Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy Episode Rating Graph
Jan 2002 - Mar 2006

Jan 2002 - Mar 2006
Browse episode ratings trends for Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy's 77 episodes.
S2 Ep17
30th Oct 2002
The Kid, now with a spot in the Chojin Crown, must compete in several tests until one Chojin will prevail. The first grueling task is a best out of 3 rock, paper, scissers and made you look competition, this Dik Dik Van Dik lost(he's a naturally curious creature). Followed by a heat where 3 wrestlers race to the finish line to save a falling person, this Wally lost. Will the Kid be able to survive and advance?
S1 Ep9
6th Mar 2002
It seems yaers ago, Shacodile has suffered a defeat from King Muscle. Because of this, Pumpinator, his grandson wants to defeat Kid Muscle, in sought of victory.
S1 Ep4
30th Jan 2002
It turns out that Kid Muscle faces a face that looks very much like his own! He's set to wrestle his own father, the lengendary King Muscle, a challenge he first laughs off. But then he realizes that his father takes this match very seriously. Will Kid Muscle beat his father? And what does Mom have to say about all this?
S2 Ep20
20th Nov 2002
The Tag-Team Match Between Terry Kenyon And Jeager VS Dazz-Ling And The Protector Of The Poison Six-Pack Continue. Kid Muscle Uses The Stink Bug On A Fishing Pole To Snap Terry Kenyon Out Of Dazz-Ling's Illusion And Terry Saves Jeager From The Protector And They Agree To Work As A Team. Terry Kenyon Deflects Dazz-Ling's Illusion Beam At The Protector Trapping Him In An Illusion. Jeager's Attack On The Protector's Vulnerable Spot Causes The Protector To Shut Down. Dazz-Ling Creates A Hole In The Ring Causing Them To Fall Hanging On To The Branches Over A Deep Pit. Jeager Swings Terry Kenyon Upward And He Grabs Dazz-Ling. From A High Altitude, Terry Kenyon Slams Dazz-Ling Face First Onto The Wrestling Mat Defeating Them And Freeing Trixie. The French-Accent Kid Muscle Imposter Said He'll Fight Next Along With Another Poison Six-Pack Member In A Match Against Dik Dik Van Dik And Wally Tusket [While Making Fun Of Them] At A Big Lake To Determine Kiki's Fate And The Six-Pack's Transport Dep
S1 Ep25
14th Dec 2002
Kid Muscle takes on Hydrazoa for a chance at the finals but will Kid be able to pull off a miracle to defeat this high powered, fishy threat.
S1 Ep22
5th Jun 2002
Rage's Traffic Sign attack pushes Kid Muscle into a crisis.
S1 Ep18
8th May 2002
After defeating the DMP and restoring peace once again, Kid Muscle heads back to town and again sets about flirting with local girls.
S1 Ep14
10th Apr 2002
Checkmate is a triple threat against Kid Muscle, transforming from ruthless King, to beastly Knight to cold-hearted Castle.
S1 Ep11
20th Mar 2002
When terry is kidnapped by one of Sunshines goons, he finds himself in a situation where he has to battle Tyrannoclaw.
S1 Ep10
13th Mar 2002
The Muscle League embark on a trip to Little Tokyo to challenge the ""Sunshine Nightmare"". While waiting Kid Muscle goest to the Sushi bar and meats Sunshine himself!!!
S1 Ep8
27th Feb 2002
Max Man (Pumpinator) is in the ring, ready to finish off Mantaro, when Kevin Mask interrupts and belittle him for being a coward and self centered, and tells him he will get more respect if he fights Mantaro when he is at full strength, rather than taking advantage of his weakened condition. Max Man agrees to a one hour rest for Mantaro. In the mean time Mantaro is laid out on 3 front row seats resting under a blanket, next to the beef guidon. Throughout the episode, Mantaro is seen sneaking the bowls to eat. Max Man, in his impatience decides to make short work of a Hercules Factory graduate while he waits for Mantaro to rest. He will fight number one, which is Gazelleman, but since the DMP already beat the hell out of him, he will take number two. Terry the Kid agrees, but Max Man notes that Sieuchin is number two, and Terry is number three. Sieuchin gets into the ring and begins to beat the hell out of Max Man. Meat notices that Max Man looks really familiar. After a few brutal mo
S1 Ep7
20th Feb 2002
After using his ""Trouma Voice Dial"", Dialbollic finally makes an eror. But Kid Muscle's victory proves fleeting when Dialbollic unleashes a volley of electrical attacks to Kid Muscle.
