Alienated Episode Rating Graph
Jul 2003 - Jun 2004

Jul 2003 - Jun 2004
Browse episode ratings trends for Alienated. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Alienated's 23 episodes.
S2 Ep11
15th Jun 2004
Sarah gives birth to her baby; the truth about George is revealed.
S2 Ep10
8th Jun 2004
Roger and George both take on the father roles preparing for the birth of Sarah's baby, which causes some friction.
S2 Ep9
1st Jun 2004
The family accepts the fact that Sarah will have an alien baby; Cameron's secret romance is revealed.
S1 Ep1
8th Jul 2003
Alien light beams scan the Blundells, who are eating the weekly meatloaf lunch.
S1 Ep4
22nd Jul 2003
Roger and Sarah outfit the Blundell home with closed circuit cameras, hoping to monitor alien activity.
S1 Ep5
22nd Jul 2003
Cameron's school life changes radically after aliens abduct him.
S1 Ep1
8th Jul 2003
Alien light beams scan the Blundells, who are eating the weekly meatloaf lunch.
S1 Ep2
15th Jul 2003
As Sarah investigates whether aliens abducted her father, she notices Roger acting strangely too.
S1 Ep3
15th Jul 2003
Roger's sudden obsession with sex confirms Sarah's suspicion that aliens abducted him.
S1 Ep4
22nd Jul 2003
Roger and Sarah outfit the Blundell home with closed circuit cameras, hoping to monitor alien activity.
S1 Ep5
22nd Jul 2003
Cameron's school life changes radically after aliens abduct him.
S1 Ep6
29th Jul 2003
Despite alien intervention, George's love life leaves something to be desired.
S1 Ep7
29th Jul 2003
Thinking the aliens have abducted Cameron, Sarah calls 911.
S1 Ep8
5th Aug 2003
Sarah denies Roger sex after she discovers something alien in their bed.
S1 Ep9
5th Aug 2003
The Blundells turn on each other when their personal possessions go missing.
S1 Ep10
12th Aug 2003
The Blundells are talked into revealing their secret to the world.
The first episode of Alienated aired on July 08, 2003.
The last episode of Alienated aired on June 15, 2004.
There are 23 episodes of Alienated.
There are 2 seasons of Alienated.
Alienated has ended.