The Dukes of Hazzard Episode Rating Graph
Jan 1979 - Feb 1985

Jan 1979 - Feb 1985
Browse episode ratings trends for The Dukes of Hazzard. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of The Dukes of Hazzard's 147 episodes.
S2 Ep6
26th Oct 1979
Car thieves drive the General Lee into a pond. Thinking Bo and Luke were drowned, Boss Hogg claims they stole his watch. So the boys scheme to haunt Boss.
S2 Ep11
30th Nov 1979
Boss Hogg is up for re-election as county administrator against an unlikely opponent--a young woman in her twenties named T.C. Rogers, who is determined to avenge her father's loss to Boss in a rigged election, which occurred fifteen years earlier. Bo and Luke help T.C. (the honest candidate) counter Boss' dirty tricks in an effort to unseat the incumbent Hogg.
S3 Ep19
6th Mar 1981
Hughie Hogg is back in town! He coaxes Bo and Luke into joining the Hazzard County Fire Department (so he can sneak shine in to the Duke farm). Rosco catches the Dukes with shine, and they get away. It's one big scheme to get the Duke boys in jail, but in the end Hughie's plan is ruined, and Boss Hogg is really mad!
S3 Ep14
23rd Jan 1981
Hazzard's annual Hazzard Derby is on. While Cooter is injured trying to help the Dukes, Luke must race in Cooter's car while Bo is in the General Lee. However, all the entrants who signed the contracts didn't see the fine print that every loser will have to give up their cars to Boss Hogg. Rosco's car can't lose with a tank of nitrous oxide in the engine. With a sure win, Boss bets with a big time Chickasaw bookie, Ma Harper.
S2 Ep16
25th Jan 1980
The hunt is on for buried treasure in Hazzard County: a Civil War payroll that was buried before the Battle of Hazzard. A history professor promises to give Boss Hogg the money contained in the strongbox, so long as she keeps the historical documents and other items of interest inside. The Dukes become involved, and later help the history professor recover the treasure when she is robbed by a pair of fortune hunters.
S2 Ep7
2nd Nov 1979
Racing legend Cale Yarborough is working on a secret turbocharger. When the grimy Jethro brothers and slimy Boss Hogg start snooping around, it's up to the Dukes to save Cale's tail.
S1 Ep7
16th Mar 1979
Luke's rival in in Hazzard's stock car derby has million-dollar legs and a lead foot... and she's got his heart revved up. Boss Hogg worries about reclaiming the derby trophy because his mama's ashes are inside it.
S1 Ep11
20th Apr 1979
The government was going to burn the cash away, so who'd miss a cool million in ragged bills? Besides, Boss Hogg has masterminded his scheme so that Bo and Luke are the fall guys.
S3 Ep3
5th Nov 1980
When taking pictures of Uncle Jesse in front of a bank in Atlanta, Daisy inadvertently gets two bank robbers in the shot who kidnap her in exchange for the photographs. Meanwhile, Enos defies Rosco's orders, helping Bo and Luke rescue Daisy and captures the bank robbers in the process. Enos is then offered a job with the Los Angeles Police Department.
S3 Ep2
16th Sep 1980
When the Dukes attend a stunt show called "Carnival of Thrills," the star of the show is injured while trying to jump a car over 32 parked cars. Looking for a new star, carnival owner Diane Benson offers Bo the job. While Diane seduces a lovestruck Bo with her charms; Luke, Daisy and Uncle Jesse suspect something is amiss. Their fears are confirmed when an insurance investigator reveals that the earlier stunt show mishap—-along with several others—-was no accident. Luke tries to convince Bo of his findings, but Bo does not listen. This leads to a huge fight that results in Bo leaving the Duke farm, threatening further repercussions on the Duke family. Meanwhile, Boss Hogg can foreclose on the "Carnival of Thrills" if Diane can't pay back a loan she makes for use of the Hazzard County fairgrounds. Furthermore, Rosco manages to impound the General Lee for a taillight he busted; and, in an attempt to keep Bo from taking the stunt job, Luke allows the impounding to happen.
