Dark Shadows Episode Rating Graph
Jun 1966 - Apr 1971

Jun 1966 - Apr 1971
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S6 Ep176
4th Dec 1968
Chris and Julia find themselves at odds over Amy's care, as she begins life at Collinwood. While walking in the woods at night, Elizabeth finds herself at the mercy of a wild animal.
S6 Ep114
6th Sep 1968
Angélique plans on being the life force for the experiment, despite Nicholas' misgivings. Stokes intervenes when Adam and Jeff come to blows. Jeff is bitten by Angélique, as part of her latest scheme.
S6 Ep203
13th Jan 1969
Ben kills Nathan and Natalie before they can harm Barnabas. In the present Willie and Julia wait for Barnabas to return, however he never does. Willie checks the mausoleum but Barnabas is not in the coffin; shortly after Willie leaves the chains re-appear around the coffin and Barnabas is trapped inside. Josette appears to Willie, crying; he is convinced that Barnabas is in the coffin now.
S6 Ep199
7th Jan 1969
Barnabas plans to change the course of history by saving Victoria. Barnabas gives Nathan an opportunity to save his life if he will do something. Barnabas waits at Collinwood for Nathan.
S10 Ep26
24th Aug 1970
Hallie and David don’t go up the stairs, later they get locked in David’s room; David climbs out the window. Elizabeth finds Hallie locked in David’s room and she blames David. David and Hallie find a pirate flag on the model boat. David and Hallie have a dream in they see Flora and Quentin of 1840, the also see Carrie and Tad dead. When the children awake they find Gerard watching them.
S9 Ep52
9th Jun 1970
After talking with Julia in the standard timeline Barnabas plans to go back to parallel to help save Maggie; Barnabas wait and is transported back to parallel time. Angelique is determined that she must destroy Barnabas. Maggie pretends to agree to go away with Yaeger. Julia sees Barnabas enter the secret room in the Old House, where his coffin is.
S9 Ep48
3rd Jun 1970
Yaeger is interrupted and leaves Maggie. Sabrina confronts Yaeger, she is sure he can change back to Cyrus; Yaeger warns her to keep her mouth shut or he will kill her. Yaeger rents a room at a remote farm then kills the owner. Yaeger lures Maggie to Widow’s Hill.
S9 Ep11
13th Apr 1970
Sabrina and Alexis are sure that Angelique’s death was murder, however Quentin believes that her death was due to stroke. Daniel sees Alexis and believes she is really his mother. Cyrus learns that a John Yaeger started a fight at the Eagle. Daniel has a dream about his mother, when he awakes he asks Alexis if she really is his mother.
S9 Ep3
1st Apr 1970
Daniel plans to drive Maggie out of Collinwood. Quentin tells Chris to make sure Bruno Hess, another loyal friend of Angelique, is kicked off the estate. Daniel frightens Maggie by having Amy hum a tune, making it sound like it was coming from Angelique’s portrait; Amy later tells Daniel that she did not make the humming sound.
S8 Ep65
18th Feb 1970
Nicholas Blair arrives to make sure that his plan for the Leviathans will not fail. Nicholas consecrates a new room in which Jeb can change to his true form, and makes him change. Jeb becomes paranoid and digs up Paul Stoddard’s grave, Paul’s corpse smiles at him.
S8 Ep63
16th Feb 1970
Barnabas, now a vampire again, kills Nelle Gunston a devoted Leviathan who has come to town in search of Jeb. Julia and Quentin find that Barnabas is a vampire again. Barnabas goes to the antique shop and burns it down.
S8 Ep14
5th Dec 1969
Elizabeth follows Carolyn and finds her with Paul. Elizabeth demands that Paul leave town. A sailor recognizes the Leviathan mark on Paul’s wrist and agrees to help him. Paul sits inside a pentagram and there is a knock on the door.
S8 Ep8
26th Nov 1969
Megan and Philip find a book inside the box. Barnabas tells Megan that a room must be prepared. Philip and Megan put a cradle in the room they have prepared and claim “in darkness it will grow.” The strange man identifies himself as Paul Stoddard, Carolyn’s father.
S7 Ep68
4th Jun 1969
Barnabas orders Beth to guard him during the day when he lies vulnerable in his coffin.
S7 Ep49
8th May 1969
Magda describes the history of the curse to Quentin and tells him that it will begin that night.
S7 Ep48
4th May 1969
After Quentin accidentally kills Jenny, Magda informs him that he will be cursed for the rest of his life.
S7 Ep47
6th May 1969
Jenny prepares to kill Quentin and Beth after overhearing them declare their love for each other.
S7 Ep27
8th Apr 1969
Charity Trask (Gregory Trask’s daughter) shows up at Collinwood, Rachel is very upset by her presence. Rachel tells Barnabas that she used to live and work at Worthington Hall and was intimidated and blackmailed into staying there. Later Trask accuses Rachel of stealing and warns her to comeback with him. Barnabas bites Charity Trask.
S7 Ep4
6th Mar 1969
Barnabas asks for permission to live in the Old House. Barnabas finds that Beth is hiding something when she denies the existence of a third child at Collinwood. Barnabas attacks a woman in the village (Sophie Baker). Quentin threatens Edith to make her tell him the family secret.
S7 Ep1
3rd Mar 1969
Barnabas finds himself locked in his coffin. In 1897 gypsies (Sandor and Magda) live in the Old House. Quentin returns to Collinwood after some time away. Edith Collins, head of the family is expected to die soon, and is expected to tell the family secret to the next in line, Edward Collins. Magda sees the mausoleum in her crystal ball and sends Sandor to find jewels; however he finds and releases Barnabas.
S6 Ep237
28th Feb 1969
While searching the hidden room Stokes finds I Ching wands and is convinced they may be the key understanding Quentin. Amy tells Maggie that if they don’t find David soon he will die. Maggie goes to Collinwood and finds David, when she does he falls unconscious; later Julia tells everyone that David is in a coma and will die soon. Against Stokes’ advice Barnabas decides to use the I Ching wands contact Quentin and save David. Barnabas enters a trance and makes a mental journey through a door where he sees a chained coffin.
S6 Ep236
27th Feb 1969
Julia thinks there must be some connection between Quentin and Chris. Maggie has a nightmare about Quentin which she later tells Julia and remembers a room at Collinwood that they had not searched. Amy warns Quentin that Maggie knows about the hidden room and they are coming to find David. Maggie and Barnabas find the hidden room.
S6 Ep234
25th Feb 1969
Maggie comes around and can only remember seeing Quentin then she was dressed in 19th century clothing. Roger is determined to find David, Quentin leaves a note saying “David is mine.” Ned calls Chris and finds that Sabrina can say his name. Barnabas takes Chris to the mausoleum as he starts to feel the transformation starting. Barnabas visits Sabrina and when she sees his wolf’s head cane she becomes very upset.
S6 Ep232
21st Feb 1969
Chris and Maggie manage to point out the man they have both seen, Quentin, in a family history book to Barnabas. David and Amy sneak back into Collinwood to get the old telephone, however they cannot find it. Maggie catches them and tells them to never go back to the house. Later David and Amy find the telephone in his room. Maggie finds the children missing.
S6 Ep230
19th Feb 1969
Chris plans to leave Collinsport, Julia tries to convince him to stay. During the exorcism David passes out, and the exorcism fails. Stokes sees Quentin in a mirror and the room starts to burn.
S6 Ep229
18th Feb 1969
Julia and Elizabeth are convinced that the children must be possessed; Professor Stokes agrees to help. Ned threatens Chris that he better see his sister (Sabrina). A disembodied hand tries to stab Elizabeth with a letter opener; Stokes plans to perform an exorcism on Collinwood. Chris and Julia visit Sabrina Stuart and find that she has been in a state of shock for the last two years (the last time she saw Chris). When Sabrina sees Chris, she climbs out of her wheel chair and falls to the floor, reaching out to him.
S6 Ep227
14th Feb 1969
Maggie finds David half unconscious with a burn on his arm asking Quentin not to hurt him; when David revives he denies everything and runs out of the house. Ned confronts Chris, telling him his sister is still alive and he wants Chris to see her. Quentin catches David and Amy in the woods, he wants them to drive everyone out of Collinwood. Maggie searches the house for David and Amy and hears the sound their laughter along with Quentin’s.
S6 Ep226
13th Feb 1969
Barnabas stops David from opening the secret panel in the mausoleum and brings him back to Collinwood. In the morning Barnabas lets Chris out of the mausoleum and tells him that Ned Stuart is looking for him. Chris explains that he was engaged to Ned’s sister and she was the first person to see his transformation into the werewolf. David tells Quentin that he does not want to “play the game” anymore, Quentin touches is arm and makes it feel like it is on fire. Maggie hears David screaming and the sound of a man’s laughter.
S6 Ep225
12th Feb 1969
David writes a story about a man who turned into an animal and was hidden in a room, later someone lets the animal out of the room and a hunter kills it. David runs out of the house and Maggie searches for him. Julia and Barnabas find David’s story and speculate if David knows about Chris (who is locked in the mausoleum. David goes to the mausoleum and starts to open the secret panel.
S6 Ep223
10th Feb 1969
Barnabas and Julia contemplate what Ezra was going to tell them. David takes the ledger which Ezra brought with him to Collinwood; Quentin makes David rip out a page which contains crucial information. Roger returns to Collinwood and is upset that his son has been accused of some of the strange things occurring recently. The ledge is later found in the drawing room. Julia finds a picture of Beth in an old family album.
S6 Ep221
6th Feb 1969
In the coffin Barnabas and Chris find a pentagram on the child’s body. Later Quentin tells David to steal the pentagram from Barnabas. Barnabas visits Ezra Braithwaite, a silversmith, to find out more about the pentagram. Mr. Braithwaite finds information and plans to meet Barnabas at Collinwood.
S6 Ep219
4th Feb 1969
Maggie dreams that Quentin chokes her to death. Maggie tells everything that has happened to Barnabas who agrees to help her. Stokes suggests holding a seance to contact Janet Findley who died investigating the house. During the seance Mrs. Findley speaks through Mrs. Johnson who says “he killed me.”
S6 Ep198
6th Jan 1969
Barnabas tells Julia everything that happened the night Victoria was hanged in 1796: Naomi’s death, Joshua’s decision to destroy Barnabas, the murder of Nathan Forbes, Joshua’s decision to chain up Barnabas instead of destroying him. Barnabas calls out to the spirits of Peter Bradford and Victoria and then returns to the 1796, once again a vampire.
S6 Ep197
3rd Jan 1969
Barnabas decides he has to find a way to travel back to 1796 to save Victoria from the gallows; Julia tries to talk him out of it. Barnabas asks Stokes for help in traveling back in time. David and Amy find the fresh grave of Peter Bradford. Later Barnabas and Julia find the grave of Victoria Winters.
S6 Ep185
17th Dec 1968
Roger recovers from his accident, but Elizabeth decides that outside help is required. Calling upon Professor Stokes, he enlists the services of psychic medium Janet Findley to investigate Collinwood.
S6 Ep184
16th Dec 1968
The spirits of Quentin Collins and a woman named Beth appear to the children. At Quentin's orders, the children bury the skeleton from the room and David places a tripwire on the stairs, which injures Roger.
S6 Ep180
10th Dec 1968
Elizabeth and Stokes save Victoria. The residents hold a seance to contact Peter, but instead a gyspy called Madga delivers a warning via Carolyn. Chris suddenly interrupts the seance, for reasons of his own.
S6 Ep179
9th Dec 1968
Amy has a worrying dream about Chris being in danger. Victoria visits Stokes, who tells her that there is no hope of reunion with Peter short of death. Feeling suicidal, Victoria goes the edge of Widows' Hill.
S6 Ep177
5th Dec 1968
Amy saves Elizabeth from the creature, which she claims walked like a man. Amy and David explore the closed section of Collinwood, where she talks on an old telephone to the ghost of Quentin Collins.
S6 Ep167
20th Nov 1968
Angelique meets with dark leader Diablos to report about Nicholas' misjudgements and his growing love for Maggie. Diablos speaks to Nicholas through Maggie and summons him to explain himself.
S6 Ep159
8th Nov 1968
Adam gives Julia clues about Barnabas' plight. Angelique uses Adam to rob Barnabas of his protective crucifix, summoning him to the woods for a final feed. She leaves him dying, soon to rise as a vampire.
S6 Ep151
29th Oct 1968
Angelique meets with Barnabas in the woods to feed once again, leaving him unconscious afterwards. When he awakes, he finds himself enlisted to administer the poisoned medicine to a helpless Joe.
S6 Ep149
25th Oct 1968
Eve's revelation about Jeff's identity brings him more trauma, as he struggles with his past. Elizabeth decides Eve is a dark force. Nicholas shows Eve her life in 1796, where Peter shunned her advances.
S6 Ep133
3rd Oct 1968
Nicholas summons the dark spirit of Danielle Roget to serve as the life force for the new experiment. Adam arrives at the Old House with a stranger, who he announces will be the life force instead.
S6 Ep132
2nd Oct 1968
Barnabas and Julia are confused as Carolyn’s body is missing and Adam has not yet shown up at Collinwood to kill everyone. Julia tries to hypnotize Maggie to forget what Barnabas did to her the previous year, however she recognizes Julia’s medallion. Julia tells Barnabas that Maggie cannot be hypnotized. Barnabas, feeling defeated, decides to tell the family everything. Barnabas goes to Collinwood and Carolyn opens the door.
S6 Ep130
30th Sep 1968
Barnabas begs Carolyn to reconsider, but her mind is made up. Carolyn refuses a final offer from Adam to leave Collinsport together. When the experiment goes awry, Carolyn's life is left hanging in the balance.
S6 Ep129
27th Sep 1968
A terrified Barnabas dispatches Julia to suppress Maggie's newfound memories with hypnosis. However, Adam stops Julia en route, forcing her and Barnabas to return to their work on the experiment.
S6 Ep128
26th Sep 1968
Willie is shocked when Maggie reveals that she can finally remember the truth about her kidnapping. Carolyn pretends to leave for a trip, before volunteering herself to provide the life force for Adam's mate.
S6 Ep125
23rd Sep 1968
Nicholas tries to convince Carolyn that Adam had no part in the attack on Victoria. Concerned by the plan to use Maggie as life force in the experiment, Nicholas primes Adam to request Carolyn instead.
S6 Ep124
20th Sep 1968
Julia makes Barnabas reconsider his plan. Adam launches an attack on Barnabas and prevents Julia from warning Victoria of the danger she faces. As Barnabas races to save Victoria, Adam begins to choke her.
S6 Ep122
18th Sep 1968
Barnabas stops Willie, while Adam demands results. Victoria and Maggie remain curious about the cause of Jeff and Joe's recent personality changes. To protect her from the experiment, Willie kidnaps Maggie.
S6 Ep115
9th Sep 1968
Angélique tells Jeff her plan to be the life force. A preoccupation with the experiment costs Jeff a new job. Elizabeth is tormented by a dream of her funeral, with her paralyzed in a coffin, unable to call for help.
S5 Ep44
22nd Jan 1968
In an attempt to stop the vampire curse from becoming complete, Angelique attempts to drive a stake through Barnabas Collins' heart at sundown. However, Barnabas stops her and exerts his own revenge upon her by strangling her to death.
S6 Ep200
8th Jan 1969
Barnabas bites Nathan then forces him to write a confession that he lied in his testimony at Victoria’s trial. Forbes confession is only able to release Peter from jail, Victoria will still be hanged. Barnabas attacks a woman (Crystal Cabot) on the docks, she falls into the water and drowns. While in jail Nathan tries to convince Millicent to drive a stake through Barnabas’ heart. Later Barnabas finds Crystal’s body in the study at Collinwood.
S6 Ep164
15th Nov 1968
Victoria prepares to wed Jeff, unaware of Eve's plans. Eve brings Jeff to crisis point when she shows him a letter written by Peter Bradford. Distraught, Jeff digs up Peter's grave, only to discover it is empty.
S6 Ep162
13th Nov 1968
Eve journeys to the year 1796, where Peter Bradford awaits the gallows, and offers him an escape route. She succeeds in saving the Collins Family History book from destruction, returning it to the present.
S6 Ep157
6th Nov 1968
Roger relays his dream to a distressed Victoria. Angelique abducts Barnabas and plans for them to elope once he is made a vampire again. Barnabas succeeds in summoning Victoria to come to his aid.
S6 Ep156
5th Nov 1968
Roger witnesses an intimate encounter between Jeff and Eve and warns that he will tell Victoria if it happens again. Later that night, Roger has a nightmare premonition that Victoria will die if she marries.
S6 Ep154
1st Nov 1968
The sheriff begins to investigate Joe's case, as the poisoned medicine and spate of attacks come to light. Barnabas is summoned by Angelique again, but this time Julia learns of this influence and plots her move.
S6 Ep146
22nd Oct 1968
Angelique's attacks on Barnabas leave Adam weakened. Joe suffers the twin blows of seeing Maggie and Nicholas together, and of being rejected by Angelique. Distraught, he attempts to commit suicide.
S6 Ep137
9th Oct 1968
Stokes continues to seach for Adam, fearful of Eve's influence. David spies Willie visiting the secret room at the mausoleum and unwittingly stumbles upon the imprisoned Maggie, setting her free.
S6 Ep131
1st Oct 1968
The body remains inanimate as the experiment fails, while Carolyn lies dead. A vengeful Adam vows that all at Collinwood will die. Julia is shocked when she discovers that Carolyn's corpse has disappeared.
S5 Ep93
29th Mar 1968
It turns out the arrow missed Barnabas' heart. Barnabas kills Nathan by strangulation. Joshua has Ben bury Nathan and has it reported that Nathan had left Millicent. The sun rises. Barnabas has by now found out that Joshua is gonna kill him and asks for two requests. The first is that Ben will be freed, and the second is a letter to the governer asking to postpone Victoria' hanging. Barnabas then leaves to go to his coffin. Joshua tries to shoot him but can't. He has Barnabas' coffin chained up in the secret room, with a cross in the coffin that will paralyze him until it is removed,w hich is hopefully never. Meanwhile, at the goal, Victoria seems to be praying. Peter enters since Victoria had asked to see him as her last request. Peter and Victoria admit their love for each other, and Peter tells her that they will meet each other once again someday. They are seperated and Victoria is taken to the gallows. She is asked if she wants to wear a hood and she agrees. We then see the rope g
S5 Ep92
28th Mar 1968
Ben and Barnabas are waiting in the dining room awaiting the news which will tell them if Naomi is dead. Joshua comes in. She has died. Barnabas swears revenge against Nathan Forbes who had told Naomi about Barnabas. They can not find Victoria and realize that Nathan has turned her in. Barnabas swears revenge against him. Meanwhile, at the Eagle, Nathan is talking to a barmaid. She leaves. Barnabas shows up and Nathan shoots him but BArnabas does not die, saying ""You can not kill me Lt. Forbes, for I am already dead!"" Barnabas tells him that he is going to kill Nathan at 9 PM and leaves. Riggs has come to the Old House with silver bullets which Joshua had ordered. These silver bullets, if shot in the heart, could kill a vampire. Joshua tells Ben to move the coffin to the secret room in hte moseleum so he can kill Barnabas there. Nathan is nervous. He tells it to Joshua. Joshua says he can not help. Barnabas appears to Nathan. Nathan shoots Barnabas with an arrow by the heart, and Barna
S1 Ep31
8th Aug 1966
Burke defies expectations and lies to absolve David of involvement in the crash. However, he later privately confides in Victoria, warning her to beware of her young charge.
S11 Ep22
27th Oct 1970
Angelique introduces herself as Valerie Collins to Daniel Collin, he recognizes her from his childhood; Valerie makes him forget. Julia finds there is a curse on families of the jurors who convicted Judah Zachery. Valerie shows up at the Old House to the surprise of Barnabas and Julia. Leticia tricks Julia into going to the cave where Judah’s head and body is.
S9 Ep20
24th Apr 1970
Cyrus, Quentin and Alexis find that Angelique’s body is in the coffin and perfectly preserved. Quentin decides to have Angelique’s body cremated so they will have no further doubts. Cyrus tells Alexis that he believes that Angelique has somehow survived death. Amy gives Quentin some paper which describe that William Loomis is working on a new book about Barnabas Collins. Alexis goes to Angelique’s coffin again, when she touches the body Angelique awakes and tells her that she is going to die.
S7 Ep134
8th Sep 1969
In 1969, the ghost of Beth explains to Julia how Quentin originally died in 1897.
S7 Ep77
17th Jun 1969
Gregory Trask is forced to absolve Tim of guilt for Minerva's murder. Carl hears Pansy's voice in the graveyard.
S7 Ep70
6th Jun 1969
Edward investigates Jamison's story about a coffin in the basement of the old house.
S7 Ep53
14th May 1969
Beth steps into the pentagram to protect her from the werewolf. Jamison escapes from school.
S7 Ep12
18th Mar 1969
Dirk walks in on Angelique’s while practicing witchcraft, she is distracted and Rachel recovers. Angelique puts a spell on Rachel and tells her she is going to be a pawn in her game, later Barnabas finds Rachel lying in his coffin.
S7 Ep2
4th Mar 1969
Barnabas commands Sandor to help him. Judith tries to bribe Quentin to get him to leave Collinwood, however he plans to stay. Barnabas meets Magda, Sandor’s wife, she discovers he is a vampire.
S6 Ep224
11th Feb 1969
Chris feels like he is going to transform into the werewolf and has Barnabas lock him in the mausoleum. A man named Ned Stuart shows up at Collinwood looking for Chris. Ned Stuart finds Barnabas and Julia at Chris’ cottage, he tells them that Chris was engaged to his sister and implies that she is dead.
S6 Ep222
7th Feb 1969
Quentin continues to possess David, however disappears when Amy shows up. David and Amy discuss what it is that Quentin has been making them do. Ezra shows up at Collinwood, he has found out that the pentagram was ordered by Beth Chavez and charged to Quentin Collins. However before he can tell anyone Quentin appears to him, scaring him to death.
S6 Ep196
2nd Jan 1969
Julia convinces Barnabas that they should take the children to Boston after all. David takes a photograph of Barnabas and Carolyn; when David develops the film a picture of Victoria being hung can be seen in the background. Barnabas decides to stay at Collinwood because he is sure Victoria is in trouble and needs his help.
S6 Ep178
6th Dec 1968
David and Amy attempt to contact the spirit of Quentin, without success. During a date with Carolyn, Chris is distracted and leaves. He later turns into a werewolf and attacks the barmaid at the Blue Whale.
S6 Ep175
3rd Dec 1968
Jeff is troubled as his wedding approaches. With Elizabeth as a witness, Victoria and Jeff are married and honeymoon at the Inn. However, the night ends in turmoil as Jeff is drawn back into the past.
S6 Ep144
18th Oct 1968
Stokes invites Nicholas out for the evening, so that his home will be unprotected. Barnabas goes to the house to kill Eve. However, she is nowhere to be found, but Angelique is lurking, ready to attack.
S6 Ep123
19th Sep 1968
Returning to the mausoleum awakens memories of Maggie's kidnap. Now without a life force or an immediate replacement, Barnabas realises that he must kill Adam or risk the destruction of the entire Collins family.
S6 Ep121
17th Sep 1968
Barnabas decides that Jeff cannot be trusted. Jeff struggles to understand Angélique's true nature. Barnabas decides that Maggie must be the life force and Willie attempts to destroy the body to spare her.
S6 Ep119
13th Sep 1968
Adam reflects on Carolyn's rejection and has second thoughts about the plan to create a mate. Angélique takes matters into her own hands with the experiment and demands that Jeff begins the process.
S2 Ep44
20th Feb 1967
Victoria is unable to understand Josette's warming, but Guthrie succeeds in translating it. Later on, Laura appears in Victoria's room and warns her to stop interfering.
S2 Ep30
31st Jan 1967
Investigating the crypt at the Eagle Hill Cemetery, Victoria and Frank are intrigued to discover that the remains of two of Laura's ancestors are buried there, both of whom died of fire 100 years apart.
S2 Ep29
30th Jan 1967
Elizabeth regains consciousness, but has no memory of how she fell unconscious. Later, she is visited by a cloaked figure and reacts in terror, talking incoherently about fire.
S1 Ep108
23rd Nov 1966
Scared from her close call, Victoria unwittingly runs to Matthew's cottage for help. As they talk, she realises that he was the driver. Matthew refuses to let Victoria leave.
S1 Ep72
4th Oct 1966
At the Collinsport Inn diner, the seeds of Burke's plan to infiltrate Collinwood with Mrs Johnson are planted. Duly, Carolyn later suggests to Elizabeth that Mrs Johnson should be given a job at the mansion.
S1 Ep10
8th Jul 1966
Roger puts pressure on Elizabeth to send David away to boarding school, a conversation the boy overhears. Burke gives Carolyn false information on the reason for his return.
S6 Ep213
27th Jan 1969
Barnabas locks Chris in the secret room in the Collins mausoleum so he will not be able to hurt anyone when he is the werewolf. Mrs. Johnson is increasingly disturbed by the children’s behavior. Quentin wants David to poison Chris, but he refuses to do it.
S6 Ep209
21st Jan 1969
The werewolf traps Carolyn in Elizabeth’s mausoleum; Elizabeth is able to push a button in her coffin, which causes bells to ring. Barnabas goes to the mausoleum and saves Carolyn. Julia examines Elizabeth and proclaims that she is still dead. Later Elizabeth shows up at Collinwood and tells everyone how Cassandra put her under a spell. Barnabas shoots the werewolf
S6 Ep208
20th Jan 1969
Chris convinces Maggie to go away before changing into the werewolf. Elizabeth continues to lie in her coffin unable to speak while everyone thinks she is dead. Carolyn goes to confront Chris about his lack of concern for Amy, while in the woods Elizabeth tries to warn Carolyn that she is in danger.
S6 Ep206
16th Jan 1969
David and Amy play “hide and seek” with Maggie. Mrs. Johnson and Harry clean the cottage for Chris to move in. David and Amy lock Mrs. Johnson in the cottage and Quentin appears to her. Maggie arrives at the cottage and lets Mrs. Johnson out. Mrs. Johnson suspects the children know something about the man she saw in the cottage.
S6 Ep202
10th Jan 1969
Angelique tells Barnabas that she will not release Victoria, Barnabas sets her on fire, destroying her and releasing Victoria. Victoria and Peter plan to leave Collinsport together. Barnabas asks Ben to chain him in his coffin so he may return to the present. Natalie and Nathan plan to drive a stake through Barnabas’ heart.
S6 Ep201
9th Jan 1969
Barnabas gets Ben to help him dispose of Crystal’s body, but finds Angelique in her place. Angelique agrees to help save Victoria if he will resume their marriage. Victoria is hung and pronounced dead. Angelique plans to keep Victoria in a state of suspended animation, and never release her.
S6 Ep193
30th Dec 1968
Barnabas plans to carry out Elizabeth’s wishes to be buried in a special casket and mausoleum. Barnabas plans to send David and Amy on a trip to Boston, however Quentin has instructed the children that they are not to leave. Victoria’s clothing is found back in her room after Mrs. Johnson had previously disposed of them.
S6 Ep192
27th Dec 1968
Elizabeth has a dream in which Cassandra warns her that she will be buried alive. Joe goes insane and kidnaps Amy to “protect” her from Chris. Elizabeth appears to die, Julia pronounces her dead, however she is not.
S6 Ep189
23rd Dec 1968
Elizabeth continues to worry about her impending death. Joe grows concerned at Chris' apparent neglect of Amy. A tortured Chris begs Julia for sleeping pills and later begins to transform into a werewolf.
S6 Ep188
20th Dec 1968
Victoria grieves her loss and rejects Barnabas' marriage proposal. After haunting Collinwood as a phantom light, Jeff returns and together, he and Victoria fade into the past, before Elizabeth and Barnabas' eyes.
S6 Ep182
12th Dec 1968
As Roger, Elizabeth and Carolyn search for the children, the word 'Jamison' writes itself on a mirror. David and Amy are haunted by Quentin's music and discover a secret walled-off room in the west wing.
S6 Ep172
27th Nov 1968
Barnabas is shocked when Nicholas brings Maggie to the laboratory, to serve as the life force to revive Eve. As the experiment fails, destroying Eve, Barnabas is delighted to see Nicholas consumed in flames.
S6 Ep170
25th Nov 1968
Victoria has a narrow escape from Tom, prompting a vengeful Barnabas to confront Nicholas. Later, Barnabas confronts Tom with a makeshift crucifix and traps him in the sunlight, destroying him forever.
S6 Ep169
22nd Nov 1968
An angry Victoria confronts Nicholas about his relationship with Maggie. Furious, Nicholas removes the stake from Tom Jennings' heart, restoring his vampiric existence, and orders him to attack Victoria.
S6 Ep163
14th Nov 1968
As Victoria's wedding approaches, Eve plots to break up the happy couple. Eve gives the book she retrieved to Victoria, making it seem like a gift from Jeff. Meanwhile, Eve pretends to be attracted to Adam.
S6 Ep153
31st Oct 1968
Mrs Johnson stumbles on Joe's attack and saves Barnabas' life. Joe is found unconscious in the mausoleum. When he speaks of his attack and vows to kill Barnabas, his ordeal becomes a police matter.
S6 Ep152
30th Oct 1968
Julia intervenes and saves Joe's life, with her suspicions mounting after an analysis of the medicine is conducted. Meanwhile, paranoid and suspecting foul play, Joe takes a curtain cord and attacks Barnabas.
S6 Ep147
23rd Oct 1968
Joe is badly injured and Angelique summons Barnabas to take him away. At the Old House, Julia works to save Joe's life. Discovering bite marks on Barnabas' neck, a jealous Joe vows to kill him.
S6 Ep135
7th Oct 1968
Eve adjusts to her new life and claims to be reincarnated from an unknown person. Stokes is alarmed to discover that Leona Eldridge is an anagram of Danielle Roget, having heard of her dark reputation.
S6 Ep134
4th Oct 1968
Adam's new companion, Leona Eltridge, claims to be terminally ill, making her a willing candidate for the experiment. When Julia completes her work, Leona is dead and Eve, the new woman, is born
S6 Ep127
25th Sep 1968
Nicholas uses his supernatural powers of persuasion to convince Carolyn to act as the life force. Willie's plans to release Maggie are complicated when she announces that she knows Barnabas' secret.
S6 Ep103
22nd Aug 1968
Fearful that Tom will rise as a vampire, Barnabas makes plans to stake him. After a close encounter with Joe, Barnabas and Willie succeed in exhuming Tom's coffin, but are shocked to discover that it is empty.
S2 Ep64
20th Mar 1967
Laura makes a desperate final bid for David's acceptance as she is consumed by supernatural flames. Meanwhile, Elizabeth begins to recover and Victoria battles to save the life of David.
S2 Ep56
8th Mar 1967
Guthrie continues to investigate Collinwood for clues. When Laura refuses to extinguish her fireplace, Guthrie realises that she is one of the undead, who gains her power from the flames.
S1 Ep120
13th Dec 1966
David begins to realise that Matthew has kidnapped Victoria. Meanwhile, Matthew's paranoia escalates as he is confronted by ghostly sobbing and an eerie light coming from the portrait of Josette.
S3 Ep20
18th Apr 1967
Elizabeth is disturbed by Willie's disappearence. While she did want him to leave, he did not take any of his belongings or the money Elizabeth offered him with him. Jason, looking for Willie, finds out from the caretaker that Willie had broken into the Collins Mausoleum the night before. At Collinwood, Mrs. Johnson opens the door and finds a man who asks for Elizabeth. Mrs. Johnson goes to tell Elizabeth, but first asks the man's name. He tells her his name is Barnabas Collins - the name of the man in the portrait that is hanging in the foyer at that moment.
S1 Ep98
9th Nov 1966
Mrs Johnson begins working at Collinwood, quickly beginning her covert investigations. She is disturbed to hear a mysterious sobbing sound coming from a locked room in the basement.
S5 Ep71
28th Feb 1968
Barnabas is furious to learn of trial verdict, blaming Trask for his victimisation of Victoria. Using his supernatural powers, he summons a disembodied hand to taunt Trask with the promise of death.