S1 Ep6
13th Feb 2002
Trouble has got Kid Muscle's Line when he faces his first dMp challenger,Dialbolic. Roxanne might ring Kid Muscle's bells, but will she be enought tho inspire our reluctant hero to victory.
S1 Ep3
23rd Jan 2002
Just as the new generation of wrestlers think their trails in the Hercules Factory are complete, they learn, in order to graduate they must face the legendary wrestlers they aspire to replace.
S1 Ep2
16th Jan 2002
Kid Muscle remains reluctant to follow in his fathers footsteps. Together with the help of sons of other legendary wrestling Heroes, Kid Muscle is taken to the Hercules Factory, a school were future heroes are put through brutal training exercizes. Only the most stongest and the most skillful will survive. Will Kid Muscle survive these grueling tests?
S3 Ep26
29th Mar 2006
The final continues with Kid Muscle still in Kevin Mask's hold. The judges give the shoot symbol (that means they think the Olap Assault is an unbeatable move). Kevin Mask twists Kid Muscle's arms so hard that they break. Kid falls to the mat, helpless. All of a sudden, Meat arrives on the scene, telling Kid to get up. Jeager, Ricardo, Barrierfreeman, and Hollywood Bowl all exhort Kid to get up, too. After some crucial wrestler-trainer talking, Kid pops his arms back into their sockets, and goes back into the fray against Kevin. Kevin, seeing this decides to toss Kid up and try to impale him on his golden spike. Kid's impact destroys the spike. Kid Muscle is now glowing a bright blue. It's speculated upon that this may be the ultimate level of Ultimate Muscle. Kevin, not wanting to deal with a fully-charged foe, begins to twist his arms, which Dik Dik recalls as the symbol that he's about to go into his finishing move...the Big Ben Bash. Kevin gets Kid in said hold, but Kid re
S2 Ep16
23rd Oct 2002
There is only one spot in left in the Chojin Crown tournament and The Kid has his eye on it (to get Roxanne's eyes on him), but first he will have to get past El Nino ""The Wrestler of the People""! Will The Kid be able to pvercome El Nino's hurricane-like attacks and go on to the Chojin Crown or will El Nino finally fulfill his mothers final wishes and get his face on a tee-shirt?
S2 Ep15
16th Oct 2002
When the Chojin Crown tournament becomes a tournament once more, all Muscle League Fighters must return to thier home countries to fight for a position in the tournament. All fighters return- except Kid Muscle. When Kid overhears Roxanne and her mother talking about how they love guys with bulging muscles fighting in a tournament for honor and the cheers of millions of fans, he runs off to join the Tournament for the Chojin Crown.
S1 Ep26
3rd Jul 2002
Kid Muscle takes on Hydrazoa for a chance at the finals but will Kid be able to pull off a miracle to defeat this high powered, fishy threat.
S1 Ep24
19th Jun 2002
Kid muscle has the perfect chance to escape from his match but sees that his friends who fought to protect him now were the ones who needed that protection.
S1 Ep23
12th Jun 2002
The second match of A block between Terry Kenyon and Eskara is unbelievable.
S1 Ep20
22nd May 2002
Knowing Dik Dik Van Dik's defeat, Wally Tusket who now is filled with fighting spirit starts fierce attack on Hydrazoa.
S1 Ep16
24th Apr 2002
As Checkmate and Kid Muscle face each other within the ring, Checkmate's right knee suddenly swells up.
S2 Ep21
27th Nov 2002
Wally and Dik Dik vs. Mr French (A frog) and Moisseur Cheeks (A butt). They fight to rescue Kiki who is in the jester head and the odds arent good.
