Radio Active Episode Rating Graph
Sep 1998 - Mar 2001

Sep 1998 - Mar 2001
Browse episode ratings trends for Radio Active. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Radio Active's 78 episodes.
S3 Ep19
27th Jan 2001
Roger is always nervous whenever he is near Wendy Gwendolyn so he asks Blaire to help him by getting him a date in exchange for legendary Montréal Canadiens goalie, Guy Leflesh's (in real life - the name came from legendary Montréal Canadiens Forward Guy Lafleur) fork that he used to eat his soup at one of Roger's relative's restaurant. When Blaire asks Wendy to go out with ""his friend"", Wendy thinks that Blaire is talking about himself, so she accepts because she likes him too. Blaire has to find a way to get Roger and Wendy together by bringing him to Burger Village to meet Wendy. Meanwhile, Tanya and George are making macramé clothes.
S3 Ep15
16th Dec 2000
Mr. Noseworthy reveals the Aptitude Test to the students of Radio Active, where Blaire had to study for the test, even his name, where he lives. etc... When the students hand in their test, Mr. Noseworthy uses to Aptitude Test machine to view the results, and they didn't suit any of the Radio Active members. The kids uses these tests to start building on it so they become more successful, and when Mr. Noseworthy discovers that the Aptitude machine is broken, he fixes it and the careers that fly out are a lot worst then before.
S3 Ep10
11th Nov 2000
Blaire starts becoming very scared and hiding because there's a bully on the loose. His Radio Active friends think that the bully is just a harmless girl until they witness the girl - Becky attacking Blaire and giving him orders. Morgan and Tanya believe that Becky likes him and that Blaire should ask her to a date. But it turns out that Becky accepted Blaire's offer to beating him even more. As a last resort, the Radio members harass Blaire as well to show to Becky that he is the bullying property of the rest of Radio Active.
S3 Ep8
28th Oct 2000
Roger discovers that he has hacked into the government files and that the army is looking for him when a guest speaker for career week arrives at the school to help Morgan and Blaire prepare the rest of the guest speakers and the speeches. Roger hides away from the Soldier with the help of George. The Soldier earned himself medals but he also has a problem - he constantly gets fired from multiple jobs. But he thinks that he can receive a promotion when George spills out word that Roger has retrieved government files. Morgan and Blaire is sent to search for Roger as ""going to be Captain"" Murdoch continues to scan through the files. Roger finds an army suit in Murdoch's duffle bag, and pretends to be a Captain. He then visits Murdoch, and discovers that he hasn't hacked into the government system, and that it was just a game. When Murdoch begins to talk about the game, he realizes that he is going to be fired again.
S2 Ep26
18th Mar 2000
When the government cuts back on extra-curricular funding, all of the clubs the Radio Active gang are in are in trouble, including Radio Active itself. Everyone decides to raise money for each of their clubs, and whoever raises the most amount of money, gets all the pooled money. Sarah desperately tries to find ways to raise money. Tanya helps her out. When the competition finishes, Tanya, because she spent a bit of time helping Sarah, only raised $75. Morgan, who sold kisses, raised $150. George, uh, never mind. And Blaire got $400 from shooting hoops, due to Mr. Noseworthy's ""double-or-nothing"". When it's thought that Blaire would win, Sarah comes in announcing she raised $500 by dancing and singing i.e, annoying people. Mr. Noseworthy comes in making one more bet with Blaire. Blaire accepts, knowing that he will get the ball in and win the contest. But the guilt demon gets to Blaire, and decides to miss the shot. Everyone then soon realizes that nearly all of the Radio Active equipm
S2 Ep25
11th Mar 2000
The Radio Active members believes that Mr. Noseworthy and Miz Atoll had a crush on each other in the past when a broadcast by Morgan is made that there's a rumour that one teacher is in love with another teacher, and Sarah and Tanya find clues to confirm their discovery of Mr. Noseworthy and Miz. Atoll.
S2 Ep16
8th Jan 2000
When junk food was ban from the school, the Radio Active team members started sneaking in junk food into the anteroom to eat and to sell to customers (students) all over the school.
S2 Ep3
25th Sep 1999
It's career week! But the Radio Active's experience with engineers and clowns are extremely boring. When George purchases a video from Mr. Froopy, and suddenly finds out what he wants to be in the future...a MIME! The Radio Active team discovers that the video viewed footage of Miz Atoll when she was about 20-30 years old...when she was nice... They start playing around with the idea of Miz Atoll being a children television actress, using her famous sock puppet characters. They give Ms. Atoll the cassette tape in exchange for a real career week guest.
S1 Ep26
20th Mar 1999
Kevin had to try and stay out of trouble to avoid detentions so he can be free for a date with Suzy Kaflootzky, while Ethan asked everyone if he was a ""suck"" and everyone said ""yes"". Ethan began playing around with Kevin, but Kevin ignored it and not break one of Ethan's limbs. While George asks Morgan to help him find a girl using the newspaper's personals ad. Morgan corrected and edited George's ""weird and stupid"" letter until they were left with ""A fun, funny, fun-loving guy trying to find a fun, funny, fun-loving gal to do fun stuff with"" (after taking out 7 ""fun""s). To remove his reputation as a suck, Ethan started to find ways to get a detention, and one of his methods that he showed in front of Ms. Atoll was: -Entering without knocking -Making funny faces -Wearing different coloured socks -Ripping out a branch of Atoll's prize geranium but all these attempts did not work. As a last resort, he decided to pour water over Ms. Atoll but he got scared, and couldn't do it.
S1 Ep20
6th Feb 1999
Morgan was fed up with school when she was the only Radio Activist to work on broadcast reports, etc... tied in with piles of homework, and she was beginning to think that school was a waste of time while she could be roaming around the world, enjoying life. When caught in detention for destroying the Radio Active files, Morgan spent her time with Kevin in the detention room, when she realized that she could escape and go to the mall to have some fun. Caught for skipping school, Morgan was about to be expelled when she announced that she would skip school. When Morgan wasn't in Radio Active or doing homework, the other Radio Activists had to work a whole lot more because Morgan was the only one in the group that did any hard jobs. Soon, the team was desperate for Morgan, and at the end, Morgan decided to return to school.
