Monster Rancher Episode Rating Graph
Aug 1999 - Oct 2001

Aug 1999 - Oct 2001
Browse episode ratings trends for Monster Rancher. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Monster Rancher's 73 episodes.
S2 Ep22
16th Feb 2001
Moo is so berserk that he has even started to destroy the Baddie armies. He then travels to Mt. Kyrus to destroy the volcano. The magma, Monol tells them, will cause a chain reaction inside the planet and cause a catastrophic earthquake that will destroy the planet. Monol also says that the Phoenix's soul was split into five subdivisions and fused with five mystery discs. He says that the monsters are Suezo, Mocchi, Tiger, Golem, and Hare. The five fuse into the Phoenix. Both the Phoenix and Moo are destroyed in the battle, and Genki is shunted back to his own time.
S2 Ep13
29th Oct 2000
Durahan sends Chariot and a pack of Salamanders to destroy the group. The Salamanders are reluctant to follow the group into the forest, because a monster is rumored to live there. Chariot orders them to kill the group, regardless of some rumor. The gang finds Baku, who likes Genki. Genki resembles his owner, who was killed when Chariot destroyed Baku's village. Baku turns Chariot into a lost disc, but Baku is changed into a lost disc also.
S3 Ep9
21st Sep 2001
In this competition (3 rounds, 1 on 1), Mocchi must enter with two other monsters in the list that is designated by the IMA. Guess what? Only Golem and Suezo qualify! While Golem is fine, Suezo is terrified. Furthermore, there is only one other team in this championship! So the decided to win the first two rounds so Suezo does not have to fight! As they get ready, Suezo found himself helping a kid, Furred Suezo (to show him what bravery is all about) from another bunch of Suezo bullies who took his trading cards. Suezo decided to stand up for him and managed to get back the rare autographed Poritoka card but in the end the Suezo gang caught up and they were both beaten up really badly.
S2 Ep10
15th Oct 2000
Moo is finally merged with his body and immediately seeks out Genki's group. They are currently traveling over a mountain, and they come across a sleepy village. The village doesn't answer when they ask to stay in, because it is "Ogre Day" in the village, where an ogre comes and steals children. A little girl, Eve, leaves her house on during the night to seek out the mystic god who will kill the ogre, but she finds Moo, and he holds her inside an energy bubble. Moo confronts the gang, and his overwhelming offense power squashes them. But, when it looks like the end, the sun arises. Moo cannot stand the light, and flees. Eve is rescued.
S1 Ep1
30th Aug 1999
Genki is a young boy with an ordinary, dull life. That is, until he gets a new game in the mail. He soon gets pulled in and must now fend for himself within the game. He soon comes across two friends, Suezo and Holly. But, will they be able to stop the terrible monster, Moo?
S1 Ep17
16th Nov 1999
After trying a shortcut, the team becomes trapped in a mysterious underground cave. Will they be able to find their way out when Moo's sinister Joker and the Evil Hares are there to wreak magic havoc?
S2 Ep20
26th Nov 2000
The group travels north, and comes across a village of Jill. Jill tells them of the legend of Cinderbird, who changed the evil Skullcapt into a regular Jill. Jill decides that Genki and his friends have true souls of goodness, and decide to show them the Phoenix, which is encased in a giant ice cube. But Moo comes, fully reenergized. Genki and the others attempt to lead Moo away from the Phoenix.
S2 Ep9
15th Oct 2000
The gang infiltrates Naga's headquarters to take out the last of the Big Bad four!
S1 Ep5
8th Sep 1999
Genki and his friends come across a group of bandits in the desert, led by Tiger of the Wind. He steals the Magic Stone, but the Baddies turn all of his friends into Mystery Disks and injure him. When Genki and his friends save him, he helps them defeat Captain Dino and then joins them.
S1 Ep2
30th Aug 1999
Genki, Mocchi, Holly, and Suezo continue on their trek. Genki is concerned, however, that Mocchi is becoming a softy, so he decides to leave him with an elderly couple they meet outside of a town. Genki wants Mocchi to stay with them, but Mocchi refuses and shows his friendship toward Genki by helping him defeat the Black Dinos.