S2 Ep23
11th Dec 2002
The final match of the Poison Six Pack between Kid Muscle and Kevin Mask vs. Jagg-Ed and Baron Maximillion to decide the fate of Roxanne is about to begin. Kevin Mask decides to go first, facing off against Jagg-Ed. The two begin their battle, and Kevin Mask soon takes charge of things, smacking Jagg-Ed around with his fists and doing all sorts of moves. Jagg-Ed finally musters a saw-blade attack by detaching both of his arms and hurling them like spinning blades at Kevin Mask, but Kevin is too quick and dodges them. Then, with Jagg-Ed weakened badly by Kevin Mask's barrage of attacks, Kevin goes in to finish Jagg-Ed off. Unfortunately, the time for Kevin Mask being in the ring, and with twenty seconds left, Kevin grabs Jagg-Ed and goes for a Mile-High Pile Driver. He leaps into the air, and comes down, taking Jagg-Ed out of the match. With Jagg-Ed beaten, only Baron Maximillion remains. However, everyone is disappointed to hear that Kevin Mask was one second too late with his attack,
S3 Ep4
28th Apr 2004
After being beaten up pretty badly by Hollywood it looks as though this super toilet will get his revenge until Kid's sumo racing buddy, Satoshi, comes giving kid a snack of cow and rice. The kid uses his bowl to plug up Hollywoods bowl and it's a whole new match. Will the Kid be able to beat a toilet and advance to the next round of the Chojin?
S3 Ep11
16th Jun 2004
The ""new"" Kevin Mask, as he calls himself, laughs as he reverses the hold and traps Blocks against the ropes, clutching until he shatters. Blocks only rebuilds himself again into the Kevin Mask clone, claiming that now that he has Kevin Mask's blueprints, he can turn into the clone any time he wants. The two continue combat, but Kevin Mask gains the upper hand and forces Blocks to revert to his original form. Kevin claims that fighting his clone awakened within him a side that has laid buried for a long time...the dMP within him. Kevin uses cheap and dirty tricks, using his full force to reduce Blocks to rubble again, who somehow gains the upper hand and turns into a steamroller, about to roll over Kevin Mask. Kevin Mask pounds a black brick in the wheels, and as Blocks cries out, Kevin claims that he saw Blocks' weakness the whole time and only wanted to drag the match out longer. The weakness is the black brick, the key brick, the only one that is alive, that all other bricks build a
S3 Ep16
18th Jan 2006
The Kid collapses after getting shocked by the Electrolix, but somehow manages to stumble to his feet, which Ricardo responds to by striking the Kid's leg. The Kid's ankle is hurt, so Roxanne grabs the belt that had tied she and Jeager together during the Chojin preliminaries and puts it around the Kid's ankle, healing it. Kid Muscle, with Jeager's power within him, fights back against Ricardo, but Ricardo sends Kid Muscle into the Electrolix again; then, for even more punishment, Ricardo picks up Kid Muscle and throws him right back into the Electrolix for a fourth shocking. The Kid invokes an ancient power of the Muscle League and has Jeager with him at the match, fighting back against Ricardo. Ricardo claims the moves won't work against him because he is both dMP and Muscle League, but the masked wrestler in the audience claims Ricardo is all dMP after he saw Ricardo kill his master after his master claimed to reveal to the world Ricardo was from the dMP. Ricardo is enraged and figh
S2 Ep2
17th Jul 2002
Eskara takes home the win with overwhelming power but is there a special reason he is fighting in this tournament?
S2 Ep3
24th Jul 2002
After a misunderstanding Kid Muscle thinks that Roxanne is in love with him. He decides to win the match against Eskara for her and then ask her to marry him, He even TRAINS for the match! He mostly manhandels Eskara until he relizes Roxanne was talking about her new dog! With his spark gone will the Kid be a match for the powerful Eskara?
S2 Ep4
31st Jul 2002
After being beaten up by Eskara the Kid formulates a plan to put the powerful foe in his trademark Kinnikubuster but when he does Eskara is able to slip out of it both times and take away the Kids' consciousness and when Kevin Mask steps forward Eskaras' idnetity is revealed to be Mars. He is the last of the dMp and after winning this tournament has decided to restart this evil wrestling organization! But will mind of Jaguar and the body of Kid Muscle he'll have to work for it!
