The Adventures of Robin Hood Episode Rating Graph
Sep 1955 - Nov 1960

Sep 1955 - Nov 1960
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S2 Ep36
3rd Jun 1957
A list of people loyal to King Richard, being carried from London to Nottingham by Ned Carter, comes into the Sheriff's possession, but fortunately Robin has a chance of rescuing it.
S2 Ep38
17th Jun 1957
Sir William has imposed an import duty on all grain taken to Tom's mill, and unless it's paid, he will see nobody crosses his land, which surrounds it. When Robin hears about this, he thinks of a way to get the grain to the mill without anyone setting foot on Sir William's land.
S2 Ep37
10th Jun 1957
Locksley Hall has sentimental associations for Robin and Marian, and they pay a visit. But the current owner is treating his peasants miserably, so they decide to help.
S2 Ep33
13th May 1957
Robin and Friar Tuck go with Marian to an island off the coast of Ireland, where they suspect her uncle, Sir Edward de Courcy, is being held prisoner. They find the local people frightened, and someone tries to frighten Robin too.
S2 Ep32
6th May 1957
Robin and Friar Tuck go on a mission to Scotland for King Richard, to collect five hundred gold crowns, for King William, but they find the Scots suspicious. Proving their identity gives Tuck some anxious moments.
S2 Ep31
29th Apr 1957
The Earl of Rochdale, Marian's uncle, is quarrelling with the Earl of Northgate, and she suggests an archery match to decide the matter. She hopes Robin will be able to shoot for her uncle, but first they must hoodwink the Sheriff.
S2 Ep30
22nd Apr 1957
Count Olivier has levied a new tax, taking so much food from the people of Upper Minton that they may starve. Robin captures the food from the tax collector and must return it to the villagers without the Count knowing.
S2 Ep28
8th Apr 1957
The Count of Severne tells the Sheriff that his gold has been taken by Robin Hood. He also suspects Maid Marian. The Sheriff disbelieves this, but agrees to put the Count's suspicions to the test.
S2 Ep26
25th Mar 1957
A preposterous London merchant and his beautiful daughter Bess are on their way to Sir Harold of Nottingham with a dowry of one thousand gold crowns. Garth, one of the outlaws, reports their presence to Robin, who arranges to relieve them of their gold.
S2 Ep25
18th Mar 1957
'The Flying Four' are a Bavarian acrobatic team, and they come through Sherwood Forest on their way to Nottingham Fair. Naturally, they are waylaid by the outlaws, but when they are found to be harmless, they are treated as guests. It is then that the Men of Sherwood get their Great Idea.
S2 Ep24
11th May 1957
Robin and Marian are fishing in a pool which Robin explains has the biggest fish in the area. It belongs to Sir Cedric Hayworth, who knows nothing about it. When Robin has dealings with the knight later, he spins him a very fishy yarn to trick him.
S2 Ep22
25th Feb 1957
The Sheriff has found the man everyone is looking for: Lepidus, an alchemist who can make gold. But the old man has been in his laboratory for a month and has produced nothing. The Sheriff gives him just seven days more. Robin, feeling guilty for delivering hime to the Sheriff, tries to rescue him.
S2 Ep21
18th Feb 1957
Robin and Friar Tuck escort Prince Arthur and the Duchess Constance to Chateau Marmont in France for safety. There they make a discovery, of a French 'Robin Hood' called Jacques Chapeau. Jacques captures the prince, intending to use him as ransom for his brother imprisoned in Paris.
S2 Ep20
11th Feb 1957
Prince John is always trying to seize the English throne while King Richard is in the Holy Land. But there is someone with a better claim: Arthur of Brittany. Suppose, by some regrettable accident, that Arthur were killed?
S2 Ep18
28th Jan 1957
Robin's men are annoyed when he gives refuge to Pick, a confidence trickster, who specialises in a shell trick, which makes him rather unpopular with the men. Robin uses him in a plan to collect some jewels for King Richard's campaign in France.