S1 Ep19
30th Jan 1999
For a school dance, Kevin asked Morgan to the dance, and she accepted. But soon, Kevin was taking a girl from Upper Redwood High while Morgan was getting a date with a popular boy from her school. Kevin and Morgan broke their date, but later, Morgan was dumped for the dance because she was taking to long to reply and Kevin had to obtain some ""class"" by being polite and providing more money to make the date better, but Kevin did not have a lot of money and wasn't able to gain access to a car. As a last resort, Morgan and Kevin decided to go with each other, but later, Morgan was able to get a date with the other teenager, while Kevin was able to borrow a vehicle from Mr. Noseworthy. After breaking their date twice, Morgan and Kevin decided to go to the dance together instead.
S1 Ep18
23rd Jan 1999
Mr. Noseworthy received books that he would use for reading material, when he discovers that he did not receive a book by Schmoog Silversteen, because the school board did not approve of it. No one wants to help him, except for Sarah. The two protested that the book is just a book, and they should allow it in school. The school board caved in so easily because they needed to have a good, clean school. To show off to the rest of the province for the student's behaviour and to make them not cause any trouble, they would offer any of their demands. The team went to far, and made the school - not even a school anymore. Their classes are playing games, junk food is presented everywhere, etc... and due to all these demands, Mr. Noseworthy was fired. Now, the team must decide whether to take back all there demands so the school board would rehire Mr. Noseworthy or to let things be, and keep Mr. Noseworthy as the janitor.
S1 Ep13
5th Dec 1998
The Radio Active members were kept in the station by Ms. Atoll while the rest of the world were buying tickets to go see the ""Juicy Freaks"" concert, luckily they were given one promotional ticket, but now the group fought over who should get it. Ethan raises the idea of selling it, and runs off to find a buyer while Ms. Atoll was able to snatch away the ticket and send it back to the promoter while Mr. Noseworthy gets some advice from Sarah to be young and cool again. Ethan was able to sell the ticket and offered the group some donuts, but he found out that they lost the ticket and now Dutch Kowalski was going to staple him to the ceiling. Now the group had to think of an idea to take back the ticket, and George revealed his idea of pretending to be a mailbox using a costume and wait for the ticket to drop into his hands, but the group decided that was not going to work. The group stayed at the school overnight to pick up the ticket before the day it was returned, but Ms. Atoll cle
S1 Ep12
28th Nov 1998
Once again, Kevin's grades are slipping (doesn't he ever learn?...wait, I mean that literally.) and he is once again threatened to leave Radio Active if he doesn't improve. Kevin has been missing allot of shows recently, and Morgan is filling in for him. If he misses another show, Atoll will fail Kevin. Well, Morgan is getting pretty peed off with him, but Kevin turns on his charm, and tells Morgan he's in love with her, and says it's too painful to be around her, as he believes she'll never return his love. Awww, boo hoo. But later, Kevin drops the act, and gets George to fill in for him while he goes to the mall during his show, so he could get Wendy Gwendolyn's phone number. But his scheme doesn't last that long, as Morgan soon finds out that George, who is imitating Kevin's voice, has been doing Kevin's show while he's at the mall getting Wendy Gwendolyn's number. Morgan, who believed what Kevin said, plays a trick on him to pay him back.
S1 Ep10
14th Nov 1998
When the Radio Active members goofed off, Morgan threatens to leave Radio Active, because she was stressed out by trying to get the team back on task and getting the blame on everything that Radio Active does wrong. The other three members of Radio Active discovers that Morgan was going to quit (by eavesdropping through the radio), so they began acting responsible, etc... Morgan was not really going to quit, and when she finds out the team had been eavesdropping them, and they were trying to be nice so she would not leave. She starts getting meaner, and wanting everything perfect to get back at the three, but she went too far, and the Radio Active members quit.
S1 Ep8
31st Oct 1998
In Ms. Atoll's English class, Ms. Atoll leaves the class to talk with Mr. Noseworthy. The gang begins to goof off until Tanya sees that George forgot to water Ms. Atoll's rare Brazilian plant. Tanya reminded George and he goes to water it. George accidentally poured Ethan's science project (which is like some sort of acid) on the plant which begins to make it smoke. The gang quickly hid the plant before Ms. Atoll came back. But when Ms. Atoll was looking for her list she almost saw the plant. George quickly raised his hand to volunteer Ethan to present his speech. Ethan goes up and talks about his grandfather, The Great Hypnoto. His grandfather had left him a book filled with hypnotizing tricks. He decides to perform a demonstration on George. He puts him to sleep and starts the trick to make him laugh hysterically, but in the middle of his presentation, his cell-phone rang which ended up messing up the hypnotism. Later that day Ms. Atoll finds out about the plant and demands to know w
S3 Ep26
17th Mar 2001
For Radio Active to continue, Blaire has to mantain a C average, which Roger has received for the semester. Blaire blows Morgan off while they were working on a project about Hemingway, which is worth a lot of their English mark. Blaire suggests to Ms. Atoll that he wants to take the make-up tests because before the previous tests, he had multiple sports activities. Ms. Atoll gives him a chance and in return, she must cancel all of Blaire's sports activities until he passes those tests. To help Blaire learn, each Radio Active member will teach Blaire with the subjects they are best at. Tanya teaches Blaire English, while Morgan teaches Blaire History. Roger helps Blaire learn Mathematics, while George teaches him Science. And surprisingly, Blaire understands all of what they are teaching him and becomes a genius.
S3 Ep25
10th Mar 2001
Morgan sees possibilities in having Sarah take care of life for her.
S3 Ep24
3rd Mar 2001
Morgan and Sarah enter into a fierce rivalry when Upper Redwood joins a foreign exchange student program and offers one lucky classmate the chance to attend school in another country for a semester.
S3 Ep23
24th Feb 2001
Morgan is suspended from Radio Active because of playing vulgar songs on the air, and when Morgan tries to prove that she should not be suspended, Ms. Atoll spills out in front of the whole school the School's Book of Regulation is written by dumb people. This got Ms. Atoll relieved from her Radio Active duties and is sent to be moderating the ""Positive Vibes"" club, and in place for Ms. Atoll, Hadrass is now in charge. He pushes the team to the limits by speaking loud, working faster, running around the anteroom faster, putting the log sheets in order to keep the group in control. He makes them do hurdles, run through fan mail, etc... The Radio Active team is tired of Hadrass's methods and obtains help from Ms. Atoll to get Ms. Atoll back into Radio Active. At the end, Ms. Atoll receives her job back when Hadrass believes that Atoll cares about the RA kids and they care about her too. So he resigns from his duties, and strolls off, cancelling the Radio Active's trips a Hockey game, t
S3 Ep22
17th Feb 2001
Morgan and Tanya's friendship is threatened when Tanya becomes the spokesperson for a controversial product.
