Selector Infected WIXOSS Episode Rating Graph
Apr 2014 - Dec 2014

Apr 2014 - Dec 2014
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S1 Ep8
23rd May 2014
After Yuzuki parts ways with Ruko, Yuzuki wins to become an Eternal Girl, but... Later, Hitoe gets a new deck of WIXOSS and finds a new LRIG...
S1 Ep12
20th Jun 2014
Ruko's battle finally comes to a close. Everyone has made a choice to their ways, and the results are...
S2 Ep11
13th Dec 2014
Hanayo explains that even though she herself has fallen in love with Kazuki, she doesn't want to betray Yuzuki. Kazuki overhears this and learns the truth, leading Hanayo to try and run off, only to suddenly collapse in the process and become hospitalized. As Yuzuki worries that Hanayo will disappear if she can't fulfil her wish, Yuki believes she can and Ruko might be able to reach Tama during a battle against Hitoe and Yuzuki. Sure enough, Yuki manages to get in contact with Tama, encouraging her to grant Ruko's wish alongside her. Together, they make Ruko an Eternal Girl, showing Hitoe and Yuzuki a glimpse of the white windowed room, where Kazuki theorises they may find the real-life Mayu. Ruko and Yuki arrive at the white windowed room to try and talk things out with Mayu, but Ulith also appears, declaring Mayu as her Selector and challenging them to a battle. As the two pairs battle, Yuki starts disappearing as a result of Iona returning to her original body, so Ruko takes her and goes off in search for Tama. Both Ruko and Hitoe's group then learn that the real Mayu is already dead, before Mayu attacks Yuki with a Level 5 attack.
S1 Ep9
30th May 2014
Word spreads of the intimate, yet forbidden love Yuzuki has towards Kazuki. Meanwhile, Ruko learns the horror of what happened to the 'true' Yuzuki.
S1 Ep6
8th May 2014
Ruko battles Akira with a resolve unlike before. Meanwhile, Yuzuki comes to a resolve on her own after a meeting with a new Selector.
S2 Ep12
20th Dec 2014
Tama manages to escape her imprisonment and rejoins with Ruko, who combines Tama and Yuki into one LRIG, who is also named Mayu after her true feelings, resuming their match against Mayu and Ulith. Meanwhile, Hitoe and Kazuki enter Mayu's room in the real world, commenting on what a lonely place it is. Mayu laments how she was never given the opportunity to 'select' before she died. Returning to Mayu's not-quite-real room, Mayu gives Ruko one opportunity to guess what color card she chose in order to win the game. Ruko correctly guesses that the card Mayu chose was non-colored, resulting in Ulith being destroyed. Afterwards, Ruko embraces Mayu, allowing her to pass on into the open world. Ruko then changes her wish slightly so that all LRIGS, including those who were LRIGs to begin with, would become girls, completing her contract with the new Mayu. With the Selector battles over, with all girls returned to their original forms, Ruko awaits the day when she can finally meet Tama as a human. It ends with Tama, shown to be a human now, sitting on a rooftop.
S1 Ep11
13th Jun 2014
New secrets unravel with the mysterious girl, Mayu. Iona gathers the Selectors to have battles, with an ulterior motive in Iona's mind...
S2 Ep9
29th Nov 2014
As Akira seeks out more battles in order to heal the scar she inflicted upon Ulith, Yuzuki theorises Mayu's true wish in creating the Selector battles was not necessarily revenge, but to show others how lonely she was. Later, when Chiyori comes around asking for a battle, Hitoe agrees to battle against her, feeling that she may be better off if her wish to be part of the WIXOSS world is reversed. During the battle, Eldora reveals she was thinking the same thing and had been planning to lose in order to spare Chiyori from the pain of battles. Despite Chiyori's objections, she is unable to draw the cards needed to turn things around. Meanwhile, Ulith, who had been treated for her injuries, is confronted by Akira.
S1 Ep1
4th Apr 2014
A young high-school girl, Ruko, receives a deck of cards, the WIXOSS. In the deck, she finds an unusual talking card. Bewildered, she meets Yuzuki, who she calls herself a "Selector." Soon, Ruko finds herself in battle to be the "Eternal Girl."
S1 Ep2
11th Apr 2014
Ruko, along with her new friend, Yuzuki, come across a battle of Selectors, Akira versus Hitoe. Yuzuki must now prepare to fight the winner, Akira.
S2 Ep1
4th Oct 2014
Following the incident, Ruko has been trying to have fun spend time with Hitoe and Yuzuki, but is still troubled by her memories of Tama. Stumbling across a WIXOSS tournament in a market, they are approached by Chiyori, who challenges them to a battle. They refuse and try to explain the true nature of WIXOSS to Chiyori, showing her what happened to Yuzuki, but Chiyori remains deluded by her fantasies. Meanwhile, Ruko continues to be troubled by Iona, whose wish was to become her LRIG, realising that, despite refusing to battle, she can't bring herself to throw her away.
