Awake Surgery Episode Rating Graph
Dec 2022 - present

Dec 2022 - present
Dr. Gruber performs cosmetic surgery on patients while they are completely awake; she's developed her own techniques for numbing, calming and treating patients in order to perform their life-changing surgeries without them feeling a thing.
S1 Ep2
15th Dec 2022
Dr. Meegan Gruber faces the most daunting awake surgery of her career: removing a giant hanging stomach; Jason looks for a butt lift to help him scandalize all of Kentucky; a patient calls her psychic mid-surgery.
S1 Ep1
14th Dec 2022
Dr. Meegan Gruber specializes in performing surgery while patients are completely awake; Derrick orders lunch while getting his "man boobs" removed; Genny has a request to get rid of both of her chins; Megan needs surgery to fix her "ballsack arms."
S1 Ep1
14th Dec 2022
Dr. Meegan Gruber specializes in performing surgery while patients are completely awake; Derrick orders lunch while getting his "man boobs" removed; Genny has a request to get rid of both of her chins; Megan needs surgery to fix her "ballsack arms."
S1 Ep2
15th Dec 2022
Dr. Meegan Gruber faces the most daunting awake surgery of her career: removing a giant hanging stomach; Jason looks for a butt lift to help him scandalize all of Kentucky; a patient calls her psychic mid-surgery.
S1 Ep3
21st Dec 2022
Mother of eight Rubi stuns Dr. Meegan Gruber when she arrives with a hip condition unlike anything the doctor has ever seen; Ashley asks to have her bat wings clipped; Jim seeks a solution for a giant neck that's swallowing his jawline.