Rocket City Rednecks Episode Rating Graph
Sep 2011 - Jan 2013
Sep 2011 - Jan 2013
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S2 Ep6
13th Dec 2012
The Rednecks create their own superhero suit from a pair of old vacuum cleaners, a barbecue grill and a bunch of spray foam. Their suit is flame - and bulletproof; it can climb walls like Spiderman and comes equipped with its own nonlethal net gun.
S1 Ep10
26th Oct 2011
The guys build a solar thermal rocket engine out of old satellite dishes to test out a free energy source that could travel between the stars - or power an old fishing boat.
S1 Ep8
12th Oct 2011
The Rednecks build a massive radio telescope out of junkyard parts, in an attempt to pick up signals from distant galaxies.
S1 Ep6
5th Oct 2011
Most scientists think a manned mission to Mars would take at least one and a half years and billions of dollars, but Travis thinks it can be done faster and cheaper.
S1 Ep7
12th Oct 2011
The Rednecks build a massive radio telescope out of junkyard parts, in an attempt to pick up signals from distant galaxies.
S1 Ep9
26th Oct 2011
The team create a floating "alternate energy power plant" out of old car parts and a waterwheel that creates all the energy required for a "Redneck Rec Room."
S2 Ep12
3rd Jan 2013
Papa John's CEO John Schnatter makes a guest appearance and challenges the Rednecks to design a pizza delivery bike that could be used in big cities. This business mogul wants more than just a pizza box strapped on the back of a 10-speed; he needs a motorized kitchen on wheels that can keep the pizzas warm and the sodas cold.
S2 Ep15
17th Jan 2013
To prepare for a missile attack on Huntsville, the boys build a portable, bulletproof shelter. To test the innovative design, they head deep into the woods, deploy the shelter, install some motion lasers and ask a mob of local doomsday preppers to hunt 'em down.
S2 Ep16
17th Jan 2013
Travis' brother has served multiple tours in Afghanistan and knows firsthand how heavy military-issued armor can be. So Travis decides to build his own version of a lightweight, full-body flak suit that could protect a soldier without limiting mobility. To put the design's mobility to the test, a retired drill sergeant puts Travis through civilian boot camp. Then, to prove the armor is light enough for a soldier to wear in combat, Travis straps on the suit and runs the full Marine Corps Marathon.
S1 Ep2
28th Sep 2011
The Rednecks create a new type of rocket fuel with a hillbilly whiskey still; but can it fire off a monster model rocket, fueled only with moonshine?
S1 Ep1
28th Sep 2011
The Boys create an armored vehicle out of an old truck, and armor made of beer cans, then try to blow it up to see if they can create a bombproof pickup.
S2 Ep2
29th Nov 2012
The Rednecks fly to L.A. to visit the garage where Jay keeps his personal collection of classic vehicles, and to help him build a steam catapult that will launch a car forward, just like an aircraft carrier catapult-launches jet fighters.
S1 Ep1
28th Sep 2011
The Boys create an armored vehicle out of an old truck, and armor made of beer cans, then try to blow it up to see if they can create a bombproof pickup.
S1 Ep2
28th Sep 2011
The Rednecks create a new type of rocket fuel with a hillbilly whiskey still; but can it fire off a monster model rocket, fueled only with moonshine?
S1 Ep3
28th Sep 2011
The Rednecks aim to build a lightweight, bullet-proof suit that can augment human strength and fire weapons.
S1 Ep4
28th Sep 2011
The guys turn their sights to underwater exploration -- building a homemade submarine out of a 4 x 4 plastic container farmers use to store fertilizer... and beer kegs, of course.
S1 Ep5
5th Oct 2011
In his day job at the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Travis has explored ways to protect the Earth from collision with an asteroid, but outside the office he'll actually put some of these ideas to the test.
S1 Ep6
5th Oct 2011
Most scientists think a manned mission to Mars would take at least one and a half years and billions of dollars, but Travis thinks it can be done faster and cheaper.
S1 Ep7
12th Oct 2011
The Rednecks build a massive radio telescope out of junkyard parts, in an attempt to pick up signals from distant galaxies.
S1 Ep8
12th Oct 2011
The Rednecks build a massive radio telescope out of junkyard parts, in an attempt to pick up signals from distant galaxies.
S1 Ep9
26th Oct 2011
The team create a floating "alternate energy power plant" out of old car parts and a waterwheel that creates all the energy required for a "Redneck Rec Room."
S1 Ep10
26th Oct 2011
The guys build a solar thermal rocket engine out of old satellite dishes to test out a free energy source that could travel between the stars - or power an old fishing boat.
S1 Ep11
2nd Nov 2011
Travis and the guys compete in NASA's Great Moonbuggy Race - an international competition to create a human-powered lunar vehicle designed to fit aboard a space capsule. Engineering teams around the world spend years designing entries but the Rednecks build theirs in one weekend. After all, Daddy did work on the original Apollo space program so they should have a leg up.
S1 Ep12
2nd Nov 2011
With NASAs shuttle program now defunct, the Rednecks decide to build their own big ass rocket. Staying true to their redneck roots, the team uses whatever they can find, including a farmers abandoned water tank and an old safety ladder, to craft a 700-pound rocket. But they have to buy the largest rocket engines you can get without being in the government.
S1 Ep13
16th Nov 2011
After 170 killer tornados tear through the South in just two days, the Rocket City Rednecks build a "tornado-proof outhouse" that can withstand F5 winds.
S1 Ep14
16th Nov 2011
The Rednecks put on a Fourth of July fireworks display using their own rocket fuel and a self-engineered computer program to remotely control the fireworks.
S1 Ep15
23rd Nov 2011
Energy prices are so high that the Boys want to find a way to create a home that's totally off-the-grid.
S1 Ep16
23rd Nov 2011
Using Pete and Travis's experience in military armor and Daddy and Michael's weaponry skills, the Rednecks create a fully-armored war-wagon mounted with a flame thrower and a giant potato cannon, suitable for hunting deer or chasing off invaders.
S1 Ep17
30th Nov 2011
The Rednecks experiment with the physics of slingshots and trebuchets, then rig a "Super-treb" with a pulley system and weather balloo... that looks more like a massive slingshot than a launch vehicle.
S1 Ep18
30th Nov 2011
Old sci-fi magazines once promised a Jetsons-style Hovercraft for everyone - but a redneck would prefer a "loungechair hovercraft.
S1 Ep19
7th Dec 2011
The Stealth Helicopter used in the Bin Laden assault gets Michael thinking - can he avoid another speeding ticket with a "stealth vehicle" that should be completely invisible to radar?
S1 Ep20
7th Dec 2011
Nothing is more redneck-y than a tailgate party, but Travis wants to use rocket science to turn the Ford Superduty into the ultimate in portable entertainment and food production for NASCAR.
The first episode of Rocket City Rednecks aired on September 28, 2011.
The last episode of Rocket City Rednecks aired on January 17, 2013.
There are 36 episodes of Rocket City Rednecks.
There are 2 seasons of Rocket City Rednecks.
Rocket City Rednecks has ended.