S3 Ep57
8th Jun 1967
Carolyn, Roger, and Victoria plan to break into the locked room in the basement. Jason convinces Elizabeth to let them into the room; when she does they find nothing. Elizabeth announces that she is going to marry Jason.
S2 Ep26
25th Jan 1967
Lieutenant Riley continues to investigate Laura. Meanwhile, Victoria is compelled to take her and Frank to a mysterious building located on the edge of a cemetery.
S2 Ep16
11th Jan 1967
Sam is alarmed to learn of the influence his painting has had on David, but finds himself unable to stop working on a second, identical painting. Lieutenant Riley investigates the fire at Laura's apartment.
S1 Ep68
28th Sep 1966
David confides in Victoria that Burke was the cause of many fights between his estranged mother and Roger. With ulterior motives, Roger tries to gain Victoria's confidence and friendship.
S5 Ep91
27th Mar 1968
Struggling to cope with the truth about Barnabas, Naomi's melancholy grows and she leaves a final note for Joshua. After drinking poison, she goes to the tower room, where she falls dead into Barnabas' arms.
S2 Ep28
27th Jan 1967
Elizabeth demands that Laura leaves Collinwood. Laura stares into the flames of the cottage fireplace and uses her supernatural powers to make Elizabeth fall unconscious.
S2 Ep19
16th Jan 1967
Sam and Maggie put the fire out, leaving the cottage barely damaged. Sam is left with badly burned hands, preventing him from painting. The second painting of Laura has been destroyed by the fire.
S1 Ep116
7th Dec 1966
Victoria's disappearance becomes a police matter. When Joe and Burke search for Victoria at the Old House, Matthew and his prisoner hide in a secret room. Victoria manages to call for help, but to no avail.
S1 Ep115
6th Dec 1966
Elizabeth worries about Victoria's safety. Joe learns the truth about Carolyn and Burke's relationship and the two men come to blows. The discovery of Victoria's luggage proves that she never left for her trip.
S1 Ep110
29th Nov 1966
A shamed Matthew confesses the murder to a stunned Elizabeth, before fleeing. The police hunt for Matthew, who has hidden at the Old House. Victoria makes peace with Roger, apologising for her accusation.
S3 Ep59
12th Jun 1967
Willie makes an impassioned plea for Maggie's life which placates Barnabas. Locking Maggie in a basement cell, Barnabas vows that she will become Josette, regardless of her attempts to resist.
S3 Ep38
12th May 1967
Following Maggie's disappearance everyone searches for her. Willie finds out from Victoria that Maggie has disappeared; Later Willie (anonymously) tells Victoria that Maggie can be found at the graveyard on Eagle Hill. Maggie meets Barnabas, however he and Willie are forced to leave her behind when Burke and Victoria arrive and find Maggie. Barnabas and Willie hide in the secret room in the Collins Mausoleum. Barnabas beats Willie for betraying him. After getting Maggie home everyone discovers the fang marks on her neck.
S1 Ep104
17th Nov 1966
Roger attempts an exercise in damage limitation, revealing to Elizabeth that Victoria holds damaging information about him. Later, Victoria narrowly avoids being run down by unseen car driver.
S3 Ep69
26th Jun 1967
Maggie manages to escape to the beach and is discovered by Sam. Woodard remains concerned for Maggie's safety and decides to announce her death, while she is sent away for treatment.
S3 Ep41
17th May 1967
A violent storm rages and the power goes out. Later Barnabas shows up and tells Victoria and Carolyn the story of Josette Collins and how she jumped from Widow's hill. Victoria tells Barnabas how someone called with a tip that Maggie could be found in the cemetery. Jason tells Barnabas that Willie is up to something. Barnabas returns to the Old House screaming for Willie.
S3 Ep27
27th Apr 1967
After searching for Willie, Jason leaves the cemetery, and Barnabas emerges. Barnabas asks Elizabeth if he can move into the Old House, she says she will have to think about it. Barnabas meets Jason who remarks on the resemblance to the portrait. Roger encourages Elizabeth to let Barnabas move into the Old House. Barnabas goes to the Collins Mausoleum after leaving Collinwood.
S3 Ep21
19th Apr 1967
Barnabas tells Elizabeth that he is from England, and is the only surviving member of the English branch. When asked, he tells her that he is thinking of possibly settling down in Collinsport. Barnabas visits the Old Hous and finds David Collins playing there. After David leaves the Old House, Barnabas begins to talk to the portrait of Josette Collins.
S1 Ep3
29th Jun 1966
Elizabeth's brother, Roger Collins, desperately searches for local artist Sam Evans. Meanwhile, Victoria meets Elizabeth's teenage daughter Carolyn and begins to wonder if Collinwood is haunted.
S12 Ep45
1st Apr 1971
Julia discovers that Catherine is going to have Bramwell’s child and that Morgan has locked Catherine in with Bramwell. Catherine becomes possessed and tries to kill herself, Bramwell stops her. Bramwell is choked by an unseen force, but he recovers. As morning approaches Morgan goes to open the room, with a gun; if they have survived he plans kill them.
S12 Ep44
31st Mar 1971
Morgan reveals that Catherine is pregnant. Julia warns Bramwell not to touch the corpses of James Forsythe and Amanda Collins. Morgan agrees to let Bramwell out of the locked room after Catherine’s pleas; however he locks Catherine in with Bramwell.
S12 Ep43
30th Mar 1971
Morgan contemplates murder. Daphne’s funeral is held. Morgan writes a note asking him to go to the remote part of Collinwood. Kendrick waits for night so he can go in to the locked room. Morgan knocks out Bramwell and locks him in the room. Morgan announces that he has locked Bramwell in the room. Catherine runs to Bramwell.
S12 Ep42
29th Mar 1971
Bramwell asks Catherine to meet him later. Bramwell and Morgan argue, Julia breaks it up. Catherine meets Bramwell; Morgan follows Catherine and overhears that she is carrying Bramwell’s child.
S12 Ep41
26th Mar 1971
t is decided that the lottery will be held immediately. Catherine has another fainting spell. Flora tries to convince Kendrick to annul his marriage to Melanie, he refuses and plans to participate in the lottery. Morgan makes tries to make Catherine promise not to marry Bramwell if he dies. Kendrick is chosen in the lottery.
S12 Ep40
25th Mar 1971
Bramwell tells Catherine that Daphne has died, and her last request. Kendrick and Melanie are married. Julia is concerned that Morgan will become violent now that Bramwell is free to pursue Catherine; she asks Bramwell to leave, he refuses. Brutus Collins appears to Melanie; she becomes insane. Brutus warns that the lottery must be held again.
S12 Ep39
24th Mar 1971
Josette Collins reveals that she had an affair with Justin Collins shortly after the dead of her husband (Barnabas); Melanie was born and Justin adopted her. Daphne comes out of the coma. Julia tries to stop Melanie and Josette from telling anyone else the truth so they will not hurt Flora (who does not know her husband was unfaithful). Daphne gives her blessing to Bramwell and Catherine shortly before she dies.
S12 Ep38
23rd Mar 1971
Morgan and Julia find the bodies of Amanda Collins and James Forsythe in the secret room; Brutus locks them in the room. Gabriel attacks Catherine with a knife, however she bribes him with some jewelry. Melanie finds and realizes Julia and Morgan. Brutus Collins summons Gabriel and tells him to kill everyone. Catherine asks Morgan to take her away from Collinwood; he refuses. Melanie plans to marry Kendrick. Gabriel stabs Melanie.
S12 Ep37
22nd Mar 1971
Morgan and Julia find the bodies of Amanda Collins and James Forsythe in the secret room; Brutus locks them in the room. Gabriel attacks Catherine with a knife, however she bribes him with some jewelry. Melanie finds and realizes Julia and Morgan. Brutus Collins summons Gabriel and tells him to kill everyone. Catherine asks Morgan to take her away from Collinwood; he refuses. Melanie plans to marry Kendrick. Gabriel stabs Melanie.
S12 Ep36
19th Mar 1971
Morgan finds Julia unconscious and Gabriel gone. Daphne tells Bramwell that he and Catherine should be together after she dies. Daphne tells Catherine that she and Bramwell were meant for each other. Daphne enters a coma and has little time left. Melanie confronts Julia, she claims Julia of not letting her find who her parents are. Morgan and Julia investigate the secret room, inside the cursed room in hopes of finding more about the curse.
S12 Ep35
18th Mar 1971
Julia interrupts Carrie before she can tell Melanie who her mother is. Julia accuses Carrie of knowing who Melanie’s mother is; Julia makes Carrie promise never to tell Melanie. Gabriel tries to convince Flora to let him out of the tower room. Flora consults the family, everyone believes he should stay locked up. Gabriel escapes from the tower room.
S12 Ep34
17th Mar 1971
Bramwell tells Catherine that Daphne is dying. Kendrick asks Carrie to use her psychic powers to find who Melanie’s parents are. Bramwell tells Daphne that he loves her, (and he appears to mean it). Carrie is able to tell Melanie that her father is dead, but her mother is still alive and somewhere close by.
S12 Ep33
16th Mar 1971
James Forsythe’s spirit leaves Morgan, he returns to normal. Bramwell finds that his ship will be arriving which will make him wealthy. Morgan finds that Bramwell has been coming to Collinwood while he was possessed. Daphne becomes ill. Bramwell finds that Daphne is sick, Josette tells him that Daphne is dying.
S12 Ep32
15th Mar 1971
James Forsythe was a business partner with Brutus Collins; Brutus was stealing money from James. James was having an affair with Brutus’ wife Amanda. Brutus kills James and Amanda and later Constance. Brutus set a curse on Collinwood, only the person capable surviving a night in the locked room would be worthy of the Collins name. Brutus’ spirit comes for James Forsythe’s spirit.
S12 Ep31
12th Mar 1971
Quentin stops Morgan from killing Julia, and locks him up. Quentin plans a seance to release the spirit of James Forsythe from Morgan. Catherine drugs Morgan so they can take him to the seance. Morgan runs off during the seance; later Julia finds him and he agrees to tell her the truth of what happened in 1680.
S12 Ep30
11th Mar 1971
Morgan confuses Julia with Constance (Brutus’ sister). Daphne tries to kill herself with a pistol but is unable to do it. Julia tries to give Daphne hope. Julia warns Catherine to stay away from Bramwell. Morgan tries to kill Julia, thinking she is Constance Collins.
S12 Ep29
10th Mar 1971
Melanie tells Kendrick that she killed Stella. Bramwell ignores Daphne. Kendrick tells Melanie that he doesn’t believe she killed Stella and asks to marry him. Bramwell declares he will only ever love Catherine; Daphne sees Catherine and Bramwell kissing.
S12 Ep28
9th Mar 1971
Kendrick stops Gabriel from killing Flora; in the struggle Gabriel is stabbed. Flora tells Kendrick that Gabriel did not kill Stella. Quentin locks up Gabriel and question him about his experience while in the room; Gabriel tries to kill him. Melanie asks Flora to tell Kendrick who killed Stella.
S12 Ep26
5th Mar 1971
Brutus Collins appears to Morgan (James Forsythe). James accuses Brutus of kill his sister Sarah, and Amanada Collins (Brutus’ wife). Julia and Carrie later find Morgan unconscious. Melanie tells Kendrick about the letter she found. Kendrick tells Melanie that there is no record of Melanie ever being at the orphanage that she was supposedly adopted from. Julia questions Morgan but learns little; he suggests that she question the spirit of Brutus Collins. Kendrick questions Julia about Melanie’s past; later he sees Melanie when she is in her “mad” state.
S12 Ep22
1st Mar 1971
Morgan tells Catherine that he will not let her spend the night in the locked room; she tells him that she is confident that nothing will happen to her. Daphne and later Bramwell attempt to talk Catherine out of going into the locked room. Morgan locks himself in the room before Catherine can be taken there to spend the night.
S12 Ep19
24th Feb 1971
Catherine begs Bramwell not to marry Daphne. Catherine begs Daphne not to marry Bramwell. Josette tries to talk Bramwell out of marrying Daphne. Josette tells Catherine that she agrees Bramwell and Daphne should not marry. Carrie has a vision in which Bramwell visits Daphne’s grave.
S12 Ep18
23rd Feb 1971
Gabriel stabs Kendrick (wounding him); Morgan searches for Gabriel. Catherine is upset that Daphne is spending so much time with Bramwell. Gabriel tries to kill Daphne, Bramwell chases him off. Daphne announces that she is going to marry Bramwell. Catherine goes to Bramwell.
S12 Ep17
22nd Feb 1971
Quentin and Julia realize the lottery must be held again. Quentin tries to find out information about James Forsythe from Carrie Stokes. Kendrick and Melanie continue to fall in love; Julia catches them together and tries to pay Kendrick to leave Collinsport, he refuses. Gabriel, now mad, shows up at Collinwood and tries to kill Kendrick.
S12 Ep16
19th Feb 1971
Morgan and Flora realize that Gabriel paid a friend, Tim Braithwaite, to trade places with him. Carrie delivers a message from Gabriel. Carrie has a vision of where Gabriel is hiding. Justin Collins’ ghost warns that the lottery must be held again.
S12 Ep14
17th Feb 1971
Julia considers the possibility that they may have to do the lottery again if Gabriel is not found. Morgan searches for Gabriel and finds him drinking at the Eagle. Gabriel claims that he is now willing to go to the locked room. Morgan and Julia lock Gabriel in the room.
S12 Ep12
15th Feb 1971
Flora tells everyone that the lottery must be held, otherwise Melanie will die of the plague. At Morgan’s and Quentin’s objections Flora demands that everyone including the women participate in the lottery. Morgan and Quentin criticize Gabriel (who is an alcoholic and a coward) for siding with the women and allowing them to participate in the lottery. Flora prepares the slips of paper, whoever draws the slip with the X will spend the night in the locked room; the lottery begins.
S12 Ep10
11th Feb 1971
Kendrick and Gerard find Stella’s body. Kendrick confronts Flora who denies everything. Melanie lies to Kendrick, standing behind the family story. Flora, Melanie and Quentin hold a seance to find out more about the curse on Collinwood. During the seance they are warned that the lottery must be held or everyone will die of the plague.
S12 Ep8
8th Feb 1971
Bramwell and Morgan fight. Melanie goes to see Josette; Melanie plans to find who her real parents are (Melanie Collins was adopted). Bramwell is forbidden from ever going back to Collinwood. Morgan challenges Bramwell to a duel. Catherine begs Bramwell not to duel Morgan; she threatens to kill herself if he kills Morgan. Bramwell and Morgan prepare for the duel.
S12 Ep6
4th Feb 1971
Melanie finds Stella Young tided up. Flora explains that Justin tried to kill Stella, so they had to lock her up to keep her from telling the police. Quentin and Morgan decide that the lottery must be held soon. Melanie promises Stella that she will be released if she promises not to cause any trouble. Justin’s funeral is held. Stella is found dead; Flora and Julia believe that Melanie killed her. Melanie tries to get in the cursed locked room then collapses.
S12 Ep5
3rd Feb 1971
Catherine struggles with Melanie, Julia and Morgan stop Melanie. Morgan tells Catherine that Melanie once went into the locked room, and ever since she sometimes acts mad. Daphne tries to talk Catherine out of marrying into the Collins family. Melanie catches Julia bringing food to someone.
S12 Ep4
2nd Feb 1971
Bramwell makes Catherine admit that she loves him. Kendrick sneaks around Collinwood searching for answers to his sister’s disappearance. (It is implied that Bramwell and Catherine sleep together). Catherine tells Bramwell that she still plans to marry Morgan. Quentin goes to the Old House and gets Catherine. While Catherine sleeps Melanie stands over her with a knife.
S11 Ep84
26th Jan 1971
Valerie brings the head of Judah and interrupts the execution. Valerie explains that Gerard is possessed by the Judah and explains that she was once Judah’s follower. Desmond grabs a gun from one of the guards and shoots Gerard, the head of Judah changes to a skull. Judah leaves Gerard’s body, Gerard apologizes to Quentin for all that has happened. Quentin and Desmond are released. In parallel time Bramwell Collins returns to Collinsport after five years away; Catherine tells him that she is going to marry Morgan. Bramwell swears to win her back. Barnabas realizes that he loves Valerie and goes to tell her, Trask arrives and shoots her.
S11 Ep83
25th Jan 1971
Gerard stops Valerie and takes away her powers making her human again. Charles holds Valerie captive. In parallel time Justin Collins is ill and warns that Catherine should not marry Morgan because of something at Collinwood. Shortly before the execution Leticia and Desmond exchange vows. Valerie kills Charles and escapes. Quentin’s head is placed on the chopping block.
S11 Ep82
22nd Jan 1971
Quentin is caught by Trask and returned to jail. In parallel time Daphne tells Catherine about a rumor that there is room at Collinwood that anyone who goes in either dies or ends up insane. Quentin and Desmond’s execution is set for the next day. Barnabas asks Valerie to help save Quentin, she refuse. Later Valerie uses voodoo on Gerard however he catches her.
S11 Ep81
21st Jan 1971
Gerard tells Charles that he has found where Quentin and Desmond are hiding. In parallel time Melanie and Flora discuss the possibility of a lottery taking place if someone dies. Gerard uses his power to make Daphne marry him. Quentin goes to stop the marriage however he is too late.
S11 Ep77
15th Jan 1971
Joanna searches for Daphne. Daphne finds a secret passage and is able to escape from where Gabriel locked her up. Daphne gets lost. Joanna sees parallel time in which Melanie Collins asks what happened to Stella. Daphne finally finds a way out of the corridors but is re-captured by Gabriel.
S11 Ep66
30th Dec 1970
Trask tells Gerard that Barnabas is dead. The judge only gives Quentin three hours to find a new lawyer to replace Desmond. Quentin is forced to defend himself. Charles calls Trask to testify. Barnabas walks into the court stating he is ready to represent Quentin.
S11 Ep59
18th Dec 1970
Leticia interrupts Gabriel before he can kill Gerard. Gerard visits Quentin in jail and assures him that he is still his friend. Daphne receives another note from Joanna and believes that Joanna wants to kill her. Gerard sets a trap; when someone creeps into Daphne’s room and tries to stab her, he is waiting.
S11 Ep47
2nd Dec 1970
Gerard tells Gabriel that there is going to be a new heir; Gerard implies that it might be Gabriel. Valerie suspects that Gerard is Judah Zachery; she sends Laszlo to steal Gerard’s watch fob. While in jail Quentin receives another letter from Joanna. Daphne dreams that she will be with Gerard. Valerie performs a ceremony on Gerard’s watch fob to identify who Judah is; Gerard causes Valerie to see a vision of Quentin.
S11 Ep39
19th Nov 1970
Roxanne tries to stop Barnabas from taking Julia away. Roxanne attacks Trask. Barnabas tells Randall that Roxanne is a vampire. Barnabas and Randall follow Trask as he is summoned by Roxanne. Randall waits for Roxanne to return to her coffin to destroy her.
S11 Ep38
18th Nov 1970
aphne admits that she is Joanna Mills sister and she came to kill Quentin. Daphne tells Quentin that she has not been leaving the letters from Joanna. Barnabas forces Laszlo to tell him where Julia is being held. Daphne finds a note addressed to her from Joanna. Barnabas finds Julia unconscious.
S11 Ep37
17th Nov 1970
Quentin realizes that it “could not be” Daphne. Quentin finds another note from Joanna. Daphne plans to make Quentin fall in love with her as part of her plan to kill him. Quentin purses Daphne’s affections. Carrie sees herself and Tad dead in a crystal ball. Quentin goes to see a doctor that treated Joanna before she died; when Quentin returns to Collinwood he accuses Daphne of being Joanna’s sister.
S11 Ep36
16th Nov 1970
Daniel suffers an attack. Gerard causes Daphne to have a dream in which she loves him. Gerard tries to gain the affections of Edith Collins (Gabriel’s wife). Quentin sets a trap to find who has been delivering notes from Joanna; Daphne walks in.
S11 Ep35
13th Nov 1970
Quentin shows Gerard the “staircase through time.” Gerard causes Lamar to dream that Quentin is a practicing witchcraft. Lamar tells his suspicions about Quentin to Samantha. Samantha tries to convince Daniel that Quentin is practicing witchcraft. Gerard causes Daniel to see a vision of Quentin killing Lorna Bell.
S11 Ep34
12th Nov 1970
After being bitten by Roxanne, Valerie holds Julia captive; Valerie plans to let Julia die and become a vampire. Gerard plans to have Quentin beheaded as revenge against the Collins family. Barnabas suspects Valerie is responsible for Julia’s disappearance. Gerard and Charles summon the spirit of Amadeus Collins and discover that Valerie is Miranda DuVal, the woman who betrayed Judah in 1692.
S11 Ep33
11th Nov 1970
Randell Drew questions Barnabas about his sister Roxanne’s death. Julia admits to Angelique that she and Barnabas have come from 1970. Angelique causes Julia to fall asleep so that she cannot destroy Roxanne. When Julia arrives at Roxanne’s is waiting for her.
S11 Ep32
10th Nov 1970
Gerard is forced to put the mask on and Judah takes possession of him. Gerard (Judah) plans to get revenge on the Collins family and Miranda. Trask overhears Lorna Bell and Quentin arrange a meeting. Charles and Gerard kill Lorna Bell as a sacrifice for the return of Judah. Trask suspects that Quentin is responsible for Lorna’s death (Quentin’s ring has the same mark that was found on Lorna’s body.
S11 Ep31
9th Nov 1970
Gerard is determined to not let Judah posses him, he tosses the head off of Widow’s Hill. Carrie is fond of Gerard, however he asks Daphne out to dinner, which bothers Desmond. Gerard dreams that someone returns the head to him. When Gerard awakes Charles Dawson returns the head to him.
S11 Ep30
6th Nov 1970
Valerie (aka Angelique, aka Miranda) remembers that her real name is Miranda, a follower of Judah Zachery who testified against him in 1692. Amadeus Collins was a judge at Judah’s trial, he was convicted and swore to put a curse on the Collins family. Quentin finds another mysterious note telling him to meet them in the woods. Quentin is surprised to find Daphne in the woods. Gerard has a dream in which Judah tells him that he will control his mind
S11 Ep29
5th Nov 1970
Gerard brings the head and the mask back to Rose Cottage. Julia tries to talk Roxanne out of marrying Trask. Roxanne goes to Barnabas telling him she still loves him; Valerie catches them together. Roxanne tells Trask that she cannot marry him. Valerie causes the wounds on Roxanne’s neck to open again and die. Barnabas and Julia plan to keep her from rising as a vampire. Gerard reads in Judah’s journal that he will live again. Trask believes that Barnabas is responsible for Roxanne’s death. Under the in"uence of Judah, Gerard calls Valerie Miranda.
S11 Ep28
4th Nov 1970
Judah is destroyed in the fire, Julia is released from his power. Gerard has a dream in which Judah tells him he must find something. Roxanne reluctantly agrees to marry Lamar Trask. Gerard returns to the underground vault and retrieves the mask.
S11 Ep27
3rd Nov 1970
Gerard finds out information about Judah Zachery and jeweled mask. Barnabas discovers that Julia is under Judah’s power. Gerard finds the underground cave, Judah awakes and tries to stop him from taking the mask. Gerard accidentally sets the underground vault on fire.
S11 Ep26
2nd Nov 1970
Gerard follows Leticia to the underground vault, however he loses her in the cemetery. Gerard suspects that Daphne is using a false name. Quentin tells Gerard about Joanna Mills and how he has been haunted by her. During a lighting storm Julia brings Judah back to life.
S11 Ep25
30th Oct 1970
Julia has prepared a laboratory to reunite the head and body of Judah Zachery. Leticia dreams that they need the mask to succeed making Judah live. Leticia searches for the mask and finds it at Rose Cottage, Gerard catches her as she tries to leave with it.
S11 Ep24
29th Oct 1970
Lamar continues to investigate Barnabas to find the truth about the disappearance of her father. Lamar tells Roxanne that Barnabas is married to Valerie. Valerie finds that Barnabas is in love with Roxanne. Quentin receives another note from Joanna. Angelique causes the wounds on Roxanne’s neck to reopen. Angelique tells Barnabas that he must be her faithful husband, otherwise Roxanne will die and become a vampire.
S11 Ep23
28th Oct 1970
Julia comes under the power of Judah, and she is to help join the head and the body. Quentin finds that Joanna killed herself (a woman who once had an affair with). Daphne moves into Collinwood with renewed plans to secretly kill Quentin. Samantha learns that Gerard only married her for the money. Gerard finds a gun in Daphne’s purse. Quentin finds another note from Joanna.
S11 Ep21
26th Oct 1970
Angelique has Laszlo help find what happened to Barnabas. Leticia has the head and is under its power; she is able to find Judah’s body and returns in to the underground cave. Angelique introduces herself at Collinwood Barnabas’ wife. Leticia brings the head to the body in the cave.
S11 Ep20
22nd Oct 1970
Quentin reminds Samantha not to get any ideas about leaving with Tad. Quentin tells Barnabas about Judah and his headless body. Julia warns Daphne to leave town and not to accept a job as governess at Collinwood as it will lead to her death. Quentin offers Daphne the position of governess, she accepts. Angelique goes to secret room in the Collins mausoleum and finds Barnabas’ coffin gone.
S11 Ep19
21st Oct 1970
Samantha chooses Gerard. Quentin tries to stop Samantha from taking Tad, she tells Quentin that Tad is not his son. Samantha makes plans to secretly leave Collinwood with Tad; Gabriel overhears this and reports it to Quentin. Hortense, the Collins governess, is attacked by Judah’s body in the woods.
S11 Ep18
20th Oct 1970
Desmond returns to find Tim dead and the body gone; he decides he must destroy the head, he later finds it missing. Desmond tells Quentin about the head, they make plans to destroy Judah. Samantha has made the decision who she plans to stay married to.
S11 Ep17
19th Oct 1970
Desmond hires a local man, Tim Braithwaite to help him move the coffin with the body of Judah. Lamar, Flora and Gerard have a seance to contact the Reverend Trask; during the seance Trask says that an evil will walk again soon. Tim removes the mask from Judah’s coffin, the body then kills him. The body emerges from the underground cave.
S11 Ep16
16th Oct 1970
Desmond tries to find the body of Judah from the clues that Otis Greene gave him before he died. Gabriel believes that Samantha is going to choose Gerard to stay with. Desmond asks Gabriel to help him decipher Otis Greene’s dying words. Desmond finds a secret under cave in a graveyard, and mask encrusted with jewels.
S11 Ep15
15th Oct 1970
Leticia walks in on Desmond and senses evil, later she finds the Head of Judah Zachary. Lamar suspects that Barnabas is linked with the evil that is happening in Collinsport, and that Roxanne knows more than she is telling. Leticia uses her powers to tell Lamar where his father’s body is at, Barnabas interrupts before she can reveal any more. Desmond forces Otis Greene to tell him where the body of Judah Zachary is at; he dies shortly after seeing the head.
S11 Ep14
14th Oct 1970
Desmond starts to act erratically. Daniel is happy to find that Quentin is alive. Daniel tells Desmond about several strange murders that centered around a disembodied head in 1803. Desmond finds Daphne working at the local newspaper, where he has gone to do some research about the head. Desmond finds out from Daniel that the head once possessed Otis Greene. Daphne secret writes that she plans to kill Quentin.
S11 Ep13
13th Oct 1970
Barnabas questions Daphne about Gerard, she does not know he is. It is revealed that Quentin was responsible for Gabriel ending up in the wheelchair when they were children. Quentin is disturbed by a note that he finds. Desmond has a dream in which the Head says “you must help me.”
S11 Ep12
12th Oct 1970
Quentin explains that he and survived. Quentin finds that Samantha has married Gerard. Quentin tells Samantha that she will have to choose between him and Gerard; she decides to go to Boston to be with Tad (avoiding making a choice). Barnabas goes to the chapel to view Ben’s body. Barnabas finds that Quentin has returned to Collinwood. Barnabas sees Daphne in the woods.
S11 Ep11
9th Oct 1970
Gabriel tells Daniel that Ben is dead and that Samantha has married Gerard; Daniel tells Gabriel that he approved of the marriage. Desmond finds a note left behind by Ben telling him that the head must be destroyed. Gabriel and Desmond make plans against Gerard. Samantha and Gerard are shocked when Quentin shows up at Collinwood.
S11 Ep10
8th Oct 1970
Gabriel tells Gerard he wants him to kill Samantha soon, he agrees. Ben is found dead; it appears as if he tried to cut his own head off. Gabriel is surprised to find that Gerard and Samantha have been married.
S11 Ep9
7th Oct 1970
Ben is upset by the presence of the head. Barnabas meets Daniel, who remembers him from when he was a child in 1797, Barnabas tells him that he is the son of the Barnabas he knew. Gerard explains how he saw Quentin and Tad were lost at sea during a sever storm. Ben remembers a time many years earlier when a disembodied head was associated with several murders. Ben decides the head must be destroyed; Ben is tormented in the woods by the head.
S11 Ep8
6th Oct 1970
Barnabas tells Julia that he has used the I Ching and was able to travel back in time from 1970. Desmond Collins (Flora’s son) returns to Collinsport with a disembodied head to give to Quentin; Flora tells him that Quentin is dead. Barnabas introduces himself as Julia’s brother. Julia tries to hypnotize Roxanne, later she finds Roxanne missing. Roxanne wanders into Collinwood and claims she knows Barnabas. Desmond becomes suspicious of Barnabas and Julia. Flora is frightened by the head.
S11 Ep7
5th Oct 1970
Ben shows Julia a note from Barnabas explain what he plans to do. Samantha finds Roxanne nearly dead; however when Samantha returns with Gerard for help she is gone. Julia is able to give Roxanne a transfusion. Barnabas finds that Julia is interfering with his plans and tries to attack her, but something stops him and he fall to the floor.
S11 Ep6
2nd Oct 1970
Gerard tries to romance Samantha, knowing that she is the heir to the Collins fortune (now that Quentin is dead). Gabriel tells Gerard that he knows his real name is Ivan Miller a known swindler; he blackmails him. Gabriel has Gerard get arsenic and plans to have him use it to kill Samantha. Barnabas plans to make Roxanne a vampire and take her away with him; Barnabas bites Roxanne again and leaves her to die.
S11 Ep5
1st Oct 1970
Barnabas is unable to go back to 1840, Barnabas and Stokes find Julia’s grave in the graveyard. In 1840 Julia meets Roxanne. Lamar Trask expects to marry Roxanne, but she detests him. Lamar Trask tells Julia that he expects to get revenge for the disappearance of his father in 1797. Barnabas meets Roxanne and falls in love with her, later he bites her.
S11 Ep4
30th Sep 1970
Ben tries to convince Barnabas that he must be chain in his coffin, he refuses. Gerard and Leticia make plans to “get money” that is at Collinwood. In 1970 Barnabas decides he must go back to in time. Carolyn is mentally unstable, and Quentin tries to hang himself. Barnabas uses the I Ching wands to attempt to get back to 1840. In the trance Barnabas sees Julia’s grave in 1840.
S11 Ep3
29th Sep 1970
Julia opens Barnabas’ coffin, he does not recognize her and tries to kill her. Ben stops Barnabas from killing her. Julia introduces herself as “Julia Collins,” a cousin from England. Julia and Ben decide that they must chain Barnabas back in his coffin, but at dawn they find his coffin gone. Gerard finds the matching earring in Julia’s room and starts to suspect her.
S11 Ep2
28th Sep 1970
Ben stops Daniel from harming Julia; Daniel mistakes her for his wife who he killed ten years earlier. During the struggle one of Julia’s earrings falls off and Gabriel later finds it. Gerard is a clairvoyant. Julia and Stokes devise a story that she is Julia Collins, brother to Barnabas, both of whom are cousins from England. Julia goes to Barnabas’ coffin and plans to release him.
S10 Ep48
23rd Sep 1970
Barnabas and Julia find that the Quentin Collins of 1840 died on this day. Sebastian has a vision in which he predicts the destruction of Collinwood this night. Sebastian drives Maggie to Windcliff to get her away from Roxanne and the impending tragedy. Barnabas and Julia hear a heart beat coming from Quentin’s portrait, and realize that Quentin must be buried alive.