S1 Ep21
23rd Nov 1999
The Searchers finally confront Gali, the second of Moo's Big Four. Gali is both charming and clever, and manages to trap Genki and the others in a pit. But Mocchi escapes the trap, and the young monster must fight, alone, in order to save his friends.
S2 Ep19
19th Nov 2000
When Lilim returns, she tells Durahan that she would rather give the Magic Stone to Moo. All of Durahan's forces have turned on him, and to make matters worse, Genki and his friends teleport to Durahan's warship. Lilim rigs it to explode, and she gets away with the Magic Stone. Genki and his friends confront Durahan and defeat him. Then they escape from the Iron Bird before it explodes, with Durahan onboard.
S2 Ep3
24th Sep 2000
Genki and the group meet up with Jim and his Eared Mew at the Yellow River. They battle Baddies as they cross the river. Genki is angry at Jim, who thinks that he is just a kid, but sees that Genki is a strong person when he saves him.
S1 Ep20
22nd Nov 1999
Pixie returns, and helps Genki in a battle against a group of Scale Jells. But she and Genki become separated from the others, and when Pixie gets injured, she finds she must rely on Genki to survive. At first, she is embarrassed and angry. But Genki's compassion begins to wear away at the barrier of hatred she has built around herself.
S1 Ep12
12th Oct 1999
In search of a mysterious disk, Monol tells of a great story from the past.
S1 Ep10
30th Sep 1999
Genki and friends arrive in Heaven Canyon via the iron bird. In the canyon are humans mining “mystery disks” under the oppression of Moo. Are Genki and his friends strong enough to defeat them and free the imprisoned humans?
S1 Ep4
6th Sep 1999
Genki and his friends encounter Alan, a young boy who is strict and cruel to his pet Worm. When he tries to ally with agents of Moo, however, he learns that loyalty is something that is given and not taken.
S1 Ep6
14th Sep 1999
Genki and his friends reach a town with a giant coliseum! Tiger battles Hare, who cheats his way to a victory. Genki and the others soon forgive him and Hare offers to buy them dinner and a place to stay the night. In the morning, Hare runs off and leaves them the bill, but Tiger catches up and makes him pay. Hare apologizes, and joins the group.
S3 Ep25
7th Oct 2001
After rescuing Holly's father, the gang waits for him to awaken. Then, the Mystery Disc gets stolen by General Durahan! General Durahan, Poison, Weed, Mum Mew and Gobi merge with the Moo to create a powerful armored-clad scarlet warrior. This new monster appears invincible when all their attacks fail to make an impact on him. Holly's father confronts him and then suddenly a shadow emerges from this monster and engulfs everyone. Everyone is brought inside the heart of the evil soul and they saw that the evil soul is actually consuming General Durahan, Poison, Weed, Mum Mew and Gobi. Using their powers, they create the Phoenix to fight the evil soul but is that enough? Will this long and hard struggle finally end?!
S3 Ep23
5th Oct 2001
General Durahan orders Mew and Gobi to show him the highlights of the Legend Cup thus far. Meanwhile, Most's public sparring match is held to raise funds for a gymnasium for young boys and girls as well as monsters that intend to participate in future monster battles.
S3 Ep22
4th Oct 2001
An airplane lifts off from the crash site of General Durahan's ship. Genki and gang made it to the International Monster Association headquarters to register for the Legend Cup. During the conversation with the official, we discovered that Suezo does not know that Mocchi had to fight two monsters to win the Legend Cup. Everyone is surprised and taunts Suezo about it. Suezo felt embarrassed and tried to save his face by saying that he was just trying to make everyone relax.