S3 Ep21
10th Feb 2001
Roger and George is off to a staring contest when they fight over who can be more concentrative. They continue to stare and stare, even through the exam schedules because they do not want to lose. They now have to move wherever each one goes, and they have to fail every exam due to the fact they can't be looking at each other. They have to live in the school, go to the bathroom together, and eat together. Blaire, Morgan, and Tanya set up a betting station where people can bet on whoever wins and at what time they will win at.
S3 Ep20
3rd Feb 2001
Morgan is about to give up everything related to animals - any clothing made from animals, anything produced by animals, and eating any meat at all. Blaire believes that Morgan cannot even last a day without meat, and Tanya bets that she can. So, if Morgan cannot last one day without meat, Blaire will receive 59 minutes of Tanya's airtime, while if Morgan survives for more than 24 hours, 59 minutes of Blaire's air time will be gone to Tanya. Forcing Morgan to eat meat, Blaire tries to sneakily provide clothing such as scarves and mittens that are made of animals. He even also ordered pizzas topped off with so much meat. Meanwhile, Roger is learning to drive with instructor, Ms. Atoll and fails miserably and has to get a ride with George's destroyed car. He tried to drive George's car to improve his skills but the car only turned right and he was turning in circles for hours. At the end when Morgan is ready for her driver's ed test, she believes that she drove over an animal, but Geor
S1 Ep1
12th Sep 1998
When Kevin Calvin failed his latest Science test, he must recover to keep Radio Active alive and interview the lead singer of Pearl Jam, Eddie Vedder. He was given a chance to have an oral exam with the school vice-principal of discipline - Mr. Angus Noseworthy, on the subject of Science. Kevin must receive help from his fellow Radio Active members - Morgan Leigh and Ethan St. John, because the test was that afternoon, but it was hopeless. And already, the whole school knew about the interview with Eddie Vedder, and Kevin would be turning down the whole school. When George had a new radio that picks up signals from Radio Active to anyone in the school except for the bathroom on the third floor (there isn't really one), Morgan obtains an idea. The headphones were given to Kevin to listen, to the answers given by the team. Sarah Leigh would listen to Mr. Noseworthy's questions outside the door, and run to give the questions to Tanya Panda who stayed in the halls, outside the Antero
S1 Ep15
19th Dec 1998
Ethan received his $40 copy of ""Jerry Springer: Too Hot For TV"", which gave Kevin an idea to raise money to help him buy a expensive necklace for his girlfriend. Ethan became the host of his very own live show, called ""The Ethan St. John Show"", while Kevin played the audience, and George was his special guest, who pretended to be a chalk eater, Joey. Throughout the show, Ethan and George interviewed George/Joey's life of eating chalk while Kevin made weird comments. Then, Kevin pretended to be his grandmother (who Joey sold for $2 to buy more chalk to eat), and they started to pretend to fight, but George quit after Kevin wrecked his CD. Morgan suggested to make a real live fight and Kevin and Ethan took that and used it by using Morgan and Sarah as the two guests because they kept on fighting and fighting. But soon, Morgan and Sarah made up, and Kevin desperately destroyed Sarah's virtual pet, and Sarah blamed Morgan because Morgan was taking care of the pet. Sarah overheard a conve
S2 Ep7
23rd Oct 1999
Mr. Fitzroy, a School Board Inspector plans a trip to Upper Redwood High to inspect all of the school's facilities and find out how well Mr. Noseworthy is doing in his job as vice principal of discipline. While everyone is ignoring Sarah, she tries to get noticed by dressing all in black, with a strange and ""life has no meaning"" attitude and characteristic. But this made everyone pay attention to her, and when she continued to become this weird girl, George, Blaire, and Morgan had to intervene. They decided that they could revert little Sarah back to her old self if they become hardcore ""pale"" people. Mr. Fitzroy believes that Mr. Noseworthy has done a good job so far, and there is one more room left to inspect...The Radio Active Anteroom. When he enters, he witnesses four crazy students dressed in black, screaming and yelling with some traces of words such as ""RETCH"". This behaviour re-assigned Mr. Noseworthy, which made the Radio Active members feel really bad. As a plan to reinsta
S2 Ep8
30th Oct 1999
It starts when Morgan bets a lunch that Blaire can't not date a girl for a week. Then, Mr Noseworthy asks Blaire if he can coach an Upper Upper Redwood High girl's sports team, but he declines. Eventually, his brain kicks in and he decides to keep it secret from Morgan. However, Mr Noseworthy has seen Blaire's grades, and says he needs to improve on them. He pays Roger to do it for him. Morgan hears about Blaire coaching A team, but Blaire covers it up by saying their senior citizens. Roger slips up on his own homework (Logic 101) and the truth is revealed. When Mr Noseworthy is about to give him the job, Sarah and Morgan trick Blaire by giving him two sets of homework from Roger. They ask him the question on the homework, ""One of us always tells a lie, but the other one only tells the truth. You can only ask us one question."" Failing, Blaire ends up back in his old habit. Speaking of which, what is the answer??
S3 Ep5
7th Oct 2000
Tanya shows a new girl, whose name is Lou Ann around Upper Redwood High. She is a very big fan of Radio Active and wanted to meet all the members of the team, but Tanya didn't think it is a good idea because it is Evaluation Week at the club. Tanya cautiously agrees to let her have a small tour of the anteroom, being careful that she won't break anything. Her traits are very strong, and this leads to her destroying almost half of the whole room. To fix all the problems she is causing Blaire, George, and Morgan, she tries to fix everything by giving them something they desire. Lou Ann asks Tanya if she could share her locker at the moment, and Tanya agrees, and using Tanya's locker, she tries to remove Tanya from Radio Active so she could be the leader. She successfully had Tanya kicked off the team when many misdeeds framed Tanya. Lou Ann drops her ""nice and clumsy"" act and starts bossing the entire Radio Active team around until they decide to quit. Tanya discovers that Lou Ann was
S3 Ep6
14th Oct 2000
Blaire, Roger, and George finds out there is a reading of poetry by a famous women, who the trio thinks are very hot according to the picture shown on the back of one of her books. But the problem is that the reading is only opened to females because the content is delivered hating the opposite gender. Blaire and George plans to dress up as women to enter the conference while Roger had the same idea, but he is working alone and believes that a new girl (Blaire) is very pretty and wants to try and get a date with her. When the three cross-dressers attend the reading, they discover that Miz. Atoll was the mystery writer. Atoll made the publishers believe that she is another woman, by pretending to be a woman, who is pretending to be a man pretending to be a woman.