S2 Ep2
28th Sep 1979
The boys are in 24-karat trouble when con artists stash bogus bullion in the Boss Hogg's bank, The flimflammery leads to a bank heist that might end with Bo and Luke in the iron-bar motel.
S2 Ep14
11th Jan 1980
Millionaire C.J. Holmes is determined to retrieve his runaway daughter, who plans to marry a Hazzard County farmer. The girl later takes her appeal to the Dukes, explaining that her father wants her to marry within her social class and not someone involved in an unglamorous profession. Uncle Jesse ultimately meets with Mr. Holmes, and gives him a stern lecture about the dedication and self-sacrifice of farmers.
S2 Ep18
8th Feb 1980
A trio of bumbling criminals, wanting to break into the music business, kidnap country music superstar Loretta Lynn.
S6 Ep12
30th Dec 1983
A young woman comes to Hazzard to see Cooter, who happens to be his daughter that he's never met. But she thinks Cooter is very rambunctious who is working with the Dukes to stop new landowners from dumping toxic-wastes in Hazzard.
S2 Ep10
23rd Nov 1979
Bo and Luke learn that a family friend, seemingly innocent little old lady Granny Annie, is operating a small-time counterfeiting ring. Boss Hogg has Granny Annie arrested and confiscates her engraving plates, and sells them to a no-nonsense mobster for $25,000. Bo and Luke set out to clear Granny Annie's name by stealing the plates back and throwing them into a lake--unaware that the mobster has found out about the theft, assumes Boss is responsible, and plans to kill him. An emotional Rosco pleads to the Bo and Luke to track down the counterfeiter before Boss suffers a brutal fate.
S6 Ep7
11th Nov 1983
Bo and Luke help an orphan boy who just recently lost his parents by getting him a dog from the pound. It turns out to be a basset hound that was kidnapped from John J. Hooper's dog show for a ransom and got away when the kidnappers came to Hazzard. But the kidnappers mistake Flash for the other dog.
S3 Ep10
19th Dec 1980
In the series' only Christmas-themed episode; Boss, who is in an Ebenezer Scrooge-like mood throughout this episode, hires a trio of criminals to hijack the Dukes' Christmas tree shipment, then pin the blame on the Dukes. The scheme involves two of the bad guys stealing the trees from Bo and Luke at gunpoint, then the third associate disguised as a clergyman giving the Duke boys a lift into town, and then telling them they forgot "their" $500 down payment on the trees. While Uncle Jesse and Daisy set out to clear their family's name, the criminals plot to double-cross Boss by taking more than their payment due on the trees, breaking into the safe while each one is dressed as Santa Claus. Meanwhile, Bo and Luke, with some help from Cooter, decide to take back the trees and have a little fun confusing Rosco and Cletus while delivering the trees dressed as Santa Clauses. In the end, the episode takes a turn toward forgiveness and fellowship as the Dukes and Cooter invite Rosco and Cletus to their Christmas Eve gathering. Boss comes in later, reformed after having read Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol."
S3 Ep18
20th Feb 1981
Daisy wants to become a newspaper reporter, and to do that she decides to write a story about how Boss Hogg bought stolen tractors.
S2 Ep22
14th Mar 1980
Bo and Luke happen upon Henry Flatt, a supposedly dead con man, who had swindled Boss out of $20,000 several years earlier. When they learn of Boss' plans to build a public road and housing development, they must do everything they can to save the cemetery, not only for the sake of war veterans but to keep Flatt's secret from being exposed.
S2 Ep12
14th Dec 1979
After Uncle Jesse is wrongly accused of being behind a car-stripping ring operated by Boss Hogg and his nephew, temporary Sheriff Hughie Hogg; Bo and Luke are determined to clear Jesse's name by putting the racket out of business
S1 Ep4
16th Feb 1979
The car's a wreck. But the engine's a honey, and Bo and Luke have to have it. So they make a deal with a car dealer who's as crooked as a switchback trail and whose scheme could land them behind bars.