S10 Ep47
22nd Sep 1970
Gerard stops Sebastian before destroying Roxanne. Barnabas finds that there was a Roxanne Drew who lived in 1840. Gerard poisons Daphne and Quentin. Gerard makes Quentin dig up Quentin Collins’(1840) grave. Daphne is dying and Carolyn make her prepare to rejoin Gerard. Gerard buries Quentin alive.
S10 Ep46
21st Sep 1970
Julia and Willie find that Roxanne is the vampire, they decide to chain the coffin instead of destroy her. Sebastian goes to Roxanne’s coffin, but finds it missing; Willie and Julia has moved it to the Old House. Julia tells Barnabas that Roxanne is the vampire. Barnabas releases Roxanne, she attempts to attack him, Willie chains the coffin again. Later Sebastian opens the coffin and prepares to shoot Roxanne.
S10 Ep45
18th Sep 1970
Carolyn tells Willie a riddle that can lead him to Maggie Evans. Willie goes to the graveyard and is able to find the vampire’s coffin and Maggie. Julia gives Maggie a transfusion. Julia and Willie go to destroy the vampire, they open the coffin.
S10 Ep44
17th Sep 1970
Roxanne tells Barnabas that she believes there is a bond between them. Gerard appears to Barnabas at Rose Cottage. Gerard puts Mrs. Johnson under his power; she later tricks Julia to go to Barnabas and both are trapped at Rose Cottage in flames. Roxanne help Barnabas and Julia escape. Maggie escapes and goes to the vampire.
S10 Ep43
16th Sep 1970
Julia finds that Daphne is alive; Daphne refuses to tell her anything. The children plan to run away from Windcliff. Julia and Quentin find that Stokes went to Europe inexplicably, just as it was predicted in 1995. The children find a coffin and see a figure rising from it and leave, later they find a man attacked; the children remember a similar thing happened in 1840. Julia hypnotizes Daphne to make her cooperate; Julia finds that Rose Cottage will be destroyed this night.
S10 Ep42
15th Sep 1970
Quentin walks in on the vampire and it disappears before getting to Maggie. The children become sick. Quentin distracts Julia while Daphne and David attempt to perform the ceremony again to bring Gerard back to life. Julia walks in on the ceremony.
S10 Ep41
14th Sep 1970
Carolyn distracts Gerard, the flames die out allowing Daphne to leave. Maggie is summoned by the vampire again. Barnabas follows Carolyn and finds the location of Rose Cottage. Julia watches Maggie; the vampire causes Julia to fall asleep.
S10 Ep40
11th Sep 1970
The ceremony is interrupted by Willie and fails. Maggie continues to be summoned by a vampire. Quentin and Julia plan to send the children to Windcliff. Daphne decides to send the children away to protect them from Gerard. Gerard sets the dollhouse on fire, Daphne is surrounded by flames in the real Rose Cottage.
S10 Ep39
10th Sep 1970
The children open the door and find Daphne, alive. The children try to keep Daphne hidden. Carolyn senses there is a stranger in the house. Quentin finds that Daphne is alive. Daphne, David and Hallie perform a ceremony to bring Gerard to life.
S10 Ep38
9th Sep 1970
Julia and Barnabas decide what to do now that the children are possessed. Barnabas and Julia suspect that Quentin has helped the spirits posse the children; Quentin later admits it. The children decide to bring Daphne and Gerard alive with a ceremony; later they hear a knock at the door.
S10 Ep37
8th Sep 1970
Carrie and Tad now possess David and Hallie; they plans to take their places. Barnabas, Julia and Quentin search for the children. Carolyn insists she is Leticia Faye. Barnabas finds the children back in their rooms. Barnabas overhears Carolyn calling the children Tad and Carrie and they call her Leticia.
S10 Ep36
7th Sep 1970
Despite the precautions of Julia and Barnabas, the ghost of Gerard Stiles prevails. Gerard lures the children, David and Hallie, into the real Rose Cottage. Meanwhile, another spirit, that of Daphne Harridge, makes an appearance.
S10 Ep34
3rd Sep 1970
Carolyn comes under the power of Gerard . Elizabeth talks with Julia about one of the clues which predicts that Carolyn will sign a song; Elizabeth says that Carolyn cannot sing. Carolyn starts to believe she has second sight, and tells Sebastian that she knows he has been lying in Elizabeth’s horoscopes. Carolyn insists on giving a concert; she sings a song.
S10 Ep33
2nd Sep 1970
Hallie is compelled to make a doll of Leticia who is going to live her and David in Rose Cottage. Carolyn tells Sebastian that an animal has attacked Maggie. David and Hallie put the doll in the dollhouse. Carolyn is surprised to find the playroom where the closet should exist.
S10 Ep32
1st Sep 1970
Julia follows Maggie but loses her in the woods. Later Barnabas finds Maggie lying in the woods after having been attacked again. Barnabas and Julia speculate how to deal with the “other” vampire in Collinsport. David and Hallie see themselves inside the dollhouse in the playroom.
S10 Ep31
31st Aug 1970
Julia confronts Barnabas after seeing the bite marks on Maggie; Barnabas swears that he didn’t bite Maggie. David and Hallie are afraid that something they did caused Maggie’s injury. After seeing Maggie’s re-action to Barnabas, Julia realizes that he is not responsible. Julia watches over Maggie and follows her when she is summoned.
S10 Ep30
28th Aug 1970
Julia catches David in the tower with the green flag; he refuses to tell her anything. Julia stops Barnabas from biting Maggie. Sebastian decides to tell Elizabeth all he knows about the impending tragedy. Sebastian asks Maggie out on a date, Roxanne is upset when she finds this out. Julia finds bite marks on Maggie’s neck.
S10 Ep29
27th Aug 1970
Gerard takes Elizabeth under his power. David and Hallie go to Gerard’s grave Julia learns that it was prophesied that a ship’s crew would return to kill again. After reading a note from Gerard, David goes to the tower room and waives a green flag three times; graves of dead start to open.
S10 Ep28
26th Aug 1970
Julia walks in on Quentin and Gerard disappears; Quentin avoids questions about his recent strange behavior. Sebastian warns Elizabeth never to go into Daphne’s room. Sebastian tells Roxanne that he wants nothing more to do with the Collins’. Elizabeth decides to the room anyway. Later Elizabeth runs down the stairs warning that they must get the children out of the house, she goes into the drawing room and finds Gerard.
S10 Ep25
21st Aug 1970
Tad and Carrie possess David and Hallie. Julia finds plans by a Quentin Collins in 1840 for a stairway into time. Daphne forces “Tad” and “Carrie” to burn the notebook. Julia searches for the playroom however only finds a closet. Daphne appears to Quentin and gives him a book written by his namesake from 1840. David and Hallie are beckoned by Tad and Carrie to follow them up a staircase.
S10 Ep23
19th Aug 1970
Stokes visits Sebastian, he looks into the future and is disturbed but does not tell Stokes what disturbed him. Sebastian reveals to Roxanne that in his vision the children (David and Hallie) were dead. David and Hallie burn the dolls from the dollhouse. Roxanne stops Sebastian from telling anyone about the dangers he has seen for the Collins family. Later David and Hallie find the dolls have returned.
S10 Ep21
17th Aug 1970
Sebastian decides not to complete Carolyn’s horoscope, as the only reason she asked him to do it, was because he looked like Jeb Hawkes. Barnabas realizes that an “unfinished horoscope” is another clue from 1995. David and Hallie agree not to go back into the playroom, however David later returns to the playroom and becomes possessed by Tad. “Tad” tells Hallie that they have to find “Rose Cottage”. After leaving the playroom David returns to normal. Barnabas goes to Sebastian and begs him to finish Carolyn’s horoscope, however he refuses. While at Sebastian’s house, Barnabas sees Roxanne.
S10 Ep18
12th Aug 1970
Julia feels that Gerard is in the house. Julia and Barnabas ask Quentin about the ghosts at Collinwood, however he is unable to help them at the sight of Daphne. David finds old-fashioned clothing on his bed; Daphne appears to David again. Daphne leads Quentin to her grave and is about to stab him in the back.
S10 Ep13
5th Aug 1970
Hallie is disturbed by the presence of the dress in her room, especially after David tell her about his dream. Elizabeth goes to see psychic/astrologer, Sebastian Shaw, after becoming concerned that some great tragedy is coming to the Collins family. David finds a note telling him to go to the gazebo; David finds Hallie wearing the dress.
S10 Ep11
3rd Aug 1970
Barnabas and Julia find that there is now a girl name Hallie Stokes (niece of Professor Stokes) living at Collinwood. Elizabeth and Quentin are surprised to find Julia and Barnabas have returned. Barnabas finds that Daphne and Gerard lived in 1840. Barnabas finds that the playroom does not exist and is currently a closet.
S10 Ep10
31st Jul 1970
Carrie Stokes’ ghost distracts the sheriff, Barnabas is able to overpower and kill him. Barnabas realizes that Julia is under Gerard’s power. Barnabas, Julia and Stokes hold a seance to contact Carolyn; the seance is interrupted and stokes dies. Gerard tries to force Julia to kill herself. The ghost of Carrie leads Julia and Barnabas to a staircase which leads them out of the playroom. They find a girl who does not know who they are.
S10 Ep9
30th Jul 1970
After going to get Julia, Carolyn’s body disappears. Barnabas finds a note Carolyn was writing before she died, that contains some incoherent clues to what happened. Later they find Carolyn’s body in the playroom. Under Gerard's control, Julia agrees to help the sheriff. The sheriff opens Barnabas’ coffin.
S10 Ep8
29th Jul 1970
Barnabas continues to search for clues and Julia helps Gerard keep him from learning anything. Carolyn agrees to tell everything that happened, however, she is found dead at Collinwood.
S10 Ep7
28th Jul 1970
Julia finds the ghost of Gerard at the playroom, she comes under his power. Quentin claims that Stokes’ attempted exorcism in 1970, caused Gerard’s anger and the destruction of Collinwood. The ghost of Daphne appears to Barnabas with a note stating “she will die.”
S10 Ep5
24th Jul 1970
Again Carolyn provides Julia and Barnabas with no information and kick them out of Collinwood. Julia and Barnabas find out from Stokes that Quentin recently escaped from a mental institution. Stokes tells them that he was out of the country in 1970 when everything happened, and agrees to help them find out. Barnabas and Julia find Quentin, he claims he could have stopped what happened in 1970. Quentin, Barnabas and Julia go to the playroom and they see David Collins.
S10 Ep4
23rd Jul 1970
Barnabas and Julia again question Carolyn and are unable to find anything out. They later find out from Mrs. Johnson that something happened at the playroom in Collinwood; Mrs. Johnson is stopped from continuing by the ghost of Gerard Stiles. Later Julia and Barnabas find Mrs. Johnson dead. Barnabas and Julia follow Carolyn to the playroom in Collinwood where they hear music.
S10 Ep3
22nd Jul 1970
Barnabas and Julia find Carolyn in the mausoleum, she warns them to leave (again). Carolyn speaks to the Sheriff; later the Sheriff warns Julia and Barnabas to leave town. Julia is almost killed by a falling statue, and strange ghostly man can be seen staring out the window of Collinwood.
S10 Ep2
21st Jul 1970
Julia and Barnabas find Carolyn, half insane and refusing to answer any of their questions. Julia goes to the records office who suspiciously claims that all records about the Collins family have been destroyed. Julia meets Stokes and he warns Julia to leave. Barnabas and Julia talk to a Victor Flagler, who’s wife was mysteriously killed at Collinwood. Julia and Barnabas return to the Collins mausoleum to find that someone is there.
S10 Ep1
20th Jul 1970
Barnabas and Julia find that the time they have returned to Collinwood is in ruins. Barnabas and Julia find that they have returned to their own timeline but to 1995. Julia and Barnabas find Mrs. Johnson, now an old woman, and find that David died in 1970. Mrs. Johnson tells them to go to a shack and find many things that once were in Collinwood.
S9 Ep80
17th Jul 1970
Roxanne dreams that she and Barnabas are separated by fire. Stokes lures Quentin to Collinwood to kill him. Barnabas and Quentin are able to stop Stokes and save Maggie. Stokes escapes taking Roxanne hostage. Stokes sets Collinwood on fire. Julia and Barnabas are trapped in a room and it changes to another time.
S9 Ep79
16th Jul 1970
Barnabas realizes that the scarf Roxanne uses belonged to Julia (PT) not Julia, and that she might still be alive. Again using Roxanne’s psychic powers they are able to find Julia. An autopsy proves that Alexis is really Angelique, Quentin orders the body cremated so Stokes cannot bring her back again. Stokes kidnaps Maggie.
S9 Ep78
15th Jul 1970
Maggie plans to leave Collinwood, giving up hope of getting Quentin out of jail or finding Julia. Roxanne tells Barnabas that she loves him; fearing he will harm her Barnabas tells her that they can never see each other again. Roxanne returns and Barnabas bites her. Barnabas asks Roxanne to use her psychic powers to find Julia; Roxanne uses a scarf belonging to Julia (PT) claims that she is dead. Stokes finds the bite marks on Roxanne’s neck and realizes what Barnabas is. Barnabas and Maggie lock up and leave Collinwood; Julia is still alive trapped in the basement.
S9 Ep74
9th Jul 1970
Angelique offers to let Julia go if she reveals Barnabas’ secret; Julia refuses. Quentin threatens to kill Maggie to stop her from killing anyone else. Roger, becoming increasingly unstable, reveals that he killed Angelique, Carolyn, and Elizabeth. Roger attempts to strangle Maggie.
S9 Ep73
8th Jul 1970
Julia tries to convince Angelique that she is the Julia that she knows; Angelique appears to believe her. Elizabeth finds out that Roger killed Angelique and Carolyn; Roger then kills Elizabeth. Angelique locks Julia in a room in the basement planning to let her die there.
S9 Ep72
7th Jul 1970
Maggie thinks Quentin is trying to kill her and she runs. Angelique starts to suspect something is odd about Julia. Quentin is convinced that Maggie is a witch. Angelique mentions to Julia that she never sees Barnabas in the day. Angelique sees Quentin and Maggie in the standard timeline and finds out that Julia is from that time. Angelique confronts Julia.
S9 Ep71
6th Jul 1970
Claude North is angry that Roxanne is unable to speak, and for whatever Stokes has done to her. Claude catches Maggie at the Old House and tells her to tell Barnabas that he will be back. Maggie has a dream in which Quentin strangles her. When she awakes Quentin is standing over her with his hands around her throat.
S9 Ep66
29th Jun 1970
Roxanne is unable to speak, although she appears to recognize a picture drawn of her by a man named Claude North. Barnabas takes her to the Collins mausoleum. Stokes tells Angelique she will die as soon as Roxanne is able to speak. Stokes starts to perform a ceremony and Roxanne starts to become weaker, Angelique starts to get stronger. Barnabas tells Carolyn that Will is dead, he later stops her from telling Maggie his secret. Barnabas returns to the Old House to find Roxanne missing.
S9 Ep62
23rd Jun 1970
Maggie finds the voodoo doll and starts to suspect that Quentin killed Angelique. Julia questions Carolyn about the seance that Angelique died at. Carolyn has a dream in which she sees Angelique’s locket, when she awakes she claims to know who killed Angelique.
S9 Ep61
22nd Jun 1970
Quentin is arrested for the death of Bruno. Angelique plants a voodoo doll in Maggie’s clothing, causing Quentin to believe that Maggie caused Bruno’s death. Quentin tells Barnabas that he suspects Maggie caused Bruno’s death by witchcraft. Bruno’s autopsy points to Quentin’s guilt; the Inspector tells Quentin that they suspect him in Angelique’s death and that her body will be exhumed (this troubles Quentin as he and Cyrus destroyed her body). Angelique helps Quentin escape from jail.
S9 Ep60
19th Jun 1970
Inspector Hamilton starts asking questions about Angelique’s death. Quentin starts making threats against Bruno and plans to go see him. Angelique uses voodoo to strangle Bruno. Later the inspector catches Quentin standing over Bruno’s dead body.
S9 Ep59
18th Jun 1970
Barnabas is unable to kill the woman after seeing her. Barnabas attempts to revive the woman, as he does Angelique becomes weak; Barnabas and Julia are interrupted when Stokes returns. Bruno wants Angelique to go to the police with Cyrus’ journal, Angelique tells him that she needs more proof. Bruno harasses Maggie during an attempt to find out more information. Bruno prepares to call the police.
S9 Ep58
17th Jun 1970
Julia tells Barnabas that she is going to stay in parallel time to help him. Angelique starts to become weak again, Julia goes to Stokes and finds out about the body that he is using to keep Angelique alive. Barnabas and Julia go to Stokes to kill the woman who is keep Angelique alive.
S9 Ep57
16th Jun 1970
Bruno demands $5000 from Angelique (posing as Alexis) for Cyrus’ journal. The journal claims that Quentin killed Angelique and Cyrus admits protecting him by declaring Angelique’s death due to stroke. Angelique casts a spell on Maggie making her a appear to be practicing witchcraft; Angelique pretends to choke. Quentin believes that Maggie is responsible for choking Angelique and all the bad things that have happened at Collinwood.
S9 Ep53
10th Jun 1970
Elizabeth has a dream in which she and Sabrina find Maggie’s body in Cyrus’ lab. Maggie tries to escape and Yaeger catches her; he know that she was lying and ties her up. Sabrina finds out that Yaeger is holding Maggie captive. Elizabeth tells Barnabas her dream, he later suspects there is some connection between Yaeger and Cyrus. Yaeger finds out that Sabrina followed him, then follows her back to Collinwood where he strangles her; Elizabeth catches Yaeger strangling Sabrina.
S9 Ep51
8th Jun 1970
Stokes reveals that he has a woman who’s life force is being used to keep Angelique alive. Quentin believes Maggie’s letter that she left him, Barnabas tries to convince him otherwise. Julia sees Angelique and Julia in parallel time planning to destroy Barnabas. Stokes reminds Angelique that she is still alive thanks to him and expects to get some of the benefits of living at Collinwood. Barnabas is transported back to the standard timeline, however he is worried about Maggie.
S9 Ep49
4th Jun 1970
Angelique accuses Barnabas of coming from parallel time; Barnabas avoids her questions. Barnabas warns Quentin to take Maggie away from Collinwood. Barnabas warns Maggie that Alexis (Angelique) is her enemy. Angelique agrees to help Yaeger get Maggie. Yaeger kidnaps Maggie and locks her in the room he has rented.
S9 Ep46
1st Jun 1970
Elizabeth stops Maggie from jumping. Barnabas becomes suspicious of Angelique (posing as Alexis). Barnabas stares at the portrait of Angelique; Angelique realizes that someone is watching her and feels a burning stare, she runs in to Angelique’s room then Barnabas realizes that she really is Angelique.
S9 Ep44
28th May 1970
In the secret compartment Maggie finds love letters written by Quentin to Angelique. Quentin is furious when he finds Maggie reading the letters. Angelique helps Maggie pick out a dress to wear to a costume party. Quentin is angry again when he sees that Maggie is wearing Angelique’s dress.
S9 Ep43
27th May 1970
Buffie stops Yaeger from harassing Maggie. Maggie goes to Cyrus and asks him to get rid of his friend John Yaeger; Cyrus promises her that she will never see Yaeger again. Cyrus destroys his lab equipment and burns his notes. Maggie is upset that Quentin is not around, she finds out from Roger that it is the anniversary of his marriage to Angelique. Angelique causes Maggie to have a dream in which a secret compartment in a table is revealed; Maggie awakes and finds it.
S9 Ep42
26th May 1970
Maggie visits Cyrus to ask him about the recent strange things happening; Cyrus starts to become attracted to her. Cyrus becomes Yaeger, and asks Maggie to meet him to find more information. Yaeger tells Maggie that Quentin was seen strangling Angelique at the seance, then he grabs her.
S9 Ep39
21st May 1970
Quentin confronts Maggie about the doll; they wonder if Julia put it in the suitcase. Julia and Angelique plan their next moves against Maggie. Angelique (posing as Alexis) tells Maggie that Angelique was murdered, casting suspicion on everyone (including Quentin). Angelique starts to feel cold and tells Julia to !nd someone or she will be the next victim. Angelique decides the next person to walk through the door will be her victim.
S9 Ep29
7th May 1970
At the seance Joshua Collins appears and tells Quentin to restore honor to the family. Horace demands $10,000 for more chemicals and his continued silence, Cyrus refuses to be blackmail. Angelique asks Roger to help her find Angelique’s murderer. Cyrus finds that Horace is going to speak with Larry Chase; Cyrus becomes Yaeger and kills Horace.
S9 Ep28
6th May 1970
Quentin tells Angelique about the strange things he has seen. Later Angelique sees Julia in the standard timeline. Daniel becomes possessed and tries to break into the basement of the Old House to release Barnabas; Quentin stops him. Quentin, Angelique, and Julia hold a seance to contact the spirit of Barnabas.
S9 Ep26
4th May 1970
Angelique sends Dameon back to his grave. Yaeger meets with a lawyer, Larry Chase, who is supposed to help him get a bank account thanks to Cyrus.
S9 Ep24
30th Apr 1970
Angelique threatens Hannah to get her help. Angelique reads a telegram intended for Quentin that says Maggie is missing. Trask reveals that Bruno killed Dameon. Bruno apologizes to Angelique (posing as Alexis) for thinking that she is Angelique. Quentin has a dream in which Dameon shows him that he will die by hanging.
S9 Ep23
29th Apr 1970
For a brief moment, the lives of the “real world” David Collins and Amy Jennings threaten to intersect with those of their parallel-time counterparts, Daniel and Amy Collins. The parallel versions of the youngsters happen upon a portrait of Barnabas Collins, whose presence has been kept secret by William H. Loomis. In Parallel Time, the revived Angelique, determined to find the person responsible for her death, continues to pose as her twin sister, Alexis.
S9 Ep21
27th Apr 1970
Angelique kills Alexis and put her in the coffin; Angelique later takes on the role of her sister. Angelique (posing as Alexis) tells Quentin that she agrees that “Angelique’s” body should be destroyed. Chris becomes suspicious when Cyrus is transferring money to John Yaeger. Quentin and Cyrus burn Angelique’s (Alexis’) body. At Collinwood Cyrus changes into Yaeger without drinking the potion.
S9 Ep19
23rd Apr 1970
Quentin stops Bruno for killing Alexis. Bruno makes Quentin question whether Angelique is really dead. Quentin starts to suspect that Alexis might be Angelique. Alexis overhears Quentin and Cyrus planing to open Angelique’s grave, she begs them to stop, however Quentin refuses and opens Angelique’s coffin.
S9 Ep17
21st Apr 1970
Yaeger decides to let Buffie go, but tells her he will be back. Quentin finds out from Sabrina that Cyrus has given Yaeger money in the past. Yaeger moves into the same building as Buffie. Quentin suspects that Yaeger has kidnapped Cyrus. Quentin questions Yaeger as to where Cyrus is.
S9 Ep13
15th Apr 1970
Quentin moves Alexis to a new room, as she is disturbed by Angelique’s presence. Horace Gladstone deliverers a new chemical formula to Cyrus which should eliminate the amnesia in the previous formula. Alexis tries to find out more about the first seance from Sabrina. Quentin asks Hannah to rid the house of the spirit that has been haunting it, Hannah is attacked by an unseen force, later she refuses to help Quentin. Hannah warns Quentin that there is great danger for everyone at Collinwood.
S9 Ep10
10th Apr 1970
Elizabeth and Roger find Sabrina trying to relive the seance from six months earlier when Angelique died. It is decided that another seance will be held, Alexis will take her sister’s place. During the seance a spirit takes over Sabrina and cries out “murder” and points to Alexis.
S9 Ep9
9th Apr 1970
Cyrus is unable to remember what happen to him the previous night. Cyrus finds out from the police that a strange man was terrorizing the neighborhood and entered his house. Cyrus finds that the man who attacked her took her engagement ring. Cyrus realizes he has the engagement ring and that he must have been the man that attacked her and others the night before. After having a disturbing dream Sabrina goes to Collinwood and prepares for a seance.
S9 Ep8
8th Apr 1970
Quentin and Alexis stop Bruno from opening Angelique’s grave. Bruno continues to be convinced that Alexis is Angelique, and she continues to deny it. Horace Gladstone breaks into Cyrus’ laboratory and finds out that he plans to separate the good and evil in man. Alexis asks Quentin about the seance at which Angelique mysteriously died. Cyrus drinks the formula that he has been working on, then starts to feel pain.
S9 Ep7
7th Apr 1970
Quentin apologizes to Alexis and convinces her to stay at Collinwood. Horace Gladstone brings Cyrus a special chemical that he ordered; Horace is curious what Cyrus plans to use it for. Bruno finds himself in pain and blames Alexis. Cyrus asks Sabrina to marry him. Bruno goes to open Angelique’s grave.
S9 Ep6
6th Apr 1970
Amy is frightened when she sees Alexis. Cyrus tells Bruno that Alexis is at Collinwood. Quentin tries to kick Bruno out of a cottage on the estate, however Angelique apparently gave him the right to stay their. Bruno gets Angelique’s address book for Cyrus. Bruno believes that Alexis is really Angelique and checks up on her story. Quentin hears Alexis playing “Ode to Angelique” then kisses her.
S9 Ep5
3rd Apr 1970
Maggie finds that Alexis Stokes is Angelique’s twin sister and has come to Collinwood for a visit. Chris finds that Cyrus Longworth is planing experiments that would separate the good and evil in people; Chris believes that he has to stop Cyrus. Julia insists that Alexis is Angelique; Alexis denies this. Maggie sees Quentin and Alexis together in Angelique’s room; Maggie leaves Collinwood.
S9 Ep4
2nd Apr 1970
Quentin becomes upset when he finds that Maggie has visited Angelique’s room. Julia suggests that Maggie buy a specific record for Daniel as a gift. Quentin is very upset when he finds that the record that Maggie purchased was “Ode to Angelique.” Maggie sees who she thinks is Angelique in the drawing room.
S9 Ep2
31st Mar 1970
Barnabas meets William Loomis, Carolyn’s husband and a writer. Carolyn watches over Barnabas. Maggie finds out that Daniel (Quentin’s son with Angelique) hates her. William warns Maggie not to trust Julia. William discovers the bite marks on Carolyn’s neck. William confronts Barnabas at his coffin with a cross and chains him in, with plans to write a new book.
S9 Ep1
30th Mar 1970
In parallel time Barnabas bites Carolyn. Quentin had previously been married to Angelique who has apparently died. Julia is a servant who is still loyal to Angelique. Quentin has married Maggie Evans and they have returned from their honeymoon. Maggie gets a note telling her that she is not wanted at Collinwood, it is signed by Angelique.
S8 Ep92
27th Mar 1970
Sky tries to kill Carolyn, but Jeb arrives and struggles with Sky, who pushes Jeb off of Widow's hill. Sky escapes, and Carolyn runs back to Collinwood in tears. Barnabas learns about Jeb's death and kills Sky. Carolyn dreams that Jeb will return to her. Barnabas, unable to control his blood-thirst any longer, decides to go to Parallel Time in order to keep the family safe from him. He enters the empty room, but it suddenly changes and Barnabas finds himself in Parallel Time, Angelique's room. The other Carolyn is in this room and asks Barnabas who he is.
S8 Ep90
25th Mar 1970
Jeb asks Barnabas for help. Quentin sees the bite marks on Sabrina’s neck and confronts Barnabas. Barnabas asks Angelique to help Jeb for Carolyn’s sake. Barnabas shows Quentin the room in the East wing. Angelique tells Jeb how he can transfer the shadow to someone else. Jeb visits Nicholas.
S8 Ep88
23rd Mar 1970
Roger saves Carolyn from Bruno, just before Chris changes. Later Bruno attempts to strangle Carolyn, however the werewolf attacks Bruno; Bruno dies. Roger sees himself, Elizabeth and Bruno Hess in parallel time.
S8 Ep87
20th Mar 1970
Jeb plans to hold Chris until there is a full moon. Barnabas tells Roger about the room in the East wing. Barnabas sees Roger in parallel time arguing with Carolyn. Bruno lures Carolyn to his cottage and locks her in with Chris just as he is about to change to the werewolf.
S8 Ep86
19th Mar 1970
Bruno locks up Sabrina. Bruno and Nicholas plan to use Chris against Jeb. Sky offers to help Chris get Sabrina away from Bruno. Jeb begs Angelique to stop the shadow from following him. Chris goes to rescue Sabrina but is caught by Bruno.
S8 Ep85
18th Mar 1970
Jeb tells Carolyn about the shadow that has been following him. Sabrina tells Quentin that she wants to marry Chris. Jeb begs Bruno to ask Nicholas to help him. Angelique’s spell again draws Quentin and Maggie together. Sabrina tries to get Bruno to leave Collinsport and stop hunting Chris, he refuses and she pulls a gun and threatens to kill him.
S8 Ep84
17th Mar 1970
Jeb becomes increasingly paranoid about the shadow that is following him, he and Carolyn decide to return to Collinwood. Barnabas tells Stokes about his experience with parallel time; Stokes warns Barnabas not to attempt to enter parallel time. Carolyn also sees the shadow that is haunting Jeb.
S8 Ep83
16th Mar 1970
Roger guards Megan; Willie knocks Roger out and destroys Megan. Barnabas again sees parallel time; Julia and William Loomis arguing over a book “The Life and Death of Barnabas Collins.”
S8 Ep82
13th Mar 1970
Barnabas explains the strange things he saw in the East wing of Collinwood. Julia explains Stokes’ theory of Parallel Time. Barnabas and Julia find Megan and offer to try to cure her, but she refuses. Megan bites Roger. Julia and Barnabas plan to have Willie drive a stake through Megan’s heart. Barnabas again sees parallel time in the East wing; Elizabeth tries to remove a portrait of Angelique however Julia stops her.
S8 Ep81
12th Mar 1970
Jeb and Carolyn are married and make plans to leave Collinsport. Sky asks Barnabas for help as he is now under Megan’s power. Jeb continues to see the shadow. While searching the East wing of Collinwood Barnabas finds a strange room which he is unable to enter; in the room he sees Elizabeth and Julia acting as if they were different people.
S8 Ep80
11th Mar 1970
After a struggle, Philip leaps to his own death. Angelique sends Peter back to his grave and plans to destroy Jeb herself. Angelique puts a shadow on Jeb that will follow and destroy him. Jeb starts to see the shadow following him.
S8 Ep79
10th Mar 1970
Peter Bradford’s ghost threatens to kill Jeb because in 1797 he caused the death of Victoria Winters. Megan bites Philip in his jail cell. Peter appears to Philip to give him a chance to get revenge on Jeb for what he did to Megan. Philip tries to push Jeb off of Widow’s Hill.
S8 Ep78
9th Mar 1970
Jeb recovers, but Nicholas tells him that he will only survive for a short amount of time. Barnabas finds that everyone has been released from the Leviathan’s power. Carolyn agrees to marry Jeb and go away with him. Carolyn has a disturbing dream in which Barnabas reveals that Jeb killed her father, then Jeb strangles her. Carolyn tells Jeb that she cannot go through with the marriage.
S8 Ep77
6th Mar 1970
Nicholas catches Julia working on a cure for Jeb; Nicholas destroys her equipment. Nicholas tells Jeb that the “ceremony” must be performed with Carolyn. Maggie and Barnabas find and dig up Quentin. Carolyn tells Jeb she loves him. Jeb begs Julia to help cure him tonight. Nicholas forces Jeb to bring Carolyn to the Leviathan altar and perform a ceremony. Jeb smashes the Leviathan box and the altar is destroyed; Jeb starts to feel pain.
S8 Ep76
5th Mar 1970
Sky forces Julia into the room where Jeb is in his true form. Jeb asks Julia to cure him, so he will not have to change into his true form. Quentin forces Sky to tell him where Julia is at. Megan bites Sky. Jeb has his quartet of corpses stuff Quentin in a cof!n and bury him.
S8 Ep75
4th Mar 1970
Julia continues the treatments for Barnabas, however he feels they are not working. Barnabas bites Megan again and she dies; Megan’s body disappears before Barnabas and Julia can drive a stake through her heart. Jeb sends his little army of dead men to kidnap Julia.
