Yakka Dee! Episode Rating Graph
Nov 2017 - present

Nov 2017 - present
Browse episode ratings trends for Yakka Dee!. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Yakka Dee!'s 146 episodes.
S3 Ep20
12th Jul 2019
Dee encourages a friend to say 'drum' and we go on a whirlwind word adventure! We see and hear lots of drums - a marching drum, a dancing drum and of course a drumming drum!
S1 Ep15
1st Dec 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'apple', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different apples and explore how they look and taste. We see a green apple, a red apple, a shiny apple and a smiling, bobbing apple. Dee tries a yummy apple in an autumn scene, flies a flying apple and cheers up a crying apple. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep6
20th Nov 2017
Yakka Dee! celebrates children communicating - because talking fills you up with whizz, pop, bang! In this episode, Dee encourages a friend to say 'duck' and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different ducks - a brown duck, a white duck and Dee even goes for a ride in a yellow duck boat! There are baby ducks, mother ducks and lots of funny ducks eating their dinner. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S2 Ep11
21st Jan 2019
Dee encourages a friend to say ‘cat’ and we go on a whirlwind word adventure.
S2 Ep1
7th Jan 2019
Dee encourages a friend to say ‘hair’ and we go on a whirlwind word adventure.
S3 Ep2
7th May 2019
Dee encourages a friend to say ‘fish’ and we go on a whirlwind word adventure.
S2 Ep20
1st Feb 2019
Dee encourages a friend to say ‘kite’ and we go on a whirlwind word adventure.
S1 Ep8
22nd Nov 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'bus', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different buses - red, double-decker and bendy! We see Dee waiting for the bus and driving a bus in a picture on the wall. Everyone goes 'all aboard' a bus, and we even see an elephant getting into a bus! The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep5
17th Nov 2017
Yakka Dee! celebrates children communicating - because talking fills you up with whizz, pop, bang! In this episode, Dee encourages a friend to say 'bike', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different bikes doing lots of different things. There's a hopping bike, a shopping bike and even a dinosaur riding a bike! Dee has a new green and shiny bike and we see her going for a bike ride with loads of friends. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep7
21st Nov 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'cup', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different cups and explore how they look and what they do. We see a pink cup, a sippy cup and even a drippy cup full of Dee's paint! We enjoy a flower cup, a flutter cup and a cute little cup full of bubbles. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep16
4th Dec 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'ball', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different balls and explore how they look and what they do. There's a green ball, a blue ball and even a ball that goes moo! There's a seat ball, some meatballs and a funny ball too. We see a ball to kick, a ball for disco dancing and a sparkly ball on a Christmas tree. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying our new word.
S1 Ep20
8th Dec 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'bed', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different beds - a big bed, a baby bed, even a bed for a bear! There are bunk beds, twin beds, comfy beds and jumpy beds. Dee dresses as a princess and climbs into a lumpy bed, then falls asleep on a moon bed. We float away with a balloon bed, until it's time for bed! The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S2 Ep2
8th Jan 2019
Dee encourages a friend to say ‘bowl’ and we go on a whirlwind word adventure.
S2 Ep3
9th Jan 2019
Dee encourages a friend to say ‘whale’ and we go on a whirlwind word adventure.
S1 Ep1
13th Nov 2017
Yakka Dee! celebrates children communicating - because talking fills you up with whizz, pop, bang! In this episode, Dee encourages a friend to say 'banana' and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see what bananas look like, feel like and taste like. We see yummy bananas, mushy bananas and big bananas. We meet a swimming banana, a king banana and we even all go a bit bananas! The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word!
