The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog Episode Rating Graph
Sep 1998 - May 1999

Sep 1998 - May 1999
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S1 Ep37
13th Feb 1999
Jealousy of Rohan's prominence leads Angus to a falling out with his friend.
S1 Ep24
14th Nov 1998
Garrett must overcome his arrogance in order to become the new Mystic Knight when he fights a giant spider in Banshee Woods. While Garrett is tangling with the giant spider, Mider summons four of the Spectres of the Banshee Woods to fight the other Knights.
S1 Ep1
12th Sep 1998
When her plans for war on Kells are revealed, Maeve begins to raise a monster to battle Kells troops. Told of the ancient scroll which can find Draganta, Rohan and Angus are on the trail, meeting with Ivar along the way. Deirdre follows as the four fall through a portal in the earth.
S1 Ep2
16th Sep 1998
In the fairy kingdom, the Knights are put through a series of tests to find their worth. Once they prove themselves, they are granted the Mystic Weapons which they use to fight back a Temra attack.
S1 Ep1
12th Sep 1998
When her plans for war on Kells are revealed, Maeve begins to raise a monster to battle Kells troops. Told of the ancient scroll which can find Draganta, Rohan and Angus are on the trail, meeting with Ivar along the way. Deirdre follows as the four fall through a portal in the earth.
S1 Ep2
16th Sep 1998
In the fairy kingdom, the Knights are put through a series of tests to find their worth. Once they prove themselves, they are granted the Mystic Weapons which they use to fight back a Temra attack.
S1 Ep3
17th Sep 1998
The Knights fail to tame Pyre the fire dragon and realize they need their armor to do so. Rohan is first, defeating the Ice Lord of Temra to gain his armor and then assisting the others in fighting a juggernaut.
S1 Ep4
18th Sep 1998
Deirde faces the Lightning Bat of Temra for her suit of armor. Meanwhile, Maeve tricks Rohan into thinking that Temra wants peace with Kells so that she can sic the Tash Hound of Temra on him.
S1 Ep5
19th Sep 1998
Ivar battles the Sea Serpent of Temra for his armor and his feelings about being in Kells. Meanwhile, the others protect a village from a Cyclops.
S1 Ep6
23rd Sep 1998
Maeve has her soldiers kidnap Angus to keep him from facing the Rock Wolf of Temra. When his friends rescue him, Angus confronts the Rock Wolf while the others fight the Bull of Temra.
S1 Ep7
24th Sep 1998
The Knights try to get Pyre on their side.
S1 Ep8
25th Sep 1998
The Knights manage to control Pyre to become an ally.
S1 Ep9
26th Sep 1998
Pyre reveals that Rohan himself is Draganta, which he is uneasy about. Maeve takes advantage to cast a spell that turns the other Knights against each other.
S1 Ep10
30th Sep 1998
Mider tricks the Knights into giving up their weapons as he takes over Tir Na Nog.
S1 Ep11
1st Oct 1998
Maeve uses a plant to control Pyre, forcing the Knights to fight him.
S1 Ep12
2nd Oct 1998
Maeve and Torc trick Rohan into reciting an incantation and bring the ancient dragon Tyrune to life.
S1 Ep13
3rd Oct 1998
The Knights must free Pyre in order to defeat Tyrune.
S1 Ep14
6th Oct 1998
Taking what she thinks is a potion to boost her strength, Aideen turns Deirde into stone and must undo the spell.
S1 Ep15
9th Oct 1998
Cathbad's druid teacher Seethchenn comes to Kells and seems to help the king making Cathbad feel unneeded. However, when it's discovered the druid is working for Maeve, Cathbad must overcome his doubts and fight his mentor.
S1 Ep16
17th Oct 1998
When Conchobar is taken ill by a spell in the form of a gift, Deirdre must become Queen in his stead. However, her worry about making the wrong choices pushes her to accept a challenge from Maeve that could spell disaster.
S1 Ep17
31st Oct 1998
Maeve takes advantage of a Kells holiday to send ghostly creatures to attack.
S1 Ep18
5th Nov 1998
Aideen accepts a spell from Maeve that turns her into a human so she can pursue Rohan. Maeve uses the opportunity to capture Deirdre, forcing Aideen to choose the princess or her new form.
S1 Ep19
6th Nov 1998
A messenger from Ivar's home requests his return as news comes of a new Temra attack. Both are part of a plan by Maeve to separate the Knights while she uses sleeping fog to take over Kells.
S1 Ep20
7th Nov 1998
On an errand for Cathbad, Deirde drinks from a magic pool that turns her into a hag. When she goes to Fin Varra for help, he's taken by her new appearance and shrinks her down to be with him.
S1 Ep21
11th Nov 1998
In order to forge an alliance, Conchobar agrees to marry Deirde to Garrett, a prince of another land. His arrogance soon rubs all the Knights the wrong way and they tell him to leave.
S1 Ep22
12th Nov 1998
Maeve uses a spell on Garrett to turn him into her fighter. He soon manages to defeat the Knights and steal their weapons.