S8 Ep73
2nd Mar 1970
Bruno stops Davenport from killing the werewolf, then locks him in with it. Bruno discovers bite marks on Megan’s neck. Bruno tells Jeb he has caught the werewolf and gives Jeb the honor of killing it. Bruno gives Jeb a gun that supposedly has silver bullets, then locks him in with the werewolf.
S8 Ep72
27th Feb 1970
Bruno locks up Chris and tells Sheriff Davenport to kill him when he changes to the werewolf. Jeb warns Roger that everyone he loves is under the control of the Leviathans and not to get any ideas. After a scuffle with Jeb, Bruno decides to use Chris against him. As the moon rises Davenport prepares to shoot Chris.
S8 Ep71
26th Feb 1970
Bruno arrives, and the figure haunting David disappears. Later an unseen force chokes Bruno with a noose. Sabrina and Chris decide to get back together. Bruno discovers that Chris is the werewolf; Bruno holds Chris at gunpoint.
S8 Ep69
24th Feb 1970
Jeb is frightened off by something, then the door mysteriously unlocks allowing Maggie and Willie to escape. Willie tells Barnabas and Julia that he is going to be married and does not want to get involved in all the trouble at Collinwood. Jeb accuses Barnabas of what happened to him in the hallway were Maggie and Willie were locked up. Willie decides he cannot turn his back on Barnabas and agrees to help. Jeb attacks Julia, however the mysterious force once again scares Jeb away.
S8 Ep68
23rd Feb 1970
Amy overhears Quentin and Maggie talking how they must fight the Leviathans. Amy tells Elizabeth about Maggie’s betrayal and locks her up. Willie returns to Collinsport and announces that he going to get married. Willie !nds Maggie and gets locked up with her; they both hear the sound of breathing.
S8 Ep67
20th Feb 1970
Angelique uses her powers to choke Sky and escapes. Barnabas tries to bite Maggie, Quentin interrupts him. Sky begs Angelique to forgive him and become a Leviathan; she refuses. Barnabas warns Maggie that Nicholas is back. Angelique, jealous, makes Maggie and Quentin fall in love.
S8 Ep64
17th Feb 1970
Jeb has survived the fire. Julia starts new treatments to cure Barnabas. Barnabas and Julia make plans to bring Willie back to help them. Megan pretends to be on Philip’s side now that he is jail for all the recent murders. Jeb moves into one of the cottages on the Collins estate. Jeb is reluctant to take on his true form because it upsets Carolyn. Someone approaches Jeb’s cottage.
S8 Ep62
13th Feb 1970
Barnabas warns Jeb that he will always !ght the Leviathans. Carolyn again has a disturbing dream in which Jeb tells her that he, the baby, Alexander and Michael are all the same person. Barnabas goes to the antique shop and steals the Leviathan box; he then takes it to the Leviathan alter to destroy the box, however the bat attacks him.
S8 Ep61
12th Feb 1970
Jeb threatens to kill Philip, however he warns him not to cross him again otherwise he will kill Megan. Philip tricks Lawrence Guthrie, who is investigating Paul Stoddard’s death, into going into Jeb’s room; Jeb kills him. Quentin tells Carolyn that Jeb killed her father. Jeb shows up at Collinwood and tells Carolyn that Philip killed her father and Lawrence Guthrie.
S8 Ep60
11th Feb 1970
Barnabas, Maggie and Julia hold a seance and find that Josette is not being held hostage by the Leviathans. Barnabas asks Philip to steal the Leviathan box. Josette appears to Barnabas and tells him to forget her and move on with his life. Jeb catches Philip as he tries to steal the Leviathan box.
S8 Ep59
10th Feb 1970
The werewolf knocks Jeb unconscious but changes back to Chris before killing him. Barnabas takes credit for saving Jeb, who now appears to trust Barnabas again. Angelique tells Sky that Barnabas is fighting the Leviathans; Sky later tells this to Jeb. Jeb acquires a large bat, which he will use to return the curse of the vampire to Barnabas.
S8 Ep56
5th Feb 1970
Once Chris is the werewolf he cannot make himself eat the flower. Jeb fears the howling of the werewolf; Bruno goes to hunt it down. Sabrina meets the werewolf in the woods, however Bruno chases it off. Angelique wants Barnabas to take Elizabeth and Carolyn away, she is afraid that one of them will recognize her as Cassandra. Jeb gets a mysterious phone call telling him where Carolyn is at.
S8 Ep54
3rd Feb 1970
A man named Bruno appears at the antique shop and pledges his loyal obedience to Jeb. Bruno questions Maggie about Barnabas, he leaves her with sheriff Davenport. David reads in the Leviathan book that Jeb must beware of werewolves; David tells this to Jeb. Jeb tells David he must help him destroy Barnabas. Jeb shows the Leviathan box to Maggie.
S8 Ep53
2nd Feb 1970
Quentin beats up Jeb and takes Carolyn back to Collinwood. Barnabas tells Elizabeth that she and Carolyn should go away for awhile. Jeb kidnaps Maggie; Barnabas goes to Jeb and demands that he release her.
S8 Ep52
30th Jan 1970
The poison has no effect on Jeb. Barnabas asks Angelique to help hide Carolyn for a while. Barnabas, Quentin, and Julia plan to send Carolyn away, however they find she has already gone on a date with Jeb. Jeb drugs Carolyn’s drink and plans to take her up to his room.
S8 Ep51
29th Jan 1970
Jeb tells Carolyn that they are going to be married; she does not take him seriously. Jeb tells the sheriff that he has been raised from the dead to serve the Leviathans. Barnabas gives Jeb a drink, which he has poisoned.
S8 Ep50
28th Jan 1970
Barnabas explains everything to Julia; how the Leviathans are holding Josette hostage, and have threatened to make Barnabas a vampire again. Barnabas also tells Julia about Jeb and his plans for Carolyn. A hand appears coming out of sheriff Davenport’s grave.
S8 Ep49
27th Jan 1970
David gets a broken leg due to Jeb. Julia notices the birthmark on Jeb which was the same as the children who previously lived at the Todd’s antique shop. Julia and Quentin dig up Michael’s grave. Barnabas tells Maggie to watch Carolyn and try to keep her away from Jeb. Julia demands to talk with Barnabas and tells him that Michael’s grave is empty.
S8 Ep47
23rd Jan 1970
The sheriff opens the room and finds a man named Jeb Hawkes, he claims the Todds are renting the room to him. The sheriff tells Julia that he does suspect something strange about the antique shop. Jeb changes to his true form then kills the sheriff. Barnabas walks in to the sheriff’s office.
S8 Ep46
22nd Jan 1970
Quentin touches Amanda while trying to help her after she slips; Amanda is killed by falling rocks. The sheriff investigates Paul’s death; he goes to the antique shop and plans to search the “room.”
S8 Ep45
21st Jan 1970
Philip finds that the Leviathan has escaped from the room. Paul is attacked by the Leviathan creature again and dies. Amanda and Quentin encounter several traps; Amanda slips while trying to cross a bridge.
S8 Ep44
20th Jan 1970
After seeing the painting Grant realizes that he is Quentin and remembers Amanda. Mr. Best catches up with Amanda and tells her it is her time; she begs for a little more time. Mr. Best tells Quentin if he and Amanda can escape from his domain without touching each other, they can be together forever.
S8 Ep43
19th Jan 1970
Barnabas again rescues Paul; Paul runs off. Julia !nds Paul unable to speak and takes him to Stokes. Olivia desperately tries to get Grant (Quentin) to recognize her. Julia shows the portrait of Quentin to Grant.
S8 Ep42
16th Jan 1970
Barnabas resists the urge to tell Julia everything. Barnabas rescues Paul and puts him in the basement of the antique shop. Megan starts to suspect that Barnabas is not acting properly. Megan releases the Leviathan from the room and it goes to the basement after Paul.
S8 Ep41
15th Jan 1970
Megan and Philip force Michael to stay in his room. Barnabas gives Paul money and encourages him to leave town. Paul sneaks into the antique shop; hearing a breathing sound Paul goes into Michael’s room and is terrified.
S8 Ep40
14th Jan 1970
Julia is unable to revive Michael and pronounces him dead. Julia checks up on Michael’s history and finds a woman who knew him; however Philip pays off the woman for telling Julia what they wanted her to hear. Julia tells Stokes all of her suspicions. Michael tells Megan and Philip not to go through with what they were planning.
S8 Ep39
13th Jan 1970
Philip finds Maggie; Maggie thinks Philip is the person who was tormenting her and she knocks him out. Megan tells Michael that something unpleasant will have to happen to him for his own good. Michael becomes ill and later Julia believes he is dead.
S8 Ep37
9th Jan 1970
Maggie is lead into the secret passages of Collinwood. Philip is unhappy with being a servant for the Leviathans and is concerned with what Michael might do; Megan remains dedicated to Michael. Roger discovers that Maggie is missing. Philip believes that Michael has something to do with Maggie’s disappearance. Michael does not believe Philip should be a Leviathan anymore, and tells Megan to do something about it.
S8 Ep36
8th Jan 1970
Angelique tells Julia that she has given up her powers and loves Sky. Julia asks Angelique to barrow the Tate painting so she can have the portrait of Quentin restored and show it to Grant. Michael becomes annoyed with Maggie and has plans to scare her. Maggie hears a breathing sound and a secret panel in her room opens.
S8 Ep35
7th Jan 1970
Mr. Best gives Amanda/Olivia seven days to live unless she can win Quentin’s love. Sabrina tries to warn Carolyn about Chris. Julia finds Quentin’s portrait, which has been painted over, in the possession of a Sky Rumson. Julia finds that Sky Rumson is married to Angelique.
S8 Ep34
6th Jan 1970
The werewolf attacks Tate; Quentin fights off the werewolf, however Tate dies. Olivia admits to Julia that she really is Amanda Harris; Amanda tells Julia that she committed suicide when Quentin left her, however a Mr. Best gave her another chance to be with Quentin if she could win his love. Mr. Best returns, upsetting Olivia.
S8 Ep33
5th Jan 1970
Chris finds that Tate is really a very old man. Carolyn becomes uncomfortable with the way Michael pays attention to her. Chris forces Tate to paint his portrait, however the moon rises and Chris changes into a werewolf anyway.
S8 Ep32
2nd Jan 1970
Elizabeth plans to kill Julia, but she is unable to bring herself to do it. Julia finds that Grant (Quentin) is not a werewolf. Chris takes Grant (Quentin) to see Charles Tate. Chris finds that Tate is a dummy.
S8 Ep31
31st Dec 1969
Paul becomes extremely paranoid and wants to leave Collinwood. Elizabeth and Mrs. Johnson attempt to drug Paul, however he escapes from Collinwood. Paul passes out in the woods and Stokes finds him and takes him to the police. The police call Elizabeth who comes to get Paul.
S8 Ep28
26th Dec 1969
Julia asks Tate to help Chris by painting a portrait of him; he refuses. David and Elizabeth go to the antique shop to find Michael, who is the Leviathan child now older. Michael terrifies David as punishment for getting him into trouble when he was Alexander. Julia recognizes a birthmark on Michael which is the same as the one on Alexander (and the baby). Michael decides that Julia has to be dealt with.
S8 Ep27
24th Dec 1969
Alexander lets Amy into his room, Amy is terrified and unable to speak. Stokes tells Julia that he believes Harrison Monroe is Charles Tate. Amy opens the Leviathan box and it brings her under their power. Julia goes to find Harrison Monroe/Charles Tate.
S8 Ep25
22nd Dec 1969
Olivia is upset to find that Grant (Quentin) does not recognize who her. Julia has an expert remove the top layer of paint from the landscape to find there is a portrait of Amanda Harris under it. Julia plays Quentin’s theme for Grant hoping it will bring back his memory.
S8 Ep21
16th Dec 1969
Carolyn !nds that the Todds are now caring for a boy named Alexander who is apparently their nephew. Alexander is very interested in Carolyn. Carolyn gives Paul the check that Roger gave her; Paul tears up the check and later convinces Carolyn to leave Collinsport with him. Elizabeth invites Paul to stay at Collinwood, as a result he changes his mind about leaving town. Elizabeth comes under the power of the Leviathans.
S8 Ep20
15th Dec 1969
The stranger’s name is Grant Douglas, however Julia is convinced he is Quentin. Barnabas tells Megan in dream that things are going to change. Barnabas tries to convince Julia that Grant Douglas is not Quentin. Carolyn finds a strange boy at the Todds’ antique shop.
S8 Ep16
9th Dec 1969
Paul tries to get Carolyn to leave Collinsport with him. Roger tries to get Carolyn to stay away from her father. Roger gives Carolyn money to test Paul to see if he will leave town as soon as he gets it. Barnabas tells Paul he has no choice but to comply with what is going to happen. In the antique shop Carolyn hears the sound of breathing coming from the baby’s room.
S8 Ep13
4th Dec 1969
Philip tries to strangle Megan, David stops him. David, now under the influence of the Leviathans, gives Philip and Megan instructions. Julia, Chris and David hold a seance to contact the spirit of Quentin. Paul Stoddard receives a message that payment will be due December 4th; he becomes further upset when he finds that he has the mark of the Leviathans on his wrist.
S8 Ep11
2nd Dec 1969
the baby has an unusual birthmark. David starts to become obsessed with the Leviathan book. Olivia Corey shows up at Collinwood asking to see the Charles Tate painting that Julia purchased; Julia comments on her resemblance to Amanda Harris. David enters the Leviathan altar.
S8 Ep10
1st Dec 1969
The “baby” becomes ill. Carolyn and Barnabas question David about the missing book. Barnabas takes Philip to the Leviathan altar to make him understand he will be punished for failing. Megan becomes frantic and is sure that someone is coming to kill her.
S8 Ep9
28th Nov 1969
Paul Stoddard talks with Carolyn, “explaining” why he was away for twenty years. The Todds care for a mysterious new infant. David catches Carolyn talking with Paul and mistakenly believes he is her new boyfriend. David steals the Leviathan book from the Todds' antique shop. The Todds plan to track down and kill whoever has taken the book.
S8 Ep7
25th Nov 1969
Philip and Megan show up at the Old House; Barnabas knows they are the chosen ones. The strange man calls Collinwood asking for Elizabeth; he later visits Maggie and asks her if he can tell her a secret. Barnabas gives Philip and Megan the Leviathan box, when they open it sounds as if something has escaped.
S8 Ep6
21st Nov 1969
Julia is unable to open the box; Barnabas gets angry with Julia’s questions. Julia finds that someone is willing to purchase her Charles Tate painting. Barnabas gives Carolyn a pentagram and tells her to wear it. Oberon explains to Barnabas in a dream that he will know the “chosen ones” when they knock at the door.
S8 Ep5
20th Nov 1969
Barnabas returns to 1969 with the Leviathan box. Julia shows Stokes the Charles Tate painting. Sabrina Stuart warns Carolyn about Chris Jennings. Julia notices Barnabas’ strange behavior following his return, and becomes suspicious of the Leviathan box. Julia hears the sound of breathing coming from the box.
S8 Ep4
19th Nov 1969
Julia stops the strange man, however he runs away. Julia purchases a painting by Charles Tate from antique dealers Philip and Megan Todd. Julia wonders if Tate might still be alive. Megan has a feeling that she and Philip should sell the antique shop and leave Collinsport.
S8 Ep3
18th Nov 1969
Oberon and Haza perform a ceremony over Barnabas, they give him the Leviathan Box which he is to give to the chosen ones. They tell Barnabas that a new and powerful leader will be coming. A strange man lurks around the Collins estate. Julia waits for Barnabas’ return; she hears voices from the past. Julia goes to the Old House and finds the strange man.
S8 Ep2
17th Nov 1969
Natalie stops Josette from jumping. Barnabas and Josette plan to go back to 1897 together. Barnabas is abducted by two strange beings. Josette takes poison when she thinks that Barnabas has left without her.
S8 Ep1
14th Nov 1969
Barnabas follows Kitty/Josette and finds himself once again in 1796, a vampire, shortly before Josette’s suicide. Barnabas is determined not to let Josette kill herself this time. The evening plays itself out almost exactly as it did previously. Josette is lured to Widows hill where she is confronted by visions of herself as a vampire conjured up by Angelique.
S7 Ep182
13th Nov 1969
Barnabas searches around the rubble of the burned down studio to look for clues of Petofi's death. He finds Petofi's golden pocket watch laying on the floor. Soon after, he finds Blackwood's black chain. Then after going outside, he finds Petofi's glasses.
S7 Ep181
12th Nov 1969
Petofi holds Charity captive and sends Charles to tell Quentin that if he doesn't come to the cottage in half an hour, Charity will die.
S7 Ep180
11th Nov 1969
Barnabas asks Angelique to help Quentin. Charity attempts to steal Petofi's glasses.
S7 Ep179
10th Nov 1969
Quentin is determined to leave Collinwood and tries to stay awake to keep Petofi from again possessing him.
S7 Ep178
7th Nov 1969
Trask calls Judith on Quentin's telephone and begs for mercy. Blackwood locates Aristede.
S7 Ep177
6th Nov 1969
Judith orders Tim Shaw to brick up Trask inside Quentin's room.
S7 Ep176
5th Nov 1969
Trask asks Evan's help in influencing Judith. Blackwood's spirit seeks revenge on Aristede.
S7 Ep175
4th Nov 1969
Petofi recalls Aristede being pursued by Garth Blackwood, a sadistic prison master from England.
S7 Ep174
3rd Nov 1969
Quentin, whom Aristede believes is Petofi, orders Aristede to stab Petofi, whom Aristede believes is Quentin.
S10 Ep14
6th Aug 1970
Hallie does not know how she ended up wearing the dress. Carolyn is still upset about the death of her husband Jeb Hawkes. Daphne appears to Hallie in a dream, and later appears to David. Carolyn is shocked when she meets Sebastian Shaw, who looks like Jeb Hawkes. Sebastian gives Elizabeth her horoscope for the rest of 1970. David and Hallie hear music coming from the closet (that is occasionally a playroom), they also see the Daphne.
S4 Ep20
11th Aug 1967
Maggie's return to Collinsport sends shockwaves through the community. Barnabas is terrified to learn that the girl's memory has returned, but Julia's intervention prevents him being exposed.
S4 Ep35
1st Sep 1967
David decides to search for Sarah at the mausoleum, looking in the secret room. He frantically scrabbles to hide in the coffin when he hears the approach of Willie and Barnabas.
S4 Ep9
27th Jul 1967
Julia is intrigued to see that Maggie reacts to Barnabas' name in fear and decides that the clues lead to the Collinwood estate. Julia arrives at Collinwood, where she poses as a visiting historian.
S4 Ep23
16th Aug 1967
Burke asks Elizabeth if he can purchase the house on the seafront for Victoria. Victoria succeeds in helping Maggie regain some of her memories, but Julia is able to renew the hypnosis.
S4 Ep29
24th Aug 1967
Julia is convinced that she must make contact with Sarah, and goes on an expedition with David. Meanwhile, Burke demands that Barnabas stays away from Victoria.
S4 Ep32
29th Aug 1967
Victoria tells Burke that she will only marry him if he stops his investigation of Barnabas. Joe and Sam face a difficult decision as Maggie becomes increasingly upset by her confinement to the cottage.
S4 Ep63
11th Oct 1967
Woodard's confrontation convinces Barnabas that he must maintain his secret, warning Julia to destroy all her notes relating to the experiment. Julia appeals to Woodard in an attempt to save him.
S4 Ep70
20th Oct 1967
Mrs. Johnson comes to Elizabeth with bad news. She just heard that a plane, owned by the same company that owns the flight Burke is on, crashed. Elizabeth tells Mrs. Johnson that she will phone the airline about it. The airline tells her that they do not yet have the passanger list and they tell her they will call if Burke was on it. Meanwhile, at the Old House, Barnabas and Julia talk about Josette. Barnabas and Julia leave for Widow's Hill, where Josette jumped off. Meanwhile, at Collinwood, Victoria enters the room and talks about Burke and their plans together. At that moment, the airline called saying that Burke's plane had crashed and that a search party had been organized. Victoria feels faint after learning of the news. She insists on leaving for a walk. Meanwhile, at Widow's Hill, Barnabas talks about his uncle's bride (The history of Josette & Barnabas was changed 20 episodes later when the show went back to 1795) and how he loved her and how she died because she was frighte
S6 Ep24
2nd May 1968
Julia argues successfully that Willie is not stable enough to assist Lang. Lang becomes the unwitting recipient of the dream while trying to gain Jeff's assistance, which sees him confronted by his unfinished creation.
S6 Ep54
14th Jun 1968
Wearing Josette's earrings, Maggie is compelled to pay Willie a visit at the Old House, causing a rift with Joe. Maggie later has a frightening brush with Adam at the cottage. Elizabeth's morbid mood worsens.
S6 Ep60
24th Jun 1968
Trask's remains have returned to the Old House. Cassandra's spell makes Elizabeth re-enact Naomi's death from poison. Barnabas and Julia discover the prone Elizabeth... but have they reached her in time?
S9 Ep36
18th May 1970
Cyrus examines Quentin who says that he is near death. Elizabeth calls Maggie telling her what has happened to Quentin asking her to come back. Angelique tries to undo her voodoo on Quentin. Quentin tries to get Maggie to leave for her own safety.
S9 Ep40
22nd May 1970
Buffie, now under Barnabas’ power, tells Yaeger that she is fine and Barnabas sends him on his way. Angelique makes flowers die which Maggie was holding, causing Quentin to become suspicious of Maggie. Angelique makes Maggie suspicious of Quentin. Maggie has a dream in which she sees Quentin killing Angelique.
S9 Ep64
25th Jun 1970
Barnabas and Will move the body to the secret room of the Old House, Angelique starts to feel weak. Angelique discovers that the body is missing and is sure that Barnabas took it. Amy finds proof that Quentin has been staying in a shut of part of Collinwood and Will goes to investigate.
S4 Ep33
30th Aug 1967
Julia is forced to justify her treatment methods to an angry Sam, after David reveals that she has been investigating Sarah at length. Maggie discovers a doll left by Sarah in her bedroom.
S4 Ep49
21st Sep 1967
Willie remains in a coma. Julia tells Woodard that she suspected Willie for some time, but he maintains that the abduction has a supernatural dimension. David remains highly suspicious of Barnabas.
S4 Ep24
17th Aug 1967
Julia urges Barnabas not to pursue his relationship with Victoria further, warning that it will cause trouble. Barnabas overhears a conversation between Burke and Victoria and is upset by their intimacy.
S4 Ep28
23rd Aug 1967
Joe and Maggie have a difficult time trying to restart their relationship. Burke makes enquiries about Barnabas as his suspicions grow. Victoria is confused by the preoccupation of the music box.
S4 Ep31
28th Aug 1967
A duplicitous Barnabas tells Victoria about Burke's threat to delve into his past and investigate his affairs. Victoria is appalled to learn the news and pledges her support.
S4 Ep60
6th Oct 1967
A psychiatrist is called to Collinwood to examine David. Burke believes that David's state is linked with Maggie's ordeal, while Woodard encounters the ghost of Sarah at the mausoleum.
S4 Ep67
17th Oct 1967
Sam comes home to Maggie. Maggie is shocked to find out that Dr. Woodard is dead. She feels responsible and feels his death is linked to her kidnapping earlier. Sam tells her that no one knows if it is murder or not. Burke, Sam, and the sheriff talk about what they think happened to Dr. Woodard in his office. At Collinwood, Burke tells Victoria that he has some bad news. At first she thinks he is referring to his trip to Brazil. He tells her that Dr. Woodard is dead. She is shocked. Julia enters. Burke tells her the news and Julia acts shocked by it. The coroner calls Sam and tells him that Dr. Woodard died from a heart attack.
S1 Ep25
29th Jul 1966
Roger presses Elizabeth for an explanation of her reasons for hiring Victoria, which she refuses to give. Meanwhile, Victoria is shocked to discover the missing bleeder valve in her room.
S2 Ep2
21st Dec 1966
Sam reveals to Roger that the stranger who spoke to Maggie was Roger's estranged wife Laura, who has returned to town. Elsewhere, Laura wastes no time in making her presence felt.
S4 Ep10
28th Jul 1967
As Victoria pays an evening visit to the Old House, a violent storm prevents her from returning to Collinwood. Barnabas seizes on the opportunity and suggests that she spend the night in Josette's room.
S4 Ep11
31st Jul 1967
As she sleeps in Josette's room, Victoria is awakened by Sarah's singing. Barnabas begs Willie to prevent him from attacking Victoria and is shocked at the discovery of Sarah's ball.
S4 Ep77
31st Oct 1967
Carolyn looks outside the window in the foyer and looks at the sunset. She goes into David's room. She wakes him up, and he asks her why she is in his room at 6:00 in the morning. Carolyn tells David that she did not see Sarah (lies!) and that if he doesn't stop it he'll be sent away. Later, Carolyn sees Julia and asks what she is doing. Julia tells her she came to tell Vickie that the two crystals from the chanderleer do not match. Carolyn leaves but secretly hides on the landing in the foyer. Julia hypnotizes Vickie in another room, and Carolyn sees them leaving from the landing. Julia takes Vickie to Josette's room. She tells him that Barnabas is trying to turn her into Josette, and that she should remember this in her subconciousness. Later, Carolyn asks Vickie how her walk with Julia was. Vickie tells Carolyn she never went on a walk, and leaves to teach David his lesson. Carolyn questions Julia about the walk. Julia tells her that she and Vickie went out to get some fresh air.
S5 Ep11
5th Dec 1967
A gold-digging friend of the Collins family, Lt. Nathanial Forbes, is suddenly smitten by Millicent Collins AFTER he learns that she is a very wealthy orphan. Meanwhile, Jeremiah decides to leave town so that he and Josette will not get together and end up breaking Barnabas' heart.
S5 Ep14
8th Dec 1967
Angelique immediately casts a new spell over Josette and Jeremiah after she learns that certain members of the family are trying to expedite their wedding. Yielding to the power of that spell, Josette leaves Barnabas ""standing at the altar.""
S5 Ep16
12th Dec 1967
Although they make an unlikely pair, Countess Natalie duPres and Abigail Collins do agree that a witch must be behind their families' misfortune. Suspecting Miss Winters to be that witch, Abigail snoops through her room and discovers some damning evidence: a charm bracelet and the transformation of the mysterious cat into her missing brother, Joshua Collins. Abigail decides to send for Reverend Trask, a religious fanatic and witch hunter.
S1 Ep20
22nd Jul 1966
Roger confronts Burke, accusing him outright of causing the accident and attempting to kill him. Victoria, however, is unimpressed by Roger's assumption of foul play on Burke's part.
S4 Ep8
26th Jul 1967
Burke is unimpressed by the music box and Victoria's growing interest in the life of Josette. Later, they almost encounter Julia and Maggie, as they visit the cemetery in an attempt to restore her memory.
S4 Ep56
2nd Oct 1967
Roger and Elizabeth are puzzled by David's claims that Barnabas is terrorising him and make plans to enlist a psychiatrist. Meanwhile, Barnabas attempts to convince Roger to send the boy away.
S4 Ep57
3rd Oct 1967
Barnabas begins to suspect that Julia is working against him. Julia tries to persuade Roger to send David away to school. David decides to investigate the Old House and encounters an angry Barnabas.
S6 Ep43
29th May 1968
Julia enters the Old House and finds Willie, seemingly in a trance-like state. She goes to him, and he says he was afraid it would be Carolyn. Julia finds that Willie has had the dream. Julia tells Willie that if the dream curse isn't stopped, someone will die--Barnabas. Willie tells Julia the dream, and he acts as if he's crazy. Julia offers to erase his memory of the dream, which he gladly accepts. While hypnotizing him, Willie says he sees a vision of Carolyn--underground! Julia is starteled by this, but continues to erase the memory of the dream. In the root cellar, Carolyn tells Adam to take her away. He does not understand. While his back is turned, she picks up a rock and is about to hit him with it, but he prevents her from doing so. Meanwhile, Julia finds that the memory of the dream will not go away. The dream is to ingrained into Willie's subconscious. Julia asks him about what he said about Carolyn, but he does not remember. He fears that Carolyn may be dead. Meanwhile, Car
S6 Ep46
3rd Jun 1968
Barnabas and Willie search the bottem of Widow's Hill. Barnabas thinks Adam may still be alive, and if so he has to find him. Willie tells him that Adam has to be dead, and that his body must've been cast out to sea by the waves. Barnabas tells him to continue to search anyway. Willie says he wants to go to Collinwood to see Carolyn and tell her the dream. Barnabas tells him he can not go to Collinwood so the Dream Curse will not come to him. He then orders Willie to go, and Willie gives Barnabas a look of pure hatred. At Collinwood, Carolyn brushes her hair while some food lays by her. Elizabeth enters. Carolyn assures her that she is not afraid. Elizabeth tells her that the police say Adam is dead. She then asks if Adam hurt her. Carolyn tells her that he tried to be nice towards her in clumsy way...like a child. Carolyn says she'll sleep, and Elizabeth exits. Willie enters through the window. Carolyn is sleeping, and is awakened by him. She starts screaming, but he covers her mouth.
S6 Ep80
22nd Jul 1968
Cassandra reports her discovery to Nicholas, who is astonished to learn about Adam's creation. When David later plays the recording to an eager Julia, it has changed without explanation.
S6 Ep101
20th Aug 1968
Angélique calls Joe to her, after which Nicholas gives him a job to do. Joe confronts Barnabas over Willie's activities. As Tom begins to recover from his coma, Nicholas fears that his work will be exposed.
S6 Ep181
11th Dec 1968
Amy senses that Quentin is angry with her and David and suggests they pay him a visit. David and Amy embark on a frightening tour of the west wing, guided by Quentin's spirit, finding themselves trapped.
S4 Ep18
9th Aug 1967
Victoria is overjoyed to discover an archaic house near the seafront. Burke hints to Barnabas that he is suspicious of his past and of the influence he has on Victoria, with intentions to investigate.
S4 Ep21
14th Aug 1967
As Julia revels in her work to maintain Barnabas' secrets, he remains unconvinced that her hypnotism of Maggie will remain successful. Now desperate, he renews his plans to kill Maggie.
S4 Ep22
15th Aug 1967
Sam continues to fear for Maggie's safety. Barnabas is shocked to learn of Maggie's visit from Sarah. Entering her room to during the night, he is confronted by a ghostly presence.
S4 Ep25
18th Aug 1967
Victoria is haunted by the sensation that someone entered her room while she was sleeping. Barnabas is worried to learn the news that Burke has proposed to Victoria.
S4 Ep34
31st Aug 1967
Barnabas reacts furiously when Julia reveals that Sarah has visited the Old House, fearing she will expose him. He relents realising that there is a possibility that she will appear to him.
S4 Ep40
8th Sep 1967
In spite of Julia's protestations, Barnabas joins the search for David. Inside the mausoleum, Sarah shows Barnabas the way out of the secret room and he runs out into Barnabas' waiting arms.
S4 Ep52
26th Sep 1967
Sarah visits David again and as they talk, he realises that the place in his dream was the cellar of the Old House. However, Sarah warns him that if he goes there, he will be in danger.
S4 Ep53
27th Sep 1967
Barnabas is concerned that the evidence against Willie is not strong enough and hides Maggie's ring in Willie's room for a search party to discover. Willie begins to regain emerge from his coma.
S4 Ep55
29th Sep 1967
Roger struggles to understand David's suspicion of his cousin. David is suspicious that the basement of the Old House is locked. After returning home, David is attacked by a giant bat in his room.
S4 Ep59
5th Oct 1967
Burke and Dr. Woodard tell David that they didn't find anything in the Old House basement. David decides to tell them about the secret room in the mausoleum, breaking his promise to Sarah. As soon as Burke and Woodard leave, the window to David's room bursts open, and David fears that it's Sarah showing him her anger. At the mausoleum, David takes Burke and Dr. Woodard to show them the secret room, but the door will not open. Later, David finds Sarah's flute.
