Brainiac: Science Abuse Episode Rating Graph
Nov 2003 - Mar 2008

Nov 2003 - Mar 2008
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S5 Ep2
15th May 2007
.Vic Reeves tests the fire resistance of a meringue, and assists Jon Tickle in an attempt to create a DIY earthquake using Dynamite. Plus, Rik Waller takes part in the Celebrity Day Job Electrocution.
S4 Ep4
6th Aug 2006
The entertaining science show engages in more experiments with the main features in this episode being: Testing out the a variety of substances to determine the most itchiest, Can you run through wallpaper?, The search for the strongest bat, Finding out which food gives off the longest lasting smell and finding out if helium makes a stereo sound squeaky. More Microwaves and Caravans go boom and Derek Achorah is the celebrity on helium.
S3 Ep5
22nd Sep 2005
We take on the world’s best at darts – Brainiac style. Testing to destruction – microwaves and washing machines. Answering the big ones down at the warehouse. Burning through our cash with the help of Thermite. Quiet please – more splintering caravans on the 18th green. Is it possible to do a 360 on a swing. Which is Britain’s stickiest spread. Does dipping somebody’s hand in warm water while asleep make them wet themselves. Can you lose weight in a lift. Which is Britain’s noisiest food. Top tips for winning at laser games. Which is the fastest fast food. Blondes have more fun – do they. Lad v Lass discovers which is it best to be in identifying smells.
S3 Ep3
8th Sep 2005
Bunging things in microwaves, stuffing your face full of chocolate and chucking dry food down your neck. Also, we throw brainiacs around to make them throw up. We inflict more mindless destruction on innocent caravans. Is the anything you can do the night before to prevent you getting a hangover the next day. Lad v Lass discovers which is better at telling colours apart.
S3 Ep2
1st Sep 2005
Pants or tights – which is the best DIY bungee. Can you play fruit machines for free. We inflict more suffering down at the lab. Stand well back, we put more stuff in a microwave and more caravans into orbit. What is the best way to get rid of stinky breath. Which is the scariest ride at the funfair. What’s the best food to use in a food fight. What’s the best alternative hair removal product. Lad v Lass tests which is better when remembering things about people.
S2 Ep12
18th Nov 2004
Pooey, how do brainiacs smell after their Friday night curry. New balls please, we go golfing, the lazy man’s way. Jon Tickle get moosical down at the farm. Torturing brainiacs in the name of science. Isn’t science fun, we rid the planet of another caravan. Do holidays make you thick. Which is loudest, a baby or a drill. When people talk about you, do your ears really go red. And Tall v Small returns.
S2 Ep11
11th Nov 2004
Washing your smalls - the lazy man’s way. Does drinking lager make you bad at sport. What happens if you eat carrots for a month. The black box gets a kicking from a Bigfoot. Quiet please, we go snooker loopy and crack open another caravan. Back garden ballistics tries firing bowling balls and watermelons. And we see how dangerous chewing gum really is.
S2 Ep7
14th Oct 2004
The science of spittle. CO2 the sequel; racing with fire extinguishers! Dr Bunhead peddles more unwanted science tricks down at his local boozer. We use science to turn a softie into a fully-fledged hard man. Spoilsports! The Brainiac Sports distraction team are let loose on the golf course. Viewer Jade Hudson uses hamster power to fire up her telly. And Brainiac goes interactive offering one lucky viewer a starring role on the final show of the series!
S2 Ep5
30th Sep 2004
Which is faster - a motorbike, a golf ball, or a firework? Brainiac boffin Jon Tickle goes undercover with X-Ray specs. Vacuum cleaning - does it really suck? Brainiacs get sloshed checking out hangover cures. We do more bad things with a microwave oven. Tina Turner and her Bunsen burner are back with another big bang. It's slime time for Dr Bunhead! And a bunch of toffs take on our black box flight recorder.
S2 Ep3
16th Sep 2004
Richard Hammond finds out whether or not you can you really smell fear? We put more things we shouldn't inside a microwave oven. We make snooker interesting with the help of Quintin Hann, 6 caravans and some propane gas. Is it possible to drink lager whilst being electrocuted? Can an increase in testosterone make a wimp well 'ard. Status Quo put the rock and roll into acoustic science. We check out more things Jon Tickle's body can't do. Charlotte Hudson is on hand to help a member of the public ' do science'. The Homer Simpson of science Dr Bunhead takes his lab to the local - and gets barred! And your chance to vote and win a starring role on Brainiac with Explosive of the week.