S1 Ep10
13th Apr 1979
There ought to be a law. Instead, there's Bo and Luke. They've been deputized and sent to Springfield to retrieve a prisoner. One detail the boys aren't told: the prisoner is a notorious Public Enemy #1!
S1 Ep9
6th Apr 1979
Leave it to Cooter to drive everyone wild. When government agents driving the U.S. President's limo through Hazzard stop at the Boar's Nest, Cooter hot-wires the vehicle and sets out on a joy ride.
S2 Ep21
29th Feb 1980
Bo and Luke are arrested for drug smuggling after they mistakenly pick up a crate of marijuana instead of the intended hot-water heater for the house. Private investigator Mason Dixon and his sexy female associates join the Dukes in search for a big-time drug kingpin, who learns that Bo and Luke have accidentally taken his drug shipment.
S1 Ep5
23rd Feb 1979
Will a batch of kick-tail gasoline solve the nation's fuel crisis? Uncle Jesse fires up the moonshine still for a patriotic cause. And a lovely female revenue agent fires up Bo's dancin'-and-romancin' flames.
S1 Ep6
9th Mar 1979
Way back in the '30s, Molly sprang Uncle Jesse out of a heap of trouble with the Feds. Now she wants to make one last moonshine run...and wants Jesse and the other Dukes to help.
S6 Ep5
21st Oct 1983
When Bo and Luke are late for a probation appointment, Boss tells them that he'll let them off the hook if they coach his pee wee basketball game and win against an undefeated team which Boss bet on. But the star player is debating on whether or not to play.
S2 Ep9
16th Nov 1979
Boss Hogg, a key witness in an upcoming federal trial for a criminal racketeer, enters the Witness Protection Program after his life is threatened, and chooses the Duke farm for his hiding place. While Boss constantly must dodge assassination attempts, Rosco takes over his "little fat buddy's" administrative duties, wearing Boss' white continental suits and relishing the job's absolute authority.
S3 Ep13
16th Jan 1981
A recently widowed old flame of Jesse's returns to Hazzard to claim an old debt owing to her late husband by Boss Hogg, but he refuses it. So she finds a legacy that the Dukes find in a mine under their property containing nine full barrels of shine.
S1 Ep12
4th May 1979
The rig is rigged. Bo and Luke become drivers of an 18-wheeler, not knowing that the trailer is a rolling gambling casino and that its games aren't on the level.
S3 Ep21
27th Mar 1981
Three good friends of the Dukes come to Hazzard after Bo and Luke find a bag of $1 million in a river.
S1 Ep3
9th Feb 1979
Bo and Luke are unaware that 1) the borrowed car they're driving is loaded with moonshine and 2) the pregnant hitchhiker they've picked up is carrying over $100,000 in stolen mob money.
S6 Ep2
30th Sep 1983
The Dukes have a new visitor, A baby whom her mother hides in the General Lee while she is being pursued by he father-in-law's henchmen who are trying to get the baby back to her legal guardian - paternal grandfather - who hates "country bumpkins." Meanwhile, due to a cut in the county budget, Rosco and Enos have to ride around on horses.
S2 Ep15
18th Jan 1980
The Dukes try to reform an old-time moonshiner named Hard Luck Jones, who can't seem to shake off his love for stilling illegal whiskey. Things come to a boil when Hard Luck hijacks an armored personnel carrier to use as a mobile brewery. Bo and Luke are accused, and it's all they can do to convince their friend to give up his activities and avoid all of them being nabbed by federal agents.
S3 Ep9
12th Dec 1980
After meeting a woman through a computer dating service, Rosco plans to get married. Boss plans for him to invite everyone in town to his wedding--except the Dukes. This makes them the only possible suspects for the bank robbery he's arranging to take place during the ceremony. But Boss is unaware that Rosco's supposed fiancé and her gang are planning a robbery of their own.