S2 Ep4
25th Oct 2014
As Tama reluctantly follows Ulith's commands to fight against Chiyori, Ruko senses that Tama isn't having fun with battling and apologises for not sharing her true feelings with her before. After defeating Chiyori, Ulith tells Ruko to battle her if she wants Tama back, though Tama urges her not to do so. Later, the girls hear Chiyori mention a White Garden, which Yuzuki remembers as the room she ended up in upon becoming a LRIG, and ask to borrow her WIXOSS novel, which seems to be closely tied to the secret of the LRIGs. Determined to find the truth, the girls try to get in contact with the book's author, Futase Fumio, who they believe may be a Selector with knowledge about Mayu. Later, as Ulith prepares to make further use of Akira, Ruko and the others are called by Futase to meet up with her.
S1 Ep5
1st May 2014
While waiting for Ruko and Yuzuki, Hitoe is defeated in battle. The repercussions from Hitoe's third loss is beyond Ruko and Yuzuki's imagination...
S2 Ep3
18th Oct 2014
Ruko briefly runs into Hanayo, who tells her to keep on battling, while Iona continues to try swaying her into taking advantage of her for the sake of battling. Feeling that she only enjoyed battles when she was with Tama, Ruko tries Iona for information on Tama's whereabouts, only learning Mayu's name. Meanwhile, in another world, Tama desires to see Ruko again despite warnings from Mayu, who she seems to remember from somewhere. Later, Ruko learns from Yuzuki and Hitoe that Akira is spreading rumors about WIXOSS to bring out more Selectors, eventually confessing that she had fought against her. After scolding Ruko for acting on her own, Yuzuki and Hitoe state that they wouldn't be happy if she was to disappear, even if it were for their sake, and agree to help her with her search for Tama. Later, Ruko and the others come across Chiyori being challenged by Ulith, who now wields Tama as her LRIG.
S1 Ep1
4th Apr 2014
A young high-school girl, Ruko, receives a deck of cards, the WIXOSS. In the deck, she finds an unusual talking card. Bewildered, she meets Yuzuki, who she calls herself a "Selector." Soon, Ruko finds herself in battle to be the "Eternal Girl."
S1 Ep2
11th Apr 2014
Ruko, along with her new friend, Yuzuki, come across a battle of Selectors, Akira versus Hitoe. Yuzuki must now prepare to fight the winner, Akira.
S1 Ep3
18th Apr 2014
Ruko finds herself in battle against Hitoe, and taps into a desire she has never felt before. Meanwhile, Yuzuki's battle ensues against Akira.
S1 Ep4
25th Apr 2014
Ruko and Yuzuki become friends with Hitoe, with hope for a lasting friendship. Akira, wanting to battle Ruko, faces her, but then Iona appears...
S1 Ep5
1st May 2014
While waiting for Ruko and Yuzuki, Hitoe is defeated in battle. The repercussions from Hitoe's third loss is beyond Ruko and Yuzuki's imagination...
S1 Ep6
8th May 2014
Ruko battles Akira with a resolve unlike before. Meanwhile, Yuzuki comes to a resolve on her own after a meeting with a new Selector.
S1 Ep7
16th May 2014
As Ruko seeks answers, she comes in contact with Iona who soon senses affinity towards Ruko. Later, Ruko and Yuzuki is contacted by Akira...
S1 Ep8
23rd May 2014
After Yuzuki parts ways with Ruko, Yuzuki wins to become an Eternal Girl, but... Later, Hitoe gets a new deck of WIXOSS and finds a new LRIG...
S1 Ep9
30th May 2014
Word spreads of the intimate, yet forbidden love Yuzuki has towards Kazuki. Meanwhile, Ruko learns the horror of what happened to the 'true' Yuzuki.
S1 Ep10
6th Jun 2014
The mysteries around WIXOSS begin to reveal, with an unusual girl at center, Mayu. Meanwhile, a message is sent from Iona to the Selectors...
S1 Ep11
13th Jun 2014
New secrets unravel with the mysterious girl, Mayu. Iona gathers the Selectors to have battles, with an ulterior motive in Iona's mind...
S1 Ep12
20th Jun 2014
Ruko's battle finally comes to a close. Everyone has made a choice to their ways, and the results are...
The first episode of Selector Infected WIXOSS aired on April 04, 2014.
The last episode of Selector Infected WIXOSS aired on December 20, 2014.
There are 24 episodes of Selector Infected WIXOSS.
There are 2 seasons of Selector Infected WIXOSS.
Selector Infected WIXOSS has ended.