S1 Ep2
19th Sep 1998
Morgan does her show on Radio Active, revealing that she was the only one who signed up to compete for the high school quiz show while George practises his advertisement performances. Kevin thought that the quiz challenge was a waste of time, it would ruin his image, and that he was able to beat Morgan and he was forced by Ms. Atoll to participate. Ms. Atoll helped Morgan while Mr. Noseworthy tried to test Kevin, but it was extremely difficult because he could not learn anymore than he knew then. When the quiz show began, quiz show host was Ethan introduced the competitors with some way-off ideas of them. During the competition, Morgan was beating Kevin in every way, but during a break, Kevin gave twenty dollars to Ethan to use the questions that he had prepared. During these commercial breaks, George was the one who presented the ads. Soon, Kevin was back in the game, and Ms. Atoll speculated that there was something strange going on, so she intervenes, but Mr. Noseworthy stopped
S1 Ep3
26th Sep 1998
Morgan begins creating rumours and announcing rumours that Sarah has received from other students in the school, to make her show more popular. And it did, and all the Radio Active members loved her show, but soon, when she started rumours on her friends because there were no more rumours to spread, her friends left her. Sarah ended her job of finding rumours because people are staying away from her because she might find something secret about them, so Morgan became alone and had to create more deep secret rumours about her friends, and she desperately used some facts about her best friend, Tanya.
S1 Ep4
3rd Oct 1998
Mr. Noseworthy and Ms. Atoll switch jobs and it became a terrifying time for the students at Upper Redwood High. Ms. Atoll was demanding too much of the students and Mr. Noseworthy did not teach them anything that was valuable, so the children started to encourage the two adults to go back to their previous jobs so everyone would be happy. They happily switched when the school became chaos.
S1 Ep5
10th Oct 1998
One day Ms. Atoll discovers that someone had deliberately wrecked a Kenny G CD. She leaves it up to Radio Active to find out who had done it or else they would be suspended. The one exception was Morgan who was absent the other day. To help her solve the case, she Gerts Mr. Noseworthy to lend her his desk by lending him Sarah's skateboard. She decides to interview the suspects one by one. The first to be interviewed was Tanya. Morgan believed that she had done it because of her ex-boyfriend Stuart McCallum. He felt Kenny G was more important to him than Tanya. Tanya admits that she hates Kenny G for that but she still claims innocent. Morgan decides to hear her story from what happened that afternoon. She had just finished her show when she saw Kevin and Ethan acting like babies and fighting over a black pen and George sitting on the desk with a burret. She said that she did see the CD because she used it as a mirror so she could put on some black eyeliner. That was all she had to say.
S1 Ep6
17th Oct 1998
Ethan started a new music group with him as the manager and Tanya and George as the band, so he adds posters of their group, ""The Sludge Bunnies"" all over the school. Then he bribes Kevin with a share of the profits (49% each for Ethan and Kevin 1% each for George and Tanya) plus a deposit if he would play Tanya and George's song, ""Life is Like a Cheesburger"" on his show. Mr. Noseworthy talked about his band, ""The Happy Hawaiins"" being a disaster because a riot began when they played a weird song with ukuleles. Morgan started getting really tired of the song after being played more than a 100 times, because it was very bad and annoying while Sarah becomes brainwashed and continuously says something about Cheeseburgers. Cassettes were being sold, but nobody bought any, meanwhile Morgan finds out from Sarah that Ethan had given money to Kevin to play George and Tanya's song, she sent a fake message to Ethan that a music band wanted a new manager for their group, so Ethan destroyed hi
S1 Ep7
24th Oct 1998
Mr. Noseworthy received a letter from a new professional radio show, and they just need one member from Radio Active to perform live on the air, in front of the whole region. Excitedly, the group each introduces a ""format"". Morgan entertains, being a group of animals in a zoo while Tanya uses gentle and sleepy music on her show. George uses a cowboy personality while Kevin becomes ""The Howard Stern of Radio Active"" using a demanding script which Ms. Atoll had censored, leaving him saying ""bumbum"" for the entire transcript. Ethan features his financial report and when the cassette deck failed to bring a ""Bob's Bacon"" advertisement, he does it on his own, producing some pig noises. Ethan was chosen to be part of CFLB while the others were angry because Ethan was annoying them with his ""professional"" advice. Once they found out that Ethan was portraying a pig on the station and he was getting paid bumper stickers, Morgan tells him to stand up to CFLB so he can do his ""financial report""
S1 Ep9
7th Nov 1998
Kevin bets that he could make any girl, including Morgan to fall in love with him. Ethan agreed to this bet, and Kevin goes through grueling activities to get Morgan interested him, even dressing up as a nerd and ruining his reputation.
S1 Ep11
21st Nov 1998
When Tanya predicted that a storm would arrive, on such a glorious day, a storm occurred, and everyone believed that Tanya was a psychic (after the Radio Active team tested her on some questions). Everyone, including Miz Atoll wanted answers from Tanya, about their future, and Morgan used Tanya on her show to make her show the most popular in the school. Tanya did not want all this attention and pressure, so she decided to make everyone believe she was not a psychic, but Morgan continued to force her back into the business.
S1 Ep14
12th Dec 1998
Morgan reads an article in the newspaper about the severity of bullying in schools and becomes concerned with bullying in Upper Redwood High. Tanya reads out everyone's horoscopes. Tanya's says that her past will catch up with her....oooo....In the meantime, Kevin takes up boxing lessons, and Ethan looses his beeper. They find out the beeper is in the cabinet in the anteroom. They try to open the doors, but they seem stuck. Tanya is concerned about Kevin's new hobby, and tells Ethan that she was once a school bully. Yes, TANYA PANDA, a BULLY. Demonstrating what happened in Grade 3, she swung her fist into the cabinet door, letting the other side fly open and hit Ethan in the head. Tanya, who had her eyes covered, believed she was the one who hit Ethan. The same thing happens to George out in the hallway, where Tanya thought she hit him. Morgan gets suspicious about these bruises on their faces, and makes the conclusion that Kevin is the school bully. This episode has some great twists
S1 Ep16
9th Jan 1999
Ms. Atoll suggests that the Radio Active team do a play live on the radio. The gang presents song ideas, such as Kevin recapping a Stanley Cup Final Championships between Wayne Gretzy and the Edmonton Oilers against some other NHL team. The gang aren't too happy because they must organize the play that was suggested by Ms. Atoll, ""Beauty and The Beast"" it in one day. The team studied their lines, but the play turned out poorly, so they lost an incredible amount of marks, so they wanted to try again. With their new script including their original ideas, they put on a play that they enjoyed but it was still terrible.