S2 Ep17
21st Jan 1957
Most people can stand a bit of teasing, but the outlaws go too far with Little John, and he walks off in a huff. It was a pity he didn't look where he was going - it would have saved Robin a lot of trouble. Little John is caught by the Sheriff's men and sentenced to hang, and Robin has to rescue him.
S2 Ep16
14th Jan 1957
Marian's cousin, Sir William Fitzwalter, comes from Eleanor, the Queen Mother, to ask Robin's help. It means Robin has to go to Austria. That night Marian has a strange dream, causing her to fear for his safety.
S2 Ep15
7th Jan 1957
Lady Rowena is being forced to marry a local nobleman, De Vere. Sir Hubert is determined to storm the castle single-handed, to save her. But who will save him?
S2 Ep14
31st Dec 1956
The Sheriff's campaign against Robin and the outlaws has not been very successful, but Sir Simon, an agent of Prince John, comes along with a new idea, and proposes to carry it through himself. The Sheriff is pleased to hand over to someone else.
S2 Ep13
24th Dec 1956
It may be odd that Robin should decide to accompany Friar Tuck on his pilgrimage to Canterbury, but several people are glad he did, as they are soon embroiled in a case of witchcraft.
S2 Ep12
17th Dec 1956
Money problems are not new, but outlaws have unconventional methods of solving them. To help the villagers of Lotham, who are being very heavily taxed, Robin supplies table silver to the silversmith and official minter of Nottingham to melt down into coin. Unknown to Robin, the Sheriff already suspects the silversmith is in sympathy with King Richard.
S2 Ep11
10th Dec 1956
Sir Dunstan of Travers, a guest of Maid Marian, discloses to her his vow to wear a black patch over one eye until he has captured Robin Hood. She hurries off to warn Robin, and almost falls into a cleverly laid trap.
S2 Ep10
3rd Dec 1956
Tom the Miller is being harassed by a series of misfortunes, which his powerful neighbor, Sir William, ascribes to the 'Little People', but Friar Tuck doesn't believe this falsehood, and asks Robin for help.
S2 Ep9
26th Nov 1956
Mark becomes a hero under false pretences. But is he hero enough to take the consequences?
S2 Ep8
19th Nov 1956
There is only one attractive young woman in Nottingham that Robin trusts, and that's Marian. Can he trust the lovely Isabella too? Prince John is planning to divorce his wife, Princess Avice, who asks Robin for help
S2 Ep7
12th Nov 1956
Five hundred crowns is a great deal of money, but that's the sum demanded from the villagers by Count Severne to pay for the return of his son. Edwin, spokesman of the serfs, appeals to Robin for help.
S2 Ep6
5th Nov 1956
Robin's principles are well-known, if not well-liked. There are two kinds of men he doesn't like: traitors and impostors. Unless he is the impostor?
S2 Ep5
29th Oct 1956
Sir Richard of the Lea has a lot of very nice pewter plate, and when an 'alchemist' comes along and says he can turn it into gold, Sir Richard is taken in. How can Robin outwit the 'goldmaker' without attracting the attention of the Sheriff?
S2 Ep4
22nd Oct 1956
A year and a day - that's the length of time an escaped serf has to stay free before freedom is his forever. But he has to stay in the public eye, and how can he do this when he is a wanted man? Surgeon Calend has done it for a year, but there's another day to go.
S2 Ep3
15th Oct 1956
By chance, a stranger hidden in a cart overhears a conversation between Robin and Marian. Is it enough to blackmail the outlaw of Sherwood Forest? Robin impersonates the Sheriff to turn the tables on the blackmailer.
S1 Ep30
16th Apr 1956
Derwent the outlaw makes a friend to whom he will be everlastingly grateful. Sir Walter de Lys discovers that there is such a thing as hygiene, after a healer called Joseph cures him by unconventional means, which riles the other healers in Nottingham. Then the Sheriff takes a hand...
S2 Ep27
1st Apr 1957
Joseph of Cordoba and a young friend, Esther, escape from York with money raised by friends to pay the passage of a shipload of refugees landing at Grimsby. When Joseph is wounded, Robin offers to accompany Esther to the coast.
