Mr. Magoo Episode Rating Graph
May 2019 - present

May 2019 - present
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S1 Ep1
4th May 2019
While looking for UFOs Magoo falls into the evil HQ of his neighbor, who's evil hamster, Fizz has made a device that ties shoes and with it he plans to rule the world. It's up to Magoo to defeat this evil alien.
S1 Ep2
4th May 2019
When Magoo treats Mr Cat to a parachute jump, the two friends land on the top of the AeroFizz. Convinced that they are marooned on a desert island, Magoo mistakes Weasel for another survivor who needs help while they wait to be rescued.
S1 Ep3
4th May 2019
Magoo is handing out food to the local neighborhood animals when he stumbles on a gigantic, horrific hamster that Fizz has released from some parallel dimension. Magoo thinks it's some poor, homeless dog with difficulties eating.
S1 Ep4
11th May 2019
Magoo thinks that Fizz is a hat he is going to wear for his romantic date with Marnie. The hamster is going to have a heck of a time saving the planet from a fake meteorite and becoming a world-renowned hero as long as he is a hat!
S1 Ep5
11th May 2019
Magoo is a part-time firefighter reservist whose rescue mission for the day is to save a cat in a tree. In reality, the cat is none other than Fizz, who is systematically incapable of activating his new "Fizzsounds" machine.
S1 Ep6
11th May 2019
Magoo mistakes Fizz for a lost child and decides to help.
S1 Ep7
18th May 2019
Magoo thinks that he is peeling off old wallpaper on Linda's walls...
S1 Ep8
18th May 2019
Magoo has decided to go mountain climbing but in reality, he is climbing up a skyscraper!
S1 Ep9
18th May 2019
Thinking he is in the middle of a work-out at his local gym, Magoo inadvertently climbs onto a delivery boy's bicycle. It just so happens that he is transporting the biggest diamond in the world...the one that Fizz and Weasel were planning to steal!
S1 Ep10
25th May 2019
Magoo thinks Weasel has opened a restaurant, and wants to help him improve it. He mistakes the FizzLab for a kitchen, and prevents Fizz, who he believes is the chef, from perfecting a formula that will turn all pasta into Fizz-shaped fizzetelle.
S1 Ep11
25th May 2019
Magoo thinks that he is on a camping trip but he is actually just in the city park. When he sees Weasel wearing a suit that allows him to stock a very special honey gathered by Fizz, he thinks he's a wounded bear and decides to help him.
S1 Ep12
25th May 2019
Magoo is thinks is out trick-or-treating for Halloween. But he unwittingly robs a bank instead of Weasel. Fizz, whose plan was to heroically arrest the "pseudo" burglar, rushes over to Magoo's house to grab the money and take our little man off to jail.
S1 Ep13
1st Jun 2019
Magoo mistakes Weasel (in an animal costume) for a groundhog being hunted, and confiscates the hunter's gun. In reality, he steals a camera from Fizz, which the latter was using to make a super cute video to attract millions of views online.
S1 Ep14
1st Jun 2019
Magoo can't find the book that Linda lent him and he's ready to turn the house upside down to find it. The problem is that he is not in his house but in Fizz's loft. He makes such a ruckus that the hamster starts believing he's got a ghost in the house.
S1 Ep15
1st Jun 2019
With pizza map in hand, Magoo enters a park to look for pirate treasure where the evil hamster Fizz has hatched a scam using ice cream to take over the world.
S1 Ep16
8th Jun 2019
At the supermarket, Magoo mixes his shopping cart up with a baby stroller. Fizz decides to save the toddler and become a media star. But to do that, he'll have to get the baby out of Magoo's hands before he goes home to cook up a pork roast for Marnie!
S1 Ep17
8th Jun 2019
Fizz is at the municipal pool, he wants to revolution the world of sub-marine hairdressing! But Magoo, thinking that he is actually fishing in a lake, starts trying to catch Weasel, who he thinks is a magnificent, huge fish, thereby sabotaging the hamster's efforts every time he tries to think.
S1 Ep18
8th Jun 2019
Magoo, thinking he's at the laundromat, wanders into a candy factory, where Fizz and Weasel are creating a bubblegum that makes Fizz-shaped bubbles.
S1 Ep19
15th Jun 2019
Fizz and Weasel plan to enter Fizz's new condiment in a culinary contest. Magoo mistakes them for members of his band ready for a reunion.
S1 Ep20
15th Jun 2019
Magoo thinks that the whole neighborhood has been flooded, when in fact he is just at the local swimming pool. He starts trying to rescue all of the swimmers and sabotage Fizz's plan to become the greatest super hero lifeguard the world has ever seen!
S1 Ep21
15th Jun 2019
Magoo comes across Fizz encased in ice and thinks he has found a prehistoric man. He thaws him out and acts like a Cro-Magnon, so as not to distress him. When Weasel tries to save Fizz, Magoo mistakes him for an ill-intentioned scientist.
S1 Ep22
22nd Jun 2019
Thinking he's hunting down a rat in his attic, Magoo finds himself on the theme park, devoted to...the glory of Fizz. He decides to get rid of the little pest the "rat", who is none other than that megalomaniac hamster.
