The New Adventures of Superman Episode Rating Graph
Sep 1966 - Nov 1968

Sep 1966 - Nov 1968
Browse episode ratings trends for The New Adventures of Superman. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of The New Adventures of Superman's 68 episodes.
S1 Ep18
5th Nov 1966
Lex Luthor traps Lois, Jimmy, and Perry White so he can lure Superman into range of a Kryptonite Transmitter.
S1 Ep22
19th Nov 1966
Lex Luthor, The Warlock, Toyman, and Prankster form the organization A.P.E. (short of Allied Perpetrators of Evil) and combine their powers to defeat Superman.
S2 Ep13
21st Oct 1967
Lex Luthor develops a matter transfer machine that looks like a mirror. He sends it to the Daily Planet where Jimmy Olsen accidently falls into it. Jimmy is transported to an abandoned amusement park where he is soon surrounded by Lex Luthor's sharks. He alerts Superman using his signal watch. Superman arrives, rescues Jimmy, and captures Lex Luthor.
S2 Ep1
9th Sep 1967
Lex Luthor, the Warlock, and Brainiac reunite as the Allied Perpetrators of Evil in order to destroy the Trouble Televisor which is a machine that can signal Superman whenever a crime is being committed. Superman must stop the villians before they can get to the machine.
S1 Ep31
24th Dec 1966
Toyman creates a robot doppelganger of The Man Of Steel.
S1 Ep30
17th Dec 1966
While breaking into a science lab, a petty criminal named I.C. Harris is exposed to a radioactive isotope and achieves power to drain physical strength from other men.
S1 Ep13
22nd Oct 1966
A magnetic device that melts metal objects is used by alien beings on Earth.
S1 Ep14
22nd Oct 1966
Phoning in an anonymous tip to lure Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen to an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Metropolis, Toyman captures Lois and Jimmy to help launch a wave of crime and keep Superman away.
S1 Ep12
15th Oct 1966
An alien computer named Brainiac has been capturing different kinds of animals by shrinking them.
S3 Ep4
21st Sep 1968
As Luthor appears to be robbing the bank vault, Superman arrives to stop him. He rescues Perry White, but leaves when Luthor claims he was only involved as part of a demonstration. Jimmy still is not convinced of Luthor's good intentions. He follows Luthor and discovers his real scheme. Luthor wants to launch the Daily Planet building into outer space. Unfortunately, Luthor captures Jimmy and ties him up. Superman must figure out a way of rescuing Jimmy and stopping Lex Luthor before he can launch the building.
S3 Ep3
21st Sep 1968
When Lex Luthor turns up at the Daily Planet, he claims to be reformed. He is made science editor by Perry White. Jimmy sneaks into Luthor's laboratory in the Daily Planet and discovers a lightning machine. Luthor claims he built it as a security system for the building. Jimmy, however, continues to distrust Luthor. He becomes even more convinced when he sees Luthor robbing a bank vault and endangering Perry White.
S3 Ep2
14th Sep 1968
Superman heads to the moon to stop Luthor's plan to take over the world. He rescues Lois and Jimmy, but Luthor reveals that he is working with Brainiac. The two supervillians try to destroy Superman by shrinking him and exposing him to kryptonite gas. Fortunately, Superman escapes their trap and stops the villians.
S3 Ep1
14th Sep 1968
Lois and Jimmy are trapped in a rocket by Lex Luthor. They are sent to the moon where Lex Luthor has constructed a secret base. Lex aims an enormous laser at Earth and threatens the leaders of the world. He tells them that if he is not given control of the world, he will melt the ice caps and flood the world's coasts.
S2 Ep16
28th Oct 1967
Lex Luthor kidnaps Jimmy Olsen and puts him in a hot-air balloon. Luthor shoots fireworks at the balloon in an attempt to alert Superman. When Superman arrives, Lex Luthor shoots at him with fireworks laced with Kryptonite. Superman, however, out thinks Luthor and captures him in the end.
S2 Ep12
14th Oct 1967
Superman drinks an explosive and discovers that it causes him to breathe fire. Superman heads to the planet Mercury where he begins to live with other fire breathing creatures. Eventually the explosive wears off and Superman returns home.
S2 Ep11
14th Oct 1967
Braniac shrinks the city of Metropolis to the size of an ant colony using a shrinking ray. He places a sheild around it that Superman cannot break through. Fortunately, Superman escapes through a ventilation tube. He defeats Braniac and returns Metropolis back to its normal size.
S2 Ep5
23rd Sep 1967
When an evil alien is turned into a mist by an experiment, the mist arrives on Earth and settles into the hat of a Metropolis motorist. The hat influences the driver into trying to drive his car into a children's playground. Superman stops the car and grabs the motorist. When the hat blows away, the motorist cannot recall why he tried to drive through the playground. Superman lets him go, but when the hat finds another owner the same inexplicable crime almost happens again. Eventually Superman figures out that the hat is behind the problem. He notices the alien mist and freezes it. He then sends it into space where it can do no more harm.
