Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery Episode Rating Graph
Mar 2015 - present
Mar 2015 - present
Browse episode ratings trends for Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery's 12 episodes.
S1 Ep1
1st Mar 2015
Is an ancient linen cloth bearing the image of a crucified man the very shroud that Joseph wrapped Jesus in?
S1 Ep3
15th Mar 2015
Does an ancient codex discovered in an Egyptian burial cave answer the great Biblical question of why Judas betrayed Jesus?
S2 Ep3
19th Mar 2017
Unpacking the archaeology of the first century house believed to be the childhood home of Jesus. It explores what is known about Jesus' early life and depicts his formative relationship with his mother Mary.
S1 Ep4
22nd Mar 2015
The discovery of an extraordinary 2000 year-old burial box brings to light the remarkable story of Jesus' brother James.
S2 Ep4
26th Mar 2017
The 'Tomb of King Herod' was a huge news story when it was unearthed by Israeli archaeologist Ehud Netzer in 2007. But does it really belong to the King?
S2 Ep1
5th Mar 2017
The archaeological investigation zeroes in on crucial artifacts that connect to Pontius Pilate -- the inscription on the Stone that proves his existence, as well as the recent discovery of Herod the Great's Jerusalem Palace, which historians believe is where Pilate tried Jesus.
S2 Ep5
2nd Apr 2017
Explores the history of St Peter's relics, including those rediscovered under St Peter's Basilica in the 1940s. It traces the story of Peter through the Gospels, his life changing encounter with the risen Jesus, his own mission into later life and his death at the hands of the Romans.
S2 Ep2
12th Mar 2017
Investigating the Orthodox tradition connecting Lazarus and his relics with the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. It explains one of Jesus' greatest miracles - the raising of a man four days dead and goes on to explore the consequences for both Jesus and his friend.
S1 Ep1
1st Mar 2015
Is an ancient linen cloth bearing the image of a crucified man the very shroud that Joseph wrapped Jesus in?
S1 Ep2
8th Mar 2015
Who was the real John the Baptist? An investigation of a relic believed to be a bone from his finger uncovers proof of John's powerful legacy.
S1 Ep3
15th Mar 2015
Does an ancient codex discovered in an Egyptian burial cave answer the great Biblical question of why Judas betrayed Jesus?
S1 Ep4
22nd Mar 2015
The discovery of an extraordinary 2000 year-old burial box brings to light the remarkable story of Jesus' brother James.
S1 Ep5
29th Mar 2015
Are pieces of the cross Jesus died on still in existence today? The incredible legend of the True Cross is investigated.
S1 Ep6
5th Apr 2015
Could ancient texts preserved in the sands of Egypt shed light on the nature of Mary's relationship with Jesus?
The first episode of Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery aired on March 01, 2015.
The last episode of Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery aired on April 09, 2017.
There are 12 episodes of Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery.
There are 2 seasons of Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery.
Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery is set to return for future episodes.