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My Date with a Vampire II Episode Guide 第8集 堂本静开车撞向梦梦,阮母忘记梦梦已死,扑出相救被车撞倒垂危。天佑以极速身法送阮母到医院。求叔表示唯一救人办法是找一福气之人将福气给予阮母,但给予福气之人亦会遇上一劫,求叔一夹下只得珍珍合适,珍珍坚持救阮母,求叔嘱梦梦将阮母魂魄救回,谁知二人差点被鬼差捉走,dum为救梦梦,牺牲自己。未来发现自己被绑在通天阁,时堂本静认为未来大难不死,定是僵尸,感到终觅得伴侣。时天佑赶至,欲杀堂本静之际,小玲喝止,堂本静乘机逃脱,天佑与小玲即大打出手。小镇上,众人赶至,赫然见镇上村民竟已全数被杀,时莱利出现,要杀众人,莱利狂性大发,威力出乎意料之外,合众人之力竟也不敌莱利。天佑被莱利打至重伤,命已不保,时况国华突然出现,二人样貌竟一模一样,国华见天佑已死,仰天痛哭,变作僵尸之身! 莱利带着珍珍冲离古堡,孔雀、正中赶至,小玲重创莱利,时突见一团亮光出现,众人发现诗雅的尸体,莱利伤心悲恸,时莱利亦死去,最后化成小精灵。众人执拾好行李准备离去,往机场途中,国华闷声不响,时珍珍帮国华抹汗,国华一惊把珍珍推开,众人奇怪,谁也没发觉面前的天佑竟是国华,而且还是只僵尸!复生(张国权)以义工身份,在医院内照顾病重老人家,其中有一个盲眼病人何伯,复生照料得特别细心,其实何伯正是复生的父亲,复生更唱歌给何伯听,何伯欣然。小玲等人返回嘉嘉大厦,小玲发现衰运鬼阿Dum出现,着各人小心,因所有看见阿Dum的人也会行衰运。国华返家,拿着天佑的生活照边看边回想当年与妻子阿秀的往事。阮梦梦为了要赚快钱,决定参选洋紫荆小姐,望能踏上星途。梦梦在递交表格回家途中,发现一女子尸体跪于街角处,梦梦不禁呆住。
next When did the first episode of My Date with a Vampire II air? The first episode of My Date with a Vampire II aired on March 06, 2000.
When did the last episode of My Date with a Vampire II air? The last episode of My Date with a Vampire II aired on December 25, 2000.
How many episodes of My Date with a Vampire II are there? There are 43 episodes of My Date with a Vampire II.
How many seasons of My Date with a Vampire II are there? There is one season of My Date with a Vampire II.
Is My Date with a Vampire II still in production? Will there be future episodes of My Date with a Vampire II? My Date with a Vampire II is set to return for future episodes.
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