Crowd Control Episode Rating Graph
Nov 2014 - Dec 2014

Nov 2014 - Dec 2014
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S1 Ep8
8th Dec 2014
Behavior change expert Daniel Pink takes on a very modern problem - people walking and texting on their smart phones when they should be paying attention to where they're going. When many of them don't even notice a cappuccino drinking gorilla it's time for some drastic action in the form of a no cell phone pedestrian lane. And when a historic monument is being damaged by thousands of feet, he's got a way to tackle that too.
S1 Ep5
8th Dec 2014
Behavior change expert Daniel Pink devises experiments to stop those dirty little habits we think we can get away with. In his sights are sweaty gym users who don't wipe their machines after use, men whose aim is off target in public restrooms, people who don't wash their hands and those pariahs of modern life - double dippers. Can he succeed in getting us to clean up our acts without us even realizing?
S1 Ep4
1st Dec 2014
Host Daniel Pink devises ingenious experiments to prevent us from tearing our hair out whenever we have to visit places like the DMV.
S1 Ep2
24th Nov 2014
Behavior change expert Daniel Pink tackles the nation's laziest habits with ingenious experiments that trick us into doing what we don't want to do.
S1 Ep12
15th Dec 2014
For six months, behavior change expert Daniel Pink has traveled America carrying out more than 40 experiments on unsuspecting members of the public to see if he can make us behave better. In front of an audience, including many of the people featured in his stunts, he reveals the tricks of his trade.
S1 Ep9
15th Dec 2014
When behavior change expert Daniel Pink reveals the shocking truth of how sun worshipers will look when they're older, they all immediately reach for the sunscreen. After a vision of the future, he turns back time to convince the residents of a senior center they're younger than they think; makes time fly in a restaurant line and tries to save seconds in an emergency evacuation drill - by blocking the exit!
S1 Ep6
8th Dec 2014
If you've ever lost your wallet, you'll know the sickening feeling that hits you when you realize it's gone. Behavior change expert Daniel Pink "loses" 30 wallets to test a mind trick he hopes will make people more likely to hand them in. He also helps a fire fighter's charity collect more money, a family business sell more beef jerky and a building cut their energy bills by turning the lobby into a games area.
S1 Ep7
8th Dec 2014
Other people can be so annoying but behavior change expert Daniel Pink has plans to turn us into model citizens without us even realizing it. Noisy movie goers are startled by a voice only they can hear; a father with four teenage daughters gets help to speed up their morning showers; people who let the door slam in your face at the mall are taught a lesson in manners.
S1 Ep1
24th Nov 2014
Behavior change expert Daniel Pink tries to turn us into good citizens with exciting experiments that make obeying the law more fun than breaking it.
S1 Ep2
24th Nov 2014
Behavior change expert Daniel Pink tackles the nation's laziest habits with ingenious experiments that trick us into doing what we don't want to do.
S1 Ep3
1st Dec 2014
Behavior change expert Daniel Pink is determined to put the fun back into travel by making the inflight safety briefing something you really want to listen to, sorting out baggage reclaim and solving the frustration of trying to find your car in the airport garage. His methods involve a talking robo-dog, the smell of the Wild West, Christmas lights and a $19 million flight simulator.
S1 Ep4
1st Dec 2014
Host Daniel Pink devises ingenious experiments to prevent us from tearing our hair out whenever we have to visit places like the DMV.
S1 Ep5
8th Dec 2014
Behavior change expert Daniel Pink devises experiments to stop those dirty little habits we think we can get away with. In his sights are sweaty gym users who don't wipe their machines after use, men whose aim is off target in public restrooms, people who don't wash their hands and those pariahs of modern life - double dippers. Can he succeed in getting us to clean up our acts without us even realizing?
S1 Ep6
8th Dec 2014
If you've ever lost your wallet, you'll know the sickening feeling that hits you when you realize it's gone. Behavior change expert Daniel Pink "loses" 30 wallets to test a mind trick he hopes will make people more likely to hand them in. He also helps a fire fighter's charity collect more money, a family business sell more beef jerky and a building cut their energy bills by turning the lobby into a games area.
S1 Ep7
8th Dec 2014
Other people can be so annoying but behavior change expert Daniel Pink has plans to turn us into model citizens without us even realizing it. Noisy movie goers are startled by a voice only they can hear; a father with four teenage daughters gets help to speed up their morning showers; people who let the door slam in your face at the mall are taught a lesson in manners.
S1 Ep8
8th Dec 2014
Behavior change expert Daniel Pink takes on a very modern problem - people walking and texting on their smart phones when they should be paying attention to where they're going. When many of them don't even notice a cappuccino drinking gorilla it's time for some drastic action in the form of a no cell phone pedestrian lane. And when a historic monument is being damaged by thousands of feet, he's got a way to tackle that too.
S1 Ep9
15th Dec 2014
When behavior change expert Daniel Pink reveals the shocking truth of how sun worshipers will look when they're older, they all immediately reach for the sunscreen. After a vision of the future, he turns back time to convince the residents of a senior center they're younger than they think; makes time fly in a restaurant line and tries to save seconds in an emergency evacuation drill - by blocking the exit!
S1 Ep10
15th Dec 2014
Behavior change expert Daniel Pink experiments with a new kind of diet - one that the dieter doesn't even know they are on. Will his simple mind tricks affect how much drivers at a truck stop eat and set them on the road to a healthier lifestyle? And can he stop cell phone addicts from ruining everybody else's night out at a restaurant?
S1 Ep11
15th Dec 2014
We all know we should recycle as much as possible, drive the speed limit and not abandon our grocery carts in the parking lot, but we still do it anyway. Behavior change expert Daniel Pink makes doing the right thing fun by building a singing road that plays America the Beautiful if you drive at the speed limit, tricking out shopping carts that plead to be returned and recruits a flash mob to reward people who recycle their trash.
S1 Ep12
15th Dec 2014
For six months, behavior change expert Daniel Pink has traveled America carrying out more than 40 experiments on unsuspecting members of the public to see if he can make us behave better. In front of an audience, including many of the people featured in his stunts, he reveals the tricks of his trade.
The first episode of Crowd Control aired on November 24, 2014.
The last episode of Crowd Control aired on December 15, 2014.
There are 12 episodes of Crowd Control.
There is one season of Crowd Control.
Crowd Control has ended.