Space Brothers Episode Rating Graph
Mar 2012 - Mar 2014

Mar 2012 - Mar 2014
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S1 Ep38
22nd Dec 2012
After a long wait, Mutta learns that he passed the final exam. With no time to enjoy the moment, he is immediately whisked to the press conference, where the other new astronauts wait.
S1 Ep19
4th Aug 2012
The teams have two days left in the sealed boxes. Mission Control has deliberately not given certain members of Kenji's Team B any green cards, leading to paranoia. Meanwhile, in Team A, Mutta announces that he has good news, bad news, and dicey news.
S1 Ep20
11th Aug 2012
It's their final day in the sealed box. Mutta has enjoyed his two weeks with the team, and he wishes to avert ruining their bond, as they make their final decision.
S1 Ep2
7th Apr 2012
With his mother's assistance and Hibito's encouragement, Mutta has been accepted for the New Astronaut Selection Exam. However, unsure of his next step, he visits Sharon, who works at a nearby observatory. After receiving advice from Sharon, Mutta is finally able to make up his mind.
S1 Ep43
2nd Feb 2013
Hibito is able to save Damian, but he's running out of oxygen. Freddy and Buddy are trying to catch him, but they won't arrive before his oxygen depletes. Is this the end?
S1 Ep11
9th Jun 2012
The third exam will take two weeks. Mutta and the other candidates are transported via sealed bus to a large, barren facility. Then they are led to an area that is known as the last room.
S1 Ep42
26th Jan 2013
Hibito manages to bring Damian back to the surface by using Gibson, but he's running out of time, as his oxygen supply dwindles. Will Freddy and Buddy find him in time?
S1 Ep37
15th Dec 2012
Two hours have passed since JAXA was supposed to notify the candidates, and Mutta hasn't received a call. When the phone finally rings, he's told to go to a nearby park. What will his fate be?
S1 Ep10
2nd Jun 2012
Mutta has learned that Kenji and Serika have strong reasons to become astronauts, while Mutta is simply trying to achieve a childhood dream. This causes Mutta to begin to question himself.
S1 Ep6
5th May 2012
Mutta has arrived in America, but he's off to a rocky start with Hibito. Meanwhile, his future as an astronaut is in jeopardy because the headbutt incident has been brought to JAXA's attention.
S1 Ep17
21st Jul 2012
The third exam inside the sealed boxes has been underway for ten days. Each team has been experiencing unexpected problems, such as broken clocks and mysterious alarms that ring in the middle of the night. However, Mutta soon realizes who is actually responsible.
S1 Ep21
18th Aug 2012
With the third exam finally over, Furuya takes the opportunity to visit the man who made his dream possible.
S1 Ep15
7th Jul 2012
The exam in the sealed box is halfway over. Mutta's Team A suffered an accident when Fukuda's glasses were broken. But Furuya, the one who broke them, requested a new pair. Meanwhile, Team B must deal with an alarm going off in the middle of the night.
S1 Ep41
19th Jan 2013
After a buggy accident, Hibito and Damian are stuck at the bottom of a ravine. Damian's spacesuit is damaged, and he's losing body heat quickly. The odds are against them, but Hibito decides that the unmanned drone Gibson is their key out.
S1 Ep32
10th Nov 2012
Hibito has made it safely into space, and he's on his way to the moon. Meanwhile, Mutta runs into Azuma and his family, and he decides to approach them.
S1 Ep29
20th Oct 2012
Two days are left before launch. First, the lunar lander Artemis goes into space on Mars V. Afterwards, Hibito and the rest of the crew will head into space on Mars I.
S1 Ep23
8th Sep 2012
Mutta has been picked to go to Houston for the final astronaut selection exam. But because his selection means that Kenji wasn't chosen, he has mixed feelings.
S1 Ep18
28th Jul 2012
The candidates have only a few days left in the sealed boxes. JAXA has been using green cards to create trouble, gauging each member's ability to respond to stress and trouble.