S2 Ep5
7th Aug 2002
Kept alive by the spirit of Jaguer the Kid keeps fighting. But with the skull that connected him to Jaguer gone and the Kinniku-buster beaten the only way for the Kid to win to make up his own move! But can the Kid be that creative?
S2 Ep7
21st Aug 2002
After defeating Eskara The Kid is summoned back to Muscle Planet to test his Ultimate Muscle power! He is weak and is bruised from his battles and so is given the chance to fight the Gruesome Threesome (a group of wrestlers who got there name from what their victims looked like) to find alternative ways to win otherthen getting beaten up. But his Muscular foes won't be easy to overcome.
S2 Ep9
4th Sep 2002
After defeating Forkollossus the Kid is transported to his next enemy of the gruesome threesome, Hanzo the Horrible! Hearing this Hanzo's capture Ninja Ned tries to talk them out of giving him his freedom because of the horrible things he has done, taken the face of hundreds, when he is ignored Ninja Ned goes to battle Hanzo instead of the Kid! But when this legend is defeated will the Kid be able to beat Hanzo and avenge Ninja Ned?
S2 Ep10
11th Sep 2002
As Ninja Ned falls down the bottomless pit his scarf flies up to The Kid, meaning only one thing Ninja Ned has selected The Kid to avenge him. So then The Kid knows what he must do...RUN! But when The Ninja's spirit comes to help him The Kid gets enough courage to go face Hanzo! Now with the strength and knowledge of The Ninja and a new grass mat, will The Kid be able to defeat the faceless Samurai?
S2 Ep13
2nd Oct 2002
Kid Muscle meets the third and final competitor in his Ultimate Muscle challenge, Bone Cold. Definately the strongest and worst of the three Bone Cold only has one weakness, a secret Mitch knows then again Mitch also knows a secret about Meats but before he tells either secret Bone Cold shoots him Mitch and... breaks his hip! But with his last breath before he is transported to a bed he tells Meats he is his father. Now can The Kid beat Bone Cold and avenge Mitch or will Bone Cold win and be set free from jail?
S3 Ep2
14th Apr 2004
In red arena is Photo-Pat VS D-Struction, in the black arena is Ricardo the bomber [from Brazil] VS Slyscraper [with Terry Kenyon coaching him]. Slyscraper uses the Body Scraper on Ricardo. The next time he uses that move, Ricardo dodges and tells Terry that he would've won the ""Falling Girl Rescue"" if he didn't save that kid from drowning. Ricardo starts to make a comeback as he traps Slyscraper in a full nelson and dives head-first upside-down causing the shockwave to severely damage Slyscraper and win Ricardo the matchs. Meanwhile, neither Photo-Pat or D-Struction have made a move. Dik Dik Van Dik, Wally Tusket, and Checkmate were impersonating Mac Metaphor, Doc Nakano, Roxanne, Trixie, and Kiki until they were beaten up by them. Back in the red arena, Kid Muscle's opponent is Hollywood Bowl [a man wearing a toilet for an upper body], the son of Mr. Pee [a urinal]. Meat explains that Mr. Pee was a strong opponent for King Muscle back in the day and how he almost flushed King Muscle
S3 Ep3
21st Apr 2004
As wrestlers get ready for the second fight of the first round the kid is getting ready to battle his biggest foe ever, Hollywood Bowl, a hollywood directing-toilet! With his ability to lure his opponents into advantageous positions (with his bowls smell) he is determined to get revenge on the kid after King muscle defeated his father many years ago. Will the kid be able to get over his weakness in overly enjoying bodily functions and defeat this toilet menace?
