Lock Upp Episode Rating Graph
Feb 2022 - present

Feb 2022 - present
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S1 Ep1
27th Feb 2022
Kangana Ranaut rakes the stage to talk about the show and the concept. She says that in her jail, it would not matter if the contestant is a star kid, influential politician or a famous business person – all that matters is the person needs to be controversial. Kangana also introduces the media people who will screen the Lock Upp contestants and put them up on a media trial. She then introduces the Lock Upp contestant.
S1 Ep2
28th Feb 2022
In the first nominations, The inmates nominate any two other inmates. Payal Rohatgi and Anjali Arora seem to be distraught by the lack of amenities given inside the house. They put forward their dissent and urge the jailer to give them at least the necessities. Payal puts forward the issue that the house has no access to sunlight or any form of the external environment. She explains, on camera, how she has been to a real Lock Upp and even there the environment is friendly with the view of trees and sunlight.
S1 Ep3
1st Mar 2022
The contestants stage a protest and decide to go on a hunger strike if they are not provided with the basic amenities in the house. Babita requests the jailer to provide her with warm water as she has an issue with her legs and needs it for physio. Nisha Rawal, Sara Khan, Saisha, and others complain that they are not provided with their innerwear. Poonam Pandey complained of not having enough food supply as she needs her energy for her low BP. Even Anjali Arora complains of not having her makeup sent. To this, Munawar Farouqi comments that they are all locked up in jail and not a five-star hotel where all their whims and fancies will be catered to. Will the jailer take action against the contestants' mutiny?
S1 Ep4
2nd Mar 2022
The day begins with the noisy alarm from the jailer which makes the inmates wake up in frustration. Later, in the day the contestants discuss the task that took place on the previous day. Poonam Pandey, Nisha Rawal, and Saisha also discuss their controversies which made them a part of the show. Poonam and Nisha talk about their abusive relationships and the consequences that they had to face for it while Saisha talks about the various unsolicited advice that was given to her before she undertook the gender reconstruction surgery. Later, the jailer announces that since the right block had won the task on the previous day they will be given all the things they had asked for. Everything rejoices to hear this and rushes to get their belongings. However, Payal had asked for sunlight which does not seem to be in sight yet.
S1 Ep5
3rd Mar 2022
Sara wakes up to find the heart that Shivam made for her in the night. She tells him that she had seen it in the night as well and compliments him. Shivam continues to flirt with Sara which makes her think that he is putting up an act and that he has been told to play a certain part. This upsets Shivam and he breaks down crying. Karan, Saisha, and others come to console him but he cries inconsolably. Sara also tries to calm him down and apologizes for assuming that he is putting up an act. Shivam tells her that he is like that and he wears his heart on his sleeve. Sara tells everyone that she finds it a little childish that Shivam says he has fallen in love with her in just 2 days. Where is this relationship headed? Will this remain a one-sided love or will Sara cave in and develop feelings for Shivam?
S1 Ep6
4th Mar 2022
The jailer Karan Kundra is in jail and he had a word with the contestants and try to explain to them that it's badass jail so they need to survive like this only. Where contestants discuss yesterday's task. Where jailer called Sara in a jhol ghar and he offered favorite food options to Sara where she got emotional but at last he made her week by showing her mother and she wanted to meet her. But for this repercussion will be faced by the other contestants. Munawar talks about his jail experience and what problems he faced.
S1 Ep7
5th Mar 2022
Where queen Kangana Ranaut talks about the reality of the jail what they need to face and tries to show them the reality of Lock Upp. A group discussion has been held yesterday where contestants talk about their secrets and got emotional. While the queen has scolded everyone that it's a jail, not some luxurious resort. Where they need to stop complaining and live like that. A task has been given to nominated contestants. Who will be nominated this week?
S1 Ep8
6th Mar 2022
The queen grills the contestants and tries to show the reality of this badass jail. Where nominated contents Swami, Anjali, and Siddharth are ordered to go to the benakab zone. While they need to confess their secret in front of the public and save themselves from nomination. Where Anjali reveals his secret and saved her from nomination. Where the queen questions Siddharth about his inactiveness post fighting with Shivam. Swami has been evicted from the show and said goodbye to the teammates.
S1 Ep9
7th Mar 2022
The drama begins with a day. Saisha tells their team that doesn't trust the red team as they cheat with them. Sara cleared Shivam it's only friendship nothing else which will be interesting to watch that how deep this friendship will go? Kaidis are allocated with a task where they need to answer a few questions. The team which will give the right answer needs to lift the least weight. Watch Lock Upp on MX Player which team will win the game?
S1 Ep10
8th Mar 2022
Where punishment is over for Siddharth, Saisha, and Shivam. The kaidis got the task from the jailer to get the keys to the kitchen. So which team will win the keys of the kitchen and rule. The contestants need to take two names from the charge sheet and for a twist, they need to take the name from their team. Where they got triggered by teammates' sentiments. Watch which contestant will be nominated for this week?
S1 Ep11
9th Mar 2022
Women's day has been celebrated in jail where kaidis welcomes the acid attack survivor women as the guests. Poonam got the secret task from the jailer against the blue team and she successfully did the task but she is disqualified. Why Poonam has been disqualified from the secret task?
S1 Ep12
10th Mar 2022
In the morning drama, begins between the teams that which team will cook the food. Where Payal has a heated conversation with Sara and Shivam because of the food she cooked last night. Where jailor Karan Kundara is back in the jail and taking the kaidis for a task where they secretly take each team to the location. Where they will play a task "Uchi Hai Building". Which team will win the task and get the immunity for jhol ghar?
S1 Ep13
11th Mar 2022
Where inmates got the task to make 40 flower garlands. While orange team win the game and got the gift which they are eagerly waiting for a long time. Meanwhile, Saisha tells the jailor that she feel demotivated in yesterday's game. Where jailor talks to kaidis about their behavior. Karan asked Saisha to confess her feelings. Munawar is called to jhol ghar where jailor gives a choice to Munawar which make him puzzled? What he will choose between the sister letter or teammates?
The first episode of Lock Upp aired on February 27, 2022.
The last episode of Lock Upp aired on May 07, 2022.
There are 71 episodes of Lock Upp.
There is one season of Lock Upp.
Lock Upp is set to return for future episodes.