Dream On Episode Rating Graph
Jul 1990 - Mar 1996

Jul 1990 - Mar 1996
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S2 Ep2
7th Jul 1991
Conclusion. Things heat up on the set of the Richard Stone biography, as the stars fall for each other.
S2 Ep9
25th Aug 1991
An old professor of Martin's offers Martin his own show, called ""Book Beat"", on public television. The show is run by college students for credit. After the first airing of the show, Martin is stalked by an over-enthusiastic fan (Nora) who sends him flowers and other things. Nora storms the set with a bomb.
S3 Ep7
11th Jul 1992
Martin decides that Jeremy's tough and sarcastic new girlfriend Clair is a bad influence and forbids him from seeing her.
S3 Ep20
10th Oct 1992
Martin falls for Judith's new housekeeper (Salma Hyack).
S3 Ep8
18th Jul 1992
Martin convinces Toby to marry Gibby so that he can get his green card, but becomes annoyed when the wedding plans disrupt her work.
S2 Ep13
22nd Sep 1991
Gibby informs the crew that they are all fired, just to soften the blow that there will not be bonuses (not really fired). Martin is talked into a nickel and dime porker game with his co-workers. They play in Martin's apartment. Expecting pizza, Martin finds Gibby at the door. Carter, the brown nose, had told Gibby about the game. Gibby lays down a large pile of $100s (the firm is doing financially badly, not him). All but Martin want to play high stakes, until Martin sees his cards. After losing big ($12,000), Gibby starts betting vacation days. Eventually clothing and household appliances get bet.
S3 Ep16
12th Sep 1992
A Blumberg family reunion has everyone's nerves on edge.
S2 Ep14
29th Sep 1991
An old female friend of Martin's, Bonnie, returns to New York City from Cleveland to pursue a stand-up career. Bonnie's first performance as a stand-up bombs. Martin tries to encourage her by suggesting that she should use her past relationships in her act (which has more humor in it than her current act). Martin and Bonnie start to fall for each other and end up sleeping together. The whole gang shows up for Bonnie's second performance as a stand-up comic. Bonnie, following Martin's advice, discusses her relationships in her act. Unfortunately for Martin, Bonnie sticks to talking about her current relationship. The gang, and the audience, except for Martin, love the new act. Afterwards, the gang offer Bonnie funny stories about Martin. Alone together back at Martin's apartment, Martin almost starts to tell Bonnie about his reactions to her new act. A phone call interrupts. An HBO scout was in the audience and loved the act. Next Friday, Bonnie is informed, an HBO big-wig wil
S2 Ep10
1st Sep 1991
After walking out for cigarettes fifteen years ago, Martin's former girlfriend Veronica Sheridan finally returns. Veronica returned because she is pulling together a photo-book of all the famous men of New York. Everyone warns Martin to stay away from Veronica, but he can't help himself. Martin and Judith become worried when Veronica's photo session with Richard runs very late.
S3 Ep1
6th Jun 1992
Martin's romance with Sandra comes to an abrupt halt when he learns that she is the wife of a candidate for the Senate.
S3 Ep10
1st Aug 1992
Eddie invites Martin to a Talk Show Digest awards night, where they are both approached by a beautiful woman called Alisha.
S3 Ep9
25th Jul 1992
When Martin's parents arrive for Jeremy's thirteenth birthday, they announce they are getting a divorce.
S3 Ep5
27th Jun 1992
Martin is told he will have to take a pay cut, so he quits his job, only to find things are even worse elsewhere.
S1 Ep11
16th Sep 1990
Martin's apartment building is undergoing renovations, and there is a large hole in his outside wall. A thin sheet of plastic cannot block birds from entering the apartment. Bricks are set up to fill in the hole, but the landlady fired the contractors. Martin and Nina try to have a romantic dinner in Martin's apartment, but an emergency protest comes up, and Nina needs to join it. Nina uses the bricks from the apartment to fill up a factory's drainage pipe, and is arrested.
S4 Ep14
18th Dec 1993
Martin and Judith take a pre-Xmas drive and get stranded in a barn, Eddie is stood up by a girlfriend and spends Xmas in a bar with Santa Claus, Toby wants to become a nun and Jeremy's special Xmas present from his girlfriend doesn't quite go according to plan.
S3 Ep17
19th Sep 1992
Martin plans for a weekend break are dashed.
