Extreme Fishing With Robson Green Episode Rating Graph
Sep 2008 - present

Sep 2008 - present
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S2 Ep6
6th Apr 2009
Robson heads to southern Australia to catch some of the most exotic creatures he has yet encountered. He dives in a shark-proof cage to recover abalone, a form of mollusc; tangles with feisty blue manna crabs; retrieves poisonous octopuses; and joins in the World Championship Tuna Toss.
S2 Ep7
13th Apr 2009
The actor profiles the hottest fishing destinations around the globe, beginning with Thailand, where he samples the delights of Bangkok's infamous fish market before attempting to land the fast and feisty arapaima. He visits the River Kwai and spends a night on a raft in the middle of a lake. He rounds off his trip by trying to catch a stingray.
S5 Ep6
16th Jun 2011
Short-Tailed River Stingray, Golden Dorado, Yellow Piranha, Silver Piranha, Pacu
S3 Ep1
21st Jan 2010
Robson begins his journey at Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe, Africa, where he hunts down the vundu catfish, known locally as the `steam train' because of its strength. He also examines the kapenta fishing industry, which is integral to life in the country because it provides protein for the low-income populace. In Victoria Falls, he has to prove his courage when angling for tiger fish in a deep pool called the `boiling pot', before braving the grade five Zambezi whitewater rapids.
S2 Ep5
30th Mar 2009
Robson faces perhaps his toughest challenge yet when he visits the eastern seaboard of the United States. The North Atlantic is famous for the number of sharks patrolling the waters – ‘Jaws’ was filmed here – but is Robson brave enough to try and catch one? Although great whites are very rare, there are plenty of other shark varieties, such as the vicious mako. But when Robson finally nets himself a shark, it is slightly less frightening than Spielberg’s creation...
S1 Ep4
22nd Sep 2008
Robson is closer to home in this final instalment, but his European fishing trip promises many exotic and varied sporting challenges. First, he is on the hunt for the classic prize of game fishing – the mighty blue marlin. The intrepid seaman’s base is Faial, an island in Portugal’s Azores group. As Robson sets out, clouds gather on the horizon. Will the weather thwart his mission? Next stop is the Canary Islands where Robson attempts to test the limits of his gut by tasting escolar – a snake mackerel found in warm waters around the world. Consumption of escolar is banned in several countries because of its ability to make the eater violently ill as rapidly as half an hour after a meal. The Canary Islanders are big fans of the delicacy. Will Robson share their enthusiasm? The final destination of the series is the River Ebro in Spain, home to the wels catfish. This freshwater monster, which can grow up to ten feet in length, can only be found in European rivers and lakes. Robson is a dab hand at reeling in a 20lb salmon. But how will he fare against one of these beauties, which can be 16 times that size?
S1 Ep3
15th Sep 2008
Robson travels to South Africa, where he finds himself in shark-infested waters while paddle skiing. He also tries his hand at reef fishing in a bid to land the biggest salmon of his career.
S1 Ep2
8th Sep 2008
For the second leg of his adventure, Robson heads to the Tennessee river in the Deep South of the US to try 'catfish grabbling'. This perilous sport involves catching giant catfish without using rods.
S5 Ep3
26th May 2011
Black Bass, Ruby Snapper
S3 Ep2
28th Jan 2010
The actor heads for the east coast of Kenya, where the Indian Ocean offers some of the best game fishing in the world. Joining a local expert, he encounters a large wahoo fish while searching for the elusive dorado, before going back to basics to learn a traditional fishing technique that consists of just lines and bare hands. Robson also visits Lake Victoria, where an unusual method is employed to catch whitebait.
S2 Ep2
9th Mar 2009
Robson's fishing quest takes him from the north Atlantic to the South Pacific.
S5 Ep1
12th May 2011
Six Gilled Shark, Rock Hind Grouper, Moray Eel, Black Durgon, Yellow-fin Tuna, Deep Water Bullseye, Blackjack, Amberjack
S3 Ep6
8th Nov 2010
The actor heads to the coast of west Africa, where he begins by hunting for the Atlantic sailfish. In Guinea-Bissau, he hauls out two red snappers and a bigeye jackfish, before landing himself a marbled grouper, renowned for being one of the tastiest fish to eat in the world. The following morning, Robson visits a large wreck that is full of sea life, hoping to catch his first barracuda, but things do not go according to plan.
S3 Ep8
21st Nov 2010
Robson starts his Japanese adventure with an early morning visit to Tokyo’s famous Tsukiji market – the largest fish market in the world. Ten per cent of all the fish caught across the globe pass through this vast emporium, which takes millions of pounds every day. Some 400 different types of seafood are sold here – amongst them the highly poisonous fugu, or blowfish. “It says a lot about the Japanese that their favourite delicacy is a fish that could send you six feet under,” reflects Robson. “And they’ll pay up to a hundred quid for the pleasure!”