S4 Ep64
12th Oct 1967
Woodard manages to gain access to Julia's bedroom and finds her notebook on the experiment, which he steals. Later, Barnabas and Julia are mortified to discover that the book is missing.
S4 Ep65
13th Oct 1967
Barnabas demands that Julia helps him to kill Woodard. Woodard arranges a meeting with Sam and the sheriff to discuss the notebook, but Julia and Barnabas pay a visit before it can take place.
S5 Ep43
19th Jan 1968
Angelique is furious when Joshua tells her about the lie he will tell concerning the death of his son. What upsets her even more is that his body will be buried in secret. She wants the coffin with Barnabs to remain in the room until morning- time enough to stake him. But Joshua tells her that she has no power anymore. Angelique then summons Ben to come to her. Josette finds Natalie looking through the Collins Family History book. Natalie plans to take Josette with her as soon as possible back to Martinique. Josette says she will not go because she will wait for Barnabas to return to her. Josettes see's the body of her loved one being carried away. Joshua appologizes for her having to see that. Josette sees Ben looking in through the window, and tells Joshua. Ben is able to escape. Later, Ben returns. Joshua sees him and asks what he's doing here. He believes that Ben is going to rob the house. Angelique comes down the stairs, and says that Ben has the right to grieve for Barnabas. Ang
S4 Ep37
5th Sep 1967
Barnabas' attack is disturbed by Joe and Carolyn, returning from the search for David. Meanwhile, the sheriff broadens the hunt to the Old House, and demands access to cellar containing Barnabas' coffin
S4 Ep38
6th Sep 1967
At the mausoleum, the caretaker notices that it has been disturbed. When David calls out for help, he becomes scared and leaves. Later, an unhappy coincidence prevents Roger and Joe finding the boy.
S1 Ep65
23rd Sep 1966
Burke journeys to Collinwood, now intent on settling his vendetta against the Collins family. Roger and Sam exchange threats as they discuss their affairs at the Blue Whale.
S1 Ep83
19th Oct 1966
Roger buries the pen to dispose of the evidence. Later, when Victoria accuses David of stealing it, Roger make an uncharacteristic display of defence for the boy, taking David's side against hers.
S4 Ep14
3rd Aug 1967
Barnabas finds himself unable to attack Victoria. Meanwhile, Julia continues to investigate Barnabas at the Old House and discovers him sleeping in his coffin in the basement.
S4 Ep17
8th Aug 1967
Julia's presence at the Old House arouses Woodard's suspicions. Meanwhile, Sarah reveals to David that Maggie is still alive. After doubting her presence, Victoria finds Sarah's cap on the floor.
S4 Ep27
22nd Aug 1967
Barnabas is livid to discover that Victoria has accepted Burke's proposal and makes a telling outburst. Barnabas is now eager to complete Julia's therapy and vows to stop the wedding.
S4 Ep39
7th Sep 1967
After an encounter with Sarah in the woods surrounding the estate, Willie realises that she may have told David about Barnabas and warns Julia of the danger any knowledge would place the boy in.
S4 Ep44
14th Sep 1967
In a desperate attempt to flush out Maggie's kidnapper, Sam and the sheriff decide to leak the false news that her fragmented memory is beginning to return.
S4 Ep48
20th Sep 1967
The police discover that the intruder was Willie, now barely clinging to life. As Woodard operates on Willie, Julia assures Barnabas that he will almost certainly die, maintaining their secret
S4 Ep50
22nd Sep 1967
David continues to be terrified of Barnabas. Later, as he sleeps, David dreams that Sarah takes him to the Old House and reveals the secret of Barnabas.
S4 Ep51
25th Sep 1967
Willie's life continues to hang in the balance. Julia calls upon her powers of hypnosis to deal with David, but has not counted on the knowledge he has acquired from his dream.
S4 Ep69
19th Oct 1967
Sarah's ghost visits David. She tells him about the death of Doctor Woodard. She tells him something terrible happens but then disappears after he asks what is going to happen. Elizabeth enters and is going to tell him about Dr. Woodard's death but finds that David already knows. She thinks that he must have overheard them talking about his death. Victoria wants Burke to consider continuing to live at Collinwood by restoring one of the wings. Carolyn talks with David. Carolyn tells her of her imaginary friend from when she was nine. Carolyn and David hear Sarah play. David tells Carolyn that an accident will happen to someone they love. Burke must leave for South America that night. David says goodbye like he will never see Burke again. Burke and Victoria go for a walk and Victoria hears the wail of the Widows of Widows Hill.
S4 Ep71
23rd Oct 1967
This episode starts with Vicki in Josette's room at the Old House. She is wearing a bridal veil. Julia and Barnabas enter. They both comment on her beauty. Julia then leaves the room. Barnabas shows Victoria a body bag in the room. He tells her that Burke is in there. Victoria then wakes up. It was all a dream! Carolyn had woken her up. Carolyn offers sympathy to Victoria, but Victoria says that she does not need it because Burke is coming back. Meanwhile, at the Old House, Julia is looking through Josette's things. She feels the presence of someone, and she believes it's either Josette or Doctor Woodard. She hears the Victoria entering the Old House. They talk, and Julia pretty much tells her (Not in these words) to bug off and leave Barnabas alone. Victoria doesn't understand her bahavior. She later has Barnabas come to Collinwood, and tells her of how Julia acted. Julia enters with flowers, apologizing. Victoria goes to get a vase, but when she returns she finds the flowers are dead
S4 Ep78
1st Nov 1967
Carolyn once again looks at the portrait of Barnabas. Vickie goes to her and asks her if she wants to see a movie with her. Carolyn says she can't, but suggests Vickie go to the Old House to talk with cousin Barnabas to talk about the restoration of the West Wing. Vickie says she doesn't want to impose on Barnabas. Carolyn encourages her to go, and Vickie says she might go later. Julia enters the house, coming back from town. Vickie tells Carolyn & Julia about a dream she had about going with Julia to a very old house. Vickie leaves to go check on David. Carolyn says it's a strange conicendence that Vickie had a dream like that. Julia feels that Carolyn suspects her of something. On the terrace, Carolyn watchs the sun sets. She thinks she hears Barnabas calling for her, but it is just Joe Haskell. She tells him that she no longer believes the things David has been saying. Carolyn says she is going to go for a walk and Joe offers to go with her. She suggests that he go inside and talk t
S5 Ep7
29th Nov 1967
Cousin Millicent Collins arrives from New York City. Although she is young and simple-minded, her rich inheritance inspires Joshua to try and convince his younger brother, Jeremiah, to court her and marry her, thereby combining her wealth with the Collins family's wealth. Jeremiah is not interested. Meanwhile, Angelique casts a love spell causing Josette to fall in love with Jeremiah. Shocked at her behavior, Jeremiah resists her advances.
S5 Ep8
30th Nov 1967
When Ben Stokes tries to warn Barnabas about Angelique's powers of witchcraft, he suddenly loses his voice and becomes mute. Under Angelique's spell, Josette is impelled to go to Jeremiah's bedroom and once again, profess her love for him.
S5 Ep10
4th Dec 1967
Countess Natalie duPres tells her brother, Andre, that she saw Josette and Jeremiah in each other's arms. Concerned about the repercussions, Countess duPres consults her Tarot Cards and the reading reveals that an evil presence has descended upon the Collins family. With this revelation, she immediately begins to suspect the new governess, Victoria Winters.
S5 Ep17
13th Dec 1967
Feeling guilty over their sudden elopement, Josette persuades Jeremiah to return to The Old House and face their respective families. Shocked and feeling bitterly betrayed, Barnabas challenges his once-beloved uncle to a duel.
S5 Ep28
29th Dec 1967
Barnabas approaches his father and insists upon marrying Angelique immediately, infuriating Joshua who then disinherits his only son. As Barnabas makes plans to leave Collinsport with Angelique and find a new way to earn a living, his mother, Naomi, pleads with him to stay, offering the deed to The Old House as an early wedding present. Meanwhile, Angelique loses control over Jeremiah's ghost and he attacks her.
S6 Ep5
5th Apr 1968
Vicki is haunted by visions of the past. As Barnabas and Vicki are driving to elope, a man with a familar face steps into the road in front of them. Swerving to avoid him, the vehicle crashes.
S6 Ep9
11th Apr 1968
Victoria's visit to the mausoleum uncovers new memories of the past. Barnabas senses his curse returning. Lang vows to expose Jeff as recovering from criminal insanity if his friendship with Victoria continues.
S6 Ep12
16th Apr 1968
A possessed Roger attempts to kill Dr. Lang with a spear, but is stopped by the entrance of Julia and Barnabas. Meanwhile, the missing portrait of Angélique returns to Collinwood.
S6 Ep13
17th Apr 1968
Shockwaves resonate through Collinwood when Roger introduces his new wife, Cassandra. Barnabas recognises her as Angélique wearing a dark wig. Elizabeth demands that the marriage be dissolved.
S6 Ep18
24th Apr 1968
Dr. Lang drugs Jeff and plans to use his face for Barnabas’ new body. Cassandra starts the dream curse, she chooses Maggie to be the first to have it. In the dream Maggie is beckoned by Jeff to a room which has several doors, she opens a door and finds a skull. Dr. Lang prepares to cut Jeff’s face off.
S6 Ep19
25th Apr 1968
When a distressed Victoria visits Lang in search of Jeff, Barnabas realises how deeply she loves him and reconsiders his plan. However, Lang believes that Jeff must die to protect their secrets.
S6 Ep21
29th Apr 1968
A truce is reached when Lang agrees to spare Jeff, if Julia keeps her silence. Julia finds herself an uneasy player in Lang's experiment. Tony is sent to Lang's house by Cassandra to take Stokes' talisman.
S6 Ep22
30th Apr 1968
Lang needs a new assistant to replace Jeff, so Barnabas decides to bring Willie Loomis back from Windcliff. Maggie passes the dream on to Jeff in a conversation, which he has himself when he sleeps.
S6 Ep25
3rd May 1968
Dr. Eric Lang works on his creation but can't keep his mind off his dream. Julia enters in the same fashion that she came in during his dream. Eric tells her the dream. Barnabas tells Willie to give Elizabeth a note saying that he will be leaving and that Adam Collins, a cousin from England (really Barnabas in a new body) will arrive to take his place. When Willie arrives at Collinwood, only Cassandra is home. She tries to get the letter, but Elizabeth's car pulls up in the driveway before she can. Meanwhile, at Dr. Langs', Julia and Eric get ready to transfer Barnabas' life force into the body of Adam. Barnabas enters. The electricty for the expierment is started. Meanwhile, at Collinwood, Cassandra has clay doll of Eric. She starts putting pains into it. He starts having pain in his chest. Something in the lab explodes and they are forced to stop it. Eric still has pains from the voodoo doll, and Barnabas now appears dead.
S6 Ep28
8th May 1968
Preparations for the experiment continue, as Lang's creation will not last indefinitely. Stokes uses his knowledge of the occult to investigate the dream curse and learns of Barnabas' suspicions about Cassandra.
S6 Ep33
15th May 1968
Barnabas, Julia, and Willie are in the cellar of the Old House, gathered around a sleeping Adam. Barnabas and Julia tell Willie that he must not frighten Adam because he would react the same way that everyone reacts when frightened-by striking out. Julia tells Willie that teaching Adam things calms him. Barnabas and Julia then leave the cellar, and Willie is now stuck with Adam. Willie lights a cigarette, which Adam grabs. The cigarette burns Adam's hand, and Adam lashes out by knocking Willie out. At Collinwood, Julia looks over Dr. Lang's old things. Mrs. Johnson enters. She is trying to avoid David, Julia asks why. It turns out Mrs. Johnson had the dream. Julia advises Mrs. Johnson to leave Collinwood for both the sakes of herself and David. As Mrs. Johnson is about to leave, Willie enters. He tells Julia that Adam has left. Julia has Willie go look for him. Adam finds his way to the terrace. Mrs. Johnson sees him and screams. She demands information from him as to who he is; but he
S6 Ep44
30th May 1968
In the root cellar, Carolyn wakes up. She tries to get out but can not due to the rock. At Collinwood, Elizabeth and Vickie sit in the drawing room. Elizabeth says she thinks Carolyn is dead--or soon will be. The phone rings, and Elizabeth hurries to answer it. Elizabeth tells Vickie that the person on the phone was the sheriff--Adam has been caught. Elizabeth decides to go to town to question Adam, and Vickie volunteers to go with her. Carolyn muses over things, and decides Adam must've left to get food since that was the only word she said that he fully understood. Meanwhile, at the jail, Adam sits in his cell, frustrated. Vickie and Elizabeth enter with the sheriff's deputy. The deputy makes fun of Adam, and Elizabeth tells him to stay out of Adam's sight. Elizabeth tries to question Adam, but he can not speak. Elizabeth decides they can not get anything from him, and starts to live. Adam moans, and Vickie notes that it seems like he wants to help them. Carolyn starts going crazy in
S6 Ep45
31st May 1968
Adam runs through the woods, trying to escape from the sheriff's men. Sheriff Patterson goes to the Old House to ask Barnabas questions. He asks why he isn't looking for Carolyn. Barnabas says that he thought he would get the information from the Adam. Sheriff Patterson says he didn't. He tells Barnabas that Adam has escaped. Barnabas is surprised by this. Adam comes to the root cellar where he had locked Carolyn and opens it. Carolyn tries to escape, but Adam pulls on her hair. She tells him that he's hurting her, but Adam just mimics the word 'hurting'. She says that she wants to go 'home', and Adam mimics her again. She starts screaming at him. Adam covers her mouth and takes her back into the root cellar. Carolyn cries, and Adam cries with her while playing with her hair. Adam takes Carolyn out of the cellar and carries her off. Meanwhile, at the Old House, Sheriff Patterson continues to question Barnabas. He says that Adam had been shot by Roger earlier, but when he was seen aga
S6 Ep49
7th Jun 1968
Adam drops the knife. Sam asks him what his name is, and Adam responds saying his name is 'Adam'. Sam gets some water from the kitchen to help Adam and clean his wounds, which had gotten from his fall off Widow's Hill. Professor Timothy Stokes enters, and Adam runs off into the night. Sam asks Stokes to stop him from leaving, but Stokes doesn't. Stokes says he seems like the man who jumped off Widow's Hill. Sam says no one could've survived that fall. Stokes tells Sam that if he has a dream in which he answers the door and sees Barnabas Collins, he should call Stokes immediatly. At Tony Peterson's office, Cassandra and Tony talk. Tony tells Cassandra that he does not like her and wishs she would stay at home with her husband Roger. Tony takes out a lighter, which Cassandra uses to hypnotize him. Cassandra sends Tony to Professor Stokes' house to poision him. At Stokes' house, Vickie visits him. She says the portrait of Angelique has been missing for over a week. Stokes talks with Vicki
S6 Ep53
13th Jun 1968
When Elizabeth watches Cassandra and Tony meet, she decides to tell Roger. Cassandra retaliates by cursing her with preoccupations of impending death, leaving Elizabeth convinced that she will soon die.
S6 Ep55
17th Jun 1968
Maggie and Willie find themselves at the mercy of a crazed Adam. When Sam attempts to intervene, he suffers severe injuries. An encounter with Josette's sobbing ghost leads Julia to Barnabas' tomb.
S6 Ep61
25th Jun 1968
Barnabas and Julia try to find out what happened to Cassandra. To be sure that she's gone, they decide to check her portrait and see if her image is still there. Professor Stokes secretly continues to help Adam and teaches him to speak. Barnabas and Julia meet Roger and ask him to show them the portrait. Roger finds that the picture of Angelique has faded. A gloved hand is suddenly seen knocking on the front door. Barnabas opens it and sees a well dressed gentleman. He tells Barnabas that he must be Cassandra's husband. Barnabas says no just as Roger shows up. He greets Roger and introduces himself as Nicholas Blair, Cassandra's brother.
S6 Ep62
26th Jun 1968
Nicholas is concerned to learn that Cassandra is missing and takes the portrait of Angélique to learn where she is. Joe demands answers about Adam from Willie. Nicholas investigates recent events at Collinwood.
S6 Ep63
27th Jun 1968
Nicholas summons the spirit of Trask to aid his search for Cassandra. He later uses his power to extract information about her from Tony. Jeff returns, and an encounter with Trask seems to signal a breakthrough.
S6 Ep64
28th Jun 1968
Jeff remains in denial that he is the reincarnation of Peter Bradford. He later has a dream about 1795, where he tries to murder Nathan Forbes. Compelled to re-enact the past, Jeff launches himself on Joe.
S6 Ep65
1st Jul 1968
Ghosts of the past make Jeff suspect that he is the reincarnation of Pater Bradford. Using Victoria to find the tree where Trask originally exorcised Cassandra, Nicholas sets about saving her.
S6 Ep66
2nd Jul 1968
Nicholas saves Cassandra, but warns her of the price any future failure will bring. After she discovers him sleepwalking, a troubled Jeff tells Victoria that he believes he is Peter Bradford.
S6 Ep67
3rd Jul 1968
Stokes uses hypnotism to learn about Jeff's past and is surprised to discover the truth about Adam's creation in the process. Stokes warns Victoria to leave Collinwood or face the dream.
S6 Ep71
9th Jul 1968
Julia finds Joe. He is very weak but still alive, and is taken to hospital. Victoria suffers the dream, led by Barnabas, which now concludes with him lying injured with a wounded throat.
S6 Ep73
11th Jul 1968
Julia intervenes after a ruse from Cassandra forces a meeting between Barnabas and Victoria. Victoria struggles to cope with the effects of the dream. Carolyn tracks down Adam and offers him help.
S6 Ep75
15th Jul 1968
As Barnabas lies dead, Julia is unable to stake him to prevent him rising as a vampire. Finally, a devasted Julia and Willie say their goodbyes to their friend, before burying him secretly in the woods.
S6 Ep76
16th Jul 1968
Carolyn and Stokes are alarmed when Adam suffers violent choking symptoms. When Julia is summoned to examine Adam, she realises that his survival must mean that Barnabas is still alive... but for how long?
S6 Ep89
2nd Aug 1968
Carolyn is left shocked by Adam's attack and calls on Stokes to intervene. As Adam struggles to understand his identity, Stokes is forced to reveal the truth about his creation, leaving Adam suicidal.
S6 Ep91
6th Aug 1968
Adam warns Barnabas he will pay a dear price for his refusal. Victoria breaks the news of her engagement to Jeff to a heartbroken Barnabas. As Victoria leaves the Old House, Adam abducts her.
S6 Ep92
7th Aug 1968
Adam imprisons a terrified Victoria at Collinwood. Victoria tries to appeal to Adam's compassion. Aware of Barnabas' affection for her, Adam intends to hold Victoria until his demands are met.
S6 Ep94
9th Aug 1968
As the search intensifies, Nicholas vies to convince Jeff that Barnabas is responsible for the kidnapping, while making plans to move Victoria to his house. Meanwhile, Angélique lives after death as a vampire.
S6 Ep97
14th Aug 1968
After speaking with Stokes, Adam struggles with his conscience and asks Nicholas to release Victoria. Nicholas convinces Adam that Stokes cannot be trusted. Barnabas and Julia agree to Adam's demands.
S6 Ep98
15th Aug 1968
Victoria is released, but with her memory of her ordeal removed. Nicholas pays Maggie a visit, as his affection for her continues to grow. To cement his relationship, Nicholas orders Angélique to attack Joe.
S6 Ep117
11th Sep 1968
Roger expresses concern over Elizabeth's funeral requests, and learns that she plans to exclude the family from her will if they do not comply. After being locked up by Harry, Adam breaks out and takes flight.
S8 Ep22
17th Dec 1969
Barnabas resists the urge to kill Grant (Quentin). Paul moves into Collinwood and finds that Elizabeth does not believe his story that there is a plot against him. Grant awakes and does not remember who he is. Julia starts to suspect that there is something to Paul’s story. Elizabeth becomes concerned that Paul is talking too much; Barnabas makes plans to deal with him.
S8 Ep23
18th Dec 1969
Alexander visits Collinwood to play with David; Paul becomes convinced that Alexander is part of the plot against him. Maggie sees David acting strange around Alexander and begins to suspect that something strange is going on. Roger is angered to find out that Paul is now living at Collinwood. Paul follows Alexander and hears a strange breathing noise.
S10 Ep12
4th Aug 1970
Barnabas questions various family members about a place called “Rose Cottage,” which was something that Carolyn warned him about in 1995. Carolyn and Hallie both feel that some sort of presence is threatening them. David has a dream in which Hallie is wearing a strange old-fashion dress; later Hallie finds that dress laying on her bed.
S10 Ep17
11th Aug 1970
Daphne appears to Quentin, then later to David and gives him a model boat. Daphne leads Quentin to a room which has a unfinished letter that is incoherent. Carolyn is still upset about her husband’s death. Carolyn, Maggie, Quentin and David go on a picnic and David takes photos. When David develops the photos he feels there is a strange figure in one of the pictures; Gerard Stiles watches Carolyn and David looking at the photograph.
S1 Ep119
12th Dec 1966
Matthew begins to doubt David's loyalty. David is overcome with pangs of conscience for helping Matthew evade capture, which are heightened when he learns the consequences of aiding a criminal.
S4 Ep7
25th Jul 1967
Maggie's fragmented memories seem to lead back to the Eagle Hill Cemetery, making Julia decide that they should pay it a visit. The music box has a marked effect on Victoria's behaviour.
S4 Ep47
19th Sep 1967
Julia persuades Barnabas to spare Maggie, by claiming that she has written a letter to the police, which she tells Willie does not exist. Meanwhile, the police shoot an intruder entering Maggie's room.
S4 Ep61
9th Oct 1967
Sarah shows Woodard the secret room, but she disappears before he can learn more. Julia is shocked to learn that Woodard believes that Sarah is Barnabas' sister and has returned with a purpose in mind.
S4 Ep90
17th Nov 1967
Disturbed by her nephew's insistence that he is haunted by a ghost, Elizabeth Collins-Stoddard reluctantly agrees to hold a seance in her home. During the seance, the ghost, aka Sarah Collins, chooses to speak through the governess, Victoria Winters. However, the seance doesn't last long when Miss Winters suddenly disappears and a strange woman is found sitting in her place.
S5 Ep13
7th Dec 1967
Everyone is talking about Joshua's mysterious disappearence. Natalie & Victoria re-enact what happened between Joshua & Jeremiah. As they re-enact it, the cat appears, like it had when Jeremiah discovered Joshua was missing! Barnabas enters the drawing room where they are, and is weary of searching..he hadn't found a trace of his father. Natalie asks Victoria to leave the room, but Barnabas asks her to check on his mother Naomi in a kinder fashion. Natalie tells Barnabas that she believes witchcraft is involved with the disappearence of Joshua. Nathan enters the room and tells them footprints have been found on Widow's Hill. Barnabas tells him where some of Joshua's shoes can be found so they can see if the footprints match the shoes. Nathan leaves them eavesdrops as Natalie tells Jeremiah that a witch didn't want him to leave, and then hears her ask if Barnabas trusts Victoria. Nathan then leaves to the study to get the boots, and while he is looking Victoria enters. Nathan makes a pa
S1 Ep51
5th Sep 1966
Carolyn and Victoria rush back to Collinwood in terror, and tell Elizabeth about seeing the body of a man floating in the sea beneath Widows' Hill. Matthew investigates and finds nothing but seaweed.
S1 Ep22
26th Jul 1966
Sam Evans reluctantly accepts a commission from Burke to paint a portrait of him, apparently destined for the Collinwood drawing room. Roger is annoyed that Carolyn does not believe Burke's guilt.
S1 Ep23
27th Jul 1966
Constable Carter arrives at Collinwood to investigate Roger's car accident. In an attempt to prevent his sabotage being revealed, David tampers with the evidence.
S2 Ep9
2nd Jan 1967
Roger locks horns with Richard Garner, as he attempts to speed up divorce proceedings against Laura. Sam continues to be troubled by his compulsion to paint the fire portrait.
S2 Ep10
3rd Jan 1967
Sam's painting is now almost complete, depicting Laura surrounded by flames. Meanwhile, Roger learns that the body from the Phoenix apartment has been positively identified as Laura.
S4 Ep5
21st Jul 1967
While the residents of Collinwood enjoy Barnabas' hospitality at the party, Elizabeth senses a ghostly presence. An indulgent Roger begins a séance, sending Victoria into a psychic trance.
S4 Ep26
21st Aug 1967
Burke's proposal leaves Victoria with a difficult decision to make. Later, Burke and Barnabas share a drink at the Blue Whale and exchange veiled threats about their pursuit of Victoria.
S4 Ep30
25th Aug 1967
Barnabas begins to worry that Julia's experiments are having an adverse effect on him. Sarah shows David the coffin hidden in the secret room in the mausoleum.
S4 Ep54
28th Sep 1967
Willie regains consciousness and is questioned by the sheriff. Barnabas and Julia are relieved when the sheriff announces that Willie's is clearly mentally unhinged and will be committed for treatment.
S5 Ep57
8th Feb 1968
Joshua and Nathan search for answers over Suki's murder. Millicent is shocked to learn Suki's true identity. When bite marks are found on Josette's neck, the prediction of her death seems inevitable.
S5 Ep59
12th Feb 1968
Barnabas is devastated by Josette's suicide. Millicent is intrigued to see Barnabas in the cemetery and shocks Joshua and Naomi by announcing that Barnabas should combat Nathan, to appease her honour.
S5 Ep66
21st Feb 1968
At Victoria's trial, Trask relates the story of Abigail's death. He says that Victoria did it. Peter gets angry and says there is no proof of that. The judges tell Trask that there is not enough evidence to accuse Victoria of witchcraft. In the goal, Peter asks Vicki if there is anybody who she discussed Abigail with. She names Barnabas (Dead-well not really), Jeremiah (Dead), Natalie (Thinks Victoria is a witch), and Ben (Who won't testify). She then remembers Nathan and Peter gets Nathan to agree to testify for Victoria. At the trial, Victoria is called to the stand. Trask asks her questions, many relating to Abigail's death. He then calls in a new witness- Nathan Forbes! Peter and Victoria are shocked by this. On the stand, Nathan says that Victoria told him how she would like to strike Abigail dead (All lies!). Victoria is horrified. Peter then cross examines him. Nathan then leaves the stand and takes one last look at Victoria before he leaves.
S6 Ep17
23rd Apr 1968
Tony confronts Carolyn and then Barnabas about the night that he saw both of them at the Old House. Cassandra places Tony under her power to help her. Angelique comes to Barnabas in a dream and tells him that she will turn him back to a vampire at through a dream curse.
S6 Ep27
7th May 1968
Determined to contain the dream, Julia visits Stokes and appeals for help. Jeff raids Lang's files looking for information. Without Lang's expertise, Julia and Barnabas worry that the experiment will not work.
S6 Ep42
28th May 1968
Tony and Elizabeth mount a search for the missing Carolyn. Adam hides Carolyn in a cellar while he attempts to reason with her. Willie goes through the dream ordeal, seeing a vision of a wolf.
S6 Ep160
11th Nov 1968
The hunt for Barnabas continues. Julia begs Nicholas to stake Angelique, pointing out that Adam will die from Barnabas' injuries. Willie finds Barnabas, saving his life. Nicholas decides Angelique must die.
S6 Ep174
2nd Dec 1968
A wounded Adam seeks sanctuary with Stokes, who makes plans to send him to a clinic for scars treatment. Jeff realises that he is the reincarnation of Peter Bradford and he and Victoria are reunited.
S6 Ep186
18th Dec 1968
Ms Findley grows troubled as her investigation continues. The mark of the pentagram appears on Joe. David and Amy lure Ms Findley into a secret passage, delivering her to Quentin's secret room.
S1 Ep19
21st Jul 1966
Elizabeth continues to insist that Carolyn should not visit Burke again, adamant that he is attempting to destroy the Collins family. Bill Malloy attempts to learn more about Burke's motives.
S4 Ep12
1st Aug 1967
Barnabas struggles with his instincts over Victoria. Elizabeth allows Julia to stay at Collinwood as a researcher. Julia wastes no time in making her presence felt around the Collinsport estate.
S4 Ep43
13th Sep 1967
Following their new discovery, Sam and Woodard decide to take Maggie out of Julia' s care. Barnabas decides to kill David, but is prevented by Sarah's intervention.
S4 Ep68
18th Oct 1967
Julia wants to stop the experiments on Barnabas. Barnabas convinces her to continue. Burke starts to prepare to go on the trip to South America. Julia tries to convince Burke to postpone the trip because she says Vicki is frail, but in reality it's because Barnabas will try to get Vicki to fall in love with him. Victoria tells Burke that Julia seems to be frailer then her. Julia is very upset about the death of Dr.Woodard. She sees his ghost by the fountain at Collinwood. She starts new expieriments on Barnabas.
S4 Ep73
25th Oct 1967
Carolyn wakes up in the middle of the night and sees David staring at her. David says he was just checking to make sure she wasn't dead. David gives her a toy soldier to protect her. Sarah appears to Carolyn, making Carolyn believe that David might be telling the truth about other things. CArolyn tells Elizabeth not to send David away. David is upset because Dr. Wooodard saw Sarah right before he died. Julia prepares another treatment to reverse the aging that Barnabas has experienced, however the experiment fails and Barnabas ages his entire body.
S4 Ep79
2nd Nov 1967
Julia and Carolyn are in the same room. Julia asks Carolyn not to follow her around so much, and then leaves the room. Roger and Elizabeth tell Carolyn that Vickie and David will soon be leaving for Boston for a few days of vacation. Carolyn says she is pleased that David is getting away, which surprises Elizabeth. Roger offers Carolyn the chance to go with Vickie and David, but she declines. Carolyn leaves. Roger and Elizabeth talk about Carolyn's recent strange behavior. Later, Vickie is making a bouqet of flowers when Julia enters. Vickie tells Julia it is for Barnabas and tells her about her behavior to him earlier. Carolyn enters and says she is going shopping for a few hours. After Carolyn leaves, Julia closes the door, but Carolyn listens to their conversation from the other side of the door. Julia hypnotizes Vickie, and they leave for the Old House. Carolyn follows. At the Old House, Julia takes Vickie to a room--which had been Maggie's cell which now only contains the coffin W
S4 Ep81
6th Nov 1967
Julia comes down the stairs to the foyer of Collinwood. She stares at Barnabas' portrait. She thinks about what is going on, and decides it's not safe to keep the notebook in her room. Julia needs to find a place to keep it over night, and then drop it off at the bank the next day. As she starts to leave the room, the great clock rings. Julia decides she'll hide the notebook in the clock. Carolyn goes to the Old House. She tells Barnabas she couldn't find the notebook, and Julia discovered her looking through the room. Barnabas says that Julia now knows that they are looking for the notebook. Barnabas orders Carolyn to watch Julia at all times and find the notebook tonight! Carolyn reminds Barnabas that he is in danger during the day. Barnabas tells Carolyn that she will look over him during the day. Barnabas says that as soon as they have the notebook, Dr. Hoffman will be destroyed! At Collinwood, Julia paces between the foyer and the drawing room. Elizabeth joins her downstairs, and
S4 Ep82
7th Nov 1967
In a desperate attempt to prevent Barnabas from obtaining the notebook, Julia entrusts it with Tony Peterson, a local lawyer pursuing a claim against a Collins family employee.
S5 Ep4
24th Nov 1967
Josette and her father, Andre duPres, finally arrive at The Old House. Jealous of Josette and angry at Barnabas for rebuffing her, Angelique uses her powers of witchcraft against Barnabas, causing him to begin choking and gasping for air.
S5 Ep6
28th Nov 1967
In need of an assistant to help her carry out her plans to sabotage the nuptials, Angelique casts a spell over Ben Stokes, an indentured servant to the Collins family, causing him to lose his free will and become her slave.