S2 Ep12
15th Sep 1991
Martin's new girlfriend of three weeks, Charlotte, has a porn star past. Martin learns from Eddie. Charlotte reveals that her biggest secret is that she cannot drive. Martin begs to differ, and Charlotte admits to appearing in six porn videos to pay for college and is not ashamed. Martin and Charlotte try to continue their relationship despite this conflict. Martin tries to continue dating Charlotte, even though he keeps seeing her in porn star roles and settings.
S2 Ep5
28th Jul 1991
Martin, while putting away Jeremy's laundry, comes across an adult magazine and a joint. Martin informs Judith, and they agree that Martin will have a talk with Jeremy. Jeremy agrees to not smoke pot, and Martin admits that he used to smoke pot a long time ago. After Martin discusses the matter with Eddie on the basketball court, they return to Martin's apartment. Eddie spots the joint and lights up. Martin joins him.
S1 Ep14
7th Oct 1990
Judith and Richard Stone are about to be married, but Richard is off somewhere helping the less fortunate and Judith is frantically trying to make every thing perfect for the perfect Richard Stone. After getting a bad new hair cut (frizzy perm), Judith turns to Martin for help. Judith and Martin sleep together, and Martin hopes this might mean something more. Martin reminds Judith that she acted this way before they married (and luckily, the man she slept with before their marriage was Martin). Judith, somewhat less flustered, gets married to Richard Stone.
S4 Ep1
2nd Jun 1993
Martin gets a new video camera and inadvertently videotapes children's television celebrity Uncle Bouncy committing a sex act with a prostitute in a public alleyway. Martin opts to caution Bouncy himself about his behavior in person before turning the tape over to him. But, Bouncy's abusive and intransigent attitude convinces him to sell the offending footage to Eddie for broadcast on his show.
S3 Ep21
17th Oct 1992
Martin does battle with a rat.
S3 Ep19
3rd Oct 1992
Martin overreacts when he suspects that Jeremy has begun to have sex.
S3 Ep11
8th Aug 1992
Martin runs into his hero, author Elliot Sterns (Patrick MacNee) and manages to spoil a romantic evening out.
S2 Ep3
14th Jul 1991
Australians have bought Whitestone, and great change is in the air. Gibby Fiske makes his first appearance as the new boss at Whitestone, and he doesn't want to publish literature. Gibby calls Whitestone employees into his office, one at a time. Most of Whitestone's employees suddenly find themselves ex-employees. At his meeting with Gibby, Martin mentions many books, but all are too literary, not sleazy enough. Finally, and desperately, Martin states that he can get the autobiography of the host of the sleazy Eddie Charles Show. Martin begs Eddie and Eddie admits that if he did write an autobiography, he would go to a larger publisher. After more begging, Eddie eventually agrees to allow Whitestone to publish his life story. Conflict erupts when Martin seems to be leaning towards the more scandalous stories.
S1 Ep2
15th Jul 1990
Martin, while fooling around with a much younger college girl (an Eddie Charles hook-up), ends up in the hospital. His doctor instructs him to change his lifestyle around to prevent another (possibly worse) incident. Top of the list? Cut out caffeine. Of course, he receives a lot of ridicule as he goes about this.
S1 Ep3
22nd Jul 1990
Jeremy (Martin and Judith's son) is having trouble in school. He has become distracted by his rather attractive female teacher. The teacher informs Judith, and Judith informs Martin. Martin tries to give his son the ""sex talk,"" but learns that Jeremy has already been informed, though he does have some questions. Martin visits the classroom and meets with Jeremy's teacher and is himself distracted with her beauty. Martin and the teacher go out for dinner.
S1 Ep10
9th Sep 1990
Despite the continuing distraction of a prior boyfriend, and the deep involvement in the protest movement, Nina and Martin are still together. Nina suggests to Martin that they take the next step in their relationship – an AIDS test.
S6 Ep1
19th Jul 1995
Martin has trouble climaxing and is referred to a therapist. Through hypnotism, she leads him to suspect he is repressing the memory of childhood abuse.
S4 Ep13
18th Dec 1993
Martin and Judith take a pre-Xmas drive and get stranded in a barn, Eddie is stood up by a girlfriend and spends Xmas in a bar with Santa Claus, Toby wants to become a nun and Jeremy's special Xmas present from his girlfriend doesn't quite go according to plan.