S1 Ep14
30th Jun 2012
After five days in their sealed boxes, each team is exhibiting a pronounced personality. Mutta's Team A is rowdy, while Team C is quiet. However, Kenji's Team B appears to be a little gloomy.
S1 Ep4
21st Apr 2012
After a long week, only the final interview remains in the second JAXA exam. Mutta is drawing attention as Nanba Hibito's older brother, but he insists he won't spend his entire life as Nanba Hibito's big brother.
S1 Ep51
30th Mar 2013
Mutta and Nitta backtrack through the desert, looking for Nitta's cell phone. But Nitta cannot find it in time to answer his little brother's call. Has he lost another chance to reach him?
S2 Ep48
22nd Mar 2014
Hibito's disappearance is distracting Mutta during training and he makes a critical mistake. What will Hibito do next, and will Mutta be able to get his act together before the actual launch?
S2 Ep24
28th Sep 2013
Mutta's proposal to add a windshield to the lunar rover is received well. However, Chief Butler is still reluctant to allow Mutta to train for lunar missions. Mutta decides he must try something more dramatic.
S2 Ep9
1st Jun 2013
With a limited amount of time before they launch, the team search for materials they can use to keep the sponge tires dry. Visiting the hotel's utility room, Mutta borrows some silicone sealant from the janitor, which he uses to waterproof the tires. With all their elements in place, along with Mutta's addition of a toy astronaut to represent the purpose of the experiment, the rover manages to make it 200m from the target goal before its battery dies, ranking them fifth overall and second amongst the AsCans. After the contest, they are approach by the winning team, whose director turns out to be none other than Naoto, who is working hard to develop a Japanese manned rocket.
S1 Ep40
12th Jan 2013
Damian and Hibito leave Moonbase in search of a missing unmanned probe. However, an accident occurs, stranding them inside a ravine.
S1 Ep34
24th Nov 2012
Hibito and the CES-51 crew have landed on the moon. Meanwhile, Mutta has returned to Japan to await his final exam results. He's especially concerned about using up his luck before the results are announced.
S1 Ep28
13th Oct 2012
With four days before the launch, Mutta and his family arrive at Kennedy Space Center for one last meal with Hibito before he heads into space. Mutta uses this opportunity to hand Hibito a very special DVD-R.
S1 Ep26
29th Sep 2012
Seven days remain before Hibito takes off on a journey to become the first Japanese person to walk on the moon. Meanwhile, Mutta prepares for the final astronaut selection exam at Johnson Space Center.
S1 Ep16
14th Jul 2012
The third exam is halfway over. Mutta works on a completely white puzzle as he ponders why Fukuda-san would break the only clock in the sealed box.
S1 Ep13
23rd Jun 2012
The sealed box teams are assigned more tasks. These include Running Math, five minutes of mental math while running, and a typing test. Next, they're asked to write a letter of protest to a journalist who is criticizing government funding for space exploration.
S2 Ep3
20th Apr 2013
As Mutta and his teammates try to keep warm in the cold desert night, Mutta is reminded of recent events.
S2 Ep2
13th Apr 2013
Recap episode. Hibito recalls the ordeal of his accident on the moon.
S2 Ep44
22nd Feb 2014
Eddie Jay's arrival has given the CES-62 sub crew a much-needed jolt. After a night jog brings the crew closer together, Eddie suggests that the crew members share their stories.
S2 Ep1
6th Apr 2013
Recap episode. Mutta recalls how he first got accepted for the JAXA training program.
S2 Ep35
14th Dec 2013
Mutta has completed NEEMO training. His final idea impressed many people in NASA. Meanwhile, back in Houston, Hibito continues his rehabilitation.
S2 Ep28
26th Oct 2013
NASA and JAXA have decided to bring Hibito back to Houston, placing him in a supporting role. Hibito has no choice but to pack up and make his farewells.
S1 Ep36
8th Dec 2012
While Mutta waits to hear if he will become an astronaut, Kenji has received good news. The next candidate to get a call is Serika.