S1 Ep23
22nd Jun 2019
Magoo, on a construction site, thinks he's been hired for a medieval theater show. Fizz and Weasel bump into Magoo at the top of the tower. He mistakes the former for a damsel in distress and decides to save "her" from the clutches of an evil prince.
S1 Ep24
22nd Jun 2019
In order to make himself an object of worship, Fizz makes people believe he's an alien coming to share his wisdom. Magoo mistakes him for his favorite singer, Sultan, in the middle of an autograph session. As usual, he ruins Fizz's glorious arrival.
S1 Ep25
29th Jun 2019
Magoo thinks he's helping out at an understaffed veterinary clinic. In fact, he's at the supermarket, where Fizz is trying to gain popularity by selling his cleaning products. Magoo mistakes the hamster for the President's sick Yorkshire terrier.
S1 Ep26
29th Jun 2019
Magoo thinks he is on a beach and that sailors are emptying their oil tanker right into the ocean
S1 Ep27
29th Jun 2019
Fizz has reduced the size of the moon in order to model it in his own image. But Magoo thinks it's a dinosaur egg ready to hatch, so he's looking for his mother and protects him from the dinosaur eater: Weasel.
S1 Ep28
1st Jul 2019
Magoo, a Christmas volunteer in a supermarket, thinks a burglar is entering overnight and decides to stop him.
S1 Ep29
1st Jul 2019
Magoo thinks that he is at the foot of a volcano, but in fact, he's next to a huge soup vat
S1 Ep30
1st Jul 2019
Magoo thinks he is in the subway, but actually he's in a cave. Running into Weasel, he thinks he's lost and decides to help him find his way.
S1 Ep31
2nd Jul 2019
Magoo is babysitting the Neighbors' toddler. The baby flees and kidnaps Fizz mistaking him for a plush toy. Thinking he's playing hide and seek with the toddler, Magoo wanders across the dangers of New York with Mr Cat and Weasel on his heels.
S1 Ep32
2nd Jul 2019
Fizz plans on replacing the statue from an Oscar-like ceremony with a statue in his effigy. But Magoo grabs it, thinking it's for sale in a store!
S1 Ep33
2nd Jul 2019
Magoo mistakes some kids at the park for gnomes in a magic forest. Fizz uses a remote to immobilise them, to win over their parents!
S1 Ep34
3rd Jul 2019
Fizz invents a cucumber that turns people into an object of worship. When Magoo sees people being drawn to Fizz and Weasel, he thinks it's zombies!
S1 Ep35
3rd Jul 2019
Magoo thinks that he is auditioning for a circus troop, but he is actually in a professional wrestling ring, in the middle of a fight.
S1 Ep36
3rd Jul 2019
Fizz, controlling a robot, distributes ice cream to everyone in the city. When Magoo mistakes him for a monster, he gets sprayed with ice cream
S1 Ep37
4th Jul 2019
Fizz has invented a machine which stops toast from landing butter-side down. Magoo sees some floating toast and believes a ghost is haunting their house.
S1 Ep38
4th Jul 2019
Magoo thinks he is housesitting for Weasel. When he sees him returning from the grocery store with Fizz, he thinks they're burglars!
S1 Ep39
4th Jul 2019
Magoo thinks he's herding cattle through the desert - but is in fact on an ice floe with walruses - and mistakes Fizz and Weasel for cattle rustlers.
S1 Ep40
5th Jul 2019
Fizz has dressed Weasel up as a supervillain in order to pretend to save the city. Magoo mistakes his disguised neighbour for an actress in danger.
S1 Ep41
21st Dec 2019
Magoo forgets to include a gift for Mr Cat in his letter to Santa! Trying to make amends, he follows Weasel, disguised as an elf, who unintentionally leads him into the AeroFizz. Magoo mistakes Fizz for the person in charge of the Christmas mail.
S1 Ep42
4th Jan 2020
Magoo thinks that he is lost in a pyramid but he is in fact in a big conference room where Fizz is about to perform a stand-up act.
S1 Ep43
4th Jan 2020
Fizz and Weasel are at the supermarket buying ingredients to make the world's best cake. They bump into Magoo, who thinks he's at a carnival!
S1 Ep44
4th Jan 2020
Magoo thinks he's underwater scooting and has discovered Atlantis. In fact, he's in New York, riding Fizz's latest invention.
S1 Ep47
11th Jan 2020
Weasel accidentally launches Fizz next to Magoo. The latter, believing he is driving through a wildlife reserve, mistakes Fizz for a lost child.
S1 Ep48
11th Jan 2020
Magoo, atop an unfinished skyscraper, thinks he's at the beach. Fizz, dressed as Santa, in a sleigh pulled by Weasel, is giving out gifts. They crash near Magoo, who takes him for a protected type of tuna being hunted by an irresponsible fisherman.
S1 Ep49
11th Jan 2020
Fizz has invented a hoverboard. After a slip-up, the board ends up in the hands of Magoo, who thinks he has found a new ironing board
S1 Ep50
11th Jan 2020
In the forest, Magoo sets up camp by the rare fruit patch, giving a warm welcome to a bear that he has mistaken for a wayward hiker.