S1 Ep1
26th Sep 1955
Robin of Locksley has been fighting in the crusades in the Holy Land for many years, and when he arrives home again, he finds a sorry situation. Prince John is trying to seize power, and the Normans are in control everywhere. Even Robin's own land has been seized by a Norman knight. Where can he look for friends?
S3 Ep14
30th Dec 1957
Will Dale, as a special birthday treat, is brought by his father to the forest. There, he goes hunting with Robin and the outlaws, but they get into a fight with Sir Roger Fitzwilliam, who kidnaps Will.
S1 Ep25
12th Mar 1956
The Sheriff is puzzled by something very strange going on in a ruined castle. When he arrives with his men-at-arms, he finds that the castle contains an unnusual occupant.
S2 Ep35
27th May 1957
During King Richard's crusade, Ali ben Azra, one of the hated Saracens is captured and brought to England. In their turn, the Saracens capture Lord Rossmore and hold him hostage against Ali's safe return. Plans are made for the exchange, but Sir James Rossmore, nephew of Lord Rossmore, has other ideas. He has devised a plot that will enable him to inherit his uncle's fortune, placing the blame on the innocent Ali ben Azra. Robin decides to intervene.
S1 Ep3
10th Oct 1955
Little John escapes from the bondage of his feudal lord, but is caught in a tavern by the Sheriff's men. The sergeant offers him his freedom if he will go into Sherwood Forest and bring back an outlaw. Little John agrees, and in the forest meets Robin Hood for the first time.
S1 Ep17
16th Jan 1956
Robin is called on to aid two brothers, one of whom wants to become a priest. They are both fleeing the Sheriff of Nottingham, and Robin sends them to an abbot. However, they are caught, and the would-be priest is thrown into prison. Can Robin rescue him and help him take his vows?
S1 Ep4
17th Oct 1955
Friar Tuck calls on Robin to help the course of true love run smoothly. A young girl in love with a yeoman has sought sanctuary with the Friar after discovering that the lord of the manor has a different suitor in mind for her. Disguised as a monk, Robin sets out to help.
S1 Ep15
2nd Jan 1956
A poor woman has been accused of witchcraft, and is under sentence of death to be burned at the stake. At least, that was the Sheriff's plan before Robin appeared with a clever ruse.
S1 Ep2
3rd Oct 1955
Robin, a new recruit to Scatlock's outlaw band, is sent out to bring back some loot from a moneylender who has exacted 100% interest from the people to whom he has lent money. But Robin's actions are displeasing to Scatlock.
S1 Ep12
12th Dec 1955
A Highland visitor to Sherwood Forest is regarded with suspicion by Robin, especially when he is seen to burgle a treasure cave. Who is he, and what is he up to?
S1 Ep18
23rd Jan 1956
Friendly villagers have turned against Robin and the outlaws after being robbed. To win back their confidence, he must find the thieves.
S1 Ep19
30th Jan 1956
The Sheriff of Nottingham prides himself on being well dressed - even down to his boots. His own bootmakers don't seem to be doing a good job, but what would he say if he knew that he was wearing outlaw boots?
S1 Ep20
6th Feb 1956
While delivering herbs to fight an epidemic of St Anthony's Fire, Robin and Little John are recognised by a beggar, and are in danger.
S1 Ep21
13th Feb 1956
A man is found murdered in Sherwood Forest, and the arrow that killed him is sworn to be Robin's. Local looting in the village is also being blamed on him, so Robin must find the vandals, in order to clear his name.
S1 Ep22
20th Feb 1956
There are many men who don't believe it, but the outlaws are among the most faithful of King Richard's subjects.. Peregrinus believed them , but they were getting fidgetty with him around. They are not know how closely he is connected to the King.
S1 Ep23
27th Feb 1956
Arthur of Tetsbury is to be hanged for keeping money from King Richard's crusade, instead of paying it in taxes to Prince John. The Sheriff suspects Robin will try to rescue him, and frobids anyone to enter or leave the city. But a woman's robes can hide even a man's Lincoln Green.