S3 Ep3
15th Sep 2001
Genki and Mocchi take part in the first of six competition that leads to the Legend Cup. Not only was the title at stake, a Mystery Disc containing Tiger is also on the line! Although Mocchi lost most of his fighting abilities, Genki's training allows Mocchi to make it into the final of the Rookie Cup. There Mocchi met an opponent of great skill, how can Mocchi win against an opponent that is way beyond the rookie level? Is this opponent really another competitor or is there something else to it?
S3 Ep21
3rd Oct 2001
Mum Mew, Gobi and Weed tries to capture the gang by issuing wanted posters. When an old hotel owner turns up with the bounty, Mum Mew could neither keep her side of the bargain nor defeat the old hotel owner who is surprisingly well armed! Mum Mew is forced to find money to pay the old man in exchange for the gang! She tries to rob a bank but finds herself in the middle of a bank robbery by ganstars! Will Mum Mew finally capture the gang and what will she bring back for General Durahan?
S2 Ep4
24th Sep 2000
Genki and the gang resurrect Bossy. The Apes worship Bossy, because he finds them food and shelter. But the Rock Apes steal him for the same purposes, and Genki's gang collaborates so both tribes are equal among Bossy's rule.
S2 Ep18
12th Nov 2000
Captain Weed realizes that the Magic Stone is needed to perfect his body. He tells Durahan to get it. Durahan wants it for himself to overthrow Moo. Durahan sends the Gangsters, which are self-reassembling robots. Lilim gets the Magic Stone before Weed does, and goes to give it to Durahan.
S3 Ep7
19th Sep 2001
The gang got interested in Hare's little baggage but Hare refuses to show them. Then, a small Dinosaur came and stole Hare's baggage! The gang gives chase and found that the Dinosaur is an orphan living under the care of Fairy Hare, one of Hare's long lost friends.
S3 Ep8
20th Sep 2001
Fed up with their failures, General Durahan sends out his Shelly Gabus to deal with the gang. The Gabus caught up with the gang who found themselves on a deserted sea platform. After an intense battle, the Mystery Disc dropped into the ocean. As Mocchi and Genki searched, they encounter Professor Garnish's submarine. Garnish thought they are after his dream treasure (which is actually some sunken treasure of a pirate ship) and chased them away with his cannon. The gang came back after realizing that the only way to get the Mystery Disc back is to make peace and get Garnish to let them use the submarine.
S3 Ep13
25th Sep 2001
Pink Jam and the gels who have changed their ways but are still failures in whatever they do. Incidentally, the gang meets up with them (but they don't realize it as they concealed their baddies' crest). Just as things where going well, a fearsome trio of Jokers attacked! Can Pink Jam do anything about it and can these ex-Baddies be trusted?
S3 Ep14
26th Sep 2001
The gang meets up with Horn who lost his pirate ship mysteriously one night! Also, they hear about the legend of a phantom ship in these parts of the ocean. So they decided to help find Horn's ship. Surely, they found the ship alright but it is anything but empty!
S3 Ep18
30th Sep 2001
Tiger meets up with Grey Wolf but refuses to acknowledge him as his brother after realizing that they are opponent in tomorrow's battle! What is Tiger doing? Tiger isn't his usual self and takes quite a beating from his brother who is very upset about Tiger's behavior. Just then, the Baddies attack! Just what is going on?
S3 Ep19
1st Oct 2001
Golem and gang runs into an Old Lady who cooks the best Pizza. Just when she was about to defend her crown in the cooking competition, her secret sauce is stolen! The ransom is Holly's Mystery Disc! Can they get the sauce back in time to help the old lady defend her crown?
S3 Ep20
2nd Oct 2001
The gang meets up with Granity but then she becomes controlled by a machine type Baddie which enter her head. Can she fight this control and keep her promise to Big Blue never to do evil again or will she destroy the gang?
S1 Ep23
29th Nov 1999
While wandering through a hude, dark forest, the Searchers are captured by a group of Moks, led by their captain, a dark Mok named Ebony. Mocchi manages to escape, and befriends a Ducken, who had been hiding in the forest from the Moks. Can Mocchi save Genki and the others or will his efforts get his new friend captured as well?