S1 Ep23
13th Nov 1998
Told that Garrett is important to the future of Kells, the Knights manage to free him from his spell.
S1 Ep24
14th Nov 1998
Garrett must overcome his arrogance in order to become the new Mystic Knight when he fights a giant spider in Banshee Woods. While Garrett is tangling with the giant spider, Mider summons four of the Spectres of the Banshee Woods to fight the other Knights.
S1 Ep25
17th Nov 1998
The Knights discover a dragon's egg in the forest and must keep it from Maeve. Meanwhile, Angus falls in with some old thief friends of his, and Deirde and Garrett attempt to work out their relationship.
S1 Ep26
19th Nov 1998
Now hatched, the baby dragon is sought by both the Knights and Maeve.
S1 Ep27
20th Nov 1998
When the Northmen, a race of savage invaders, kidnap Conchobar and threaten the whole island, the Knights offer a truce to Maeve to fight them off. However, the invasion is all a ruse of Maeve's to take over Kells.
S1 Ep28
30th Jan 1999
Ivar is told the story of how Angus and Rohan became friends as children as well as how Torc joined with Maeve.
S1 Ep29
4th Feb 1999
Rohan and Deirdre work to clear Angus when he's accused of robbing villagers and vandalizing their properties. While Ivar is busy looking for the real culprit, Maeve summons a fire monster and sends it to Kells.
S1 Ep30
5th Feb 1999
Tricking Cathbad into turning him human-sized, Mider overthrows Maeve and becomes ruler of Temra. Realizing the power-mad fairy is a more dangerous threat, the Knights aid Maeve in taking back her throne as the answer to King Fin Varra's advice.
S1 Ep31
6th Feb 1999
Entering Tir Na Nog, Torc steals a powerful weapon that allows him to challenge the Knights.
S1 Ep32
8th Feb 1999
Ivar finally manages to steal back his people's chalice from Torc. However, the chalice is Mider's link to the dark realms and taking it back to Ivar's kingdom is too dangerous. Ivar decides to take the chalice anyway but is captured by Maeve while Mider is left stranded at Castle Kells.
S1 Ep33
9th Feb 1999
Conchobar is taken by a visiting lady but Deirdre senses something wrong about her.
S1 Ep34
10th Feb 1999
In order to stop a storm of dark magic, the kings of Kells and Tir Na Nog must switch places for a day. While Conchobar organizes the fairies into a fighting force, Fin Varra's more fun ways with the Kells soldiers leave them vulnerable to attack.
S1 Ep35
11th Feb 1999
After saving a wood elf, Angus is offered one wish and the other Knights pressure him to use it for their own desires.
S1 Ep36
12th Feb 1999
The Knights must find the kidnapped Fin Varra before Maeve steals his powers.
S1 Ep37
13th Feb 1999
Jealousy of Rohan's prominence leads Angus to a falling out with his friend.
S1 Ep38
20th Feb 1999
A young prince who seeks to have his kingdom ally with Temra comes to claim it and the Knights must keep him safe, despite his bratty attitude.
S1 Ep39
24th Feb 1999
A beautiful princess named Lynette is found on the shores of Kells without her memory by Fin Varra's scouts. Garrett grows closer to her while her arrival coincides with the monstrous Grindon attacking.
S1 Ep40
26th Feb 1999
Maeve casts a spell on Rohan that makes him doubt in his abilities and weakens him in battle.
S1 Ep41
2nd Mar 1999
Maeve resurrects the legendary warrior Balin and sets him against Kells, forcing Rohan to battle his idol.
S1 Ep42
23rd Apr 1999
Maeve awakens an ancient warrior who uses a scepter to take over the minds of Kells soldiers and the Knights.
S1 Ep43
26th Apr 1999
As the war turns against her, Maeve pulls out her secret weapon that was bred by her teacher Nemain: Lugad, a monstrous warrior.
S1 Ep44
27th Apr 1999
Lugad helps turn the tide of war for Temra as the Knights must figure a way to stop him. Rohan undergoes a dangerous test to gain the powerful Battle Fury armor.
S1 Ep45
28th Apr 1999
Rohan faces Lugad one on one and makes a stunning discovery that links them together.
S1 Ep46
29th Apr 1999
Rohan must try to convince Lugad of the truth about them.
S1 Ep47
30th Apr 1999
Captured by Maeve, Rohan is shocked to learn the secret of his origins.
S1 Ep48
5th May 1999
Contemplating leaving Kells, Rohan decides to stay and fight as Garrett returns to aid in the battle.
S1 Ep49
6th May 1999
Maeve launches a full on attack on Castle Kells that forces the Knights and Conchobar to retreat.
S1 Ep50
7th May 1999
Rohan must embrace his destiny to defeat Maeve once and for all.
The first episode of The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog aired on September 12, 1998.
The last episode of The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog aired on May 07, 1999.
There are 50 episodes of The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog.
There is one season of The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog.
The Mystic Knights of Tir Na Nog has ended.