S3 Ep7
15th Nov 2010
The actor heads to Cuba, where he begins by fishing with locals on an esplanade in Havana. He then visits one of the country's biggest rivers, the Rio Hatiguanico, to hunt for tarpon, before travelling to the remote island of Cayo Romano in search of bonefish. Having landed some impressive game fish, Robson sails to a reef near Trinidad marina in the hope of catching something for his dinner.
S3 Ep10
6th Dec 2010
The actor heads for the city of Kochi on the south-west coast of India, where he tries his hand at a fishing technique developed in the early 15th century. He is also given a chance to take part in an evening dance performance, but fails to make any catches at the popular Alappuzha resort. He concludes this leg of his adventure in the Maldives, but when bad weather strikes he resolves to persevere, and his determination is rewarded when he lands a red snapper.
S5 Ep4
2nd Jun 2011
Northern Pike, Arctic Char, Stone Char, Steelhead, Arctic grayling
S5 Ep5
9th Jun 2011
Flame Snapper, Ornate Jobfish, Spanish Mackerel, Barracuda, Silvertip shark, Thicklip grey mullet, Crab, Giant Trevally
S4 Ep2
19th May 2011
Robson’s journey continues in Patagonia, a region spanning the southern parts of Chile and Argentina. He is on a mission to fish at the southernmost city in the world, Ushuaia. This place really is the end of the Earth – if Robson went much further south, he would end up in Antarctica. But before Robson gets there, he is after an extra-special prize. Ushuaia is in Argentinean Patagonia. But on the Chilean side of the border, in Torres del Paine, there could be waiting one of the catches of Robson’s life. Robson was raised on salmon fishing, and in the waters here swim Chinook salmon, the largest on the planet. The biggest Robson has ever caught was round 18lb. In these waters, he hopes to get one double that size. When he gets one on the end of his line, he can barely believe the fight this mighty fish puts up. With its runs and leaps, this is one of the most spectacular sights ever seen on the water. But with a fish like this, there are no guarantees – and just because Robson has it on the line, it doesn’t mean he is going to get it to the shore. However, fishing at the ends of the Earth holds still bigger worries in store for Robson. Just as he arrives, a fuel protest sees locals blocking the roads. Suddenly, Robson and his crew are trapped and his whole journey to Ushuaia and the ends of the Earth is in jeopardy. Still, it gives him the chance for more fishing. In a deserted spot, he celebrates a big catch as nature intended – shouting at the top of his voice, whilst running for the hills… naked. But, Robson cannot stay in Chile forever. He may have only come here to fish, but soon he finds himself making a thrilling break for the border. In Patagonia, commercial fishermen go after another prize catch, and it gives Robson a chance to bag the biggest crab of his life, the centolla. These things get to well over 3 feet across and look like the stuff of nightmares. As Robson tries to get his hands on one, he quickly realises that these guys do not take any take prisoners. Soon, the Geordie actor is a working Patagonian crab fisherman, dealing with some of the most foul- smelling bait of his life – and some of the scariest-looking creatures he has ever plucked from the water.
S1 Ep1
1st Sep 2008
It is time to set sail for new shores, and Playa Flamingo Marina in Costa Rica seems the best place to start. It is the largest marina in the country and a major destination for game fishing. On the menu are wahoo, marlin, tuna and the spectacular sailfish. Purported to be the fastest fish in the water, the creatures have been known to reach speeds of up to 68mph. Can the actor hook the ultimate prize? After being exposed to the elements in Costa Rica, Robson wonders whether he is out of his depth fishing on the open sea. Thankfully, he is aided by two savvy seamen, who teach him some essential tricks of the trade. Trolling slender ballyhoo lures, which zip through the water, they set about trying to attract tuna. It is not long before the crew spots a pod of dolphins – a sure sign that tuna are about Next, it is up to Upala in the north, near the border with Nicaragua, to meet up with some very special anglers. The Club National de Pesca is Costa Rica’s most exclusive fly-fishing organisation. River-angling may be Robson’s domain, but these fishermen use a decidedly more extreme technique After meeting some of the club’s esteemed members, Robson and the group go down to the water’s edge. The actor is appalled to see that the river conditions are less than perfect, as the water is coloured and very deep. But his guides are not deterred, announcing that they will don lifejackets and float down the river, trawling their lines with them. This is a big shock for a man who is used to having his feet planted firmly on the riverbed. But the worst news is yet to come – the men are fishing for machaca, a relative of the piranha... The last leg of Robson’s Costa Rican junket sees him travel to southern Utala to spend some time with an indigenous tribe who rely on fish as their main source of food. The Maleku people teach Robson to use a basic line-fishing method in which fruit provides the bait for some hungrier machaca.