S2 Ep11
8th Sep 1991
Martin and Judith are audited by the IRS for the last year of their marriage. They go through old receipts together. An old receipt proves that Martin had an affair with Nicki Rosen, Judith's friend, while still married to Judith. Jeremy wants to go to a party that lacks parental supervision, but his parents won't allow him. Martin and Judith fight about the affair during audit at the IRS office. Jeremy uses the conflict to trick his parents so that he could go to the party. At the party, Jeremy plays spin the bottle.
S5 Ep6
27th Jul 1994
Martin and Eddie attend their school reunion, where Martin is eager to make up for lost opportunities with a recently-separated old flame.
S5 Ep1
22nd Jun 1994
A brother and sister screenwriting duo kidnap Little Richard and Martin from the Richard Stone UN Memorial Service, but the police assume Martin is the one responsible for the crime.
S3 Ep23
31st Oct 1992
Gibby foists his possibly illegitimate son and Whitestone's newest editor upon Martin - Alex Farmer. Toby takes an immediate dislike to Alex and his secretary Skylar.
S3 Ep18
26th Sep 1992
Martin courts disaster when he throws a raucous bachelor party.
S2 Ep15
6th Oct 1991
Martin arrives at work to find Toby extremely happy. Martin questions her happiness, and Toby notes that it is her birthday. Martin's in trouble for forgetting, but can get out of it if he uses Toby's gift suggestions. Toby plans on celebrating her day with many activities, but strange currents are running against her (surprise wedding; many business calls; measles). Martin has to go to a wake for his Aunt Minnie, and Toby, sad that her day has been ruined, decides to join Martin. At the wake, Toby learns that Aunt Minnie is beginning to sound a lot like her. Considering the remarks made, and life described, Toby becomes rather sad. As Martin tries to lift Toby's mood, Toby responds relatively well. Then things take a turn for the worse. Then things turn ugly. Toby and Martin arrive back at work the next day very hung over.
S2 Ep1
7th Jul 1991
During the filming of a movie about Judith's husband, Martin falls for the actress playing Judith, and Judith falls for the actor playing Richard.
S6 Ep25
13th Mar 1996
Martin's old apartment is becoming a huge money pit, costing him exorbitant maintenance fees and so he resolves to get rid of it. He has a meeting with Irwin Bader who isn't optimistic of getting much over $1,500, even though he sold it to Martin for $2,400. Libby expresses an interest on behalf of her son, but Martin passes on the idea.
S6 Ep23
28th Feb 1996
Martin thinks things are getting out of hand after Judith discovers "some little tricks" to improve her sex life.
S6 Ep24
6th Mar 1996
Judith plans a dinner party for their couple friends, so she suggests that Martin not invite currently single Eddie. When Eddie finds out, he makes Martin feel guilty until he invites him, but the evening doesn't go well. Eddie has nothing in common with the couples and so he storms out. Next day, Martin and Judith meet a recently separated friend, Rema, whom Martin invites to their apartment for dinner, planning to also invite Eddie and match them up. Eddie begins spending all his time with Rema and hardly sees Martin.
S6 Ep16
15th Nov 1995
Martin's friend likes Toby.
S6 Ep19
31st Jan 1996
Martin moves into Judith's high-tech apartment.
S6 Ep21
14th Feb 1996
Flashback episode: Martin's fortieth birthday is approaching fast and Eddie insists on throwing him a party. Unfortunately, Judith is planning a party of her own thus bringing them into conflict. Martin suggests compromise by urging them to plan the party together. As they argue over the details, they reminisce over their past disagreements.
S6 Ep11
4th Oct 1995
Martin dates Judith's sister.
S6 Ep12
11th Oct 1995
Toby is in a rut. Uses self-help book.
S6 Ep13
18th Oct 1995
Martin needs to make some quick money, so he writes for pornographic movies.
S6 Ep14
1st Nov 1995
Martin tries to get a homeless woman's memoirs.
S6 Ep15
8th Nov 1995
Eddie learns that he was adopted.
S6 Ep17
22nd Nov 1995
Martin and Judith visit Jeremy at college. Sparks ignite.
S6 Ep20
7th Feb 1996
Gibby picks Martin to represent Whitestone at the Chicago Book Fair, informing him with one weeks notice. This means a ton of extra work and pregnant Toby doesn't really feel up to it, so Martin suggests they take on a temp to lighten the load. Toby offers up her cousin Louie, and although initially reluctant, Martin assents, giving him a trial period to prove himself.