S1 Ep17
16th Jan 1999
Ethan believes that he has inherited the fortune from his uncle when he died. So, due to the upcoming richness Ethan will become, he eagerly purchases useless items to have fun and to show off new merchandise. In the past, Ethan has always asked for money, and sold vandalised items, but now Ethan gives presents in exchange for them to help him out. Ethan gave Kevin a CD player a few CDs, if he would hang out with him, and Ethan would spend money on the new jerseys for the school team, if Ethan join the hockey team. Tanya had to do his homework after Ethan gave her a video camcorder and George had to follow him around, and become his secretary, after George received a couple of rare Normal Man issues. Morgan was given a Electronic Agenda, and she had to go on a date with Ethan. When Ethan finds out that he did not earn a fortune, because of tens of thousands of dollars of deductions (that were printed on the check), so now Ethan has to find several part-time jobs to pay for his cred
S1 Ep21
13th Feb 1999
The Radio Active members suddenly realized that Miz Atoll has been able to catch them in every troubling act, and they suspect someone in the group was a spy. With some ideas, they reached a conclusion that Ethan was the rat because he was the only one not concerned with this. With George spying on Ethan, he finds out that he was having conversations with Miz Atoll for a while now. Now, Morgan, Kevin and George believed that Ethan was betraying them, but Ethan described his situation where he needed extra help for English class because his mark was dropping. The rest of the group did not believe him, so to prove that he wasn't a spy, Ethan would go hunting to look for an answer to Miz Atoll being able to find out about every misbehaving incident. Ethan discovered that the new school microphones were the culprits, because the microphones were always on even though they turned it off. For some fun at the end, the members start pretending to create chaos, which would shoot Miz Atoll i
S1 Ep22
20th Feb 1999
When George reads out his first poem on the broadcast, everyone was surprised about how good it was, so Kevin decided to ask George to write a poem that he could use to read it to his girlfriend, Wendy to impress her. Poem after poem, George wrote for Kevin about Wendy, and everyone started to believe that Kevin was the writer for all those magnificent poems. Kevin was chosen to do a live broadcast with a collection of poems, but George was not inspired and could not think of anything to write, which panicked Kevin, who had to prepare for several poems to read. George was finally revealed as the writer of the poems that Kevin read out.
S1 Ep23
27th Feb 1999
Morgan complains about how un-romantic some guys are. While George's house is getting painted, he stays with Ethan. Apparently, George is extending his vocabulary through night tapes, and Ethan complains about George speaking all through the night. ""Fantabulous, fantabulous!"" When Kevin fails to get a date for Saturday nights Monster Truck show, Ethan presents his homemade cologne, which STINKS! Morgan discovers a secret admirer letter in her locker, and soon comes to the conclusion that Ethan sent it. Ethan tells Kevin that the cologne works, because he got a date with Morgan. Later, Tanya finds the same letter in her locker and also thinks it's Ethan. When Kevin finds out Ethan is on a date with both Morgan and Tanya, he buys some of Ethan's cologne. Ethan tries desperately to get into the hockey team, and convinces Kevin to give him and application form. George insists he delivers the application letter, but bumps into Tanya and Morgan on the way, mixing up letters. After Kevin gets
S1 Ep24
6th Mar 1999
Sarah begins by reading Ms. Atoll's letters to her. Sarah comes across the letter where a man was writing about the passionate time they spent with her, but Atoll snatched the note away before Sarah could continue. The next letter that Sarah read was even worse: it seems as though the School Board never obtained any reference of Ms. Atoll graduating from High School. As a bribe to not tell others have the problem, Ms. Atoll agreed to do anything that Sarah wanted. The blackmailing scheme led to Sarah receiving dozens of chocolate boxes, being the sixth member of Radio Active and having tons of plush animals surrounding the entire Anteroom. And finally, she was able to gain control of the entire team by becoming the leader. Kevin decided to hold an initiation ceremony where the group would provide gross and hard tasks for Sarah to perform but she passed all the test (including George's super disgusting drink made of MILK....SUGAR...CHOCOLATE DRINK MIX!) When Sarah reveals Ms. Atoll'
S1 Ep25
13th Mar 1999
Tanya replaces Miss Atoll as a teacher for a day, but he went horribly disastrous when the other Radio Active members started goofing off, because they did not need to listen to another student. Tanya did not want her friends to fail, so she decided to write the reports that were assigned to the students of Ms. Atoll and pass it off as the work of her friends. When the team realizes she was working so hard on helping them, they felt bad for not doing their work, and they began to work really hard and impress Tanya so she does not have to continue to do their work for her.