S5 Ep12
6th Dec 1967
Ben is in the woods, sharping his ax, when he is summoned to come to the Old House by Angelique. He tries to resist at first, but Angelique's face appears in the woods and tells him he can't resist her. Ben goes to the Old House. Meanwhile, Jeremiah tells Barnabas that he is going to be leaving. Barnabas is upset by this because he will miss the wedding. Jeremiah orders Ben to get his bags and call a carriage for him to leave Collinwood. Ben tells Angelique this, which makes Angelique unhappy because it will ruin her plans. Ben gives her idea to have Josette plead for Jeremiah to stay and uses voodoo to make this happen. Josette goes from the room she is to Barnabas and tells him in a trancelikestate that Jeremiah must not leave. The spell suddenly seems to leave her, and Josette hugs Barnabas and tells him it's alright, his departure is for the best. Ben tells Angelique this trimupetly, and Angelique gets mad at her. Joshua overhears them, and tells him that Ben has been rude to her.
S5 Ep23
21st Dec 1967
Angelique begins her assault by stealing Sarah's doll and inserting pins into it, causing Sarah to become very ill. The Collins family and their doctor are at a loss as to what is causing her illness and fear that she is on the brink of death. Angelique casually mentions to Barnabas that she heard of a similar incident back on the island of Martinique and that a special tea was brewed to heal the infirmed. Desperate to help his beloved little sister, Barnabas promises to marry Angelique IF she can cure Sarah. Angelique then brews the special tea and as Sarah drinks it, Angelique removes the pins from Sarah's doll, ""curing"" Sarah instantly.
S5 Ep24
22nd Dec 1967
Despite the family's optimism, Josette believes that Jeremiah is dying and that he doesn't have much time left. Having ""cured"" Barnabas' little sister Sarah, Angelique pressures him to keep his promise and marry her soon.
S5 Ep26
27th Dec 1967
Grieving widow Josette is terrified when she sees Jeremiah's hand reach out to her from his grave. Angelique happily tells Josette that she is going to marry Barnabas and Josette receives the news with mixed emotions. In the meantime, everyone starts moving into the new house, Collinwood.
S5 Ep27
28th Dec 1967
When Abigail Collins begins to suspect Angelique of being a witch, Angelique quickly diverts her rising suspicions back onto Miss Winters. Frightened by the close call and obvious hostility, Angelique convinces Barnabas that they should marry as soon as possible.
S5 Ep77
7th Mar 1968
Nathan fakes a rescue of Millicent and feigns shock when she claims that it was Barnabas who attacked her. Nathan's plan works and Millicent later reconsiders her decision and asks him to stay.
S1 Ep47
30th Aug 1966
Roger arrives for the meeting with Sam and Burke, and shares an uneasy hour waiting for Bill to arrive. However, after he fails to appear after an hour, the meeting is reluctantly abandoned.
S3 Ep74
3rd Jul 1967
Elizabeth is tormented by dreams of the three widows and seems troubled and preoccupied as the wedding approaches. Later, Mrs Johnson prevents her from jumping from Widows' Hill.
S3 Ep80
11th Jul 1967
As Elizabeth ponders that her future holds, the police are summoned to investigate her claims. Excavating the locked room in the basement, a trunk they uncover an old trunk.
S3 Ep82
13th Jul 1967
His blackmail plan defeated, a humiliated Jason is ordered to leave town by the Sheriff. Spying on Willie and Barnabas exchanging jewels, Jason decides to break into the Old House and steal.
S4 Ep3
19th Jul 1967
Victoria selects one of Josette's dresses from the Old House to wear at Barnabas' costume party. Barnabas is disturbed by the sight of Sarah's dress amongst the old clothes.
S4 Ep4
20th Jul 1967
At the request of Victoria, a reluctant Barnabas invites Burke to the costume party, indulgently suggesting that he adopt the guise of Jeremiah Collins, his old rival.
S4 Ep6
24th Jul 1967
The séance continues and Victoria channels the spirit of Josette, reliving the moments before her suicide at Widows' Hill. Barnabas gives Victoria the music box as a gift.
S4 Ep41
11th Sep 1967
David refuses to provide Barnabas with answers and seems scared of him. Barnabas reprimands Willie and is convinced David poses a threat. Later, David is afraid that he is being watched as he sleeps.
S4 Ep42
12th Sep 1967
Barnabas is now certain that David has found out his secret. Meanwhile, a visit to the mausoleum by Woodard and Sam begins to convince them that Sarah is actually a ghost.
S4 Ep46
18th Sep 1967
Willie unsuccessfully attempts to persuade Barnabas to spare Maggie. Meanwhile, while the Evans Cottage remains under police guard, Sarah pays Maggie a visit, managing to enter and leave unseen.
S4 Ep62
10th Oct 1967
Woodard continues his research at the cemetery and makes an unexpected discovery. Now convinced that he has uncovered Barnabas' secret, Woodard goes to the Old House to confront him.
S4 Ep66
16th Oct 1967
Julia and Woodard are in his office. Barnabas enters, transforming from a bat to a vampire. Barnabas and Julia inject him with a poision that will make his death look like a heartattack so they can get his notebook on Barnabas and prevent him from telling people that Barnabas is a vampire. Meanwhile, at the Blue Whale, the sheriff comes to Sam Evans. He asks Sam if he's seen Woodard. They have a discussion over where he could be. A woman shrieks outside due to the sight of a bat. Sam & the sheriff decide to go to Dr. Woodard's office. They break down the door and find the body of Dr. Woodard. Julia hears the ghost of Dr. Woodard tell her that 'you no longer have any friends'
S4 Ep72
24th Oct 1967
Barnabas & Julia are in her laboratory. Julia gives Barnabas a treatment. After the treatment, Barnabas feels like he's on Cloud 9. He feels like new blood is flowing through him. He goes as far as saying that tomorrow he will go on Widow's Hill with Victoria to see his first sunrise since 1795. Julia tells him not to risk things which might hasten his destruction. Meanwhile, at Collinwood, Carolyn is pleading with Victoria not to stay night and day at the phone. Julia enters. Carolyn says that she'll ask Mrs. Johnson to make coffee for them and leaves. Julia hypnotizes Victoria and takes her to the basement of the Old House. There she shows Barnabas in his coffin and tells her to remember this yet not remember it. They go back to Collinwood. Carolyn brings them coffee (According to her, Mrs. Johnson isn't feeling very well so she had to make it herself....a long time to make coffee!). Victoria is already uneasy every time Barnabas' name is spoken. Barnabas stops by later and asks her
S1 Ep18
20th Jul 1966
Learning Victoria saw Burke by his car, Roger takes her to Burke's room at the hotel to make a confrontation. Meanwhile, David harbours the bleeder valve taken from Roger's car.
S4 Ep45
15th Sep 1967
David is tormented by a nightmare of Barnabas baring his fangs. Meanwhile, Barnabas learns of Maggie's restored memory and vows to deal with the matter, despite Julia's protests.
S1 Ep16
18th Jul 1966
Roger emerges from the accident without serious injury, but is shaken by the experience. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is appalled to learn of Carolyn's flirtation with Burke.
S1 Ep49
1st Sep 1966
Burke is despondent at the news of Bill's disappearance, believing that he will now never clear his name. As the news spreads, concern for Malloy continues to grow.
S1 Ep28
3rd Aug 1966
Roger learns from Maggie that David has been seen trying to get into Burke's room at the hotel. As the police investigations near a conclusion, Burke and Roger's animosity increases rapidly.
S1 Ep36
15th Aug 1966
A furious Roger demands of Sam that he not paint Burke's portrait. Elizabeth begs Victoria to stay at Collinwood, and later confers with David in an attempt to find a solution.
S1 Ep81
17th Oct 1966
Matthew Morgan continues to make threats towards Burke. Meanwhile, Mrs Johnson visits Collinwood, where Elizabeth offers her the job of housekeeper.
S1 Ep86
24th Oct 1966
Burke and Carolyn have a date together, though his motives remain unclear. Distraught after seeing the ghost, Victoria desperately attempts to escape from the locked room.
S2 Ep1
20th Dec 1966
After Matthew's screams of terror, Burke and Roger break into the old house rescuing Victoria. They find Matthew dead from fright. Elizabeth, calls the Sheriff. Victoria comes home and states that the ghost of Josette Collins saved her. Roger thinks she is traumatized and imagined the ghost. Roger takes Sheriff Patterson to the Old House. Elizabeth orders Burke not to hurt Carolyn or Victoria, whom she suspects he is attracted to. Burke visits Victoria in her room and she thanks him. Burke tells her to flee Collinwood; she believes she's safe now that Matthew's dead. Roger comes home and tells the news that there will probably be no inquest. Matthew died of a heart attack most likely brought about by a big fright. Victoria feels Josette watched over her the whole time and she believes she resembles Josette. She thinks Josette is one of her ancestors. Meanwhile, Josette's ghost appears outside the Old House and dances around the columns.
S2 Ep24
23rd Jan 1967
David reveals to Elizabeth that Laura has visited him in the night. Meanwhile, Roger decides to encourage David to forge a closer relationship with his mother.
S2 Ep34
6th Feb 1967
Guthrie determines that Elizabeth is the victim of a malicious act by an outside influence. Roger objects to Carolyn's attempts to assume the role of head of the household.
S2 Ep61
15th Mar 1967
Laura surprises her detractors by announcing that she has decided to leave Collinsport without David. However, secretly, she tells David that she intends to take him with her.
S3 Ep7
29th Mar 1967
Maggie releases that the paintings were sold to Roger as a cover for a bribe. Elizabeth stops Roger from gaining access to the locked room in the basement.
S3 Ep15
11th Apr 1967
Burke offers his support to Elizabeth if she needs help to combat the hold Jason has over her. However, though obviously distressed, Elizabeth refuses to acknowledge that she is being blackmailed.
S3 Ep70
27th Jun 1967
Victoria and Carolyn are devastated to learn the news of Maggie's death. Elizabeth is troubled by Carolyn's developing relationship with Buzz Hackett and asks Victoria to be witness at her wedding.
S3 Ep71
28th Jun 1967
Sam and Joe struggle with their consciences, but ultimately decide that they cannot risk Maggie's safety by confiding in Victoria. Carolyn continues to victimise Elizabeth.
S4 Ep2
18th Jul 1967
In an attempt to gain Victoria's affections and divert Elizabeth from her recent troubles, Barnabas decides to hold an ancestral costume party, suggesting that Victoria goes as Josette.
S4 Ep13
2nd Aug 1967
Julia continues her investigations at Collinwood, asking David for information about Sarah. Later, she visits the Old House and meets Barnabas and is shocked to discover that he casts no reflection.
S4 Ep15
4th Aug 1967
Victoria begins to develop a fear of the past. Meanwhile, Barnabas goes to Julia's bedroom during the night, intent on killing her, but is shocked to discover that she is waiting for him.
S4 Ep58
4th Oct 1967
Barnabas advances, demanding an explanation for David's intrusion. David runs away to Collinwood where he announces his findings, leaving Barnabas and Julia in a race to disprove the boy's claims.
S4 Ep76
30th Oct 1967
Barnabas bites Carolyn. Later, in Josette Collin's room, Carolyn is at rest. Julia enters. Julia tells Carolyn about what happened. She asks Carolyn some questions, and Carolyn replies that she feels in place at the Old House. Barnabas enters and talks to Carolyn about what has happened. At Collinwood, Elizabeth is getting worried. She tells Roger this. Roger says she probably has a late date. At the Old House, Barnabas tells Carolyn that she will be helping him, and that if she does a good job he will give her everlasting life. He tells her to leave before anyone at Collinwood starts to worry. Barnabas tells Julia that he needs to get another person to protect him during the day, and she volunteers. Carolyn arrives at Collinwood. Elizabeth asks Carolyn where she has been, and Carolyn says she has been taking a walk. Later that evening, Carolyn comes downstairs and looks at the portrait of Barnabas and touchs her neck wound.
S4 Ep83
8th Nov 1967
Barnabas issues Carolyn with instructions to retrieve Julia's notebook. Meanwhile, he uses an ancient incantation to vengefully make the ghost of Woodard appear to a guilt-stricken Julia.
S4 Ep89
16th Nov 1967
Sarah tells Barnabas that he must be good and refuses to reappear to him until he does so. Meanwhile, Victoria begins to face the loss of Burke and Sarah warns David of a new danger.
S5 Ep3
22nd Nov 1967
Barnabas Collins eagerly awaits the arrival of Josette duPres, his fiance from the island of Martinique. Meanwhile, Josette's aunt, Countess Natalie duPres, and the duPres' maid servant, Angelique Bouchard, arrive at The Old House. Resisting Angelique's amorous advances, Barnabas tells her that their previous love affair was a mistake and that he plans to marry Josette. Thus, the seed of ""Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"" is born and the long-standing feud between Angelique and Barnabas begins.
S5 Ep5
27th Nov 1967
Barnabas' choking brings him close to death. Fearing that she may have gone too far, Angelique releases Barnabas from her spell, but she is still determined to keep him from marrying Josette.
S5 Ep9
1st Dec 1967
Disgusted with Josette's behavior, Jeremiah tries to tell Barnabas the truth about her lack of character, but then changes his mind because he does not want to make his beloved nephew unhappy. So, Jeremiah confronts Josette about her behavior and she admits that she cannot offer a satisfactory explanation. Frustrated with Jeremiah's refusal to take advantage of Josette, Angelique casts a love spell over him so that he will now reciprocate Josette's amorous advances.
S5 Ep15
11th Dec 1967
The Collins family discovers that BOTH Josette and Jeremiah are missing. Trying to take advantage of Barnabas' loss, Angelique tries to comfort him and profess her love to him, but he angers her when he tells her that he will ALWAYS love Josette.
S5 Ep18
14th Dec 1967
Despite their pleas, Angelique, Andre, and Josette are unable to stop Barnabas and Jeremiah from dueling. To protect Barnabas, Angelique gives him a ""special"" good-luck charm to wear at the duel. Still blinded by his jealousy and pride, Barnabas goes through with the duel and shoots Jeremiah, seriously wounding him.
S5 Ep19
15th Dec 1967
While family members tend to Jeremiah at The Old House, Abigail Collins invites Reverend Trask to interrogate the mysterious Miss Winters. His harsh interrogation of her escalates into mutual hostility and hatred.
S5 Ep21
19th Dec 1967
Reverend Trask returns to the tree and discovers that Miss Winters is missing. He suspects that someone may have helped her escape, so he begins to question everyone. After overhearing one of the accomplices admitting where Victoria Winters is, Angelique pretends to have a vision of Miss Winters hiding out in the Collins family's newly-built house, Collinwood.
S5 Ep22
20th Dec 1967
Reverend Trask notices an unusual mark on Josette's hand and suspects that she may have been a victim of witchcraft. Despite everything that has happened, Barnabas re-iterates to Angelique that he is still in love with Josette and ONLY Josette. So, Angelique secretly plans to make Barnabas suffer by using his little sister, Sarah, to hurt him.
S5 Ep25
26th Dec 1967
Anxious to leave The Old House and its recent bad karma, Joshua Collins makes plans to move the family into the new house, Collinwood. He becomes furious, however, when his son, Barnabas, tells him of his plans to marry Angelique, whom Joshua feels is beneath their social class. Meanwhile, Angelique raises Jeremiah from the dead to torment Josette.
S5 Ep33
5th Jan 1968
Reverand Trask performs the rite of exorcisim at the threshold of the Old House. According to Trask, the witch should run out of the house during the exorcism. Angelique casts a spell that creates the illusion of a fire in Victoria's room. While she is casting the spell, Barnabas overhears her. The spell makes Victoria run out of the house screaming 'FIRE' and into the arms of Trask. Trask kidnaps her without telling Barnabas or Angelique. Barnabas now suspects that someone in the house is a witch, but he does not know if it is either Victoria or Angelique.
S5 Ep35
9th Jan 1968
Barnabas now knows for sure that Angelique is the witch that has been causing all the terrible things to happen. Barnabas tells Ben how he figured it out when he heard Angelique say the incanation and how Victoria told him that she felt a 'cold fire'...the same cold fire that Angelique had talked about in her incanation. Barnabas now plans on killing Angelique. Barnabas tries to kill Angelique at first by putting poision in her sherry. Naomi enters, and Angelique gives her the sherry. Barnabas quickly knocks over the glass so Namoi will not drink it. Angelique suspects something isn't right. Naomi came to tell Barnabas that a package. The package turns out to be a portrait of Josette duPres that had been sent to him before the events had occured. At the end of the episode, when it is nightime, Barnabas is seen creeping into Angelique's room with a knife and swoops down with the knife.
S5 Ep36
10th Jan 1968
Angelique is prepared for Barnabas' murder attempt, and puts a pillow in her place. He confronts her and tells her he knows she is a witch. He tries to stab her again, and Angelique says she did everything for his love. She threatens to kill Josette, the woman who Barnabas still loves, if he does not play the part of a loving husband, which would include telling the authorities that Angelique is really the witch. Barnabas goes to Collinwood where he sees Milicent and Nathan kissing. Milicent gets upset because she only wants to be seen as a 'lady'. Barnabas tries to get to Josette, but Natalie won't let him. Angelique sends an 'eye' for her to see- a bat, to spy on Barnabas.
S5 Ep37
11th Jan 1968
Barnabas gets Millicent to set up a way for him to meet with Josette, by getting Millicent to take a walk with Josette in which Barnabas will stop the two. Victoria is unable to get a respected judge to defend her at the witch trial, because she can not supply enough information. A young law student who works at the jail offers to defend her at the trial. His name is Peter Bradford. Barnabas convinces Josette that she must leave Collinwood and the surrounding Collinsport for her own safety.
S5 Ep46
24th Jan 1968
Victoria warns Naomi Collins that she must keep her daughter, Sarah, from leaving the house until the day after her birthday, otherwise, she is fated to die from exposure on the same day as her birthday. Barnabas makes plans to keep his promise and let Josette know that he has returned from the dead. On his way back to the family mausoleum, Sarah sees Barnabas and eagerly runs after him, only to find that he has disappeared inside the crypt. Saddened to have missed him, Sarah turns to leave the mausoleum but finds herself locked inside.
S5 Ep49
29th Jan 1968
A grieving Joshua vows that Victoria will pauy for her part in Sarah's death. As his guilt over his condition grows, Barnabas begs Ben to kill him at dawn with a wooden stake, so that the trail of death will end.
S5 Ep52
1st Feb 1968
Barnabas struggles with his instincts and spares Josette, insisting that they must remain apart. As Nathan cements his relationship with Millicent, he is disarmed by the arrival of his gold-digging wife Suki.
S5 Ep55
6th Feb 1968
Natalie and Joshua are alarmed to see Josette wearing the ring Barnabas was buried with. Deciding to investigate further, Joshua is shocked to discover that Barnabas is missing from his coffin.
S5 Ep60
13th Feb 1968
The witchcraft trial opens. Abigail has her day in court, denouncing Victoria as a witch from the stand. Peter is forced to admit that he freed Victoria to obtain the Collins Family History.
S5 Ep63
16th Feb 1968
Calling on supernatural powers, Barnabas resurrects an unwilling Josette from beyond the grave. When she appears to him, to his horror she is a now a tragic, ruined figure, resentful of being disturbed from her solace.
S5 Ep67
22nd Feb 1968
Nathan is working in his room when Peter enters. Peter asks him many times why he decieved them and Nathan tells him that he changed his mind about Victoria. Before long, the two are fighting. Peter ends up winning. 'You have won the round, but lost the fight' says Nathan. Meanwhile, at Collinwood, Naomi notices that Joshua hasn't left for work yet. Naomi believes this was caused by his sister's death. They talk about her and Joshua leaves. Trask and Nathan talk about their deal, in which Trask would talk to Joshua about not sending a letter to the army. Trask goes to Joshua and asks him and Naomi to testify. He then has Nathan come in and Joshua and Nathan talk. Trask leaves. Joshua promises Nathan he won't send the letter if Nathan asks the navy for relocation. Peter talks to Naomi and tells her that she needs to testify for them because Nathan lied. Naomi goes to Joshua and tells him she's going to testify. She's lost her children and she doesn't care about her dignity! is what she
S5 Ep87
21st Mar 1968
Nathan decides to kill Daniel to gain control of the boy's money. Noah is blackmailed into abducting the boy, who breaks free. Forewarned by her dream, Victoria hides him in the mausoleum as Noah approaches.
S5 Ep88
22nd Mar 1968
Daniel tries to leave the mausoleum, where Noah is waiting for him. Victoria is forced to shoot Noah to protect the boy. Peter is found by Nathan with Noah's corpse and taken to the authorities.
S6 Ep2
2nd Apr 1968
Jeremiah appears in a dream with a warning for Victoria about Barnabas. Julia struggles to protect Victoria as Barnabas' paranoia grows. Visiting Victoria, he attacks her to protect his secret.
S6 Ep6
8th Apr 1968
The accident leaves Barnabas and Victoria in hospital. Victoria meets the man who resembles Peter - Jeff Clark. Dr. Lang, whilst treating Barnabas, uncovers his secret and exposes him to sunlight.
S6 Ep8
10th Apr 1968
Jeff is torn between Victoria and the mysterious hold Lang exercises concerning his past. Victoria visits the mausoleum to see if the secret room exists and finds Jeff has been drawn there also.
S6 Ep10
12th Apr 1968
Roger's infatuation with the portrait continues when he disappears with it into the night. Victoria breaks off her engagement with Barnabas. Lang sends Jeff to steal a dismembered arm as his experiment begins.
S6 Ep11
15th Apr 1968
Mrs Johnson is unhappy when her criminal son Harry arrives for a visit. Dr. Lang offers to give Barnabas the appearance of Jeff Clark, winning Vicki's love and freeing him from the curse.
S6 Ep14
18th Apr 1968
Elizabeth begs Cassandra to leave Roger. A troubled Victoria knows Casandra's true identity. In private, Cassandra confides to the portrait of Barnabas that she intends to ensure that his curse continues.
S6 Ep15
19th Apr 1968
Barnabas obtains a talisman from Stokes to protect Lang, which successfully disarms Cassandra's magic. Lang reveals the body he intends to house Barnabas' life force in to end the curse.
S6 Ep16
22nd Apr 1968
A wary Barnabas considers Lang's proposal. Julia's suspicions grow. Jealous of Victoria's growing rapport with Jeff, Barnabas decides that he will undergo the experiment if it will give him Jeff's face.
S6 Ep20
26th Apr 1968
Barnabas enlists Julia to hypnotise Jeff and curb his threat. Julia is horrified when Jeff reveals the truth of the experiment. Terrified after seeing Lang's creation, she is determined to inform the police.
S6 Ep23
1st May 1968
Barnabas asks Julia to arrange the release of Willie Loomis from Wyndcliffe Sanatarium. Barnabas and Julia visit him there and release him, inspite of Julia's objection to Barnabas' plans. They then take Willie to the Old House, where Barnabas tells Willie that he is not allowed to leave the house unless Barnabas is with him or he has permission. Willie does not obey and goes to the Evans Cottage. He scares Maggie, who is still upset about what she thinks he did to him. He chases her around, but the arrival of Joe scares him off. Joe asks Maggie who it was and Maggie tells him to just hold her in his arms. Joe comes to the Old House and talks to Barnabas about Willie returning. As Joe leaves, Willie moves out from behind the column and pretends to shoots at Joe, laughing maniacally.
S6 Ep26
6th May 1968
As he dies, Lang leaves a cautionary message for Julia on his tape recorder, revealing that the curse will be free as long as Adam lives. Meanwhile, Julia becomes the dream's latest victim.
S6 Ep29
9th May 1968
Cassandra faces tough questions from Tony over Lang's death. When David witnesses Cassandra kissing Tony Peterson, her magic leaves him unable to speak to protect her secret.
S6 Ep30
10th May 1968
Julia is compelled to tell Mrs Johnson about the dream. Lang's experiment goes ahead, with Julia at the helm. At its conclusion, both Barnabas and the creation survive, as it begins to come to life.
S6 Ep32
14th May 1968
As Mrs Johnson refuses to sleep while caring for David, Cassandra grows frustrated that the dream is halted and cures him, taking his memory of the kiss. Mrs Johnson faces the horrors of the dream.
S6 Ep34
16th May 1968
Willie brings Adam some food to eat. Julia tells Willie to expect this behavior from Adam, after all he feels dejected. Willie tells Julia that he would rather return to Wyndcliffe then continue to live like this, but Julia tells him if he returns to Wyndcliffe he won't ever get out. Willie reluctantly agrees to continue working with Adam. Willie goes back into the cellar to work with Adam. Willie finds out that he likes shiny things, so he opens a secret door and takes out some jewelry, formally owned by Josette Collins, out of the compartment. Willie tells Adam about the time Maggie was in the Old House and thought she was Josette Collins. He puts the jewlery back, and decides to leave to give Maggie a pair of earrings. Meanwhile, at the Evans Cottage, Maggie and Joe are getting ready to leave. Maggie and Joe leave the room to do other things in the cottage, and Willie sneaks in and puts the earrings in Maggie's purse. He the flees the cottage. Meanwhile, in the Old House cellar, Ju
S6 Ep35
17th May 1968
Elizabeth is terrified after stumbling upon an escaped Adam. David makes contact with Adam in the woods. Barnabas rushes to the boy's aid, but Roger shoots Adam, attempting to defend his son.
S6 Ep37
21st May 1968
Maggie wears Josette's earrings and finds herself compelled to visit the Old House, where Willie attempts to befriend her. After speaking with Mrs Johnson, David becomes the dream's latest victim.
S6 Ep47
4th Jun 1968
Carolyn starts the dream. She hears a knock on the door but doesn't answer it. She wakes up, and says she will not have the dream. At the Old House, Julia meets with Professor Stokes. Professor takes out a picture of a portrait of Josette duPres, and asks who it is. After finding out, he said it looks like Maggie Evans, and that is why Angelique would start with her. Stokes sends for Carolyn. When Carolyn arrives, they have Willie tell her the dream, even though she does not want to. Stokes puts her into a trance, which makes Carolyn have Stokes be the beckoner in her dream. She falls to sleep, and dreams the dream. At the end of the dream, she sees her own gravestone, screams, and wakes up. Carolyn then tells Stokes the dream. Stokes lays down to sleep on the couch and falls asleep...
S6 Ep50
10th Jun 1968
Stokes calls Collinwood and is relieved that Julia answers. Julia comes to Stokes house and is able to treat Tony. She says it is strange of Tony to have done that. Stokes figures out that Tony is being used by Cassandra. He says they might need the help of the witch hunter who had sentenced Vickie--Reverand Trask! He takes out Ben Stokes' journal and tries to figure out where Trask is buried. Ben Stokes' leads Timothy's hands to fill in the blanks, and Timothy finds that Trask was bricked up in the Old House basement. Tony wakes up and enters. Timothy tells Tony to tell Cassandra that he is dead. At Collinwood in the foyer, Roger and Cassandra are playing chess. They get in an argument and Roger goes upstairs.Tony arrives and tells Cassandra that Timothy is dead. Roger sees them, and Tony pretends like he has come to Collinwood to see if Carolyn is awake. In the basement of the Old House, Professor Stokes, Tony, and Julia try ot contact the ghost of Reverand Trask. Trask talks through
S6 Ep51
11th Jun 1968
The bricks move completely out, exposing the top half of the skeleton of Reverand Trask. Julia is shocked that the first Barnabas would have done this to anyone. Timothy Stokes calls to the ghost of Trask, but is not successful. Julia and Timothy wonder if Reverand Trask is inside Tony's body, and Tony refuses to acknowledge the possiblity. They hear music coming from upstairs, and Julia exclaims ""Adam!"". Timothy and Julia go upstairs and find that David is playing with a tape recorder. They ask him to leave and not tell his mother that he saw Professor Stokes. David leaves. Professor Stokes asks Julia why she said 'Adam!' At that moment, Tony screams for help. Julia and Timothy go back downstairs, and find that the skeleton of Reverand Trask has disappeared. Tony tells them he closed his eyes for a moment and when he opened them the skeleton was gone. Tony & Julia leave the house. Professor Stokes sighs in dismay because Trask would not appear to him, and Trask also sighs. At Collinwo
S6 Ep52
12th Jun 1968
Trask gloats to Barnabas that he will decide Barnabas' fate. At the Evans cottage, Sam is bandaging Adam and asks him questions about his jump off Widow's Hill. Sam starts teaching Adam sentences, sentence fragments, and words. Adam starts rubbing his wrists, sensing that Barnabas is in danger. Sam tries to help Adam, but Adam just continues to say 'Barnabas...hurt'. Joe Haskell walks in, and frightens Adam. Adam out of the cottage, scared. Sam tells Joe that he has been helping Adam these last few days. Joe tells him Adam might be the man who kidnapped Carolyn a few days ago. Sam tells Joe that Adam IS the man who kidnapped Carolyn. Joe asks why Sam didn't call the police, Sam says that Adam saved Carolyn's life on Widow's Hill. Sam tells Joe about how Adam was saying 'Barnabas hurt'. Joe thinks Adam was trying to say 'hurt Barnabas', so he leaves to go to the Old House. When Joe arrives at the Old House, he finds that no one is home. In the basement of the Old House, Barnabas is call
S6 Ep68
4th Jul 1968
Victoria stays with Maggie as she tries to escape the dream. Nicholas' impatience with Cassandra grows. Angélique appears to Victoria, attempting to begin the dream, witnessed by a terrified Maggie.
S6 Ep69
5th Jul 1968
Victoria turns to Stokes for advice as she attempts to avoid the dream. Joe grows concerned that Stokes may be harbouring Adam. Armed with a gun, he investigates and pursues the fugitive.
S6 Ep72
10th Jul 1968
Barnabas fruitlessly offers to marry Cassandra if she will stop the dream. Nicholas meets Maggie and is infatuated. Victoria decides to keep away from Barnabas to stop the dream reaching him.
S6 Ep74
12th Jul 1968
Barnabas implores Victoria to tell him the dream to spare her further suffering, and she reluctantly confides it. Barnabas undergoes the dream ordeal and survives, only to be attacked by a bat.
S6 Ep78
18th Jul 1968
Carolyn gives Adam sanctuary, hiding him in Collinwood's abandoned west wing. To punish Cassandra for the failure of the dream curse, Nicholas reduces her hand to a bare skeletal claw.
S6 Ep79
19th Jul 1968
Under threat of destruction, Cassandra vies to curry favour with Nicholas. When David plays her his tape of Dr. Lang's experiment notes, she realises how Barnabas escaped her curse.
S6 Ep81
23rd Jul 1968
Adam recites love poetry to an elated Carolyn, signalling a newfound affection in both. After being accused of stealing food by Mrs. Johnson, Harry investigates the west wing and discovers Adam.
S6 Ep82
24th Jul 1968
Carolyn narrowly saves Harry from Adam and spurns Adam's declaration of love. Nicholas visits the grave of Dr. Lang and summons his spirit to question about the method of Adam's creation.
S6 Ep83
25th Jul 1968
Stokes attempts to tutor Adam, to distract him from his attraction to Carolyn. Attempting to locate Adam, Nicholas summons the people his body was constructed from, who confirm that Adam is at Collinwood.
S6 Ep84
26th Jul 1968
Visiting Collinwood, Nicholas finds Adam and makes him an offer. Adam later tells Carolyn of the meeting. Cassandra realises that Adam is Barnabas' lifeline and decides to destroy him.
S6 Ep85
29th Jul 1968
Nicholas ends Cassandra's plans to murder Adam, but she defies her master and launches a voodoo attack. Enraged, Nicholas strips Cassandra of her powers, leaving her mortal and facing death.
S6 Ep88
1st Aug 1968
With Roger's help, Nicholas moves into a new home by the ocean, concealing Angélique's coffin in the basement. Adam follows his growing infatuation with Carolyn and forces himself upon her.
S6 Ep90
5th Aug 1968
Harry prevents Adam from harming himself. With an ulterior motive, Nicholas offers Adam a new perspective. Adam confronts Barnabas at the Old House and tells Barnabas that he will create a mate.
S6 Ep93
8th Aug 1968
As he searches for Victoria, Barnabas is troubled to hear the barking of dogs. While working for Nicholas, handyman Tom Jennings finds himself in danger after he discovers the coffin of Angélique in the basement.
S6 Ep99
16th Aug 1968
A reluctant Willie is enlisted to assist Barnabas and Julia's experiment. When Joe pays Nicholas a visit, he discovers Angélique, who claims to be a prisoner. Drawing closer, she advances with her fangs bared.