S2 Ep30
9th Nov 2013
Mutta's idea for improving the lunar rover has earned him the right to participate in NEEMO training. He has taken one step toward the moon.
S2 Ep26
12th Oct 2013
Hibito continues to struggle in rehab. Russian astronaut Ivan Tolstoy shows Hibito videos of his daughter as a child, learning ballet. Will the videos give Hibito his answer?
S2 Ep36
21st Dec 2013
Mutta has completed his NEEMO training and now waits to learn if he will be heading to the moon. Back in Houston, Hibito also completes his rehabilitation training. All that remains is to demonstrate to NASA that he has made a full recovery.
S2 Ep47
15th Mar 2014
Troubled by Hibito's disappearance, Mutta's performance begins slipping. However, a conversation with Chief Butler reassures him.
S2 Ep41
1st Feb 2014
Hibito has passed his test to return to active duty. With that over, Mutta can focus on starting his backup crew training for a lunar mission.
S2 Ep15
20th Jul 2013
Deneil takes Mutta on his first T-38 flight where, unlike the other instructors, he flies at speeds of 6.5Gs. Mutta throws up on his first flight, though after hearing Hibito went through the same training, he decides to go on it again. He soon begins training to fly himself, tasked with relying on instruments instead of sight. Whilst intially having trouble, Mutta is soon encouraged by Deneil's advice and Sharon's hand written letter, encouraging him to train for what he can.
S2 Ep25
5th Oct 2013
Mutta has convinced Chief Butler to allow him to start training for lunar missions. Meanwhile, Hibito is in Russia, trying to overcome his panic disorder.
S2 Ep27
19th Oct 2013
Inspired by Olga's performance, Hibito continues his rehabilitation. Ivan comes up with a unique approach that may start Hibito down the path to recovery.
S2 Ep29
2nd Nov 2013
Hibito has returned to Houston from Russia. At the same time, Mutta begins his journey to the moon with NEEMO training.
S2 Ep37
4th Jan 2014
Hibito is worried about the upcoming test that will decide if he will be allowed to return to space. Uncertain, he turns to an unexpected person for advice.
S2 Ep39
18th Jan 2014
Hibito begins the test that will determine if he can return to active duty. However, Chief Butler has planned a surprise for Hibito.
S2 Ep19
17th Aug 2013
After completing training, Mutta is offered a spot on the backup crew for an upcoming ISS mission. This is a golden opportunity for Mutta to make it to space quickly. But he must consider what he truly wants to do.
S2 Ep32
23rd Nov 2013
Only one of each team's two Ants will be chosen to go to the moon. Since the beginning of his journey, Mutta has worked with Kenji, so he isn't sure what to do.
S2 Ep11
15th Jun 2013
Whilst Hibito, Damian and Linda begin their rehabiliation, Amanti tells Mutta about a premonition she had about him, saying someone close to him will soon be stricken by a serious illness. Meanwhile, Sharon travels to a conference in America to propose the construction of a lunar telescope. Back in Houston, Mutta and the other AsCans are at Ellington Airport where they much learn how to pilot a T-38 jet as part of their astronaut training. Mutta is called up by Sharon who, after talking with Serika who is a big fan of hers, says she will be in Houston in two days, whilst Mutta starts to worry if she is the one Amanti mentioned.
S2 Ep34
7th Dec 2013
Mutta and Kenji have overcome their initial shock after hearing that only one of them will be chosen to go to the moon. Now that they're working together again, everything seems to be going right with their construction of the Moonbase.
S2 Ep38
11th Jan 2014
Mutta has been chosen to go to the moon. First, he will serve as Vince's backup. Now, Kenji and Nitta must learn what the future has in store for them.
S2 Ep40
25th Jan 2014
Hibito takes the test to determine if he will be allowed to return to active duty. While Chief Butler issues a green card for a false malfunction, to see how Hibito reacts under pressure, another malfunction also occurs that Butler doesn't expect.
S1 Ep46
23rd Feb 2013
The JAXA astronaut candidates head to Houston, to begin training at NASA. However, Murakami-san appears to have a surprise in store for Mutta.