S1 Ep32
24th Dec 1966
A carnival is raided by an extra-dimensional prankster known as Mister Mxyzptlk.
S1 Ep15
29th Oct 1966
A shapeshifting alien creature that emerged from a fallen meteorite who devours metal structures raises havoc.
S1 Ep10
8th Oct 1966
The Sorcerer, a malevolent wizard, uses hirelings using an invisibility field to commit crimes.
S1 Ep3
17th Sep 1966
Two giant flying monsters are freed from frozen suspension.
S1 Ep5
24th Sep 1966
An alien space probe trapped in Earth orbit uses force to try to return to its home galaxy.
S1 Ep6
24th Sep 1966
A male witch called the Warlock must seize a rare gem that contains powerful magic.
S1 Ep1
10th Sep 1966
An alien ship uses an energy creature to attack Earth.
S1 Ep24
26th Nov 1966
A master criminal scientist named Luna (AKA Professor Leo Nula) captures Lois in order to send her into space within his 4D movie as part of his revenge on her for sending him to prison seven years ago.
S1 Ep25
3rd Dec 1966
A mid-ocean earthquake releases a giant lobster and a giant alligator.
S1 Ep26
3rd Dec 1966
The Sorcerer uses a voodoo doll to stop Superman.
S1 Ep27
10th Dec 1966
In Mexico, a volcano creates living beings of lava.
S1 Ep34
31st Dec 1966
Alien seed pods grow plants that destroy other objects.
S1 Ep36
7th Jan 1967
Avian beings must raid outside farmlands for survival because a gold raider named Trask and his henchmen hold their populace hostage.
S2 Ep2
9th Sep 1967
When lightning strikes a swamp, a monsterous lightning bug is created that threatens to ruin a nearby space launch. Superman goes to investigate the bug and discovers that it re-energizes itself by going back to the swamp. Superman uses this knowledge to stop the bug before it interferes with the space launch.
S2 Ep3
16th Sep 1967
The Prankster annoys Superman when a paper safe drops harmlessly on Clark Kent. Superman wants to send him to jail, but is unable to since he cannot prove that the Prankster is behind any of the pranks . Superman decides to get back at the Prankster by playing pranks on him. The Prankster becomes so annoyed that he confesses to his crimes. Superman gets the confession on tape and the Prankster is taken away.
S2 Ep7
30th Sep 1967
An octopod machine comes out of a flying saucer and threatens a rocket base near Niagara Falls. Superman dumps the octopod into the water and destroys the space ship that brought it to Earth. Unfortunate, an electric eel re-activates the Octopod and it emerges from the water and attacks a nearby power station. Superman comes to the rescue again and dispatches the Octopod once and for all.
S2 Ep9
7th Oct 1967
A growth ray is used on a swarm of bees and the bees grow to enormous size. They are sent to attack Metropolis and Superman must find some way to stop them.
S2 Ep10
7th Oct 1967
The Toyman constructs an enormous remote control robot insect. He test flies it over a zoo and scares the animals. When Superman arrives to stop the insect, the Toyman purposely destroys it. He constructs another and gives it the capacity to produce Kryptonite rays out of its eyes. He sends the robot after Superman, but Superman successfully destroys it by using lead to sheild himself from the Kryptonite radiation.
S2 Ep14
21st Oct 1967
The Warlock gets out of prison when his sister uses a magic ruby on a broom. The Warlock takes the Ruby and decides to get revenge on Superman. He attacks Lois Lane and conjures a magic creature to defeat Superman. Superman, however, gets the best of the creature and captures the Warlock.
S2 Ep15
28th Sep 1967
In Himalaya Mountains, a plane crash awakens a creature called the Halyah that has been asleep for a hundred years. The creature attacks a number of people before it is stopped by Superman.
S3 Ep6
28th Sep 1968
The Warlock and Satana decide to trap Superman by capturing Lois and Jimmy. When Superman arrives to rescue them, the Warlock attacks Superman with Kryptonite rays. Superman, however, manages to stop the Warlock. He, then, turns his attention to Satana. Satana creates an army of monsters to attack him. Superman makes short work of the monsters and captures the evil Satana.
S3 Ep7
5th Oct 1968
Lois meets a man named Vamore who is known to be a friend of the escaped criminal Professor Dujy. As Lois follows Vamore to a remote island, Superman must protect Metropolis from a wave of dangerous iron spheres that threaten to destroy the city.
S3 Ep8
5th Oct 1968
Superman tracks the iron spheres to their source. They come from space, but are being bounced off an asteroid from a remote island in the Pacific. Professor Dujy and Vamore live on the island. When Superman comes to stop them, they try to take Lois hostage. Superman rescues Lois and sends Professor Dujy and Vamore to prison.
S1 Ep1
10th Sep 1966
An alien ship uses an energy creature to attack Earth.