S3 Ep8
26th May 2004
As the old man gains control of Barrier-Free Man again, the crowd is beginning to favor Kid Muscle instead after it is revealed that the old man really doesn't care about the senior citizens, but rather about having fame among young women. Terry Kenyon does some websurfing (using Doc as a plugin) and looks up the old man half of Barrier-Free Man, revealing him as an old-time wrestler named Chijo Man. Chijo Man was a champion, but was kicked out of wrestling because he used dirty tricks to win his matches. Then, all of his beaten opponents rallied together and sealed him into a tree, where he dwelt for two hundred years until Nils (the blue half of Barrier-Free Man) allowed him to enter his body. As Chijo Man locks Kid Muscle into the Lion's Mouth hold, Nils cries and the dampness allows Kid Muscle to slip out. The Kid then calls upon the power of Ultimate Muscle, and delivers ferocious moves, causing Barrier-Free Man to revert back to Nils. Chijo Man tries to escape, but Nils holds him
S3 Ep10
9th Jun 2004
Blocks continues to apply the pressure to Kevin Mask, who appears to be beat, but, mustering up all of his strength, Kevin breaks free from the hold and is back in the match. Blocks reconstructs again into a large, twisting slide where he sends his head flying down like a cannon ball, and this knocks Kevin for a loop. Kevin fights back with moves of his own, and soon the match is under his control. That is, until Blocks deconstructs himself and the building blocks begin to encase Kevin's body. Soon, Kevin Mask is completely covered in blocks except for a small opening at the chest, where he dislocates all of his joints in order to squeeze through the narrow hole. As he escapes, the casing comes to life, as Blocks has become a clone. The two exchange blows, and when Kevin is about to smash Blocks' face in, Blocks grabs him in a hold and says that cloning Kevin gives him all of Kevin's moves, but allows him to keep his own Chojin power, which is higher than that of Kevin Mask. Blocks the
S3 Ep15
11th Jan 2006
Just as Ricardo is about to slam Kid Muscle right into the Electrolix, he pulls back and throws Kid Muscle over his head, to safety. As the match continues Ricardo is constantly pulling punches, not making any cheap moves, and making sure that the Kid doesn't hit the Electrolix (the big electric X). Ricardo's two dMP teammates, however, are getting angry, and so pull a towel out from under the Kid's feet, causing him to run into Ricardo and send Ricardo into the Electrolix. As Ricardo stands up, he hears his old master in the audience, telling him to stop hiding from who he really is. Ricardo is torn between his two selves, the Muscle League self and dMP self, and insists he is an upstanding member of the Muscle League, fighting the good fight. The match continues, and Ricardo's outfit is beginning to crack as the Kid applies the pressure, and Ricardo finally cracks under the pressure when he hears three of his fellow wrestlers that trained under his master saying that when Ricardo was
S3 Ep17
25th Jan 2006
The episode starts with a continuation of the previous episode: Kid Muscle is still fighting with Ricardo. After fighting for a little bit, the power of Ultimate Muscle begins to falter, but thanks to Jeager and Roxanne's encouragement, the mark on Kid Muscle's forehead starts glowing brighter than ever, and he takes Ricardo - and the Electrolix - out with the Muscle Millenium. Flash to Kevin Mask and Comrade Turbinski. The two arrive, and Jacqueline announces that they will face off in a ""Sky-Ring Cube"". What's that, you ask? It's a sky-high cube with a ring on each face. Kid Muscle, in the disguise of a professor, points out that if they step on any face but the top one, gravity will cause them to fall. Then he begins to think it's not such a bad thing if BOTH his opponents lose, because it means he'll automatically win the Chojin Crown. Next we see the two competitors ready to fight. Kevin Mask turns to his cornerman, Lord Flash. He points out LF's many slips of the tongue during Ke
S3 Ep18
1st Feb 2006
With Kid Muscle clinching the first of two spots in the Chojin Championship, Kevin Mask and Comrade Turbinske begin a face off to determine who will go on to face him! However this Semi- final match has a twist... it will be played on a five sided wring several stories in the air! As the match begins Kevin Mask catches the comrade off guard with a series of powerful and damaging slaps soon taking the comrade for a powerful smash to the mat. As it looks like the Comrade may loose already he pulls out a secret weapon! Using advanced technology to defy gravity he is able to stop the Masked Knight's attack in mid- air and turning it right back at him! The Comrade then changes into his helicopter form and begins his most powerful technige, driving the blades of his helicopter into Kevin's back! Will Comrade be able to grind out a win and move onto the Championship? Or does Kevin Mask have a trick or two up his sleeve?