S2 Ep20
31st Aug 2013
Mutta and Hibito are selected for a magazine cover. Mutta is excited, but he notices that Hibito is acting strangely.
S2 Ep21
7th Sep 2013
Hibito struggles with the panic disorder that's afflicted him since his ordeal on the moon. However, he requests that his condition be kept secret from Mutta, who may have found a way to improve the lunar rover.
S2 Ep23
21st Sep 2013
Mutta's proposal to improve the lunar rover is received well. But he still hasn't convinced Chief Butler to let him train for lunar missions. Desperate for ideas, Mutta researches Chief Butler's history for clues.
S2 Ep31
16th Nov 2013
Mutta is now underwater participating in NEEMO training. He's happy to be assigned to the same team as Kenji, but it turns out that he shouldn't be celebrating.
S2 Ep33
30th Nov 2013
Mutta and Kenji are forced to compete for the chance to go to the moon. Initially unsure as to what to do, Mutta benefits from Andy's advice, which helps him settle down and devise a new plan.
S1 Ep1
31st Mar 2012
The year 2006. Two brothers, Nanba Mutta (age 12) and Hibito (age 9), happen to spot a UFO headed for the moon. The experience inspires them to make a certain promise.
S1 Ep2
7th Apr 2012
With his mother's assistance and Hibito's encouragement, Mutta has been accepted for the New Astronaut Selection Exam. However, unsure of his next step, he visits Sharon, who works at a nearby observatory. After receiving advice from Sharon, Mutta is finally able to make up his mind.
S1 Ep3
14th Apr 2012
After advancing to the second exam, Mutta realizes that the other applicants are much better prepared than he is. Desperate to prove himself, he stakes everything on the lung capacity test, as he has confidence in his trumpet-trained lungs. However, as the other applicants drop out, he finds himself in a heated battle with Itou Serika. Who will come out on top?
S1 Ep4
21st Apr 2012
After a long week, only the final interview remains in the second JAXA exam. Mutta is drawing attention as Nanba Hibito's older brother, but he insists he won't spend his entire life as Nanba Hibito's big brother.
S1 Ep5
28th Apr 2012
After completing the second JAXA exam, Hibito invites Mutta for a free trip to Houston, Texas, through NASA's family support program. Upon arrival, he finds himself chased by a pug named Apo, and is then reunited with Hibito. However, Hibito expresses disappointment.
S1 Ep6
5th May 2012
Mutta has arrived in America, but he's off to a rocky start with Hibito. Meanwhile, his future as an astronaut is in jeopardy because the headbutt incident has been brought to JAXA's attention.
S1 Ep7
12th May 2012
After learning that his former boss has told JAXA about the headbutt incident, Mutta has given up hope on passing the exam. To cope, Mutta falls back on his childhood habit of multitasking like crazy when something bad happens.
S1 Ep8
19th May 2012
When the robber known as the fire extinguisher man strikes the restaurant where Mutta is, he's in trouble. But once the dust settles, Mutta has become a national hero for capturing the criminal. However, it appears there's more to the story.
S1 Ep9
26th May 2012
After passing the second JAXA exam, Mutta returns to Japan for the third. He's happy about the exam result, but on the flight back, a nightmare leaves him rattled. This is due to the letters from Hibito that he discovered before leaving.
S1 Ep10
2nd Jun 2012
Mutta has learned that Kenji and Serika have strong reasons to become astronauts, while Mutta is simply trying to achieve a childhood dream. This causes Mutta to begin to question himself.
S1 Ep11
9th Jun 2012
The third exam will take two weeks. Mutta and the other candidates are transported via sealed bus to a large, barren facility. Then they are led to an area that is known as the last room.
S1 Ep12
16th Jun 2012
The fifteen remaining candidates have been divided into three teams of five. Each team will spend two weeks inside a sealed box, while completing various tasks. The first task is to determine the time.