S1 Ep2
10th Sep 1966
Scuba divers are captured for sport by malevolent fish beings led by Triton.
S1 Ep3
17th Sep 1966
Two giant flying monsters are freed from frozen suspension.
S1 Ep4
17th Sep 1966
Lex Luthor uses a temporal communicator to discover magic powers.
S1 Ep5
24th Sep 1966
An alien space probe trapped in Earth orbit uses force to try to return to its home galaxy.
S1 Ep6
24th Sep 1966
A male witch called the Warlock must seize a rare gem that contains powerful magic.
S1 Ep7
1st Oct 1966
The fusion of two irradiated pieces of space debris fatefully changes a chimpanzee named Toto on board a space craft.
S1 Ep8
1st Oct 1966
Saboteurs have rigged gigantic icebergs with explosives to rob a luxury liner.
S1 Ep9
8th Oct 1966
Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen are kidnapped by alien hunters whose "zoo" is protected by a giant robot.
S1 Ep10
8th Oct 1966
The Sorcerer, a malevolent wizard, uses hirelings using an invisibility field to commit crimes.
S1 Ep11
15th Oct 1966
Jimmy Olsen falls into an underground pocket populated by malevolent creatures.
S1 Ep12
15th Oct 1966
An alien computer named Brainiac has been capturing different kinds of animals by shrinking them.
S1 Ep13
22nd Oct 1966
A magnetic device that melts metal objects is used by alien beings on Earth.
S1 Ep14
22nd Oct 1966
Phoning in an anonymous tip to lure Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen to an abandoned factory on the outskirts of Metropolis, Toyman captures Lois and Jimmy to help launch a wave of crime and keep Superman away.
S1 Ep15
29th Oct 1966
A shapeshifting alien creature that emerged from a fallen meteorite who devours metal structures raises havoc.
S1 Ep16
29th Oct 1966
In South America, an exiled military officer named Colonel Vasta and a disgraced scientist named Dr. Rucas control apes with the transmitter on Dr. Rucas' back in a plot to rob an underground treasure.
S1 Ep17
5th Nov 1966
A living flame from Earth's core appears and sets off a mammoth forest fire.
S1 Ep18
5th Nov 1966
Lex Luthor traps Lois, Jimmy, and Perry White so he can lure Superman into range of a Kryptonite Transmitter.
S1 Ep19
12th Nov 1966
Criminals who have perfected insect powers must stop Superman from foiling their wave of crime.
S1 Ep20
12th Nov 1966
The Warlock steals a magic gem to wreak havoc on Superman's friends.
S1 Ep21
19th Nov 1966
An ice being freezes tropical Hawaii where Lois Lane is having her vacation.
S1 Ep22
19th Nov 1966
Lex Luthor, The Warlock, Toyman, and Prankster form the organization A.P.E. (short of Allied Perpetrators of Evil) and combine their powers to defeat Superman.
S1 Ep23
26th Nov 1966
A tree being brought to life near a meteor crater consumes enormous quantities of water.
S1 Ep24
26th Nov 1966
A master criminal scientist named Luna (AKA Professor Leo Nula) captures Lois in order to send her into space within his 4D movie as part of his revenge on her for sending him to prison seven years ago.
S1 Ep25
3rd Dec 1966
A mid-ocean earthquake releases a giant lobster and a giant alligator.
S1 Ep26
3rd Dec 1966
The Sorcerer uses a voodoo doll to stop Superman.
S1 Ep27
10th Dec 1966
In Mexico, a volcano creates living beings of lava.
S1 Ep28
10th Dec 1966
Lex Luthor uses Jimmy Olsen as bait to use Kryptonite laser beam weapons against Superman in a paint factory.
S1 Ep29
17th Dec 1966
Alien raiders forced to Earth recruit Superman to rescue hostages on their home world.
S1 Ep30
17th Dec 1966
While breaking into a science lab, a petty criminal named I.C. Harris is exposed to a radioactive isotope and achieves power to drain physical strength from other men.
S1 Ep31
24th Dec 1966
Toyman creates a robot doppelganger of The Man Of Steel.
S1 Ep32
24th Dec 1966
A carnival is raided by an extra-dimensional prankster known as Mister Mxyzptlk.
S1 Ep33
31st Dec 1966
Brainiac raids Earth to gather creatures to repopulate a planet devastated by atomic wars.
S1 Ep34
31st Dec 1966
Alien seed pods grow plants that destroy other objects.
S1 Ep35
7th Jan 1967
An Egyptian sorcerer in mummified form attacks Lois and Superman.
S1 Ep36
7th Jan 1967
Avian beings must raid outside farmlands for survival because a gold raider named Trask and his henchmen hold their populace hostage.
The first episode of The New Adventures of Superman aired on September 10, 1966.
The last episode of The New Adventures of Superman aired on November 02, 1968.
There are 68 episodes of The New Adventures of Superman.
There are 3 seasons of The New Adventures of Superman.
The New Adventures of Superman has ended.