Out with Dad Episode Rating Graph
Jul 2010 - Nov 2017

Jul 2010 - Nov 2017
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S3 Ep14
2nd Apr 2014
Your next mid-season finale. Rose and Kenny discuss Vanessa's runaway some more, but are interrupted by Claire who's furious about homophobic Brittany Robinson. Unfortunately, Rose has an encounter with Brittany too - and it goes far beyond harsh words.
S3 Ep9
18th Mar 2014
Despite having found a place to take refuge, Vanessa is still very lost. She’s scared, and the people she encounters aren’t making her situation any better. Meanwhile, her parents are feeling lost too – doing all they can to find her, despite the pain it causes.
S1 Ep8
6th Oct 2010
Coming out isn’t easy… even when you practice.
S3 Ep22
26th Sep 2014
In this season finale episode, Nathan follows through on his promise to Rose to come out of his parents, as a father of a gay child. After that, there is only one thing left to do: party!
S3 Ep21
26th Sep 2014
Vanessa reluctantly returns home, surprises await her.
S2 Ep4
14th Aug 2011
A difficult time for the LeMay family. Vanessa and her younger brother, Jacob, sit upon the steps as they listen in on their parents fighting. Jacob fears he might loose another sibling to something he doesn’t understand, and Vanessa realizes what is truly important to her.
S3 Ep19
26th Sep 2014
Vanessa meets Matthew’s friend Sera who tries to show Vanessa that change is possible.
S3 Ep18
26th Sep 2014
Picking up where we left off, Nathan’s worst fear comes true when he learns that Rose has been victimized at school. Meanwhile, Claire, Alicia and Nomee discuss the possibility of forming a Gay Straight Alliance at their school. Back home, Rose and Nathan discuss Rose being bullied, but also a lighter subject: her up coming birthday!
S3 Ep17
26th Sep 2014
Rose and Nathan attend another PFLAG sharing meeting. They hear real life stories submitted by the audience. The stories are sad, horrifying, hilarious and encouraging. Nathan clues in that Rose is keeping something from him.
S3 Ep16
26th Sep 2014
Nathan senses something is really upsetting Rose, but she won’t tell him what. Later in the day, Nathan receives an upsetting phone call from her gym teacher. Rose’s anxiety about the bullying at school increases.
S3 Ep15
26th Sep 2014
Vanessa finds some stability while staying at her brother’s as her and Matthew re-connect over breakfast.
S3 Ep13
1st Apr 2014
Vanessa runs for her life. With no place to go and no one to turn to, she spends her first night on the street. This might be the longest night of her life. Will she ever find a little light in her darkness?
S3 Ep12
27th Mar 2014
Vanessa is still lost. She has no phone. She has no hope. She has no idea what to do next. And so, she wanders. She winds up back at the flop house, only to encounter more trouble.
S1 Ep1
7th Jul 2010
The premiere episode of Out With Dad. 15 year old Rose (Kate Conway) and her best friend Vanessa (Lindsey Middleton), find out that sometimes first kisses don’t turn out exactly how we expect.
S1 Ep6
9th Sep 2010
A bonus minisode. Nothing like a spot of tea to make everything better. The conclusion of Rose & Nathan’s nights out.
S2 Ep5
1st Sep 2011
Rose washes out, Nathan continues his losing streak, Kenny makes it to first base and Vanessa isn’t even allowed out to play.
S2 Ep9
23rd Apr 2012
Rose is chill’n on Facebook at a local coffee shop, when she gets an unexpected “friend request”. It’s Claire Daniels! The girl from the washroom, the girl from the PFLAG meeting! Great. Now what does Rose say?
S2 Ep11
17th Jun 2012
Rose is full of doubts. A chance encounter with Vanessa makes her even more confused. To make it an even worse day, both Nathan and Rose encounter homophobia and neither know how to deal with it.
S2 Ep12
2nd Aug 2012
While Rose reads a letter from her overseas penpal, she and Claire awkwardly make small talk as the continue to get to know each other. The conversation gets very heavy when the subject of Vanessa comes up. It causes Rose to seriously consider things, as we wrap up our second season.
S1 Ep3
4th Aug 2010
Vanessa (Lindsey Middleton) tries to force Rose (Kate Conway) into explaining herself, but an encounter on the subway is more clarifying. Nathan (Will Conlon) continues to try to reach out to Rose in ways even his subconscious finds embarrassing.
S1 Ep5
1st Sep 2010
Nathan (Will Conlon) is out on a blind date with Angela (Kelly Marie-Murtha).
S1 Ep7
23rd Sep 2010
In this penultimate episode of season one, things are shaping up for Rose.
S2 Ep1
7th Jul 2011
When we last saw Rose, she was practising coming out to dad – but will she? Does she have the courage? Inside she knows it’s time. But how will dad react if she does? Coming out can be the scariest thing a lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer or questioning teen will ever go through.
S2 Ep2
21st Jul 2011
Kenny finally finds the courage to ask out Alicia Van Harren, well, eventually.
S2 Ep6
15th Sep 2011
Nathan tries what he can to apologize to Rose. Unable to forgive, Rose is still overwhelmed with the possibility of life without Vanessa.
S2 Ep7
2nd Mar 2012
We pick up right where we left off as Rose, Nathan and Johnny attend their first PFLAG sharing meeting. Rose happens to encounter a familiar face…
S1 Ep1
7th Jul 2010
The premiere episode of Out With Dad. 15 year old Rose (Kate Conway) and her best friend Vanessa (Lindsey Middleton), find out that sometimes first kisses don’t turn out exactly how we expect.
S1 Ep2
21st Jul 2010
Nathan (Will Conlon) wants to learn how to help Rose. First thing he learns is that friends are more reliable than the Internet. Meanwhile, Kenny (Corey Lof) encourages Rose (Kate Conway) to make amends with Vanessa (Lindsey Middleton) even if it means being an “asshole”.
S1 Ep3
4th Aug 2010
Vanessa (Lindsey Middleton) tries to force Rose (Kate Conway) into explaining herself, but an encounter on the subway is more clarifying. Nathan (Will Conlon) continues to try to reach out to Rose in ways even his subconscious finds embarrassing.
S1 Ep4
18th Aug 2010
Ingredients for a high school party: a parentless basement, mood lighting, a fool dancing, someone crying in the bathroom.
S1 Ep5
1st Sep 2010
Nathan (Will Conlon) is out on a blind date with Angela (Kelly Marie-Murtha).
S1 Ep6
9th Sep 2010
A bonus minisode. Nothing like a spot of tea to make everything better. The conclusion of Rose & Nathan’s nights out.
S1 Ep7
23rd Sep 2010
In this penultimate episode of season one, things are shaping up for Rose.
S1 Ep8
6th Oct 2010
Coming out isn’t easy… even when you practice.
The first episode of Out with Dad aired on July 07, 2010.
The last episode of Out with Dad aired on November 15, 2017.
There are 70 episodes of Out with Dad.
There are 5 seasons of Out with Dad.
Out with Dad has ended.