S5 Ep19
25th Feb 1983
Bo and Luke return to Hazzard after great season at the NASCAR Circuit and they won but they wanted to come home - which is ok since Coy and Vance have to leave Hazzard to take care of a sick relative. Meanwhile, Boss plans to foreclose on Cooter's garage - after Cooter owes a balloon mortgage payment - so he can put up a new shopping center.
S6 Ep15
27th Jan 1984
Country star Candy Dix, Luke's old girlfriend from the Marines, comes to Hazzard to do a concert and to see Luke. But he must save her from her managers who are trying to kill her to pay off a gambling debt with her life-insurance policy.
S3 Ep4
7th Nov 1980
A father and son criminal duo steal Boss' silver from the Boar's Nest and hide out in a house owned by Hezechiah Pringle, which he left to his niece, Mary Lou Pringle. When Mary Lou returns to Hazzard to sell the house, the crooks try to scare her off by staging a series of paranormal events. She turns to Bo and Luke for help, who are on the run from Rosco because Boss is convinced they are the silver thieves and therefore ordered Rosco to arrest them for the theft.
S1 Ep1
26th Jan 1979
Sheriff Coltrane is hissier than a sack of rattlesnakes! He sets up a slot machine operation to fund his election, but a pair of two-armed-bandits - Bo and Luke - find a way to give the proceeds to charity.
S4 Ep10
27th Nov 1981
A beautiful fur thief named Bonnie Lane, along with her two accomplices, try to exact revenge on Boss (for his shortchanging them), and Cooter winds up in the middle of things when Bonnie tries to distract him with her charms while her two friends break into Boss' storeroom to get their payback.
S4 Ep19
5th Feb 1982
When Boss Hogg learns that a state investigator is on his way to Hazzard to check out a claim of an illegal casino, he shifts the blame to the Duke family. But just as the Dukes are being formally charged, Boss sits on a syringe filled with truth serum. Boss lets slip the truth, and his cronies are none too pleased, forcing Bo and Luke to ride to Boss' rescue.
S4 Ep9
20th Nov 1981
Uncle Jesse seriously injures himself as the shaken Duke patriarch learns that bounty hunter Jason Steele is a wanted criminal. Steele eventually manages to frame Bo and Luke on grand-theft auto (by having them drive away in a stolen Dodge Charger painted exactly like the General Lee). Hosiah Coltrane's attorney then informs Rosco that a mistake had been made and that the sheriff had only inherited $10 - leaving Rosco way short of the $100,000 needed to pay Steele for services rendered. Steele eventually blows his top when he learns Rosco doesn't have the money, and...
S1 Ep8
30th Mar 1979
Bo and Luke robbers? That accusation is like going to church shirtless. It don't feel right! But if the Duke's didn't pull off the heist, who was in the General Lee when it roared away from the crime scene?
S7 Ep1
21st Sep 1984
It's been 8 years since the Dukes got the General Lee and we see the story of how they got it. When it was originally used as a getaway car for some gold dust thieves and Bo and Luke got it from a junkyard because they needed a car to race in.
S5 Ep18
18th Feb 1983
Uncle Jesse is blinded while trying to foil a robbery. But the robbers won't rest until Jesse's dead. So they go to Hazzard to track him down while Coy, Vance and Daisy decide to hide their sitting duck uncle at Boss' house.
S5 Ep15
21st Jan 1983
A mobster named Calloway is out to exact revenge on "the fat water buffalo" (Boss), for sending him to prison on his testimony. To thwart Calloway's plans to have Boss killed, the Dukes and Lulu announce that Boss has died and stage a phony funeral so that Calloway will back off. But then Calloway arrives at Boss' "funeral" to make sure his old enemy really is dead, forcing the Dukes to come up with another plan to foil the mobster's plans.
S5 Ep14
7th Jan 1983
Boss tries to use the mean green machine again but it gets stolen by the original crook who try and rob the Hazzard Emporium for all the gold. But when it breaks down, they kidnap Cooter to fix it and hold for insurance.