S3 Ep5
1st Nov 2010
The actor goes angling in Brazil, where he fishes for deadly black piranhas in the Amazon river. He then heads to Rio Negro where he encounters pink river dolphins, and goes to the remote fishing community of Jaraua as he sets out to catch the world's biggest freshwater fish - the 10-foot long pirarucu.
S3 Ep9
29th Nov 2010
Robson’s Panamanian adventure begins in the 164sq ft Lake Gatun in the middle of the Panama canal. To increase his chances of landing some of the beautiful peacock bass reported to inhabit these waters, Robson has joined up with world record-holding angler and local legend Ciccio, who is brimming with confidence about this trip. “I can’t wait to get stuck in!” enthuses Robson. After feeding fruit to some local monkeys, Robson casts his first line with assurance. However, it is not until a few hours and several unsuccessful casts later that Robson lands his first peacock. “I’m happy about the fish, but I’m even happier I best Ciccio to the prize!” he says. Not to be outdone, Ciccio quickly brings in another – much larger – fish, but Robson’s good mood remains. ”What a way to start my trip!” he says. “I’m beginning to fall in love with Panama.”
S1 Ep1
1st Sep 2008
It is time to set sail for new shores, and Playa Flamingo Marina in Costa Rica seems the best place to start. It is the largest marina in the country and a major destination for game fishing. On the menu are wahoo, marlin, tuna and the spectacular sailfish. Purported to be the fastest fish in the water, the creatures have been known to reach speeds of up to 68mph. Can the actor hook the ultimate prize? After being exposed to the elements in Costa Rica, Robson wonders whether he is out of his depth fishing on the open sea. Thankfully, he is aided by two savvy seamen, who teach him some essential tricks of the trade. Trolling slender ballyhoo lures, which zip through the water, they set about trying to attract tuna. It is not long before the crew spots a pod of dolphins – a sure sign that tuna are about Next, it is up to Upala in the north, near the border with Nicaragua, to meet up with some very special anglers. The Club National de Pesca is Costa Rica’s most exclusive fly-fishing organisation. River-angling may be Robson’s domain, but these fishermen use a decidedly more extreme technique After meeting some of the club’s esteemed members, Robson and the group go down to the water’s edge. The actor is appalled to see that the river conditions are less than perfect, as the water is coloured and very deep. But his guides are not deterred, announcing that they will don lifejackets and float down the river, trawling their lines with them. This is a big shock for a man who is used to having his feet planted firmly on the riverbed. But the worst news is yet to come – the men are fishing for machaca, a relative of the piranha... The last leg of Robson’s Costa Rican junket sees him travel to southern Utala to spend some time with an indigenous tribe who rely on fish as their main source of food. The Maleku people teach Robson to use a basic line-fishing method in which fruit provides the bait for some hungrier machaca.
S1 Ep2
8th Sep 2008
For the second leg of his adventure, Robson heads to the Tennessee river in the Deep South of the US to try 'catfish grabbling'. This perilous sport involves catching giant catfish without using rods.
S1 Ep3
15th Sep 2008
Robson travels to South Africa, where he finds himself in shark-infested waters while paddle skiing. He also tries his hand at reef fishing in a bid to land the biggest salmon of his career.
S1 Ep4
22nd Sep 2008
Robson is closer to home in this final instalment, but his European fishing trip promises many exotic and varied sporting challenges. First, he is on the hunt for the classic prize of game fishing – the mighty blue marlin. The intrepid seaman’s base is Faial, an island in Portugal’s Azores group. As Robson sets out, clouds gather on the horizon. Will the weather thwart his mission? Next stop is the Canary Islands where Robson attempts to test the limits of his gut by tasting escolar – a snake mackerel found in warm waters around the world. Consumption of escolar is banned in several countries because of its ability to make the eater violently ill as rapidly as half an hour after a meal. The Canary Islanders are big fans of the delicacy. Will Robson share their enthusiasm? The final destination of the series is the River Ebro in Spain, home to the wels catfish. This freshwater monster, which can grow up to ten feet in length, can only be found in European rivers and lakes. Robson is a dab hand at reeling in a 20lb salmon. But how will he fare against one of these beauties, which can be 16 times that size?
The first episode of Extreme Fishing With Robson Green aired on September 01, 2008.
The last episode of Extreme Fishing With Robson Green aired on June 16, 2011.
There are 38 episodes of Extreme Fishing With Robson Green.
There are 5 seasons of Extreme Fishing With Robson Green.
Extreme Fishing With Robson Green is set to return for future episodes.