S6 Ep110
2nd Sep 1968
As Tom lies prone during the day, Barnabas stakes his enemy. Elizabeth demands that Roger and Barnabas return to the scene, where they discover the coffin has gone. Roger fears for Elizabeth's mental state.
S6 Ep120
16th Sep 1968
Having bitten Jeff again, Angélique gives him 24 hours to prepare the experiment. A gift from Carolyn restores Adam's wounded pride. Jeff reluctantly begins work, with Angélique installed as the life force.
S6 Ep138
10th Oct 1968
Desperate to preserve his secret, Barnabas races to find Maggie. Joe is bitten by Angelique, while Maggie watches. When Maggie encounters Barnabas, her memory seems to be blank again, but who is responsible?
S6 Ep142
16th Oct 1968
Elizabeth continues to suffer portents of death, as voices in her head tell her she will die tonight. When she disappears, a search party finds her in the cemetery. Returned to Collinwood, she appears to be dead.
S6 Ep145
21st Oct 1968
Barnabas becomes a vampire's victim at Angelique's hands, returning to Julia with flimsy excuses about failing to kill Eve. Julia worries for her friend. Angelique continues to feed on Barnabas, angering Nicholas.
S6 Ep150
28th Oct 1968
Eve is determined to be united with Peter. Nicholas makes plans to leave town with Maggie as his bride. When Maggie turns down Nicholas' marriage proposal, he enlists Harry to poison Joe's medicine.
S6 Ep173
29th Nov 1968
Barnabas returns to the Old House and tells Julia that Nicholas is dead. Julia hugs Barnabas in relief. Meanwhile, Adam, still determined to find a life force for his mate, breaks into Collinwood and knocks Vicki unconscious. Carolyn tries to stop him, but he knocks her unconscious as well. He carries Vickie out of the house and takes her to the Old House. Locking her in the basement, he straps her to the table, connecting her to the skeleton that was Eve. Barnabas and Julia try to break into the basement, but the door is locked. Adam turns on the equipment, and begins draining Vicki's life force from her. Barnabas manages to break into the basement and confronts Adam with a rifle. Adam laughs tauntingly and tells Barnabas that he can't kill him, or else he'll revert back to what he was. Barnabas hesitates, and Adam goes back to controlling the machinery. Barnabas shoots Adam in the back.
S6 Ep205
15th Jan 1969
Carolyn asks Chris to move into the cottage on the estate. Mrs. Johnson catches David and Amy dressed in 19th century clothing and acting like Quentin and Beth. David tells Amy that something is going to happen to Mrs. Johnson.
S6 Ep211
23rd Jan 1969
Barnabas begins to suspect that Chris is the werewolf. Carolyn shows a friend (Donna Friedlander) around Collinwood. Donna takes a liking to Chris and tries to get a ride from him back to Bangor. Chris turns into the werewolf and kills her.
S6 Ep215
29th Jan 1969
In a dream Beth warns Amy that Quentin is trying to kill Chris. Barnabas and Julia suspect that Chris tried to kill himself, however he convinces them otherwise. After talking with David, Amy decides to tell Elizabeth about Quentin and “the game.”
S6 Ep217
31st Jan 1969
David asks Quentin what he should do. Maggie questions David about his recent behavior and why he was in the West wing. Maggie punishes David and he threatens to get even with her. Maggie later sees Quentin in the West wing.
S6 Ep228
17th Feb 1969
Quentin tries to strangle Maggie, Elizabeth and Julia walk in and he disappears. Maggie tells Elizabeth that David and Amy are possessed; later they find the children begging Quentin to leave them alone. Elizabeth and Mrs. Johnson find David and Amy passed out and they hear the sound of Quentin’s music and laughter throughout the house.
S6 Ep231
20th Feb 1969
The ghost of Quentin chases everyone out of Collinwood and into the Old House. Disobeying Maggie’s orders, David and Amy sneak back to Collinwood… but for what purpose?
S6 Ep233
24th Feb 1969
Barnabas and Willie search for David and Amy at Collinwood. Quentin has Amy lead Maggie to Collinwood. Barnabas later finds Maggie in 19th century dress and she appears not know her own name.
S6 Ep235
26th Feb 1969
Sabrina remembers how she planned a surprise party for Chris two years earlier when he made the transformation in front of her (however she does not tell anyone). After examining Sabrina, Julia is convinced she knows what Chris is and could tell someone, but is keeping quiet. Barnabas and Julia go to the mausoleum to release Chris, however he is still a werewolf despite the absences of a full moon.
S7 Ep19
27th Mar 1969
Magda tells Quentin that a woman is going to kill him with a knife. Judith has moved Jenny to the basement. Jenny becomes extremely disturbed when she hears Quentin’s music playing; Judith makes him turn it off. Judith pays Dirk to help keep Jenny under control. Quentin suspects that Judith will try to kill him, he confronts her. Jenny escapes and searches for Quentin with a knife in hand.
S7 Ep20
28th Mar 1969
Quentin warns Barnabas to not get any ideas about killing him; Barnabas warns Quentin not to trust Angelique. Quentin is surprised to see Jenny, his wife. Dirk finds Quentin stabbed to death; later Barnabas finds Dirk standing over Quentin’s body.
S7 Ep38
23rd Apr 1969
Laura tells Jamison that Quentin is trying to kill her. Barnabas is shocked at the sight of Laura.
S7 Ep58
21st May 1969
Laura calls upon the sun god Ra to help her eliminate Angelique with fire.
S7 Ep84
26th Jun 1969
In an attempt to take control of the Collins family and wealth, Trask persuades Judith to marry him.
S7 Ep120
19th Aug 1969
Keane Johnny takes Magda to the gypsy camp and accuses her of counterfeiting the hand.
S7 Ep141
17th Sep 1969
Tate tells Tim of creating a man by drawing him and timid kidnaps the creation.
S7 Ep173
31st Oct 1969
Using Petofi's Power, Quentin attempts to reverse the mind switch.
S8 Ep12
3rd Dec 1969
Chris tries to convince Carolyn that she would be better off without him. Barnabas releases Philip after “making him understand.” The ghost of Jenny Collins stops Chris from killing himself, and tells him he must find Quentin. Unseen forces terrorize Megan while in the antique shop alone.
S8 Ep15
8th Dec 1969
Carolyn finds Paul acting paranoid and asks Julia to check on him. Barnabas reminds Paul of an agreement he made twenty years earlier. In 1949 Paul promised to give a man named Strak his most valuable possession. Paul later realizes that Carolyn is his most valuable possession and the Leviathans want her.
S8 Ep17
10th Dec 1969
Megan convinces Carolyn the strange noise was just a radiator. A unknown man watches Carolyn at the antique shop; later he wanders around inside Collinwood while no one is there. Paul tries to get Elizabeth to make Carolyn leave town for her own good. David takes something to the baby in the mysterious room at the antique shop. Elizabeth sees David enter the antique shop and searches for him.
S8 Ep18
11th Dec 1969
Olivia has the painting that Julia purchased photographed. Elizabeth questions David about his visit to the antique shop. Olivia actually has the painting x-rayed and discovers that there is another painting underneath the top layer of paint.
S8 Ep19
12th Dec 1969
Elizabeth again grills David about his recent strange behavior. Carolyn meets a strange man and becomes very interested in him. Elizabeth becomes curious about the Leviathan book that David has been reading. Elizabeth has a disturbing dream about David. Barnabas hits the strange man with his car; he looks like Quentin Collins.
S8 Ep24
19th Dec 1969
Paul sees Carolyn as a little girl, she runs away from him. Julia tries to hypnotize Grant to help him remember his past. Chris and Julia find that Olivia had the painting x-rayed, and now she would like to barrow it again. Olivia becomes interested in helping Grant when she finds that he is in the hospital and cannot remember who he is.
S8 Ep26
23rd Dec 1969
Grant is unable to remember anything. David sees Grant and is confused because he looks like Quentin. Julia notices a birthmark on Alexander. Julia finds another painting similar to the one she purchased, however by another artist (Harrison Monroe). David uses Grant’s resemblance to Quentin to scare Amy. Amy hears the mysterious breathing sound coming from a room in the antique shop.
S8 Ep29
29th Dec 1969
Michael tells Barnabas that he must kill Julia; Barnabas refuses. Barnabas is warned that the Leviathans will turn him back into a vampire if he does not comply with their orders. Barnabas is also warned that the Leviathans are holding Josette hostage.
S8 Ep30
30th Dec 1969
Julia tells Elizabeth that she suspects that the baby, Alexander and Michael are one in the same. Julia is afraid Grant (Quentin) will become the werewolf at the next full moon. Barnabas decides that Julia must become a Leviathan. Julia does not open the Leviathan box, Barnabas believes Julia is immune to the Leviathan’s power and tells Elizabeth she must find a way to deal with Julia. Julia shows Olivia the portrait of Amanda Harris.
S8 Ep48
26th Jan 1970
Jeb tells Barnabas that he does not trust him. The family attends Paul’s funeral. Jeb sets his sites on Carolyn; Barnabas tries to talk him out seeing her. Jeb plans to marry Carolyn by the end of the week.
S8 Ep55
4th Feb 1970
After making Maggie look in the box, Jeb releases her. Sabrina brings Chris a flower which might cure him if he eats it at the full moon. Maggie tells Barnabas that Jeb released her when he believed she was under the power of the Leviathans, however she just pretended. As the moon rises the flower blooms and Chris changes into the werewolf.
S8 Ep57
6th Feb 1970
Jeb calls Elizabeth away from the Rumson estate. Carolyn is left alone and is terrorized by several unseen forces. Carolyn has a disturbing dream about Jeb. Carolyn hears a breathing sound outside of her door.
S8 Ep58
9th Feb 1970
Carolyn is terrified after seeing Jeb in his true form. Jeb decides he wants Carolyn to come to him willingly, he does not want to force is true nature upon her. Jeb decides to settle a score with Barnabas; as he goes to the Old House the werewolf attacks him.
S8 Ep66
19th Feb 1970
Barnabas bites Megan and she tells him that Sky Rumson is one of the Leviathans. Barnabas tells Angelique that Sky is a Leviathan, she does not believe him until Nicholas Blair shows up. Nicholas forces Sky to choose between the Leviathans and Angelique; Sky tries to set Angelique on fire.
S8 Ep70
25th Feb 1970
Amy suspects that Quentin is the same Quentin that terrorized her the year before. As David reads the Leviathan book it bursts into flames. Quentin tells Roger about the Leviathans. David sees a mysterious figure hanging in the hallway at Collinwood.
S8 Ep89
24th Mar 1970
Roger tells Barnabas what he saw in parallel time. Julia tells Barnabas that she has given him the last treatment that she can safely give him. Sabrina asks Chris to marry her, he refuses. Roger tells Elizabeth about what he has seen in the East wing. Barnabas is unable to control himself and bites Sabrina. Later Chris discovers the bite marks on Sabrina’s neck.
S8 Ep91
26th Mar 1970
Jeb puts the shadow on Nicholas, it attacks and kills him. Nicholas’ ghost tells Sky that he must kill Jeb. Jeb and Carolyn make plans to go on a trip. Carolyn has a dream in which Sky pushes Jeb off of Widow’s Hill. Carolyn runs to Widow’s Hill and Sky is waiting for her.
S9 Ep12
14th Apr 1970
Bruno goes to Hannah Stokes (Angelique and Alexis’ aunt); she agrees to find out for sure which Alexis really is. Hannah is sure that Angelique is at Collinwood. Alexis is terrified when the piano plays by itself, she is convinced that Angelique is at Collinwood.
S9 Ep14
16th Apr 1970
Quentin sees the ghost Dameon Edwards, later Amy sees him. Mr. Trask, the Collins Butler, has returned to Collinwood and is very disturbed by the news that people are seeing Dameon. Bruno is also disturbed by Quentin’s claims that Dameon is at Collinwood. Amy is frightened when she sees Dameon disappear through a wall.
S9 Ep15
17th Apr 1970
Amy shows Quentin where Dameon disappeared through a wall in the basement. Trask warns Bruno that he is not safe with the ghost of Dameon at Collinwood. Dameon’s ghost appears to Bruno; Bruno later begs Cyrus for help. Cyrus drinks the new potion he has created and changes into John Yaeger.
S9 Ep16
20th Apr 1970
John Yaeger prepares for a night on the town. Trask is very nervous about Dameon and wants everyone to leave Collinwood. Yaeger causes trouble at the Eagle and uses a check from Cyrus to pay for the damages. Yaeger beats up Steve (occasionally Buffie’s boyfriend). Buffie tells Quentin that Cyrus knows John Yaeger; Yaeger overhears this and later attempts to strangle her.
S9 Ep18
22nd Apr 1970
Yaeger runs away from Quentin, then takes the antidote and changes back to Cyrus. Cyrus returns and Quentin questions him about his “friend” Yaeger. Bruno asks Cyrus with help exorcising Dameon’s ghost, who has been tormenting him. Bruno accuses Alexis of being Angelique (again), and sending Dameon to torment him; Bruno tries to kill Alexis.
S9 Ep25
1st May 1970
Horace delivers Cyrus more chemicals for his experiment and asking many questions. Dameon’s ghost appears to Quentin and Hannah. Hannah later tells Angelique; Angelique prepares to get rid of Dameon’s ghost. Cyrus drinks the potion and becomes Yaeger. Horace delivers more chemicals however finds Yaeger; Horace refuses to give Yaeger the chemicals. Angelique opens a panel in the basement where Dameon’s body is buried, she then start to perform a ceremony to banish his spirit.
S9 Ep27
5th May 1970
Horace blackmails Cyrus to keep quite about Yaeger. Angelique (posing as Alexis) shows Quentin where Dameon is buried. Angelique (posing as Alexis) asks Julia to help find out who killed Angelique. Quentin sees Julia and Elizabeth from the standard timeline talking about Barnabas’ disappearance.
S9 Ep30
8th May 1970
Larry Chase sees Yaeger running away from the murder of Horace Gladstone. Larry pursues Yaeger. Yaeger gets Buf!e to help him get the antidote from the laboratory. Larry talks with Sabrina and she starts to become suspicious of Cyrus’ recent strange behavior. Yaeger finds a cave with footprints that leads the basement of the Old House, where he sees a coffin and starts to open it.
S9 Ep32
12th May 1970
Barnabas bites William then forces him to destroy the book he was writing. Quentin questions William about Barnabas Collins, then is shocked when Barnabas introduces himself. Barnabas speaks with the ghost of Joshua Collins who is only interested in keeping the family honor. Quentin takes Barnabas to the room in the East wing where they both see Julia in the standard timeline.
S9 Ep33
13th May 1970
Quentin accuses Barnabas of being the same as the Barnabas that people in the other timeline are talking about; Barnabas denies it. Angelique (posing as Alexis) encourages Quentin to try to make Maggie come back to Collinwood. Daniel recognizes Barnabas; Barnabas uses his power to make him forget. Angelique puts a spell on Quentin to make him want to bring Maggie back to Collinwood, however he starts to go after Angelique.
S9 Ep34
14th May 1970
Quentin slashes the portrait of Maggie. Quentin’s behavior continues to become more erratic. Cyrus recommends that Quentin bring Maggie back to Collinwood. Cyrus wants to forget Yaeger and plans to try become a real doctor again. Like the dream that he had, Quentin prepares to hang himself.
S9 Ep35
15th May 1970
Angelique reads in the cards that Quentin is going to hang himself, she runs to him and stops him. Angelique admits who she really is to Julia, who agrees to help her. Angelique uses a voodoo doll to make him bring Maggie back to Collinwood, Quentin collapses.
S9 Ep37
19th May 1970
With Maggie’s presence Quentin starts to recover. Barnabas asks William to keep him from leaving so he will not attack Maggie. Barnabas escapes from William and prepares to bite Maggie.
S9 Ep45
29th May 1970
Roger tells Maggie that she cannot take Angelique’s place. Angelique pretends to be friendly toward Maggie. Roger believes Julia knows more about what is going on at Collinwood than is willing to admit. Later Angelique’s ghostly voice encourages Maggie to jump out a window after telling her that she has nothing left to live for.
S9 Ep50
5th Jun 1970
Yaeger forces Maggie to write Quentin a letter telling him she never wants to see him again. Angelique feels cold again and almost makes Roger her next victim until Elizabeth walks in other them. Angelique goes to Timothy Stokes to find a answer to why she is having these cold spells.
S9 Ep67
30th Jun 1970
Stokes calls Claude North to use his psychic powers to find Roxanne. Stokes sees Barnabas at the Collins mausoleum. Carolyn contemplates suicide now that Will is dead, Quentin interrupts her thoughts. Barnabas finds Roxanne at the grave of Claude North who died in 1866.
S9 Ep70
3rd Jul 1970
Roger tells Julia and Elizabeth that Carolyn has been murdered; Roger believes that Quentin is responsible. Julia conducts an experiment in order to revive Roxanne, however it does not work. A strange man enters and searches the Old House and Roxanne awakes.
S9 Ep75
10th Jul 1970
Angelique interrupts Roger; Maggie tells her that Roger killed Angelique. Angelique starts to feel cold and kills Roger for his warmth. Claude North attempts to make Roxanne speak which would kill Angelique, Barnabas tries to stop him because if Angelique dies now he will not be able to clear Quentin of the murder charges. Angelique brings Maggie under her power and sends her to shoot Quentin. Barnabas tries to get Angelique to sign a confession and tell him where Julia is at; she refuses.
S9 Ep77
14th Jul 1970
Barnabas finds that Stokes plans to raise Angelique as soon as he can get the body. Stokes convinces Roxanne that Barnabas killed Claude North; she later tries to kill Barnabas but is unable to. Barnabas and Inspector Hamilton search for Julia, however she is sleeping and does not hear them.
S10 Ep15
7th Aug 1970
Barnabas and Julia find that there is going to be an eclipse, which is another clue that Carolyn told them of the impending doom in 1995. Barnabas finds out that Elizabeth has had her horoscope charted, yet another clue that Carolyn warn about. As the peak of the eclipse David and Hallie hear music and are able to enter the playroom.
S10 Ep16
10th Aug 1970
In the playroom Hallie appears to be temporarily possessed. Hallie becomes concerned and plans to dispose of the dress. Julia tries to find out more about Gerard Stiles. Hallie is compelled to go to the playroom where Daphne is waiting with the dress. Quentin has a dream about Daphne, when he awakes there are powers in the room, and he calls out for her.
S10 Ep22
18th Aug 1970
Roxanne does not know Barnabas, he asks to see her again. Hallie and David continue to occasionally become possessed by Carrie and Tad; they are concerned they could become permanently possessed. Roxanne tells Barnabas that she cannot see him. David and Hallie have the same dream in which they are having a part in “Rose Cottage;” later they find they were inside a dollhouse that is in the playroom.
S10 Ep24
20th Aug 1970
Davie and Hallie decide to write down everything that has happened to them in a notebook. Julia tells Sebastian everything about her trip to 1995 and the predicted destruction of Collinwood. Julia suspects Sebastian is not telling everything he has learned from the visions he has been having. David and Hallie find the notebook missing, later they see the ghosts of Tad and Carrie reading their notebook.
S11 Ep40
20th Nov 1970
Roxanne calls out to Barnabas’ name as Randall forces her to face the sunlight destroying her. Julia and Trask are released from Roxanne’s power. Randall finds that Banabas has locked Trask in the basement of the Old House. Trask hears strange sounds coming from a wall in the basement and is convinced that someone is behind it. Randall becomes suspicious of Barnabas. Quentin and Daphne hold a seance to contact Joanna Mills; the doors fly open, and a figure stands in the doorway.
S11 Ep41
23rd Nov 1970
The spirit of Joanna disappears. Desmond finds the journal of Judah Zachery in Gerard’s room, he takes it. Trask is convinced that Quentin is practicing witchcraft. Quentin tells Gerard that he is in love with Daphne; Gerard uses his power to make Daphne fall in love with him. Gerard uses voodoo to make Desmond choke; Gerard steals the journal of Judah Zachery.
S11 Ep42
24th Nov 1970
Valerie finds that Julia is still alive. Julia tries to help Desmond who is still chocking. Leticia sees a vision of a voodoo doll on some stairs. Angelique sees a vision which leads her to believe that Judah is present at Collinwood. Trask finds the voodoo doll on Quentin’s stairway in time.
S11 Ep43
25th Nov 1970
Trask takes the doll and plans to use it as proof that Quentin is practicing witchcraft; later he finds that it belongs to Quentin. Randall finds that Daphne is Joanna’s sister and plans to stop Quentin from destroying her life like Joanna’s. Randall investigates Trask’s accusations about Quentin; Desmond tells Randall that he suspects Gerard of the witchcraft. Randall finds the mask in Gerard’s room.
S11 Ep44
26th Nov 1970
Edith finds Randall searching Gerard’s room. Mordecai Grimes accuses Quentin of using witchcraft to kill his cattle and the strange things going on in Collinsport. Edith tells Gerard that Randall was searching his room. Randall goes to the police with what he suspects about Quentin, however someone strangles him.
S11 Ep45
30th Nov 1970
Trask finds Quentin standing over Randell’s body and accuses him of murder. Samantha believes that Quentin is guilty. The Constable releases Quentin after questioning him. Trask “convinces” Gabriel to tell the Constable that Quentin was planning to “stop” Randall before his death. Quentin is placed under arrest.
S11 Ep46
1st Dec 1970
Daniel suspects that Quentin is guilty of the witchcraft at Collinwood. Daniel asks Gerard to help him find the truth out about Quentin; If Quentin is guilty Daniel plans to change his will. Gerard and Charles Dawson stage a seance in which Randall claims to have been killed by Quentin. Daniel plans to chose a new heir.
S11 Ep48
3rd Dec 1970
Valerie finds that the watch fob was given to Gerard by Quentin; Gerard leads Valerie to believe that Quentin is Judah. Daphne finds Joanna’s purse and gloves. Gabriel finds that Daniel is making a new will however he won’t be the heir. Gabriel gets out of his wheel chair and attacks Daniel; Gabriel admits that he killed Randall Drew.
S11 Ep49
4th Dec 1970
Daniel dies and Gabriel destroys the new will. Edith becomes a follower of Gerard (Judah). The family fights over the whether to read Daniel’s will. Desmond reads the will and is shocked.
S11 Ep50
7th Dec 1970
Daniel has left Gerard control of the Collins fortune until Tad is twenty-one years old (if Quentin is proven innocent of witchcraft then the fortune will return to him). Gerard performs a ceremony with Edith that causes Mildred Ward to die inside Quentin’s cell.
S11 Ep51
8th Dec 1970
Trask finds Quentin standing over Mildred’s body. Desmond asks Daphne to watch Gerard, as they both believe he is the cause of witchcraft; Trask overhears them and reports this to Gerard. Gerard causes Daphne to have a dream in which she marries him. The Judge dismisses the murder charges against Quentin, however at Trask’s urging Quentin is charged with witchcraft.
S11 Ep52
9th Dec 1970
Desmond is concerned that Quentin might be convicted of being a warlock. Carrie becomes attracted to Jeremy Grimes (son of Mordecai Grimes). Flora decides to write a book on vampires and holds a seance to summon Roxanne to find out who turned her into a vampire.
S11 Ep53
10th Dec 1970
Roxanne’s spirit claims that Angelique was responsible for making her a vampire. Valerie refuses to help Quentin. Gerard again causes Daphne to dream that she loves him. Daphne finds another note from Joanna saying that she will be coming for her soon; she becomes frightened when she sees Joanna’s cape.
S11 Ep54
11th Dec 1970
Samantha claims to have seen an evil spirit of a woman and claims that Daphne has caused it to come to Collinwood. Charles Dawson (Gerard’s friend) is named the prosecutor as Quentin’s trial begins. Samantha testifies against Quentin and claims that Daphne knows about the evil spirits that her husband has summoned.
S11 Ep55
14th Dec 1970
Daphne is called to testify, she is forced to admit that she and Quentin held a seance to contact Joanna Mills. Samantha fires Daphne. Daphne has a dream in which she is happy with Gerard and sees a wedding gown, when she awakes she finds the dress at Collinwood.
S11 Ep56
15th Dec 1970
Trask and Gerard suspect that Barnabas might be a vampire. Daphne starts to fall in love with Gerard, she kisses him. Gerard and Trask find Ben’s diary which lead them to find the Reverend Trask’s skeleton in the basement of the Old House.
S11 Ep57
16th Dec 1970
Trask and Gerard discover that Barnabas is the vampire, and killed Trask. Gerard finds there is a secret room in the Old House where he suspects that Barnabas’ coffin is. Gerard goes to the Old House and finds that Barnabas in the middle of the daytime.
S11 Ep58
17th Dec 1970
Julia finds that Valerie has lifted the vampire curse from him. Valerie claims that she lifted the curse only for his love and no other reason. Barnabas convinces that Gerard is possessed by Judah Zachery. Daniel’s ghost warns Gabriel not to try to break his will, and later claims he will make Gabriel die. Gabriel tries to strangle Gerard.
S11 Ep60
21st Dec 1970
Gerard finds that it was Samantha who has been trying to kill Daphne; Samantha claims she was just trying to scare Daphne. Samantha tells Gerard about Joanna and that Daphne is her sister; Samantha agrees to help destroy Quentin. Trask plans to avenge his father’s death. Trask traps Barnabas and prepares to wall him up like it was done to his father.
S11 Ep61
22nd Dec 1970
Trask walls up Barnabas. Julia searches for Barnabas, Quentin suspects that his disappearance was to keep Barnabas from testifying for him. Gerard tells Daphne that Joanna tried to kill him. Daphne and Quentin decide that she should leave a note for Joanna to help put her spirit at rest. Trask catches Daphne as she tries to leave a note for Joanna in a tree.
S11 Ep62
23rd Dec 1970
Trask plans to use the note as evidence that Quentin communicates with the dead, however Gerard has him return it to the tree so they can get further evidence. Valerie tells Julia about Judah and how she was once his follower. Gerard has Samantha dress up as Joanna go to the tree and retrieve the note that Daphne left for Joanna. Trask and Gerard see a figure leave a note at the tree; however Samantha admits to Gerard that she didn’t leave it.
S11 Ep63
24th Dec 1970
Samantha is sure that Joanna has left the note, and has come back from the grave to kill her. Gerard tells Charles Dawson that Leticia has to be dealt with. Leticia is called to testify; Charles questions Leticia about the Desmond and the Journal of Judah Zachery. Leticia is forced to reveal that Desmond brought the head of Judah to Collinsport for Quentin. Desmond is charged with witchcraft.
S11 Ep64
28th Dec 1970
Desmond tells Leticia that Gerard is possessed by Judah. Valerie tries to play on Judah’s love for Miranda to get him to reveal something about Barnabas. Julia and Valerie search Quentin’s laboratory and hear someone coming down the stairway in time.
S11 Ep65
29th Dec 1970
Professor Stokes comes down the stairs; Julia explains all that has happened to him. Julia plans to introduce him as a friend. Julia has a dream in which Roxanne says Barnabas is dying and tries to show her where he is, however Valerie disturbs her sleep. Valerie and Julia search for Barnabas.
S11 Ep67
31st Dec 1970
Frightened by the reappearance of Barnabas, Lamar decides not to testify against Quentin in the latter’s witchcraft trial. During a recess, Barnabas calmly tells Lamar that he will kill him, adding to Lamar’s terror by not informing him when, or where, he is slated to die.
S11 Ep68
4th Jan 1971
Joanna testifies and Trask’s testimony is nullified. Charles tells Gerard that they need to use the head of Judah if they are going to convict Quentin. Joanna shows up at Collinwood asking to see Daphne; Samantha tells Gerard that she killed Joanna Mills.
S11 Ep69
5th Jan 1971
Samantha explains to Gerard how she pushed Joanna off a cliff. Joanna visits Daphne. Samantha believes that Joanna has come back to kill her. Gerard causes Daphne to dream that she loves him (again). When Daphne awakes Gerard asks her to marry him.
S11 Ep70
6th Jan 1971
Gerard tries to convince Daphne that she should marry him because Quentin loves Joanna. Quentin tells Joanna that he loves Daphne now. Gerard causes Daphne to have a dream that Quentin back together in love. Daphne tells Quentin that she is going to marry Gerard.
S11 Ep71
7th Jan 1971
Quentin begs Daphne to wait until the trial is over before doing anything. Quentin (finally) tells Gerard that he does not trust him. Mordecai is scheduled to testify. Gerard has Mordecai write a letting saying that he has evidence of Quentin’s guilt. Gerard causes the shadow of death to fall on him; Carrie finds him and just before he dies Mordecai accuses Quentin.
S11 Ep72
8th Jan 1971
Carrie is called to testify of Mordecai’s dying words that incriminate Quentin. Charles introduces Mordecai’s letter further incriminating Quentin. The case against Quentin is concluded and the judges prepare to read their verdict.
S11 Ep73
11th Jan 1971
The judges find Quentin guilty and sentence him to be beheaded. Gabriel overhears Edith with Gerard. Later Gabriel kills Edith. Daphne sees parallel time in the East wing of Collinwood. In parallel time Morgan Collins asks Catherine Harridge to marry him; Daphne implies that she still loves Bramwell Collins.
S11 Ep74
12th Jan 1971
Daphne tells Julia and Stokes about what she saw in parallel time. In parallel time Julia Collins warns Morgan that Collinwood is no place to live. Daphne finds Edith’s body and suspects Gerard, she knocks him out. Later Daphne finds that Gabriel was responsible and he goes after her.
S11 Ep75
13th Jan 1971
Gabriel locks up Daphne in a remote part of Collinwood. Gabriel sees parallel time. In parallel time Stella Young has heard someone screaming in the tower room, and Flora warns her to mind her own business. Daphne suggests that Gabriel escape in parallel time. Joanna sees a door close and goes to investigate, Gabriel prepares to kill her.
S11 Ep76
14th Jan 1971
Joanna finds nobody and leaves. Joanna plans a break out for Quentin and Desmond. Joanna plans to recapture Quentin’s love. Quentin and Desmond escape from prison, however Desmond is shot. When Quentin finds that Daphne is missing he refuses to leave Collinsport. Gabriel sees Stella Young murdered in parallel time.
S11 Ep78
18th Jan 1971
Daniel Collins appears to Gabriel and torments him and he falls to his death. Daphne is able to escape. Joanna gives Quentin and Daphne her blessing to be together. In parallel time Julia Collins tells Kendrick Young (Stella’s brother) that his sister left Collinwood. Daphne and Quentin get trapped in parallel time.
S11 Ep79
19th Jan 1971
Quentin and Daphne hide and overhear as Morgan tries to get Catherine to accept his marriage proposal, she finally agrees. Samantha shoots Joanna, however the bullet has no effect on her. Samantha and Gerard dig up Joanna’s grave and find it empty. Joanna tricks Samantha into going to Widow’s Hill, where she shows Samantha a vision of a skeleton (what she is going to become).
S11 Ep80
20th Jan 1971
Samantha falls off of Widow’s Hill, Joanna causally returns to Collinwood. Gerard finds Samantha’s body. In parallel time Kendrick tries to find out what happened to his sister Stella, he does not believe the story that the Collins family have given him. Quentin and Daphne prepare to leave Collinsport, however Gerard has followed her.
S11 Ep85
27th Jan 1971
Barnabas declares his love for Angelique, however she dies before he could tell her. Barnabas stabs Trask; Trask escapes and dies in parallel time. Leticia and Desmond plan to be married. Julia, Barnabas and Stokes go up Quentin’s staircase and arrive in 1971; they find that everything has returned to normal. Desmond destroys the staircase. Desmond and Leticia see Trask die in parallel time. In parallel time Julia and Flora dispose of Trask’s body. Justin Collins is dying which means that the lottery will be held again soon.
S12 Ep1
28th Jan 1971
Julia warns Morgan not to marry Catherine until after Justin dies because the lottery will be held again so she will not have to be part of it. Every generation someone is chosen by lottery to spend a night the locked room, everyone who has ever entered has died or ended up mad like Justin Collins. Bramwell tells Catherine that he still loves her and is sure she loves him. Catherine tells Bramwell that she loves Morgan and plans to marry him. Morgan asks Catherine to marry him immediately, she is hesitant. Morgan sees a woman in white and claims that this is the night (that Justin will die).