S7 Ep10
30th Nov 1984
Boss Hogg masterminds a plan to knock a boxcar off a train containing valuables by hiring three crooks to hook a remote control up to a car to knock off the boxcar. But when the car they use is wrecked, they steal the General Lee to use it for the remote control.
S4 Ep25
19th Mar 1982
In a nod to the ongoing Equal Rights Amendment debate, Lulu and Daisy co-form the Hazzard County Equal Rights Society to decry overbearing treatment from men. Lulu gets her way when she demands 50-percent control of husband Boss' used car lot. Unknown to both Lulu and Daisy, Boss has stashed stolen credit cards inside the door panels of one of the cars ... and that car so happens to be the one that Chickasaw County Sheriff "Big" Ed Little decides to buy as as a personal daily driver.
S5 Ep13
17th Dec 1982
When Rosco is up for re-election, Boss has no trouble supporting him until his devious nephew Hughie Hogg returns to run for sheriff and blackmails his uncle into helping him by showing evidence of a crooked deal he made.
S7 Ep3
5th Oct 1984
Luke drinks some pond water that a truck accidentally spilled some genetic drugs into. This makes Luke character change a great deal. He becomes a total jerk, badmouths Bo, Daisy, and Jesse, harasses every girl at the Boar's Nest and eventually plans to rob Boss' bank.
S4 Ep16
15th Jan 1982
A determined Boss Hogg, desperately wanting Uncle Jesse's moonshine recipe, makes a demand: give over the recipe, or have Bo and Luke charged with felony theft in the disappearance of funds from the Hazzard County Orphanage.
S7 Ep15
25th Jan 1985
With a lot of UFO sightings in Hazzard, Bo and Luke are starting to think that people are crazy until an alien from outer space hides in the General Lee and comes back to the Duke farm with them. However, when Boss finds out about this, he wants to take it and sell it.
S5 Ep12
10th Dec 1982
Boss has Coy, Vance and Daisy framed and sends them to Chickasaw County where they are arrested by Sheriff Little so that he can go ahead with his master plan and hires two crooks to scuba-dive down to Soggy Marsh and unburry 5 million in stolen bonds.
S5 Ep17
11th Feb 1983
The Russians' gymnast team comes to Hazzard and a defector named Natasha escapes and hides out at the Duke farm while Boss helps the Russian gymnast leader find her.
S7 Ep11
14th Dec 1984
Escape convicts come to Hazzard. One of them is out to settle a score with Luke because he sent him to prison in the Marines. Sheriff Little was put in charge of the investigation and the convicts force the Dukes to let them escape and end up driving the General Lee through a forest fire.
S7 Ep12
21st Dec 1984
When a group of armored car robbers steals the armored car by lifting off the ground with a helicopter, the Dukes are blamed for the crime. But when Bo and Luke are apprehended, they strike again. Knowing that they're innocent, Boss and Rosco let the Duke boys escape so that they can do Rosco's dirty work and catch the robbers.
S4 Ep14
1st Jan 1982
When Boss Hogg is arrested for robbing his own bank, Uncle Jesse bails out his own enemy by using his farm's mortgage. But did Boss Hogg really rob the bank... or after years of failing to obtain the farm, is he looking for an easy foreclosure?
S7 Ep16
1st Feb 1985
A pair of crooks robs Boss' bank and frame Enos for it; Daisy becomes a witness against him when she thinks she saw it. Daisy, knowing that Enos would never do it, cannot refuse to testify against him or she'll be in contempt. So she decides to marry Enos - that way she cannot legally testify against him.
S4 Ep23
5th Mar 1982
The Dukes are forced to bond with their sworn enemies — Boss Hogg and Rosco — after they are held at gunpoint by a gang of robbers at the Boar's Nest. The lead robber, posing as a law enforcement officer, then orders an emergency evacuation of Hazzard... thereby eliminating any witnesses to his plans to rob an armored truck making a delivery to Hazzard Bank.
