Dragon Booster Episode Rating Graph
Oct 2004 - Dec 2006

Oct 2004 - Dec 2006
Browse episode ratings trends for Dragon Booster. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Dragon Booster's 39 episodes.
S3 Ep12
9th Dec 2006
In the final elimination race, Armeggadon tries to destroy Artha and Beau. Moordryd and Artha find out each others secret identities and join forces along with drakkus and Mortis to defeat Armeggadon in the Battle for the Ages.
S2 Ep12
12th Feb 2006
Mortis intervenes to save Artha from an elite warrior named Drakkus, but is injured during the fight; Mortis reveals himself as Artha's father (contradicting earlier official information that the two were separate characters), and Artha must find a way to release not only Beau's power, but his own as well.
S1 Ep11
19th Feb 2005
Moordryd challenges a prideful Dragon Booster for ownership of the legendary dragon Beau, secretly planning to use the Furox artifact to control Beau and deliver the dragon of legend to his father.
S1 Ep9
29th Jan 2005
When Artha is simultaneously required to participate in a street race, speak to the Down City Council, and Dragon City Security, Lance and Parmon volunteer to help him out by posing as the Dragon Booster, while Kitt is abducted by Moordryd's crew as a trap for the Dragon Booster.
S1 Ep6
4th Dec 2004
Artha, exhausted from both street racing and his training as the Dragon Booster, accepts a sponsor to help him win an upcoming race, but the sponsor is actually Word Paynn, and the new gear he receives puts Beau firmly under Word Paynn's control.
S3 Ep13
16th Dec 2006
Only one more Academy event remains: the Dragon City Academy Dragball Elimination Challenge, but Artha gets badly hurt fighting with the Shadow Booster. Will he take part or will he quit. Find out in the awe inspiring conclusion of Dragon Booster. The Episodes will now continue in: Dragon Booster Academy.
S1 Ep8
22nd Jan 2005
Artha falls into a trap set by Word Paynn and finds himself deep below Dragon City where he meets the short, reclusive leader of the Dragon Keepers crew. But he is also near the lair of an energy-draining dragon called the Muhorta, which Word plans to use to capture the Dragon Booster and dragon of legend.
S3 Ep10
11th Nov 2006
The group go to an ancient Green draconium Stronghold where the rest disappear and Parm is tested to see if he is worthy of a great power.
S1 Ep4
13th Nov 2004
A bank hiest implicates the Dragon Fist crew as responsible, and Moordryd challenges Phistus, the crew's leader, for control of the Down City Council, using a type of dragon developed by his father -- an invisible "wraith" dragon -- to defeat Phistus in the process.
S1 Ep10
5th Feb 2005
During a marathon race, Artha and his friends fall into a trap by Moordryd and land in the ancient Track of Doom, realm of the ancient, warlike Dragon Prophets; they must convince the dragons that they have the strength to prevent a new war between dragons and humans.
S1 Ep12
5th Mar 2005
Artha misjudges Kawake, retired champion of the sport of drag-ball, after which Word Paynn tricks Kawake into mining for black draconium directly below the city's support columns.
S1 Ep1
23rd Oct 2004
Artha's father, Connor Penn, has successfully bred a gold dragon, a breed considered extinct and spoken of only in ancient legends. The gold dragon Beaucephalis must choose a rider, but Word Paynn sends his son's crew to attack Connor's home and steal the dragon.
S2 Ep2
17th Sep 2005
Beau is poisoned by liquified black draconium from Word Paynn, which gradually turns him into a black dragon under Word's control.
S2 Ep5
8th Oct 2005
Artha Penn (a.k.a.: The Dragon Booster), and his dragon, Beaucephalus, are lured into a trap - turning them into the evil Wraith Booster! They travel across Dragon City, turning the citizens to stone - on a mission to ignite the "human-dragon war"... Their only hope lies with their arch-rival, Moordryd Paynn, to save the day...
S2 Ep6
15th Oct 2005
Artha gains media recognition and begins work as an actor for television commercials and even an upcoming film, but there is more going on behind the scenes than it appears.
S2 Ep7
22nd Oct 2005
The orange dragon Propheci appears in Dragon City to ask the Dragon Booster for help in stopping a civil war amongst his clan, but it is really a plot to draw the Dragon Booster away from the city so his clan can attack.
S2 Ep8
5th Nov 2005
The Dragon Booster is given an ancient device for safekeeping, but Moordryd learns what the device is and steals it to use against the Dragon Booster.