S12 Ep2
29th Jan 1971
Justin Collins is near death. Gabriel is scared that he might be chosen in the lottery and considers ways to get out of it. Justin, mad, feels compelled to go to the locked room. Justin collapses and dies. Morgan plans to hold the lottery as Justin instructed.
S12 Ep3
1st Feb 1971
Morgan tells Catherine about the lottery and the locked room. Morgan prepares the lottery, Flora demands that the women be included. Catherine burns the lottery slips and asks Morgan to marry her immediately. Bramwell kidnaps Catherine intent on stopping her from marring Morgan.
S12 Ep9
10th Feb 1971
Morgan wounds Bramwell; Daphne goes to take care of Bramwell. Kendrick asks Gerard to use his psychic powers to help find out what happened to his sister. Morgan and Catherine get married. Gerard and Kendrick dig up what appears to be a fresh grave.
S12 Ep11
12th Feb 1971
The seance does not tell them what Quentin wanted to learn. Catherine wants to have children, however Morgan tells her that they must not because of the family curse. Quentin finds that the plague hit Collinsport in the past when the family refused to go through with the lottery. Morgan wants to find a way to get Bramwell out of the Old House. Morgan finds Catherine reading an old love letter from Bramwell. Melanie has a dream that she is dead, when she awakes she starts to show signs of the plague.
S12 Ep15
18th Feb 1971
Everyone anxiously awaits for the Gabriel’s night in the cursed room to end. Catherine is concerned that Daphne is spending too much time with Bramwell. Melanie and Quentin recover from the plague. In the morning Morgan goes to the locked room and finds the dead body of a stranger.
S1 Ep24
28th Jul 1966
Constable Carter investigates Roger's claims of sabotage, questioning Burke. However, Carolyn proves herself an ally to Burke, saying that she brought him to Collinwood without his influence.
S1 Ep39
18th Aug 1966
Aware of the detrimental effect Burke's vendetta is having on the Collins family and Elizabeth in particular, Bill Malloy offers to help clear Burke of manslaughter, but only if he leaves town.
S1 Ep42
23rd Aug 1966
Burke makes moves to take over the Collins empire. Meanwhile, Sam's visit to Collinwood proves fruitless, as he finds himself unable to reveal the truth to Elizabeth.
S1 Ep57
13th Sep 1966
Burke is adamant that he will find the person behind Bill's death and asks Victoria for information on Roger. The sheriff reveals that Bill's watch stopped when he fell, confirming the time of his death.
S1 Ep101
14th Nov 1966
Victoria agrees to accompany David on a return visit to the Old House, Later, Victoria confides to Maggie that she believes she now knows who killed Bill Malloy.
S1 Ep41
22nd Aug 1966
Sam looks at a skech he drew of Burke Devlin at his home. The phone rings. Sam answers it and finds its Roger Collins. They talk. While they're talking, Sam Evans puts the phone down and gets a glass of alcohol. Roger can be heard demanding him to speak. Sam Evans hangs the phone up then rips up his skech of Burke Devlin. The phone rings, but he does not answer. At Collinwood, Roger hangs up. Elizabeth enters. They talk about how Roger sold his shares of Collins Enterprises to her. At the Evans Cottage, Sam sits down on the couch. Maggie comes in. She says she forgot her shopping list. Sam asks her why she didn't just let him run away. Maggie calls Collinwood. Victoria answers. Maggie asks for Roger; Victoria tells Maggie that she doesn't know where he is. Roger enters and hangs up the phone. Roger goes into the foyer as Elizabeth comes down from the landing. Elizabeth, seeing that Roger is leaving, asks if he can look for Carolyn. He says he is too busy and leaves. Victoria tells Eliz
S1 Ep62
20th Sep 1966
Roger is anxious to learn about Victoria's evening with Sam and Maggie, refusing to believe that she does not have a hidden agenda. Sam is shocked at Burke's accusations that he killed Bill Malloy.
S1 Ep66
26th Sep 1966
Burke continues to assemble proof of Roger's guilt. When Burke presses Victoria for answers, she is forced to admit that she is not sure of the exact time Roger departed for the meeting.
S1 Ep73
5th Oct 1966
Sam continues to be troubled by Roger and recent events. Elizabeth is given the coroner's verdict on Bill's death, which rules that he was a victim of accidental drowning.
S1 Ep75
7th Oct 1966
Matthew Morgan learns of the verdict on Bill Malloy's death. Later, while walking along lookout point, Victoria finds the unique fountain pen which Burke earlier gave to Carolyn.
S1 Ep1
27th Jun 1966
Victoria Winters travels to Collinsport by train from New York to be the governess of 10 year old David Collins. Also on that train is Burke Devlin, who seems rather mysterious. We get to see Elizabeth Collins Stoddard and Roger Collins argue over if it was wise to hire Victoria. Victoria and Burke go to the hotel where she can wait for a cab. He seems rather disturbed about the place. He leaves and goes to a local hangout called the Blue Whale, where he meets an investigator he has hired. Victoria meets Maggie Evans, who tells her she is a jerk for accepting the job. Even after all the things that has been said to her, she goes to Collinwood and is invited in by Elizabeth.
S1 Ep2
28th Jun 1966
At the Collinwood mansion, Victoria meets with the reclusive matriarch Elizabeth Collins Stoddard, while Burke Devlin talks with a private detective at the local Blue Whale tavern.
S1 Ep3
29th Jun 1966
Elizabeth's brother, Roger Collins, desperately searches for local artist Sam Evans. Meanwhile, Victoria meets Elizabeth's teenage daughter Carolyn and begins to wonder if Collinwood is haunted.
S1 Ep4
30th Jun 1966
Victoria is interrogated by Roger over her knowledge of Burke Devlin and their encounter at the train station. Later that night, Victoria has an unpleasant first meeting with David Collins
S1 Ep5
1st Jul 1966
After her first night at Collinwood, Victoria has decided to go back to New York. Victoria explains to Carolyn that she is an orphan and came to Collinsport because she believed that somehow she would find out about her past. Near Widow’s Hill, Victoria meets Sam Evans who tells Victoria about Josette Collins. Victoria finds out from Sam that Elizabeth has not left Collinwood in eighteen years. Sam instructs Victoria to tell Roger that he wants to talk with him. Victoria returns to her room to find that David has helped her “pack” while she was out. Victoria changes her mind and decides to stay at Collinwood with renewed hopes that she will find out something about her past.
S1 Ep6
4th Jul 1966
Victoria looks for David in the basement of Collinwood. While looking, a stranger enters the room and asks who she is. He accuses her of snooping around. Elizabeth comes down and says it's Matthew Morgan, the caretaker of Collinwood. She asks Victoria why she is in the basement, and when Victoria tells her that she is down there looking for David, Elizabeth tells her David would not come down there. Once she leaves, Elizabeth finds David hiding in the basement. Later, Victoria sees Matthew again, stoking the fireplace. She says she hopes they can one day be friends, and she starts asking him questions. She finds out that Elizabeth fired all of her servents 18 years ago and then hired Matthew, giving him a cottage on the edge of Collinwood grounds. In the basement, Elizabeth gets out a crate of adventure books that had belonged to Roger when he was a boy. David does not want anything associated with his father. Carolyn tells Victoria that she should ask Elizabeth about what happened 18
S1 Ep7
5th Jul 1966
Sam Evans and Roger discuss Burke Devlin's return. Sam agrees with Roger's fear that Burke is planning revenge against the Collins family for his jail sentence, but refuses to offer any help.
S1 Ep8
6th Jul 1966
Carolyn's flighty romance with Joe Haskell takes a new turn when she admits that she is in love with him, but refuses an offer of marriage. Victoria investigates Elizabeth's claims about her job offer.
S1 Ep9
7th Jul 1966
Victoria learns of the tragic legend of Widows Hill, a cliff located close to Collinwood, where many suicides occurred. Meanwhile, Carolyn is intrigued by Burke and decides to learn more.
S1 Ep10
8th Jul 1966
Roger puts pressure on Elizabeth to send David away to boarding school, a conversation the boy overhears. Burke gives Carolyn false information on the reason for his return.
S1 Ep11
11th Jul 1966
Burke Devlin pays the residents of Collinwood a visit, apparently hoping to reassure Elizabeth that he has no vendetta to pursue against her family. He does, however, ask if Collinwood is for sale.
S1 Ep12
12th Jul 1966
Roger encounter Victoria on Widows' Hill and tells her the story of its legend and history. Meanwhile, Maggie Evans tries to learn what is troubling her father, Sam.
S1 Ep13
13th Jul 1966
Elizabeth and Roger continue to harbour suspicions about Burke, in spite of him offering the hand of friendship. As Victoria walks to Matthew's cottage, she notices Burke examining Roger's car.
S1 Ep14
14th Jul 1966
Victoria learns about David's relationship with Roger. Burke arranges to meet with Roger at the Blue Whale, and spends time talking with Joe and Carolyn, at her request.
S1 Ep15
15th Jul 1966
David is now convinced that his father hates him. Roger leaves the estate in his car to meet with Burke. On the way, he loses control of the car and crashes.
S1 Ep16
18th Jul 1966
Roger emerges from the accident without serious injury, but is shaken by the experience. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is appalled to learn of Carolyn's flirtation with Burke.
S1 Ep17
19th Jul 1966
Elizabeth comforts David after he has a nightmare about Roger's car accident. Collins family employee and retainer Bill Malloy begins to suspect that Roger was the victim of foul play.
S1 Ep18
20th Jul 1966
Learning Victoria saw Burke by his car, Roger takes her to Burke's room at the hotel to make a confrontation. Meanwhile, David harbours the bleeder valve taken from Roger's car.
S1 Ep19
21st Jul 1966
Elizabeth continues to insist that Carolyn should not visit Burke again, adamant that he is attempting to destroy the Collins family. Bill Malloy attempts to learn more about Burke's motives.
S1 Ep20
22nd Jul 1966
Roger confronts Burke, accusing him outright of causing the accident and attempting to kill him. Victoria, however, is unimpressed by Roger's assumption of foul play on Burke's part.
S1 Ep21
25th Jul 1966
Victoria is disturbed to receive a letter informing her that her background has been probed by a private investigator. Meanwhile, Bill Malloy confronts Burke about Roger's crash.
S1 Ep22
26th Jul 1966
Sam Evans reluctantly accepts a commission from Burke to paint a portrait of him, apparently destined for the Collinwood drawing room. Roger is annoyed that Carolyn does not believe Burke's guilt.
S1 Ep23
27th Jul 1966
Constable Carter arrives at Collinwood to investigate Roger's car accident. In an attempt to prevent his sabotage being revealed, David tampers with the evidence.
S1 Ep24
28th Jul 1966
Constable Carter investigates Roger's claims of sabotage, questioning Burke. However, Carolyn proves herself an ally to Burke, saying that she brought him to Collinwood without his influence.
S1 Ep25
29th Jul 1966
Roger presses Elizabeth for an explanation of her reasons for hiring Victoria, which she refuses to give. Meanwhile, Victoria is shocked to discover the missing bleeder valve in her room.
S1 Ep26
1st Aug 1966
The police obtain a warrant to search Burke's room, believing him to be a suspect. When Victoria attempts to retrieve the bleeder valve, she discovers that it has been taken.
S1 Ep27
2nd Aug 1966
Burke meets with his private investigator Stuart Bronson, who provides him with a complete breakdown of the Collins family finances., as he begins to make plans.
S1 Ep28
3rd Aug 1966
Roger learns from Maggie that David has been seen trying to get into Burke's room at the hotel. As the police investigations near a conclusion, Burke and Roger's animosity increases rapidly.
S1 Ep29
4th Aug 1966
Burke finds David in his hotel room and is quick to strike up a friendship with the boy. David later disposes of the missing bleeder valve in Burke's room, not knowing that Burke has seen him do so.
S1 Ep30
5th Aug 1966
Roger struggles to come to terms with the revelation that his own son attempted to kill him. David continues to deny the accusations until Burke produces the missing bleeder valve.
S1 Ep31
8th Aug 1966
Burke defies expectations and lies to absolve David of involvement in the crash. However, he later privately confides in Victoria, warning her to beware of her young charge.
S1 Ep32
9th Aug 1966
Roger is forced to admit to a shocked Elizabeth that David was behind the murder attempt. Later, under questioning from Sheriff Paterson, Elizabeth lies to protect the boy.
S1 Ep33
10th Aug 1966
Joe Haskell pays an unannounced drunken visit to Collinwood, passing out in the mansion. Meanwhile, Victoria journeys to the Blue Whale for a meeting with Burke Devlin.
S1 Ep34
11th Aug 1966
Burke tells Victoria that he has asked his private investigator to research her past, and has received a report. However, it reveals nothing new. Joe and Carolyn reflect on their relationship.
S1 Ep35
12th Aug 1966
Growing uneasy about the prospect of painting Burke's portrait, Sam tries to abandon the project. Meanwhile, Carolyn is jealous to learn of the developing relationship between Victoria and Burke.
S1 Ep36
15th Aug 1966
A furious Roger demands of Sam that he not paint Burke's portrait. Elizabeth begs Victoria to stay at Collinwood, and later confers with David in an attempt to find a solution.
S1 Ep37
16th Aug 1966
Worried at the escalating feud with Roger, Sam entrusts Maggie with a sealed letter. Roger confides in Victoria that he too has heard the mysterious sobbing sounds coming from the basement.
S1 Ep38
17th Aug 1966
Matthew Morgan threatens to kill Burke, for his interference in the affairs of the Collins family. Meanwhile, Carolyn courts the attentions of Burke by leaving her ring for him to find.
S1 Ep39
18th Aug 1966
Aware of the detrimental effect Burke's vendetta is having on the Collins family and Elizabeth in particular, Bill Malloy offers to help clear Burke of manslaughter, but only if he leaves town.
S1 Ep40
19th Aug 1966
A wily Carolyn continues to pursue Burke, following him on a business trip to the nearby town of Bangor. Meanwhile, Sam makes a devastating admission to Bill Malloy.
S1 Ep41
22nd Aug 1966
Sam looks at a skech he drew of Burke Devlin at his home. The phone rings. Sam answers it and finds its Roger Collins. They talk. While they're talking, Sam Evans puts the phone down and gets a glass of alcohol. Roger can be heard demanding him to speak. Sam Evans hangs the phone up then rips up his skech of Burke Devlin. The phone rings, but he does not answer. At Collinwood, Roger hangs up. Elizabeth enters. They talk about how Roger sold his shares of Collins Enterprises to her. At the Evans Cottage, Sam sits down on the couch. Maggie comes in. She says she forgot her shopping list. Sam asks her why she didn't just let him run away. Maggie calls Collinwood. Victoria answers. Maggie asks for Roger; Victoria tells Maggie that she doesn't know where he is. Roger enters and hangs up the phone. Roger goes into the foyer as Elizabeth comes down from the landing. Elizabeth, seeing that Roger is leaving, asks if he can look for Carolyn. He says he is too busy and leaves. Victoria tells Eliz
S1 Ep42
23rd Aug 1966
Burke makes moves to take over the Collins empire. Meanwhile, Sam's visit to Collinwood proves fruitless, as he finds himself unable to reveal the truth to Elizabeth.
S1 Ep43
24th Aug 1966
Bill continues to believe that Sam is withholding vital information about the true events behind Burke's manslaughter change. Appealing to Sam, he admits he would do anything to protect Elizabeth.
S1 Ep44
25th Aug 1966
Elizabeth learns from John Harris of Burke's plans to aggressively take over the Collins family businesses. Meanwhile, Malloy fears that Roger is in danger unless drastic steps are taken.
S1 Ep45
26th Aug 1966
Roger reprimands Carolyn for associating with Burke. Bill Malloy arranges a meeting between Roger, Sam and Burke, intent on proving Roger's guilt and ending Burke's vendetta.
S1 Ep46
29th Aug 1966
In spite of extreme reluctance on the part of Roger, Bill Malloy demands that the meeting will go ahead as planned, to take place at 11pm at Roger's office at the cannery.
S1 Ep47
30th Aug 1966
Roger arrives for the meeting with Sam and Burke, and shares an uneasy hour waiting for Bill to arrive. However, after he fails to appear after an hour, the meeting is reluctantly abandoned.
S1 Ep48
31st Aug 1966
David receives a crystal ball as a gift from Burke. Upon staring into it, the boy announces that Bill's disappearance is because he has been murdered by Roger.
S1 Ep49
1st Sep 1966
Burke is despondent at the news of Bill's disappearance, believing that he will now never clear his name. As the news spreads, concern for Malloy continues to grow.
S1 Ep50
2nd Sep 1966
David's attempts to scare Victoria continue with a message written on her mirror. Later, while walking along the cliffs, Carolyn and Victoria make a terrifying discovery.
S1 Ep51
5th Sep 1966
Carolyn and Victoria rush back to Collinwood in terror, and tell Elizabeth about seeing the body of a man floating in the sea beneath Widows' Hill. Matthew investigates and finds nothing but seaweed.
S1 Ep52
6th Sep 1966
Sam forces Maggie not to open his sealed letter. At Collinwood, Victoria and Carolyn are scared by mysterious sounds as an unseen force moves a book in the drawing room.
S1 Ep53
7th Sep 1966
Matthew admits to a shocked Elizabeth that it was Bill's body that Victoria and Carolyn saw, and he pushed it out to sea. David warns Elizabeth that ghosts inhabit Collinwood.
S1 Ep54
8th Sep 1966
Elizabeth struggles to come to terms with the fact that Bill may have been murdered. The sheriff questions Matthew, while Burke begins to form suspicions about Roger's possible involvement.
S1 Ep55
9th Sep 1966
The sheriff questions Roger about his whereabouts at the time of Bill's disappearance. Roger insists he had no idea what the meeting was about, but Elizabeth accuses him of lying.
S1 Ep56
12th Sep 1966
Roger places pressure on Sam to keep his silence, insisting that they must keep to their alibis. Meanwhile, Elizabeth and Carolyn are devastated by Bill's death.
S1 Ep57
13th Sep 1966
Burke is adamant that he will find the person behind Bill's death and asks Victoria for information on Roger. The sheriff reveals that Bill's watch stopped when he fell, confirming the time of his death.
S1 Ep58
14th Sep 1966
David begins to study tidal charts, intent on discovering where Bill fell into the water. Meanwhile, the sheriff questions Sam as the investigation continues.
S1 Ep59
15th Sep 1966
The sheriff questions Roger about the murder, and Elizabeth lies to offer her brother an alibi. A suspicious David later eavesdrops as Roger makes a false confession to Elizabeth.
S1 Ep60
16th Sep 1966
Victoria visits Maggie and Sam to have dinner and get to know them better. Looking through Sam's paintings, she is surprised to discover a portrait that closely resembles her.
S1 Ep61
19th Sep 1966
Burke makes a dramatic entrance at the Evans cottage, inviting himself to join the meal for Victoria. There, he tells her his version of the events that led to his manslaughter charge.
S1 Ep62
20th Sep 1966
Roger is anxious to learn about Victoria's evening with Sam and Maggie, refusing to believe that she does not have a hidden agenda. Sam is shocked at Burke's accusations that he killed Bill Malloy.
S1 Ep63
21st Sep 1966
A distressed Maggie visits Collinwood, where Elizabeth denies Burke's accusations. Matthew vows once again to protect Elizabeth from the threat posed by Burke.
S1 Ep64
22nd Sep 1966
Matthew threatens that Burke will pay a heavy price if he continues to interfere with the affairs of the Collins family. The sheriff orders that Burke is to stay away from Collinwood.
S1 Ep65
23rd Sep 1966
Burke journeys to Collinwood, now intent on settling his vendetta against the Collins family. Roger and Sam exchange threats as they discuss their affairs at the Blue Whale.
S1 Ep66
26th Sep 1966
Burke continues to assemble proof of Roger's guilt. When Burke presses Victoria for answers, she is forced to admit that she is not sure of the exact time Roger departed for the meeting.
S1 Ep67
27th Sep 1966
Bill Malloy's housekeeper, Mrs Sarah Johnson, makes her presence felt as the murder investigation continues. Meanwhile, Burke confides in Carolyn that he was wrongly convicted for Roger's crime.
S1 Ep68
28th Sep 1966
David confides in Victoria that Burke was the cause of many fights between his estranged mother and Roger. With ulterior motives, Roger tries to gain Victoria's confidence and friendship.
S1 Ep69
29th Sep 1966
Burke takes active steps to prove that Roger was responsible for Malloy's murder and arranges a meeting with Mrs Johnson, who is persuaded to spy on his behalf by gaining employment at Collinwood.
S1 Ep70
30th Sep 1966
David tells Victoria about the Old House, an abandoned Collins' mansion built before Collinwood, and suggests that they pay a visit. When they later leave, they are followed by the ghostly form of Josette.
S1 Ep71
3rd Oct 1966
Roger takes Victoria on a tour of the Collins cannery, before taking her to see the sheriff. In spite of her concerns about Roger's innocence, Victoria repeats her account, providing Roger with an alibi.
S1 Ep72
4th Oct 1966
At the Collinsport Inn diner, the seeds of Burke's plan to infiltrate Collinwood with Mrs Johnson are planted. Duly, Carolyn later suggests to Elizabeth that Mrs Johnson should be given a job at the mansion.
S1 Ep73
5th Oct 1966
Sam continues to be troubled by Roger and recent events. Elizabeth is given the coroner's verdict on Bill's death, which rules that he was a victim of accidental drowning.
S1 Ep74
6th Oct 1966
Roger is delighted to learn of the coroner's verdict, and that he is no longer a murder suspect. Burke is outraged at the decision and vows to expose Roger's guilt.
S1 Ep75
7th Oct 1966
Matthew Morgan learns of the verdict on Bill Malloy's death. Later, while walking along lookout point, Victoria finds the unique fountain pen which Burke earlier gave to Carolyn.
S1 Ep76
10th Oct 1966
Burke visits Collinwood and tells Elizabeth that he now plans to agressively take away Collinwood and the entire Collins business portfolio. Elizabeth vows to fight him to the end.
S1 Ep77
11th Oct 1966
David finds himself increasingly torn between his loyalties to his aunt Elizabeth and his growing friendship with Burke. Carolyn and David argue over the situation with Burke.
S1 Ep78
12th Oct 1966
Maggie and Joe spend an evening together at the Blue Whale and quickly begin to develop an enjoyment in one another's company. A belligerent Roger argues with both Sam and Joe.
S1 Ep79
13th Oct 1966
Mrs Johnson publicly accuses Burke of causing Bill Malloy's death, to deflect any suspicion her newfound loyalty to the Collins family might bring. Burke and David renew their friendship.
S1 Ep80
14th Oct 1966
Roger is terrified to learn that Victoria has found the fountain pen he lost on the night of Malloy's death and fears that she may now suspect him of foul play.
S1 Ep81
17th Oct 1966
Matthew Morgan continues to make threats towards Burke. Meanwhile, Mrs Johnson visits Collinwood, where Elizabeth offers her the job of housekeeper.
S1 Ep82
18th Oct 1966
Burke realises that Roger must have lost the fountain pen at Lookout Point, implicating his involvement in the death of Malloy. Roger goes to David's bedroom and removes the pen.
S1 Ep83
19th Oct 1966
Roger buries the pen to dispose of the evidence. Later, when Victoria accuses David of stealing it, Roger make an uncharacteristic display of defence for the boy, taking David's side against hers.
S1 Ep84
20th Oct 1966
David attempts to scare Victoria by telling her stories about the ghosts that haunt Collinwood. Luring her to the closed-off wing of the mansion, David locks her in, leaving her trapped.
S1 Ep85
21st Oct 1966
As a storm rages, Sam and Burke drink together and discuss the ghosts of Collinwood. In the closed-off wing, Victoria is visited by the ghost of Malloy, who warns her to leave Collinwood immediately.
S1 Ep86
24th Oct 1966
Burke and Carolyn have a date together, though his motives remain unclear. Distraught after seeing the ghost, Victoria desperately attempts to escape from the locked room.
S1 Ep87
25th Oct 1966
Roger is suspicious about Victoria's disappearance and decides to investigate the closed-off wing of the house. He releases Victoria and is shocked to hear her claim that she was visited by a ghost.
S1 Ep88
26th Oct 1966
Victoria tells Elizabeth about her ordeal and that she saw Bill's ghost. Elizabeth and Roger decide to check the locked room and are shocked to discover wet seaweed on the floor.
S1 Ep89
27th Oct 1966
Burke puts his takeover plan into action, offering four of Elizabeth's top executives jobs with him for increased pay. Learning of his plans, Elizabeth realises the severity of his threats.
S1 Ep90
28th Oct 1966
Learning that Victoria has seen a ghost, David has newfound appreciation for her and begs her to stay. Victoria finds a potential clue to her identity hidden in Collinwood.
S1 Ep91
31st Oct 1966
Burke agrees to take Victoria to Bangor with him to give her a break from her recent ordeal, but continues to warn her to get away from Collinwood for her own safety.
S1 Ep92
1st Nov 1966
Arriving in Bangor, Victoria visits the Collins family lawyers, a father-and-son team called Frank and Richard Garner. Taking the evidence found in the locked room, she tries to gain more information.
S1 Ep93
2nd Nov 1966
Burke's offer to buy Collinwood continues to cause heated arguments between Elizabeth and Roger. David draws a picture of Bill Malloy's ghost, much to Roger's disgust.
S1 Ep94
3rd Nov 1966
Frank Garner vows to help Victoria uncover any hidden information about her past. Meanwhile, Sam is alarmed to hear that Bill Malloy's ghost has been seen by Victoria.
S1 Ep95
4th Nov 1966
By chance, Victoria sees Burke's distinctive fountain pen and recognises it as identical to the one she found on the beach. Now believing that Burke murdered Malloy, she is terrified and telephones Roger.
S1 Ep96
7th Nov 1966
Roger drives Victoria back to Collinsport, but heavy rain forces them to take shelter until the storm passes. Victoria is shocked by Roger's demand that she should keep her discovery about Burke a secret.
S1 Ep97
8th Nov 1966
Victoria receives a frosty reception from Elizabeth for visiting the family lawyers without her consent. Sam gives Victoria the portrait of Betty Handscomb which she so closely resembles.
S1 Ep98
9th Nov 1966
Mrs Johnson begins working at Collinwood, quickly beginning her covert investigations. She is disturbed to hear a mysterious sobbing sound coming from a locked room in the basement.
S1 Ep99
10th Nov 1966
Mrs Johnson begins to believe that Collinwood is haunted and confides her fears to Burke. Meanwhile, the takeover plans for the cannery are abruptly ended when the company executives reject Burke's offer.
S1 Ep100
11th Nov 1966
Victoria tells Burke about her suspicions regarding Roger and the pen she found on Lookout Point. Meanwhile, Carolyn reveals to Roger that Victoria knows about the pen's origins.
S1 Ep101
14th Nov 1966
Victoria agrees to accompany David on a return visit to the Old House, Later, Victoria confides to Maggie that she believes she now knows who killed Bill Malloy.
S1 Ep102
15th Nov 1966
Victoria is held against her will by a crazed Roger, who insists that Bill Malloy was already dead when he discovered his body at Lookout Point. Escaping from Roger, Victoria leaves, terrified.
S1 Ep103
16th Nov 1966
Victoria is terrified at what Roger might do to prevent his secret from being made public. She is later disturbed to learn that Roger knows she lied to him about spending time with Burke earlier.
S1 Ep104
17th Nov 1966
Roger attempts an exercise in damage limitation, revealing to Elizabeth that Victoria holds damaging information about him. Later, Victoria narrowly avoids being run down by unseen car driver.
S1 Ep105
18th Nov 1966
After Burke confronts him about the fountain pen, Roger decides to retrieve the pen he earlier buried. As he uncovers it, he does not know that he is being watched by the sheriff and Burke.
S1 Ep106
21st Nov 1966
Roger is held in custody as Sheriff Patterson questions Victoria. Roger gives his alibi for the accident, which seems to prove his innocence. Carolyn is shocked to learn that Roger may have killed Malloy.
S1 Ep107
22nd Nov 1966
Attentions turn to Sam as the hunt for the mysterious driver continues. Outside the Old House searching for David, Victoria narrowly escapes death when Matthew pushes a stone urn from the roof.
S1 Ep108
23rd Nov 1966
Scared from her close call, Victoria unwittingly runs to Matthew's cottage for help. As they talk, she realises that he was the driver. Matthew refuses to let Victoria leave.
S1 Ep109
28th Nov 1966
Matthew reveals that he killed Malloy, but that it was an accident, and vows to kill Victoria to maintain his secret. The police are called to search for Victoria, while Elizabeth pays a crucial visit on Matthew.
S1 Ep110
29th Nov 1966
A shamed Matthew confesses the murder to a stunned Elizabeth, before fleeing. The police hunt for Matthew, who has hidden at the Old House. Victoria makes peace with Roger, apologising for her accusation.
S1 Ep111
30th Nov 1966
David still believes that Roger killed Malloy. Later, David visits the Old House and chances upon Matthew. When the boy offers to help, Matthew has no choice but to accept, if he is to remain hidden.
S1 Ep112
1st Dec 1966
Victoria visits Burke and reluctantly tells him that her loyalties lie with the Collins family. Burke steps up his plans to undermine the Collins business interests. Meanwhile, David steals provisions for Matthew.
S1 Ep113
2nd Dec 1966
David continues to help Matthew hide out. Trying to forget her recent ordeal, Victoria plans a trip to Bangor. Victoria visits the Old House, where she finds herself helpless in Matthew's clutches.
S1 Ep114
5th Dec 1966
As Matthew holds Victoria captive, the Collins household thinks that she left for her trip as planned. Elizabeth worries when Frank calls her to say that Victoria has not arrived. Victoria makes a bid to escape.
S1 Ep115
6th Dec 1966
Elizabeth worries about Victoria's safety. Joe learns the truth about Carolyn and Burke's relationship and the two men come to blows. The discovery of Victoria's luggage proves that she never left for her trip.
S1 Ep116
7th Dec 1966
Victoria's disappearance becomes a police matter. When Joe and Burke search for Victoria at the Old House, Matthew and his prisoner hide in a secret room. Victoria manages to call for help, but to no avail.
S1 Ep117
8th Dec 1966
As the search continues, Burke and Roger exchange threats. Caroyln's relationship with Burke comes under fire. Elizabeth vows to face Burke's latest assault head on. Carolyn and Joe end their relationship.
S1 Ep118
9th Dec 1966
Victoria begs Matthew to let her go. Mrs Johnson suspects Victoria has fallen foul of Matthew. When David visits the Old House with supplies, he is disarmed to hear Victoria's cries coming from the secret room.
S1 Ep119
12th Dec 1966
Matthew begins to doubt David's loyalty. David is overcome with pangs of conscience for helping Matthew evade capture, which are heightened when he learns the consequences of aiding a criminal.
S1 Ep120
13th Dec 1966
David begins to realise that Matthew has kidnapped Victoria. Meanwhile, Matthew's paranoia escalates as he is confronted by ghostly sobbing and an eerie light coming from the portrait of Josette.
S1 Ep121
14th Dec 1966
David discovers that Matthew is holding Victoria prisoner. A mysterious woman arrives at the Collinsport Inn and begins to probe Maggie for information on the Collins family.
S1 Ep122
15th Dec 1966
David escapes from the clutches of Matthew, leaving Victoria behind. Sam Evans is worried when Maggie tells him about the woman who spoke with her at the Inn.
S1 Ep123
16th Dec 1966
The ghost of Bill Malloy appears to David and tells him to help Victoria, before threatening Matthew with a vow of revenge. A terrified Matthew is now resolved to kill Victoria.
S1 Ep124
19th Dec 1966
Roger and Burke find and rescue Victoria from the Old House. The ghosts of Bill Malloy and Josette lead a procession of spirits to wreak revenge on Matthew, scaring him to death.
The first episode of Dark Shadows aired on June 27, 1966.
The last episode of Dark Shadows aired on April 02, 1971.
There are 1225 episodes of Dark Shadows.
There are 12 seasons of Dark Shadows.
Dark Shadows has ended.