S7 Ep7
9th Nov 1984
While driving through Osage, the most feared county around ruled by the mean Colonel Claiborne, Bo and Luke end up on a chain gang in the Osage Road Prison - which is the first step of Claiborne's plan to get Boss down there to swindle him out of everything he owns.
S4 Ep3
23rd Oct 1981
Everyone's after a sack of diamonds that had accidentally been dropped from an armed robber's vehicle driving through Hazzard, and all roads lead to the Duke farm after Bo and Luke get to them first. While the Duke boys are trying to report their find to the state police, they are bugged by the original thief (who poses as a reporter to get at the loot) and later, by a phony FBI agent hired by a greedy Boss Hogg who wants the reward money for himself.
S5 Ep4
15th Oct 1982
While delivering a shipment of antiques to some friends, Coy and Vance are hijacked by a couple of Boss' henchmen. But they didn't known that a runaway orphan was stowaway in the back of the truck and saw the whole thing. She ends up going back to the farm and has crush on Coy, which slows down the Dukes looking for the hijackers.
S4 Ep1
9th Oct 1981
Daisy is smitten by Boss Hogg's handsome, rich nephew, Jamie Lee Hogg, who has come to town to purchase his uncle's grits mill. While romance quickly blossoms and a wedding appears to be on the horizon, it isn't long before Bo and Luke confirm their initial suspicions about Jamie's criminal side as a counterfeiter.
S5 Ep5
22nd Oct 1982
Boss double-crosses the Bosses of a few neighboring counties and their out to get him. The Dukes let him hold up on the farm until Vance plans to expose them by tape-recording their scheme. Mel Tillis performs at the Boar's Nest.
S5 Ep3
8th Oct 1982
Boss hired two crooks to rob the jewelry store and Coy and Vance are very suspicious about them and go and investigate while being chased by Cletus and Enos. But when Boss sends Rosco to arrest Coy and Vance, he refuses because he wants to be good so that he will be elected "Lawman of the Year".
S7 Ep8
16th Nov 1984
Boss Hogg finds a piece of paper from his great grandfather Thaddeus that Jesse's great grandfather Jeremiah signed over the Duke farm. Confused as ever, The Dukes find their great grandma's diary and they tell the story about the events leading up to it from the 1800's.
S3 Ep20
13th Mar 1981
While on the way to the Boar's Nest, Bo and Luke are ambushed by an escaped prisoner, who steals the General Lee and plans to hunt down Boss Hogg. Later, Boss finds out that the prisoner is an old foe who is set out to get revenge on Boss
S4 Ep5
3rd Nov 1981
The Duke boys' beautiful girlfriend, Mindy Lou, learns that Boss Hogg is planning a heist of motorcycles, so as to gain an unfair upper hand in the upcoming Tri-County Motocross. Bo and Luke come up with a scheme of their own to beat Boss to the finish line.
S5 Ep1
24th Sep 1982
Bo and Luke have left Hazzard to full fill a life long dream of racing on the NASCAR Circuit. Boss is so happy about it, that he unleashes his ultimate secret weapon: The mean green machine, monstrous vehicle to rip off the bank in Capitol City, and plan to steal $100 engraving plates from an armored truck that's suppose to pass through Hazzard county. But he's unaware that cousins Coy and Vance Duke have returned to Hazzard after 6 years to help uncle Jesse run the farm and are on to his shenanigans, and driving around in the General Lee. Also, Enos returned to Hazzard and is back on the force.
S4 Ep8
20th Nov 1981
Rosco's Uncle Hosiah dies, and at the reading of his will, learns that he has inherited $10 million. Rosco, frustrated after years of being outfoxed by the Dukes, hires hard-nosed hit man Jason Steele to track down and arrest Bo and Luke. Meanwhile, Rosco goes on a power trip and schemes to win Boss' fortune in a rigged poker game.
