Wild Crime Episode Rating Graph
Sep 2021 - present

Sep 2021 - present
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S3 Ep1
5th Dec 2024
An Alaska barista goes missing; cash is gone and surveillance video shows her walking away with a man. A text from her phone says she needs time away to think, but her dad is suspicious. Was she abducted? Police aren’t sure – until a ransom note arrives.
S3 Ep3
5th Dec 2024
The man, Israel Keyes, confesses to raping and killing the barista, torturing and killing a married couple in Vermont, raping the wife as well. Is his story true? Vermont cops search for the couple’s bodies to confirm, while the FBI asks him: who else have you killed?
S1 Ep4
1st Oct 2021
A search of the Henthorn home leads investigators to expose one of Harold’s biggest secrets. Shott and Grusing, her FBI partner, are confident that Harold murdered Toni, but they must assemble an airtight case with every scrap of evidence they can find.
S3 Ep4
5th Dec 2024
Israel Keyes says he killed others but demands being promised the death penalty before saying who. Then guards find eleven skulls drawn in Keyes's own blood. Who are they? Before giving answers, Keyes suddenly shocks everyone with a dramatic and unexpected twist.
S2 Ep2
24th Oct 2022
Don and Kim zero in on serial killer Henry Lee Lucas. They find evidence in Summit Meadow that seems to match his story -- but is Lucas lying?
S2 Ep4
26th Oct 2022
We meet Jane Doe’s friends, learn about her family, life in a cult and other men who may have killed her. Investigators name their likely perpetrator.
S2 Ep1
24th Oct 2022
Yosemite: a hand is found, a serial killer confesses. But he’s lied about committing hundreds of murders. Is this one real – or a false confession?
S1 Ep3
30th Sep 2021
As the investigation into the suspicious death of Toni continues, Special Agent Shott learns something startling about Harold’s unusual relationship with his sister-in-law. Shott is joined by FBI agent Jonny Grusing who specializes in serial killers.
S1 Ep1
28th Sep 2021
Harold Henthorn calls 911 to report that his wife Toni has been gravely injured after falling off of a cliff on a remote trail. National Park Service Special Agent Beth Shott uncovers suspicious details and inconsistencies in Harold’s story.
S1 Ep2
29th Sep 2021
As Special Agent Shott investigates the suspicious death of Harold’s wife Toni, anonymous letters and phone calls lead authorities to reopen an investigation into the death of Harold’s first wife 17 years earlier.
S1 Ep3
30th Sep 2021
As the investigation into the suspicious death of Toni continues, Special Agent Shott learns something startling about Harold’s unusual relationship with his sister-in-law. Shott is joined by FBI agent Jonny Grusing who specializes in serial killers.
S1 Ep4
1st Oct 2021
A search of the Henthorn home leads investigators to expose one of Harold’s biggest secrets. Shott and Grusing, her FBI partner, are confident that Harold murdered Toni, but they must assemble an airtight case with every scrap of evidence they can find.
The first episode of Wild Crime aired on September 28, 2021.
The last episode of Wild Crime aired on December 05, 2024.
There are 12 episodes of Wild Crime.
There are 3 seasons of Wild Crime.
Wild Crime is set to return for future episodes.