S1 Ep13
23rd Jun 2012
The sealed box teams are assigned more tasks. These include Running Math, five minutes of mental math while running, and a typing test. Next, they're asked to write a letter of protest to a journalist who is criticizing government funding for space exploration.
S1 Ep14
30th Jun 2012
After five days in their sealed boxes, each team is exhibiting a pronounced personality. Mutta's Team A is rowdy, while Team C is quiet. However, Kenji's Team B appears to be a little gloomy.
S1 Ep15
7th Jul 2012
The exam in the sealed box is halfway over. Mutta's Team A suffered an accident when Fukuda's glasses were broken. But Furuya, the one who broke them, requested a new pair. Meanwhile, Team B must deal with an alarm going off in the middle of the night.
S1 Ep16
14th Jul 2012
The third exam is halfway over. Mutta works on a completely white puzzle as he ponders why Fukuda-san would break the only clock in the sealed box.
S1 Ep17
21st Jul 2012
The third exam inside the sealed boxes has been underway for ten days. Each team has been experiencing unexpected problems, such as broken clocks and mysterious alarms that ring in the middle of the night. However, Mutta soon realizes who is actually responsible.
S1 Ep18
28th Jul 2012
The candidates have only a few days left in the sealed boxes. JAXA has been using green cards to create trouble, gauging each member's ability to respond to stress and trouble.
S1 Ep19
4th Aug 2012
The teams have two days left in the sealed boxes. Mission Control has deliberately not given certain members of Kenji's Team B any green cards, leading to paranoia. Meanwhile, in Team A, Mutta announces that he has good news, bad news, and dicey news.
S1 Ep20
11th Aug 2012
It's their final day in the sealed box. Mutta has enjoyed his two weeks with the team, and he wishes to avert ruining their bond, as they make their final decision.
S1 Ep21
18th Aug 2012
With the third exam finally over, Furuya takes the opportunity to visit the man who made his dream possible.
S1 Ep22
1st Sep 2012
The third astronaut selection exam has finally ended. Team A used rock-paper-scissors to select two members. Whose dreams are still alive?
S1 Ep23
8th Sep 2012
Mutta has been picked to go to Houston for the final astronaut selection exam. But because his selection means that Kenji wasn't chosen, he has mixed feelings.
S1 Ep24
15th Sep 2012
The final exam is set to take place in two months. Mutta heads to Houston, ahead of the other candidates to look after Apo and tour the Johnson Space Center. Meanwhile, Hibito is training hard for his lunar mission.
S1 Ep25
22nd Sep 2012
With the final astronaut selection exam coming up, Mutta heads to Houston. However, Jennifer has some ominous news.
S1 Ep26
29th Sep 2012
Seven days remain before Hibito takes off on a journey to become the first Japanese person to walk on the moon. Meanwhile, Mutta prepares for the final astronaut selection exam at Johnson Space Center.
S1 Ep27
6th Oct 2012
The final NASA interview was a decoy to trick the candidates into relaxing, so the astronauts could evaluate them. However, the candidates have yet to realize this.
S1 Ep28
13th Oct 2012
With four days before the launch, Mutta and his family arrive at Kennedy Space Center for one last meal with Hibito before he heads into space. Mutta uses this opportunity to hand Hibito a very special DVD-R.
S1 Ep29
20th Oct 2012
Two days are left before launch. First, the lunar lander Artemis goes into space on Mars V. Afterwards, Hibito and the rest of the crew will head into space on Mars I.
S1 Ep30
27th Oct 2012
It's finally the day of the launch, but the weather doesn't look good. On top of that, Apo's run off, so Mutta has to go find him. While searching for Apo, Mutta comes across a suspicious old man.
S1 Ep31
3rd Nov 2012
Mutta, Apo, and the strange old man watch as Hibito launches off into space. Afterwards, Mutta reminisces about the road taken by Hibito to reach this point.
S1 Ep32
10th Nov 2012
Hibito has made it safely into space, and he's on his way to the moon. Meanwhile, Mutta runs into Azuma and his family, and he decides to approach them.
