Border Control: Europe Episode Rating Graph poster

Border Control: Europe Episode Rating Graph

Mar 2020 - present


Border Control: Europe Episode Rating Graph poster

Browse episode ratings trends for Border Control: Europe. Simply click on the interactive rating graph to explore the best and worst of Border Control: Europe's 20 episodes.

Best Episodes of Border Control: Europe

Worst Episodes of Border Control: Europe

Border Control: Europe Episode Guide


The best rated episodes of Border Control: Europe are:
  • By the Vanload S1E11 rated 7.0
  • On Their Heels S1E9 rated 7.0
The lowest rated episodes of Border Control: Europe are:
  • Price of Technology S1E10 rated 6.0
  • Suspicious Gifts S1E5 rated 7.0

The first episode of Border Control: Europe aired on March 01, 2020.

The last episode of Border Control: Europe aired on May 10, 2020.

There are 20 episodes of Border Control: Europe.

There is one season of Border Control: Europe.


Border Control: Europe is set to return for future episodes.

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