S2 Ep1
11th Sep 1999
Blaire tries to become the leader of Radio Active even though Morgan emphasized that there shouldn't be a leader for team, and even if there were, it definitely would not be Blaire. When Ms. Atoll suggested that there should be someone in command of the group, and she would pick the most eligible member. To defeat all of his opponents, he encourages Roger to become his ""ASSISTANT LEADER"" once he is acknowledged as leader of Radio Active. While listening to George's interviews about owls, Ms. Atoll nominated Tanya, but when Blair and Roger made Tanya look like a baby, Atoll reconsidered the choice and also gave less homework due to the fact that students may be losing their minds because there is too much homework. Again with George's interview, Atoll considers Morgan a likely candidate. Blaire and Roger sabotage the Radio booth with ants before Morgan's broadcast, she enters a room full of ants and starts going crazy, whipping everywhere trying to kill all the ants. When Atoll witn
S1 Ep1
12th Sep 1998
When Kevin Calvin failed his latest Science test, he must recover to keep Radio Active alive and interview the lead singer of Pearl Jam, Eddie Vedder. He was given a chance to have an oral exam with the school vice-principal of discipline - Mr. Angus Noseworthy, on the subject of Science. Kevin must receive help from his fellow Radio Active members - Morgan Leigh and Ethan St. John, because the test was that afternoon, but it was hopeless. And already, the whole school knew about the interview with Eddie Vedder, and Kevin would be turning down the whole school. When George had a new radio that picks up signals from Radio Active to anyone in the school except for the bathroom on the third floor (there isn't really one), Morgan obtains an idea. The headphones were given to Kevin to listen, to the answers given by the team. Sarah Leigh would listen to Mr. Noseworthy's questions outside the door, and run to give the questions to Tanya Panda who stayed in the halls, outside the Antero
S1 Ep2
19th Sep 1998
Morgan does her show on Radio Active, revealing that she was the only one who signed up to compete for the high school quiz show while George practises his advertisement performances. Kevin thought that the quiz challenge was a waste of time, it would ruin his image, and that he was able to beat Morgan and he was forced by Ms. Atoll to participate. Ms. Atoll helped Morgan while Mr. Noseworthy tried to test Kevin, but it was extremely difficult because he could not learn anymore than he knew then. When the quiz show began, quiz show host was Ethan introduced the competitors with some way-off ideas of them. During the competition, Morgan was beating Kevin in every way, but during a break, Kevin gave twenty dollars to Ethan to use the questions that he had prepared. During these commercial breaks, George was the one who presented the ads. Soon, Kevin was back in the game, and Ms. Atoll speculated that there was something strange going on, so she intervenes, but Mr. Noseworthy stopped
S1 Ep3
26th Sep 1998
Morgan begins creating rumours and announcing rumours that Sarah has received from other students in the school, to make her show more popular. And it did, and all the Radio Active members loved her show, but soon, when she started rumours on her friends because there were no more rumours to spread, her friends left her. Sarah ended her job of finding rumours because people are staying away from her because she might find something secret about them, so Morgan became alone and had to create more deep secret rumours about her friends, and she desperately used some facts about her best friend, Tanya.
S1 Ep4
3rd Oct 1998
Mr. Noseworthy and Ms. Atoll switch jobs and it became a terrifying time for the students at Upper Redwood High. Ms. Atoll was demanding too much of the students and Mr. Noseworthy did not teach them anything that was valuable, so the children started to encourage the two adults to go back to their previous jobs so everyone would be happy. They happily switched when the school became chaos.
S1 Ep5
10th Oct 1998
One day Ms. Atoll discovers that someone had deliberately wrecked a Kenny G CD. She leaves it up to Radio Active to find out who had done it or else they would be suspended. The one exception was Morgan who was absent the other day. To help her solve the case, she Gerts Mr. Noseworthy to lend her his desk by lending him Sarah's skateboard. She decides to interview the suspects one by one. The first to be interviewed was Tanya. Morgan believed that she had done it because of her ex-boyfriend Stuart McCallum. He felt Kenny G was more important to him than Tanya. Tanya admits that she hates Kenny G for that but she still claims innocent. Morgan decides to hear her story from what happened that afternoon. She had just finished her show when she saw Kevin and Ethan acting like babies and fighting over a black pen and George sitting on the desk with a burret. She said that she did see the CD because she used it as a mirror so she could put on some black eyeliner. That was all she had to say.
S1 Ep6
17th Oct 1998
Ethan started a new music group with him as the manager and Tanya and George as the band, so he adds posters of their group, ""The Sludge Bunnies"" all over the school. Then he bribes Kevin with a share of the profits (49% each for Ethan and Kevin 1% each for George and Tanya) plus a deposit if he would play Tanya and George's song, ""Life is Like a Cheesburger"" on his show. Mr. Noseworthy talked about his band, ""The Happy Hawaiins"" being a disaster because a riot began when they played a weird song with ukuleles. Morgan started getting really tired of the song after being played more than a 100 times, because it was very bad and annoying while Sarah becomes brainwashed and continuously says something about Cheeseburgers. Cassettes were being sold, but nobody bought any, meanwhile Morgan finds out from Sarah that Ethan had given money to Kevin to play George and Tanya's song, she sent a fake message to Ethan that a music band wanted a new manager for their group, so Ethan destroyed hi
S1 Ep7
24th Oct 1998
Mr. Noseworthy received a letter from a new professional radio show, and they just need one member from Radio Active to perform live on the air, in front of the whole region. Excitedly, the group each introduces a ""format"". Morgan entertains, being a group of animals in a zoo while Tanya uses gentle and sleepy music on her show. George uses a cowboy personality while Kevin becomes ""The Howard Stern of Radio Active"" using a demanding script which Ms. Atoll had censored, leaving him saying ""bumbum"" for the entire transcript. Ethan features his financial report and when the cassette deck failed to bring a ""Bob's Bacon"" advertisement, he does it on his own, producing some pig noises. Ethan was chosen to be part of CFLB while the others were angry because Ethan was annoying them with his ""professional"" advice. Once they found out that Ethan was portraying a pig on the station and he was getting paid bumper stickers, Morgan tells him to stand up to CFLB so he can do his ""financial report""
S1 Ep8
31st Oct 1998
In Ms. Atoll's English class, Ms. Atoll leaves the class to talk with Mr. Noseworthy. The gang begins to goof off until Tanya sees that George forgot to water Ms. Atoll's rare Brazilian plant. Tanya reminded George and he goes to water it. George accidentally poured Ethan's science project (which is like some sort of acid) on the plant which begins to make it smoke. The gang quickly hid the plant before Ms. Atoll came back. But when Ms. Atoll was looking for her list she almost saw the plant. George quickly raised his hand to volunteer Ethan to present his speech. Ethan goes up and talks about his grandfather, The Great Hypnoto. His grandfather had left him a book filled with hypnotizing tricks. He decides to perform a demonstration on George. He puts him to sleep and starts the trick to make him laugh hysterically, but in the middle of his presentation, his cell-phone rang which ended up messing up the hypnotism. Later that day Ms. Atoll finds out about the plant and demands to know w
S1 Ep9
7th Nov 1998
Kevin bets that he could make any girl, including Morgan to fall in love with him. Ethan agreed to this bet, and Kevin goes through grueling activities to get Morgan interested him, even dressing up as a nerd and ruining his reputation.
S1 Ep10
14th Nov 1998
When the Radio Active members goofed off, Morgan threatens to leave Radio Active, because she was stressed out by trying to get the team back on task and getting the blame on everything that Radio Active does wrong. The other three members of Radio Active discovers that Morgan was going to quit (by eavesdropping through the radio), so they began acting responsible, etc... Morgan was not really going to quit, and when she finds out the team had been eavesdropping them, and they were trying to be nice so she would not leave. She starts getting meaner, and wanting everything perfect to get back at the three, but she went too far, and the Radio Active members quit.