S2 Ep2
9th Sep 2004
Can a noise frequency make you poo your pants? What happens when you od on 02? Can you serve wine whilst being electrocuted?5 top Brainiac tips to help you beat the slot machines Will a Napalm attack destroy a black box flight recorder? Who will win in race between a slug, a snail and a tortoise? What to do if you're caught unawares by global warmingDoes being tickled create a pant wetting experience? More things not to put in your microwave Do tight pants make you go faster? Plus Tina Turner and her Bunsen burner and Brainiac gives you the chance to win a starring role on the final show of the series
S5 Ep1
8th May 2007
Vic Reeves takes over as the new host of Brainiac for a fifth series. This week the brainiacs are testing out such things as: can you run through a wall of sellotape and what is the fastest means of transport for your luggage!
S1 Ep1
13th Nov 2003
Can high explosives make your donner kebab taste the business. Can safety equipment really protect your body from attack. Can we turn a mobile phone into a time bomb. Brainiac boffin Jon Tickle finds out whether eating bagels can make you fail a drug test. Is staring at a woman’s breasts for 30 minute the equivalent of a 30 minute workout. What will make a man run faster – greed or fear? We travel to Swindon to experiment with Mexican waves. Is it better to be Fat or Thin in a sinking ship? We try to break open a safe by dropping it from a great height. Does laughing gas really make everything funny.
S4 Ep1
16th Jul 2006
In the return of a new series former MP Neil Hamilton goes in the electric chair, there's a search for the UK's fizziest drink, which is Britain’s loudest bang, which food stuff makes the best DIY shaving cream, a lucky viewer becomes Brainiac for a day, a Hollywood star pays a visit to the Brainiac lot, how many 360 degree turns can you do without falling over, Dr. Bunhead is at a service station near you, and get ready for the world series of Brainiac darts.
S4 Ep8
3rd Sep 2006
In Tonight's episode of Brainiac. We go through a range of experiments including: Finding out which is the most painful place on the body to pinch, Finding out what happens if you jump at the last second of a lift-freefall, What food pets really like, What the fastest way to travel on foot is, and many more.
S1 Ep4
4th Dec 2003
High voltage hi-jinks – our team of brainiacs gets to grips with electricity. We scientifically measure how much better looking women become after a couple of pints. Crackpot scientist Dr. Bunhead meddles with liquid oxygen. Tossing a salad, the lazy man’s way. We find out what goes on inside your stomach. After trying our carbon dioxide vehicles on land and water, now we try the sky. Does it cost less to send a parcel if it’s filled with helium balloons. What is the largest paper plane that will actually fly. Does a tooth dissolve if it’s left in a glass of cola overnight. Can you learn while you sleep. Former specialised debt collector Dave Courtney tackles our safe. And Fat v Thin continues.
S5 Ep3
22nd May 2007
Vic Reeves, Jon Tickle and Charlotte Hudson join forces to wreak havoc in the laboratory, and try to answer a selection of puzzling scientific questions. The trio are joined by GMTV weather presenter Clare Nasir, who takes part in the Celebrity Day Job Electrocution challenge.
S1 Ep2
20th Nov 2003
How to make perfect toast - the lazy man’s way. NASA eat your heart out, we join the space race with shopping trollies. We ask which food produces the smelliest fart. Can Brainiac Boffin Jon Tickle walk on custard. Brainiacs play golf to test the laws of probability. If you’ve got something important the next day, is it better to be tired or wired. Jon Tickle launches his office rocket. We find out if pheromone spray works on our lovely Julie. Three firemen tackle our safe. And Fat v Thin continues.
S1 Ep5
11th Dec 2003
Ginger whingers – are redheads more sensitive to pain than brunettes. Taking down their particulars – is a job interview easier if the panel are naked. Indestructible objects – are they, really. Brainiac Boffin Jon Tickle really pushes his luck. Dog Whistles – If we can’t hear them, how do we know they work. If sports drinks get into your body faster, can they get out again quicker. After eating a kebab which drink is best to cool your mouth. Can you see the stars during the day if you’re at the bottom of a well. Modern art, the lazy man’s way. Explosives experts tackle the safe. And Fat v Thin continues.
S1 Ep6
18th Dec 2003
Which bomb produces the biggest splash. What happens when you mix up gardening with high explosives. How much weight can resident Brainiac Boffin Jon Tickle lose in just 4 hours. Through plans on the internet, you can build your own personal hovercraft. ESP is put to the test with a pair of twins. Which roll of tape in your kitchen drawer is the stickiest. Can a water cooler get down for speeding. Can we stretch our shortest brainiac enough to get him on a rollercoaster. Does high performance equipment result in a high performance performance. The British Army take on the safe. And Fat v Thin concludes.