S6 Ep22
21st Feb 1996
At a Salary Review Meeting, Gibby has some good news for Martin; Martin's to be put in charge of his own division at Whitestone, a quality publishing imprint called Camelot New Press. Things get off to a bad start however when the first round of author interviews yield nothing. Through a quirk of fate, Martin remembers an old manuscript he admired, ‘The Barrel Maker' by Julian Keppel and stays up all night reading it. He contacts the emotionally fragile author and promises to make it Whitestone's next bestseller.
S6 Ep26
20th Mar 1996
Preparing for Eddie's wedding, Martin questions whether or not he has a future with Judith.
S6 Ep27
27th Mar 1996
Martin and Judith learn Dr. Stone might be defrosted and revived.
S6 Ep18
24th Jan 1996
With their relationship rekindled, Judith suggests that she and Martin join a support group for couples on their second time around.
S5 Ep2
29th Jun 1994
It's Richard Stone Memorial Day. It's also Martins Birthday, But no one cares. Martin and lil' baby Richard are kidnapped, and the media believe that Martin is the kidnapper.
S4 Ep20
23rd Feb 1994
Gibby takes a vacation, leaving Martin in charge of Whitestone with one simple condition – he has to fire one of the company's book editors. Judith is depressed when her patient commits suicide.
S6 Ep7
30th Aug 1995
Martin's life is examined after he dies.
S3 Ep3
13th Jun 1992
Toby is plagued by nightmares in which she murders Martin in gruesome scenes of violence.
S3 Ep26
21st Nov 1992
Everything seems to be going great in one of Martin's relationships. He and Kate couldn't be happier, and they plan on living together at Martin's apartment.
S4 Ep23
16th Mar 1994
Martin's irritating mother comes to New York for plastic surgery, but things take a turn for the worst when she has a heart attack on the operating table.
S5 Ep4
13th Jul 1994
Martin's mother's will is read.
S5 Ep11
31st Aug 1994
Gibby hires Toby after she is fired by Martin.
S6 Ep5
16th Aug 1995
Martin dates a woman that acts strange in public, and yet, is an etiquette expert.
S6 Ep6
23rd Aug 1995
Jeremy's math teacher is the cause for Jeremy's low math grade.
S6 Ep8
13th Sep 1995
After Jeremy chooses to go to Richard Stone's induction into the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame instead of with Martin on a Father's Day canoeing trip, Martin reluctantly tags along. In typical Tupper fashion, he goes home with a girl named Katrina that he meets there. It turns out that she has 2 interesting, but related surprises for Martin.
S6 Ep10
27th Sep 1995
Martin's building goes co-op, and to be able to afford purchasing his apartment/condo, he dates Gibby's insane sister.
S1 Ep8
26th Aug 1990
Martin is quite interested in one of the guests, Sheila, on Eddie Charles current show ""Wall Street Witches."" Sheila and Martin have an instant connection, and Eddie is stuck right in the middle. Due to a back problem that will require surgery, Eddie is propped up in a handcart and cannot escape the sexual tension. Sheila and Martin date, and while walking along outside, Sheila asks Martin to make a wish on her crystal. Next scene: bedroom. After a rather intense experience, Sheila wants Martin to make three wishes using her crystal. Martin wishes to win the lottery, find his rare missing baseball card, and have perfect Dr. Richard Stone fail at something. The first two wishes come true, though not exactly as Martin thought they would. After realizing that there is some strange magic in the air, Martin worries that the last wish will also come true.
S5 Ep9
17th Aug 1994
Gibby desires to publish Jeremy's novel.
S6 Ep9
20th Sep 1995
This picks up with Martin and Katrina struggling to write songs for the new Crevice album. Katrina suffers from a light writer's block, and ends up taking inspiration from Martin's college poetry. Crevice breaks up over the creative changes, and Katrina debuts her first single as a solo artist on Eddie's show. The fan's are not pleased.
S1 Ep13
30th Sep 1990
One of Martin's authors, Vernon, discusses his romance book with Martin. While Vernon is still in the office, a woman enters. Vernon hits on her and leaves. After he leaves, Martin reveals that he hates his job. The woman turns out to be Martin's new boss. The new boss seduces Martin. Later, at a group meeting with the staff and the new boss, Martin learns that there are some advantages to dating your boss. Martin is given a coveted book assignment, and his hated author is transfered to Cindy. Later, Martin receives further rewards for dating his boss.