S1 Ep11
21st Nov 1998
When Tanya predicted that a storm would arrive, on such a glorious day, a storm occurred, and everyone believed that Tanya was a psychic (after the Radio Active team tested her on some questions). Everyone, including Miz Atoll wanted answers from Tanya, about their future, and Morgan used Tanya on her show to make her show the most popular in the school. Tanya did not want all this attention and pressure, so she decided to make everyone believe she was not a psychic, but Morgan continued to force her back into the business.
S1 Ep12
28th Nov 1998
Once again, Kevin's grades are slipping (doesn't he ever learn?...wait, I mean that literally.) and he is once again threatened to leave Radio Active if he doesn't improve. Kevin has been missing allot of shows recently, and Morgan is filling in for him. If he misses another show, Atoll will fail Kevin. Well, Morgan is getting pretty peed off with him, but Kevin turns on his charm, and tells Morgan he's in love with her, and says it's too painful to be around her, as he believes she'll never return his love. Awww, boo hoo. But later, Kevin drops the act, and gets George to fill in for him while he goes to the mall during his show, so he could get Wendy Gwendolyn's phone number. But his scheme doesn't last that long, as Morgan soon finds out that George, who is imitating Kevin's voice, has been doing Kevin's show while he's at the mall getting Wendy Gwendolyn's number. Morgan, who believed what Kevin said, plays a trick on him to pay him back.
S1 Ep13
5th Dec 1998
The Radio Active members were kept in the station by Ms. Atoll while the rest of the world were buying tickets to go see the ""Juicy Freaks"" concert, luckily they were given one promotional ticket, but now the group fought over who should get it. Ethan raises the idea of selling it, and runs off to find a buyer while Ms. Atoll was able to snatch away the ticket and send it back to the promoter while Mr. Noseworthy gets some advice from Sarah to be young and cool again. Ethan was able to sell the ticket and offered the group some donuts, but he found out that they lost the ticket and now Dutch Kowalski was going to staple him to the ceiling. Now the group had to think of an idea to take back the ticket, and George revealed his idea of pretending to be a mailbox using a costume and wait for the ticket to drop into his hands, but the group decided that was not going to work. The group stayed at the school overnight to pick up the ticket before the day it was returned, but Ms. Atoll cle
S1 Ep14
12th Dec 1998
Morgan reads an article in the newspaper about the severity of bullying in schools and becomes concerned with bullying in Upper Redwood High. Tanya reads out everyone's horoscopes. Tanya's says that her past will catch up with her....oooo....In the meantime, Kevin takes up boxing lessons, and Ethan looses his beeper. They find out the beeper is in the cabinet in the anteroom. They try to open the doors, but they seem stuck. Tanya is concerned about Kevin's new hobby, and tells Ethan that she was once a school bully. Yes, TANYA PANDA, a BULLY. Demonstrating what happened in Grade 3, she swung her fist into the cabinet door, letting the other side fly open and hit Ethan in the head. Tanya, who had her eyes covered, believed she was the one who hit Ethan. The same thing happens to George out in the hallway, where Tanya thought she hit him. Morgan gets suspicious about these bruises on their faces, and makes the conclusion that Kevin is the school bully. This episode has some great twists
S1 Ep15
19th Dec 1998
Ethan received his $40 copy of ""Jerry Springer: Too Hot For TV"", which gave Kevin an idea to raise money to help him buy a expensive necklace for his girlfriend. Ethan became the host of his very own live show, called ""The Ethan St. John Show"", while Kevin played the audience, and George was his special guest, who pretended to be a chalk eater, Joey. Throughout the show, Ethan and George interviewed George/Joey's life of eating chalk while Kevin made weird comments. Then, Kevin pretended to be his grandmother (who Joey sold for $2 to buy more chalk to eat), and they started to pretend to fight, but George quit after Kevin wrecked his CD. Morgan suggested to make a real live fight and Kevin and Ethan took that and used it by using Morgan and Sarah as the two guests because they kept on fighting and fighting. But soon, Morgan and Sarah made up, and Kevin desperately destroyed Sarah's virtual pet, and Sarah blamed Morgan because Morgan was taking care of the pet. Sarah overheard a conve
S1 Ep16
9th Jan 1999
Ms. Atoll suggests that the Radio Active team do a play live on the radio. The gang presents song ideas, such as Kevin recapping a Stanley Cup Final Championships between Wayne Gretzy and the Edmonton Oilers against some other NHL team. The gang aren't too happy because they must organize the play that was suggested by Ms. Atoll, ""Beauty and The Beast"" it in one day. The team studied their lines, but the play turned out poorly, so they lost an incredible amount of marks, so they wanted to try again. With their new script including their original ideas, they put on a play that they enjoyed but it was still terrible.
S1 Ep17
16th Jan 1999
Ethan believes that he has inherited the fortune from his uncle when he died. So, due to the upcoming richness Ethan will become, he eagerly purchases useless items to have fun and to show off new merchandise. In the past, Ethan has always asked for money, and sold vandalised items, but now Ethan gives presents in exchange for them to help him out. Ethan gave Kevin a CD player a few CDs, if he would hang out with him, and Ethan would spend money on the new jerseys for the school team, if Ethan join the hockey team. Tanya had to do his homework after Ethan gave her a video camcorder and George had to follow him around, and become his secretary, after George received a couple of rare Normal Man issues. Morgan was given a Electronic Agenda, and she had to go on a date with Ethan. When Ethan finds out that he did not earn a fortune, because of tens of thousands of dollars of deductions (that were printed on the check), so now Ethan has to find several part-time jobs to pay for his cred
S1 Ep18
23rd Jan 1999
Mr. Noseworthy received books that he would use for reading material, when he discovers that he did not receive a book by Schmoog Silversteen, because the school board did not approve of it. No one wants to help him, except for Sarah. The two protested that the book is just a book, and they should allow it in school. The school board caved in so easily because they needed to have a good, clean school. To show off to the rest of the province for the student's behaviour and to make them not cause any trouble, they would offer any of their demands. The team went to far, and made the school - not even a school anymore. Their classes are playing games, junk food is presented everywhere, etc... and due to all these demands, Mr. Noseworthy was fired. Now, the team must decide whether to take back all there demands so the school board would rehire Mr. Noseworthy or to let things be, and keep Mr. Noseworthy as the janitor.