S1 Ep33
17th Nov 2012
Hibito and the CES-51 crew finally land on the moon. However, Mutta is worried that Hibito will embarrass their country when he takes his first step.
S1 Ep34
24th Nov 2012
Hibito and the CES-51 crew have landed on the moon. Meanwhile, Mutta has returned to Japan to await his final exam results. He's especially concerned about using up his luck before the results are announced.
S1 Ep35
1st Dec 2012
JAXA has begun announcing the results of the final astronaut selection exam. Makabe Kenji receives the first phone call. As Kenji waits to learn his fate, he reflects on his motivation for wanting to be an astronaut.
S1 Ep36
8th Dec 2012
While Mutta waits to hear if he will become an astronaut, Kenji has received good news. The next candidate to get a call is Serika.
S1 Ep37
15th Dec 2012
Two hours have passed since JAXA was supposed to notify the candidates, and Mutta hasn't received a call. When the phone finally rings, he's told to go to a nearby park. What will his fate be?
S1 Ep38
22nd Dec 2012
After a long wait, Mutta learns that he passed the final exam. With no time to enjoy the moment, he is immediately whisked to the press conference, where the other new astronauts wait.
S1 Ep39
5th Jan 2013
Mutta has begun his life as an astronaut. First, he must undergo a month of JAXA training and orientation. Meanwhile, Hibito and Damian head out in a lunar rover to track down a missing probe.
S1 Ep40
12th Jan 2013
Damian and Hibito leave Moonbase in search of a missing unmanned probe. However, an accident occurs, stranding them inside a ravine.
S1 Ep41
19th Jan 2013
After a buggy accident, Hibito and Damian are stuck at the bottom of a ravine. Damian's spacesuit is damaged, and he's losing body heat quickly. The odds are against them, but Hibito decides that the unmanned drone Gibson is their key out.
S1 Ep42
26th Jan 2013
Hibito manages to bring Damian back to the surface by using Gibson, but he's running out of time, as his oxygen supply dwindles. Will Freddy and Buddy find him in time?
S1 Ep43
2nd Feb 2013
Hibito is able to save Damian, but he's running out of oxygen. Freddy and Buddy are trying to catch him, but they won't arrive before his oxygen depletes. Is this the end?
S1 Ep44
9th Feb 2013
Oxygen generation system Brian arrives just in time to save Hibito. Once he and Damian are rescued and back at Moonbase, he reflects on the astronauts who saved him.
S1 Ep45
16th Feb 2013
Mutta and the other astronaut candidates have finally finished their Japanese training. Before they head to Houston, they receive a gift from Director Nasuda.
S1 Ep46
23rd Feb 2013
The JAXA astronaut candidates head to Houston, to begin training at NASA. However, Murakami-san appears to have a surprise in store for Mutta.
S1 Ep47
2nd Mar 2013
Mutta and the other astronaut candidates have arrived in Houston to begin training at NASA. First up is a social event to meet the other astronaut candidates from around the world.
S1 Ep48
9th Mar 2013
The first astronaut candidate task is undergoing a survival training course consisting of a six-day trek through the desert. Meanwhile, Mutta is still worried about Amanti's reaction after she read his fortune.
S1 Ep49
16th Mar 2013
The astronaut candidates continue their survival training in the desert. Team E has fallen behind the others, but after Nitta takes the lead, they try to pick up the pace.
S1 Ep50
23rd Mar 2013
As the survival training draws to a close, Nitta suddenly tells the team he needs to backtrack due to losing his cell phone, but Mutta stops him. However, Mutta appears to have an idea in mind.
S1 Ep51
30th Mar 2013
Mutta and Nitta backtrack through the desert, looking for Nitta's cell phone. But Nitta cannot find it in time to answer his little brother's call. Has he lost another chance to reach him?
The first episode of Space Brothers aired on March 31, 2012.
The last episode of Space Brothers aired on March 22, 2014.
There are 99 episodes of Space Brothers.
There are 2 seasons of Space Brothers.
Space Brothers has ended.