S2 Ep6
7th Oct 2004
What's the best way to drive when you're running on empty? Jon Tickle uses science to pick a date for the evening. More microwave meals cooked Brainiac style. What's the fastest way to get ketchup out a bottle? NEW FEATURE: The Appliance of Science! Tina Turner takes time out from recording her new album to blow something up. Pins and needles - We check out Brainiacupuncture!
S2 Ep8
21st Oct 2004
Battle of the bats - we ask "Which is Britain's best sport?." Does time really fly when you're having fun? Thank God for science - we say cheerio to another caravan. Will a blackbox flight recorder survive an acid bath? Brainiac boffin Jon Tickle goes ballistic with the help of some fruit and veg. Which socks are the slipperiest? Tina Tuner + her Bunsen Burner + TNT = A recipe for disaster. We go gardening the lazy man's way. And your last chance to vote and win with Explosive of the week.
S1 Ep1
13th Nov 2003
Can high explosives make your donner kebab taste the business. Can safety equipment really protect your body from attack. Can we turn a mobile phone into a time bomb. Brainiac boffin Jon Tickle finds out whether eating bagels can make you fail a drug test. Is staring at a woman’s breasts for 30 minute the equivalent of a 30 minute workout. What will make a man run faster – greed or fear? We travel to Swindon to experiment with Mexican waves. Is it better to be Fat or Thin in a sinking ship? We try to break open a safe by dropping it from a great height. Does laughing gas really make everything funny.
S1 Ep2
20th Nov 2003
How to make perfect toast - the lazy man’s way. NASA eat your heart out, we join the space race with shopping trollies. We ask which food produces the smelliest fart. Can Brainiac Boffin Jon Tickle walk on custard. Brainiacs play golf to test the laws of probability. If you’ve got something important the next day, is it better to be tired or wired. Jon Tickle launches his office rocket. We find out if pheromone spray works on our lovely Julie. Three firemen tackle our safe. And Fat v Thin continues.
S1 Ep3
27th Nov 2003
Can we accelerate as fast as a jet on a kiddies roundabout. Smash and grab – can a stock car team crack one of the world’s toughest safes. Would you bet your teeth on the laws of science. Resident Brainiac Boffin Jon Tickle takes to the water. How much weight can you lose by having a dump. Making chips – the lazy man’s way. Does a duck’s quack echo. How many times can you fold a piece of paper in half. Which commonly used household oil is the most dangerous. Why are you lighter on a morning than when you go to bed. We test subliminal advertising. And Fat v Thin continues.
S1 Ep4
4th Dec 2003
High voltage hi-jinks – our team of brainiacs gets to grips with electricity. We scientifically measure how much better looking women become after a couple of pints. Crackpot scientist Dr. Bunhead meddles with liquid oxygen. Tossing a salad, the lazy man’s way. We find out what goes on inside your stomach. After trying our carbon dioxide vehicles on land and water, now we try the sky. Does it cost less to send a parcel if it’s filled with helium balloons. What is the largest paper plane that will actually fly. Does a tooth dissolve if it’s left in a glass of cola overnight. Can you learn while you sleep. Former specialised debt collector Dave Courtney tackles our safe. And Fat v Thin continues.
S1 Ep5
11th Dec 2003
Ginger whingers – are redheads more sensitive to pain than brunettes. Taking down their particulars – is a job interview easier if the panel are naked. Indestructible objects – are they, really. Brainiac Boffin Jon Tickle really pushes his luck. Dog Whistles – If we can’t hear them, how do we know they work. If sports drinks get into your body faster, can they get out again quicker. After eating a kebab which drink is best to cool your mouth. Can you see the stars during the day if you’re at the bottom of a well. Modern art, the lazy man’s way. Explosives experts tackle the safe. And Fat v Thin continues.
S1 Ep6
18th Dec 2003
Which bomb produces the biggest splash. What happens when you mix up gardening with high explosives. How much weight can resident Brainiac Boffin Jon Tickle lose in just 4 hours. Through plans on the internet, you can build your own personal hovercraft. ESP is put to the test with a pair of twins. Which roll of tape in your kitchen drawer is the stickiest. Can a water cooler get down for speeding. Can we stretch our shortest brainiac enough to get him on a rollercoaster. Does high performance equipment result in a high performance performance. The British Army take on the safe. And Fat v Thin concludes.
The first episode of Brainiac: Science Abuse aired on November 13, 2003.
The last episode of Brainiac: Science Abuse aired on March 16, 2008.
There are 59 episodes of Brainiac: Science Abuse.
There are 6 seasons of Brainiac: Science Abuse.
Brainiac: Science Abuse has ended.