S1 Ep18
17th Nov 1999
The Searchers discover an ancient city, perfectly preserved by Hengers. But, the robot caretakers are programmed to prevent anyone from entering it! When the Hengers take Holly's pendant, Genki and his friends must trust a malfunctioning Henger, who was banished from the city because of his free will, to find a way inside.
S1 Ep25
1st Dec 1999
The Searchers come across a small, quiet lake in the forest. They decide to restock their food supplies with fish. However, the lake has another inhabitant, an Undine. Golem falls in love with the beautiful water spirit, but she turns out to be a servant of Moo. Will he be able to defeat her?
S2 Ep7
8th Oct 2000
Naga sends the Tainted Cat Brothers to destroy Genki and his friends. Mocchi and Genki are separated from the group, and meet with the Tainted Cat Brothers' old mentor, Kato. Kato trains Genki and Mocchi, and together the two help the Tainted Cat Brothers realize that they were wrong to turn against their mentor.
S2 Ep15
5th Nov 2000
The team takes a break in a meadow, and Tiger goes to look for food. While he is gone, Jagd Hound attacks. Tiger chases him, because Jagd Hound was not a Baddie. Tiger learns that Lilim kidnapped a baby Jagd Hound swore to protect, and the only way Jagd Hound would get it back was if he destroyed Genki's group. So Tiger and Jagd Hound fake Tiger's death with an Evil Hare lost disc to trick Lilim, and her plot is foiled.
S2 Ep16
5th Nov 2000
Durahan unleashes a squadron of Astros to destroy Genki and the team. They lose the Astros in the ruins of a spaceship, and Captain Astro finds them and tells of how the people of Vangea tortured them, and he wants revenge on all humans. He does not realize that not all humans are evil until he falls down a waterfall, and Genki tries to save him. Astro becomes a lost disc.
S3 Ep2
14th Sep 2001
Holly is determined to free his father from the Disc and trap Moo inside. The three enters a city to eat and while they are there, they saw Poritoka and Most in the Legend Cup competition. They were shocked at Poritoka's amazing fighting abilities but even more surprised when they saw the Magic Stone on the Winner's Plate. Genki thinks that the Magic Stone can help to release Holly's father. They were told that defending champions Poritoka and Most only appears in the Legend Cup. Genki and Mocchi decided to enter and win the Magic Stone for Holly. They also got reunited with some old friends.
S3 Ep4
16th Sep 2001
The gang runs into Hare at an orchard and finds out that he has been living with Tama who saved Hare after the battle with Moo. Seeing that they are on such good terms, the gang cannot bear to break them apart. Leaving Hare behind, the run into Zerbasaurians that are sent by General Durahan. With Holly held hostage; Hare comes at the nick of time to save the day. In the end, Tama makes a tough decision to let Hare go.
S3 Ep5
17th Sep 2001
While Mocchi is searching for food, he chance upon the Wondar Brothers. The younger Wondar is a huge Hare Type monster with immense strength while the elder Wondar is good with his brains. Mocchi brought them and their gift of gigantic potatoes back to the gang. Just as they were about to become good friends, the elder Wondar revealed that their goals clash, for he wants his younger brother to become the strongest monster there is!
S3 Ep6
18th Sep 2001
Tiger wants to make his debut at the Mandy Cup but everyone is worried that he won't be able to do it without his abilities (which he has forgotten). Genki tried to teach Tiger some defensive moves but Tiger insists on continue practicing alone to receive his abilities. So, Genki and Tiger broke out into a fight and when they enter for the competition the next day, Tiger refuses to be coached by Genki. The competition format is 2 monsters per team and 1 on 1 battles. If there is a draw, a 1 on 1 Sudden Death round will be held determine the winner. Despite not having their more powerful moves, Tiger and Mocchi were able to win their rounds and made it to the finals.
