Ballada o Januszku Episode Rating Graph poster

Ballada o Januszku Episode Rating Graph

Nov 1988 - present


Ballada o Januszku Episode Rating Graph poster

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Best Episodes of Ballada o Januszku

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Worst Episodes of Ballada o Januszku

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Ballada o Januszku Episode Guide

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The first episode of Ballada o Januszku aired on November 08, 1988.

The last episode of Ballada o Januszku aired on December 20, 1988.

There are 8 episodes of Ballada o Januszku.

There is one season of Ballada o Januszku.


Ballada o Januszku is set to return for future episodes.

Shows for Fans of Ballada o Januszku

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Die Galerie der großen Detektive poster
Bad Buddy poster
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Who Is the Sender? poster
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Don't Respond to Strangers poster
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