Lucky Romance Episode Rating Graph
May 2016 - Jul 2016

May 2016 - Jul 2016
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S1 Ep8
16th Jun 2016
Resigned to Bo-ra's fate, Bo-nui heads down to the river alone. The next day she returns a missed call from the hospital and receives some news.
S1 Ep12
30th Jun 2016
Bo-nui draws Soo-ho's anger after trying to help his mother reconcile their family. A picture of Bo-nui and Gun-wook together appears online.
S1 Ep10
23rd Jun 2016
After spending the night watching over Soo-ho, Bo-nui is late for Gun-wook's TV appearance the next day and doesn't answer his calls.
S1 Ep7
15th Jun 2016
Bo-nui despairs as the full moon arrives without her accomplishing her task to save her sister. Soo-ho worries for her as she heads out into the rain.
S1 Ep11
29th Jun 2016
Bo-nui tells Soo-ho how she really feels but asks him to forget about her. But when Bo-ra opens her eyes Bo-nui asks him to be her talisman again.
S1 Ep13
6th Jul 2016
Soo-ho can't stand being apart from Bo-nui and comes back from his trip early. After spending the night at her place he makes an announcement at work.
S1 Ep14
7th Jul 2016
Soo-ho loses his entire fortune and resigns from the company. Ryang-ha invites him to stay at his place, but Soo-ho worries about Bo-nui being aloof.
S1 Ep15
13th Jul 2016
After Soo-ho shields Bo-nui and gets hit by a car, Bo-nui blames herself for everything and runs away from Soo-ho and the company.
S1 Ep3
1st Jun 2016
Bo-nui lets Soo-ho into her room after mistaking him for her date, but now Gun-wook waits outside. Bo-nui frantically stops Soo-ho from leaving.
S1 Ep16
14th Jul 2016
Bo-nui is living with Bo-ra and teaching computers to the elderly as she plans a new game, while Soo-ho has started over at a new company.
S1 Ep1
25th May 2016
Shim Bo-nui searches at a casino for her boss who ran off with her salary. Meanwhile, Je Soo Ho is about to announce his company's new game, Genius II. Two of the engineers try to steal the software on the day of Soo Ho's presentation.
S1 Ep2
26th May 2016
After Bo-nui's attempt to catch a tiger ends in failure, pro tennis player Choi Gun-wook moves into her apartment building.
S1 Ep3
1st Jun 2016
Bo-nui lets Soo-ho into her room after mistaking him for her date, but now Gun-wook waits outside. Bo-nui frantically stops Soo-ho from leaving.
S1 Ep4
2nd Jun 2016
Bo-nui agrees to the contract on the condition that Soo-ho dates her for three weeks. She tells him that it's a matter of life and death.
S1 Ep5
8th Jun 2016
After seeing Soo-ho's gentle side Bo-nui asks him to spend the night, only to be refused. Gun-wook takes the downcast Bo-nui to the tennis court.
S1 Ep6
9th Jun 2016
Bo-nui tries to apologize to Soo-ho and tells him the truth but he drives away. Soo-ho can't keep his mind off her and follows her after work.
S1 Ep7
15th Jun 2016
Bo-nui despairs as the full moon arrives without her accomplishing her task to save her sister. Soo-ho worries for her as she heads out into the rain.
S1 Ep8
16th Jun 2016
Resigned to Bo-ra's fate, Bo-nui heads down to the river alone. The next day she returns a missed call from the hospital and receives some news.
S1 Ep9
22nd Jun 2016
Thanks to Soo-ho being her talisman, Bo-nui is able to see her sister. Touched by his kindness, she talks about her past as they sit in the park.
S1 Ep10
23rd Jun 2016
After spending the night watching over Soo-ho, Bo-nui is late for Gun-wook's TV appearance the next day and doesn't answer his calls.
S1 Ep11
29th Jun 2016
Bo-nui tells Soo-ho how she really feels but asks him to forget about her. But when Bo-ra opens her eyes Bo-nui asks him to be her talisman again.
S1 Ep12
30th Jun 2016
Bo-nui draws Soo-ho's anger after trying to help his mother reconcile their family. A picture of Bo-nui and Gun-wook together appears online.
S1 Ep13
6th Jul 2016
Soo-ho can't stand being apart from Bo-nui and comes back from his trip early. After spending the night at her place he makes an announcement at work.
S1 Ep14
7th Jul 2016
Soo-ho loses his entire fortune and resigns from the company. Ryang-ha invites him to stay at his place, but Soo-ho worries about Bo-nui being aloof.
S1 Ep15
13th Jul 2016
After Soo-ho shields Bo-nui and gets hit by a car, Bo-nui blames herself for everything and runs away from Soo-ho and the company.
S1 Ep16
14th Jul 2016
Bo-nui is living with Bo-ra and teaching computers to the elderly as she plans a new game, while Soo-ho has started over at a new company.
The first episode of Lucky Romance aired on May 25, 2016.
The last episode of Lucky Romance aired on July 14, 2016.
There are 16 episodes of Lucky Romance.
There is one season of Lucky Romance.
Lucky Romance has ended.