father. Meanwhile, Team CFVY finally return home from their mission and Team RWBY is horrified to learn which teacher will be escorting them for their first field trip.
S1 Ep13
10th Oct 2013
Team JNPR is disquieted by the amount of time Jaune is spending with Cardin.
S1 Ep11
26th Sep 2013
Jaune struggles with combat lessons while Cardin makes a name for himself as a bully.
S5 Ep7
9th Dec 2017
Yang and Weiss have joined up with Team RNJR, just in time to learn the full truth about the Maidens, the Wizard, and what Ozpin did to the Branwen siblings.
S1 Ep12
3rd Oct 2013
Pyrrha offers to help Jaune with his combat lessons, but it doesn't go well.
S7 Ep8
21st Dec 2019
Jacques and Ironwood engage in a dangerous game of wits. Meanwhile, the kids must face their most dangerous threat yet: a high class dinner party.
S3 Ep2
1st Nov 2015
It's Team JNPR vs. Team BRNZ and Team SSSN vs. Team NDGO.
S1 Ep2
25th Jul 2013
The airship carrying the new students arrives at Beacon Academy and Ruby faces the daunting prospect of having to meet new people and make new friends.
S8 Ep11
6th Mar 2021
Tensions rise in Schnee Manor as our reunited heroes find themselves backed into a corner.
S1 Ep9
12th Sep 2013
Team RWBY faces its first task together: creating bunk beds.
S5 Ep8
9th Dec 2017
Despite development and growth, things are made tense for Team RWBY in Mistral when Ruby brings up Blake. Meanwhile, in Menagerie, Blake agrees to a nighttime meeting with Ilia.
S1 Ep10
19th Sep 2013
Ruby and Weiss both struggle with Ruby's promotion to team leader.
S1 Ep3
1st Aug 2013
Professor Ozpin welcomes the new students to his school and Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Blake find themselves all in the same room together for the very first time.
S1 Ep1
18th Jul 2013
A fifteen-year-old girl with exceptional combat skills is hand-picked by a famous headmaster to join his elite school for training Huntsmen and Huntresses. And so the adventure begins.
S2 Ep6
4th Sep 2014
While Team RWBY prepare for the school ball, Ruby worries about Blake's state of health. Yang, however, has a plan for dealing with Blake that she is certain will succeed.
S1 Ep5
15th Aug 2013
The pairing of Ruby and Weiss gets off to a rocky start.
S5 Ep6
9th Dec 2017
Qrow seeks out Huntsmen and Huntresses to aide in the fight against Salem, while Yang and Weiss prod answers out of Raven.
S7 Ep7
14th Dec 2019
How far would you be willing to go to do what's right?
S8 Ep4
28th Nov 2020
Jaune, Ren, and Yang's pursuit of a mysterious new Grimm results in unexpected complications. Ruby, Weiss, and Blake find a new place to lay low. Cinder receives an ultimatum.
S2 Ep3
7th Aug 2014
Team RWBY start their investigation of the White Fang and Ruby learns a little bit more about their strange friend, Penny.
S8 Ep2
14th Nov 2020
Ruby, Nora, Blake, May, and Penny set their sights on Atlas Military Command. Meanwhile Yang, Ren, Jaune, and Oscar handle evacuations in Mantle. If they can get everyone to the crater in time, they just might be able to save them.
S6 Ep7
8th Dec 2018
While Cinder shares her plans with Neo, Maria shares her past with Team RWBY, and both groups are dead-set on making it to Atlas.
S7 Ep5
30th Nov 2019
Between missions, training, and rising political unrest, these fledgling huntsmen and huntresses have quite a lot on their hands.
S1 Ep6
22nd Aug 2013
Yang teams up with Blake to fight Ursae while Pyrrha explains the concept of Aura to Jaune.
S9 Ep1
18th Feb 2023
In which a mysterious location is uncovered.
S1 Ep4
8th Aug 2013
The students are introduced to the initiation process.
S6 Ep4
17th Nov 2018
Heroes and villains alike are confronted with troubling revelations.
S7 Ep2
9th Nov 2019
Arresting people isn’t exactly the best way to make a first impression. However, once the initial shock has worn off, Ruby and her friends learn there’s a lot more to these Ace Ops - and even General Ironwood - than first meets the eye.
S7 Ep4
23rd Nov 2019
Riding the high of completing their first mission in Atlas, the gang is itching to hone their skills and provide some much-needed help to the citizens of Mantle.
S7 Ep6
7th Dec 2019
After constant missions and vigorous training sessions, the kids finally get a night off to relax! But attending a political rally may not be the most leisurely activity
S2 Ep2
31st Jul 2014
While Professors Ozpin and Goodwitch discuss General Ironwood's fleet of ships, Team RWBY play board games in the library. Meanwhile, Haven Academy's students have started to arrive...
S3 Ep4
29th Nov 2015
The first doubles match of the tournament puts Mercury and Emerald against Yatsuhashi and Coco. Later Qrow and Winter spend some quality time with their families.
S1 Ep1
18th Jul 2013
A fifteen-year-old girl with exceptional combat skills is hand-picked by a famous headmaster to join his elite school for training Huntsmen and Huntresses. And so the adventure begins.
S1 Ep2
25th Jul 2013
The airship carrying the new students arrives at Beacon Academy and Ruby faces the daunting prospect of having to meet new people and make new friends.
S1 Ep3
1st Aug 2013
Professor Ozpin welcomes the new students to his school and Ruby, Yang, Weiss and Blake find themselves all in the same room together for the very first time.
S1 Ep4
8th Aug 2013
The students are introduced to the initiation process.
S1 Ep5
15th Aug 2013
The pairing of Ruby and Weiss gets off to a rocky start.
S1 Ep6
22nd Aug 2013
Yang teams up with Blake to fight Ursae while Pyrrha explains the concept of Aura to Jaune.
S1 Ep7
29th Aug 2013
Professors Ozpin and Goodwitch assess the students while Jaune and Pyrrha's search for the relics doesn't go as well as Yang and Blake's.
S1 Ep8
5th Sep 2013
Trapped between two huge Grimm, eight students split up into the nascent Teams RWBY and JNPR in a fight for survival.
S1 Ep9
12th Sep 2013
Team RWBY faces its first task together: creating bunk beds.
S1 Ep10
19th Sep 2013
Ruby and Weiss both struggle with Ruby's promotion to team leader.
S1 Ep11
26th Sep 2013
Jaune struggles with combat lessons while Cardin makes a name for himself as a bully.
S1 Ep12
3rd Oct 2013
Pyrrha offers to help Jaune with his combat lessons, but it doesn't go well.
S1 Ep13
10th Oct 2013
Team JNPR is disquieted by the amount of time Jaune is spending with Cardin.
S1 Ep14
17th Oct 2013
Jaune decides to stand up to Cardin's bullying.
S1 Ep15
31st Oct 2013
Team RWBY's cohesion collapses when an argument about the White Fang becomes personal for both Weiss and Blake.
S1 Ep16
7th Nov 2013
While the rest of Team RWBY search for the missing Blake, Blake and Sun investigate the local White Fang activities.
The first episode of RWBY aired on July 18, 2013.
The last episode of RWBY aired on April 22, 2023.
There are 116 episodes of RWBY.
There are 9 seasons of RWBY.
RWBY is set to return for future episodes.