S2 Ep7
11th Aug 1991
After Eddie and Martin are mugged twice, Martin gets a gun. The night he comes home with the gun, Martin surprises a burglar and holds him off with the gun. While waiting for the police to arrive, Martin feeds the burglar.
S4 Ep18
9th Feb 1994
Toby falls in love with a priest.
S4 Ep19
16th Feb 1994
Trouble in their romantic relationship may spell the end of a book collaboration for two writers (Donna Mills and Jake Steinfeld), and it's up to Martin to help them work things out.
S1 Ep1
8th Jul 1990
Martin Tupper, New York book editor and product of the first television generation, faces a crisis: his ex-wife-to-be, Judith, is demanding that he sign their divorce papers so that she can re-marry. Should he try to win her back, or is it time to get back in the dating game?
S1 Ep2
15th Jul 1990
Martin, while fooling around with a much younger college girl (an Eddie Charles hook-up), ends up in the hospital. His doctor instructs him to change his lifestyle around to prevent another (possibly worse) incident. Top of the list? Cut out caffeine. Of course, he receives a lot of ridicule as he goes about this.
S1 Ep3
22nd Jul 1990
Jeremy (Martin and Judith's son) is having trouble in school. He has become distracted by his rather attractive female teacher. The teacher informs Judith, and Judith informs Martin. Martin tries to give his son the ""sex talk,"" but learns that Jeremy has already been informed, though he does have some questions. Martin visits the classroom and meets with Jeremy's teacher and is himself distracted with her beauty. Martin and the teacher go out for dinner.
S1 Ep4
29th Jul 1990
Martin's globetrotting sister suddenly arrives in New York and visits Martin at his office. Martin informs Eddie of Susan's return, and he asks Eddie to show Susan the city. Eddie has almost no problem with this request. Eddie and Susan have been dating for eight years, and Eddie is nervous about letting Martin become aware of their relationship. Susan prefers letting Martin in on the secret, and lets the cat out of the bag by not returning to Martin's apartment (where she was supposed to be staying). Martin still sees his sister as a young girl and cannot accept that she can take care of herself, especially with noted ladies man Eddie Charles. Martin and Eddie have a falling out over this issue, and Susan refuses to be treated like a little girl.
S1 Ep5
5th Aug 1990
While eating in a cheap diner, Martin and Eddie are surprised to see an old school friend as their waitress. The three of them discuss their current position in life, and where they expected to be at this point. All are depressed. Martin was going to become a writer, but had to give it up for a paying job for the sake of his relationship with Judith. Inspired after remembering his dreams, Martin tries writing again. After several very detailed attempts, shown through old clips, Martin finally finds his subject. While some names have been changed, Martin ends up writing a rather negative play about his marriage with Judith. Martin shares his new play with Judith, and she is somewhat disappointed. Willing to accept help, Martin and Judith rewrite the play. After they finish, Martin sends out numerous copies. All but one send back rejections. One off-broadway, experimental theater offers to perform the play (oddly enough, the theater that their waitress works for). The whole g
S1 Ep6
12th Aug 1990
Martin is a member of the audience of the ""Eddie Charles Show."" Today's topic is about the current weak nature of the male gender. Martin, inspired by the guest author of the show, decides to go away to a male-bonding workshop. At the retreat, Martin learns that he is an elephant. After a somewhat disappointing time, Martin returns home. Back in New York, Martin runs into the ""perfect woman"" (Mary) at a supermarket, and they begin a relationship. Mary cooks, cleans and takes care of Martin. Mary is very ready to help and loves to allow Martin to make all the decisions. Mary also expects and encourages Martin to have guests over to watch sporting events on television. Oddly enough, Martin is starting to find Mary grating.
S1 Ep7
19th Aug 1990
Martin decides to take his first vacation in a long time, and visits a travel agent. Many expensive options are presented, and Martin settles on Bermuda. Martin is eager and happy to begin his vacation, until his boss visits him. The boss, Sid, wants to know if Martin has heard about the current tragic news circulating throughout the city. The current news story is about the gruesome murder of a family that included the butchering of their dogs. Before Martin can go on his vacation, he has to get the widow signed as an author with Whitestone. The person that would normally do this is out sick. Martin is very reluctant, but cannot say no. Martin finds himself to be rather good at this type of activity, but does not like this fact. The widow, Lyia, is not sure if she wants to drag the sordid mess out before her fellow citizens. They've hounded her enough. On the other hand, she might be tempted to tell her story. At the same time, the police have yet to find the killer.