S1 Ep26
19th Mar 1956
When Robin hears that the villagers have been charged double taxes, he decides to teach miserly Sir William de Courcier a lesson. Robin pretends to be helpful, but the miser soon learns the error of his ways.
S1 Ep27
26th Mar 1956
Marian is arrested and sent for trial, suspected of murder, after the King's Commissioner is killed with a dagger of hers. But it's a strange trial, because two men have to fight, and only if her defender wins is she proved innocent.
S1 Ep29
9th Apr 1956
The May Queen is being made to marry a man she does not love, but a tournament has been arranged, and perhaps under cover of the jousting, Robin will be able to do something.
S1 Ep31
23rd Apr 1956
The outlaws rarely have attacks of conscience, but when they discover solid gold plates belonging to Queen Eleanor have been stolen, something has to be done. The Byzantine treasure is too 'hot' for them to hold.
S1 Ep32
30th Apr 1956
A mysterious hooded pilgrim, Peregrinus the palmer, seems anxious to make the acquaintance of the outlaws, and proves himself a worthy friend when he shows how well he can use a bow. But he asks awkward questions about their loyalty to King Richard.
S1 Ep36
28th May 1956
Harold of Thorkil Castle insists he is being haunted by a vicious Viking ghost. At least that's what he tells Robin, but Robin doesn't believe in ghosts.
S3 Ep1
30th Sep 1957
In the days of Robin Hood, various essential goods were in short supply, and certain lords held monopolies on them. One such commodity was salt, and Lord Guthrie is plotting with the Sheriff to hold up supplies so the price will rise. The plan works well, until Robin steps in.
S3 Ep2
7th Oct 1957
Edgar, Friar Tuck's twin brother, has returned from the East with a deadly machine, and is prepared to sell it to Prince John. But Robin and Tuck plan to stop him.
S3 Ep3
14th Oct 1957
Robin becomes involved in the fortunes of a Byzantine princess, Irene, who has been held hostage in England.
S3 Ep4
21st Oct 1957
Lord Greenwald is seriously ill in his castle, and he is the only person who knows the hiding place of a Charter which will limit Prince Johns' power, should he become king. Marian learns where the Charter is hidden, but how can she and Robin get to it before the Sheriff finds out too?
S3 Ep5
28th Oct 1957
Friar Tuck, now living in Tintern Abbey, sends for Robin's help against Lord Humphrey, who is planning to expel the Celts from the Forest of Dean, where they have lived for centuries.
S3 Ep6
4th Nov 1957
Brother Wootan, a great believer in education, has been banished many times for teaching the children of serfs to read. Robin allows him to start a school in the forest, and one of the unwilling pupils is Little John. Unfortunately for Robin's immediate plans, Wootan arrives just as he is planning to capture a consignment of Prince John's gold going to the Sheriff of Nottingham.
S1 Ep1
26th Sep 1955
Robin of Locksley has been fighting in the crusades in the Holy Land for many years, and when he arrives home again, he finds a sorry situation. Prince John is trying to seize power, and the Normans are in control everywhere. Even Robin's own land has been seized by a Norman knight. Where can he look for friends?
S1 Ep2
3rd Oct 1955
Robin, a new recruit to Scatlock's outlaw band, is sent out to bring back some loot from a moneylender who has exacted 100% interest from the people to whom he has lent money. But Robin's actions are displeasing to Scatlock.
S1 Ep3
10th Oct 1955
Little John escapes from the bondage of his feudal lord, but is caught in a tavern by the Sheriff's men. The sergeant offers him his freedom if he will go into Sherwood Forest and bring back an outlaw. Little John agrees, and in the forest meets Robin Hood for the first time.
S1 Ep4
17th Oct 1955
Friar Tuck calls on Robin to help the course of true love run smoothly. A young girl in love with a yeoman has sought sanctuary with the Friar after discovering that the lord of the manor has a different suitor in mind for her. Disguised as a monk, Robin sets out to help.