S2 Ep9
12th Nov 2005
A member of the Mechanists, who seems to be on no one's side but his own, appears in Dragon City to find and take the Horn of Libris.
S2 Ep10
20th Nov 2005
Artha misplaces his golden amulet; Lance is tasked with recovering it while Artha tries to stop a plan by Word to breed an army of pure black dragons.
S3 Ep2
16th Sep 2006
Artha and Beau accidentally get their minds switched by Word's Mind Gear.
S3 Ep3
23rd Sep 2006
Fistus gets framed, Again. Artha and Kit get framed as well. Breakout from Dragon City Precinct is staged with the help of Academy Racer Chute. Will the trio prove their innocence?.
S3 Ep7
21st Oct 2006
A dangerous mag blast causes the season to officially end and gives Moordryd the Academy right, but Artha rallies the other races and promises he'll race without any blasts if they keep the season going. Will he succeed?
S1 Ep1
23rd Oct 2004
Artha's father, Connor Penn, has successfully bred a gold dragon, a breed considered extinct and spoken of only in ancient legends. The gold dragon Beaucephalis must choose a rider, but Word Paynn sends his son's crew to attack Connor's home and steal the dragon.
S1 Ep2
30th Oct 2004
The gold dragon chose Artha as its rider, but his friends are attacked by members the Dragon Eyes crew. Meanwhile, Artha is taken to an underground temple and given an ancient gauntlet that transforms him into the hero of legend, the Dragon Booster.
S1 Ep3
6th Nov 2004
The dragon racer Pyrrah, normally one of the cleanest racers on the street, falls under the power of black mind-control gear developed by Word Paynn, and abducts Artha's younger brother in order to lure Artha into a trap.
S1 Ep4
13th Nov 2004
A bank hiest implicates the Dragon Fist crew as responsible, and Moordryd challenges Phistus, the crew's leader, for control of the Down City Council, using a type of dragon developed by his father -- an invisible "wraith" dragon -- to defeat Phistus in the process.
S1 Ep5
20th Nov 2004
Word Paynn challenges the Down City crews to recover an ancient artifact called the Furox, and Kitt Won, angry at not being thanked for helping Artha win a street race, is used to retrieve it.
S1 Ep6
4th Dec 2004
Artha, exhausted from both street racing and his training as the Dragon Booster, accepts a sponsor to help him win an upcoming race, but the sponsor is actually Word Paynn, and the new gear he receives puts Beau firmly under Word Paynn's control.
S1 Ep7
15th Jan 2005
Moordryd wins a race by cheating, and acquires its prize -- an ancient horn whose call summons a legendary grey dragon whom his father plans to use for inciting a new war.
S1 Ep8
22nd Jan 2005
Artha falls into a trap set by Word Paynn and finds himself deep below Dragon City where he meets the short, reclusive leader of the Dragon Keepers crew. But he is also near the lair of an energy-draining dragon called the Muhorta, which Word plans to use to capture the Dragon Booster and dragon of legend.
S1 Ep9
29th Jan 2005
When Artha is simultaneously required to participate in a street race, speak to the Down City Council, and Dragon City Security, Lance and Parmon volunteer to help him out by posing as the Dragon Booster, while Kitt is abducted by Moordryd's crew as a trap for the Dragon Booster.
S1 Ep10
5th Feb 2005
During a marathon race, Artha and his friends fall into a trap by Moordryd and land in the ancient Track of Doom, realm of the ancient, warlike Dragon Prophets; they must convince the dragons that they have the strength to prevent a new war between dragons and humans.
S1 Ep11
19th Feb 2005
Moordryd challenges a prideful Dragon Booster for ownership of the legendary dragon Beau, secretly planning to use the Furox artifact to control Beau and deliver the dragon of legend to his father.
S1 Ep12
5th Mar 2005
Artha misjudges Kawake, retired champion of the sport of drag-ball, after which Word Paynn tricks Kawake into mining for black draconium directly below the city's support columns.
S1 Ep13
9th Apr 2005
Artha begins to doubt himself as a leader, even as Word Paynn is capturing dragons of every element to synthesize an artificial legendary dragon of his own.
S1 Ep14
21st May 2005
Artha is given rare deflection gear to help him win an upcoming race, but Moordryd plans to steal it, Parmon swaps it out for homemade gear of his own, and Lance replaces it with an outright fake.
The first episode of Dragon Booster aired on October 23, 2004.
The last episode of Dragon Booster aired on December 16, 2006.
There are 39 episodes of Dragon Booster.
There are 3 seasons of Dragon Booster.
Dragon Booster has ended.