S1 Ep51
18th Jan 2020
Weasel tries for his AeroFizz pilot's license. Magoo ruins everything when, convinced he's fixing his roof, he pierces a hole in the airship.
S1 Ep52
18th Jan 2020
In the desert, Fizz and Weasel plan a fireworks display for Fizz. Mountain Rescuer Magoo mistakes Weasel for a skier in distress.
S1 Ep53
18th Jan 2020
Magoo's going to miss his flight. Unfortunately, he's not at the airport, but the supermarket, where Fizz and Weasel are hatching their latest plan.
S1 Ep54
18th Jan 2020
Fizz falls into the sewers, only to bump into Magoo, who thinks he's exploring the jungle. The latter mistakes Fizz for a lost child
S1 Ep55
18th Jan 2020
Fizz and Weasel are after the president's jokebook. But Magoo, thinking he's in his dojo, enters the high-security unit where it's kept.
S1 Ep57
25th Jan 2020
Fizz and Weasel shoot people with toy arrows to make them fall in love with Fizz. But Magoo mistakes them for a giant hornet.
S1 Ep58
25th Jan 2020
Fizz rehearses a dance number that'll make him a star. But when Weasel catapults him next door onto the roof, Magoo thinks he's a stray alien.
S1 Ep60
25th Jan 2020
Fizz and Weasel, in a robot, hack the world Internet server but Magoo, who is doing the sales, takes him for the last cart and steals it. Chased by Fizz and Weasel in a robot, he believes he is the target of an aggressive buyer...
S1 Ep61
1st Feb 2020
Fizz is recording chill music to de-stress the world, so he needs quiet. Unluckily, Magoo's come over to borrow a wrench and thinks there's a leak.
S1 Ep62
1st Feb 2020
Magoo thinks he's in a triathlon and takes Fizz's superhuman strength headband, which Fizz needs to beat the President at a thumb war.
S1 Ep63
1st Feb 2020
Fizz beams himself into Weasel's brain in order to take out Magoo with tranquilliser darts. Magoo loses Mr Cat and enlists his neighbour to find him.
S1 Ep64
1st Feb 2020
Today's the big day, and Magoo believes he is in a recording studio to make a hit single for famous producer, Phil Dustspeck. But is that really true?
S1 Ep65
8th Feb 2020
Fizz tests a ray that makes people dance. Magoo, wearing a snorkelling mask he's convinced is a virtual reality gaming headset, mistakes the ray for a weapon.
S1 Ep66
8th Feb 2020
Thinking he's fixing Weasel's coffee maker, Magoo tweaks Fizz's teleporter, the invention that the hamster plans to exhibit at the innovation tradeshow.
S1 Ep67
8th Feb 2020
Thinking he's on an Arctic expedition while actually at the beach, Magoo mistakes Fizz for a monkey, definitive evidence of global warming.
S1 Ep69
15th Feb 2020
A bear has escaped from the zoo and Fizz is hell-bent on making it his pet. Magoo mistakes the bear for his niece who's come to spend the day with him.
S1 Ep70
15th Feb 2020
Magoo takes Fizz for his old school friend Serge and thinks he will make him revisit their school while they are in the heart of the ultra-secure center where Fizz has come to steal the President's joke book.
S1 Ep71
15th Feb 2020
Magoo thinks he's on a trip to Translovenia and takes shelter in a mansion owned by a vampire. In reality, this vampire is just Weasel.
S1 Ep72
15th Feb 2020
Weasel is testing Fizz's latest invention: a bathing suit and tie that will make beachgoers look elegant. Magoo thinks he's the President, and thinking he's threatened by a kidnapper, sets about protecting him.
S1 Ep74
4th Apr 2020
Fizz is about to plunge into another dimension populated only by other Fizzes, when Magoo arrives and thinks Weasel has a new little cat. When Fizz runs away, Magoo does everything he can to find his neighbour's cat.
S1 Ep75
9th May 2020
Fizz wants to cure Magoo's near-sightedness for good. He and Weasel go over to his house, only to be taken for Magoo's parents on a surprise visit.
S1 Ep76
9th May 2020
While Weasel assists Fizz to cure his toothache, Magoo arrives, thinking he's dealing with a clandestine laboratory that is experimenting on a rabbit. Magoo is determined to put the rabbit, actually Fizz, back into the wild.
S1 Ep77
9th May 2020
Magoo takes Fizz for billionaire Bruce Payne, aka Ratman. When the latter finds himself kidnapped by his sworn enemy the Clown.
S1 Ep78
6th Jun 2020
While helping Linda clean her attic, Magoo gets shrunken and teleported into Fizz's brain. Time for a spring clean.
The first episode of Mr. Magoo aired on May 04, 2019.
The last episode of Mr. Magoo aired on September 01, 2023.
There are 145 episodes of Mr. Magoo.
There are 2 seasons of Mr. Magoo.
Mr. Magoo is set to return for future episodes.