S1 Ep5
24th Oct 1955
The waylaying of a courier by the outlaws has a surprising result - for Robin - who finds himself in a perilous position. Maid Marian is suspected of being an enemy of the outlaws.
S1 Ep6
31st Oct 1955
The Sheriff has sentenced a peasant, Will Stutely, to death. Robin disguises himself as a butcher, and plans to get an interview with the Sheriff by starting a riot - but what good will that do?
S1 Ep7
7th Nov 1955
The Sheriff thinks one of his men is the best archer in the land. Sir Richard of the Lea says he knows of someone even better - Robin - and a contest is arranged. The outcome is never in doubt, but Sir Richard soon has cause to regret that he ever supported Robin.
S1 Ep8
14th Nov 1955
The Queen Mother, Eleanor of Acquitaine, arrives in Nottingham on a mission to collect money in aid of King Richard's was against the Saracens. The Sheriff, after making a generous donation, plots to waylay the party and get his money back, but Marian persuades the Queen to let Robin help her.
S1 Ep9
21st Nov 1955
The Count de Waldern makes himself unpopular with Robin when he makes advances to Maid Marian. The Count invites her to dinner, but he finds he has two uninvited guests.
S1 Ep10
28th Nov 1955
Edgar, one of the outlaws, is falsely accused by the Sheriff of the murder of Jack the Wagoner. He must submit to trial by ordeal - by plucking an iron bar from a boiling caldron.
S1 Ep11
5th Dec 1955
When a rather unpleasant knight wants to marry Marian for her dowry, Robin has to act, and disguises himself as a wealthy German baron.
S1 Ep12
12th Dec 1955
A Highland visitor to Sherwood Forest is regarded with suspicion by Robin, especially when he is seen to burgle a treasure cave. Who is he, and what is he up to?
S1 Ep13
19th Dec 1955
A young boy tells Robin that he is a page in Waldern Castle, but wants to join the outlaws. How can Robin refuse, when he finds out how important the 'page' really is?
S1 Ep14
26th Dec 1955
Gambling has always been a full-time occupation with the outlaws - gambling on their luck against the Sheriff. But Sir Richard couldn't pay the price of his gamble: he now has a month to pay the money or forfeit his estate.
S1 Ep15
2nd Jan 1956
A poor woman has been accused of witchcraft, and is under sentence of death to be burned at the stake. At least, that was the Sheriff's plan before Robin appeared with a clever ruse.
S1 Ep16
9th Jan 1956
A strolling minstrel leads Little John and Robin into a trap laid by the Sheriff, but he later discovers on which side justice lies.
S1 Ep17
16th Jan 1956
Robin is called on to aid two brothers, one of whom wants to become a priest. They are both fleeing the Sheriff of Nottingham, and Robin sends them to an abbot. However, they are caught, and the would-be priest is thrown into prison. Can Robin rescue him and help him take his vows?
S1 Ep18
23rd Jan 1956
Friendly villagers have turned against Robin and the outlaws after being robbed. To win back their confidence, he must find the thieves.
S1 Ep19
30th Jan 1956
The Sheriff of Nottingham prides himself on being well dressed - even down to his boots. His own bootmakers don't seem to be doing a good job, but what would he say if he knew that he was wearing outlaw boots?
S1 Ep20
6th Feb 1956
While delivering herbs to fight an epidemic of St Anthony's Fire, Robin and Little John are recognised by a beggar, and are in danger.
S1 Ep21
13th Feb 1956
A man is found murdered in Sherwood Forest, and the arrow that killed him is sworn to be Robin's. Local looting in the village is also being blamed on him, so Robin must find the vandals, in order to clear his name.
S1 Ep22
20th Feb 1956
There are many men who don't believe it, but the outlaws are among the most faithful of King Richard's subjects.. Peregrinus believed them , but they were getting fidgetty with him around. They are not know how closely he is connected to the King.
S1 Ep23
27th Feb 1956
Arthur of Tetsbury is to be hanged for keeping money from King Richard's crusade, instead of paying it in taxes to Prince John. The Sheriff suspects Robin will try to rescue him, and frobids anyone to enter or leave the city. But a woman's robes can hide even a man's Lincoln Green.