S3 Ep19
8th Feb 2006
Kevin Mask and Turbinski continue their match. Kevin begins to get pummeled by Turbinski, as he gets suplexed on all five faces of the ring. Next, he begins to fall, but he's saved at the last minute by his foot, which tears into the mat and keeps him barely hanging on. Lord Flash and Kevin Mask regain their trust, and Kevin comes roaring back, as he evades the Comrade's next attack. Kevin is about to finish Turbinski when his antigravity device once again takes control. After Turbinski transforms into a fighter jet, Kevin kicks him in the torso, effectively disabling his Antigravity Fulcrum Thruster. After Kevin's Maelstrom Power (the ""inner light"") activates, he Big Ben Bashes Turbinski to the floor. Turbinski is down. Thought it was over? Wrong. Turbinski gets back up, but he can barely stand. LF decides it's time for Kevin to show Kid Muscle who's boss, so he orders him to use the forbidden hold. The forbidden hold, or the Olap Assault as it's called, breaks off Comrade Turbinski's
S3 Ep25
22nd Mar 2006
Kid Muscle launches the Muscle Millennium, throwing everything he has at Kevin Mask. Kevin, however, uses his Maelstrom Power to successfully reverse the attack and send the Kid slamming down to the mat. Kevin Mask declares the match is over, since he has reversed every single attack that Kid Muscle has. Kid Muscle is ready to give up too, but Roxanne steps in and yells that he needs to keep going. Then, Hollywood Bowl, Barrier-Free Man, the injured Jeager, and even Ricardo arrive at the match to cheer Kid Muscle on, and make sure he doesn't quit. Filled with new strength, the Kid unleashes the power of Ultimate Muscle and throws more attacks at Kevin, then uses the Kinniku Buster to hopefully end the match. His hopes are dashed when Kevin Mask reverses the attack, putting Kid Muscle out of the match again. Lord Flash then tells Kevin Mask it is finally time to end the match, so Kevin Mask calls up his Maelstrom Power again and locks Kid Muscle in the submission hold that even Lord Fla
S2 Ep1
10th Jul 2002
Jaguer and Eskara face off for a chance to battle Kid Muscle in the Finals. When Eskara adds concrete to the Ring to upset Jaguers teacher will Jaguer be able to defeat his classmate on his own?
S1 Ep1
9th Jan 2002
Years have passed since the efforts of King Muscle and his fellow Muscle League Vanquised the evil dMp wrestlers. But now a generation of dMp have thrown down the gauntlet-literally, in the form of a giant rock fist that has slammed into palnet earth. The Muscle league put their faith in a new young leader, Kid Muscle.
S1 Ep2
16th Jan 2002
Kid Muscle remains reluctant to follow in his fathers footsteps. Together with the help of sons of other legendary wrestling Heroes, Kid Muscle is taken to the Hercules Factory, a school were future heroes are put through brutal training exercizes. Only the most stongest and the most skillful will survive. Will Kid Muscle survive these grueling tests?
S1 Ep3
23rd Jan 2002
Just as the new generation of wrestlers think their trails in the Hercules Factory are complete, they learn, in order to graduate they must face the legendary wrestlers they aspire to replace.
S1 Ep4
30th Jan 2002
It turns out that Kid Muscle faces a face that looks very much like his own! He's set to wrestle his own father, the lengendary King Muscle, a challenge he first laughs off. But then he realizes that his father takes this match very seriously. Will Kid Muscle beat his father? And what does Mom have to say about all this?
S1 Ep5
6th Feb 2002
The new generation of Muscle League wrestlers thought the Hercules Factory was tough. But the factory was a pillow compared to what the Muscle League will face when they square off with their first match with the dMp.
S1 Ep6
13th Feb 2002
Trouble has got Kid Muscle's Line when he faces his first dMp challenger,Dialbolic. Roxanne might ring Kid Muscle's bells, but will she be enought tho inspire our reluctant hero to victory.
S1 Ep7
20th Feb 2002
After using his ""Trouma Voice Dial"", Dialbollic finally makes an eror. But Kid Muscle's victory proves fleeting when Dialbollic unleashes a volley of electrical attacks to Kid Muscle.