S1 Ep2
14th Nov 2017
Yakka Dee! celebrates children communicating - because talking fills you up with whizz, pop, bang! In this episode, Dee encourages a friend to say 'dog' and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different dogs and explore how they look and what they do. We see a tiny dog, a fluffy dog and a very waggy-tailed happy dog! We meet a funny sausage dog and enjoy a spotty dog surprise. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep3
15th Nov 2017
Yakka Dee! celebrates children communicating - because talking fills you up with whizz, pop, bang! In this episode, Dee encourages a friend to say 'book' and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different books and explore how they look and feel. We see a flip book, a flap book and Dee helps make a scrapbook. We see a gold book, a fluffy book and even meet a child dressed as a book! The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep4
16th Nov 2017
Yakka Dee! celebrates children communicating - because talking fills you up with whizz, pop, bang! In this episode, Dee encourages a friend to say 'boots' and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different boots and explore how they look and feel. We see blue boots, new boots, welly boots and even smelly boots! There are boots to wear in a puddle and boots to wear when you cuddle. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep5
17th Nov 2017
Yakka Dee! celebrates children communicating - because talking fills you up with whizz, pop, bang! In this episode, Dee encourages a friend to say 'bike', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different bikes doing lots of different things. There's a hopping bike, a shopping bike and even a dinosaur riding a bike! Dee has a new green and shiny bike and we see her going for a bike ride with loads of friends. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep6
20th Nov 2017
Yakka Dee! celebrates children communicating - because talking fills you up with whizz, pop, bang! In this episode, Dee encourages a friend to say 'duck' and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different ducks - a brown duck, a white duck and Dee even goes for a ride in a yellow duck boat! There are baby ducks, mother ducks and lots of funny ducks eating their dinner. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep7
21st Nov 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'cup', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different cups and explore how they look and what they do. We see a pink cup, a sippy cup and even a drippy cup full of Dee's paint! We enjoy a flower cup, a flutter cup and a cute little cup full of bubbles. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep8
22nd Nov 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'bus', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different buses - red, double-decker and bendy! We see Dee waiting for the bus and driving a bus in a picture on the wall. Everyone goes 'all aboard' a bus, and we even see an elephant getting into a bus! The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep9
23rd Nov 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'peas', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see peas on a plate, peas in a pod - and even a pea flying! Peas can be little, yummy and frozen. There's also a funny ant who uses a pea as a bowling ball! The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep10
24th Nov 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'hat', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different hats: a small hat, a big hat - even a woolly pink pig hat! There's a pretty flower hat and a funny tower hat. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep11
27th Nov 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'worm' and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see a long worm, a little worm and a squirmy worm. Look out for the speedy worm and the greedy worm, the jelly worm and the welly worm! Dee enjoys a glow worm and we see a little girl make a muddy worm from her finger. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep12
28th Nov 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'boat' and there's a whirlwind word adventure. There are lots of different boats: a boat that's big, a boat that's small, and even a boat you can stick on the wall. There's a paddle boat, a puddle boat, a rocking boat and a find-it-in-your-Christmas-stocking boat! The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep13
29th Nov 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'house', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different houses: a small house, a tall house and a hen house. There's a lighthouse, a bright house, a bee house and a tree house. And of course, the most important house of all, 'My house!' The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep14
30th Nov 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'lion' and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see what lions look like and what they do. There's a big lion, a baby lion, a roaring lion and a handsome lion. There's a lion on a cupcake, a lion on a doorknocker and a lion playing hide-and-seek! A sleeping lion, a leaping lion and a lion that Dee loves. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep15
1st Dec 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'apple', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different apples and explore how they look and taste. We see a green apple, a red apple, a shiny apple and a smiling, bobbing apple. Dee tries a yummy apple in an autumn scene, flies a flying apple and cheers up a crying apple. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep16
4th Dec 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'ball', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different balls and explore how they look and what they do. There's a green ball, a blue ball and even a ball that goes moo! There's a seat ball, some meatballs and a funny ball too. We see a ball to kick, a ball for disco dancing and a sparkly ball on a Christmas tree. The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying our new word.
S1 Ep17
5th Dec 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'mouse', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. Dee meets lots of different mice. She meets a brown mouse, a furry mouse and a whiskery mouse. There's a squeaky mouse, a cheeky mouse and a sleepy mouse. Shhhh! We meet a magic mouse, a noodle mouse and the ice cream mouse too! The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying our new word.
S1 Ep18
6th Dec 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'beans', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different beans and explore how they look and taste. We see red beans, green beans, long, thin and lean beans. We see a friend grow some beans, pick them and then eat them for tea. There are baked beans, magic beans and a loveable giant bean too! The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep19
7th Dec 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'car', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different cars and explore how they look and what they do. We see a big car, a little car and a child whose bed is a car. There's a yucky dirty car, Dee takes a bath with a clean car and someone has a car cake for their birthday. We even see a rocket-to-the-stars car! The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
S1 Ep20
8th Dec 2017
Dee encourages a friend to say 'bed', and we go on a whirlwind word adventure. We see lots of different beds - a big bed, a baby bed, even a bed for a bear! There are bunk beds, twin beds, comfy beds and jumpy beds. Dee dresses as a princess and climbs into a lumpy bed, then falls asleep on a moon bed. We float away with a balloon bed, until it's time for bed! The journey is repeated with some special surprises along the way and everyone has a boogie when Dee's friend finally succeeds in saying today's word.
The first episode of Yakka Dee! aired on November 13, 2017.
The last episode of Yakka Dee! aired on October 13, 2023.
There are 146 episodes of Yakka Dee!.
There are 7 seasons of Yakka Dee!.
Yakka Dee! is set to return for future episodes.