S5 Ep9
19th Nov 1982
A pair of crooks is after Enos' footlocker that he and the Dukes picked up at the bus depot from California that contains a handful of emeralds - unbeknownst to Enos.
S4 Ep18
29th Jan 1982
Hazzard County Postmistress Emma Tisdale hides out at the Duke farm after learning she is being investigated for mail fraud. The pending charges stemmed from Boss Hogg's decision to shift responsibility for selling non-existent properties. As Bo and Luke investigate, Miz Tisdale does all she can to try to cozy up to longtime crush Uncle Jesse.
S6 Ep19
24th Feb 1984
Nervous Norman, a neurotic crime boss comes to Hazzard County and loses his little black book, accidentally picked up by Daisy, containing all his crooked deals. so Norman is after Daisy - who decides to hide out at Enos' place.
S4 Ep11
4th Dec 1981
When the Duke boys lose a cross country race to a better car, a discouraged Luke makes an offhanded remark about the General Lee possibly wearing out its usefulness. Boss Hogg picks up on this and hires his hypnotist friend to ensure that Luke really means what he says ... and to make sure the next road the General Lee drives is to the junkyard.
S7 Ep9
23rd Nov 1984
Cale Yarborough comes to Hazzard to see a sick boy in the hospital who is about to go in for surgery. But he and the Dukes ends up getting mixed up with bank robbers.
S5 Ep20
4th Mar 1983
Bo and Luke become big brothers to a young boy who steals the General Lee, hubcaps, etc. But Bo and Luke try and point him in the right direction. Meanwhile, Boss hasn't been eating lately because he hasn't found a crooked deal in quite some time.
S7 Ep17
8th Feb 1985
Boss and Lulu put on a talent show at the Boar's Nest. And when Rosco uses his magic act to make Boss disappear, he does when two parolees come to Hazzard who is out to kill Boss - who put them away. But instead they hold him for a ransom.
S4 Ep13
18th Dec 1981
Hughie Hogg's latest scheme targets Cooter, whose garage is threatened with eminent domain so the crooked Hogg can build shoddy condominiums at an inflated price.
S7 Ep5
19th Oct 1984
Boss swindles the Dukes into thinking they won a bunch of prizes at the Capitol City Department Store. All the prizes turn out to be stolen. However, Boss Hogg gets a bump on the head, later on, gets amnesia and becomes a nice gentleman - temporarily.
S7 Ep13
4th Jan 1985
Boss' great uncle Silas Hogg had recently died and left in him a bunch of money in his will to give to charity at his discretion. Knowing that Boss won't give the money to charity, The Dukes set up some gadgets and make it look like Silus is haunting him into giving the money to charity.
S7 Ep14
11th Jan 1985
Hughie Hogg returns to Hazzard with his ultimate plan to cheat Boss out of everything he owns by making him think there's a genie in a magic lamp that will give him all sorts of wishes.
S7 Ep4
12th Oct 1984
A couple of thieves bring an advanced robot - that they stole for a ransom - through Hazzard County and Boss decides to buy it off them, fires Rosco, and make it the new sheriff: Robot P. Coltrane.
S5 Ep8
12th Nov 1982
Boss opens up an illegal horse-betting saloon in Rapahoe County and uses the Dukes' phone line to frame them. But the Boss of Rapahoe County is not happy being cheated out of her county's money.
S6 Ep21
23rd Mar 1984
Boss Hogg is in a stew when he learns that Lulu is going to cash in bonds that Boss had already cashed in on and replaced with fake bonds. So Boss must get rid of them somehow but Lulu changed the combination of her safe. So Boss hires a pair of fortuneteller con artists - who just framed Daisy for stealing the Boar's Nest receipts - to get the combination of the safe from Lulu and get rid of the fake bonds.
S6 Ep18
17th Feb 1984
Boss' devious nephew Dewey - who is Hughie's brother - comes back to Hazzard after many years, pretending to be dying and tries to cheat the townsfolk out of $100,000 and frame Jesse for it.
