Dragon Sakura Episode Rating Graph
Jul 2005 - Jun 2021

Jul 2005 - Jun 2021
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S2 Ep10
27th Jun 2021
With the second and final entrance exam approaching, the situation is looking increasingly bleak to Kenji. He discovers the vice-principal and others he thought were his allies are in fact working to sell the school. But Kumiko, the director, begs him to pull off a miracle “for the students’ sake.” Meanwhile, the prep class students pore over old exam questions right up until the last minute. Kenji still has one last trick up his sleeve. Can he stage a dramatic comeback and save the school?
S2 Ep9
20th Jun 2021
The countdown to the university entrance exam begins. With help from a group of subject specialist teachers, the prep class makes a final push toward the finish line. Then, as Kenji hands out the exam applications, he gives his students one final pep talk. At last, the fateful day arrives and the students head to the test center together—but will they crack under the pressure? Meanwhile, their beloved school is on the verge of being sold, and Naomi must use all her lawyerly wiles to try to stop it. Can she succeed?
S2 Ep8
13th Jun 2021
Through an email, Kenji learns of a plan to put the school up for sale if five of his students pass the exam to enter Tokyo University. Meanwhile, he introduces a new study method tailored to each student that strategically focuses on the subjects at which they’re strongest. But Kaede is finding it increasingly hard to balance the prep class with the demands of her badminton training.
S2 Ep7
6th Jun 2021
Kenji’s students sign up to take Tokyo University’s mock entrance exam. If they don’t score high enough to pass, however, they’ll be forced to quit his prep class. But when it becomes clear that most of them are unprepared, a sense of panic spreads among the seven students. Finally, the day of the exam arrives, but will the pressure be too much for them?
S2 Ep2
2nd May 2021
Kenji and Naomi launch a college prep class to help students get into Tokyo University. But controversy erupts when the director of the high school opposes both the special class and Kenji’s unorthodox methods! Meanwhile, after Kenji catches her shoplifting, Kaeda, the star of the school badminton team, loses her confidence right before a major tournament, jeopardizing her chances of getting into an elite university. Can Kenji lift her out of her slump?
S2 Ep5
23rd May 2021
School director Kumiko proposes a rematch between Kenji’s Tokyo University prep class and her new “top-tier university” prep class, which includes Ryo, the best student in the entire grade. The format will be a standardized test covering Japanese, mathematics, and English, and the class with the lowest scores will be abolished. With two weeks left to prepare, Kenji introduces his class to a new game-based study method. Meanwhile, he finally finds the class’s critical fifth member!
No episode information found for this season.
The first episode of Dragon Sakura aired on July 08, 2005.
The last episode of Dragon Sakura aired on June 27, 2021.
There are 21 episodes of Dragon Sakura.
There are 2 seasons of Dragon Sakura.
Dragon Sakura has ended.