Murdered at First Sight Episode Rating Graph
Mar 2022 - present

Mar 2022 - present
Browse episode ratings trends for Murdered at First Sight. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Murdered at First Sight's 20 episodes.
S1 Ep8
20th Apr 2022
When Matthew accepts a ride home from two men, his case makes headline news when he is tortured and left for dead in a hate-fuelled attack.
S1 Ep10
4th May 2022
In the early hours of 30th January 2016 after a night out with friends, distressed and vulnerable India Chipchase (20) is lured into a cab by a stranger promising to get her home safe from outside a nightclub in Northampton. The following day, her body is found raped and strangled to death at the home of the man who promised to help and protect her.
S1 Ep4
23rd Mar 2022
Two teenage girls have the misfortune of crossing paths with a cold-blooded killer, one year apart.
S1 Ep2
9th Mar 2022
After missing her bus, Yingying Zhang is offered a lift by a man posing as a policeman. This fateful encounter would lead to her horrific murder.
S1 Ep3
16th Mar 2022
The story of 11-year-old Jeralee, who was lured into the car of James Edward Wood - a man with no reason to harm but a strong desire to kill.
S1 Ep1
2nd Mar 2022
Twenty-year-old Tashan Daniel was waiting for a train to take him to a football match when a fateful encounter on the platform changed everything.
S2 Ep4
5th Jul 2023
Things end in tragedy when 27-year-old Michael Hoolickin steps in to defend a woman being hit by her brother
S2 Ep5
12th Jul 2023
As 13-year-old Lauren Landavoza walks home from school, a 22-year-old loner is getting ready to ensure that if he can't have her, no one can.
S2 Ep1
14th Jun 2023
The shocking case of a woman stabbed more than 70 times by a teenager who who researched murder and serial killers on the internet
S2 Ep2
21st Jun 2023
Teenager Hunter Smith starts a new life in order to provide for his young daughter, but his dreams are cruelly dashed while hitchhiking in the US
S2 Ep3
28th Jun 2023
In 1984,12-year-old Jonelle Matthews is dropped home following a Christmas performance. But when her father returns, Jonelle isn't there
S2 Ep6
19th Jul 2023
As Mikey Rainsford gets ready to meet his girlfriend, he's unaware that two strangers are lurking outside in the darkness out for revenge.
S1 Ep1
2nd Mar 2022
Twenty-year-old Tashan Daniel was waiting for a train to take him to a football match when a fateful encounter on the platform changed everything.
S1 Ep2
9th Mar 2022
After missing her bus, Yingying Zhang is offered a lift by a man posing as a policeman. This fateful encounter would lead to her horrific murder.
S1 Ep3
16th Mar 2022
The story of 11-year-old Jeralee, who was lured into the car of James Edward Wood - a man with no reason to harm but a strong desire to kill.
S1 Ep4
23rd Mar 2022
Two teenage girls have the misfortune of crossing paths with a cold-blooded killer, one year apart.
S1 Ep5
30th Mar 2022
As hardworking family man Robin Chard makes his way home to his wife, he crosses paths with two men who carry out a brutal and unprovoked attack on him, ending his life.
S1 Ep6
6th Apr 2022
While walking her dogs at a local beauty spot, Debbie Buxton is killed in a frenzied and unprovoked attack by David Bond.
S1 Ep7
13th Apr 2022
In 2015, a bizarre home invasion leaves 69-year-old pastor Ron Browning dead when he opens his door to 19-year-old Camille Brown.
S1 Ep8
20th Apr 2022
When Matthew accepts a ride home from two men, his case makes headline news when he is tortured and left for dead in a hate-fuelled attack.
S1 Ep9
27th Apr 2022
19-year-old Celine accepts a ride from a lorry driver, but never makes it to her destination. Ten days later, her body is found.
S1 Ep10
4th May 2022
In the early hours of 30th January 2016 after a night out with friends, distressed and vulnerable India Chipchase (20) is lured into a cab by a stranger promising to get her home safe from outside a nightclub in Northampton. The following day, her body is found raped and strangled to death at the home of the man who promised to help and protect her.
The first episode of Murdered at First Sight aired on March 02, 2022.
The last episode of Murdered at First Sight aired on August 22, 2023.
There are 20 episodes of Murdered at First Sight.
There are 2 seasons of Murdered at First Sight.
Murdered at First Sight is set to return for future episodes.