S3 Ep10
22nd Sep 2001
The gang tries to cross the marshlands but have problems with getting a cheap taxi. In the end they took Sandra's offer of 700 gold. The first half of the journey was a roller coaster ride with Golem barely hanging on! Halfway through the marshlands, Sandra suddenly stops and tells them that she is going back! It turns out that she is trying to rip them off since she knows they are loaded for their victory in the last competition is all over the news. She asks for 3000 more gold and they broke out into an argument. After failing to reach an agreement, Sandra threatens to leave them in the marshland. The gang decided to perform to get a price cut and in the end managed to resolve it for another 1000 gold against the backdrop of going deaf from Mocchi's singing.
S3 Ep11
23rd Sep 2001
In the forest, Genki is busy with creating battle plans when Wood Golem attacks. No one listens to Genki's battle plans and Genki, Mocchi and Wood Golem falls into the river. When Genki awakens to find Allan and Mocchi beside him, together with Worms who saved him. It turns out that after Moo's defeat, Allan goes around searching for and unlocking Discs, then he finds them good homes and trainers. Genki is very touched by the change in Allan.
S1 Ep1
30th Aug 1999
Genki is a young boy with an ordinary, dull life. That is, until he gets a new game in the mail. He soon gets pulled in and must now fend for himself within the game. He soon comes across two friends, Suezo and Holly. But, will they be able to stop the terrible monster, Moo?
S1 Ep2
30th Aug 1999
Genki, Mocchi, Holly, and Suezo continue on their trek. Genki is concerned, however, that Mocchi is becoming a softy, so he decides to leave him with an elderly couple they meet outside of a town. Genki wants Mocchi to stay with them, but Mocchi refuses and shows his friendship toward Genki by helping him defeat the Black Dinos.
S1 Ep3
1st Sep 1999
Genki and friends come across an "enigma", a Golem that does not like to fight. They invite him to join their quest, but when Moo's troops threaten the Golem's “Garden of Lost Disks”, they discover a terrible secret about him!
S1 Ep4
6th Sep 1999
Genki and his friends encounter Alan, a young boy who is strict and cruel to his pet Worm. When he tries to ally with agents of Moo, however, he learns that loyalty is something that is given and not taken.
S1 Ep5
8th Sep 1999
Genki and his friends come across a group of bandits in the desert, led by Tiger of the Wind. He steals the Magic Stone, but the Baddies turn all of his friends into Mystery Disks and injure him. When Genki and his friends save him, he helps them defeat Captain Dino and then joins them.
S1 Ep6
14th Sep 1999
Genki and his friends reach a town with a giant coliseum! Tiger battles Hare, who cheats his way to a victory. Genki and the others soon forgive him and Hare offers to buy them dinner and a place to stay the night. In the morning, Hare runs off and leaves them the bill, but Tiger catches up and makes him pay. Hare apologizes, and joins the group.
S1 Ep7
22nd Sep 1999
Genki and his friends come across a beautiful valley with a small village at the foot of a dam. When Moo's troops damage the dam, Genki and the monsters must work together to save the town from utter disaster!
S1 Ep8
23rd Sep 1999
Holly's past is finally revealed! She shares her story with the gang on a miserable, rainy day. She tells of how she came to be on the quest for the Phoenix with Genki and the others.
S1 Ep9
29th Sep 1999
Genki and his friends continue their journey, and find a huge canyon, as well as a beat-up airplane. They take the plane, but has Genki been double-crossed by the pilot? The group must fend off the evil Kuro in order to get out of this predicament.
S1 Ep10
30th Sep 1999
Genki and friends arrive in Heaven Canyon via the iron bird. In the canyon are humans mining “mystery disks” under the oppression of Moo. Are Genki and his friends strong enough to defeat them and free the imprisoned humans?
S1 Ep11
6th Oct 1999
After scaling a cliff, Genki and Mocchi must free their captured comrades and find a way to defeat Clay, Pixie, and Big Blue!
S1 Ep12
12th Oct 1999
In search of a mysterious disk, Monol tells of a great story from the past.