S1 Ep8
26th Aug 1990
Martin is quite interested in one of the guests, Sheila, on Eddie Charles current show ""Wall Street Witches."" Sheila and Martin have an instant connection, and Eddie is stuck right in the middle. Due to a back problem that will require surgery, Eddie is propped up in a handcart and cannot escape the sexual tension. Sheila and Martin date, and while walking along outside, Sheila asks Martin to make a wish on her crystal. Next scene: bedroom. After a rather intense experience, Sheila wants Martin to make three wishes using her crystal. Martin wishes to win the lottery, find his rare missing baseball card, and have perfect Dr. Richard Stone fail at something. The first two wishes come true, though not exactly as Martin thought they would. After realizing that there is some strange magic in the air, Martin worries that the last wish will also come true.
S1 Ep9
2nd Sep 1990
Martin has clothes in the dryer, and more in his arms, as he returns to the laundry room. Martin returns to find a woman that Martin has not seen before reading a book and doing her own laundry. An instant attraction is sparked in both. While chatting with the woman, Nina, Martin finds that his clothes that were in the dryer have been removed and are damp. Martin is very annoyed and expresses his rage at the idiot who removed his clothes and put their many pairs of pants into the dryer. Nina notes that Martin should have been there when the dryer was done, and she wouldn't have had to remove his clothes. Just then the dryer stops. Martin opens the door, Nina protests that the clothes are still wet, and instead of continuing the argument, Martin and Nina kiss and explore each other. The activity continues in Martin's apartment, and involves several days. Office mates, notably Toby, are annoyed at the missing Martin. While extremely happy, Martin and Nina's relationship suddenly
S1 Ep10
9th Sep 1990
Despite the continuing distraction of a prior boyfriend, and the deep involvement in the protest movement, Nina and Martin are still together. Nina suggests to Martin that they take the next step in their relationship – an AIDS test.
S1 Ep11
16th Sep 1990
Martin's apartment building is undergoing renovations, and there is a large hole in his outside wall. A thin sheet of plastic cannot block birds from entering the apartment. Bricks are set up to fill in the hole, but the landlady fired the contractors. Martin and Nina try to have a romantic dinner in Martin's apartment, but an emergency protest comes up, and Nina needs to join it. Nina uses the bricks from the apartment to fill up a factory's drainage pipe, and is arrested.
S1 Ep12
23rd Sep 1990
Martin's friends and family offer support after Nina's arrest, but he prefers to be alone. While resting in his apartment, Martin receives a call from Irma, a suicidal woman trying to reach 555-HELP. Martin's phone number, it turns out, is 555-HELL. As Irma wants to exit this world at midnight, and as it is only three minutes to midnight, Irma doesn't want to contact the correct phone number. Martin tries to keep her on the line, and keep her from killing herself.
S1 Ep13
30th Sep 1990
One of Martin's authors, Vernon, discusses his romance book with Martin. While Vernon is still in the office, a woman enters. Vernon hits on her and leaves. After he leaves, Martin reveals that he hates his job. The woman turns out to be Martin's new boss. The new boss seduces Martin. Later, at a group meeting with the staff and the new boss, Martin learns that there are some advantages to dating your boss. Martin is given a coveted book assignment, and his hated author is transfered to Cindy. Later, Martin receives further rewards for dating his boss.
S1 Ep14
7th Oct 1990
Judith and Richard Stone are about to be married, but Richard is off somewhere helping the less fortunate and Judith is frantically trying to make every thing perfect for the perfect Richard Stone. After getting a bad new hair cut (frizzy perm), Judith turns to Martin for help. Judith and Martin sleep together, and Martin hopes this might mean something more. Martin reminds Judith that she acted this way before they married (and luckily, the man she slept with before their marriage was Martin). Judith, somewhat less flustered, gets married to Richard Stone.
The first episode of Dream On aired on July 08, 1990.
The last episode of Dream On aired on March 27, 1996.
There are 120 episodes of Dream On.
There are 6 seasons of Dream On.
Dream On has ended.