The World's Strictest Parents Episode Rating Graph poster

The World's Strictest Parents Episode Rating Graph

Sep 2008 - Dec 2011


The World's Strictest Parents Episode Rating Graph poster

The World's Strictest Parents is a television series developed by TwentyTwenty Television, originally broadcast in Britain by the BBC. America's CMT and Australia's Channel Seven have both created localised versions of the programme, with the CMT episodes frequently rebroadcasting on MTV. There is also a German version called "Die strengsten Eltern der Welt". The concept is that two so-called "unruly" teenagers are sent to live abroad with a strict host family for a week in an attempt to change their behaviour. During the week they receive an impact letter from their real parents with a list of issues they should try to fix.

Best Episodes of The World's Strictest Parents

Worst Episodes of The World's Strictest Parents

The World's Strictest Parents Episode Guide