S1 Ep19
30th Jan 1999
For a school dance, Kevin asked Morgan to the dance, and she accepted. But soon, Kevin was taking a girl from Upper Redwood High while Morgan was getting a date with a popular boy from her school. Kevin and Morgan broke their date, but later, Morgan was dumped for the dance because she was taking to long to reply and Kevin had to obtain some ""class"" by being polite and providing more money to make the date better, but Kevin did not have a lot of money and wasn't able to gain access to a car. As a last resort, Morgan and Kevin decided to go with each other, but later, Morgan was able to get a date with the other teenager, while Kevin was able to borrow a vehicle from Mr. Noseworthy. After breaking their date twice, Morgan and Kevin decided to go to the dance together instead.
S1 Ep20
6th Feb 1999
Morgan was fed up with school when she was the only Radio Activist to work on broadcast reports, etc... tied in with piles of homework, and she was beginning to think that school was a waste of time while she could be roaming around the world, enjoying life. When caught in detention for destroying the Radio Active files, Morgan spent her time with Kevin in the detention room, when she realized that she could escape and go to the mall to have some fun. Caught for skipping school, Morgan was about to be expelled when she announced that she would skip school. When Morgan wasn't in Radio Active or doing homework, the other Radio Activists had to work a whole lot more because Morgan was the only one in the group that did any hard jobs. Soon, the team was desperate for Morgan, and at the end, Morgan decided to return to school.
S1 Ep21
13th Feb 1999
The Radio Active members suddenly realized that Miz Atoll has been able to catch them in every troubling act, and they suspect someone in the group was a spy. With some ideas, they reached a conclusion that Ethan was the rat because he was the only one not concerned with this. With George spying on Ethan, he finds out that he was having conversations with Miz Atoll for a while now. Now, Morgan, Kevin and George believed that Ethan was betraying them, but Ethan described his situation where he needed extra help for English class because his mark was dropping. The rest of the group did not believe him, so to prove that he wasn't a spy, Ethan would go hunting to look for an answer to Miz Atoll being able to find out about every misbehaving incident. Ethan discovered that the new school microphones were the culprits, because the microphones were always on even though they turned it off. For some fun at the end, the members start pretending to create chaos, which would shoot Miz Atoll i
S1 Ep22
20th Feb 1999
When George reads out his first poem on the broadcast, everyone was surprised about how good it was, so Kevin decided to ask George to write a poem that he could use to read it to his girlfriend, Wendy to impress her. Poem after poem, George wrote for Kevin about Wendy, and everyone started to believe that Kevin was the writer for all those magnificent poems. Kevin was chosen to do a live broadcast with a collection of poems, but George was not inspired and could not think of anything to write, which panicked Kevin, who had to prepare for several poems to read. George was finally revealed as the writer of the poems that Kevin read out.
S1 Ep23
27th Feb 1999
Morgan complains about how un-romantic some guys are. While George's house is getting painted, he stays with Ethan. Apparently, George is extending his vocabulary through night tapes, and Ethan complains about George speaking all through the night. ""Fantabulous, fantabulous!"" When Kevin fails to get a date for Saturday nights Monster Truck show, Ethan presents his homemade cologne, which STINKS! Morgan discovers a secret admirer letter in her locker, and soon comes to the conclusion that Ethan sent it. Ethan tells Kevin that the cologne works, because he got a date with Morgan. Later, Tanya finds the same letter in her locker and also thinks it's Ethan. When Kevin finds out Ethan is on a date with both Morgan and Tanya, he buys some of Ethan's cologne. Ethan tries desperately to get into the hockey team, and convinces Kevin to give him and application form. George insists he delivers the application letter, but bumps into Tanya and Morgan on the way, mixing up letters. After Kevin gets
S1 Ep24
6th Mar 1999
Sarah begins by reading Ms. Atoll's letters to her. Sarah comes across the letter where a man was writing about the passionate time they spent with her, but Atoll snatched the note away before Sarah could continue. The next letter that Sarah read was even worse: it seems as though the School Board never obtained any reference of Ms. Atoll graduating from High School. As a bribe to not tell others have the problem, Ms. Atoll agreed to do anything that Sarah wanted. The blackmailing scheme led to Sarah receiving dozens of chocolate boxes, being the sixth member of Radio Active and having tons of plush animals surrounding the entire Anteroom. And finally, she was able to gain control of the entire team by becoming the leader. Kevin decided to hold an initiation ceremony where the group would provide gross and hard tasks for Sarah to perform but she passed all the test (including George's super disgusting drink made of MILK....SUGAR...CHOCOLATE DRINK MIX!) When Sarah reveals Ms. Atoll'
S1 Ep25
13th Mar 1999
Tanya replaces Miss Atoll as a teacher for a day, but he went horribly disastrous when the other Radio Active members started goofing off, because they did not need to listen to another student. Tanya did not want her friends to fail, so she decided to write the reports that were assigned to the students of Ms. Atoll and pass it off as the work of her friends. When the team realizes she was working so hard on helping them, they felt bad for not doing their work, and they began to work really hard and impress Tanya so she does not have to continue to do their work for her.
S1 Ep26
20th Mar 1999
Kevin had to try and stay out of trouble to avoid detentions so he can be free for a date with Suzy Kaflootzky, while Ethan asked everyone if he was a ""suck"" and everyone said ""yes"". Ethan began playing around with Kevin, but Kevin ignored it and not break one of Ethan's limbs. While George asks Morgan to help him find a girl using the newspaper's personals ad. Morgan corrected and edited George's ""weird and stupid"" letter until they were left with ""A fun, funny, fun-loving guy trying to find a fun, funny, fun-loving gal to do fun stuff with"" (after taking out 7 ""fun""s). To remove his reputation as a suck, Ethan started to find ways to get a detention, and one of his methods that he showed in front of Ms. Atoll was: -Entering without knocking -Making funny faces -Wearing different coloured socks -Ripping out a branch of Atoll's prize geranium but all these attempts did not work. As a last resort, he decided to pour water over Ms. Atoll but he got scared, and couldn't do it.
The first episode of Radio Active aired on September 12, 1998.
The last episode of Radio Active aired on March 17, 2001.
There are 78 episodes of Radio Active.
There are 3 seasons of Radio Active.
Radio Active has ended.