S1 Ep24
5th Mar 1956
Will Scarlet has an eye for the girls, and this lands him in trouble with the Sheriff's men. Robin comes to the rescue, but Will's willingness to trust everyone is still liable to land him in trouble.
S1 Ep25
12th Mar 1956
The Sheriff is puzzled by something very strange going on in a ruined castle. When he arrives with his men-at-arms, he finds that the castle contains an unnusual occupant.
S1 Ep26
19th Mar 1956
When Robin hears that the villagers have been charged double taxes, he decides to teach miserly Sir William de Courcier a lesson. Robin pretends to be helpful, but the miser soon learns the error of his ways.
S1 Ep27
26th Mar 1956
Marian is arrested and sent for trial, suspected of murder, after the King's Commissioner is killed with a dagger of hers. But it's a strange trial, because two men have to fight, and only if her defender wins is she proved innocent.
S1 Ep28
2nd Apr 1956
When the freeman A'Bland flees from a false accusation of murder that means imprisonment and death, his children,Alice & Oswald, are seized by the men-at-arms who serve the Lord FitzUrse. In the great castle they are treated harshly at the hands of the lord and his menials. A'Bland joins the outlaws, and together they decide on a rescue.
S1 Ep29
9th Apr 1956
The May Queen is being made to marry a man she does not love, but a tournament has been arranged, and perhaps under cover of the jousting, Robin will be able to do something.
S1 Ep30
16th Apr 1956
Derwent the outlaw makes a friend to whom he will be everlastingly grateful. Sir Walter de Lys discovers that there is such a thing as hygiene, after a healer called Joseph cures him by unconventional means, which riles the other healers in Nottingham. Then the Sheriff takes a hand...
S1 Ep31
23rd Apr 1956
The outlaws rarely have attacks of conscience, but when they discover solid gold plates belonging to Queen Eleanor have been stolen, something has to be done. The Byzantine treasure is too 'hot' for them to hold.
S1 Ep32
30th Apr 1956
A mysterious hooded pilgrim, Peregrinus the palmer, seems anxious to make the acquaintance of the outlaws, and proves himself a worthy friend when he shows how well he can use a bow. But he asks awkward questions about their loyalty to King Richard.
S1 Ep33
7th May 1956
Robin and Little John find new ways of getting into inaccessible abbeys: Little John through the kitchen, and Robin by riding in a wine barrel.
S1 Ep34
14th May 1956
Derwent and Much 'obtain' some loot which they heard was jewels. But it turns out to be two children, who prove to be more than a nuisance. Soon the tables are turned, however.
S1 Ep35
21st May 1956
Robin and his men may be outlaws, but they are not traitors, and when they find that one of three men on a special mission is not to be trusted, they decide to do something.
S1 Ep36
28th May 1956
Harold of Thorkil Castle insists he is being haunted by a vicious Viking ghost. At least that's what he tells Robin, but Robin doesn't believe in ghosts.
S1 Ep37
4th Jun 1956
A penniless knight, Sir Richard of the Lea, has mortgaged his estate to the abbot, and cannot repay his debt. The outlaws lend him the sum he needs. To ensure they get their money back, Robin sends Friar Tuck to the abbey in the guise of Sir Richard's squire.
S1 Ep38
11th Jun 1956
Robin bets Friar Tuck that he can collect more money by begging than Tuck can by prayer. But Norman soldiers make things very difficult for these apprentice beggars.
S1 Ep39
9th Jul 1956
A courier has come to Prince John, and Robin thinks he bears important news. The Prince says it is of King Richard's death, but Robin disbelieves this, and sets to work to discover the truth.
The first episode of The Adventures of Robin Hood aired on September 26, 1955.
The last episode of The Adventures of Robin Hood aired on November 12, 1960.
There are 144 episodes of The Adventures of Robin Hood.
There are 4 seasons of The Adventures of Robin Hood.
The Adventures of Robin Hood has ended.