S3 Ep22
3rd Apr 1981
While she's away, Bo and Luke run a taxicab service owned by Miz Tisdale, and their first customers are two men with a special briefcase. After arriving at their destination, the two men leave a stolen gold certificate in the back seat of the cab and try to retrieve it without getting caught. Boss Hogg, meanwhile, wants to make sure the briefcase is still in the cab when federal authorities arrive--the main goal (of course) being to implicate Bo and Luke.
S3 Ep17
13th Feb 1981
The Dukes' cousin, Jeb Stuart Duke, comes to Hazzard on a motorcycle from Chickasaw County and helps Bo and Luke catch the bad guys.
S1 Ep1
26th Jan 1979
Sheriff Coltrane is hissier than a sack of rattlesnakes! He sets up a slot machine operation to fund his election, but a pair of two-armed-bandits - Bo and Luke - find a way to give the proceeds to charity.
S1 Ep2
2nd Feb 1979
What kind of music-publishing outfit would bilk daisy out of $50? Well, here's a hint, Dukesters: where there's corruption, there's Boss Hogg. And this time, the FBI is keeping an eye on the scam!
S1 Ep3
9th Feb 1979
Bo and Luke are unaware that 1) the borrowed car they're driving is loaded with moonshine and 2) the pregnant hitchhiker they've picked up is carrying over $100,000 in stolen mob money.
S1 Ep4
16th Feb 1979
The car's a wreck. But the engine's a honey, and Bo and Luke have to have it. So they make a deal with a car dealer who's as crooked as a switchback trail and whose scheme could land them behind bars.
S1 Ep5
23rd Feb 1979
Will a batch of kick-tail gasoline solve the nation's fuel crisis? Uncle Jesse fires up the moonshine still for a patriotic cause. And a lovely female revenue agent fires up Bo's dancin'-and-romancin' flames.
S1 Ep6
9th Mar 1979
Way back in the '30s, Molly sprang Uncle Jesse out of a heap of trouble with the Feds. Now she wants to make one last moonshine run...and wants Jesse and the other Dukes to help.
S1 Ep7
16th Mar 1979
Luke's rival in in Hazzard's stock car derby has million-dollar legs and a lead foot... and she's got his heart revved up. Boss Hogg worries about reclaiming the derby trophy because his mama's ashes are inside it.
S1 Ep8
30th Mar 1979
Bo and Luke robbers? That accusation is like going to church shirtless. It don't feel right! But if the Duke's didn't pull off the heist, who was in the General Lee when it roared away from the crime scene?
S1 Ep9
6th Apr 1979
Leave it to Cooter to drive everyone wild. When government agents driving the U.S. President's limo through Hazzard stop at the Boar's Nest, Cooter hot-wires the vehicle and sets out on a joy ride.
S1 Ep10
13th Apr 1979
There ought to be a law. Instead, there's Bo and Luke. They've been deputized and sent to Springfield to retrieve a prisoner. One detail the boys aren't told: the prisoner is a notorious Public Enemy #1!
S1 Ep11
20th Apr 1979
The government was going to burn the cash away, so who'd miss a cool million in ragged bills? Besides, Boss Hogg has masterminded his scheme so that Bo and Luke are the fall guys.
S1 Ep12
4th May 1979
The rig is rigged. Bo and Luke become drivers of an 18-wheeler, not knowing that the trailer is a rolling gambling casino and that its games aren't on the level.
S1 Ep13
11th May 1979
A fine mess they've gotten into this time! After a health quarantine confines the Duke men and the police to the jailhouse, only Daisy is left to pursue bank robbers who disguise themselves as Laurel and Hardy.
The first episode of The Dukes of Hazzard aired on January 26, 1979.
The last episode of The Dukes of Hazzard aired on February 08, 1985.
There are 147 episodes of The Dukes of Hazzard.
There are 7 seasons of The Dukes of Hazzard.
The Dukes of Hazzard has ended.