Dino Dana Episode Rating Graph
May 2017 - present

May 2017 - present
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S1 Ep1
26th May 2017
Dana is a 9-year old girl who loves dinosaurs. Her life changes forever when she's given a Dino Field Guide, which not only teaches her new things about dinosaurs, but gives her the power to imagine dinosaurs into real life.
S2 Ep6
22nd May 2018
Ms. Currie asks Dana to help her choose a reptile that's most like a dinosaur to adopt for Trek's upcoming birthday. Together they scour the local Reptile Zoo and pet store for the perfect pet. Dana neglects to do her part to help take care of Nixon because she's too preoccupied with Dino Experiment 620: How do Edmontosaurus take care of their babies.
S2 Ep13
22nd May 2018
In this two-part special, Dana creates an elaborate board game called the Game of Bones that brings out the competitive side of her family as she explains what happened when a meteorite ended the reign of the dinosaurs.
S2 Ep2
22nd May 2018
When Uncle Ravi comes over for a curry cook-out Dana must protect Dad's special ingredient, a spicy mirchi pepper, from being eaten by hungry herbivores! Dana conducts Dino Experiment 618: What does it feel like to go as fast as a Compsognathus, the fastest dinosaur? With her Compsognathus skateboard she's ready to feel the speed, but first she must master the basics of skateboarding.
S2 Ep3
22nd May 2018
Dana uses a trip to the grocery store with Grandma to conduct Dino Experiment 621: What did the Sygimoloch use the Spikes on its head for? While Dad helps Saara practice karate, Dana studies which carnivore can get past the sturdy armour of the Euoplocephalus.
S2 Ep4
22nd May 2018
Smitten with Cai's new foster kitten, Dana tries to convince Cai to adopt the kitten while imaging what it would've been like for cave-people domesticating a Smilodon. When Grandma watches over Dana, Dana's disappointed because she and Dad planned to transform her bike into a Dromaeosaurus for Dino Experiment 612: How does a Psittacosaurus use its tail quills to protect itself.
S2 Ep5
22nd May 2018
Dana comes across a herd of traveling sauropods and learns about why and how they migrate. Using what she learns she helps Mr. Hendrickson's move into a new home a little easier. Dana and her family plan to have a picnic lunch, but find their picnic basket has been slashed. The family heads to Dino Court, to try "The Case of the Picnic Basket Slasher".
S2 Ep8
22nd May 2018
Dana uses her time at Grandma's farm to conduct Dino Experiment 615: Who would win in a fight? A Triceratops, Diabloceratops, or Kosmoceratops? Dana, Grandma and Saara all get invested and choose a dino to root for. Dana discovers the differences between dino and human babies a when Mom's friend Ashley and her new baby Ben stop by for a visit.
S1 Ep1
26th May 2017
Dana is a 9-year old girl who loves dinosaurs. Her life changes forever when she's given a Dino Field Guide, which not only teaches her new things about dinosaurs, but gives her the power to imagine dinosaurs into real life.
The first episode of Dino Dana aired on May 26, 2017.
The last episode of Dino Dana aired on November 11, 2019.
There are 52 episodes of Dino Dana.
There are 4 seasons of Dino Dana.
Dino Dana is set to return for future episodes.