Casualty 1900s Episode Rating Graph
Mar 2008 - Jul 2009

Mar 2008 - Jul 2009
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S2 Ep2
21st Jun 2009
Sister Ada Russel has her first day as the head of the Receiving Room. Nurse Ethel Bennett is informed by the Matron that she is being transferred from the Receiving Room to the private care service. Bennett isn't too keen, but has little choice and accuses Ada of trying to get rid of her. A patient who attempted suicide is soon carted away and charged by the police. A patient in for the removal of a cancerous testicle loses all feeling in his legs, possibly a reaction to the use of a local sedative, Stovaine. He was Mr. Dean's patient and Nurse Laura Goodley reports ...
S2 Ep1
14th Jun 2009
In turn-of-the-century London, the staff of the London Hospital treat a variety of patients. It was also one of the first hospitals to use anesthetics regularly. With little in the way of health and safety regulations, they must deal with the victims of industrial accidents including one worker who suffers terrible burns. They also treat a large number of injured following what is believed to be a bomb explosion while the police push their way in and insist on questioning the patients. The hospital allows the investigation to go forward even though it turns out to ...
S1 Ep3
13th Apr 2008
Sydney Holland already fears bankruptcy and now most Jewish benefactors intend to start a ghetto hospital instead. A hot May causes killer diarrhea among slum kids. 'Beggar's gang member Nobby is hospitalized for liver cirrhosis. Bedford Fenwick chooses Dr Lawes is chosen for a more lucrative position over Dr. Millais Culpin who fails only as- drinking chum.
S1 Ep2
6th Apr 2008
The hospital is dealing with a major gastro-intestinal infection that is proving deadly. They have lost as many as 14 children in one night and it's taking its toll on all of the staff. The hospital Chairman, Sydney Holland, estimates that given its current financial situation, the London Hospital will be forced to close in 5 weeks. He gets bad news from Lord Rothschild, one of the London Hospital's most generous supporters. Nobby Clark, a local gang leader, is back in the receiving room and Dr. Culpin decides to admit him this time. Ethel Bennett has been assigned to...
S2 Ep4
5th Jul 2009
The hospital finds itself invaded by a group of anti-vivisectionists and the object of a well-orchestrated letter writing campaign against the hospital's research practices. Mr. Holland is worried about how the charitable institution will continue should donations decline substantially. The hospital treats a woman who appears to be poor and attempted suicide. The suicide attempt was real but the woman it turns out is a well-known stage entertainer, Grace Barnes. Dr. Head gladly treats her as he has his own theories about mental incapacity and its effect on physical ...
S1 Ep1
30th Mar 2008
December, 1907. In East End, wealthy metropolis London's poor side, London Hospital depends on private charity to finance its care of the poor. A Christmas party is prepared by staff for patients and benefactors. The influx includes Jewish laborers wounded by police while demonstrating and young Teddy who was bitten at home by rats. A wound infection untreatable until the invention on antibiotics kills like an epidemic. Matron Eva Luckes still fires nurses for affairs with doctors. A tragic case is the pioneering X ray research operator, whose radiation-burned fingers...
S1 Ep1
30th Mar 2008
December, 1907. In East End, wealthy metropolis London's poor side, London Hospital depends on private charity to finance its care of the poor. A Christmas party is prepared by staff for patients and benefactors. The influx includes Jewish laborers wounded by police while demonstrating and young Teddy who was bitten at home by rats. A wound infection untreatable until the invention on antibiotics kills like an epidemic. Matron Eva Luckes still fires nurses for affairs with doctors. A tragic case is the pioneering X ray research operator, whose radiation-burned fingers...
S1 Ep2
6th Apr 2008
The hospital is dealing with a major gastro-intestinal infection that is proving deadly. They have lost as many as 14 children in one night and it's taking its toll on all of the staff. The hospital Chairman, Sydney Holland, estimates that given its current financial situation, the London Hospital will be forced to close in 5 weeks. He gets bad news from Lord Rothschild, one of the London Hospital's most generous supporters. Nobby Clark, a local gang leader, is back in the receiving room and Dr. Culpin decides to admit him this time. Ethel Bennett has been assigned to...
S1 Ep3
13th Apr 2008
Sydney Holland already fears bankruptcy and now most Jewish benefactors intend to start a ghetto hospital instead. A hot May causes killer diarrhea among slum kids. 'Beggar's gang member Nobby is hospitalized for liver cirrhosis. Bedford Fenwick chooses Dr Lawes is chosen for a more lucrative position over Dr. Millais Culpin who fails only as- drinking chum.
The first episode of Casualty 1900s aired on March 30, 2008.
The last episode of Casualty 1900s aired on July 19, 2009.
There are 10 episodes of Casualty 1900s.
There are 2 seasons of Casualty 1900s.
Casualty 1900s has ended.