S1 Ep13
18th Oct 1999
Genki and friends meet paths with the infamous Moo. Will they be strong enough to defeat him?
S1 Ep14
1st Nov 1999
The Searchers, aided by the Pirate Dragons, infiltrate Moo's castle. Moo tells of how he left the village and was infused with Holly's father. He also gives Holly his dagger, which was Holly's father's, to prove it. Then Genki and his friends save her, with the help of Pixie.
S1 Ep15
3rd Nov 1999
The Searchers arrive to the ocean, and encounter Horn, the self-proclaimed righteous pirate. They try to get him to give them a ride across the ocean, and fight Gali's Zuum troops at the same time.
S1 Ep16
10th Nov 1999
On the high seas, the team is attacked by Moo's Zillas and their leader, Gooji. Unless Golem can overcome his fear of the water, this may be the end for Holly!
S1 Ep17
16th Nov 1999
After trying a shortcut, the team becomes trapped in a mysterious underground cave. Will they be able to find their way out when Moo's sinister Joker and the Evil Hares are there to wreak magic havoc?
S1 Ep18
17th Nov 1999
The Searchers discover an ancient city, perfectly preserved by Hengers. But, the robot caretakers are programmed to prevent anyone from entering it! When the Hengers take Holly's pendant, Genki and his friends must trust a malfunctioning Henger, who was banished from the city because of his free will, to find a way inside.
S1 Ep19
18th Nov 1999
Suezo has always been happy to let others do the fighting for him. But, his friends have begun to take him for granted, and when Hare points out that he has no Special Attack, Suezo takes the criticism pretty hard. Genki begins to try and train him, but does Suezo have the courage it takes to show what he can really do?
S1 Ep20
22nd Nov 1999
Pixie returns, and helps Genki in a battle against a group of Scale Jells. But she and Genki become separated from the others, and when Pixie gets injured, she finds she must rely on Genki to survive. At first, she is embarrassed and angry. But Genki's compassion begins to wear away at the barrier of hatred she has built around herself.
S1 Ep21
23rd Nov 1999
The Searchers finally confront Gali, the second of Moo's Big Four. Gali is both charming and clever, and manages to trap Genki and the others in a pit. But Mocchi escapes the trap, and the young monster must fight, alone, in order to save his friends.
S1 Ep22
24th Nov 1999
The Searchers are attacked by the Black Worms, who are under Gray Wolf's command. Tiger must save the group and come over the realization that he must be the one to defeat his brother.
S1 Ep23
29th Nov 1999
While wandering through a hude, dark forest, the Searchers are captured by a group of Moks, led by their captain, a dark Mok named Ebony. Mocchi manages to escape, and befriends a Ducken, who had been hiding in the forest from the Moks. Can Mocchi save Genki and the others or will his efforts get his new friend captured as well?
S1 Ep24
30th Nov 1999
Genki and his friends come across a trio of Centaurs, proud warriors who serve Moo, but have a code of honor of their own. They challenge the Searchers to a tournament, but there is a squad of Salamanders in the area as well, and they don't want the Centaur to have the glory of Genki's capture.
S1 Ep25
1st Dec 1999
The Searchers come across a small, quiet lake in the forest. They decide to restock their food supplies with fish. However, the lake has another inhabitant, an Undine. Golem falls in love with the beautiful water spirit, but she turns out to be a servant of Moo. Will he be able to defeat her?
S1 Ep26
2nd Dec 1999
While running from a squad of creatures called JaggerNauts, Genki and the others stumble across a factory. The JaggerNauts follow them into the factory, and they battle. However, an android, Melcarba, is still lying dormant in the factory for millions of years and kills all of the JaggerNauts. Then it turns on the Searchers, and they have to use the lightning storm to shut down the derranged cyborg.
The first episode of Monster Rancher aired on August 30, 1999.
The last episode of Monster Rancher aired on October 07, 2001.
There are 73 episodes of Monster Rancher.
There are 3 seasons of Monster Rancher.
Monster Rancher has ended.