S1 Ep8
27th Feb 2002
Max Man (Pumpinator) is in the ring, ready to finish off Mantaro, when Kevin Mask interrupts and belittle him for being a coward and self centered, and tells him he will get more respect if he fights Mantaro when he is at full strength, rather than taking advantage of his weakened condition. Max Man agrees to a one hour rest for Mantaro. In the mean time Mantaro is laid out on 3 front row seats resting under a blanket, next to the beef guidon. Throughout the episode, Mantaro is seen sneaking the bowls to eat. Max Man, in his impatience decides to make short work of a Hercules Factory graduate while he waits for Mantaro to rest. He will fight number one, which is Gazelleman, but since the DMP already beat the hell out of him, he will take number two. Terry the Kid agrees, but Max Man notes that Sieuchin is number two, and Terry is number three. Sieuchin gets into the ring and begins to beat the hell out of Max Man. Meat notices that Max Man looks really familiar. After a few brutal mo
S1 Ep9
6th Mar 2002
It seems yaers ago, Shacodile has suffered a defeat from King Muscle. Because of this, Pumpinator, his grandson wants to defeat Kid Muscle, in sought of victory.
S1 Ep10
13th Mar 2002
The Muscle League embark on a trip to Little Tokyo to challenge the ""Sunshine Nightmare"". While waiting Kid Muscle goest to the Sushi bar and meats Sunshine himself!!!
S1 Ep11
20th Mar 2002
When terry is kidnapped by one of Sunshines goons, he finds himself in a situation where he has to battle Tyrannoclaw.
S1 Ep12
27th Mar 2002
Terry ""The Grand"" Kenyon discovers that father knows best and relies on his famiy's signature attacks to defeat the first Night Mare, Tyrannoclaw.
S1 Ep13
3rd Apr 2002
Evil Super Villain Sunshine's second Night Mare, Checkmate dazzles the arena but leaves Kid Muscle in a daze because this DMP villain doesn't feel pain.
S1 Ep14
10th Apr 2002
Checkmate is a triple threat against Kid Muscle, transforming from ruthless King, to beastly Knight to cold-hearted Castle.
S1 Ep15
17th Apr 2002
Kid Muscle and the Muscle League are horrified when Checkmate turns against Sunshine, in a showdown between master and apprentice.
S1 Ep16
24th Apr 2002
As Checkmate and Kid Muscle face each other within the ring, Checkmate's right knee suddenly swells up.
S1 Ep17
1st May 2002
Roxanne is captured by the remaining members of the DMP in order to get Kid Muscle to battle them. But they got more than they barganed for when Kid Muscle will do anything to get Roxanne back!
S1 Ep18
8th May 2002
After defeating the DMP and restoring peace once again, Kid Muscle heads back to town and again sets about flirting with local girls.
S1 Ep19
15th May 2002
The tag match between the first semester and second semester Hercules Factory students is to be held in two separate arenas.
S1 Ep20
22nd May 2002
Knowing Dik Dik Van Dik's defeat, Wally Tusket who now is filled with fighting spirit starts fierce attack on Hydrazoa.
S1 Ep21
29th May 2002
Wally Tusket who is again taken into Hydrazoa's body and is squeezed by Big Bone Crash* finally stops moving.
S1 Ep22
5th Jun 2002
Rage's Traffic Sign attack pushes Kid Muscle into a crisis.
S1 Ep23
12th Jun 2002
The second match of A block between Terry Kenyon and Eskara is unbelievable.
S1 Ep24
19th Jun 2002
Kid muscle has the perfect chance to escape from his match but sees that his friends who fought to protect him now were the ones who needed that protection.
S1 Ep25
14th Dec 2002
Kid Muscle takes on Hydrazoa for a chance at the finals but will Kid be able to pull off a miracle to defeat this high powered, fishy threat.
S1 Ep26
3rd Jul 2002
Kid Muscle takes on Hydrazoa for a chance at the finals but will Kid be able to pull off a miracle to defeat this high powered, fishy threat.
The first episode of Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy aired on January 09, 2002.
The last episode of Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy aired on March 29, 2006.
There are 77 episodes of Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy.
There are 3 seasons of Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy.
Ultimate Muscle: The Kinnikuman Legacy has ended.