Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show! Episode Rating Graph poster

Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show! Episode Rating Graph

Oct 2001 - Feb 2002


Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show! Episode Rating Graph poster

Browse episode ratings trends for Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show!. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show!'s 13 episodes.

Best Episodes of Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show!

Worst Episodes of Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show!

Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show! Episode Guide

The best rated episodes of Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show! are:
  • The Animation Special S1E8 rated 9.0
  • Prince Not So Charming S1E10 rated 8.0
  • Hellathon S1E7 rated 8.0
  • Edukashun S1E2 rated 7.8
The lowest rated episodes of Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show! are:
  • Mr Hell Moves In S1E1 rated 5.0
  • Run Like Hell S1E9 rated 5.0
  • Mr Hell Takes Buckingham Palace S1E6 rated 5.5
  • Deep Thought (a.k.a Death & Taxes) S1E11 rated 6.0

The first episode of Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show! aired on October 28, 2001.

The last episode of Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show! aired on February 18, 2002.

There are 13 episodes of Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show!.

There is one season of Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show!.


Aaagh! It's the Mr. Hell Show! has ended.

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