Indonesian Movie Awards Episode Rating Graph poster

Indonesian Movie Awards Episode Rating Graph


Indonesian Movie Awards Episode Rating Graph poster

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Indonesian Movie Awards is the appreciation for cinema person/production works that began in 2007. These awards are made because the result of FFI 2006 was quite disappointing for the Masyarakat Film Indonesia. But the IMA made not to compete with FFI. IMA exists to give appreciation to the best film cast, because they have the talent and achievements. IMA each year will always be present with the new format and different from FFI. If the FFI trophy that given is called Piala Citra. On IMA, the trophy given is called Piala Layar Emas. Winner in this event consists of Favorite and Best. Where the Best winner for the category selected by a jury. While the category of Favorite winner is selected by the public.

Best Episodes of Indonesian Movie Awards

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Worst Episodes of Indonesian Movie Awards

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Indonesian Movie Awards Episode Guide

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